New Intelligent AVR Controller Based On Particle Swarm Optimization For Transient Stability Enhancement
New Intelligent AVR Controller Based On Particle Swarm Optimization For Transient Stability Enhancement
New Intelligent AVR Controller Based On Particle Swarm Optimization For Transient Stability Enhancement
Abstract— In this work, we present a new intelligent control short circuit fault by finding the best parameters at each
scheme to enhance the transient stability of multi-machine power instant.
system based on the generator automatic voltage regulation
system. The algorithm consists on the estimation of the best In this work we have been interested to self-tuning adaptive
parameters of voltage regulators to minimize an objective and robust control strategies. Several works were performed to
function. Particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm enhance power system transient stability, reference [4] has
methods are used to get the best performance of regulation applied the output feedback linearization (OFL), previously
systems. The control performances damp significantly oscillations this technique has been used by taking the SMIB voltage as
and improve the stability of the system after a given disturbance reference , see also [11]. In [8], the authors design a nonlinear
which enhance the transient stability and obtain a new improved control system in the sense of Lyapunov control technique; a
critical clearing time (CCT). The results are very promising and comparison was made including both AVR and PSS. In [3], the
could be validated in practice. direct feedback linearization (DFL) control has been applied.
The nonlinear excitation system controller designed was
composed of two parts; the DFL compensator and the
Power system dynamic stability and control is a major topic nonlinear voltage stabilizer.
that has been carried out during the last two decades, in order
The former works were based on the improvement of the
to solve power system dynamic issues following disturbances
feedback reaction of the voltage regulator by improving the
in short and long terms. The number of disruptive events
Riccati’s equation parameters [30], using back stepping, and
increases respectively with the increase of power demand.
sliding mode techniques. Recently, the development in this
Many solutions were proposed to enhance power system
area consists on the design of a new control law based on PID
stability such as load shedding, area islanding, FACT’s devices
regulation in the AVR system based on evolutionary algorithm
control, power system stabilizer, tripping control, fast valving
[14-16], as well as the design of optimal supplementary
and LFC…etc. Recent researches are performed to design
stabilizing signal based on the power system stabilizer PSS
intelligent control based on artificial intelligence, evolutionary
was performed. The latter has been taking a large
algorithms to deal with power system uncertainty. Several
consideration by electric power system researchers for decades
control schemes are proposed in the literature, robust and
because it can enhance the set of power system stability
adaptive controls are the most adequate for dynamic system as
interval issues. Other achievements are expected by a
well as generator responses [1-12]. Such controls make the
coordination of controller including the renewable energy
system more reliable and resilient to various disturbances.
sources, dispersed generation and the performance of ESS
Reliability is the ability of the power system to deliver
electricity in the quantity and with the quality demanded by
users, it is generally measured by interruption indices [13]. Others works were performed to overcome the issues of
Whereas, resilience is the new word used for system that can transient stability enhancement by including the evolutionary
deal with disruptive events and provide solutions algorithms and the artificial intelligence. Indeed, in [19-24]
autonomously using the available devices and/or solutions PSO, GA, Fuzzy logic, Expert system, Neural Network are
called self-healing. In [14], resilience is the capacity of system used to enhance the transient stability.
to reduce magnitude and/or duration of events. Resilient
In this work, we have implemented two meta-heuristic
infrastructure efficiency depend on the ability to anticipate
optimization techniques as control actions to enhance the
absorb, adapt and/or fast recover from disruptive events. It is
transient stability of the power system. The control strategy is
well known that power system stabilizer is efficient to damp
the robust and adaptive control based on estimation and self-
small oscillations with adequate parameters; as well as efficient
tuning parameters. The obtained results can be used in training
to enhance transient stability. But Instead of using PSS, we
for making decision in multi-agents system. The approach was
interest to making the regulator parameters more intelligent
applied in multi-machine power system with high order system
and efficient to damp sever disturbances such as three phase
components model for a best CCT values accuracy
determination. We note that the approach represents one task
A. BENSEDDIK, M. HASNI, M. MENAA, A. EL FERGOUGUI and M. of an offline decision database suitable in the agents learning
BOUDOUR are with the Laboratory of Electrical Industrial Systems (LSEI). process [29]. Moreover, several power system reduction and
University of Science and Technologies Houari Boumediene, Bab-Ezzouar equivalence techniques are used to deal with the computation
(USTHB),Algiers,Algeria,(Email:[email protected];elfergougui_ahmed@ time issue.;[email protected];[email protected];mboudour@iee
dVRi K K
TAi VRi KAi Rfi Ai Fi Efdi KAi (Vrefi Vi ) (7)
dt TFi
1 Rsi
' ' '
Edi'' Vi sini i
Figure 2. OMIB test case response w(δ). Idi 2
Rsi Xqi Xdi Xqi
Eqi Vi cosi i (9)
j i
di qi 2 PLi Vi jQLi Vi
I I e
j i k ik
VVi kYike
PLi Vi jQLi Vi VV
j i k ik
i kYike (12)
GLi Li
2 (13) Li Li
2 (14)
Figure 3. Single line diagram of multi machines power system, case of 3- VLi VLi
machines, 9-buses WSCC.
Initialize PSO Machine δ
PSO / GA m
Apply fault
t = t + Δt Time domain
t < tsimu Move to the new
best positions
Evaluate Figure 7. Power Angle of generator 2 next bus 1 three phase short circuit
eliminated after 313ms.
δ optimal
This paper introduces a new nonlinear controller to enhance
the power system transient stability namely robust tuning and
adaptive tuning based particle swarm optimization, (APSO)
and (RPSO) respectively and alternatively based on genetic
Figure 11. AVR_1 Sample values of optimal parameters control for the multi- algorithm namely (RGA) and (AGA). These controllers can
machine power system test case next bus 6 three phase short circuits deal with any unpredictable behavior as the case of the
eliminated after 420ms.
renewable energy generation behavior connected to the grid
which makes the system more resilient to disturbances. The
evolutionary algorithms are very useful to deal with nonlinear
system as the case of transient behavior of power system. The
proposed controllers give the expected results without
exceeding the variables limits. The biggest enhancement is
obtained at the load levels. The use of this strategy can be
considered for training a neural network system to take the
right action at the right moment and for each given situation.
The controller is applied to both SMIB and multi-machine
power systems.
In future work, we will analyze the effect and efficiency of
Figure 12. Power Angle of generator 2 using adaptive tuning based PSO the proposed controllers including their coordination on more
controller next bus 6 three phase short circuit eliminated after 420ms. realistic power systems. Dynamic load models as the case of
induction motors (IM) and the doubly fed induction generator