List of Known Fire Spells: Aptitude: Come Forth, Fire!
List of Known Fire Spells: Aptitude: Come Forth, Fire!
List of Known Fire Spells: Aptitude: Come Forth, Fire!
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Element Summoning
Incantation: Come forth, Fire!
The users summon a blast of flames while holding fire magic stone for testing their fire attribute affinity.
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Explosion
Incantation: Come forth fire, crimson eruption: Explosion
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Fire Arrow
Incantation: Flame Come, True duet, Fire Arrow
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Fire Breath
Incantation: Flame burn, Breath of incineration, Fire Breath
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Fire Resist
Incantation: Flame repel, Fire-proof barrier, Fire Resist
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Fire Spear
Incantation: Come forth flame, flaming spear of the crimson lotus: Fire Spear
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Fireball
Incantation: Come forth flames, fireball of purgatory: Fireball
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Firestorm
Incantation: Come forth fire, whirling spiral: [Fire Storm]
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Firewall
Incantation: Flame come, Blaze barrier, Firewall
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Flare Burst
Incantation: Flame come, Continuous explosive attack, Flare Burst
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Ignis Fire
Incantation: Come forth, Fire! Hail of Red Stones: Ignis Fire
Magic: Fire-Wind
Spell Name: Ignis Hurricane
Incantation: Come flame wind, Whirlwind of blazes, Ignis Hurricane
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Inferno Fire
Incantation: Flame come, Purgatory fire pillar, Inferno Fire
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Mega Explosion
Incantation: Flame blow, Purgatory explosion, Mega Explosion
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Prominence
Incantation: Flame flaming, Purgatory hell fire, Prominence
Magic: Fire
Spell Name: Warming
Incantation: Come forth heat, warm barrier: Warming