Alimentary Canal of Human

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Alimentary canal of human

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Alimentary canal in human
 1. Oral cavity till anal orifice.
 2. Assosciated Glands.
 Oral Cavity
 Contents of the oral cavity are:
tongue, teeth and the salivary glands,
which empty their secretory products
into the oral cavity.
Oral cavity
 Is lined with stratified squamous
epithelium to protect the mouth
from the effect of food
 Soft palate, floor of the mouth, lips,
and cheeks are lined with non-
keratinized epithelium
 Lamina propria contains many
diffuse salivary glands
The Tongue
 It consists of skeletal muscle
fibers concerned with change
in tongue shape
 The tongue is attached to
nearby bony structures to
move the tongue in various
 It is covered by different types
of papillae
Tongue Papillae
 They are four types:
 With the exception of
filiform, they contain taste
buds for taste sensation
 Taste bud consists of
sensory cells, supporting
cells, and basal cells
 Von Ebner glands
 Lingual Papilla
 Papillae are elevations of the oral
epithelium and lamina propria that assume
various forms and functions.
 Filiform papillae have an elongated conical
shape; they are quite numerous and are
present over the entire surface of the
tongue. Their epithelium, which does not
contain taste buds, is keratinized.
 Fungiform papillae resemble
mushrooms.These papillae, which contain
scattered taste buds on their upper
surfaces, are irregularly interspersed
among the filiform papillae.
 Foliate papillae are poorly developed in
humans. They consist of two or more
parallel ridges and furrows on the
dorsolateral surface of the tongue and
contain many taste buds.
 Circumvallate papillae are 7–12 extremely
large circular papillae whose flattened
surfaces extend above the other papillae.
They are distributed in the V region in the
posterior portion of the tongue.
 Numerous serous (von Ebner's) glands drain
their contents into the deep groove that
encircles the periphery of each papilla
Taste Buds
 Cells that form the taste bud can

functionally be divided into three groups:

Sensory cells,
Supporting (or sustentacular) cells
 Basal cells (regenerate the two other
cell types)
Taste buds are also found in the palate,
in the pharynx and larynx.
 There are 20 deciduous
 There are 32 permanent
 Each tooth consists of :
Enamel (ameloblasts)
Periodontal ligament
Root canal
CS of Alimentary canal (General)
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Histology of GIT
 Schematic diagram showing different layers of
1. Mucosa
2. Submucosa
3. Muscularis
4. Serosa
Consists of:
 Lining epithelium made of
simple columnar epithelium
 It sits on a basement
 Lamina propria made of loose
connective tissue full of
macrophges and lymphocytes
 Muscularis mucosae separate
mucosa from submucosa
contraction of which leads to
increase contact of epithelium
with food
 Consists of a layer of .
dense connective tissue
 Rich in blood vessels
 Contains submucosal
nerve plexuses
 Some times it may
contain mucus glands
 Generally, it consists of 2
layers of smooth muscle
 Inner circular and outer
 Myenteric nerve plexuses
are distributed between
the two muscle layers
 With the submucosal
nerve plexuses, they help
propel and mixing the
 It is a layer of loose  .
connective tissue
covered by a layer of
simple squamous
epithelium called
 It contains the lymphatic
and blood vessels of the
GI tract and fat tissue
Functions of the GIT
 Selective permeability
 Transport and food digestion
 Absorption of food
 Secretion of hormones and enzymes of digestion
 Production of mucus for lubrication and moisturizing
ingested food
 Immunity
 Epithelial lining is divided into 2 types:
 1. Masticatory epithelium covers
(tongue, gingivae and hard palate).
 The epithelium is keratinized St. Sq Epi. .
 2. Lining epithelium, i.e. non-keratinised
St. Sq Epi. covers the remaining surfaces
of the oral cavity.
 Consists of four layers
 Lining epithelium is stratified
squamous non-keratinized
 Eosophageal submucus gland
 Eosopageal cardiac glands
 Muscular layer
 Covering serosa and adventitia
 Parts of the esophagus
Upper part
Middle part
Lower part

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