Applying The New Vdi Design Guideline 2206 On Mechatronic Systems Controlled by A PLC

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Jens Bathelt, Anders Jönsson, Christian Bacs, Stefan Dierssen and Markus Meier

When developing mechatronic systems it is important to consider the control, electrical and
mechanical aspects throughout the development process. The new VDI guideline 2206 [1]
provides a useful frame for the design of any kind of mechatronic system. This work
describes a customization of that guideline when focusing on the development of systems
controlled by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).
Predefined process modules are defined, relevant methods and tools are identified, and the
interdisciplinary data flow is described. The relevance of the methods and tools used in the
work is demonstrated by an industrial case study.
The case study shows the possibilities for an improved product development process using the
enhanced methodology presented in this paper. However, the data flow needs to be further
detailed and automated to be more efficient. The enhanced methodology developed in this
work is a promising base for an efficient development process for mechatronic systems
controlled by a PLC.

Keywords: Concurrent interdisciplinary engineering, Guideline, Mechatronics,

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), VDI 2206.

1. Introduction
The virtual machine concept described by the authors in [10], [11] and [9] is one reason for
the adaptation of the VDI guideline 2206. This virtual machine concept consists of the three
bidirectional connected components “real control”, “machine simulation” and “3D
visualization” as shown in 2. The virtual machine enables a virtual initial operation of the
Real control Machine simulation 3D visualization

Figure 1. Concept of the virtual machine

The authors experience gained from the virtual machine led to research on interdisciplinary
development of mechatronic systems controlled by a PLC ([2], [6]). The major engineering
domains involved in the development process are control and mechanics. The control

engineer develops the software for the PLC and the mechanical engineer designs the machine
in a CAD system.
The aim is to reach – similar to the V model (Figure 3) from [1] – a common concept phase
and a synchronized embodiment design as shown in Figure 2.

New methodology



Concept Synchronised embodiment design

Figure 2. Motivation for the work presented in [2] and [6]

An interdisciplinary description language for the concept phase is elaborated. The transition
between the design phases is described to establish a concurrent interdisciplinary design. The
adapted guideline in the following section is also based on these results developed together
with industry.
The new VDI guideline 2206 [1] provides a useful frame for the design of any kind of
mechatronic system. It consists essentially of three elements:
• A general problem-solving cycle on the micro-level.
• The V model on the macro-level (Figure 3).
• Predefined process modules for handling recurrent working steps in the development of
mechatronic systems.
requirements product
ti o n

assurance of properties

t em

i n te

t em


domain-specific design
mechanical engineering
electrical engineering
information technology
modeling and model analysis

Figure 3. The V model in the VDI guideline 2206

The presented problem-solving cycle in [1] is intended to support the product developer to
work on predictable subtasks as well as unforeseeable problems. The V model in [1] is
adopted from software development and adapted to the requirements of mechatronics. This
work is presenting a more specific adaptation on mechatronic systems controlled by a PLC in
section 2. Process modules for the recurrent working steps “system design”, “modeling and
model analysis”, “domain-specific design”, “system integration” and “assurance of
properties” observable in Figure 3 are described in [1]. The existing process modules are

extended and adapted in the next chapter according to the specifics of the discussed product.
In addition two process modules are introduced to describe the transition from and to the
domain-specific design. This work aims to customize the guideline for systems controlled by
a PLC like textile or packaging machines. The specific properties of those products are
exploited when describing the design phases and the transitions in-between the design phases.

2. Adapted Guideline
The adapted V model is shown in Figure 4. Since the engineering domains control
(developing the software for the PLC) and mechanics (using CAD to design the geometry)
has been identified as the major engineering domains [2]/[6] for the discussed product, the
third domain “electrical engineering” is neglected in this work. The resulting product is in
addition specified in the upper right corner of Figure 4.

product con-
requirements trolled by a PLC

assurance of properties

t em

d es


virtual initial
i gn



domain-specific design
PLC programming environment

modeling and model analysis


Figure 4. The adapted V model

The adaptation of the predefined process modules for recurrent working steps in I, III, IV and
VI (Figure 4) is described in the following sections. Two new process modules for the
working steps in II and V are introduced to specify the transition in-between the design
phases for the discussed type of mechatronic system.
The following sections will only describe the difference between the VDI guideline 2206 and
the proposed changes/extensions. The intention is not to replace sections from the guideline
but to complement it. This implies in particular that all statements in the guideline concerning
the domain “electrical engineering” and “macro cycles” remain unchanged.

2.1 Interdisciplinary description language (I) in the system design

The predefined process module for the system design describes the conceptual design phase
according to [3] and [5]. The result of this predefined process module is the interdisciplinary
concept. A slight change is proposed in this work: an extension of the function structure,
which leads to the process module shown in Figure 5.

product con-
requirements trolled by a PLC

assurance of properties


t em

de s

t em
ig n virtual initial
Phases/Milestones Task/activities Results

domain-specific design
II 3D CAD V requirement
IV 11 requirement
PLC programming environment

modeling and model

modellbildung analysis
system • abstraction for identifying the main
III design
design problems
• setting up the extended function
structure overall function – subfunction
• searching for operation
principles/solution elements for the
• concretizing to form solution variants in
• assessing and selecting
• establishing the domain-embracing
solution concept


Figure 5. Predefined process module for the conceptual design phase using the extended function structure
To reflect the sequential behavior and the transitions of mechatronic systems controlled by a
PLC, transition conditions are introduced in the extended function structure (EFS). They
indicate that a specific condition must be fulfilled before the next function can be carried out.
The EFS as presented in [2] does prepare the search for solution elements as claimed in
Figure 5. Beyond the traditional function structure with hierarchy and the flow variables
material, energy and information [3]/[1], the EFS indicates in particular where actuators and
sensors have to be used and prepares the selections of those mechatronic elements on the
border between software and mechanics.
Another change in the picture is the new task called domain branch to initiate the domain-
specific design. This branching is the topic of the next section. The EFS is the base for the
newly developed interdisciplinary description language consisting of:
• I/O list (listing the input and output variables of the PLC and their properties)
• S/A list (listing all sensors and actors of the mechatronic system and their properties)
• Path/Step Diagram
• Sketches
• M/R data (declaring a valid range of the machine parameters and defining the recipes,
consisting of a set of values specifying the machine parameters)
• Mechanical main modules

The I/O list consists of all input and output variables used in the software to access the
sensors and actors stored in the S/A list. The Path/Step Diagram is optional and illustrates the
correlation between the actors and sensors for each step in a sub system. Many target values
from the requirement list (Figure 5) can be collected in the machine and recipe data (M/R
data). The machine data specifies a valid range of values to operate the machine. They help to
select solutions for the functions in the function structure, in this case actors and sensors.
Valid values are chosen for each recipe. The recipe data will be used in the software to run the
machine in all needed different modes. The mechanical main modules are initiating the
modularization in mechanics and the assembly tree for the CAD system. The three heuristic
rules “dominant flow”, “branching flow” and “conversion-transmission” [19] can be used to
derive potential mechanical modules from the EFS.
All entities in the interdisciplinary description language are profoundly linked. The MS Office
tools Visio for the 2D-graphics and Excel as a DB are used in the case study presented in
chapter 3 to store the digital data of the concept as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Linkage of the interdisciplinary concept data

The bidirectional hyperlinks have to be defined by the interdisciplinary engineering team. The
consistency due to changes in the concept is ensured by a C# Visio add-on.

2.2 Transition from the system design to the domain specific design (II)
It is not only important to connect the domains but also the design phases when establishing
an integrated procedure for an interdisciplinary design team. According to [1] the
interdisciplinary concept is a base for the domain-specific design, which consists of CAD
modeling and PLC software development in the case discussed in this work (Figure 4). The
task is now to extract the relevant data from the concept for each domain. A new predefined
process module (Figure 7) is developed for the transition from the system design phase to the
domain-specific design phase.

Figure 7. Predefined process module for the domain branch
Derive the process logic from the EFS and implement the main flow in the PLC
programming environment: The main process logic is inherent in the EFS. The method
presented in [2] – neglecting the pure mechanical functions in the function structure – allows
the systematic derivation of the logic used in the control. This logic can be expressed in all
PLC programming languages standardized in IEC 1131-3 [13]. SFC (Sequential Function
Chart) is chosen since this language is intended to initiate the PLC programming process [4].
If a digital representation of the concept is available an automatic derivation of SFC is
possible, which together with the I/O list leads to a first compileable control software.
Associate the control engineers with the PLC software modules: To initiate the concurrent
engineering inside of the software domain software modules are defined [4] based on the
initial SFC program [6]. The available control engineers are associated with those modules.
The control software can then be written in SFC or in one of the other four IEC1131
languages in combination with SFC [4]/[13].
Import the I/O list from the concept into the PLC programming environment: The input
and output variables stored in the I/O list are representing the sensor and actor interface for
the control. This I/O list is part of the interdisciplinary description language described in
section 2.1. Importing this list into the PLC programming environment enables, together with
SFC, the initial version of the control software executable.
Build a first rough assembly tree in the PDM or CAD system based on the mechanical
main modules defined in the concept: CAD is the tool in mechanics for the domain-specific
design. A PDM system is in many cases supporting the data management. To initiate this task

a first rough assembly tree containing the mechanical main modules is defined [6] in the CAD
system or – if available – in the PDM system. The concept defined according to section 2.1
does already provide information about the mechanical main modules und the sensors and
actors needed in the corresponding module.
Associate the mechanical engineers with the subassemblies: Analog to the concurrent
engineering inside of the software domain the subassemblies defined in CAD or PDM are
associated with the mechanical engineers.

2.3 Modeling and model analysis (III)

As a support to the development process of mechatronic systems, model analysis is often
used. The models are developed with the intention of answering questions arising during the
product development process. The models can either be virtual or physical depending on the
system. In the VDI guideline 2206 [1] there is a general description of many aspects
concerning modeling and model-based system design. In this work the focus is on machines
controlled by a PLC. A generic framework is developed to enable the modeling and model
analysis for machines in general [9]/[11]/[14]. This framework has been proven in several
case studies; see for example [14]/[20]/[21]. The main components are schematically shown
in Figure 8.


Virtual Physical
(incl. verification /
Modelling Modelling

Optimisation / Design

Figure 8. Coordinated approach for model development

In short, virtual models for description of interesting product characteristics are developed,
verified and used for initial experimentation (simulation). The simulation results are
compared to results from limited physical models developed in parallel, or to experience from
previous development projects, for the purpose of validation of the virtual models.
Coordination also means that the virtual models are used to design good physical models and
measurements strategies. This process is iterated until there is good agreement and the initial
question from product development is answered.

2.4 Domain-specific design (IV)

The partitioning [1], dividing the performance of the function among the domains involved, is
already described in section 2.2. The resulting linkage shown in Figure 9 can be used to notify
the respective other domain in case of changes. A change in the CAD model affecting the
sensors or actors has an instant impact on the input and output variables which again affects
the PLC program. A change in the PLC program affecting the I/O list has an analog
consequence for the CAD development.

Figure 9. Linkage of the domain-specific design data
As described in [1] the development in the relevant domains takes place on the basis of
established, domain-specific development methodologies. The VDI guideline 2221 [5] and
the methodology described in [3] is supporting the mechanical engineering.
Beside the references for software engineering in [1] the IEC 1131 standard in combination
with [4] supports the PLC software development. In addition to the VDI guideline 2206, the
linkage possibilities between the two discussed domains during the domain specific design are
shown in this section. Based on the data generated and linked during the domain specific
design the transition to the system integration is described in the next section.

2.5 Transition from the domain-specific design to the system integration (V)
A new predefined process module is introduced to describe the transition from the mechanical
and the software design into an initial overall design as shown in Figure 10.
product con-
requirements trolled by a PLC


assurance of properties



t em

virtual initial
i gn


Phases/Milestones operation
Task/activities Results
domain-specific domain-specific design
ComponentPLC programming environment
modeling and model
modellbildung analysis
und -analyse
• Prepare CAD assembly for the export to
assembling VR
• Export CAD assembly to VR
• Adapt VR-Model (interaction/immersion)
• Upload from PLC programming
environment to a PLC or SoftPLC
• Adapt event simulation (interaction)
• Link the PLC or SoftPLC with the event
• Link the VR with the event simulation


Figure 10. Predefined process module for the domain fusion

This initial overall design prepares the virtual initial operation explained in the next section to
assure the properties defined in the machine concept (section 2.1). The proposed
tasks/activities for the domain assembling are described in this section:
Prepare CAD assembly for the export to VR: In order to enable an immersive and fast 3D
visualization for the setup shown in Figure 1 three CAD tasks are proposed in this work:
1. An object filter can suppress all unnecessary geometry elements such as screws and nuts.
2. A feature element filter reduces geometric details such as rounding or holes which are not
relevant in the VR model.
3. The tessellation accuracy for the model export has to be defined. Hereby all curved
geometries are approximated by triangles. The user has to define an accuracy that still
represents the objects in a nice way but minimizing the amount of triangles/complexity at
the same time.
These three steps increase the performance of the VR model significantly.
Export CAD assembly to VR: The preprocessed CAD model is exported to visualize the
machine in a VR tool (Figure 1). Two file formats are mainly used for that purpose: VRML
(Virtual Reality Modeling Language) and JT (Jupiter Tessellation).
Adapt VR-Model: In order to reflect the kinematic behavior of the machine rigidly linked
modules must be grouped and joints have to be defined. Optional enhancements of the VR
model such as texturing, lightning, etc. are possible to improve the appearance of the
Upload from PLC programming environment to a PLC or SoftPLC:
The concept illustrated in Figure 1 relies on a real control. A so called SoftPLC, where the
control software is executed on a Personal Computer, can also be used. The compiled
software must in both cases be uploaded to the control. The upload includes the hardware
configuration, the code, the entire I/O-list as well as its memory addresses.
Export S/A simulation models and I/O-list to the event simulation: For the
interdisciplinary initial overall design, the two parts VR and PLC/SoftPLC are connected via
a machine simulation as shown in Figure 1. Since the control is a PLC in this work an event
simulation processes the signals from and to the control as shown in Figure 11. The focus in
this setup is not the profound simulation of the machine – which already is treated in section
2.3 – but the consistency check between the two domains described in the next section.

Figure 11. Deriving the virtual machine

The I/O list can be exported from the PLC programming environment and imported in an
event simulation such as WinMOD or SIMIT to establish the connection to the PLC.
Predefined sensor/actor models (macros) can be used in the event simulation to translate the

control signals into geometrical values for the 3D visualization. Especially the actor signal
must be translated into a translation or rotation to trigger the kinematics in the VR.
Adapt event simulation: Analog to the refinement of the VR model, the event simulation
must be supplemented. Depending on the machine, further dependences between actors and
sensors have to be defined [10].
Link the PLC or SoftPLC with the event simulation: Finally all data are now prepared and
must only be connected among each other. The bidirectional connection between the
PLC/SoftPLC and the event simulation is usually established by the use of a field bus [10].
Link the VR with the event simulation: All VR tools used so far by the authors ([7], [15],
[16] and [17]) can be linked to an event simulation via TCP/IP. At least the translation and the
rotation values have to be passed to the visualization. Additional information such as
collisions can also be transmitted [10].

2.6 Virtual initial operation (VI) in the system integration

The virtual machine [10]/[11]/[9]/[18], illustrated in Figure 1 and derived in the last section, is
initializing the system integration. The CAD model from the mechanical engineers is now
connected to the software developed by the control engineers. All three types of integration
mentioned in the guideline VDI 2206 [1] (modular, spatial and the integration of distributed
components) are covered. The modular and spatial integration is virtually realized in the CAD
model, the simulation model and the PLC software. Field bus communication or direct API
(Application Programming Interface) access is used to connect the real control.
In opposition to the VDI guideline 2206 [1] the morphological box is not recommended by
the authors to check the incompatibilities during the system integration. The functional
consistency is ensured due to the virtual machine. Conformable to [3] the morphological box
should already be used in the system design phase to choose an overall solution. This solution
variant consists of the selected partial solutions for the functions defined in the EFS as
proposed in section 2.1.
The first assurance of properties (Figure 3), realized by the virtual initial operation (Figure 4),
is validating the machine concept described and parameterized in section 2.1. All functions,
modules, actuators, sensors, steps and machine/recipe data can be validated by the use of the
virtual machine. This assurance step is proposed in this work before deepening the system
integration according to [1]. A case study will exemplify the presented adaptations of the VDI
guideline 2206 [1] in the following chapter.

3. Case Study
Various industry partners are working together with the authors on the topics described in this
work. A typical mechatronic system controlled by a PLC is a textile machine from “RIETER
textile” [8]. A comber from RIETER has been analyzed and specified in Visio using the
interdisciplinary description language from section 2.1. A cutout of the extended function
structure for that comber is shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Cutout of the EFS for the comber in Visio
The information flow (dashed red) is the base for the control software depict in Figure 14.
Sub functions are recursively defined and linked. Bidirectional hyperlinks are also defined in-
between the other elements used in the interdisciplinary description language as shown in
Figure 7 and exemplified in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Linked description elements for the comber example in Visio
As an example, a transition condition in the EFS contains a link to its input variable in the I/O
list, which again is connected to a sensor. Web pages exported from Visio are useful to
browse the concept in read only mode.
A section of the resulting PLC programming language SFC according to the predefined
process module defined in section 2.2 is shown in the next figure.

Figure 14. SFC and the I/O list in the PLC programming environment
All I/O’s used, linked and listed in the concept are in addition to the SFC imported in the PLC
programming environment Figure 14. This first software version can be compiled and the
debugging feature allows stepping through the sequence by simulating sensor signals via the
input variables. The software development based on this software skeleton is described in [4].
RIETER is practicing the top down approach in CAD modeling: First of all, the main modules
are defined in a PLM system and human resources are associated. The initial rough assembly
tree is completed in conjunction with the geometry modeled in the CAD system. The resulting
CAD model and its assembly tree are visualized in Figure 15 using the software Mediator
from Intelliact [7].

Figure 15. Geometry and assembly tree of the comber

RIETER used WinMOD in this case study to simulate the events between their B&R control
[12] and the comber (section 2.5). The additional bi-directional connection between
WinMOD and the VR software Mediator leads to the virtual machine setup illustrated in
Figure 16 for the comber.

B&R PLC WinMOD simulation Mediator VR

Figure 16. The virtual machine for the comber

Beside the advantages during the development process RIETER realized typical additional
advantages in other processes of the enterprise such as service, marketing and education.

4. Conclusion
The customized guideline presented in this work is an adaptation of the German VDI-
guideline 2206. This work focus on development of machines controlled by a PLC and the
study does not claim to be able to handle every kind of mechatronic system. Developments
viewed in isolation by earlier studies done by the authors are here considered together. All
aspects from the VDI guideline 2206 are taken into account such as: verification, validation,
hard-ware-in-the-loop (HIL), concurrent interdisciplinary engineering, etc. The methods and
tools developed enable a more efficient development process for machines controlled by a
PLC. To verify the relevance and functionality of the adapted guideline, a case study is
performed showing the potential for an improved product development process using the
enhanced methodology presented in this paper. However, the data flow needs to be further
detailed and automated to be more efficient.
Financial support from the Swiss innovation promotion agency CTI (KTI), Rieter Textile
Systems AG, Intelliact AG, GRITEC Institut für angewandte Technologie AG and
BRÜTSCH Elektronik AG is gratefully acknowledged.


[1] “VDI 2206: Design methodology for mechatronic systems”, Beuth Verlag GmbH,
10772-Berlin, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 2004.
[2] Bathelt J., Jönsson A., Bacs C., Kunz, A, Meier, M., “Conceptual design approach for
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International Conference on Engineering Design, Stockholm, Sweden, 2003.
[3] Pahl G. and Beitz W., “Engineering design: a systematic approach”, Springer, Berlin,
[4] Bonfatti F., Monari P. D. and Sampieri U., “IEC 1131-3 Programming Methodology”,
CJ International, France, 1997.
[5] “Systematic Approach to the Design of Technical Systems and Products”, VDI Design
Handbook 2221, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1987.
[6] Bathelt J., Jönsson A., Bacs C. and Meier M., “Modularisierung SPS-gesteuerter
mechatronischer Systeme“, Proceedings of the 1st Paderborner Workshop: Intelligente
mechatronische Systeme, Paderborn, Germany, 2003.

[7] “Intelliact Mediator”,, Zurich,
Switzerland, visited 2005.
[8] “Rieter Textile Systems”,, Winterthur, Switzerland,
visited 2005.
[9] Bathelt J. and Jönsson A., "How to Implement the Virtual Machine Concept Using xPC
Target", Nordic MATLAB Conference, Copenhagen, Danmark, 2003.
[10] Dierssen S., “Systemkopplung zur komponentenorientierten Simulation digitaler
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[11] Jönsson A., “Lean Prototyping of Multi-body and Mechatronic Systems”, Dissertation
Series No. 2004:08, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden, 2004.
[12] “Bernecker + Rainer Industrie Elektronik GmbH”,,
Eggelsberg, Austria, visited 2005.
[13] “IEC 1131-3: Programmable controllers – Part 3: Programming languages”, Beuth
Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Germany, 1994.
[14] Jönsson A., Wall J. and Broman G., “A virtual machine concept for real-time simulation
of machine tool dynamics”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture,
45, 795-801, 2005.
[15] „VirtualDesign2”,, Darmstadt,
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[16] “Virtual Reality Toolbox”,, Natick,
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[17] “EON”,, Alton, United States of America, visited 2005.
[18] Kreusch K., “Verifikation numerischer Steuerungen an virtuellen
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[19] Otto, K. N., “A Process for Modularizing Product Families”, ICED01 International
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[20] Jönsson A. and Broman G., “Experimental investigation of a rammer soil compactor
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[21] Wall J., “Dynamic Study of an Automobile Exhaust System”, Licentiate Dissertation
Series No. 2003:08, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden, 2003.

Jens Bathelt, Christian Bacs, Stefan Dierssen, Prof. Dr. Markus Meier
Federal Institute of Technology, Institute of Mechanics, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 44 632 35 15, Fax: +41 44 632 11 81, E-mail: [email protected]

Anders Jönsson
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SE-371 79 Karlskrona, Sweden
Tel: +46 455 38 55 12, Fax: +46 455 38 55 07, E-mail: [email protected]


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