Indica Leaf Extract (200mg/kg) With Low Dose of Pioglitazone (7 MG/KG) May Have Prevented The
Indica Leaf Extract (200mg/kg) With Low Dose of Pioglitazone (7 MG/KG) May Have Prevented The
Indica Leaf Extract (200mg/kg) With Low Dose of Pioglitazone (7 MG/KG) May Have Prevented The
Diabetes Mellitus is an endocrine disorder which is characterized by depleted insulin secretions with
altered carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism. Various secondary complications such as renal
failure, coronary artery disorder, cerebrovascular disease, neurological complications, blindness, limb
amputation, long term damage, failure of various organs, and eventually premature death are associated
with chronic hyperglycemia1.
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a condition of progressive damage of the kidney, which is characterized by
thickening of glomerular basement membrane, glomerulosclerosis, glomerular hypertrophy, podocyte
loss, expansion of mesangial cells, and tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Diabetic nephropathy is associated with
persistent elevated albuminuria, declined glomerular filtration rate, elevated arterial blood pressure, and
fluid retention2. DN is categorized into two stages; microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria, in which the
kidney leaks more serum albumin than normal in the urine 3. Recent studies have revealed that antioxidants are
capable of neutralizing free radicals and are effective in preventing experimentally induced diabetes in animal
models4-5 as well as reduction in the severity of diabetic complications6. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an
important role in high glucose- induced renal injury7-8. Hence, renal morphological and functional alterations are the
specific characteristic futures of diabetic nephropathy in rats.
Coccina indica (Cuccurbitaceae) is a creeper that grows wild and in abundance in major parts of
India. Coccina indica (C.indica) has been used in ancient times for treating diabetes mellitus. It was
considered to be ‘Indian Substitute for insulin’ as it was significantly effective in diabetes treatment9.
C. indica has gained many reported scientific values for its antidiabetic property10-12. It also possess an
antioxidant activity, which may be attributed to its protective action on lipid peroxidation and to its
enhancing effect on cellular antioxidant defense contributing to the protection against oxidative damage
in streptozotocin induced diabetes13.Various parts of Coccinia indica possess different activities such as
hypoglycemia, antilipidemic, anti-inflammatory , analgesic, antipyretic, antinociceptive, hepatoprotective,
antimicrobial, antitussive, antilithitic, antimutagenic. It is also useful in curing some of the skin disorders
like ring worm, psoriasis, scabies, other itchy skin eruptions and ulcer activity 14. There is no report on the
usefulness of the combination of Coccinia indica leaf extract with pioglitazone. Therefore, the present
investigation is aimed at determining whether bioflavonoid rich extract of Coccinia indica leaf alone or in
combination with pioglitazone, an insulin sensitizer would modulate the progressive damage of kidney
induced by type 2 diabetes in rats. Low dose of pioglitazone was used to examine the synergistic activity
with Coccinia indica leaf extract because glucose uptake and tissue’s peripheral utilization by liver,
muscle, and fat, are crucial for maintaining normal blood glucose level.
2.1. Experimental Animals
All the experiments were carried out with Sprague dawley rats weighing around 180 -200g after obtaining
approval from the Institutional Animal Ethical Committee (Approval Number: 2013/PCOL/001). Animals
were kept in the animal house of Krupanidhi College of Pharmacy, Bangalore, India, under controlled
conditions of temperature (23±2ºC), humidity (50±5%) and 12 h light-dark cycle. All the rats were
provided with normal pellet diet and water ad libitum, prior to the dietary manipulation. They were
acclimatized in institutional animal house.
3.4. Effect of therapeutic interventions on serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen
The serum levels of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen were markedly increased in diabetic rats as
compared to normal rats. Diabetic rats treated with Coccina indica (200mg/kg p.o.,7 weeks), low dose of
fenofibrate (30 mg/kg p.o.,7 weeks) and low dose of pioglitazone (7 mg/kg p.o.,7 weeks) partially reduced
the serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen. Moreover, the combined therapy of Coccina indica
(200mg/kg p.o.) and pioglitazone (7 mg/kg p.o.,7 weeks) markedly reduced the elevated levels of serum
creatinine and blood urea nitrogen as compared to treatments with either extract/drug alone or lisinopril (1
mg/kg, p.o.,7 weeks) in diabetic rats. (Table 5)
3.5. Effect of therapeutic interventions on proteinuria
There was a significant increase in proteinuria in diabetic rats when compared to normal rats. Coccina
indica (200mg/kg p.o.,7 weeks), low dose of fenofibrate (30 mg/kg p.o.,7 weeks) and low dose of
pioglitazone (7 mg/kg p.o.,7 weeks) partially reduced the incidence of proteinuria in diabetic rats. On the
other hand, the combined therapy of Coccina indica (200mg/kg p.o.,7 weeks) with pioglitazone (7 mg/kg
p.o.,7 weeks) significantly reduced the occurrence of proteinuria as compared to treatments with either
alone or lisinopril (1 mg/kg, p.o.,7 weeks) in diabetic rats. (Table 6)
3.6. Effect of therapeutic interventions on renal oxidative stress
After 7 weeks, the untreated diabetic rats showed a marked increase in renal thiobarbituric acid reactive
substances as compared to normal rats. In addition, the renal concentration of SOD and catalase was also
decreased in these untreated diabetic rats as compared to the normal rats. Treatment with Coccina indica
alone (200mg/kg p.o.,7 weeks), low dose of fenofibrate (30 mg/kg p.o.,7 weeks) and low dose of
pioglitazone (7 mg/kg p.o.,7 weeks) partially prevented the diabetes-induced increase in renal
thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and decrease in renal SOD and catalase levels. Moreover, the
concurrent administration of Coccina indica (200mg/kg p.o.,7 weeks) and pioglitazone (1 mg/kg p.o., 7
weeks) markedly attenuated the diabetes-induced increase in renal thiobarbituric acid reactive substances
and decrease in renal SOD and catalase levels as compared to treatments with either extract/drug alone or
lisinopril (1 mg/kg, p.o.,7 weeks) in diabetic rats. (Table 7)
3.7. Histopathological Analysis
Effect of Coccinia indica alone and in combination with low dose of pioglitazone on renal histological
study. The sections of 5 μm thickness were made and stained with hematoxylin and eosin to assess the
pathological changes of glomeruli using the light microscopy (10X). The kidney of the diabetic rat
developed pathological changes in the glomeruli such as parenchymal edema, tubular congestion and
extracellular mesangial expansion as compared to the kidney of the normal rat. The concurrent
administration of Coccinia indica and low dose of pioglitazone markedly reduced these pathological
changes in glomeruli as compared to treatment with either drug alone. Treatment with combination of
Coccinia indica and low dose of pioglitazone was observed to be as effective as treatment with Lisinopril
(Nephropathy standard).
Our study observed that the combined therapy of Coccina indica leaf extract with low dose of
pioglitazone had renoprotective effect in diabetic induced nephropathy in rats.
Creatine phosphate metabolism by skeletal muscles produces creatinine, a non-protein waste product
which is freely filtered by the kidney and thus the serum creatinine level depends on the glomerular
filtration rate (GFR). A raise in the level of serum creatinine is considered to be an index of renal
dysfunction. The blood urea nitrogen measures the amount of urea nitrogen, a waste product of protein
metabolism. A significant raise in the level of blood urea nitrogen indicates kidney’s dysfunction. The
presence of proteinuria correlates with the progression of glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial
fibrosis. Diabetes-induced proteinuria often induces inflammation in tubular cells, which can facilitate the
development of interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy28.
The presence of small quantities of albumin (Microalbuminuria) predicts development of clinical diabetic
nephropathy29. The abnormalities in blood, urine and pathological changes in glomeruli have been
documented to be an index of experimental diabetic nephropathy. In our study, the untreated diabetic rats
for 7 weeks presented abnormalities in serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and proteinuria, thus
suggesting the presence of diabetes induced nephropathy. The therapeutic intervention with either
Coccina indica leaf extract or pioglitazone partially prevented the diabetes induced nephropathy by
decreasing the serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, proteinuria, and the pathological changes in
glomeruli was also reverted back to normal. It is interested to note that the concurrent administration of
Coccina indica leaf extract with low dose of pioglitazone showed a synergistic effect in delaying the
progression of diabetes-induced nephropathy as compared to treatments with either alone.
Previous studies suggest that hyperlipidemia is an independent risk factor for the induction and
progression of diabetes-induced nephropathy. In diabetic condition the expressions of LDL receptors on
the cell surface were shown to be decreased and there by altering the circulating lipid profile which in
turn contributing to renal disease progression. In the renal, the circulating lipids are trapped by
extracellular matrix molecules. These trapped lipids undergo oxidation and generates reactive oxygen
species, which may deteriorate the structure and function of the diabetic kidney. Thus, the elevated
circulating lipids may play a pivotal role in the induction and progression of nephropathy. The same is
supported by the results obtained in the present study which showed a marked increase in serum
cholesterol and triglyceride levels in untreated diabetic rats with nephropathy.
Low dose treatment with fenofibrate prevented the development of diabetic nephropathy. Fenofibrate acts
as an hypolipidemic through an activation of PPAR-α. Increase in circulating lipids indicates PPAR-α
deficiency that can aggravate the severity of diabetic nephropathy in diabetic mice. In our study the
renoprotective effect of fenofibrate may be attributed to PPAR-α activation-mediated reduction in
circulating lipids in diabetic rats. Diabetic rats when treated with a combination of Coccinia indica and
low dose of pioglitazone showed a significant effect on lowering the triglyceride and cholesterol levels
when compared to untreated diabetic rats.
Induction and progression of nephropathy in diabetic rats is due to uncontrolled hyperglycemia.
Hyperglycemia upregulates the renal generation of angiotensin-II and TGF-β and there by accelerating
the process of renal advanced glycation end products formation. Moreover, hyperglycemia induces
oxidative stress by generating reactive oxygen species through an activation of NADPH oxidase to
damage the structure and function of the diabetic kidney. Thus, hyperglycemia contributing as a pivotal
role in the progression of nephropathy.
Hyperglycemic condition reduces the mRNA levels of PPARγ in the glomeruli but for the glucose
metabolism, the activation of PPAR-γ is involved30. Treatment with combination of Coccinia indica and
low dose of pioglitazone had significant effects on lowering the blood glucose levels. Oral glucose
tolerance test conducted in our study supports the antidiabetic effects of Coccinia indica leaf extract and
pioglitazone, because of the changes in the percentage of glucose level at the end of 2hr post glucose load
due to an increase in peripheral utilization of glucose. Pioglitazone, exhibits its antihyperglycemic action
by acting through PPARγ. Similarly, Coccinia indica leaf extract is well documented for its
antihyperglycemic activity9-12. Long term therapy of pioglitazone causes hypoglycemia and cardiovascular
toxicity. These adverse effects of pioglitazone can be prevented by reducing the dose of pioglitazone and
combining with herbal extracts to synergize its antidiabetic effect. Similarly, our study has also shown the
synergistic effect of Coccinia indica leaf extract with low dose of pioglitazone in reducing the glucose
The increase in renal thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and decrease in SOD and catalase levels
indicates the development of oxidative stress 31. Diabetic rats showed an increase in the renal
thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and consequently decreased the SOD and catalase levels in the
kidney, damaging renal architecture. Treatment with Coccinia indica or pioglitazone had partially
reduced the oxidative stress in diabetic rats with nephropathy by reducing renal thiobarbituric acid
reactive substances and concurrently elevating renal SOD and catalase levels. Moreover, the combination
of Coccinia indica and low dose of pioglitazone markedly prevented the development of renal oxidative
stress in diabetic rats with nephropathy that is supported by the histopathological findings.
The overall observed beneficial effect of combination of Coccinia indica and pioglitazone in preventing
the development of diabetic nephropathy may be attributed to reduction in high circulating lipids, blood
glucose level and prevention of renal oxidative stress. Lisinopril has been employed as a standard drug
due to its diabetic renoprotective effect which is well documented in basic and clinical studies 32.
The renoprotective effect of Coccinia indica leaf extract with low dose of pioglitazone observed in our
study was as good as the effect produced by lisinopril in ameliorating diabetes-induced nephropathy
which is supported by the histopathological studies.
In the present study, it may be concluded that the concurrent administration of Coccinia indica and low
dose of pioglitazone may have prevented the progression of diabetes-induced nephropathy by controlling
the blood glucose levels, normalizing the altered lipid profile and decreasing the renal oxidative stress. In
addition, their combination strategy may provide synergistic renoprotective effect against diabetic
nephropathy with simultaneous prevention of hypoglycemia caused by pioglitazones when administered
for a longer period.
So we conclude that the treatment with the alcoholic leaf extract of Coccinia indica ameliorates
hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia and oxidative stress associated with high fat diet / low dose STZ induced
Regular consumption of food containing these properties might prevent the development of diabetes and
delay in the progression of diabetes complication, especially in case of pre-diabetic state. Further studies
are required on long term basis to evaluate the effect of the combined treatment of Coccinia indica leaf
extract with low dose of pioglitazone for the complete prevention of diabetes induced nephropathy in
newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus patients without producing their classical side effects.
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