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2020\6\3 ‫تاريخ لتعديل‬

1 Original number ‫الرقم بالخط العادي رقم اصلي‬

1 not original number ‫الرقم بالخط العريض ليس رقم اصلي‬

1 regarding the superior rectus muscle,which one of the following is

most likey to e true?
A it contributes to incyclotorsion of the eye
B it elevates the eye most effectively in maximal abduction
C it is abductor in primary position
D it is supplied by a single anterior cilliary artery

2 regarding the innervation of the iris,which one of the following is

most likely to be true?
A its sympathetic sypply arises from cellbodies in lateral spinal ganglion
B the dilator mucles are supplied by nerves whose cell bodies are
located in edingerwestphal nucleus
C the parasympathetic supply synapes in cilieary ganglion
D the sensoty nerves run in oculomotor nerves

3 regarding the blood retinal barrier,which one of the following

statements, is most likely tobe true?
A the basement membrane of the retinal cappilaries contributes to the
outer barrier.
b the inner blood retina barrier is fenestrated
c the outer blood retina barrier is is formed by tight junction of the
retinal epithelial cells
d the retinal vascular endothelium passively transports fluid from the
extracellular space of the retina
4 regarding the adult human macula,which one of the following
statements is most likely to be true?
A it has only one layer of ganglionn cells
B it is approximately 2.5 cm in diameter
C it is centered approxiamtely 4 disc diameters temporally from to
optic disc
D the retinal pigment epithelial cells are more ddensely packed.

5 regading the interphotoreceptor matric,which one of the

following sttaements is more likely to be true?
A it is a diffuse intracellar component of the photoreceptors
B it is distributed froom the outer limiting membrane to the retinal
pigment epithelium
C it is rich in collagen and sodium hyaluronate
D it surrounds the cells of the inner retina

6 regarding the pericytes of the human choroid,which one of the

following statements is most likely tobe true?
A they are part of the outer blood retina barrier
B they provide support to lamina fusca
C they regulate the contractile functions of choroidal vessels
D they support melanocyte synthesis

7 - the optic canal is located within the lesser wing of sphenoid

8 - which of the following is a branch of the ophthalmic artery :

A Angular artery.
B Anterior ethmoidal artery.
C Infraorbital artery.
D Transverse facial (superficial temporal) artery
9:regarding the lacrimal drainage apapratus,which one of the following
sttaements is most likely to be true?
A each canaliculus is about 5mm long
B the common canaliculus lies posterior to the medial palpebral
c the NLD opens into the middle meatus of the nose
d the upper punctum lies lateral to the lower punctum

10:which one of the following structures is supplied by the nasociliary

A the bulbar conjunctiva
B the lacrimal sac and NLD
C the non-pigmented inner ciliary epithelium
D the upper canine teeth

11:regarding the tear film,which one of the following is most likely tobe
a:it has an outer lipid layer measuring approcimately 5 micrometers
b:the inner mucous layer contain igA
c:the outer layer is mostly from the the glands of molls
d:the outer lipid layer has a melting point of 24 degree celcius

12:regarding the ciliary epithelium,which one of the following

statements is most likely to be true?
A it contains an inner pigmented layer made up of cuboidal cells
B it is vascularised between its two layers
C the blood supply to the ciliary processes is from the major arterial
d the pigmented layer is involved in aqueous production
13 regarding the optic nerve,which one of the following statements
is most likely to be true?
A fibers from the foveal(macular) arae comprise 70 % of all axons
B it is surrounded by csf
C it usually contain atleast 2million nerve in adults
D nerve fibres are ussually mylenated from the inner surface of the
disc posteriorly

14 regarding the optic chisasm ,whcih one of the following

statements is most likely to br true
a axons derived from the temporal retinal ganglion cells decussate
b most chismal axon continue into the optic radiations
c some axons project into the hypothalamus and other nuclei
d the macular fbers lie anteriorly inthe chiasm

15 regarding th LGN,which one of the following statements is most

likely to be true?
A cells in layer 1,2 and 3 mediate colour vision
B fibers form the ipsilateral retina synapse in layers 2,4 and 6
C it is supplied by branches of the anterior choroidal and post----
D it recieves its neural input solely from the retinal ganglion cells

16 in the primary visual cortex(area 17), which one of the following

statements is most likely to be true?
A fibers from the lateral geniculate nucleus projects into layer 6
B fibers from the optic rediation------
C fibers representing the inferior visual field are found in the-----
D fiber representing the macula accounts for one third of the----
17 regarding attachment of the vitreous,which one of the following
statment is most likely tobe true?
A it is most strongly adherent to the macula and optic nerve head
B its solid components are mostly collagen type 4 and hyaluronic acid
C its volume is approximately 2.5 ml in an emmetropic eye
D the vitreous bas e is a 6 mm wide band at ora serrata

18 Regarding foramen lacerum :

a it transmits the middle meningeal artery .
b it lies at the apex of petrous part of temporal bone .
c it lies behing the trigeminal fossa .

19 - Regarding periorbita and fibroadipose tissue :

a it's firmly adherent to
b tenon's capsule forms sheaths around all recti muscles .
c there are superior and inferior check ligaments .

20 which of the following is a part of the medial orbital wall :

a body of sphenoid
B frontal part of maxilla
C gretear wing of sphenoid

21 Regarding the cornea, which ONE of the following statements is

MoST likely to be TRUE
a It has a refractive index of 1.18.
b It is radio-opaque.
c It is thicker peripherally than centrally.
d The radius of curvature is greater posteriorly than anteriorly.
22 Regarding the lacrimal gland :
A contain large palpebral and small orbital
B lies inferior to aponeurosis of levator
C ducts open in superior conjunctival fornix
D venous drainge to inferior ophthalmic artery .

a Horizontal Saccades Generated in Primary Visual Cortex
b Smooth Pursuit Movements Can't Normal be Executed Without
c Smooth Pursuit Movements Normally have Maximum Velocity of 60
d Inferior Colliculus Important for Visiumotor Pressing .

24 Regarding Retinal correspondence :

a Temporal retina in each eye has corresponding points of temporal
retina of the other eye .
b Both eyes share the same visual direction .
c Retinal rivalry occurs when the same object is introduced to both
eyes .


33 regarding embryological ocular developement,which one of the

following occurs earliest?
A the anterior chamber angle is fully formed
B the hyaloid blood vessels atrophy
C the retinal vessels reach the temporal ora serrata
D the vessels of the pupillary membrane start to atrophy
34 regarding the developement of extraocular structures ,which one
of the following statements is most likely tob be true?
A the lacrimal gland is derived from th eectoderm
B the lacrimal sac develops from mesoderm
C the orbicularis oculi muscle is derived from the first pharyngeal arch
D the puncta opens onto the eylid margin,the time the eyelid opens

35 regarding the development of the eye ,which one of the

following statement is most likey to be true?
A corneal stroma is dervied from surface ectoderm
B lens capsule is derived from neuroepithelium
C lens is derived from surface ectoderm
D iris pigment epithelial cells are derived from neural crest cells

36 regarding the development of the aqueous outflowsystem,which

one of the following statements is most likely to be true?
A ----the trabecular primordial cells can be identified
B ----the trabecular network can be identified
C ----optic cleft at two week of fertilization
D ----formed by 16 weeks of gestation

37:regarding the oculomotor nerve,which one of the following

statements is most likely to be true?
A it exits the dorsal aspect of the midbrain at the level of the inferior
b it passes below the trochlear nerve in the cavernous sinus
c it supplies the levator palpebrae superioris by passing through the
superior rectus
d the superior division supplies the medial rectus

38regarding efferent pupillary defects,which one of the following

statement is most likely tobe true?
A they are never assocaiated with an afferent pupillary defects
B they may arise as a result of superior cervical ganglion trauma
C they may be assoacaited with a posterior communiacating artery
d they result from an optic nerve lesion

39:regarding the trimgeminal nerve and its branches,which one of the

following staements are more likely tobe true?
A the frontal branch of the opthalmic division is solely a motor nerve
B the mandibular division passes through the superior orbital fissure
C the opthalmic division has three major branches,all of which
innervates the eye
d the sensory branches from the anterior structures of the eye form
the long ciliary nerve

40:which one of the following nerves is a branch of the maxillary

division of trigeminal nerve?
A front6al nerve
B infraorbital nerve
C nasociliary nerve
D lacrimal nerve

41:regarding the facial nerve,which one of the following is most likely

to be true?
A it leaves the brain stem in the superior pons
B it leaves the skull inthe faical canal
C it supplies sensatiion to the platysma muscle
D it supplies the lacrimal gland with secretory fibers

42:the postganglionic sympathetic neurons that supplies the iris have

their cellbodies in which one of these ganglions?
A cilliary ganglion
B middle cervical ganglion
C stellate ganglion
D superior cervical ganglion

43:regarding the ciliary ganglion,which one of the following statements

is most likely tobe true?
A it is situated 3cm anterior to the annulus of zinn
B it lies between the optic nerve and medial rectus
C parasympathetic fibers to the sphincter mucle of the pupil synapse in
the ciliary ganglion
d the pain fibers from the cornea,iris and ciliary body synapse inthe
ciliary ganglion

44:which on eof theses nuclei is found in the pons?

A inferior salivary nucleus
B red nucleus
C sixth cranial nerve nucleus
D third cranial nerve nucleus

45:regarding the cerebellum,which one of the following statements is

most likely tobe true?
A it has a vermis on either side of the midline
B it is connected to the braiin stem by two peduncles
C it is connected to the contralateral frontal cortex
D it is separated from the foramen magnum by the tentorium cerebella

46:regarding the chemical reactions during phototransduction,which
one of the following best describes the sequence which leads to an
electrical response?
A closure of sodium channels as a result of hydrolysis of cAMP by
b closure of sodium channels as a result of hydrolysis of cGMP by
c openinig of sodium channels as a result of hydrolysis of cAMP by
d closure of sodium channels as a result of hydrolysis of cGMP by

47;regarding dark adaptation,which on eof the following statements is

most likey to be true?
A a rod-cone break is seen with light of all wavelenghts
B dark adaptation varies in different parts of the retina
C the cones takes more than 15 minutes to adapt to dark
D the minimum light thresholdin the dark is reached in 20 min

48:regarding normal stereopsis,which one of the following mecanisms

is the most imp?
A an intact frontal cortex
B horizontal retinal disparity
C microsaccadic oscilations
D polarised light



51:in an ERG which one of the following is most likely to be true?

A the A wave is generated by retinal pigment epithelium
B the B wave is generated by muller cells and bioalar cells
C the B wave is generated in part by the amacrine cells
D the oscillatory potential is generated by the photoreceptors

52:regarding colour visison,which one of the following statements is

most likely to be true?
A cone monochromats may be protanopes,deuteranopes or tritanopes
B rod mnochromats have normal vision
C the commonest form of inherited colour vision defect is
d tritanopia is normally sex-linked

53:which of these combinations of muscles constitues a yoke pair?

A right superior rectus and left inferior oblique
B right superior rectus and left inferior rectus
C right superior rectus and left superior oblique
D right supeior rectus and left superior rectus



54:which one of the following processes is the most important for the
production of aqueous humor?
A active secretion
B diffusion
C passive secretion
D ultra-filtration
55:which one of the following is most likely to be the primary function
of the lipid layer of the tear film?
A to decrease surface tension
B to prevent damage to the conjunctiva
C to reduce evaporation
D to trap foreign particles and bacteria

56:regarding the structure of RNA ,which one of the following is most

likely to be true?
A it contains deoxyribose
B it includes repeating sub units called nucleotides
C synthesis of rna is usually catalysed using other rna strands as a
d the four bases found in RNA are adenosine,guanine,thymine and

57:regarding the corneal endothelium,which one of the following

statements is most likely to be true?
A the endothelial cells pump sodium ions into the stroma
B the normal cell count in a young adult is approximately 3000 cells
C the regular hexagonal arrangement of the cells is for the maintenace
of corneal transparency
d the sodium potassium pump helps regulate intraoccular pressure

58:if the human cornea is cooled forexample in corneal banking,it

swells!which one of the following is most likely to be true?
A endothelial sodium potasium pump decreases its function at low
b GAGS lose their positive charge in low temp
c stromal collagen fibers lose their structures at low temp
d the tight junctions in the corneal epithelium works less well at low
59:which one of the following conditions is nessasary for normal
A an intact frontal cortex
B field luminance is more than 50 candela/m2
C horizontal retinal disparity
D microsaccadic oscillations

60:regarding the crystalline lens which one of the following statements

is most likely tobe true?
A crystalline molecules are insoluble in water
B delta crystallins are important in human lens formation
C extra-cellular matrix constitutes 20% of the lens volume
D sodium ions and water are actively pumped out of the lens

61:Following a light stimulus to the human retinal rod cells,which one

of these photochemical events is most likely to occur?
A cyclic gmp levels are elevated in muller cells
B metarhodopsin separates from transducing
C phosphodiesterase becomes activated
D potassium channels are opened

62:regarding control of the size of the pupil,which one of the following

statements is likely to be true?
A miosis associated with convergence ,is mediated via the ciliary
b part of the afferent limb of the pupillary light reflex synapses in the
C topical pilocarpine 2percent does not affect the size of the pupil in a
normal healthy eye
d unilateral transection of the optic nerve abolishes pupil constriction
when light is thrown in the contralateral eye
63:regarding testing of the VOR,which one the following is most likely
to be true?
A the extent of eye movement will decrease in supranuclear lesion
B the horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex is poorly developed at birth
C the patient must be concious to be tested
D VOR testing can asses an apparent lack of abduction in an infant

64:regarding the properties of insulin , which one of the following

statements is most likely to be true?
A it decreases the uptake of glucose into muscle cells
B it inhibits lipolysis
C it stimulates glucagon production
D it stimulates gluconeogenesis

65:regarding mitochondria,which one of the statements are likely to be

A they are surrounded by a single homogenous membrane
B they are the site of citric acid cycle
C they hav introns in the dna
D they originate from both the parents

66:regarding collagen,which one of the following statements is most

likely to be true?
A chondroblasts in the cornea produce and maintain the collagen
B collagen fibrils form GAGS
C collagen molecules consists of a double helix of alpha chains
D the predominant collagen in the sclera and cornea is type 1

67:which one of the following is most likely to affect the transport of

drugs accross the cornea?
A corneal stromal thickning
B epithelial phospholipids conc
C lipid solubility of the drug
D the integrity of the bowman's layer

68:which one of the following drugs is likely to increase the aqueous

A isoretionoin
B pilocarpine
C propranolol
D thioridazine

69:regarding ocular toxicity from systemic drugs,which one of the

following statements is most likely to be true?
A corticosteroids induced cataracts are usually nuclear
B ethambutol can cause a toxic optic neuropathy
C hydroxychloroquine toxicity is not dependent on dose
D systemic steroids for two weeks can cause ocular hypertension

70:which one of the statements best describes the MOA of

A it inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis
B it inhibits bacterial dihydrofolate reductase
C it inhibits bacterial dna gyrase
D it inhibits peptidyl transferase activity of the bacterial ribosome
71:regarding chloramphenicol.which one the following statements is
most likely to be true?
A it is metabolised in the liver
B it is primarily bactericidal
C it may cause erythema multiforme
D it may cause hemolytic anemia

72:which one of the following steroids penetrates the eye most

effectively after topical applicatio?
A dexamethasone acetate
B dexamethasone phosphate
C prednisolone acetate
D prednisolone phosphate

73:which one of the following drugs is most likely to act by reducing

alpha-1 adrenergic activity on blood vessels?
A amlodipine
B atenolol
C lisinopril
D tamsulosin

74:which one of the following is the most frequent ocular side effect of
the anti arrythmic drug amiodarone?
A iris hyperpigmentation
b raised iop
c spontaneous hyphaema
d vortex keratopathy
75:which one of the following drugs are most likely to cause a lowering
of iop when taken orally?
A anti-muscarinic
b betablockers
c phenothiazines
d TCA's
76:reagrding acetazolamide,which one of the following staements is
most likely tobe true?
A it causes metabolic alkalosis in those with renal failure
B it cause ankle swelling in those with heart failure
C it cause hyperkalemia in normal subjects
D it is contraindicated in sickle sell hemoglobinopathies

77:in horners syndrome,caused by an apical lung disorder,which one of

the following pupil responses is most likely to occur by the application
of the following topical drugs?
A it dilates with 1% hydroxyamphetamine but not with 5% cocaine
B it dilates with 1%hydroxyamphetamine and 5% cocaine
C it dilates with 5%cocaine but not with 1% hudroxyamphetamine
D it doesnt dilate with either.

78:which one the the following is the most likely systemic adverse
effect of topical atropine?
A bradycardia
B dry mouth
C rhinorrhea
D urinary incontinence

79:regarding fluorisceine,which one of the following statements is most

likely to be true?
A fluoresceine is directly proportional to conc
B given IV it binds to albumen
C it can be used to stain anterior capsule
D it stains devitalized corneal epithelium
80;regarding ranibizumab(lucentis),which one of the following
statements is most likelyto be true?
A it has a very low binding affinity to VEGF-A
B it is a chimeric murine and human antibody
C it is produced in e-coli cells by recombinant dna
D its concomitant use with laser photocoagulation is contraindicated.


81:A study on 100 eyes measuring their axial lengths found them to be
normally ------ with a mean oof 24.4mm and a standard deviation of 1
mm,which one of the following statements is most likely to be true
a 95% of eyes hav axial lenghts b/w 22.5 and 26.5mm.
b the 95% confidence intervalfor the mean is equivalent to the
standaard----- mean.
C the standard deviation could be reduced by decreasing the number
D the variance is the square root of the standard deviation

82:which one of the following is te most likely purpose of a randomized

controllled trial?
A to decrease the expense of the trial
B to increase the power of the study
C to reduce the effect of bias
D to reduce the effect of loss of patients from the trial

83: Regarding the number of patients required for a clinical trial, which
ONE of these statements describing the effect of an increase in the
sample size is MOST likely to be TRUE?
A smaller treatment effect could be detected.
b The drop out rate is lower.
C The power required decreases.
D The significance level decreases.
84when comparing a new drug with another one in a clinical study , it's
better that :
a both studies should have exactly the same number of patients .
b both studies have the same prognostic factors .
c the new drug can be compared by a previous population .
d clinicians should know which drug is going to be given to the patient .

85:regarding good study design in a controlled trial to compare,which

one of the following is most likely to be true?
A the clinician is aware which treatment subjects will rec----
B the number of subjects each treatment groupmust be---
C the sample may be compared to normal population
D the two groups should be matched for known prognos---

86:10% of patients with a disease are found to be negative on a

screening test .which one of the following best describes the value of
the test?
A it has a sensitivity of 10%
B it has a sensitivity of 90%
C it has a specificity of 10%
D it has a specificity of 90%

87:regarding the developement of ARMD,which one of the following is

most likely to be involved?
A apolipoprotienA1
B complement factor h
D tamsulosin

88:regarding x-linked inheretance,which one of the following is most

likely to be true?
A a mutation on the x chromosome cause the phenotype to be---
B only males canbe affected because they only have one
x chromosome
C red-green coluor blindness is passed from father to son
D the 22nd chromosome is called the sex chromosome because it
determine the sex of the indivisual

89:regarding the structure of gene,which one of the following is likely

to be true?
A gene is defined as a specific sequence of nucleotides coding for a
b genes always include introns
c they are lenghts of dna on a single chromosome
d -----usually fewer than 100 bases.

90:regarding mutation in the PAX6 genes,which one of the following is

most likely tobe true?
A ----due to a deletion of the short arm of chromosome---
B associated with autosomal recessive anirida
C ------with duannes syndrome
D ----of PAX^ are effected the result is uniformly----
91:regarding x-chromosome inactivation which of the following
statements is most likely to be true?
A it can explain variable penetrance in autosomal dominance disease
B it is sunonymous with lyonisation
C it occurs in both males and females
D the mechanism involves changes in the nucleotide sequence

92:which one of these is a charachteristic pattern of transmissionin

lebers hereditary optic neuropathy?
A father to male and female children
B father to male children only
C mother to female children only
D mother to male and female children

93:regarding the features of autosomal dominant inheretance,which

one of the following is most likely to be true?
A a baby with an affected sibling has 25% chance of developing the
b if one parent is having the disease,the child has a 50% chance of
inheriting the condition
c the gene in an affected personis carried on only one of a pair of
d:the phenotypes always appear in every generation

94:regarding micro RNA's,which one of the following is most likely tobe

A their mein function is regulation of gene expression
B they are 10 to 15 nucletides in a sequence
C they are always single stranded RNA molecules
D they can not be encoded by independent genes
95:regarding the human genome,which one of the following is most
likely tobe true?
A may different genes have similar functons
B most nuclear genes encodes polypeptides
C the mitochondrial genomes DNA encodes about 22 genes
D there are about 60.000nuclear genes

96:regarding polygenic inheretance,which one of the following is most

likely tobe true>
a it is a cause of lebers hereditary optic neuropathy
b it is the same as genetic heterogeneity
c multiple genes contribute to disease expression
d the inheretance of x-linked retinitis pigmentosa can also be polygenic

97:regarding mendelian inheretance,which one of the following is most

likely to be true?
A consanguinity reduces the risk of autosomal recessive disease
B different mutations in a single gene cannot give rise to more than
one inheretance pattern
c father to son transmission of a disease precludes c-linked disease
d X-linked disease can only be recessive


98;regarding acute inflammation which one of the following statements

is most likely to be true?
A bradykinin cause vasodilation
B eosinophils commonly aggregate at the site of viral infections
C macrophages are derived from basophils in the peripheral blood
D the alternative complement pathway is triggerred by
antigen-antibody reaction.
99:regarding hypersensitivity reactions, which one of the following
statements is most likely tobe true?
A All type4 hypersensitivity reactions involve T-cells
B the arthus reaction is a local form of type 2 reaction
C the type 1 reaction is triggered by the cross linkage of Ig-A fab
fragments on mast cells
d type 2 reaction is caused by circulating immune complexes

100:regarding metplasia which one of the following statements is most

likely to be true?
A it involves loss of maturation of cells in an epithelium
B it is an irreversibe process
C it is seen in keratoconj sicca
D it leads to loss of stem cells

101:regarding the immune response which on of the following is most

likely to be true?
A a rasied titre of igG to a aspecific organism suggest a recent infection
B binding sites of complement are present in light chain segments of
c conj epithelial cells manufacture and store igA
d products of the complement cascade acts as opsonins

102:interleukin (2!!!!) is primarily which one of the following?

A a B cell inhibitor
B a chemokine
C a cytokkine
D a T cell regulator
103:regarding chemokines, which one of the following statements is
most likely to be true?
A interleukin 10 is an inflammatory chemokine
B they activate interleukins
C they are defined by cd numbers
D they are imp mediators of inflammation

104:regarding atherosclerosis,which one of the statements is mmost

likely to be true?
A careful management of diabetes eliminates the increased rate of
complications from atherosclerosis in these patients.
B embolism of atheromatous debris from the carotid bifurcation is a
common cause of TIA's
c the incindence of the disease is now similar in males and females
d there is no evidence as statins decrease the clinical end points suc
asrecurrent MI

105:regarding the pathology of POAG,which one of the followig

statements are true?
A flame shaped hemmorhages are seen in nerve fibre layer
B ganglion cells are atrophic and nerve fibre layer thickness is reduced
C the non-pigmented cilliary epithelium layer is atrophic
D there is demylenation in the proximal part of optic nerve

106:regarding epithelial pathologyof skin,which one of the following

statements is most likely to be true?
A acanthosis is thickening of the keratin layer
B dysplasia is atypical,pleomorphic cells with losss of cell polarity
C hyperkeratosis is a thickning of granular cell layer
D neplasia is retention of nuclei in the keratin layer
107:regarding BCC,which one of the statements is most likely to be
A in the eyelid rhey may aris from gland of Moll
B neglected medial canthal lesions are at risk of extension into the
c regional lymph node mets are more common than for squamous cell
d the margins of the sclerosing types can be defined by palpation

108:regarding choroidal melanoma,which of the following statement is

most likely to be true?
A invasion of the optic nerve is found in 50% of the enucleated patients
B it is the most common tumor tobe associated with inactivation of the
RB1 tumor suppressor gene
C the depth of the tumor on U/S is closely related to the prognosis
D tumors with predominantly epitheliod cells hav a better prognosis
than spindle or mixed cell tumors

109:regarding a chalazion, which one of the following is most likely to

be true?
A the pathology is simmilar to that of stye
B they are lipogranuloma in the tarsus
C they contain epitheliod cells and amyloid
D they ussually contain eosinophils.
110:regarding vasculitis,which one of the following is most likely to be
A anterior ischemic optic neuropathy is mmost likely to be associated
with giant cell arteritis
b in takayasu disease ,pulmonary capillaries are mostly affected
c membranous glomerulonephritis is a common renal manifestation of
granulomatosis with polyangiitis
d polyarteritis coomonly involves branches of the aorta

111:which one of these has contributed most to the increased
incidence of MRSA infections in the hospital environment?
A comprehensive antibiotic precribing policies
B daily review of antibiotic use in indivisual patients
C poor adherence to infection control measures
D use of narrow spectrum antibiotics whereeverpossible

112:regarding acanthamoeba,which one of the following statements is

most likely tobe true?
A culture of acanthamoeba is possible on non-nutrient agar with an
overlay of e-coli
b culture of contact lenses is rarelyy of any benefit
c in early disease ,the organism are more likely tobe found in the
superficial stroma than in the epithelium
d the keratitis is characteristically associated with a lymphocytic
inflammatory response

113:which one of the foolowing is a sporing filamentous septate

A aspergilus
B histoplasma
C microsporidia
D mucor specie
114:which one of the following is the most appropriate culture media
for the growth of nesseria gonnorrhea?
A blood agar
B chocolate agar
C lowenstein jensen medium
D mackonkey agar

115:regarding Trachoma,which one of the following statements is most

likely tobe true?
A blinding trachoma may occur from a single infective episode
B corneal complication can occur inthe earlyt stage of the disease
C it is caused by chlamydia trachomatous types A,B, and c
D it is transfered from person to person only by insects

116:regarding the HIV,which one the following statemnts is more likely

to be true?
A it contais a double stranded RNA
B it is trphic for CD4 receptors
C it lacks reverse transcriptase
D it primarily affects humoral immunity

117:regarding toxoplasmosis infection which one of the following

statements is more likely tobe true?
A a pet dog in the hous ehold increases th erisk of infection
B most infected foetuses die before birth
C ocular infection is by parasitixation of the retina and choroid by
toxoplasma gondii
d reactivation of congenital lesions is the commonest cause of ocular
infection innthe HIV positive patients
118regarding the herpes virus family,which one of the folloowing is
most likely to be true?
A CMV's are classified as beta herpes viridie
B herpes virus are type two viruses
C herpes virus replication occurs by expression of only gamma protiens
D herpes virus donot hav an envelope

119:which one of the following human diseases are caused by Prions?

A creutzfeld-jocab disease
B motor neuron disease
C parkinson's disease
D rabies virus encephalitis

120:regarding antisepsis,disinfection and sterilization,which one of the

following is likely tobe true?
A ethyl or isopropyl alcoholhand cleainig has antimmicrobila actiivity
B hydrogenperoxide is ineffective against viruses and fungi
C immersion in sodium hypochloride 1%for 4 min prevents prion
d silver nitrate is the safest prophylactic for opthalmia neonatorum.

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