The Google Merchandise Store Measurement Plan - Analytics Help
The Google Merchandise Store Measurement Plan - Analytics Help
The Google Merchandise Store Measurement Plan - Analytics Help
Strategy: Create an online adve ising campaign that directs customers to the Store website to
purchase Google-branded merchandise
To accomplish their objective, the Google Merchandise Store has a strategy to create an advertising plan that makes it
easier for customers to purchase Google-branded merchandise.
Segments (Dimensions)
You can view your KPIs using different segments to see insights about your business, such as what tra c sources are
driving referrals or driving conversion rates on your website. To analyze their KPIs, the Google Merchandise Store will
use segments for Customer Demographics, Tra c Sources, Device Type, and User Category.
Segment: Tra c Sources
Tra c Sources can help the Store understand where users are coming from.
Segment: Device Type
Device Type can help the Store optimize their site for different devices.
Segment: User Category
User Category tells the Google Merchandise Store how much of their tra c and purchases were from Google
employees compared to external customers.
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