Kazemi1982 - Low Permeability Gas Sands
Kazemi1982 - Low Permeability Gas Sands
Kazemi1982 - Low Permeability Gas Sands
Introduction. Low-permeability or tight-gas reservoirs in stimulation technology. The first factor is easier to
are gas-bearing fonnations with gas penneabilities of achieve than the second. In fact, recent government
less than 1 md and as low as 1 p,d. Gas from incentives have stimulated drilling in tight gas
reservoirs with gas penneabilities greater than 1 md is sands. 13
known as conventional gas. Gas from low-penneability Although stimulation technology has improved
reservoirs, coal seams, Devonian shale, and considerably-specifically, massive hydraulic
geopressured brines is known as unconventional gas. fracturing (MHF) technology-it is very far from the
From a price-incentive point of view, a regulation desired target. As it stands, proper placement and
pursuant to the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 containment of fractures during MHF cannot be
requires that the estimated average in-situ gas controlled or predicted with adequate certainty.
penneability be 0.1 md or less to qualify the gas from Properly placed fractures should improve recoveries
a gas-bearing fonnation as tight gas. substantially. This is why the placement of vertical
A U.S. Federal Power Commission study in 1973, fractures to fonn a well-defined flow network is a
supplemented by the USGS and a second study by fundamental concept in NPC's "advanced
Lewin & Assocs. Inc. in 1978, provided the first technology" scenario.
publicized estimates of tight-gas reserves in several Once a fracture is created, its properties can be
well-known basins in the lower 48 states. 1.2 A more estimated from well-designed pressure drawdown and
comprehensive study by the Nat!. Petroleum Council buildup tests. Nonnally, these tests must last much
(NPC) followed in 1980 3 and later was summarized longer than those in conventional gas reservoirs.
by Baker. 4 These pressure transient tests often are difficult to
The industry has been exploring and producing gas interpret by conventional hand calculation. In the past
from tight-gas basins for nearly 30 years. It was the several years, numerical simulators for interpreting
private sector that developed the basic stimulation such tests have played a significant role. 14 The
technology to enhance gas production from such procedure is to match the pre fracture and postfracture
basins. 5 To accelerate development of domestic gas pressure transient data (drawdown and buildup tests)
resources, the U.S. DOE initiated the Western Gas with a simulator, then to use the simulator to predict
Sands Project in 1977. This project has brought the well's future perfonnance.
government and industry closer in a common cause. In Recently, attempts have been made to develop a
addition to the periodic governmental reports new class of simulators that simulate the creation of a
(exemplified by Ref. 6), SPE and DOE have been fracture using rock mechanics and fluid flow
conducting joint annual meetings to disseminate the principles. The same simulators also are used to
technology. The proceedings of these symposia are simulate producing the reservoir through the created
excellent reference sources. 7- 1O A recent book, fracture. This kind of technology is in its infancy but
Unconventional Natural Gas, also presents a clear certainly adds a new and important dimension to our
picture of various technologies related to tight gas, understanding of stimu'lation technology. 15.16
coal-seam gas, Devonian-shale gas, and geopressured I have presented an overview of the present state of
gas. II The gas from gas hydrates (discussed by the technology. In what follows, I attempt to shed
Holder et al. 12) is very unlikely to contribute much to additional light on pertinent details.
the recoverable reserves.
The magnitude of recoverable reserves from tight-
The Resource Base. The NPC report identifies 113
gas deposits is a function of two factors: (I) price and
natural-gas basins in the lower 48 states. 3,4
other favorable economic incentives, and (2) advances
Recoverable reserves for these 113 basins were
Copyright 1982 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AI ME
estimated from infonnation gathered in a detailed
0149·2136/8210101-1330$00.25 appraisal of 12 already explored basins, as shown in
OCTOBER 1982 2229
that these fractures enter adjacent beds above and
below the zone of interest. Veatch presents an
excellent review of current hydraulic fracture
technology. 17
Other forms of stimulation, such as the use of
chemical explosives and nuclear devices, have been
considered, but those results have not been as
encouraging as MHF results. 5,11