ECE 525: Power Systems Protection and Relaying: Summer 2019 (Recorded Fall 2018)
ECE 525: Power Systems Protection and Relaying: Summer 2019 (Recorded Fall 2018)
ECE 525: Power Systems Protection and Relaying: Summer 2019 (Recorded Fall 2018)
Item Percent of Grade A: 90-100
Homework 23% B: 80-89
Labs/Projects 16% C: 70-79
Quizzes 5% D: 60-69
Exam 1 28% F: < 60
Final Exam 28%
Lecture Topic
Protection Basics
Instrument Transformers
Grounding schemes, fault detection and identification
Brief Review of Symmetrical Components
Distribution Protection
Instantaneous overcurrent protection
Time overcurrent protection
Directional protection
Arc flash
Fundamentals for software tools and labs
Introduction to transient simulation tools
Introduction to MathCAD
Signal processing and digital filtering –in MathCAD
Distribution Relay in MathCAD
Introduction to AMPS
Lab 1/project 1:
Lab 2/project 2:
Bus protection
Differential Protection
Bus configurations
Common bus protection schemes
Impacts of CT saturation
Lab 3/project 3:
Reactor/Capacitor Bank Protection
Transformer Protection
Lab 4/project 4
1. Exams may given as “take homes”
2. Note: homework assignments and projects will require software tools, especially MathCAD.
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Power Systems Protection and Relaying Summer 2019
Outreach Students:
1. This is not a self-paced class. Engineering Outreach students are expected to finish the course at the same
time as the on campus students.
2. Due dates for homework and projects will generally be specified the same as the due date for on-campus
students. This is the date when your assignment reaches Moscow. Assignments will be worth a maximum of
50% after the due date. However, we will allow extensions if you consult with us in advance and if you have
a major schedule conflict.
3. Please include ECE 525” in the subject line of e-mail correspondence related to this course.
4. Returned homework and projects may not reach you prior to exams. Please make copies of any assignments
that you believe may be useful before you submit them.
5. Please put your name and the course number on top of the first page of each exam and homework,
especially if submitting e-mail or fax. It would be best if your name was in the header of each page. E-mail
submission of assignments is ok, as long as compatible file formats are used.
Allowable formats for electronic submission are Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), Microsoft Word
(*.doc or *.docx), Rich Text Format (*.rtf) or MathCAD 15 (or earlier) or Prime 4.0. Limit to one or two
attached files. I don't want a large number of files with no documentation on what order to use them.
6. When submitting homework assignments, please send copies to Brian Johnson ([email protected]) and
Hussain Beleed ([email protected])
7. Make sure you number your pages as: 1/4, 2/4, etc., so I know whether or not I have a complete set. Also
make sure writing is dark and clear on the scan.
8. Phone calls or the use of e-mail for asking questions is encouraged. You are welcome to call outside of
office hours. The Engineering Outreach 800 line is available 24 hours a day so you can reach us outside of
their hours.
9. Library Resources: As a UI student, you not only have access to valuable print and electronic resources
from the university's library, such as access to IEEEXplore, but you also have the access to personalized
assistance from the librarians. If you have assignments or research questions and aren't sure how to make the
most of library resources from off campus, you can visit the Off-Campus Access information page on the
library's website at:
As a UI student you can also download a VPN client from the ITS Help Desk:
You will need to log in using your UI student account.