TarotKeys PDF
TarotKeys PDF
TarotKeys PDF
My keywords for each of the cards are written to allow for you to be flexible in
your reading of the Tarot. They are specific to each card, to give good
meanings, however, general enough to allow you to apply them to any question;
whether relationship, career, relocation, travel, health, etc.
My book, True Tarot Card Meanings, gives more information on each card and
applying them to different questions, based on my years of experience. I also
cover reversals in the book, as here I only give upright meanings for beginners!
In the meantime, I hope you will be able to start reading tarot straight out of
the box with these keywords and spreads. You can also check out my blog to
read about different tarot decks you can get for the best readings.
My FREE Book on tarot Card Meanings true to the cards coming soon!
10. The Wheel: Luck, chance, cycles, habits, patterns, ups and downs.
16. The Blasted Tower: Shock, sudden change, surprise, clearing away.
21. The World: Time, coming together, resolution, closing one door.
© Andrea Green, 2013 www.mytarotcardmeanings.com
The Pentacles, disks or coins suit are all about the material things in life, be it
money, resources or your time. They show us all the different stages of
financial issues, from investing (Ace of Pentacles), saving (4 of Pentacles),
through poverty (5 of Pentacles) to retirement (10 of Pentacles).
6p. The Six of Pentacles: Charity, give and take, work/life balance.
8p. The Eight of Pentacles: Work for its own sake, constant labour, skill.
12p. The Knight of Pentacles: Solid work, consistency, trust, steady action.
The Suit of Cups are the dreamy, emotional aspects of our life, and all to do
with relationships. Actually, all the cards show relationships, and lessons, but
the Cups are specific; so we have the partnership of the 2 of Cups all the way to
the happy family of the 10 of Cups.
2c. The Two of Cups: Equality, partnership, meeting of hearts and vision.
8c. The Eight of Cups: Moving away from a long outworn situation.
With Wands, we look at our lifestyle; our ambitions and decisions in the world.
They are like the walking staff that supports us in our journey in life, they show
us our beliefs and intentions, that guide us in our behaviour. So they are
connected to the other suits, as they provide the foundations of all our
thoughts (Swords), feelings (Cups) and actions (Pentacles).
1w. The Ace of Wands: Power, control, energy, will, direction, explosion!
7w. The Seven of Wands: Standing your ground, fighting off others.
The Swords are the Suit of the Mind, all our thoughts and plans. As a result,
they show us our worries, our concerns, and matters of knowledge and
8s. The Eight of Swords: Holding yourself back, an old habit of thought.
9s. The Nine of Swords: Pity, grief, sorrow, and worries. Not thinking through.
10s. The Ten of Swords: Pinning something down, everything out in the open.
11s. The Page of Swords: Watch and wait, spying the land before action.
Basic Spreads
The following spreads are intended to be useful to divine for the majority of
questions asked of a Tarot reader. I have provided my own slight variations and
clarifications of some of the standard spreads based on my experience. You may
wish to make your own slight adjustments.
This reference sheet is divided into two sections, one for seven generic
spreads, arranged in order of number of cards being used, and the second
section for two of my special Spreads.
General Spreads
General Spreads
1 2 3
1. Past
2. Present
3. Future
One of the simplest spreads other than a one-card reading, yet often the more
difficult to divine with so few cards. As this spread is time-based, moving from
the past to the future, you can also look at the type of cards that fall into the
three positions. If you had two Minor cards, then a Major card, something
major is ahead! All three being Court cards might indicate that this situation
remains in the hands of others.
If you need clarification on any of the positions and meanings, you can always
draw an extra card.
1. What to Do
2. Safe Bet/Middle Course
3. What Not to Do
This is my trusty three-card method, which gives advice with one card, a
warning with another, and a safe path between the two extremes. You are really
placing yourself in the hands of the cards with this one, as there are so few
cards from which to divine! However, if you want a direct answer and are
prepared to listen to it, then this spread is very appropriate.
2 3
“On the practical level of this new relationship, don’t believe how things
are going – doubt may uncover problems not yet apparent. Your ideas may
be getting the best of you - it is time to make an orderly retreat from
the situation; it is suggested by this card. (8 Swords rev/Knight of
Swords rev).
With regard to the spiritual aspects of the new relationship, The King of
Swords is at the top of his game and counsels that you take time to
deliberate your options before acting. Again, this is a card of caution.
From a magical perspective, in terms of how this will transform you, the
Empress brings gradual growth to your life.”
Obviously, this reading – being mainly of Swords and cards of caution and
concern, counsels the Querent to think before acting in the new relationship.
3 5
1 7
This is a general horseshoe pattern for when the client has no particular
question or needs a starting block to divine their life. You can follow this spread
with another more specific three-card reading for any aspect of the horseshoe
6 9
1 8
3 4
5 7
1. The Situation
2. The Challenge
3. The Past Current
4. The Future Current
5. Resources
6. Aim
7. How You See Yourself
8. How Others See You
9. Concerns (Hopes/Fears)
10. Outcome
I particularly pair together cards 7 & 8 which often explain a lot about other
people’s support or otherwise in the situation, and cards 6 (aim) & 5 (resources)
which is a reality check! You can use card 9 to illustrate what is concerning but
not likely to manifest.
3 2
5 4
8 7
This is a slightly more complex spread in that it uses 10 cards and each of which
divine a different aspect of life and creativity. It is a useful spread to see how
things are blocked or out of balance.
1. Kether
The source of the situation, the seed. The highest spiritual root of the event.
2. Chockmah
How the situation is energised, what is forcing it into play.
3. Binah
How the situation is structured, what is holding it together.
4. Chesed
The possibilities for expansion and growth.
5. Geburah
The necessary controls and constraints on the situation and all within it.
6. Tiphareth
Where balance and equilibrium may be found, the happy medium.
7. Netzach
The emotions at play, the habits, natural cycles and routines at work.
8. Hod
The story of the situation, how it is being made into sense.
9. Yesod
The foundation of the event and how it is impacting on the personalities.
10. Malkuth
The manner in which the situation is acting in the world of events.
10 9
2 5
There are two ways of performing a 12-card Astrological spread, one using the
signs of the Zodiac, and the other the Twelve houses.
6. Sixth House – Those who work for you, illness & misfortunes
13 9 5 4 8 12
2 1 3
14 10 6
7 11 15
The central cards show the nature of the situation and the personality of the
Querent (or oneself) and how they relate in this issue. These are further
explored by looking to cards 14, 10 and 6 to show the deeper psychological basis
of the event.
2. Nature of Situation
3. Personality of Querent
2 4 5 6
A nice simple 6-card spread for career and employment questions and situations.
2. The Lesson
3. Where it will go
6. Highest Hope
9 5 1 3 7
I hope you find these spreads and keywords useful to take your Tarot out of
the box and get reading. I’d be delighted if you shared any of your experiences
and readings on my blog and I can perhaps help you get even further insight
from your cards.
Don’t forget you’ll be receiving a free weekly “My Tarot Card Meaning” email
from me, with new insights to every card – the learning always continues, even
after many years!
Andrea Green