Multiple Choice Questions: (Aipgme 2005) (Aiims Nov 2008)

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Biomedical Waste Management, Disaster Management, Occupational Health, Genetics and Health, Mental Health

Multiple ChoiCe Questions

(c) High temperature oxidation process
(d) low temperature oxidation process
1. What is the color-coding of bag in hospitals to dispose
off human anatomical wastes such as body parts? 8. Which of the following Biomedical wastes can be
(a) Yellow [AIPGME incinerated? [AIIMS Nov
2005] 2008]
(b) Black (a) Pressurized gas containers
(c) Red (b) Radiographic wastes
(d) Blue (c) PVC
(d) Human anatomical wastes
2. “Inertization” deals with: [AIIMS June
1998] 9. Which of the following Biomedical wastes cannot be
(a) Mixing biomedical waste with cement and other disposed off in Yellow Bags? [AIIMS Nov
substance before disposal 2007]
(b) incineration of biomedical waste with cement and (a) Reactive chemical wastes
other substance before disposal (b) Human anatomical wastes
(c) dumping of Biomedical waste in sanitary landfills (c) Microbiology and Biotechnology wastes
(d) screw feed technology to disinfect sharps (d) dressings soiled with blood

3. HIV (+) patient is being infused amphotericin B for 10. A known HIV positive patient is admitted in an
fungal systemic infection patient’s iv-cannula and isolation ward after an abdominal surgery following
tubing should be managed as which of the following: an accident. The resident doctor who changed his
(a) disinfect in 1% hypo chlorite, put in blue bag for dressing the next day found it to be soaked in blood.
destruction/shredding [AIIMS May Which of the following would be right method of
2006] choice of discarding the dressing? [AIIMS Nov
(b) Put in Red bag for destruction/shredding 05]
(c) disinfect in 5% hypochlorite solution and put in (a) Pour 1% hypochlorite on the dressing material and
yellow bag send it for incineration in an appropriate bag
(d) Put in black bag for destruction/shredding (b) Pour 5% hypochlorite on the dressing material and
send it for incineration in an appropriate bag
4. What is the color-coding of bag in hospitals to dispose (c) Put the dressing material directly in an appropriate
off human anatomical wastes such as appendix: bag and send for incineration
(a) Yellow [AIIMS May (d) Pour 2% lysol on the dressing material and send it
2004] for incineration in an appropriate bag
(b) Black 11. Yellow plastic bags containing biomedical wastes are
(c) Red treated by: [Karnataka 2008]
(d) Blue (a) Autoclaving
5. What is the color-coding of bag in hospitals to dispose (b) incineration
off waste sharps? [AIIMS Nov (c) Microwaving
2000] (d) shredding
(a) Yellow 12. Hospital waste product accounts: [PGI June
(b) Black 04]
(c) Red (a) Paper 40%
(d) Blue (b) Plastic 10%
6. Which of the following Categories of Biomedical (c) infectious waste 30%
wastes in India do not require containers/bags for (d) Rage 30%
disposal? (e) Glass 4%
(a) Category 1 (Human anatomical waste) 13. True about composition of Indian hospital waste
(b) Category 4 (waste sharps) [AIIMS Nov products: [PGI June
2005] 06]
(c) Category 5 (discarded drugs and Cytotoxic (a) Metal 1% 769
medications) (b) Paper 15%
(d) Category 8 (liquid waste) (c) Glass 55
(d) infectious waste 3%
7. Incineration is: [AIPGME 2006]
(e) Plastics 3%
(a) High temperature reduction process
(b) low temperature reduction process

Review of Preventive and Social Medicine

14. Safe disposal of mercury is: [AIIMS May

(c) Red bag
(d) Yellow bag
(a) Collect carefully and recycle
(b) Controlled combustion 23. Biomedical waste(s) to be discarded in Yellow Bag:
(c) treatment with chemicals (a) Human anatomical waste [PGI November 2012]
(d) deep burial (b) Animal waste
(c) Microbiological waste
15. Outdated cytotoxic drugs are best disposed by:
(d) wasted sharps
(a) disposa in municipal waste [AIIMS Nov
(e) soiled waste
(b) destruction and dumping in secured landfill 24. Incineration is done for: [Recent Question 2013]
(c) store for months and burial (a) waste sharps
(d) Autoclave (b) Human anatomical waste
(c) Radiographic waste
16. Mercury is disposed by: [AIIMS May
(d) used batteries
(a) Controlled combustion 25. Amount of infectious waste among hospital waste is:
(b) deep burial (a) 1.5% [Recent Question 2012]
(c) safely collect and re-use (b) 4.5%
(d) Chemical treatment (c) 25%
(d) 12&
17. All of the following statements regarding Biomedical
Waste management are true except: [AIPGME 2011] 26. Not safe disposal but good for soil building:
(a) Human Anatomical waste is thrown in Yellow bag [Recent Question 2012] [Recent Question 2013]
(b) Blue bag waste is disposed by landfill (a) incineration
(c) incineration ash is discarded in Black bag (b) Controlled tipping
(d) Material in Red bag could be a source of (c) Composting
contamination (d) dumping
18. A known HIV positive patient is admitted in an 27. Disposal of placenta at PHC is:
isolation ward after an abdominal surgery following [Recent Question 2012] [Recent Question 2013]
an accident. The resident doctor who changed his (a) dry burning
dressing the next day found it to be soaked in blood. (b) deep burial
Which of the following would be the right method of (c) Boiling
choice for discarding the dressing? [DPG (d) treat with bleaching powder and burial
2011] 28. Plastic cover of syringes are disposed in:
(a) Pour 1% hypochlorite on the dressing material and [Recent Question 2013] [DNB December 2009] [DNB
send it for incineration in an appropriate bag December 2011]
(b) Pour 5% hypochlorite on the dressing material and (a) Red bag
send it for incineration in an appropriate bag
(b) Yellow bag
(c) Put the dressing material directly in an appropriate
(c) white bag
bag and send it for incineration
(d) Blue bag
(d) Pour 2% lysol on the dressing material and send it
for incineration in an appropriate bag 29. Waste sharps should be disposed in:
19. Incineration not done for: [AIIMS May (a) Black bag [DNB December 2010]
2011] (b) Yellow bag [JIPMER 2014]
(a) Cytotoxic drugs (c) white bag
(b) waste sharps (d) Yellow bag
(c) Human anatomical waste 30. Which bag among the following shouldn’t be
(d) Cotton contaminated by blood incinerated as it contains cadmium?
20. Discarded expired medicines are thrown into: (a) Blue [DNB December 2010]
(a) Blue bag [Recent Question (b) Red
2013] (c) Black
(b) Black bag (d) Yellow
(c) Yellow bag 31. Animal waste is disposed off by: [Recent Question 2012]
(d) Red bag (a) Autoclaving
21. Not true about Screw feed technique is:
(a) 80% volume reduction [AIIMS November
(b) Pathological waste are removed
(c) weight is decreased by 20-30%
(d) Based on non-burn thermal treatment
770 22. Discarded cytotoxic medicines should be disposed in: (b) incineration
(a) Blue bag [DNB December 2010] (c) Chemical treatment
(b) Black bag (d) Microwaves
Biomedical Waste Management, Disaster Management, Occupational Health, Genetics and Health, Mental Health

32. True about Incinerator is/are: [PGI November

(c) Red
(d) Blue
(a) Red bag can be incinerated
(b) No pre-treatment required 41. According to the Biomedical Waste Rules (1998), for
(c) Yellow bag must be incinerated the hospital waste products disposed by incineration,
(d) sharps must not be incinerated the temperature of primary chamber of incineration
(e) Combustible matter must be above 30% should be: [MH
33. Incineration is not done for: [PGI November (a) 600 + /- 50°C
2013] (b) 800 + /- 50°C
(a) Anatomical waste (c) 1000 + /- 50°C
(b) sharps waste (d) 1200 + /- 50°C
(c) Cytotoxic drugs
42. According to the Bio Medical Waste (Management and
(d) Radioactive waste
Handling) Rules, 1998 of India, schedule II, the waste
(e) Animal waste
included in Category 4 are: [MH
34. True about Inertization all except: 2006] Man
[AIIMS November (a) Human Anatomical Waste age
2014] (b) waste sharps men
(a) Mixing biomedical waste with cement (c) Animal waste t,
(b) used for pharmaceutical waste (d) Microbiology and Biotechnology waste
(c) Contaminates water sources 43. Discarded cytotoxic drugs and medicines are disposed ster
(d) Not useful for infectious waste in: [MH Man
35. Disposal mechanism for Black colour coded 2007] age
biomedical waste bag is: [Recent Question (a) Black bag
2014] (b) Yellow bag
(c) Blue bag t,
(a) incineration
(d) Red Bag Occ
(b) dumping
(c) shredding upat
44. According to biomedical waste, which of the following
(d) landfill iona
bag can be incinerated? [MH 2008]
(a) Red
36. Category 7 on biomedical waste management contains:
(b) Blue Heal
(a) soiled waste [Recent Question 2014]
(c) Green th,
(b) solid waste
(c) liquid waste (d) Yellow Gen
Review Questions 45. Incineration ash is seen in the category: [RJ 2008]
(a) 6 and
37. Black colour Bag for: (b) 3 Heal
(a) Cat 1 [UP 2006] (c) 5 th,
(b) Cat 3 (d) 9 Men
(c) Cat 4 46. Soiled waste is seen in the category: [RJ 2009] tal
(d) Cat 5 (a) 6 Heal
38. Biodegradable waste products, disposing in which of (b) 3 th
the colour code of the bags: [UP 2008] (c) 5
(a) Blue (d) 9
(b) Black
(d) Yellow
47. Post disaster (earthquake) in Pakistan, which of the
39. “3-D” means in hospital waste management is:
following vaccines is recommended by WHO?
(a) disinfection, disposal, drainage [UP
(a) typhoid [AIPGME 2005]
(b) Cholera
(b) discard, disinfection, drainage (c) tetanus
(c) destruction, deep burial, drainage (d) None of the above
(d) destruction, deep burial, disposal
48. Chernobyl nuclear explosion accident occurred on 26th
40. Color coding of bags in hospitals to dispose off human April, 1986. It resulted in emission of:
anatomical waste: [Kolkata (a) Methyl isocyanate (Mi(C) [AIIMS Dec 1994]
2008] (b) union carbide
(a) Black (c) ur235, Po210
(b) Yellow (d) i131, Cs134, Cs137, sr90

Review of Preventive and Social Medicine

49. In draughts, commonly noticed vitamin deficiency is:

57. All vaccines are NOT given in disaster, except:
[AIIMS Feb 1997]
(a) Cholera [Recent Question 2013]
(a) Vitamin A
(b) tetanus
(b) Vitamin B
(c) Measles
(c) Vitamin C
(d) tetanus
(d) Vitamin d
58. Which of the following is the nodal centre for disaster
50. Arrange the following phases of Disaster Cycle in a
management? [Recent Question 2013]
logical sequence: [AIIMS Dec 1994]
(a) disaster impact – Mitigation – Rehabilitation – (a) PHC
Response (b) CHC
(b) disaster impact – Response – Rehabilitation – (c) Police Control room
Mitigation (d) district
(c) Rehabilitation – Response – disaster impact – 59. True about triage is: [Recent Question 2012]
Mitigation (a) Yellow-least priority
(d) Response – disaster impact – Rehabilitation – (b) Red-morbidity
Mitigation (c) Green-ambulatory
51. During a disaster, rapidly classifying the injured on (d) Blue-ambulatory
the basis of likelihood of their survival with prompt 60. Which is the calamity with most amount of damage?
medical intervention, is a part of: [AIPGME (a) flood [Recent Question 2013]
2000] (b) earthquake
(a) Search, rescue and first aid (c) landslides
(b) triage (d) Volcanoes
(c) tagging
(d) disaster mitigation 61. Natural disaster causing maximum deaths:
(a) Hydrological [AIIMS May 2012]
52. Most commonly reported disease in the post disaster (b) Meterological
period is: [AIIMS May 2001] (c) Geological
(a) Acute Respiratory infections (d) fires
(b) Gastroenteritis
(c) tetanus 62. Triage is: [Recent Question 2014] [NUPGET 2013]
(d) Malaria (a) A concept in trauma
(b) A method of breast lump diagnosis
53. As per the most common classification of Triage (c) An investigation for duodenum and pancreas
system that is internationally accepted, the colour code
(d) Management of old age health problems
that indicates high priority treatment or transfer is:
(a) Black [Karnataka 63. Epidemics after disaster are caused by all except:
2007] (a) leptospirosis [AIIMS November 2013]
(b) Yellow [Recent Question (b) Rickettsiosis
2013] (c) leishmaniasis
(c) Red (d) Acute respiratory infection
(d) Blue 64. The gas responsible for Bhopal gas tragedy was:
54. Which colour-coded person is given first preference in (a) Methyl isocyanate [DNB June 2010]
disaster triage? [AIIMS November 2013] (b) Potassium isothiocyanate
(a) Red (c) sodium isothiocyanate
(b) Black (d) ethyl isothiocyanate
(c) Yellow 65. Which epidemic does not occur after a disaster?
(d) Green (a) leptospirosis [AIIMS May 2014]
55. Black color in triage is: (b) leishmania
[Recent Question 2012] [Recent Question (c) ARti
2013] (d) Rickettsia
(a) death 66. Nodal centre in case of disaster management:
(b) transfer (a) PHC [Recent Question 2014]
(c) High priority (b) sub centre
(d) low priority (c) CHC
56. Triage has how many colours: [Recent Question (d) district
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
Biomedical Waste Management, Disaster Management, Occupational Health, Genetics and Health, Mental Health

67. During massive disaster what should be done first? (c) lead in blood
(a) Search and rescue, first aid [Recent Question 2014] (d) lead in urine
(b) triage 75. Lead poisoning in industries commonly occurs by:
(c) stabilization of victims (a) inhalation [AIIMS June 1999]
(d) Hospital treatment and redistribution of patients to (b) ingestion
hospital if necessary (c) skin absorption
68. 1In a disaster management triage, patients who need (d) Conjunctival route
surgery within 24 hours, are categorized under which 76. Inhalation of sugarcane dust could cause:
color category: [Recent Question 2014] (a) Bagassosis [AIIMS Nov 2003]
(a) Red (b) Byssinosis [Recent Question 2013]
(b) Green (c) tobacosis
(c) Blue (d) farmer’s lung
(d) Black
77. All are features of Silico-tuberculosis except:
(a) High sputum AFB +ve [AIPGME 2004] Man
Review Questions (b) Children of such cases do not get disease age
(c) impairement of total lung men
69. During disaster management the following condition (d) Nodular fibrosis t,
would be classified under international code green 78. All are disease manifestations associated with Low Disa
signal: [MP 2007] Temperature except: [AIPGME ster
(a) High priority treatment 2002] Man
(b) Medium priority treatment (a) Chilblains age
(c) Ambulatory patient (b) Prickles men
(d) dead patients (c) frostbite t,
(d) trench foot Occ
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 79. Periodic Examination of factory workers is a type of: upat
(a) Primordial Prevention [AIPGME 1993] iona
70. Following occupational diseases are notifiable under (b) Primary Prevention l
the Indian Factory Act, 1976 except: (c) secondary Prevention Heal
(a) silicosis [AIIMS June (d) tertiary Prevention
80. With reference to lead poisoning, various parameters Gen
(b) asbestosis are given below with the levels: [AIIMS Nov 2004]
(c) byssinosis etics
A. Coproporphyrin in urine
(d) bagassosis and
B. Aminolevulinic Acid in urine
C. lead in urine Heal
71. Ideal periodical examination of worker in an industry
d. lead in blood th,
is done every: [AIIMS Dec
1995] i. > 70 Men
mg/100ml tal
(a) day
ii. > 5 mg/l Heal
(b) Month
iii. >150mg/l th
(c) Year iV. > 0.8 mg/l
(d) depends on type of exposure Correct match
72. Indian constitution has declared that children less than is:
years should not be employed in factories or (a) A-i B-ii C-iV d-iii
mines: (b) A-iii B-iV C-ii d-i
(a) 10 [AIIMS (c) A-i B-iV C-ii d-iii
June1999] (d) A-iii B-ii C-iV d-i
(b) 12 81. The minimum air space per worker prescribed by
(c) 14 Indian Factory (Amendment) Act, 1987 is:
(d) 16 (a) 200 cu ft [AIPGME 1994]
(b) 300 cu ft
73. ‘Safety officers’ have to be appointed in factories
(c) 500 cu ft
(d) 700 cu ft
no. of workers is more than:
(a) 500 [AIPGME 2001] 82. Maximum permissible level of whole body occupational
(b) 1000
(c) 2000 exposure to ionizing radiation is: [AIIMS Dec 1997]
(d) 5000 (a) 1 rem per year
74. Useful screening test for lead is measurement of: (b) 3 rem per year
(a) Coproprophyrin in urine [AIIMS Nov (c) 5 rem per year
1999] (d) 15 rem per year
(b) Amino-laevulinic acid in urine
Review of Preventive and Social Medicine

83. “White Fingers” may result from which of the

(c) Genetic Counselling
following occupational hazards: [AIIMS June (d) Mental Health
(a) Heat 92. Under ESI Act, sickness benefit is given for a period of:
(b) Cold (a) 17 days [AIPGME 1999]
(c) uV Radiation (b) 39 days
(c) 91 days
(d) Vibration
(d) 117 days
84. Respirable dust, responsible for pneumo coniosis, has
93. Sickness absenteeism is a useful index to assess:
a size limit of: [AIPGME (a) working environment [AIIMS Nov 1999]
1993] (b) sincerity of the workers
(a) < 1 micron (c) worker management relationship
(b) < 5 micron (d) state of health of the workers
(c) < 10 micron
94. All of the following are true for occupational lead
(d) < 100 micron
poisoning except: [AIIMS Nov 02]
85. Which of the following Pneumoconioses are more (a) inhalation is the most common mode of absorption
prone to develop Tuberculosis? [AIPGME (b) lead in blood and urine provide quantitative
1991] indicators of exposure
(c) lead poisoning is not a notifiable disease
(a) silicosis
(d) Basophilic stippling is a sensitive parameter of
(b) Anthracosis hematological response
(c) Byssinosis
(d) Bagassosis 95. All of the following features are suggestive of
asbestosis except: [AIIMS May
86. Which of the following Pneumoconioses is caused by 2003]
Thermoactinomyces Sacchari? [AIPGME (a) Occurs within five years of exposure
1998] (b) the disease progresses even after removal of contact
(a) silicosis (c) Can lead to pleural mesothelioma
(b) Anthracosis (d) sputum contains asbestos bodies
(c) Byssinosis
(d) Bagassosis 96. Bagassosis can be prevented by spraying: [DPG 2005]
(a) 10% acetic acid
87. Which of the following Pneumoconioses is caused by (b) 5% acetic acid
Micropolyspora Faeni? [AIPGME (c) 1% propionic acid
1996] (d) 2% propionic acid
(a) silicosis
97. Bagassosis is a pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation
(b) Byssinosis
of: [DPG
(c) farmer’s lung 2004]
(d) Bagassosis (a) sugarcane dust
88. All are true about Lead Poisoning except: (b) Cotton
(a) Greatest source is drinking water from lead pipes (c) Coal particles
[AIPGME 1995] (d) Asbestos
(b) Can cause Blue line on gums 98. According to “Factory Act, 1948” maximum
(c) Measurement of CPu is a useful screening test permissible working hours per week are:
(d) Basophilic stippling of RBCs is a sensitive (a) 48 [DPG 2007]
parameter of hematological response (b) 60
89. Nearly 3/ 4th of occupational cancers are: (c) 72
(a) skin Cancer [AIPGME 2008] (d) 54
(b) lung Cancer 99. The Financial contribution for ESI comes from:
(c) Cancer Bladder (a) state government [Karnataka 2008]
(d) leukemias (b) Central government
90. Which of the following are associated with Bladder (c) employers’
cancer: [AIIMS May 2008] (d) All of the above
(a) Nickel 100. Following are the chemical agents, which causes
(b) Naphthylamines occupational dermatitis by local irritation except:
(c) Arsenic
(d) lead
774 91. Pre-placement Examination has an important role to
play in:
(a) energy Conservation
(b) Occupational Health
(a) Rub

(b) X-
(c) lim
(d) eth
Biomedical Waste Management, Disaster Management, Occupational Health, Genetics and Health, Mental Health

101. Most common mode of lead poisoning is:

110. Silicosis occurs with: [DNB 2007]
(a) ingestion [AIIMS May 2009]
(a) Cotton
(b) dermally
(b) Sugarcane fibres
(c) inhalation
(c) Carbon particles
(d) faecal-oral
(d) Silica fibres
102. Which occupational exposure may cause sterility in
111. A person working in hot environment who consumes
females: [Recent Question 2012]
more H2O without salt is likely to develop: [DNB 200]
(a) lead
(b) Carbon monoxide (a) Heat stroke
(c) Mercury (b) Heat cramps
(d) Agricultural insecticides (c) Heat exhaustion
(d) Heat hyperpyrexia
103. Chairman for ESI in India is: [Recent Question 2014]
(a) Prime Minister 112. In ESI progrance, state goverment employee contribute
(b) Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare to the fund. Employer’s contribution is: Man
(c) union Minister of labour (a) 5.75% [DNB 2008] age
(d) Union Minster of Human Resource development (b) 4.75% men
(c) 3.75%
104. True about ESI act 1948: [Recent Question 2014] t,
(d) 2.75%
(a) Applicable on educational institutions also Disa
(b) employer employee contribution is 1.75% 113. Benzene is associated with cancer of: [UP 2001] ster
(c) Maternity benefit for 3 months (a) skin Man
(d) Beneficiaries are those having income with> 15000/ (b) lung age
month (c) Bladder men
(d) leukemia
105. False about ESI in India: [AIIMS November 2014] t,
(a) Centre contribute 7/8 and state contribute 1/8 part 114. Wrist drop may be caused as industrial hazard in: Occ
on expenditure (a) Battery industry [UP 2001] upat
(b) A worker with income less than 70/- per day has to (b) Gas industry iona
pay only 300/- per month (c) Asbestos, industry l
(c) funeral expenses is 50,000/- (d) Aniline industry
(d) Medical benefit include full medical care Heal
115. “Snow-storm” appearance are seen in: th,
(a) Anthracosis [UP 2006] Gen
Review Questions (b) silicosis etics
(c) Byssinosis and
106. The extended sickness benefit is given for: (d) Bagassosis Heal
(a) 309 days [DNB 2002]
(b) 409 days 116. Exposure to cotton dust causes: th,
(c) 365 days (a) Byssinosis [Karnataka 2000] [AP 2002] Men
(d) 490 days (b) Bagassosis tal
(c) silicosis Heal
107. Byssinosis is seen in: [DNB 2003] (d) Asbestosis th
(a) Cement factories [Recent Question 2013]
(b) textile industries 117. ‘Bagassosis; is an occupational disease of the lung
(c) iron factories caused by inhalation of: [AP 1992] [AP
(d) Grain fields 2003]
(a) Cotton
108. Bagassosis occurs with: [DNB
(b) Jute
(c) sugarcane dust
(a) Cotton
(d) Coal
(b) Surgarcane fibres
(c) Carbon particles 118. ESI Act includes all the following except:
(d) Silica fibres (a) small power using factories employing 10-19
109. Bagassosis occurs with: [DNB persons [AP
2006] 2006]
(a) Cotton industry (b) Non power using factories employing 20 or more
(b) sugarcane industry person
(c) Carbon particles (c) Newspaper establishment
(d) faemers (d) defence establishment


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