Technical Challenges of Large Movable Scaffolding Systems
Technical Challenges of Large Movable Scaffolding Systems
Technical Challenges of Large Movable Scaffolding Systems
Pedro Pacheco, CEO BERD, Assist. Prof. FEUP; Hugo Coelho, Production Manager, BERD; Pedro Borges, Project Manager,
BERD; António Guerra, Project Coordinator, BERD; Matosinhos, Portugal. Contact: [email protected]
DOI: 10.2749/101686611X13131377725640
The method of construction of decks
of bridges and viaducts with several
spans using movable scaffolding systems
(MSS) is very efficient and competitive.
This solution is generally used for the 40
to 60 m span range. Over the last few
years, new experiences have been
acquired and new solutions have been
developed for the 70 to 90 m range (large
MSS or LMSS). In this range, unexpected
economical results may be achieved if
the number of spans is high and/or if the
costs of piers and foundations are rela-
tively high. With LMSS it is possible to
achieve very high productivity ratios. Fig. 1: Rio Cabriel Bridge, Spain
Case 1 Concrete pouring —wind 60 Km/h 14 354 174 8 922 32 24 Mx
Case 2 Launching—wind 60 Km/h 5493 230 330 6824 2541 224
Fy My
Case 3 LMSS fixed—wind 170 Km/h 5374 1398 4 7478 51 445
Case 4 Concrete cure—wind 170 Km/h 14 756 1398 5 7490 112 436
Fig. 6: Service loads on the front pier in the Rio Cabriel Bridge
15 m
70 m
15 m
Fig. 7: Location of LMSS plus liquid concrete mass in Rio Cabriel Bridge during concrete pouring operation
designer. This may be treated as a supports with independent move- structural problems in the deck during
major “equivalent accidental friction ments (Δ1 and Δ2). This may happen prestressing application,9 and because
coefficient”. near an abutment, where the support operational difficulties may arise in
displacements Δ1 are nearly null, or the LMSS as problems regarding
The second is exclusively related to
may happen in the middle of a bridge, lowering of the LMSS after deck pre-
LMSS with winch locomotion, typi-
where both displacements are to be stressing and regarding adjustment of
cally characterized by having two
evaluated. These displacements may the formwork.
winches, for redundancy. In this case, if
produce important internal efforts
one winch collapses, the other assumes Moreover, the geometric tolerances
in the LMSS structure, unless other
the force of the first. This may be a fast for bridge construction are absolute
measures are taken. In long bridges
phenomenon which implies dynamic
this should be evaluated by the bridge values10 which represent very low
amplification. Hence if the service force relative values for LMSS span ranges
designer and transmitted to the LMSS
of each winch is F (the global force on (from L/3500 to L/4500).
the two winches is 2F), the structural
elements where the winches are fixed In Fig. 8 the closing position of the According to previous experience, for
should be designed for the accidental bridge across the Hostovsky Creek LMSS, good results are achieved if the
force 3F = F × (1 + 1 × DAF), where Valley is shown, where horizontal dis- mid-span deflection limit is L/1000.
DAF is the dynamic amplification fac- placements on the LMSS are indicated. One effective solution to achieve
tor, considering a conservative value of In this bridge, special sliding devices reduced deflection on MSS and LMSS
DAF = 2,0 (unless more accurate cal- on the LMSS were conceived for the is the application of organic prestress-
culation is done). “closing” span. ing system (OPS).11,12 This solution
also provides other relevant additional
Heat-Induced Horizontal Deflection Control advantages.11,12
Displacements on the LMSS The common practice in the specifi- OPS is mainly an active control sys-
Supports cation of scaffoldings is to limit their tem which controls the tensions and
maximum deformation to (L/4009; deformations in the LMSS main girder
In the construction of the closing L being the deck span). In LMSS by means of increasing or decreasing
span of a bridge an LMSS is longi- this limit should be more restrictive the prestressing on the LMSS pre-
tudinally typically supported on two because such deformation may imply stressing cables.
Fig. 8: Picture of the closing position of the bridge across the Hostovsky Creek Valley
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The authors wish to thank all the BERD team [10] CEN. BS EN 13670: Execution of Concrete
Structures, 2009.
members who worked in these Projects, Valter
Conclusions and SHP (bridge designers), Construgomes [11] Pacheco P, Guerra A, Borges P, Coelho H.
(MSS operator), DOKA (formwork supplier), A scaffolding system strengthened with organic
The main conclusions are presented in
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Tables 2 and 3. EUROVIA (bridge builders). structures. Struct. Eng. Int. Assoc. Bridge Struct.
Eng. 2007; 17(4): 314–321.
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lar) are followed, the building of 70 References [12] Pacheco P, André A, Borges P, Oliveira T.
to 90 m span bridges adopting span- Automation robustness of scaffolding systems
[1] Morim M. Study of a 90 m Span Concrete strengthened with organic prestressing. Autom.
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become very economical, safe, and fast, MSc Dissertation, FEUP, 2008 (in Portugese).