Coaggulation & Fluculation Designs
Coaggulation & Fluculation Designs
Coaggulation & Fluculation Designs
Clarification – Part 2
In our previous article, Agitator Design for Wastewater Clarification Part 1, we
looked at how to optimize a mixer for the unit process of coagulation. In wastewater
treatment, coagulation is normally followed by flocculation.
In this article, we will examine the process of flocculation and how mixer parameters
change in order to achieve the desired result.
This process can happen spontaneously, but is more often due to the addition of a
clarifying agent.
Flocculant Chemicals
The flocculation process utilizes very different formation mechanisms and chemicals to
form flocs. An often used flocculant chemical is a long chain organic polymer such as
When n can be very large,
forming very large polymers.
Orthokinetic Flocculation
Orthokinetic flocculation is the mechanism in solution which attracts and bridges colloids
in order to create flocculation.
Mixing induces velocity gradients that cause micro-flocs to agglomerate and form bigger
flocs. The rate of flocculation is controlled by velocity gradient applied during mixing, or
by how many of the polymers approach or contact the coagulated waste particles.
This is much the same as coagulation in terms of mixing. However, in flocculation, the
amount of time the polymer and coagulated waste particles are close or in contact
greatly influences the floc formation.
Mixing Levels
Vigorous mixing of the entire reacting volume is required to maximize the contact of
micro-floc, but not so intense as to not allow the contact to stick. High velocity gradients
bring many of the reactants together but do not allow time for the flocs to form. Also as
the flocs grow, high velocity gradients cause higher shear rates that can break up or rip
apart the newly formed flocs giving rise to the term “shear sensitive”.
As the flocculation process proceeds, larger and larger flocs are formed. The larger
flocs have an increased sensitivity to shear, meaning they can easily be broken down
and are often difficult to reform.
When looking at mixer design, these processes lead to long tank retention time, with
high volume, low shear agitation. A careful mixing balance is made by moving a large
volume of water very slowly, as to not break up the newly formed flocs. This mixer
design is critical to the three main costs of the process; Time, Amount of
Chemical Usage/Efficiency, and finally the Water Quality. Time, Resources and
Quality, are all dependent on a well-designed mixer.
Consideration is given in the mixer design to lower the mixing intensity as the flocs get
bigger. For batch processes the agitator commonly has a variable speed drive so the
agitator RPM can be slowed during the batch cycle. For continuous processes, multiple
tanks with different speed agitators are used allowing an optimized overall retention
time but with decreasing mixing intensities or G factor through the tanks to optimize floc
Predicting or exactly designing an agitator with optimized RPM is difficult for it depends
on many variables including incoming waste water variability. For continuous process
optimization, variable speed drives are recommended on all agitators in multi-tank
systems so that changing process conditions can be continuously optimized by testing
the flocculation results and adjusting agitator RPMs accordingly.
Mixing is a unit process in practically all industrial processes, but one mixing solution
does not fit all. Understanding the overall process and what is trying to be achieved by
mixing leads to an engineered and correctly optimized solution.
Since the primary goal of flocculation is to keep solids in suspension while encouraging
larger floc formation, the mixer must be engineered while considering the following
critical parameters:
Impeller Design
A high-efficiency DynaflowTM blade creates the low shear axial flow that is crucial in
achieving floc formation, and avoiding the breaking apart of newly formed floc. Impeller
sizing needs to observe an optimal impeller diameter to tank ratio in order to provide
good mixing and dissipate the imparted mixer horsepower over a wide area.
Impeller tip speeds need to be relatively low to maintain low shear and are calculated
based on the mixer RPM and blade type and size.
720ft/min MAX tip speed
Ultra-low shear blades
Large axial pumping flow
Full tank engagement
Engineered to maximize floc formation
Low G Value
The mixer motor horsepower is calculated based on the G-value, which is either
specified by the engineer or calculated based on residence time.
Because the residence time for flocculation is considerably longer than flash mixing, the
mixer needs to be configured with a low G value. However, despite the low G values
needed for flocculation, it is still advisable to add an additional 15% on top of the
calculated G value to ensure sufficient power.
After screening out debris and testing raw water, chemicals that encourage coagulation
are added to the water stream. The mixture is agitated quickly and thoroughly in a
process called flash mixing. The chemicals introduced into the water stream will attract
any very fine particles, such as silt, that will not readily settle or filter out and make them
clump together. These larger, heavier formations are called floc, which are much easier
to remove from the water.
Flocculation Preparation
In the case of the flocculation process, the rapid mixer is specifically designed to
disperse polymers so they enhance flocculation by optimizing the strength, size and
weight of the floc. Rapid mixers are used to violently agitate the water with the
chemicals for a short period of time before being released into the flocculation basin.
Done in a Flash
The duration of the flash mix chamber is carefully controlled, and typically lasts from 10-
90 seconds. If the duration of the flash mix is not long enough, the chemicals will not be
properly distributed throughout the water. Too long, and the newly formed floc will be
damaged by impeller shear. When determining the length of time that water needs to
spend in the flash mix chamber, duration is calculated using the size of the tank and the
volume of flow.
Mixer Configuration
The directional flow of the mixing chamber will determine the appropriate mixing flow to
disperse chemicals throughout the water stream quickly.
In order to rapidly blend the chemicals uniformly, a mixer needs to create a flow pattern
at a right angle to the flow through stream. This will increase distribution and reduce
residence time in the flash mix basin. The mixer will commonly be center mounted with
a vertical shaft to accomplish this effect.
Both approaches require a high speed rapid mixer that produces vigorous or violent
There is more to Rapid Mixing than just the application of a high speed mixer to help
disperse chemicals. Torque and impeller selection play a very important role in
achieving the desired result.
The DynaflowTM axial flow impeller is ideal for creating the vertical, right angle flow
required to disperse a horizontal flow in flash mixing.
If you are interested in learning more about mixing solutions for flash mixing
applications, post a comment below or email us at [email protected]
Brian James the author
Dynamix Agitators incorporates over 45 years of industrial mixing experience into its
industrial mixer models and the processes they are part of. Our mixers and agitators are
configured to suit your process and application.
In the modern water treatment plant, the use of coagulants to treat wastewater are
better understood, which has led to significant optimization of process equipment and
Coagulation and flocculation are two common unit processes that are designed to
remove very small particulate matter by forcing them to clump or stick together so that
they will settle out and be removed from the wastewater as “sludge”. Since these
related but separate processes require very different mixer design parameters for
optimization of wastewater treatment, we will discuss coagulation here, and focus on
flocculation in a separate article.
Destabilization of Particles
Wastewater typically contains both dissolved and suspended solids that remain after
preliminary settling, skimming, and screening, and are typically less than a micron in
size. These tiny particles move about in Brownian motion and are kept in suspension by
forces acting on them in the water.
Presenting as turbidity, the individual particles cannot be seen and cause cloudiness in
water similar to smoke in air. These remaining particles can be widely variant in shape,
size, density, composition, and charge. The measurement of this turbidity is a key test
of water quality.
Most small particles in wastewater have a negative surface charge and are said to be
“stable” in the suspension, meaning the particles repel each other as they come close
together rather than sticking or clumping together.
Coagulation is the process where the particle charge is neutralized or reversed to allow
the waste particles to clump or stick together, making them easier to remove from the
water stream. This process is often referred to as destabilization of the waste particles.
Coagulant Chemicals
Commonly used coagulant chemicals are aluminum and iron salts. When the metal (Al,
Fe) salts are added to water, hydrolization is very rapid and forms a series of metal
hydrolysis species. When added to the wastewater, the charged ions in the colloidal
solution neutralize the waste particle surface charge, allowing the particulates to clump
together. This is a very simplistic view of the colloidal chemistry involved but explains
agitation requirements for introducing the coagulant solution into the wastewater.
The larger particles formed in the coagulation process are often referred to as micro-
flocs, but this should not to be interpreted as flocculation, which is a separate process.
The water surrounding a micro-floc should be clear. If the water is not clear, then all the
waste particles may not have been neutralized, and therefore coagulation is not
complete. More coagulant may be needed in parts of the volume of wastewater,
possibly due to inadequate mixing or insufficient coagulant chemical addition.
The alum and iron metal hydrolysis and absorption that takes place is relatively fast,
making rapid mixing with high intensity critical to the coagulation process. Critical
because this step is where the waste particles are destabilized and where the primary
micro-flocs are formed, whose characteristics markedly influence
subsequent flocculation kinetics.
Long retention times are not required for good coagulation, but fast and thorough mixing
is crucial. One industry measure of mixing is Velocity Gradient:
In general terms:
The higher the velocity gradient, the higher the intensity of mixing
Increasing the tank volume decreases the velocity gradient
Increasing the power input increases the velocity gradient
This intuitively leads to a mixer design that promotes low tank retention time and a high
liquid volume turnover rate. In short – get it in, get it mixed as fast as possible, and get it
out to the next unit operation.
Since the primary goal of coagulation is to quickly and evenly disperse coagulant
chemicals in water while allowing micro-flocs to form, the mixer must be engineered
while considering the following critical parameters:
Impeller Design
For high speed, high shear mixing, your best bet are pitch-blade impellers. They create
a turbulent fluid flow that allows solids to collide and stick together. For our clients, we
recommend the P4 Pitch impeller.
High G Value
Because the residence time in flash mixing is short (usually less than 60 seconds), the
mixer needs to be configured with a high G value / velocity gradient (400 – 1000 sec-1).
This has to be calculated by your mixing team. At Dynamix, we typically add an
additional 15% on top of the calculated G value to make sure everything gets evenly
Tank Configuration
While not actually part of the mixer, adjusting the tank configuration can minimize short
circuiting. To maximize particle contact, we recommend flowing in from the bottom and
the flowing out from the top.
Dynamix has application engineers that know and understand Coagulation. If you are
unsure whether your current mixer is properly sized, or wish to get a quote for a
coagulation mixer, leave a comment or contact us [email protected], and we
will provide you with our recommendations.
Next to viscosity, specific gravity is a separate but equally important factor in optimizing
a mixer. Without factoring this measurement into your mixer design, your results would
not reach product specification.
The term “Specific Gravity” (SG) is used to define the weight or density of a liquid as
compared to the density of an equal volume of water at a specified temperature. The
temperature used for measurement is usually 39.2 oF (4oC), because this temperature
allows water to assume its maximum density.
In the metric system, water has a density of 1 gram/ml, so density and SG are
numerically equal. If the liquid you are comparing has an SG lower than 1 gram/ml, it
will float on water. If it has an SG higher than 1 gram/ml, it will sink.
In the imperial system water has a density of 8.345 lbs/gallon; however the SG value of
a product is exactly the same, since it’s based on a ratio.
When it comes to configuring a mixer, knowing the specific gravity of the fluids being
blended is important because it will influence the torque & horsepower that is required
to properly mix your fluid.
In applications with higher specific gravity, more torque would be required to produce
the desired result. If specific gravity was not taken into consideration, and a mixer not
optimized accordingly, results would be unpredictable, and motor damage and/or failure
would likely occur.
Two commonly used methods for determining the specific gravity of a liquid are:
When combining liquids of different densities, the result is the formation of a new liquid
with its own specific gravity. Variables to take into account are the SG measurement of
each liquid, and the ratio at which they are blended in a mixture.
If liquid A (Acid) = SG 1.835, liquid B (Water) = SG 1.000, and you mix the liquids at a
ratio of 5.625:10 in a tank, the specific gravity of the blended fluid would be calculated
as follows:
Based on this formula, the newly formed Electrolyte fluid would have a specific gravity
of 1.270
Mixing Extremes
If two fluids have largely different density, or include a solids component, they will be
much more resistant to mixing. Improper mixer engineering would result in stratification
and settling within the mixing vessel.
1. Particle Size
2. Concentration of Solids
3. Specific Gravity of the Solid (note: this is different than the SG of the fluid)
Based on the above information and Stoke’s law, the solid settling rate can be
calculated. The solid settling rate is crucial as it affects the amount of pumping required
for the appropriate level of suspension to be achieved, therefore impacting the
configuration of the mixer.
For example, if the particle size of two products is the same and the specific gravity of
the solids is different, the solids with the higher specific gravity will have a higher settling
rate and in turn will require a larger mixer for suspension.
Suspension Quality
Bottom: Wh
en the
degree of
achieves 2x
the settling
rate, it raises
the solids off
the bottom
prevents a
settled bed
collecting at
the bottom
of the tank.
This is ideal
pumping the
slurry out is
required, but
is not
When the
degree of
achieves3x t
he settling
rate, it
that is
suitable for
Top Draw-
Off: When
the degree
of pumping
achieves 6xt
he settling
rate, it
engages the
entire tank
and allows
top draw-off.
This is ideal
where the
product is
drawn from
the top of
the tank or
in overflow
Each level of suspension quality depends on complex interactions of impeller generated
flow, turbulence, and solid loading. Although there are multiple factors to consider in
solid/liquid systems, mixer configuration for this process always begins with impeller
Mixer Configuration
The rate of the flow in a tank needs to be greater than the solid settling rate, and the
level of annular velocity achieved will determine the suspension quality created in the
As you can see, calculating and communicating the specific gravity of each of your
mixing fluids to our sales engineers leads to the configuration of a mixer that will
achieve great mixing results.
There is an art to configuring a mixer that will optimize the results of an application.
Selecting a mixer based solely on horsepower or RPM requirements can produce less
than optimal results, and even damage your product through excessive shear.
As we discussed in an earlier post, we first need to understand the 4 Factors for
Configuring a Mixer, which are:
1. Drive
2. Mount
3. Shaft
4. Impeller
With each of these segments, there are a number of important considerations to enable
optimal configuration of the mixer.
An industrial mixer’s drive typically consists of a motor with the appropriate horsepower
and a gearbox with the correct torque capacity.
The agitator motor needs to be sized to meet requirements for appropriate horsepower.
Most agitators come with electric motors, but on smaller-size applications, air and
hydraulic motors are used as well.
Any gearbox can function for a drive but it is preferable to have a unit that has been
modified or designed specifically for agitator service.
On a low speed shaft, heavy-duty bearings should be used to handle the increased
stress and overhung loads.
To learn more about the benefits of gear reduction and the differences
between air and electric motors, check out our related posts:
2. Mounting
The mount on a mixer is determined by multiple factors. The basic starting points to
assess mounting requirements are:
Determining whether your tank is open or closed, cylindrical or square, the size of the
space allowance in the mixing area – are important factors in which mount type will be
selected for your mixer configuration.
Dynamix has a variety of options available for tanks of all sizes, drums, and totes,
including bridge, clamp, plate, flange, pedestal, and side entry mounts.
Dig a little deeper into the variety of mounting options, read our
related post:
3. Mixer Shaft
The shaft of a mixer is fitted according to your tank size, but there are several important
considerations to take in to account. Considerations for shaft selection include: Shear
and Tensile Stress, and Critical Speed
Shaft stresses are based on the level of torque produced by the drive, and positioning of
the turbines on the shaft, which are factored based on the requirement of the process.
Dynamix uses service factors on its shafts to ensure a rugged long-lasting mixer design.
Critical Speed
The other factor to consider is the critical speed or natural harmonic of the shaft. All
shaft assemblies on our Industrial Agitators are designed to operate well below the first
critical speed (CS).
4. Impellers
An impeller is a crucial part of mixer optimization. Since it is the component that does
the actual mixing and produces the desired result, it must be designed and sized to
maximize efficiency.
Factors to consider include the size and design of the impeller, the type of flow desired,
and the size and shape of the mixing tank.
Impeller Types
There are many types of impellers, these are examples of some standard types:
Radial Blade – Primarily used to provide shear in gas dispersion and for low liquid level
mixing with a radial flow.
Propeller – Typically used today on small high-speed portable mixers because their cost
increases exponentially with size.
Pitched Blade – The workhorse of the mining industry. It has high pumping rates and is
an excellent mixing impeller.
Airfoil Blade – The most efficient mixing blade when it comes to pumping because it
utilizes laminar flow to decrease drag and increase pumping/mixing.
To learn more about impellers and flow patterns, check out our related