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Everyday English 2: Situation

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EVERYDAY ENGLISH 2 Student Worksheet

Module 5 • Situation 5 Test

2 points for each answer Name:

A Complete the sentences with the correct C Answer the questions according to the
form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future answers given. Use short answers.
Simple. For the negative sentences, use the
1. Will you travel to London?
contracted form.
. We will travel to China.
1. The weather (be)
warm and sunny next week. 2. Will it be warm tomorrow?

2. Matt (visit) Argentina . It will be 22 degrees

in the spring. Celsius.

3. You and I (win) the 3. Will people fly in spaceships in the future?
contest. . Space travel will be very
4. They (not explain) popular.
their actions. 4. Will we be on time for the 10:00 a.m. train?
5. The children . We will take the 10:20 a.m.
(not make) any noise. train.
6. Linda (pay attention) 5. Will global warming change the weather?
to you.
. People will change their
7. I (not paint) the actions and save our planet.
6. Will she visit us next June?
8. Bill and Jim (pick up)
. She plans to arrive
the visitors.
on June 5.
9. Tomorrow (not be)
D Write Wh- questions in the Future Simple.
Use the underlined phrases in the answers
B Write the words in the correct order to form to help you.
Yes / No questions in the Future Simple.
1. ?
1. fly / will / people / to other planets
I want to see the lions and tigers.
2. ?
2. you / a house robot / buy / will / in 2020 The painter will buy the paint.
3. ?
3. will / an astronaut / be / John / in the future They will eat steak and salad for lunch.
4. ?
4. children / from home / learn / will The indoor pool will open in a month.
5. ?
5. the winter / cold / will / be We will put the coffee table in the living
? room.

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EVERYDAY ENGLISH 2 Student Worksheet
Module 5 • Situation 5 Test

E Complete the sentences with the correct 4. Barbara (go out)

form of be going to and the verbs below. tomorrow to a concert.
start drink fix buy clean not do 5. your dad
(meet) you at the train station?
1. My suitcase lock is broken. I
am going to fix
it. 6. We (not take) a bus to
the airport this evening.
2. Her apartment is a mess. She
is going to clean it.
H Read the text and answer the questions
3. They need to exercise. They
below. Write complete sentences.
are going to start running.
4. His brother wants to cycle. He’s Marilyn and Dave are dreaming about the
going to buy a new bike. future. Soon, Marilyn will finish university.
Then she will work at a TV station. She will
5. We’re thirsty. We’re going to drink
forecast the weather every day. Many people
some orange juice.
are going to watch Marilyn to know what to
6. My clothes are dirty but I’m tired. I’m wear. Dave will think about space shuttles
not going to do the laundry. and spacewalks, but he won’t be an astronaut.
He is going to work for a magazine. He will
F Choose the correct answer. write stories for the magazine about space
✔ tourism.
1. Is / Are he going to sail to Brighton?
✔ 1. What will Marilyn finish soon?
2. Am I going to go / Are we going to go
sightseeing tomorrow? Yes, we are. .

3. Is she going to bake / baking bread at the 2. Where will Marilyn work?
✔ .
4. Are they going to take / take the dog to the
3. What will Marilyn do every day?
vet tomorrow?
✔ .
5. Is / Are they going to rent a car?
4. Why are many people going to watch
G Complete the sentences with the verbs in Marilyn on TV?
brackets. Use the Present Continuous with to
. wear
future meaning. For the negative sentences,
5. Will Dave be an astronaut soon?
use the contracted form.
1. After we eat in the restaurant, we shuttles and spacewaks.
6. Is Dave going to work for a newspaper?
(travel) back to London.
2. I (not arrive) before
2 p.m. 7. What will Dave write?
3. they (leave) .
8. Will Dave write about space tourism?

TOTAL: / 100

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