Challenge:: Improving Productivity and Reducing Dross Production A T Reynolds Metals Company
Challenge:: Improving Productivity and Reducing Dross Production A T Reynolds Metals Company
Challenge:: Improving Productivity and Reducing Dross Production A T Reynolds Metals Company
Production CMP-101
Improving Productivity and Reducing Dross Production a t
Reynolds Metals Company
Background M i x i n g i s o n e of the
more important
The primary aluminum industry relies o p e r a t i o n s a n d is
o n b a u x i t e as-its primary source of performed almost
aluminum. Iiowever, today there is continuously in the
an increasing trend toward remeltivg reverberatory
aluminum scrap rather than obtaining furnace. Its purpose
aluminum from the reduction of is to e n s u r e u n i f o r m
bauxite. This results in significant composition and to
energy savings as it requires 25 t i m e s immerse light scrap
as much electrical energy to produce into the melt to
aluminurn from bauxite compared to reduce oxidation. It
simply remelting scrap. Scrap generally i s accom-
available for remelting ranges from plished by injecting
"home" (in-house) scrap, "new" nitrogen gas or b y
(prompt industrial) scrap to "old or use of mechanical
obsolete" (post consumer) scrap. means such as rakes
Also, sizable quantities of a l u m i n u m and impeller pumps.
ingot are also being melted.
The majority of smelting of aluminum stirrers have been in
takes place in reverberatory furnaces operation in the Figure 7. Reynolds Metals Company's aluminum
and, in the case of small operations, aluminum industry melting furnace with electromagnetic stirring.
in rotary furnaces. Most reverberatory for several years but
furnaces are fired by natural gas or their incorporation
oil; however, there are electric radiant into melter operations has been slow ElectroMagnetic Stirrer (EMS) i s
energy furnaces in use. The rever- to develop. The first installation of water cooled and is mounted under
beratory furnace ranges in capacity electromagnetic stirring on a rever- the furnace bottom and has no
f r o m 15 to 100 tons. In this type of beratory melter for aluminum scrap contact with the furnace, see Figure 1
furnace, raw materials (ingot, scrap, w a s m a d e i n 1968 at Kaiser Alumi- The furnace bottom plate, in front of
and molten metal) are usually num, Trentwood, Washington. the stirrer, is made of nonmagnetic
introduced into a charging well However, very little has been reported material, normally stainless steel, to
containing molten metal at one end of about-the results and benefits to be allow the magnetic field to penetrate
the furnace. The smelting or melting obtained by this technology. into the melt. The linear motor
operation can consist of several steps inductor installed under the furnace
depending upon the product to be
prodt::ed. These steps include 1)
Reynolds EMS Installation bottom provides a low-frequency,
moving magnetic field. This, in turn,
charging the raw material; 2) adding Recognizing the potential benefits to causes an induction current to flow
fluxing agents to retard oxidation; 3) be gained from electromagnetic which acts with the magnetic field or
adding alloying agents; 4 ) mixing; 5) stirring, Reynolds Metals Company flux to induce an electromagnetic
demagging to remove magnesium; 6 ) e q u i p p e d o n e o f the melters at their force or thrust in the molten alumi-
skimming dross or oxide; and 7 ) new casthouse facility in Muscle n u m . As a result, a stirring action
degassing. Shoals, Alabama with an ABB takes place in the moltzn bath.
Induction Stirring unit. The ABB
Results of EMS Evaluation With the shorter melting times for
Evaluation of EMS Melter A, the total cycle time or
The EMS was installed at the A total of 14 cycles was observed for process time was also shorter as a
Reynolds Plant in mid-year 1991 and Melter A and 17 cycles for Melter B. result of EMS and thus Melter A had
shortly thereafter a study was initiated In the majority of the cycles consider- greater productivity than Melter B.
by the plant to determine the effect ably more solid aluminum than The melt rates for Melter A ranged
of electromagnetic stirring on dross molten feed was charged into both approximately from 15 t o 40 tons/hr
generation and melting rates. Mr. melters, the average ratio being resulting in process rates of 15 to 30
Antonio F. Saavedra of Reynolds approximately 3/1. There were very tons/hr. By comparison melter B rates
was responsible for the evaluation few instances in which a mostly ranged from about5 tons/hr to20
and the information reported in molten charge was used. The results tons/hr yielding process rates that
this TechApplication is the work of the study showed that the average ranged from3 t o 12 tons/hr.
of Mr. Saavedra. For this study, t w o cycle time for MelterB, without EMS,
furnaces processing 3104 aluminum was 50% longer than for MelterA, The data developed on dross produc-
can stock alloy were choosen, one with EMS, during the evaluation tion showed that MelterA with EMS
with the EMS (Melter A) .and the period. Also, it took 75% more time generally produced about 37% less
other without theEMS (Melter B). to complete the meltingphase in the dross than Melter B without theEMS.
The charge to thefurnaces consisted furnace without EMS compared to
of solid aluminum (scrap) and molten the furnace with EMS. Benefits of EMS
aluminum from primary production.
Melting times as a function of the The following benefits were realized
In the melting operation the elapsed
melting rates is shown in Figure 2. by Reynolds Metalson comparing
time between charging the furnace
It is evident that the furnace with melters with and without electromag-
and transferring the molten metal to
EMS achieved higher melt rates for netic stirring. They include:
the holding furnace is referred to in
comparable charge weights. Further, Melt times are shorter for furnaces
casthouse terminology as a "drop"
Melter A had melting rates ranging equipped with electromagnetic
but in this case the term "cycle" will
f r o m 15 tons/hr to nearly 4O'tonslhr stirrers.
be-used. The total cycle time was the
interval between initial charge to the
furnace and the moment when the
resulting in melting times ranging
f r o m 2 t o 5 hours. Melter B meltrates - Melters equipped withEMS achieve
significantly higher melt rates
ranged from 10 t o 20 tons/hr resulting
metal was transferred to the holding resulting in increased productivity
furnace. Another criteria used in the
study was "melting time" which was
in melting times ranging from4 to 8
hours. It is interesting to note that - Dross production is significantlv
lower for melters with EMS.
the benefits of EMS are not obtained
the elapsed time between initial
if the meltrates are low and conse-
charging to the furnace and the time
quently have long melting times.
a t which the bath thermocouple was
inserted into the molten bath signal-
ing a uniform melt temperature and Reynolds Metals Companyis afully
the completion of melting. integrated global manufacturer,
distributor, and marketer of value-
Melting of aluminum results in the added aluminum products. Reynolds
formation of aluminum oxide or (the Worldsthird largest aluminum
company) is engaged in bauxite
"dross" on the surface of the molten mining, alumina refining, and the
bath. The dross can entrap aluminum production of primary and reclaimed
droplets and consequently increase aluminum. The company produces
metal loss and decrease yield. In calcined petroleum coke and carbon
order to compare theeffect of EMS on " I
J anodes used in aluminum smelting.
Reynolds also produces a broad
dross generation, the dross was 0 10 20 30 40 50
Melt Rate (ton/hr)
range of plastic products.
skimmed from the melter furnaces
into preweighed cast iron pots and Principal fabricated products include
Figure 2. Comparison of Melting Rates flexible packaging materials,
the weight of dross determined.
and Resulting Melting Times. Courtesy of products for the foodservice market.
Reynolds Metals Company Reynolds brand and private-label
consumer products for home food
management including Reynolds
Wrap, beverage cans, aircraft and
For technical information contact: This TechApplication was written by automotive components, building
Bob Schmitt, Associate Directorat and constructive materials, sheet and
CMP with valuable contributions from plate, extruded aluminum shapes,
Antonio F. Saavedra of Reynolds aluminum-based powders, pastes,
Metals Company and PatrickJ. and chemicals.
Hanley, Marketing and Sales Manager The company began operations 75
The EPRl for ABB Industrial Systems Inc. Edited years ago in Louisville, Ky., as the
Center for by John Kollar, CMP. U.S. Foil Company. Today, Reynolds
and its affiliates operate more than
Materials For additionalcopies of this 100 manufacturing facilities and 24
Production TechApplication, Call ECAC 4 1-800- service centers in 22 nations. The
4320-AMP. company employs approximately
29,000 people.
Carnegie Mellon Research Institute Applicable SIC Codes: 3334,
700 Technology Drive 3339.3341.3361
P.0.Box 2950 TechApplication/CMP-lOl/TA-l05385
Pittsburgh, PA 15230-2950 0 1995 Electric Power Research Institute,
4412-268-3243FAX: 412-268-6852 Inc. All rights reserved. Printed 9/95 (@ Printed on recycled paper