Multiple Choice Questions: (Aipgme 2005) (Aiims Nov 2008)
Multiple Choice Questions: (Aipgme 2005) (Aiims Nov 2008)
Multiple Choice Questions: (Aipgme 2005) (Aiims Nov 2008)
(c) High temperature oxidation process
(d) low temperature oxidation process
1. What is the color-coding of bag in hospitals to dispose
off human anatomical wastes such as body parts? 8. Which of the following Biomedical wastes can be
(a) Yellow [AIPGME incinerated? [AIIMS Nov
2005] 2008]
(b) Black (a) Pressurized gas containers
(c) Red (b) Radiographic wastes
(d) Blue (c) PVC
(d) Human anatomical wastes
2. “Inertization” deals with: [AIIMS June
1998] 9. Which of the following Biomedical wastes cannot be
(a) Mixing biomedical waste with cement and other disposed off in Yellow Bags? [AIIMS Nov
substance before disposal 2007]
(b) incineration of biomedical waste with cement and (a) Reactive chemical wastes
other substance before disposal (b) Human anatomical wastes
(c) dumping of Biomedical waste in sanitary landfills (c) Microbiology and Biotechnology wastes
(d) screw feed technology to disinfect sharps (d) dressings soiled with blood
3. HIV (+) patient is being infused amphotericin B for 10. A known HIV positive patient is admitted in an
fungal systemic infection patient’s iv-cannula and isolation ward after an abdominal surgery following
tubing should be managed as which of the following: an accident. The resident doctor who changed his
(a) disinfect in 1% hypo chlorite, put in blue bag for dressing the next day found it to be soaked in blood.
destruction/shredding [AIIMS May Which of the following would be right method of
2006] choice of discarding the dressing? [AIIMS Nov
(b) Put in Red bag for destruction/shredding 05]
(c) disinfect in 5% hypochlorite solution and put in (a) Pour 1% hypochlorite on the dressing material and
yellow bag send it for incineration in an appropriate bag
(d) Put in black bag for destruction/shredding (b) Pour 5% hypochlorite on the dressing material and
send it for incineration in an appropriate bag
4. What is the color-coding of bag in hospitals to dispose (c) Put the dressing material directly in an appropriate
off human anatomical wastes such as appendix: bag and send for incineration
(a) Yellow [AIIMS May (d) Pour 2% lysol on the dressing material and send it
2004] for incineration in an appropriate bag
(b) Black 11. Yellow plastic bags containing biomedical wastes are
(c) Red treated by: [Karnataka 2008]
(d) Blue (a) Autoclaving
5. What is the color-coding of bag in hospitals to dispose (b) incineration
off waste sharps? [AIIMS Nov (c) Microwaving
2000] (d) shredding
(a) Yellow 12. Hospital waste product accounts: [PGI June
(b) Black 04]
(c) Red (a) Paper 40%
(d) Blue (b) Plastic 10%
6. Which of the following Categories of Biomedical (c) infectious waste 30%
wastes in India do not require containers/bags for (d) Rage 30%
disposal? (e) Glass 4%
(a) Category 1 (Human anatomical waste) 13. True about composition of Indian hospital waste
(b) Category 4 (waste sharps) [AIIMS Nov products: [PGI June
2005] 06]
(c) Category 5 (discarded drugs and Cytotoxic (a) Metal 1% 769
medications) (b) Paper 15%
(d) Category 8 (liquid waste) (c) Glass 55
(d) infectious waste 3%
7. Incineration is: [AIPGME 2006]
(e) Plastics 3%
(a) High temperature reduction process
(b) low temperature reduction process
Review of Preventive and Social Medicine
Review of Preventive and Social Medicine
67. During massive disaster what should be done first? (c) lead in blood
(a) Search and rescue, first aid [Recent Question 2014] (d) lead in urine
(b) triage 75. Lead poisoning in industries commonly occurs by:
(c) stabilization of victims (a) inhalation [AIIMS June 1999]
(d) Hospital treatment and redistribution of patients to (b) ingestion
hospital if necessary (c) skin absorption
68. 1In a disaster management triage, patients who need (d) Conjunctival route
surgery within 24 hours, are categorized under which 76. Inhalation of sugarcane dust could cause:
color category: [Recent Question 2014] (a) Bagassosis [AIIMS Nov 2003]
(a) Red (b) Byssinosis [Recent Question 2013]
(b) Green (c) tobacosis
(c) Blue (d) farmer’s lung
(d) Black
77. All are features of Silico-tuberculosis except:
(a) High sputum AFB +ve [AIPGME 2004] Man
Review Questions (b) Children of such cases do not get disease age
(c) impairement of total lung men
69. During disaster management the following condition (d) Nodular fibrosis t,
would be classified under international code green 78. All are disease manifestations associated with Low Disa
signal: [MP 2007] Temperature except: [AIPGME ster
(a) High priority treatment 2002] Man
(b) Medium priority treatment (a) Chilblains age
(c) Ambulatory patient (b) Prickles men
(d) dead patients (c) frostbite t,
(d) trench foot Occ
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 79. Periodic Examination of factory workers is a type of: upat
(a) Primordial Prevention [AIPGME 1993] iona
70. Following occupational diseases are notifiable under (b) Primary Prevention l
the Indian Factory Act, 1976 except: (c) secondary Prevention Heal
(a) silicosis [AIIMS June (d) tertiary Prevention
80. With reference to lead poisoning, various parameters Gen
(b) asbestosis are given below with the levels: [AIIMS Nov 2004]
(c) byssinosis etics
A. Coproporphyrin in urine
(d) bagassosis and
B. Aminolevulinic Acid in urine
C. lead in urine Heal
71. Ideal periodical examination of worker in an industry
d. lead in blood th,
is done every: [AIIMS Dec
1995] i. > 70 Men
mg/100ml tal
(a) day
ii. > 5 mg/l Heal
(b) Month
iii. >150mg/l th
(c) Year iV. > 0.8 mg/l
(d) depends on type of exposure Correct match
72. Indian constitution has declared that children less than is:
years should not be employed in factories or (a) A-i B-ii C-iV d-iii
mines: (b) A-iii B-iV C-ii d-i
(a) 10 [AIIMS (c) A-i B-iV C-ii d-iii
June1999] (d) A-iii B-ii C-iV d-i
(b) 12 81. The minimum air space per worker prescribed by
(c) 14 Indian Factory (Amendment) Act, 1987 is:
(d) 16 (a) 200 cu ft [AIPGME 1994]
(b) 300 cu ft
73. ‘Safety officers’ have to be appointed in factories
(c) 500 cu ft
(d) 700 cu ft
no. of workers is more than:
(a) 500 [AIPGME 2001] 82. Maximum permissible level of whole body occupational
(b) 1000
(c) 2000 exposure to ionizing radiation is: [AIIMS Dec 1997]
(d) 5000 (a) 1 rem per year
74. Useful screening test for lead is measurement of: (b) 3 rem per year
(a) Coproprophyrin in urine [AIIMS Nov (c) 5 rem per year
1999] (d) 15 rem per year
(b) Amino-laevulinic acid in urine
Review of Preventive and Social Medicine
(b) X-
(c) lim
(d) eth
Biomedical Waste Management, Disaster Management, Occupational Health, Genetics and Health, Mental Health