Multiple Choice Practice Test PDF
Multiple Choice Practice Test PDF
Multiple Choice Practice Test PDF
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Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
Each test consists of sixty (60) items taken from all sections of the
CSEC Information Technology (2010) syllabus. The time allotted by
CXC for Paper I in the CSEC Information Technology examination is
ninety (90) minutes.
Each test item has four suggested responses lettered (A), (B), (C) and
(D). Read each item carefully and decide which one is the best
Answer sheets are included which can be used if desired. One mark is
awarded for each correct response.
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
2. The MOST appropriate term for the 6. A device that can be used to
physical components of a computer generate a hard copy of a
IS document is a
(D) word
8. What is the two's complement
4. Information from a computer can representation of the integer 26,
be permanently stored on ALL of using 8 bit two's complement?
the following mediums except
(A) 00011010 =r-«,
\ ,
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
17. A local area network can be best 21. Which of the following are
described as common methods of biometrics?
I. Electronic surveillance
(A) connecting systems over a II. Fingerprint scans
small geographical area III. Retinal scans
(B) interconnecting computer IV. Voice analysis
equipment over a large
domain (A) III only
(C) fast access to information (B) II and III only
(D) hosted on the Internet (C) I, II and III only
(D) II, III and IV only
18. A forum that allows a group of
people with common interests to 22. All of the following are ways in
communicate with each other can which information can be misused
be all of the following EXCEPT EXCEPT
20. Computer viruses can enter the 24. CAE is an acronym for
computer through
(A) Computer Aided Education
(A)e-mails (B) Computer Aided Engineering
(B) keyboards (C) Computer Aided Electronics
(C) monitors (D) None of the above
CD) speakers
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
26. Which of the following are duties
(B) I, II and IV ONLY
of a system analyst?
I. creating a data dictionary for
(D) All of the above
designing a new system
II. making recommendation for a
new system 29. Forms that are filled out by
(A) automated
(A) batch, online, and real time
(B) human-readable (B) direct, sequential, indexed-
(C) machine-readable sequential
CD)turnaround CC)keyboard, mouse, joystick
(D) manual, automatic, and semi-
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
32. The page size chosen to print a 36. The feature in presentation
document on 81/2" x 11" paper software that is used to
size IS personalize slides is
(A) bold and font color <A HREF= ..bttp:// ..> <IMG
SRC= ..bttp://www.tes.comllogo.jpg ..> <fa>
(8) bold and fill color
(C) bold and italics
37. What does the HTML code
(D) bold and underline
instruct the computer to do?
34. In Microsoft Word, the default (A) delete a graphic from a web
setting used to indicate that a site
word is incorrectly spelt is (8) go to the web site and load a
(A)a straight black line (C) go to the web site and load a
(8) a straight red line text page
(C) a wavy green line (D) save the file from the Internet
(O)a wavy red line to your computer
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
38. To find the SUM of the contents Item 41-42 refers to the database
of the cells in B 1, B2, B3, B4 and table design from Microsoft Access
B5, all of the following can be displayed below.
used in Microsoft Excel EXCEPT
40. The default alignment in a 43. One of the fields in this database is
spreadsheet when a number is
inputted into a cell is (A)CarCode
(B) Data Type
(A) block (C) Text
(B) centre (D)All of the above
(C) left
(D) right 44. Which type of query can be used
to make changes to a group of
41. All of the following are valid field records in a database?
x y xORy (A)3
false false false
(C) 27
false true true (D)36
true false true
(B) I and IV only
(C) I, II and III only
CD)I, II and IV only
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
51. As computers evolved from the 55. Which one of the following
first to the fifth generation, they variables if declared in a Pascal
have increased in program will cause a syntax error
to occur?
(A) cost
(B) size (A) First_name
(C) speed only (B) Last-Name
(D) speed and storage (C) Sum
52. An interpreter is a program which
is used to translate 56. A variable is required to store the
gross pay of workers. In a Pascal
(A) Programs written in a high program, it is BEST to declare the
level language to machine variable as
code one line at a time
(B) Programs written in a (A) currency
machine language to a high (B) integer
level language (C) real
(C) Source code to assembly code (D) string
(D) Source code to object code
all at one time 57. The Pascal statement to assign the
integer 4 to a variable X is
53. Running a program is the same as
(A) X = 4;
(A) compiling (B)X:= 4;
(B) debugging (C)X~4
(C) executing (D)4:= X;
(D) linking
58. An example of a selection type
54. In the Pascal statement, construct is
Write In (' The sum is', SUM);
what type of error will occur if (A) If. .. Then ... Else
the quotation marks are left out? (B) For ... Do
(C) While ... Do
(A) Execution (D) Repeat. ..Until
(B) Logical
(C) Runtime
(D) Syntax
~'~ . 10 Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
Item 59 and 60 refer to the code 60. How many students' marks does
below the statement allow for?
1 TO 10 step 2 (A) 1
(Student_mark) (C) 10
END FOR CD) Unlimited
(A) iteration
(B) pseudocode
(C) selection
(D) sequential
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
(A) 73
(A) bytes
(B) 311
(B) gigabytes
(C) kilobytes
(D) megabytes
_ -- - 12 Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
25. Which of the following has 29. Data Verification is the process
Information Technology whereby
(A)a program has been compiled
(A) education to ensure that there are not
(8) law enforcement syntax errors
(C) movie industry (B) a program has been checked
(D) All of the above for logical errors
(C) data has been checked by the
26. The MOST appropriate person in same person or another
an IT department to make person after it has been keyed
recommendations for a new in to ensure that there are no
(A) Typographical
27. Tracking rainfall measurements
(B) Transposition
during the hurricane season is an
(C) Syntax
example of
(D) Logical
(A) automation
(B) commercial data processing 31. Which of the following is NOT a
(C) process control function of a word processing
(D) scientific data processing package?
:1 Item 32 refers to the graphic below. 3S. Which of the statements about
presentation software is NOT true?
Howto kill a Mocking Bi~cJi
I. bold
II. font size 38. Which of the following can be
III. italics used to jump from one web page
IV. superscript to another?
47. All of the following symbols can 51. Machine language is written using
be used in constructing flowcharts
EXCEPT (A) Basic code
(B) Pascal code
(A) parallelogram (C) Binary code
CB) oval (D) Cobol code
(C) circle
(D) square
52. A characteristic of a first
generation language is that it is
48. If P is true and Q is false, then
P OR Q returns (A) Fastest to execute
(B) Difficult to debug
(A) 0 (C) Machine dependent
(B) False CD) All of the above
(C) True
(D) An error 53. A program which translates a
high level language program into
49. In an algorithm, if x = 3 and y = machine code one line at a time is
5, then the result of x + y/5 is called alan
equal to
(A) assembler
(A) An error (B) compiler
(B) 1.6 (C) interpreter
(C) 3 (D) linker
55. All of the following are valid 59. Which of the following can be
variables in a Pascal program used for repeating instructions in
EXCEPT a program coded in Pascal?
I. For. .. Do
(A) FirstName II. If. .. Then ... Else
(B) Gross pay III. Repeat. .. Until
(C) Net_pay IV. While ... Do
(D) Name2
(A) IIonly
(B) IV only
56. The Pascal statement to place the
(C) III and IV only
value of 25 into the array Marks at
(D) I, III and IV only
index 5 is
(A) Coaxial
(B) Fibre optic
(C) Router
(D) Twisted pair
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
17. The type of bandwidth required 21. Someone tapping into a network
for telephone lines is cable and being able to read the
data signals on the medium is an
(A) broadband example of
(B) broadcast
(C) narrowband (A) electronic eavesdropping
(D) voiceband (B) identity theft
(C) software piracy
18. All of the following are methods (D)telnet
that allow users to go online at the
same time and send text or audio 22. The theft of computer programs
messages EXCEPT and the unauthorized distribution
and use of these programs is
(A) e-mail referred to as
(C)IRC (A) Copyright
CD) newsgroups (B) Proprietary data
(C) Software piracy
19. The term 'http' in an URL (D) Surveillance
address is the name of the
(C) CAl
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
32. To move a block of text from one 36. The feature in presentation
place to another in the same software that is used to make
document, it is BEST to use the changes to all slides in a
feature presentation is
35. The feature in presentation 39. In Microsoft Excel, the rows are
software that shows the text from labeled with
each of the numbered slides on
the left hand side of the screen is (A) letters
(B) letters and numbers
(A) normal view (C) numbers
(B) outline view (D)None of the above
(C) print preview
(D) slide show view
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
40. To find the minimum value of the 44. A key that uniquely identifies a
contents of the cells in AI, A2, record is called a(n)
and A3, all of the following can
be used in Microsoft Excel (A) foreign key
EXCEPT (B) index key
(C) primary key
(A) Min (AI, A2, A3) (D) none of the above
(B) Min (Al ..A3)
(C) MIN (AI :A3) 45. A query that is not needed on a
(D) MIN (AI-A3) regular basis and is created to get
information when the need arises
41. Which of the following is an is BEST known as a(n)
example of an absolute cell
address? (A) adhoc query
(B) append query
(A)C4 (C) select query
(B) $C$4 CD) update query
(D)4$C$ 46. After a problem has been
analysed, the next step is to
42. The process of selecting some of
the records from a spreadsheet (A) generate the solution
that satisfy a certain criteria is CB)identify the problem
(C) implement the solution
(A) filtering CD)write the program
(B) queries
(C) searching
47. The data type MOST appropriate
(D) sorting
to use to store «M" fur Male or
"F" for Female in a Pascal
43. The MOST appropriate software program is
tool that can be used for queries
and reports is a (A) character
(B) integer
(A) database system (C) literal
(B) spreadsheet (D) real
(C) web browser
(D) word processor
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
54. The type of error that occurs 57. In a Pascal program, a variable
when a program attempts to which can store the gross pay of
divide by zero is termed ten (10) workers in one location is
(A) debug
(B) execution (A) array
(C) logic (B) character
(D) syntax (C)real
(D) string
Program Test;
X, Z : integer;
Z= 10;
X= 1;
While (X > 0) do
Writeln X;
1. The hardware component of the 5. SATA is an abbreviation for
computer that performs
comparison operations is the (A) Serial Advanced Technology
(A) arithmetic and logic unit (B) Small Advanced Technology
(B) control unit Attachment
(C) memory (C) Serial Attachment
(D) registers Technology Advancement
(D) Small Attachment
2. Read Only Memory is primarily Technology Advancement
used for
6. A computer system specifically
(A) input designed for use in retail stores
(B) output which uses a bar code reader as
(C) primary storage one of its peripherals is known as
(D) secondary storage a(n)
9. Using four (4) bits, the two's 13. When each user is made to feel
complement representation of the that he/she has the full attention
decimal number - 6 is of the CPU, the following is
(B) 1001 (A) time-sharing
(C) 10lO (B) multitasking
(D) 1110 (C) multiprogramming
(D) multiprocessing
10. Which of the following
representations is NOT generally 14. The MOST appropriate system
used for positive numbers? used by a bank to process
transactions by a computer is
(A) Binary Coded Decimal
(B) Decimal system (A) batch processing
(C) One's complement (B) online processing
(D) Sign and Magnitude (C) real-time processing
(D) timesharing
25. Which of the following are 28. A check that can be used for data
considered duties of a Computer verification is
I. create a data dictionary for (A) character
design of a new system (B) data type
II. write user documentation (C) double-entry
III. update and modify existing (D) range
IV. write programs 29. In entering data into a system, a
clerk accidentally entered a
(A) IV only person's age as "50" instead of
(B) I and IV only "50". What type of error would
(C) II, III and IV only occur as the computer program
(D) I, II, III and IV tries to read this entry?
(A) Range
26. Which of the following
(B) Reasonableness
statements is NOT true?
(C) Data type
(A) Data may consist of letters (D) None of the above
and numbers.
(B) Data is information that has 30. A file where the records are
been processed. stored in sorted order on one or
(C) Information is data that has more key fields is a
been processed.
(D) Information and data are not (A) direct file
the same. (B) sequential file
(C) serial file
(D) transaction file
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
31. The word processing feature that 35. The feature of a word processor
automatically sends a word that that can be BEST used to create
cannot fit on one line to the next and send individualized letters
line is from one document is
32. The default text justification in a 36. The simplest way to obtain a
word document is background colour and font styles
in putting together a set of slides
(A) center using presentation software is by
(B)full usmg
(C) left
(D) right (A) animation
(B) background
33. The feature used in the tests in (C) slide master
this book to place two sets of (D) templates
questions side by side is
37. In planning a website, the LEAST
(A) Chart important factor to consider is
(B) Columns
(C) Table (A) an e-mail address for the link
(D) Tabs (B) content of each page
(C) number of pages desired
34. The feature used for the 2 in X2 (D) the intended audience
in a word processing document is
known as a 38. The application software MOST
appropriate to be used for
(A) superscript financial budgets is
(B) subscript
(C) font type (A) databases
(D) font size (B) spreadsheets
(C) word processing
(D) presentation
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
Item 39 is based on the following 42. To enter data into a database, one
statement. record at a time, it is BEST to use
(B) if D I is greater than then
DI is set to EI
(C) If DI> 0, Al is set to DI, ariD carasde . OvmerlD ChasslsNo .
PDK-1230 NISI! 1 !(-5105527L-4
otherwise Al is set to EI PEN·9447 Nissa 2 F·4329832iD·8
(D) If DI> 0, Al is set to EI, PRW-6S44 (HEV 6 B·89254293G-l
45. The feature in database 49. The symbol used for "less than or
management software that allows equal to" in programs is
a user to group records in a sorted
manner and incorporate summary (A»=
data is (B)=>
1. Queries (C)<=
II. Reports (D)=<
III. Tables
Questions 50 -51 refer to the
(A) I only algorithm below
(B) I and II only
(C) II and III only j = 10
(D) All of the above whilej > 5
print j
46. An identifier for which the value j = j- 2
does not change is a(n) endwhile
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) II and III only
(D) III and IV only
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
12. The function of the operating 16. A technology that can be used to
system that is responsible for the set up a wireless LAN is
configuration of a modem is 1. Bluetooth
II. Coaxial Cable
(A) device management III. Fibre Optic Cable
(B) file management IV. Wi-Fi
(C) input/output management
(D) memory management (A)Ionly
(B) IV only
(C) I and IV only
(D) I, III and IV
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
17. The unit of measure used for 21. VoIP is also known as
speed in data transmissions is
(A) IP Telephony
(A) baud (B)IRC
(B) bit (C) Voice over Industrial
(C) byte Protocol
(D) kilobytes (D) Voice Recognition
18. Half duplex transmission allows 22. A program that reproduces itself
data to flow in and can corrupt data stored on a
computer is alan
(A) one direction only
(B) two directions but only one (A) anti-virus
direction at a time (B) firewall
(C) two directions at the same (C) hacker
time (D) virus
(D) None of the above
23. When a person gathers
19. A messaging system that requires information about another person
the address of the recipient is and pretends to be the other
likely person, this crime is BEST termed
20. The term used for the buying and 24. All of the following can be
selling of goods and services on classified as computer crime
the Internet is EXCEPT
Item 33 is based on the following 36. The LEAST important factor that
text. should be taken into
consideration when preparing a
There are three types of translators -
presentation is the
assemblers, compilers and
interpreters. An assembler is used to
convert programs written in (A) amount of text on a slide
assembly language to machine (B) arrangement of the slides
language. Interpreters and compliers (C) background images
are used to convert programs (D) font size of text on a slide
written in high level languages to
machine language.
37. Which of the following
statements are TRUE?
33. The formatting feature used in the I. Before publishing a website
text is on the Internet, it can be
tested in Microsoft Word once
(A) centre justification the pages are located in the
(B) full justification same folder.
(C) left justification II. HTML is the only language
(D) right justification that can be used for creating
web pages.
34. The formatting feature applied to III. It is important to plan a
the word "text" in a word website before building it.
document is IV. There are a variety of servers
that can be used for free to
(A) cursive publish a simple website
(B) font size
(C) italics (A) I and III only
CD)subscript CB)II and IV only
(C) I, II and III only
(D)I, III and IV only
35. The feature used to change a word
to another word throughout a
document is 38. Spreadsheets are generally NOT
used for
(A) autosave
(B) find and replace (A) budgets
(C) replace all (B) loan calculations
(D) select all (C) pay sheets
(D) report writing
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
Items 39 - 40 refer to the data below 42. A key that is a primary key in one
which has been entered into a table and a field in another table
spreadsheet table. of the same database is called a
(A) candidate key
1 Mark 1 Mark2 Mark3 Average (B) composite key
(C) foreign key
2 4 8 6
(D) index key
3 8 4 9
43 .. What data type can hold a
4 6 7 8
true/false value?
52. The following languages are Item 57 refers to the Pascal code
classified as high level with the below.
exception of
WRITELN ('The sum is' SUM);
(A) Assembly
56. What will be outputted by the
statement if the value 100 is
stored in SUM?
Input (mk)
If (MK < 0) OR (MK > 100) then
Print (' error')
If (MK < 50) then
print ( 'fail')
~ Else
print ('pass')
._- Endif
- : '
(A)an error
(8) fail
(C) pass
(D) No response
(A)an error
(8) fail
(C) pass
,- (D) No response
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
~F I
(A) Electrical Programmable
Read Only Memory
(B) Electronic Programmable
1. What should replace D, E and F Read Only Memory
to illustrate the major functions of (C) Erasable Programmable Read
the computer? Only Memory
(D) Expert Programmable Read
(A)D - Input Only Memory
E - Output
F - Processing
4. The units of storage listed in
(B) D - Input descending order according to
E - Processing SIze are
F- Output
(C) D - Input (A) bit, byte, kilobyte
E - Processing (B) byte, bit, kilobyte
F - Storage (C) kilobyte, bit, byte,
(D) kilobyte, byte, bit
(D)D - Input
E - Output
F - Storage 5. All of the following are features
of flash memory EXCEPT
,,- 6. All of the following are general 10. If 6 bits is used to represent the
purpose interfaces used to connect decimal number 13 in sign and
internal storage devices within a magnitude then the result will be
computer system EXCEPT
(A) CPU (B) 001011
(B) SATA (C) 101101
(C) SCSI (D)0001101
14. The process of preparing a disk 18. Before a computer can be part of
for storing information is a network, a main component it
must have is a
(A) compiling
(B) defragmenting (A) network card
(C) formatting (B) firewall
(D) zipping (C) coaxial cable
(D) port
17. High-frequency radio signals that 21. A document on the World Wide
generally travel 50 - 100 krn Web consisting of an HTML file and
through the atmosphere are any related files for scripts and
graphics is a
(A) bluetooth
(B) fibre optics (A) hyperlink
(C) microwaves (B) protocol
(D) voiceband (C) web page
(D) web site
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
\ -
22. Downloading a file involves 26. All of the following can be done
using CADD software EXCEPT
(A) sending your file from your
computer to other computers (A) constructing designs for
using the Internet bridges
(B) obtaining a file from another (B) drawing up plans for new
computer on the internet houses
(C) transferring a file from the (C) designing electronics and
computer to the hard drive machinery
(D) transferring a file from the CD)interpreting designs and
hard drive to the computer controlling machines
23. Scanning the retina of the eye for 27. Which of the following
identification purposes is an statements are true?
example of
I. Data consists of raw facts
(A) biometrics II. Information is processed data
(B) digital photography III. Information can be used for
(C) data integrity making decisions
(D) verification IV. A computer produces data only
24. The illegal copying of software is (B) I, II and III ONLY
(A) copyright (D) All of the above
(B) patent
(C) software piracy
(D) software plagiarism 28. A system that carries out
instructions automatically without
human intervention once it is
25. Software that can be legally switched on BEST illustrates
downloaded for free from the
Internet is considered to be (A) automation
(B) data processing
(A) customized (C) process control
(B) custom-written CD)scientific processing
(C) open source
(D) proprietary
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
29. The type of validation check to 32. The keyboard shortcut to insert a
ensure that a number entered is page break in a word processing
between 1 and 12 is a document is
30. Another term used for direct 33. The word processing feature used
access IS in the 2 of the text Y 2 is
Item 31 refers to the icon below. 34. To protect your document using a
password, you can
39. A software tool that can be used 43. A primary key that is made up of
to effectively depict how sales two or more fields is a
figures have varied over several
years is (A) candidate key
(B) composite key
(A) database system (C) foreign key
(B) spreadsheet (D) index key
(C) web page
(D) word processor
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
44. The MOST appropriate data type, 48. In the truth table below, A, Band
in a database management system C should be replaced by
used for storing a combination of
digits and characters (e.g. x Y xANDy
PART014) is false false false
false true false
(A) date true false false
(B) numeric A B C
(C) logical
(D) text (A) false, false, false
(B) true, true, false
45. To present your information from (C) true, true, true
(A) 5
(A) data flow diagram
(B) flowchart (B) 10
(C) 11
(C) program
(D) The loop will never stop and
(D) pseudocode
3 will be printed continuously
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
(B) 9
(C) 27/3
(O)An error
33. A feature in a word processor that 37. The feature that is BEST suited to
is used in many cases to place an allow individual bullets on a slide
extra note at the bottom of a page to appear one at a time is
IS a
(A) animation
(A) footer (B) bullets
(B) footnote (C) numbering
(C) header (D) wizards
(D) page break
38. What does the HTML code below
34. The document generated from achieve?
performing a mail merge is the Hello <i>how are</i> you
I '
Item 40-41 refers to the segment of 43. A key that is used in a second
the spreadsheet displayed below. table as a primary key but is not a
primary key in the first table is
called a
(A) 1.5
44. With reference to a database,
(B) 2
which of the following statements
(C) No result, invalid cell
is true?
(D) No result, invalid function.
(A) a column is also called a
41. If cell A! contains 2 and cell A2 (B) a row is also called a field
contains 3, what will be produced (C) a row is also called a tuple
in cell A3 if the formula (D) a row is also called an
=Power(Al,A2) attribute
is entered into it?
Item 45 refers to the database table
shown below.
(B) 8
(D) No result because there is an
error in the formula.
<5 (0)40
(C) D (B)3
(D) None of the above
" . 62 Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
54. Which of the following statements 58. Which one of the following
about programming is true? statements will result in an error if
it is translated using a Pascal
(A) Linking takes place after compiler?
(B) Maintenance usually takes (A) Print (,The product is', P);
place between linking and (B) Readln (Name);
execution (C) Write (sum);
(C) Syntax errors are usually (D) Writeln (AlB);
revealed during execution
(D) Source code is usually in
binary format
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
59. What will be outputted by the x, y, z: integer;
statement if the value 100 is Begin
stored in PRODUCT? x:= 10;
While x > 5 do
(A) No output due to a syntax Begin
error Writelntx+ 1);
(B) 'The product is' PRODUCT x:= x - 2;
(C) 'The product is' 100 End;
(D) The product is 100 Writeln(x + 5);
(A) 11
(B) 11
(C) 11
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
8. The main function of a printer is 12. The general term used for the
technology of a computer system
(A) data storage to connect to external devices is
(B) input called a(n)
(C) output
(D) processing (A) cable
(B) expansion slot
9. 1011 0010 10010101 is the BCD (C) firewire
representation of (D) port
Item 16 refers to the graphic shown 20. A software application that finds
below. web sites using key words is
BEST described as alan
24. All of the following are examples 27. The term used for an employee to
of software restrictions EXCEPT be able to log in to a remote
computer and work as if he/she is
CA)biometric scans locally on the machine is known as
(B) encryptions
(C) locks (A) teleconferencing
(D) passwords (B) telecommuting
(C) telnet
25. Information that is designed in CD)telemarketing
such a way to encourage you to
embrace a particular opinion is 28. The computer control of machines
considered to be and processes is referred as
26. Which of the following are 29. The type of validation check to
characteristics of open source ensure that data has been entered
software? into a field of a database is a
I. The source code is available
free of charge (A) consistency
II. There are usually license (B) data type
restrictions on the use of the (C) parity
,- software CD)presence
III. The software is sold at market
rates 30. Files that can be stored on
IV. The software is only magnetic tapes are
distributed via CDs
(A) direct
(A)IONLY (B) indexed-sequential
(B) I, II and IV ONLY (C) random
CC)IIIONLY CD)sequential
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
37. Which HTML code will insert a 40. What is the value of the formula
second level heading into an SQRT (01 *20)?
HTML document?
(A) 10
(A)< Head> Level2 (8)25
Textheading </Head2 level> (C) 100
(8) <HI> Text heading </Hl> (D) No value, error in function
(C) <H2> Text heading </H2>
(D) <p> Textheading </p>
Item 41 refers to the segment of the
spreadsheet below.
38. The function in a spreadsheet
package that allows a user to
search the first column of a block
of cells and then return a value
from a cell on the same row of 41. The formula "=A 1+$8$1" is
that block is placed in C 1 and then copied
from C 1 to C2. What result would
(A) average be displayed in C2?
(8) count
(C) if (A) 11
(D)vlookup (8) 12
(C) 13
(D) 14
Item 39-40 refers to the part of a
spreadsheet shown below.
42. A set of related fields is called a
(A) Column
(8) Database
(C) File
39. What would be displayed in the
(D) Record
cell A 1 in the spreadsheet if, the
=IF (Dl<El, DI-2,El-2) 43. A database that can handle more
is entered into it. than one table at a time is termed
(A) 3
(A) Linked
(8) queries
(C) 8
(D)#VALUE! (C) Relational
(D) relationship
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
50. All of the following are third 54. Which of the following identifiers
generation languages except is a reserved word in a Pascal
(A) Assembly
(B) Basic (A) display
(C)C (B) print
(D) Pascal (C) read
(D) test_ var _I
51. The machine code produced from
compiling a program is called 55. The Pascal statement to add two
variables x and y and store the
(A) compilation code result in z is
(B) object code
(C) high level code (A)x+y=z;
(D) source code (B)z = x + y;
(c)x + y:= z;
52. The process of combining object (D)z:= x + y;
code files to form one executable
program is referred to as 56. Which statement in Pascal can be
used for reading input line by
(A) compiling line?
(B) executing
(C) interpreting (A) Input
CD) linking (B) Read
(C) Readln
(D) Readline
53. If a semi-colon is placed at the
end of the last "END" of a Pascal
programme, the type of error that 57. How do you code the algorithm
will occur is statement "If x is not equal to 5"
in Pascal?
(A) execution
(B) logical (A) If x != 5 then
(C) no error (B) If X NOT 5 then
(D) syntax (C) If (x < > 5) then
(D) If (x = 5) then
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
58. Which of the following is a 60. All of the following are features
statement in Pascal that assigns a of internal documentation in a
value of 5 to array location 4 of program EX~PT
an integer array num? -,
(A) comments
(A)4 := num[5]; (B) indentation
(B) num[5] := 4; (C) effective use of white space
(C)num[4] := 5; (D) testing
(D)writeln (num[4]);
(A) 25
(B) 45
(C) 90/2
(D)An error
l. Scanning a person's handprint 4. 1024 kilobytes is equal to a
for identification purposes is an
example of (A) byte
~ (B) gigabyte
(A) input (C) megabyte
(B) output (D) terabyte
(C) processing
(D) storage 5. A medium on which data is stored
by using laser technology is a(n)
2. Which of the following is the
hardware component of the (A) CDROM disk
. -, computer responsible for saving a (B) flash memory
file to a disk? (C) hard drive
(D) modem
(A) Arithmetic and Logic Unit
(B) Control Unit 6. IDE stands for
(C) Port
(D) RAM (A) Integrated Disk Electronics
(B) Integrated Drive Electronics
3. One main difference between (C) Intelligent Disk Electronics
PROM and EPROM is that (D) International Drive
(A) PROM can be re-programmed
many times and EPROM can 7. A technology used MAINLY for
be programmed only once. playing games is a
(B) PROM can be programmed
-. only once and EPROM can (A)joystick
i,. ..
be re-programmed many (B) light pen
times. (C) mouse
(C) PROM is erasable and (D) OCR
EPROM is not
CD)Both PROM and EPROM are
erasable and programmable
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
Item 16 refers to the graphic below. 19. Data transmission that takes place
in both directions but not at the
same time is BEST termed
(A) duplex
(B) half duplex
(C) point to point
(D) simplex
24. All of the following are examples 28. A set of raw facts and figures is
of physical data security EXCEPT termed
31. What is the name of the feature 35. What-formatting feature has
labeled A found in a word changed between lines 1 an 2
39. In Microsoft Excel, the columns 42. Which one of the following
are labeJed with graphs shows an example of a line
(A) letters
(B) letters and numbers (A)
(C) numbers PETS
(D) None of the above
4 -i--'--'~--"'>--
40. What will be displayed in B I in
the spreadsheet if the following
function is typed into B 1 ? CARL
(B)5 (C)
(C) 6 PETS
41. An example of a relative cell
address is
(A) lA o 5 10
(C) $Al
(D)$A$l (D) None of the above
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
Item 50 refers to the segment of the 52. Modifying a program until one
flowchart shown below. gets the desired result is an
example of
(A) compiling
(B) dry running
(C) executing
(D) maintaining
50. What programming construct
does the segment of the flowchart
53. Which of the following will a
variable that is declared as
I. Iteration
STRING in a Pascal program be
II. Repetition
used to store?
III. Selection
I. Letters
IV. Sequential
II. Numbers
III. Punctuation marks
(A) II only
IV. Special symbols
(B) I and II only
(C) II and IV only (A) I only
(D) I, II and III only (B) I and II only
(C) I, II and III only
51. What will be accomplished by the (D) All of the above
following algorithm?
x=1 54. Which of the following
sum e O statements written in Pascal can
repeat be used to calculate the average of
sum = sum + x three numbers stored in the
x=x+l variables P, Q and R if the result
until x > 10 is stored in S?
print sum
(A)=AVERAGE (P, Q, R);
(A) It will find and print the sum
(B) S = P + Q + R/3;
of the numbers from 1 to 10
(C) S := P + Q + R/3;
(B) It will find and print the sum
(D)S := (P + Q + R)/3;
of the numbers from 1 to 11
(C) It will find the sum of the
numbers from 1 to 10 ONLY
CD) It will find and print the sum
of the numbers from 0 to 11
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
(C)K = 5;
X= 1;
J = K + 1;
While J <= 8 DO
J = K + 1;
Writeln ( X);
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
{5} begin
{6} For z := 1 to 4 do
{7} readln(arr[z]);
{8} end.
1. Primary storage is also referred to as 5. A technology used to scan a text
document to translate it to digital
(A) auxiliary storage format is
(B) backing storage
(C) internal memory (A)MICR
2. Permanent storage of data in a (D)POS
computer takes place on all the
following media EXCEPT 6. A device that can be used to print
architectural drawings and 3D
(A) CD (compact disks) diagrams is a
(B) hard disk
(C) Random Access Memory (A) ink-jet printer
(D) memory stick (B) laser printer
(C) plotter
(D) thermal printer
3. 1,024 gigabytes (GB) is equal to
7. The decimal representation for the
(A) byte octal number 24 is
(B) kilobyte
(C) megabyte (A) 19
(D) terabyte (B) 20
(C) 192
(D) 11000
4. A device used for reading optical
media is a(n)
8. What is the Hexadecimal equivalent
(A) CDR OM of the decimal number 13?
(B) CDROM drive
(C) flash memory (A)A
(D) modem (B)B
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
9. What is the sign and magnitude 13. A system where transactions are
representation for the decimal grouped and then processed on a
number -12 using 6 bits? monthly basis is an example
(A) operating system software (A) Click on the menu item using
that handles complicated the left mouse button
tasks (B) Click on the menu item using
(B) software used for the right mouse button
mathematical calculations (C) Click anywhere in the
(C) software that contains the document using the left
functionality of multiple mouse button
applications (D) Click anywhere in the
(D) simple updates to an already document using the right
existing package mouse button
11. Which of the following is a 15. The type of user interface found
function of application software? in DOS is
17. All of the following is a media 21 . The set of rules for sending and
that can be used to transmit data receiving data over the Internet is
along communication lines known as
(A) coaxial cable (B) ISDN
(B) microwave (C) TCP/IP
(C) modem (D)URL
(D) twisted shielded pair
22. Technology that allows users to
18. The method that allows for data communicate real-time with
communication to take place in another user is BEST termed
both directions at the same time.
(A) broadcast (B) Internet Relay Chat
(B) duplex (C) news groups
(C) half duplex (D)VoIP
(D) simplex
26. An employee that pays particular 30. Which of the following access
attention to the architecture of methods does a hard drive
programs is MOST likely a MAINLY use?
27. A document that has been 31. The term used to refer to the
outputted by a computer and then original settings of application
used for recording input data is software is
termed as
(A) best settings
(A) machine readable (B) default settings
(B) turnaround (C) efficient settings
(C) human readable (D) popular settings
(D) None of the above
32. What formatting feature is used in
28. The type of error that occurs the shaded part below?
when a set of numbers is entered A B C 0 E
into a computer in the wrong
order is (A) Underline
(B) Highlight
(A) typographical (C) Centre line
(B) transferrable (D) Bo1d
(C) transposition
(D) range
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
33. The BEST feature to use to insert 37. Which of the following can be
a citation at the bottom of a page used to save storage space, by
IS a representing a larger object on a
web page?
(A) endnote
(A) Hyperlink
(B) footer
(B) Home page
(C) footnote
(C) Table
(D) header
(D) Thumbnail
41. From the segment of the 44. All the attributes of one entity is
spreadsheet displayed below, referred to as a
what will be the result of the
formula if it is entered in C 1 ? (A) column
=RANK(B2, A1:B5, 1) (B) field
(C) key
(D) tuple
46. Which is the logical order of 49. If X is 2 and Y is 3, then all of the
steps in problem-solving? following will return false
1. Define the problem
II. Test and validate the solution (A) (X> 0) AND NOT (Y < X)
III. Determine the most efficient (B) (X >2) OR (Y > 5)
solution (C)NOT (X < Y)
IV. Propose and evaluate (0)( X > 1) AND (Y > 5)
Items 50 and 51 are based on the
(A) I, II, III, IV algorithm below.
(8) I, III, IV, II
(C) I, IV, II, III Read z
(D) I, IV, III, II Sum =0
For x = z to 3 do
47. An example of data that can be
sum = sum + 2*x
considered as floating point is Endfor
Print sum
50. If the user enters a 5 for z, the
(8) -2
output would be
48. Which programming constructs is (C)6
represented by the segment of the (D) 12
flowchart shown below?
(B) 2
(D) 12
(A) Iteration
(8) Repetition
(C) Selection
(D) Sequence
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II, III, IV only
Multiple Choice Practice Tests lor CSEC Information Technology
Item 58 - 59 refer to the Pascal 59. What effect will removing the
program below. line "For j:= I to 4 do" have on
the program?
Program test;
(A)A logical error will occur
Var (8) No effect
i, j : integer; (C) Only the value ofarr[l] will
arr : array [1 ..4] of integer; be printed
(D) None ofthe above
For i := I to 4 do 60. All of the following are
arr[i] := i + I; characteristics of internal
For j := I to 4 do documentation EXCEPT it
writeln(arr[j]); I. is created separately from the
End. program and provided for the
user to understand the
58 .. Which statement is TRUE about program better.
the Pascal program? II. makes the program more
(A) There is an error in the array
III. provides a description of
what the program was
(8) There is an error in the first
written to do.
"For" loop.
IV. involves the appropriate use
(C) The program will print the
of indentation of statements
following integers on
and white spaces.
separate lines: 2 3 4 5.
(D) The program will print the (A) II only
following integers on (8) I and III only
separate lines: 1 2 3 4. (C) II, III and IV only
(O)AII of the above.
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
Question Specific Question Specific
No. Objective
Answer I Answer
No. Objective
1 1.1 A 31 6.2 C
2 1.2 A 32 6.2 0
3 1.4 A 33 6.8 C
4 1.5 0 34 6.11 0
5 1.7 0 35 6.13 B
6 1.8 C 36 6.18 C
7 1.9 C 37 6.25 B
8 1.9 A 38 7.3 0
9 1.9 B 39 7.7 B
10 1.!1 A 40 7.10 0
11 1.12 B 41 8.3 A
12 1.13 A 42 8.2 C
13 1.14 A 43 8.3 A
14 1.15 B 44 8.9 C
15 1.15 A 45 8.9 A
16 4.1 B 46 2.1 B
17 4.1 A 47 2.6 C
18 4.3 C 48 2.6 A
19 4.3 C 49 2.7 D
20 4.4 A 50 3.1 B
21 4.4 0 51 3.1 0
22 4.5 A 52 3.2 A
23 4.5 C 53 3.3 C
24 4.7 B 54 3.4 0
25 4.8 A 55 3.5 B
26 4.9 C 56 3.5 C
27 5.2 C 57 3.6 B
28 5.2 B 58 3.8 A
29 5.4 A 59 3.8 A
30 5.6 B 60 3.10 B
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
25 4.8 D 55 3.5 B
26 4.9 C 56 3.6 C
27 5.2 0 57 3.6 0
28 5.3 C 58 3.7 D
29 5.4 C 59 3.8 0
30 5.5 A 60 3.10 B
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
Question Specific Question Specific
Answer Answer
No. Objective No. Objective
1 1.2 D -_ 31 6.3 A
2 1.3 C 32 6.6 B
3 1.4 D 33 6.10 C
4 1.5 D 34 6.12 D
5 1.6 C 35 6.14 B
6 1.7 A 36 6.18 B
7 1.8 D 37 6.24 D
8 1.9 C 38 6.25 C
9 1.9 C 39 7.2 C
10 1.9 C 40 7.3 D
11 1.10 B 41 7.7 B
12 1.11 A 42 7.12 A
13 1.13 D 43 8.1 A
14 1.14 D 44 8.2 C
15 1.15 A 45 8.4 A
16 1.15 C 46 2.1 A
17 4.1 D 47 2.5 A
18 4.1 B 48 2.6 D
19 4.3 C 49 2.6 D
20 4.4 D 50 2.6 A
21 4.4 A 51 2.7 D
22 4.5 C 52 3.1 B
23 4.7 A 53 3.3 C
24 4.8 C 54 3.4 B
25 4.9 B 55 3.4 C
26 5.1 C 56 3.6 B
27 5.2 A 57 3.6 A
28 5.4 A 58 3.8 C
29 5.4 B 59 3.8 A
30 5.7 C 60 3.10 C
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
1 1.2 A 31 6.2 C
2 1.3 C 32 6.3 C
3 1.4 B 33 6.7 B
4 1.5 0 34 6.8 A
5 1.6 A 35 6.10 B
6 1.7 C 36 6.16 0
, 7 1.7 B 37 6.24 A
\ 8 1.8 A 38 7.1 B
9 1.9 C 39 7.3 C
10 1.9 C 40 7.4 B
11 1.9 0 41 7.5 C
12 1.11 A 42 8.3 A
13 1.13 A 43 8.3 C
14 1.14 C 44 8.8 B
15 1.15 C 45 8.11 B
16 4.1 A 46 2.4 A
17 4.1 B 47 2.6 C
18 4.1 C 48 2.6 A
19 4.2 C 49 2.6 D
20 4.3 A 50 2.7 A
21 4.3 0 51 2.7 0
22 4.3 0 52 2.9 0
23 4.5 A 53 3.2 C
\ 24 4.7 A 54 3.2 0
\ 25 4.9 C 55 3.3 B
26 5.1 B 56 3.4 A
27 5.3 0 57 3.4 D
28 5.4 C 58 3.10 A
29 5.5 C 59 3.10 A
30 5.6 B 60 3.11 C
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
1 1.2 B 31 6.1 0
2 1.3 A 32 6.2 0
3 1.4 B 33 6.3 B
4 1.5 D 34 6.8 C
5 1.6 B 35 6.9 B
6 1.7 C 36 6.17 C
7 1.8 B 37 6.28 D
8 1.9 C 38 7.1 D
9 1.9 D 39 7.3 D
10 1.9 D 40 7.4 C
11 1.11 D 41 8.1 A
12 1.12 A 42 8.2 C
13 1.13 B 43 8.3 C
14 1.14 C 44 8.7 C
15 1.15 B 45 8.9 B
16 4.1 C 46 2.4 D
17 4.1 A 47 2.6 C
18 4.1 B 48 2.6 B
19 4.3 A 49 2.6 0
20 4.3 A 50 2.6 C
21 4.3 A 51 2.9 C
22 4.4 D 52 3.1 A
23 4.5 B 53 3.2 B
24 4.5 A 54 3.3 C
25 4.6 D 55 3.4 C
26 4.9 B 56 3.7 0
27 5.3 A 57 3.8 A
28 5.4 D 58 3.9 A
29 5.4 D 59 3.10 B
30 5.6 A 60 3.10 C
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
23 4.4 A 53 3.4 A
24 4.5 C 54 3.5 D
25 4.6 C 55 3.6 B
26 4.7 D 56 3.7 C
27 5.1 B 57 3.7 D
28 5.2 A 58 3.9. B
29 5.4 0 59 3.10 0
30 5.6 B 60 3.10 0
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
26 4.9 A 56 3.4 C
27 5.2 C 57 3.6 A
28 5.4 0 58 3.7 A
29 5.6 0 59 3.10 0
30 5.6 C 60 3.10 C
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
29 5.4 0 59 3.10 B
30 5.7 0 60 3.11 0
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology
29 5.4 A 59 3.9 C
30 5.6 D 60 3.11 C
Multiple Choice Practice Tests for CSEC Information Technology