Check Your Understanding: Page 1 of 3

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Check your understanding

Question 1:

What role does market research play in effective fundraising, and why it is

Question 2:

Who should take responsibility for fundraising in an ACO?

Question 3:

Why is relationship building such an important aspect of fundraising?

Educator feedback on page 2

Page 1 of 3
Educator Feedback

Question 1 feedback:

Your answer may contain any or all of these points:

 It can facilitate a smarter and more focussed approach to fundraising.

 It can encourage a higher return on investment, as resources are deployed
where they are most likely to yield results.
 It can help fundraisers and organisations identify opportunities based on
current practices and trends on a local or regional level.
 It can highlight key growth areas of giving in your area and/or art form.

Question 2 feedback:

Your answer may contain any or all of these points:

 Everyone should take responsibility for fundraising because it is a collective

effort and requires a holistic, organisational approach.
 However, effective fundraising requires an open, creative culture where power
is devolved, so leaders have a particular responsibility for creating a culture
within which fundraising activity can flourish.
 Fundraising should be represented at a senior level in an organisation and
fundraisers must have the ear of the chief executive or executive director.
 It is also the role of board members or trustees to support fundraising activity
and to get actively engaged in it themselves.

Question 3 feedback:

Your answer may contain any or all of these points:

 People give money to people, not to projects or organisations per se, and they
give money to people they know well and trust.
 Relationship building therefore precedes effective fundraising and is a
precondition for it.
 The softer aspects of fundraising are often neglected in favour of harder
approaches like application writing. Although it is time-consuming, relationship
building is the building block of fundraising and significant time and effort
should therefore be invested in it.

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 In the 21st century, arts organisations need to engage with a wider range of
diverse stakeholders in order to become more self-sustaining and resilient.
Effective fundraising therefore requires artists and arts workers to build
empathetic and mutually beneficial relationships with people from many
different professions and from all areas of society. This in turn demands
excellent listening, communication and interpersonal skills. It also requires

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