Industrial Organization & Management

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 Faculty of Engineering                                                                              Savitribai Phule Pune University 


Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Lectures : 3 Hours / Week In Semester: 30
Practical : 2 Hours / Week End Semester: 70
Oral: 50
Total: 150
Unit 1: Management Science 7 Hrs
A. Management, its growth, concepts of administration and management of organization. Definition
of management, functions, authority and responsibility, unity of command and direction decision
making in management by objectives.
B. Personality: Physical appearance, body language, voice, communication style, content of
communication, enriched communication through Sensory Specific Language. Business style and
professional image: Dress codes, Guidelines for appropriate business attire.
C. Business organization: Different forms of organization, their formation and working, different
organization structure- line organization, functional organization, line and staff organization.
Unit 2: Personnel Management 7 Hrs
Manpower planning, sources of recruitment, selection and training of staff, job evaluation, merit
rating, performance appraisal, wage administration and system of wage payment, incentive,
motivations, industrial fatigue, trade unions – industrial relations. Introduction to personal selling &
salesmanship: Defining personal selling and salesmanship, Selling as a profession, Objectives and
importance of personal selling, Essentials of personal selling, traditional & modern selling approach,
ethics in Selling, role of selling in marketing, types of selling, qualities of winning sales
professionals-physical, mental, social and character traits.
Unit 3: Purchase and stores management 7 Hrs
Concepts of quotation, tenders and comparative statement, inspection and quality control, inventory,
carrying cost and fixed cost of inventory, examples of cost of Inventory, stores management,
functions of storekeeper, methods of inventory : LIFO, FIFO. Credit analysis and appraisal principles
of credit management: Principles of lending –evaluation of borrower – sanction limit-principles of
good lending.
Unit 4: Marketing management 7 Hrs
Concepts of selling, marketing, definition of marketing, market research and of pricing, penetration,
pricing, skimming pricing, distribution of product, advertising and promotion. Introduction to
product management: Product management as a basis of marketing organization structure. Role of
product manager, skills required for product management. Product management in consumer product
industry vs industrial product industry. Overview of product level marketing plans.
Unit 5: Export and import management 7 Hrs
Concepts of international trade, duties, antidumping duty, cost involved in exporting a product,
pricing of export product. Government aids for export promotion, export houses, export promotion
counsel, MODVAT, patent and patent rights. Quality Management: TQM, quality circles, ISO
systems. Inflation: Meaning, types of inflation, causes, effects, control of inflation, value of money,
index numbers, construction, utility, limitations, business cycles, phases of business cycles.
Unit 6: Management Laws 7 Hrs
Concepts of contract act, offer, and acceptance, types of contracts, void contract, concept of
guarantee and warranty. Introduction of MRTP and FERA. Work study: Work measurement, motion
and time study flow process chart, flow diagram, silo chart, string chart, therbligs. Patent law: Patent
cooperation treaty, patent act 1970, procedure for filing patent applications, patent granting
procedures, revocation.

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 Faculty of Engineering                                                                              Savitribai Phule Pune University 

Practical (Minimum eight)

1. Study of marketing strategy analysis
2. Study of ISO systems
3. Study of total quality management
4. Study of international trade: Export and Import
5. Study of incentive plan management
6. Study of organization structure and its types
7. Study of wage administration system
8. Study of management laws
9. Study of product, marketing, and selling management through industrial visit
1. Stonier, A. W. and Hague, D. C., “A Text Book of Economic Theory”, Longman.
2. Bach, George Leland, “Economics -Analysis, Decision Making and policy”, Prentice Hall Inc.
Englewood Cliffs N. J.
3. Bonham F, “Economics”, Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd., London.
4. Seth, M. L., “Principles of Economics”, Lakshmi Narayan Agarwal, Agra.
5. Agarwal, A. N., “Indian Economy”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
6. Datta R. and Sundharam, K. P. M., “Indian Economy” S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi
7. Peter F. Drucker, “The Practice of Management”, Allied publishers pvt. ltd., Bombay.
8. Barat, Nikhil, “Production management & Control”, Academic Publishers, Calcutta.
9. Garrett, Leonard J. & Silver, Milton, “Production Management Analysis”, Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, Inc. New York.
10. Kuchhal, S. C., “Financial Management: An- Analytical & Conceptual Approach”,
Chaitanya Publishing House, Allahabad.
11. Pandey, L. M., “Financial Management”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New
12. Kotlel, Philip, “Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning & Control”, Prentice –Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd: New Delhi
13. Sinha, J. C., “Marketing and Salesmanship”, S. Chand & Co., Delhi. 14. H.L. Ahuja, “Modern
economics”, S. Chand and co. ltd., New Delhi.
15. Management for Business and Industry-C. S. George Jr.
16. Principles of management- Knoots and O. Donnell.
17. Business Organization and management- M. C. Shulka

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