Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics
Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics
Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics
Recent successes illustrate the role of mass spectrometry-based proteomics as an indispensable tool for
molecular and cellular biology and for the emerging field of systems biology. These include the study of
protein–protein interactions via affinity-based isolations on a small and proteome-wide scale, the mapping of
numerous organelles, the concurrent description of the malaria parasite genome and proteome, and the
generation of quantitative protein profiles from diverse species. The ability of mass spectrometry to identify
and, increasingly, to precisely quantify thousands of proteins from complex samples can be expected to
impact broadly on biology and medicine.
roteomics in general deals with the large-scale hope that this article captures the excitement of recent
determination of gene and cellular function achievements in MS-based proteomics, and points the way
directly at the protein level. But as the towards the direction future developments will likely take.
accompanying articles in this issue describe,
the field is a collection of various technical Principles and instrumentation
disciplines, all of which contribute to proteomics. These Mass spectrometric measurements are carried out in the gas
include cell imaging by light and electron microscopy, phase on ionized analytes. By definition, a mass spectrome-
array and chip experiments, and genetic readout ter consists of an ion source, a mass analyser that measures
experiments, as exemplified by the yeast two-hybrid assay. the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of the ionized analytes, and a
Another powerful proteomic approach focuses on the de detector that registers the number of ions at each m/z value.
novo analysis of proteins or protein populations isolated Electrospray ionization (ESI) and matrix-assisted laser
from cells or tissues. Such studies typically pose challenges desorption/ionization (MALDI) are the two techniques
owing to the high degree of complexity of cellular most commonly used to volatize and ionize the proteins or
proteomes and the low abundance of many of the peptides for mass spectrometric analysis2,3. ESI ionizes the
proteins, which necessitates highly sensitive analytical analytes out of a solution and is therefore readily coupled to
techniques. Mass spectrometry (MS) has increasingly liquid-based (for example, chromatographic and
become the method of choice for analysis of complex electrophoretic) separation tools (Fig. 1). MALDI subli-
protein samples. MS-based proteomics is a discipline mates and ionizes the samples out of a dry, crystalline matrix
made possible by the availability of gene and genome via laser pulses. MALDI-MS is normally used to analyse
sequence databases and technical and conceptual advances relatively simple peptide mixtures, whereas integrated
in many areas, most notably the discovery and liquid-chromatography ESI-MS systems (LC-MS) are
development of protein ionization methods, as recognized preferred for the analysis of complex samples.
by the 2002 Nobel prize in chemistry. The mass analyser is, literally and figuratively, central to
Here we survey the state of the field, particularly as it has the technology. In the context of proteomics, its key parame-
evolved over the three years since the last review in these ters are sensitivity, resolution, mass accuracy and the ability
pages1. Already, many of the dreams of the discipline have at to generate information-rich ion mass spectra from peptide
least been partly realized. MS-based proteomics has fragments (tandem mass or MS/MS spectra) (see Fig. 1 and
established itself as an indispensable technology to interpret refs 1,4,5). There are four basic types of mass analyser cur-
the information encoded in genomes. So far, protein rently used in proteomics research. These are the ion trap,
analysis (primary sequence, post-translational modifica- time-of-flight (TOF), quadrupole and Fourier transform
tions (PTMs) or protein–protein interactions) by MS has ion cyclotron (FT-MS) analysers. They are very different in
been most successful when applied to small sets of proteins design and performance, each with its own strength and
isolated in specific functional contexts. The systematic weakness. These analysers can be stand alone or, in some
analysis of the much larger number of proteins expressed in cases, put together in tandem to take advantage of the
a cell, an explicit goal of proteomics, is now also rapidly strengths of each (Fig. 2).
advancing, due mainly to the development of new experi- In ion-trap analysers, the ions are first captured or
mental approaches. ‘trapped’ for a certain time interval and are then subjected to
Today, proteomics still remains a multifaceted, rapidly MS or MS/MS analysis. Ion traps are robust, sensitive and
developing and open-ended endeavour. Although it has relatively inexpensive, and so have produced much of the
enjoyed tremendous recent success, proteomics still faces proteomics data reported in the literature. A disadvantage of
significant technical challenges. Each breakthrough that ion traps is their relatively low mass accuracy, due in part to
either allows a new type of measurement or improves the the limited number of ions that can be accumulated at their
quality of data made by traditional types of measurements point-like centre before space-charging distorts their
expands the range of potential applications of MS to molec- distribution and thus the accuracy of the mass measure-
ular and cellular biology. Indeed, this field is already too ment. The ‘linear’ or ‘two-dimensional ion trap’6,7 is an
expansive for a comprehensive, single review; thus we apol- exciting recent development where ions are stored in a
ogize in advance for the many omissions. However, we do cylindrical volume that is considerably larger than that of
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sections are separated by a collision cell (‘TOF-TOF instrument’)13,
(1) Sample SDS– Excised (2) Trypsin Peptide
whereas in the second, the hybrid quadrupole TOF instrument, the
fractionation PAGE proteins digestion mixture collision cell is placed between a quadrupole mass filter and a TOF
analyser14. Ions of a particular m/z are selected in a first mass analyser
(TOF or quadrupole), fragmented in a collision cell and the fragment
ion masses are ‘read out’ by a TOF analyser. These instruments have
high sensitivity, resolution and mass accuracy, and the quadrupole
TOF instrument can be used interchangeably with an ESI ionization
source. The resulting fragment ion spectra are often more extensive
and informative than those generated in trapping instruments.
Although TOF, ion-trap and hybrid TOF instruments dominate
(3) Peptide q1 q2 proteomics today, other configurations including linear ion traps and
and ESI FT-MS instruments could become widespread in the near future.
As a result of its simplicity, excellent mass accuracy, high
resolution and sensitivity, MALDI-TOF is still much used to identify
proteins by what is known as peptide mapping, also referred to as
(4) MS (5) MS/MS peptide-mass mapping or peptide-mass fingerprinting. In this
200 method, proteins are identified by matching a list of experimental
Intensity (arbitrary units)
516.27 (2+)
400 peptide masses with the calculated list of all peptide masses of each
y7 y8 entry in a database (for example, a comprehensive protein database).
100 a2 S Q AA E L L
Because mass mapping requires an essentially purified target
200 516.27 (2+) protein, the technique is commonly used in conjunction with prior
y5 y6
b2 y4
protein fractionation using either one- or two-dimensional gel
y3 y9 electrophoresis (1DE and 2DE, respectively). The addition of
400 600 800
200 600 1000
sequencing capability to the MALDI method should make protein
m/z m/z identifications by MALDI-MS/MS more specific than those obtained
by simple peptide-mass mapping (see below). It should also extend
Figure 1 Generic mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics experiment. The typical the use of MALDI to the analysis of more complex samples, thereby
proteomics experiment consists of five stages. In stage 1, the proteins to be analysed uncoupling MALDI-MS from 2DE. However, if MALDI-MS/MS is
are isolated from cell lysate or tissues by biochemical fractionation or affinity selection. to be used with peptide chromatography, the effluent of a liquid
This often includes a final step of one-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and defines the chromatography run must be deposited on a sample plate and mixed
‘sub-proteome’ to be analysed. MS of whole proteins is less sensitive than peptide MS with the MALDI matrix, a process that has thus far proven difficult to
and the mass of the intact protein by itself is insufficient for identification. Therefore, automate. In general, it can be expected that the trend towards the
proteins are degraded enzymatically to peptides in stage 2, usually by trypsin, leading combination of liquid chromatography with ESI- or MALDI-
to peptides with C-terminally protonated amino acids, providing an advantage in MS/MS (Fig. 1) will continue.
subsequent peptide sequencing. In stage 3, the peptides are separated by one or more Protein identifications using peptide CID spectra are more clear-
steps of high-pressure liquid chromatography in very fine capillaries and eluted into an cut than those achieved by mass mapping because, in addition to the
electrospray ion source where they are nebulized in small, highly charged droplets. peptide mass, the peak pattern in the CID spectrum also provides
After evaporation, multiply protonated peptides enter the mass spectrometer and, in information about peptide sequence. This information is not readily
stage 4, a mass spectrum of the peptides eluting at this time point is taken (MS1 convertible into a full, unambiguous peptide sequence, that is, the ‘de
spectrum, or ‘normal mass spectrum’). The computer generates a prioritized list of novo’ sequencing problem via MS is still not generally solved. Instead,
these peptides for fragmentation and a series of tandem mass spectrometric or the CID spectra are scanned against comprehensive protein sequence
‘MS/MS’ experiments ensues (stage 5). These consist of isolation of a given peptide databases using one of a number of different algorithms, each with its
ion, fragmentation by energetic collision with gas, and recording of the tandem or strengths and weaknesses. The ‘peptide sequence tag’ approach
MS/MS spectrum. The MS and MS/MS spectra are typically acquired for about one extracts a short, unambiguous amino acid sequence from the peak
second each and stored for matching against protein sequence databases. The pattern that, when combined with the mass information, is a
outcome of the experiment is the identity of the peptides and therefore the proteins specific probe to determine the origin of the peptide15. In the
making up the purified protein population. cross-correlation method, peptide sequences in the database are
used to construct theoretical mass spectra and the overlap or ‘cross-
correlation’ of these predicted spectra with the measured mass
the traditional, three-dimensional ion traps, allowing increased spectra determines the best match16. In the third main approach,
sensitivity, resolution and mass accuracy. The FT-MS instrument is ‘probability based matching’, the calculated fragments from peptide
also a trapping mass spectrometer, although it captures the ions sequences in the database are compared with observed peaks. From
under high vacuum in a high magnetic field. Its strengths are high this comparison a score is calculated which reflects the statistical
sensitivity, mass accuracy, resolution and dynamic range8–11. But in significance of the match between the spectrum and the sequences
spite of the enormous potential, the expense, operational complexity contained in a database17.
and low peptide-fragmentation efficiency of FT-MS instruments has In each of these methods the identified peptides are compiled
limited their routine use in proteomics research. into a protein ‘hit list’, which is the output of a typical proteomic
MALDI is usually coupled to TOF analysers that measure the mass experiment. Because protein identifications rely on matches with
of intact peptides, whereas ESI has mostly been coupled to ion traps sequence databases, high-throughput proteomics is currently
and triple quadrupole instruments and used to generate fragment ion restricted largely to those species for which comprehensive sequence
spectra (collision-induced (CID) spectra) of selected precursor ions4. databases are available.
More recently, new configurations of ion sources and mass analysers
have found wide application for protein analysis. To allow the Protein identification and quantification
fragmentation of MALDI-generated precursor ions, MALDI ion No method or instrument exists that is capable of identifying and
sources have recently been coupled to quadrupole ion-trap mass spec- quantifying the components of a complex protein sample in a simple,
trometers12 and to two types of TOF instruments. In the first, two TOF single-step operation. Rather, individual components for separating,
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Time-of-flight e
time-of-flight (TOF-TOF) TOF2 Ion trap
Figure 2 Mass spectrometers used in proteome research. The left and right upper stable trajectory only for ions of a particular desired m/z. Again, ions of a particular m/z
panels depict the ionization and sample introduction process in electrospray ionization are selected in a first section (Q1), fragmented in a collision cell (q2), and the fragments
(ESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI). The different instrumental separated in Q3. In the linear ion trap, ions are captured in a quadruple section, depicted
configurations (a–f) are shown with their typical ion source. a, In reflector time-of-flight by the red dot in Q3. They are then excited via resonant electric field and the fragments
(TOF) instruments, the ions are accelerated to high kinetic energy and are separated are scanned out, creating the tandem mass spectrum. d, The quadrupole TOF
along a flight tube as a result of their different velocities. The ions are turned around in a instrument combines the front part of a triple quadruple instrument with a reflector TOF
reflector, which compensates for slight differences in kinetic energy, and then impinge on section for measuring the mass of the ions. e, The (three-dimensional) ion trap captures
a detector that amplifies and counts arriving ions. b, The TOF-TOF instrument the ions as in the case of the linear ion trap, fragments ions of a particular m/z, and then
incorporates a collision cell between two TOF sections. Ions of one mass-to-charge (m/z) scans out the fragments to generate the tandem mass spectrum. f, The FT-MS
ratio are selected in the first TOF section, fragmented in the collision cell, and the masses instrument also traps the ions, but does so with the help of strong magnetic fields. The
of the fragments are separated in the second TOF section. c, Quadrupole mass figure shows the combination of FT-MS with the linear ion trap for efficient isolation,
spectrometers select by time-varying electric fields between four rods, which permit a fragmentation and fragment detection in the FT-MS section.
identifying and quantifying the polypeptides as well as tools for gel-separated proteins. In the many reports using this technology,
integrating and analysing all the data must be used in concert. Out of a largely the same proteins were identified repeatedly, irrespective of
bewildering multitude of techniques and instruments, two main tracks the system studied, which suggests limited dynamic range of
can be identified. The first, and most commonly used, is a combination 2DE-based proteomics. Systematic studies of the budding yeast
of 2DE and MS. The second track combines limited protein Saccharomyces cerevisiae indeed revealed that typically only the most
purification with the more recently developed techniques of automat- abundant proteins can be observed by this method19. Incremental
ed peptide MS/MS and, if accurate quantification is desired, stable- improvements in 2DE technology, including more sensitive staining
isotope tagging of proteins or peptides. In either track a suitable data methods20,21, large-format higher resolving gels22 and sample frac-
processing, storage and visualization infrastructure needs to be tionation prior to 2DE have alleviated, but not eliminated, these and
developed, if the platform is intended for high-throughput operation. other shortcomings of the 2DE/MS approach.
In the first track, the proteins in a sample are separated by 2DE, Studying major histocompatibility complex class I-associated
stained, and each observed protein spot is quantified by its staining peptides, a natural and complex peptide library, Hunt and colleagues
intensity. Selected spots are excised, digested and analysed by MS. pioneered the use of LC-MS/MS for the analysis of complex peptide
Sophisticated pattern-matching algorithms as well as interpretation mixtures and it is this method that is today at the core of MS-based
by skilled researchers are required to relate the 2DE patterns to each proteomics23. However, before LC-MS/MS could be used both for the
other in order to detect characteristic patterns and differences among identification of protein mixtures and for quantitative proteomic
samples. 2DE has been a mature technique for more than 25 years and experiments, a number of technical issues had to be addressed.
was the first technique capable of supporting the concurrent quanti- First, single-dimension peptide chromatography does not provide
tative analysis of large numbers of gene products. In fact, many of the sufficient peak capacity to separate peptide mixtures as complex as
principles now commonly used for global, quantitative analysis of those generated by the proteolysis of protein mixtures of, for
messenger RNA expression patterns, such as clustering algorithms example, total cell lysates. Second, in both MALDI- and ESI-MS, the
and multivariate statistics, were developed in the context of 2DE18. relationship between the amount of analyte present and measured
Peptide-mass mapping by MALDI-TOF and peptide sequencing signal intensity is complex and incompletely understood. Mass
by ESI-MS/MS have become highly efficient at the identification of spectrometers are therefore inherently poor quantitative devices.
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Protein labelling
labelled metabolically by culturing cells in media that are
isotopically enriched (for example, containing 15N salts, or
C-labelled amino acids) or isotopically depleted. b, Proteins are
labelled at specific sites with isotopically encoded reagents. The
reagents can also contain affinity tags, allowing for the selective Digest
isolation of the labelled peptides after protein digestion. The use
of chemistries of different specificity enables selective tagging
of classes of proteins containing specific functional groups.
c, Proteins are isotopically tagged by means of enzyme-catalysed Digest
incorporation of 18O from 18O water during proteolysis. Each
peptide generated by the enzymatic reaction carried out in heavy
Data collection
water is labelled at the carboxy terminal. In each case, labelled
proteins or peptides are combined, separated and analysed by
mass spectrometry and/or tandem mass spectrometry for the
purpose of identifying the proteins contained in the sample and
Mass spectrometry
determining their relative abundance. The patterns of isotopic
mass differences generated by each method are indicated Light
schematically. The mass difference of peptide pairs generated by Heavy
metabolic labelling is dependent on the amino acid composition
Data analysis
of the peptide and is therefore variable. The mass difference
generated by enzymatic 18O incorporation is either 4 Da or 2 Da,
making quantitation difficult. The mass difference generated by
chemical tagging is one or multiple times the mass difference m/z m/z m/z
encoded in the reagent used.
Third, the amount of data collected by the method is huge and its only by the creativity of the chemist synthesizing suitable reagents.
analysis daunting. We therefore expect that new reagents will make many different types
Substantial progress has been achieved in each of these areas, of ‘sub-proteomes’ accessible to quantitative analysis. Recently, a
resulting in the emergence of increasingly robust and productive method called ‘stable-isotope labelling with amino acids in cell
platforms. To provide more peak capacity, various combinations of culture’, or SILAC, has been described40. In this method, one cell state
protein and peptide separation schemes have been explored. Most is metabolically labelled by, for example, 13C-labelled arginine.
popular at present are two-dimensional (strong cation Potentially all peptides can be labelled and the absence of any chemi-
exchange/reversed phase)24,25 or three-dimensional (strong cation cal steps make the method easy to apply as well as compatible with
exchange/avidin/reversed phase)26 chromatographic separations of multistage purification procedures.
peptide mixtures generated by tryptic digestion of protein samples A current challenge for high-throughput proteomics is to use CID
that are frequently pre-fractionated by 1DE. Several studies suggest database search results from large numbers of peptide CID spectra to
that, in principle, these methods are capable of detecting proteins of derive a list of identified peptides and their corresponding proteins.
very low abundance, although considerable effort is required and a This task entails distinguishing correct peptide assignments from
sufficient amount of starting protein sample must be available27,28. false identifications among database search results. In the case of
However, no proteome has yet been completely analysed and, for lack small data sets, this can be achieved by researchers with expertise in
of a suitable reference, it will be difficult to determine when that mile- spectral interpretation, manually verifying the peptide assignments
stone has been achieved. to spectra made by database search programs. Such a time-consum-
To add a quantitative dimension to peptide LC-MS/MS experi- ing approach is not feasible for high-throughput analysis of large data
ments, the proven technique of stable-isotope dilution has been sets containing tens of thousands of spectra, or when expertise is not
applied. This method makes use of the facts that pairs of chemically available.
identical analytes of different stable-isotope composition can be Alternatively, researchers can attempt to separate the correct from
differentiated in a mass spectrometer owing to their mass difference, incorrect peptide assignments by applying filtering criteria based
and that the ratio of signal intensities for such analyte pairs accurately upon database search scores and other available data25,26,28. However,
indicates the abundance ratio for the two analytes (Fig. 3). To this the rates of false identifications that result from such filters are not
end, stable-isotope tags have been introduced to proteins via known, nor is it known how those rates are affected by mass spec-
metabolic labelling using heavy salts or amino acids29, enzymatically trometer, sample preparation, or spectrum quality. In addition,
via transfer of 18O from water to peptides30,31, or via chemical researchers often use their own preferred filtering criteria, making it
reactions using isotope-coded affinity tags or similar reagents32,33. particularly difficult to compare their results among or even within
Post-isolation chemical isotope tagging of proteins is currently the groups. Consequently, the question of what constitutes an identified
most versatile and most commonly used labelling method. An protein in a LC-MS/MS experiment has been difficult to answer. It is
attractive feature of this approach is that the selectivity of the therefore important that computer programs that use robust and
labelling reactions can be used to direct the isotopes and attached transparent statistical principles to estimate accurate probabilities
affinity tags to specific functional groups or protein classes, thus indicating the likelihood for the presence of a peptide or protein in
enabling their selective isolation and analysis. the sample41,42 are further developed and widely tested and applied.
So far, isotope-tagging chemistries have been described that are The technologies and tools described here are now being
specific for sulphydryl groups32,33, amino groups34, the active sites for combined to create robust platforms for quantitative, high-through-
serine35 and cysteine hydrolases36, for phosphate ester groups37,38 and put proteomics. This effort is aided by the introduction of the
for N-linked carbohydrates39. Site-specific isotope tagging is limited new types of high-performance mass spectrometers discussed
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above. Currently, specialized MS laboratories can easily identify is complex; thus there is great interest in the proteins it expresses in its
and quantify hundreds of proteins per day on a single MS system, and own different stages and in its different host compartments. Illustrat-
rapid advances in sample throughput, sensitivity and accuracy are ing the power and importance of proteomics, the recent genome
projected. project of the malaria parasite was accompanied by two large-scale
proteome efforts. In one of the studies48 the human stages of the
Applying proteomics technology to protein profiling parasite were analysed and a large number of proteins identified in
Protein mixtures of considerable complexity can now be routinely the sexual and non-sexual stages. Quantitation was attempted by
characterized in some depth using the methods described above. One comparing peptide ion currents between stages and by correlation of
measure of technical progress is the number of proteins identified in protein data with RNA quantification by the polymerase chain reac-
each study. Such numbers can now reach into the thousands for suit- tion. After bioinformatic analysis, a set of proteins was selected from
ably complex samples. But to be biologically useful, as opposed to membrane fractions for follow-up as possible stage-specific drug or
simply highlighting analytical features of the methods, large-scale vaccine targets. The study resulted in more than 200 such candidate
proteomic studies need to solve biological questions. In this regard, proteins and generated a large set of ‘orphan’ peptides that were not
MS-based proteomics has interfaced particularly well with three found in the set of predicted proteins, but were mapped onto the
types of biological or clinical questions. The first is the generation of genome, assisting its annotation.
protein–protein linkage maps. The second is the use of protein iden- The other P. falciparum proteomics project analysed mosquito
tification technology to annotate and, if necessary, correct genomic and human stages of the parasite and reported a total of around 2,400
DNA sequences. The third is the use of quantitative methods to identified proteins49. The study revealed unexpected stage specificity
analyse protein expression profiles as a function of cellular state as an of a number of surface proteins and suggested co-expression of new
aid to infer cellular function. proteins with groups of proteins already annotated as stage specific,
The sequences of many mature proteins in higher eukaryotes, helping to place these proteins in a functional context. The study also
after processing and splicing, are often not directly apparent from illustrated the need for transparent statistical tools to improve the
their cognate DNA sequences. Peptide sequence data of sufficient confidence in protein identifications, as a large number, and in
quality provides unambiguous evidence of translation of a particular some cases the majority, of the proteins were identified solely by
gene and can, in principle, differentiate between alternatively spliced single peptides, many of which did not conform to the expected
or translated forms of a protein. Using a combination of MS and gene tryptic cleavage pattern.
chip analysis, a number of proteins that were derived from previously Increasingly, stable-isotope dilution and LC-MS/MS are used to
undetected open-reading frames were found in the yeast genome43 accurately detect changes in quantitative protein profiles and to infer
and previously unknown human genes have also been found by biological function from the observed patterns. Shiio et al.50 identi-
direct searching of the human genome sequence44,45. fied the reduction of stress fibres and focal adhesions as a new cellular
Thus, it might be tempting to systematically analyse the proteins function of the Myc oncogene by comparing protein extracts from
expressed by a cell or tissue, that is, to generate comprehensive Myc+ and Myc– cells. Han et al.26 identified pleiotropic, differentia-
proteome maps. First-generation large-scale proteome maps of tion-induced effects in the microsomal compartment of phorbol
microorganisms such as yeast28 or the bacterium Deinococcus radio- ester-treated HL-60 cells, and a number of studies have also identified
durans11 are examples of such projects and, with products from more previously unknown connections between metabolic processes51,52.
than 60% of the genes identified, the Deinococcus map is at present
the most complete. A recent review46 of the proteomics of human Applying proteomics technology to protein interactions
plasma highlights a number of challenges facing comprehensive The analysis of protein complexes is the third area where MS-based
blood-serum analysis and thus, by implication, other samples from proteomics has had a significant impact. Most proteins exert their
higher eukaryotes. Considering the combinatorial effects of splicing, function by way of protein–protein interactions and enzymes are often
processing and PTMs, plasma is estimated to contain many held in tightly controlled regions of the cell by such interactions. Thus,
thousands to perhaps millions of polypeptide species, spanning a one of the first questions usually asked about a new protein — apart
concentration range of up to 10 orders of magnitude. The fact that from where it is expressed — is to what proteins does it bind? To study
only about 500 proteins have so far been reported47, and very few this question by MS, the protein itself is used as an affinity reagent to
have been quantified, illustrates the need for further technological isolate its binding partners. Compared with two-hybrid and chip-
developments to address these issues. based approaches, this strategy has the advantages that the fully
The more common and versatile use of large-scale MS-based processed and modified protein can serve as the bait, that the interac-
proteomics has been to document the expression of proteins as a tions take place in the native environment and cellular location, and
function of cell or tissue state. We argue that to be meaningful, such that multicomponent complexes can be isolated and analysed in a
data must be at least semi-quantitative and that a simple list of single operation53. However, because many biologically relevant
proteins detected in the different states is insufficient. This is because interactions are of low affinity, transient and generally dependent on
analyses of complex mixtures are often not comprehensive, and the specific cellular environment in which they occur, MS-based meth-
therefore the non-appearance of a particular sequence in the list of ods in a straightforward affinity experiment will detect only a subset of
identified peptides does not indicate that the peptide or protein was the protein interactions that actually occur. Bioinformatics methods,
not originally present in the sample. Additionally, it is often impossi- correlation of MS data with those obtained by other methods, or
ble to prepare a certain cell type, cell fraction or tissue in completely iterative MS measurements possibly in conjunction with chemical
pure form, without trace contaminations of other fractions. And crosslinking54 can often help to further elucidate direct interactions
because the ion current of a peptide is dependent on a multitude of and overall topology of multiprotein complexes.
variables that are difficult to control, this measure is not a good indi- MS-based protein interaction experiments have three essential
cator of peptide abundance. If stable-isotope dilution has not been components: bait presentation, affinity purification of the complex,
used, a rough relative estimate of the quantity of the protein can be and analysis of the bound proteins. Ideally, endogenous proteins can
gained by integrating the ion current of its peptide-mass peaks over serve as bait if an antibody or other reagent exists that allows specific
their elution time and comparing these ‘extracted ion currents’ isolation of the protein with its bound partners. Unfortunately, there
between states, provided that highly accurate and reproducible are currently no comprehensive antibody collections and many cur-
methods are used. rent antibodies do not immunoprecipitate well or lack sufficient
The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum has recently been specificity. A more generic strategy is to ‘tag’ the proteins of interest
subjected to detailed proteomic analysis. The life cycle of the parasite with a sequence readily recognized by an antibody specific for the tag.
202 © 2003 Nature Publishing Group NATURE | VOL 422 | 13 MARCH 2003 |
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To facilitate expression of the tagged protein at close to physiological
levels, the tagged construct is preferably expressed from the promoter a
of its native, untagged counterpart. This can be achieved in a limited
number of species, most notably S. cerevisiae, by using homologous
recombination to replace the endogenous gene in the genome with a
gene coding the tagged protein.
In mammalian cells, where expression of tagged proteins from the
native promoter is more difficult, they are usually expressed after
transient transfection, in stable cell lines generated by traditional
selection, or by recently introduced kits for fast generation of stable
cell lines. Transient or stable transfections usually result in tagged-
protein expression levels that are different from the untagged,
endogenous counterpart. They are therefore prone to artefacts gen-
erated by non-physiological levels of the bait protein. Considerable
efforts have been devoted to developing tagging systems optimized b
for analysis of protein complexes (see review in this issue by Fields
and co-workers, page 208). Tags supporting single-step purification
have the advantage of convenience and yield. Tags supporting two
sequential affinity steps (tandem affinity purification or TAP)
combine two different tags on the same protein, which are normally
separated by an enzyme-cleavable linker sequence.
A popular implementation of this concept consists of a calmod- YFP-PSP1 actinomycin D YFP-PSP1 untreated
ulin-binding domain in series with the immunoglobulin-binding
domain of protein A, the domains being separated by a sequence that c
Others 12%
can be cleaved by a tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease55. The tagged Novel 32%
Chaperones 6%
proteins are bound initially to a solid support modified with Dead box protein 5%
immunoglobulins, recovered by TEV proteolysis and bound to a RNA-modifying enzymes
calmodulin column from which they can be selectively eluted by and related proteins 8%
increased [Ca2+]. TAP tags significantly reduce background noise, Other translation factors 3%
but probably result in the loss of some of the more transient and weak Ribosomal proteins 13%
binding partners during the purification procedure, as the second and nucleic acid-
affinity step essentially causes infinite sample dilution. The binding proteins 21%
identification part of the strategy is similar to the generic protein
identification experiment described above, and essentially all the Figure 4 Organellar proteomics by combined mass spectrometry (MS) and imaging
strategies discussed here have been used for the analysis of protein methods. An organelle is isolated by biochemical methods such as density-gradient
complexes. However, it is clear that the cleaner the initial purifica- centrifugation. a, Scanning electron microscopy shows the result of purification of the
tion, the less challenging the mass spectrometric ‘readout’ becomes. human nucleolus. The organellar proteins are then solubilized, optionally fractionated,
Combining such developments, two large-scale projects have and analysed by the methods described in Fig. 1; this results in a list of proteins that
recently been reported on the protein–protein interaction network in are candidate constituents of the complex. At this stage MS-based proteomics is
yeast. In one of the studies, 1,739 TAP-tagged genes were introduced combined with imaging techniques such as laser confocal scanning fluorescence
into the yeast genome by homologous recombination, 232 stable microscopy of yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-tagged members of the complex.
complexes were isolated and protein constituents were identified by b, The right panel shows localization of one of the new proteins found by proteomics
MALDI peptide mapping after separation by 1DE56. Apart from the to subnuclear structures termed ‘paraspeckles’. The left panel shows that inhibition of
large number of new interactions for known and new yeast proteins, a transcription by actinomycin D leads to reorganization of the nucleoli and
higher-order interaction structure between complexes emerged concentration of the novel protein to cap structures91. c, Functional categorization of
from the data. A similar study used transient transfection to express the proteins in the organelle. More than 400 proteins have been found and can be
FLAG-tagged bait proteins; complexes were isolated by single-step assayed for dynamic localization and biochemical function in the context of the
immunopurification and any attached proteins identified by nucleolus.
automated LC-MS/MS of gel-separated bands57. These experiments
probed the phosphatases, kinases and the DNA-repair network of
yeast specifically, resulting in many interesting signalling connec- experiments, for example, in a ‘complex walking’ strategy in which
tions being made. complexes are tagged and identified sequentially59.
Both studies reported a large number of interacting proteins, and In the future, quantitative methods based on stable-isotope
while groups of selected bait proteins were only partly overlapping, a labelling are likely to revolutionize the study of stable or transient
number of interesting conclusions could be drawn from a compari- interactions and interactions dependent on PTMs. In such
son of the results. First, protein complexes isolated in a single step experiments, accurate quantification by means of stable-isotope
resulted in more complex samples than those isolated by the TAP tag labelling is not used for protein quantification per se; instead the
procedure. Second, surprisingly little overlap of the data was stable-isotope ratios distinguish between the protein composition of
observed when results from similar bait proteins were compared58 two or more protein complexes. In the case of a sample containing a
between the two studies or between the MS and previous yeast two- complex and a control sample containing only contaminating
hybrid studies. Although a variety of technical explanations have proteins (for example, immunoprecipitation with an irrelevant
been advanced to explain this discrepancy, it is important to note that antibody or isolate from a cell devoid of affinity-tagged protein), the
the ‘interactome’ is potentially very large, growing with the square of method can distinguish between true complex components and
the number of proteins involved, and that it remains substantially nonspecifically associated proteins. In the case of complexes isolated
undersampled. Third, both projects reported results consistent with from cells at different states (for example, activated and non-
previous literature for already known complexes. As in other large- activated cells) the method can identify dynamic changes in the
scale projects, higher accuracy can be obtained with more detailed composition of protein complexes60,61.
NATURE | VOL 422 | 13 MARCH 2003 | © 2003 Nature Publishing Group 203
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The ability of quantitative MS to detect specific complex compo- tion spectra via manual or computer-assisted interpretation. For the
nents within a background of nonspecifically associated proteins analysis of some types of PTMs, specific mass spectrometric tech-
increases the tolerance for high background and allows for fewer niques have been developed that scan the peptides derived from a
purification steps and less stringent washing conditions, thus protein for the presence of a particular modification. The analysis of
increasing the chance of finding transient and weak interactions. The regulatory modifications, in particular protein phosphorylation, is
same methods can be used to study the interaction of proteins with complicated by the frequently low stoichiometry, the size and
nucleic acids, small molecules and in fact with any other substrate. ionizability of peptides bearing the modifications, and their
For example, drugs can be used as affinity baits in the same way as fragmentation behaviour in the mass spectrometer (reviewed in
proteins to define their cellular targets, and small molecules such as refs 4,70,71). The analysis of the modification state of a purified pro-
co-factors can be used to isolate interesting ‘sub-proteomes’62. tein therefore remains a challenging analytical endeavour.
MS-based proteomics is not limited to the analysis of complexes Recently, attempts have been made to define modifications on a
consisting of only a few proteins. In fact, some of the most biological- proteome-wide scale. Given the difficulties of identifying all modifi-
ly informative results have come from the analysis of large protein cations even in a single protein, it is clear that, at present, scanning for
complexes — ‘molecular machines’, organelles and subcompart- proteome-wide modifications is not comprehensive. Nevertheless, a
ments of the cell. The first complex analysed in this way was the large amount of biologically useful information can, in principle, be
spliceosome, studied in yeast63 and then in human cells64, closely generated by this approach. One of the strategies used is essentially an
followed by the yeast nuclear pore complex65. Re-analysis of the extension of the approach used to analyse protein mixtures72. Instead
spliceosome using more complete databases and more advanced of searching the database only for non-modified peptides, the
instrumentation has recently been undertaken. In one study, nearly database search algorithm is instructed to also match potentially
300 proteins were found, and evidence from sequence analysis modified peptides. To avoid a ‘combinatorial explosion’ resulting
highlighted a set of 55 novel proteins involved in splicing and RNA from the need to consider all possible modifications for all peptides in
processing66. A similar study, using an elegant RNA tag-based purifi- the database, the experiment is usually divided into identification of a
cation, also discovered many new proteins67. Both studies found set of proteins on the basis of non-modified peptides, followed by
essentially the complete list of known human splicing factors. The searching only these proteins for modified peptides72.
new data encompassed and extended the original results, indicating A more functionally oriented strategy focuses on the search for one
the maturity of MS-based methods for the analysis of such complex type of modification on all the proteins present in a sample. Such
structures. The next challenge will now be to study the dynamics and techniques are based usually on some form of affinity selection that is
assembly of functional protein modules via quantitative proteomics. specific for the modification of interest and which is used to purify the
Numerous other large complexes and organelles have now at least ‘sub-proteome’ bearing this modification. For example, Pandey et al.
been partly characterized by MS68. The limiting factor in such experi- stimulated cells with epidermal growth factor and isolated newly
ments is no longer primarily the analysis, but rather the ability to purify phosphotyrosine-modified proteins using antibodies specific to phos-
such structures to homogeneity. For example, it is very difficult to photyrosine73,74. Efforts to determine the ‘phosphoproteome’ in a single
isolate structures such as the Golgi apparatus and the interpretation of step37,38 have used chemical modification combined with affinity
results from samples of dubious quality and definition is correspond- selection. In a potentially powerful technique, Ficcaro et al.75 esterified
ingly vague. The largest organelle mapped so far is the human peptide mixtures, thereby nullifying negatively charged carboxyl
nucleolus, whose high specific density allows for a simple, efficient groups, and then captured phosphopeptides on metal affinity columns.
purification45 (Fig. 4). By using a variety of mass spectrometric tech- This approach overcomes the low specificity of these columns caused by
niques, more than 400 nucleolar proteins have now been identified in their affinity for any negatively charged peptides and seems to
this structure. Well-characterized proteins identified in this study, but significantly improve the capture of phosphopeptides. Further devel-
not previously known to be associated with nucleolus, raise interesting opment of these and related techniques may allow study of the complete
questions about the function of this organelle, while the identification phosphoproteome in multiprotein complexes and the pattern of the
of a large number of previously uncharacterized gene products places more abundant phosphopeptides in whole cells, a promising approach
many of those in the context of nucleolar function. to study the activation state of whole signalling networks.
At the same time, some of the previously known nucleolar pro- Gygi et al. have used affinity purification to capture the ubiquiti-
teins, such as Werner’s syndrome protein, have not yet been found, nated proteins of yeast cells (ref. 76 and S. P. Gygi, personal
indicating that even this large-scale study is not yet complete. One communication). Over 1,000 such proteins were identified and in
reason for this is that numerous factors, including Werner’s more than 100 cases the site of ubiquitination was determined. These
syndrome protein, exhibit either cell-cycle dependent or facultative results open up the study of ubiquitinated substrates in a cell state-
interactions with nucleoli. Dynamic imaging studies of the nucleus and protein complex-dependent manner.
also make it clear that many of the factors in the nucleolus are Many challenges remain in the large-scale mapping of PTMs, but it
associated only transiently with this organelle69, a fact reflected in the is clear that MS-based proteomics can make a unique contribution in
overlapping ‘cast of characters’ of several nuclear bodies studied. Just this area. For example, systematic quantitative measurements of PTMs
as the single protein/single function concept is turning out to be more by stable-isotope labelling would be of tremendous biological interest.
the exception than the rule, the concept of a single subcellular loca-
tion of a protein may also turn out to be a gross over-simplification. Challenges, expectations and emerging technologies
Proteomics, in particular quantitative proteomics, can be viewed as
Applying proteomics to the analysis of protein modifications an array of biological or clinical assays capable of probing most, if not
Proteins are converted to their mature form through a complicated all, of the proteins in a sample. As proteins are involved in essentially
sequence of post-translational protein processing and ‘decoration’ all biological functions and clinical conditions, MS and proteomics
events. Many of the PTMs are regulatory and reversible, most notably will have an even greater impact on biology and medicine than it has
protein phosphorylation, which controls biological function had so far.
through a multitude of mechanisms. Mass spectrometric methods to Over the past decade, MS of single proteins or protein complexes
determine the type and site of such modifications on single, purified has been successful to the point where it is now considered a main-
proteins have been refined over the past two decades. In this case, stream technology. This technology interfaces particularly well with
peptide mapping with different enzymes is usually used to ‘cover’ as biochemical and cell biological studies for studying specific protein
much of the protein sequence as possible. Protein modifications are functions. The success is built on the proven potential of mass spec-
then determined by examining the measured mass and fragmenta- trometric techniques to rapidly identify almost any protein, to
204 © 2003 Nature Publishing Group NATURE | VOL 422 | 13 MARCH 2003 |
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. tim transcription
Quantitation PTM Interaction
α, β, χ profiles maps, etc.
per transcription (CN)
Complex (C)
per mRNA (MP) PER0 (P0) PER1 (P1) PER2 (P2)
Figure 5 Schematic representation of the systems biology paradigm. Cells are regulatory modifications and protein interaction networks. The data are integrated and
subjected to specific (for example, genetic or pharmacological) perturbations within the reconciled with prior models describing the system studied and discrepancies between
space of the system studied and the effects of the perturbations on the cells are the observed data and the model are used to design new perturbations, which are
recorded using systematic genomic and proteomic methods of analysis. Proteomic data analysed by means of systematic measurements. The process is repeated iteratively
that are particularly informative include quantitative protein profiles, profiles of until model and observed data converge.
analyse that protein for the presence of PTMs, to determine how and statistical methods is a significant limitation of proteomics today. In a
with what other biomolecules that proteins interacts, and even to typical LC-MS/MS experiment, approximately 1,000 CID spectra
gain structural information about the protein from gas-phase can be acquired per hour. Even with the optimistic assumption that
experiments77,78 and from experiments in which mass spectrometric every one of these spectra leads to the successful identification of a
characterization of proteins has interfaced with X-ray crystallogra- peptide, it would take a long time to analyse complete proteomes.
phy79. As analytical methods and instrumentation are improving High-throughput collection of consistently high-quality data there-
constantly, MS can be use to address an increasing number of analyti- fore remains a challenge in proteomics. We have argued that one
cal problems facing biochemists, geneticists and cell biologists. But solution to the problem would be to establish a number of specialized
protein MS does not equal proteomics. The specific objective of and generally accessible data-collection centres81, akin to the beam
proteomics is to concurrently identify, quantify and analyse a large lines used by X-ray crystallographers for protein structural studies.
number of proteins in a functional context. This shift in focus from Such centres would not only generate data of consistent quality for a
the analysis of selected isolated proteins to proteome-wide analyses large number of proteomics projects, but would also serve as dissem-
has a number of profound implications and poses as yet unmet inators of advanced technology.
challenges for every aspect of experimental biology. These include
experimental design, data analysis, visualization and storage, Data analysis, visualization and storage
organization of proteomics research groups and publication of The analysis and interpretation of the enormous volumes of
proteomic data. proteomic data remains an unsolved challenge, particularly for
gel-free approaches. Expert manual analysis is incompatible with the
Experimental design tens of thousands of spectra collected in a single experiment and is
In a typical protein MS experiment, a specific property (for example, inconsistent. Therefore, the development of transparent tools for the
sequence, PTM or interaction) of a partly characterized protein is analysis of proteomic data using statistical principles is a key
examined. In contrast, proteomic experiments often collect large challenge41,42. Only once such tools are tested, validated and widely
amounts of data in the absence of hypotheses concerning specific accepted will it become feasible to apply quality standards for protein
proteins or activities. Proteomic experiments, therefore, have to be identification, quantification and other measurements and to
designed in ways that maximize the likelihood of generating new dis- compare complementary proteomic data sets generated in different
coveries, or at least new testable hypotheses. The technology of gene laboratories. These comparisons will also depend critically on
expression profiling is conceptually similar to proteomic profiling transparent file structures for data storage, communication and
and has demonstrated that more information is better. Although it is visualization. The development of such proteomics tools is still in its
essentially impossible to draw meaningful conclusions from a single infancy.
quantitative gene expression profile, the availability of multiple
profiles from related samples allows the application of statistical Data publication
tools80 to extract signature patterns containing diagnostic or func- The publication of the large data sets generated by proteomic
tional information. Therefore, successful proteomics experiments experiments and the information contained therein poses significant
need to be designed in such a way that they can take advantage of the challenges. At present, most proteomics publications consist of a
power of statistics for data interpretation. To achieve this goal, careful- experimental description, a data table (typically published as supple-
ly controlled repeat studies and the generation of models describing mentary material containing a partially interpreted and validated
the source, magnitude and distribution of errors will be essential. summary of the data) and an in-depth validation and discussion of
one to a few conclusions made from the data. To make publication of
Data collection proteomics data more useful, publishers and journals need to find
Proteomic studies necessarily result in large amounts of data. Data new ways to review large data sets, to validate their contents and to
collection at a volume and quality that is consistent with the use of make the information contained therein electronically searchable;
NATURE | VOL 422 | 13 MARCH 2003 | © 2003 Nature Publishing Group 205
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this problem remains essentially unsolved, despite preliminary atically study all the concurrent physiological processes in a cell or
developments by a few publishers and journals82. tissue by global measurement of differentially perturbed states
In spite of these and other challenges, the impact of proteomics on (Fig. 5). The ultimate goal of systems biology is the integration of data
clinical and biological research is growing rapidly. It seems that from these observations into models that might, eventually,
beyond its great current contribution to cell biology, proteomics may represent and simulate the physiology of the cell88.
have a huge influence on clinical diagnosis. MS-based proteomics Proteomics is an essential component of systems biology research
seems capable of detecting patterns of differentially expressed because proteins are rich in information that has turned out to be
proteins in easily accessible clinical samples such as blood serum. extremely valuable for the description of biological processes. These
These types of analyses have the potential to diagnose the presence include protein abundances, linkage maps to other proteins or to
and stage of many diseases, in particular cancers83. Clinical diagnosis other types of biomolecules including DNA and lipids, activities,
will be further advanced with the advent of mass spectrometers with modification states, subcellular location and more. Unfortunately,
higher mass accuracy, dynamic range and resolution, and with the with the exception of quantitative protein profiles and protein–pro-
ability to identify specific sequences of diagnostic analytes and the tein interactions (keeping in mind the caveats discussed above), none
use of accurate quantification procedures. of these properties can currently be measured systematically,
MS-based proteomics is still an emerging technology where quantitatively and with high throughput. But rapid advances in
revolutionary change is possible. Several concepts have been technology suggest that this limitation may be transient. The few
proposed and are under development that have the potential to alter studies where the same biological system was subjected to different
the landscape of current MS-based proteomic technologies. One of types of systematic measurements already offer insights into the
these is the analysis of intact proteins. The currency of essentially all power of the method. For instance, mRNA expression profiles and
MS-based identifications is peptides. The convergence of mass protein expression profiles seem to be largely complementary and
spectrometers with large mass ranges, extremely high mass accuracy therefore contribute to a more refined description of the system that
and resolution, and ionization/fragmentation methods compatible each observation by itself is unable to provide88.
with large proteins has catalysed the emergence of whole-protein Extrapolating from these limited studies, we expect that
proteomics84. The analysis of whole proteins with high accuracy has combining different genomic and proteomic results obtained from
the potential to distinguish and characterize differentially modified the same biological system will substantially increase our
forms and to provide insights into coordinated modification understanding of complex biological processes. More specifically,
patterns that are difficult to establish by peptide analysis. the systems biology studies based on diverse and high-quality
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imaging85. In this technique, thin tissue sections are directly applied previously unrecognized connections between biochemical
to a MALDI mass spectrometer and, after treating the samples with a processes and modules, and generate new hypotheses that can be
suitable matrix, profiles of the proteins contained in the section are tested either by traditional methods or by the targeted generation of
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