International Finance ASSIGNMENT
International Finance ASSIGNMENT
International Finance ASSIGNMENT
Section A
What do you mean by disequilibrium in balance of payment? Analyze various types of disequilibrium.
It refers to current account of balance of payment. If autonomous receipts are less than autonomous payments,
the balance of payment is in deficit reflecting disequilibrium in balance of payment.
Or in other words, Disequilibrium is a situation where internal and/or external forces prevent market equilibrium
from being reached or cause the market to fall out of balance.
Disequilibrium is when external forces cause a disruption in a market's supply and demand equilibrium. In
response, the market enters a state during which supply and demand are mismatched.
Disequilibrium is caused due to several reasons, from government intervention to labour, market inefficiencies
and unilateral action by a supplier or distributor.
Disequilibrium is generally resolved by the market entering into a new state of equilibrium.
India generally experiences a huge deficit of the balance of payment due to its size. This is all down to the fact
that India requires imported technology, machines, and other resources to run its economy successfully. To know
about a country’s economic stability and sustainability, the balance of payment is the measure. Thus, it is usually
accountable for 1 year. Also, these payments and receipts include outflows and inflows like payments and
receipts. So, in terms of the balance of payment, there is a surplus balance of payment and balance of payment
Importance of Balance of Payment - In terms of the balance of payment, a country has to take care of three types
of items.
o Visible items include various types of physical goods that are imported and exported.
o While invisible items include all the services whose import and export are not visible. This includes medical
services, transport services, etc.
o The third one is a capital transfer which is concerned with capital payments and capital receipts. A country can
acquire these goods only by accommodating a capital deficit and this deficit is called the balance of payment.
Factors causing disequilibrium in balance of payment
Economic factors (a) Imbalance between exports and imports. (It is the main cause of disequilibrium in BOR), (b)
Large scale development expenditure which causes large imports, (c) High domestic prices which lead to imports,
(d) Cyclical fluctuations (like recession or depression) in general business activity, (e) New sources of supply and
new substitutes. Political Factors: Experience shows that political instability and disturbances cause large capital
outflows and hinder Inflows of foreign capital
Social Factors: (a) Changes in fashions, tastes and preferences of the people bring disequilibrium in BOP by
influencing imports and exports; (b) High population growth in poor countries adversely affects their BOP
because it increases the needs of the countries for imports and decreases their capacity to export.
Measures to correct disequilibrium in BOP: Sustained or prolonged deficit has to be settled by short term loans or
depletion of capital reserve of foreign exchange and gold.
Export promotion: Exports should be encouraged by granting various bounties to manufacturers and exporters.
At the same time, imports should be discouraged by undertaking import substitution and imposing reasonable
Import: Restrictions and Import Substitution are other measures of correcting disequilibrium.
Reducing inflation: Inflation (continuous rise in prices) discourages exports and encourages imports. Therefore,
government should check inflation and lower the prices in the country.
What do you mean by foreign exchange markets? Explain its structure & settlement system .
The foreign exchange market in India has been around for about 40 years now. The market started operating in
1978 after the government's decree. After its establishment, the forex market has seen significant growth over
the years. The market is regulated by the central government and all aspects of the trade are defined by national
laws. There are many things about this market that make it distinct from other markets in the world.
Like other forex markets in the world, the forex in India consists of several stakeholders. The main stakeholders in
this market are:
The three actors mentioned above play different roles in the trade. Traders are generally all individuals in the
public who are also corporate customers of the banks. These customers use the banks as authorized dealers to
access the forex market. There are traders of different kinds but all of them are able to access the market only
through dealers. This is much like elsewhere in the world where brokers are the intermediaries between the forex
and ordinary traders. The banks, on the other hand, are the legally authorized institutions to handle currency. In
India, banks exist in different tiers and there are clear laws that determine which institution is categorized as a
financial institution. From these legal institutions, all those who want to trade can create accounts, access the
market and choose products that they would like to trade in. The trading landscape has changed a lot over the
years especially since the 1990's when the Indian regulatory authorities liberalized this market. Lastly, the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the central financial institution which is responsible for the monetary policy in India.
This institution has been instrumental in shaping the trading landscape in India. Before 1993, the Indian Rupee
had a fixed value which was determined by the RBI. This meant that the currency only attracted a certain
exchange rate even though the market dynamics were changing. In 1993, though, the RBI repealed the prevailing
law at the time to allow for an exchange rate determined by the market itself. Since then, the Rupee's value has
changed a lot in relation to different currencies.
In 2018, the forex market in India is quite vibrant. Even though it is not the market with the most daily volume, it
is among the top ten markets in the world. As of 2017, the forex assets in India place it as the 8th best market in
the world by forex reserves. The top asset in this market is the United States as represented by US institutional
bonds and government bonds. The Indian forex reserves are also held in terms of gold. Indeed, India is the first
nation in the world in terms of gold consumption.
The origin of the foreign exchange market may be dated back to the year 1978, when banks in India were
permitted to undertake intraday transactions.
But the
structure of
the forex
market is
unique because major volumes of transactions are done in Over-The-Counter (OTC) market which is
independent of any centralized system (exchange) as in the case of stock markets.
The participants in this market are
Central Banks
Major commercial banks
Investment banks
Corporations for international business transactions
Hedge funds
Pension and mutual funds
Insurance companies
Forex brokers
In this section, we will learn about a few commonly used currency pair.
The most traded, dominant and strongest currency is the US dollar. The primary reason for this is the size of the
US economy, which is the world’s largest. The US dollar is the preferred base or reference currency in most of the
currency exchange transactions worldwide. Below are some of the most traded (high liquidity) currency pairs in
the global forex market. These currencies are part of most of the foreign exchange transactions. However, this is
not necessarily the best currency to trade for every trader, as this (which currency pair to choose) depends on
multiple factors −
EUR/USD (Euro – US Dollar)
GBP/USD (British Pound – US Dollar)
USD/JPY (US Dollar – Japanese Yen)
USD/CHF ( US Dollar – Swiss Franc)
Section B
An authorized dealer has quoted following rates in Inter-bank Market:
A) Calculate the forward premium or discount on INR with respect to GBP and $?
B) Calculate the GBP/ $ Spot rate and 3 months forward rates.