National Law Institute University Bhopal
National Law Institute University Bhopal
National Law Institute University Bhopal
This is to certify that the Project titled – ‘Law and Social Change’ has been prepared and
submitted by Radha Charpota ,who is currently pursuing her BA LLB .(Hons.) at National Law
Institute University, Bhopal in fulfillment of Contract Law -2 course .It is also certified this is
original research report and this project has not been submitted to any other university ,nor
published in any journal.
This project has been made possible by the unconditional support of many people, I would like
to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Tapan Mohanty for guiding me
throughout the development of this project into a coherent whole by providing helpful insights
and sharing their brilliant expertise. I also would like to thank the members of the library staff
and computer section for the cooperation in making available the books and accessing the
internet even during their free time. I am deeply indebted to my parents, seniors and friends for
all the moral support and encouragement.
Radha Charpota
2019 BALLB [HONS] 30
THEORY OF SOCIAL CHANGE………………………………………………...…10
TYPES OF SOCIAL CHANGE……………………………………………………..13
AN EXAMPLE OF INDIA………………………………………………………………….17
Social change is a continuous process which searches alternatives to stable man's culture and
their lives too. It is another thing its pace varies from age to age, culture to culture and from one
area of culture to that of another. Social change leads to a new social structure within a group.
Social change on one hand produces new traits and on the other hand it ends the traditional
customs. Thus social changes may come through education, acculturation and sanskritisation. It
has also been observed that many factors such as natural, geographical, biological, demographic,
technological, economic, psychological, political, military, cultural, ideological and role of great
man etc. too effect social change. But for a variety of reasons the pace of social change has been
rather slow in some cultures. It is well known that every cultural group is a part of nation/state
which is governed by some law and legislature. There is a reciprocal relationship between law
and social change. Law is both an effect and cause of social change and provides strategy for
social change.
In the broadest sense law includes all customs and rules, whose observance is required and
enforced by a recognized authority. However, for sociological purposes it is better to limit the
term law to formally enacted and recorded norms by legitimate authority.
Laws are enacted by legislatures. The law making system in every society produces Legislations
concerning various aspects of life. Some of them are framed to maintain law and order in the
society and some are applied to remove social evils and change the conservative faiths and
beliefs. The term social legislation is used to depict these legislations. Social legislation plays a
dynamic role in society. They are effective instruments of social change. Income redistribution,
nationalization of industries, land reforms and provisions of free education are examples of the
effectiveness of law to initiate change.
Law brings about social change both directly and indirectly. In many cases law interacts directly
with social institutions and brings about obvious changes. A law prohibiting Polygamy has a
direct influence on society. It alters the behavior of individuals. On the Other hand, law plays an
indirect role by shaping various social institutions which in turn have a direct impact on society.
For example, the system of compulsory education enables the functioning of educational
institutions which in turn leads to social change.
Law also brings social change by redefining the normative order and creates the possibility of
new forms of social institutions. It provides formal facilities and extends rights to individuals.
The law against untouchability has not only prohibited the inhuman practice but has also given
formal rights to those who suffered from such disabilities to protest against it. Thus law not only
codifies certain customs and morals but also modifies the behaviour and values existing in a
particular society.
Thus law entails two interrelated processes- the institutionalisation and the internalisation of
patterns of behaviour. Institutionalisation means the creation of norms with provisions for its
enforcement, whereas internalisation means the incorporation and acceptance of values implicit
in a law. When the institutionalisation process is successful it in turn facilitates the
internalization of attitudes and beliefs1.
In our quest to discover the effect of law on social change, we generally tend to ignore the
reverse, i.e., the effect of social change on law. That legal change reflects wider social change
often seems too obvious to require discussion2. For example, technological change is one
important direct cause of legal change: the development of the internal combustion engine, the
motor car and later of air transport produced vast areas of new or reshaped legal doctrine to
regulate these new features of life with their attendant possibilities, risks and dangers.
In addition, law can adapt to change in ways that may not be readily apparent on the face of legal
doctrine. Legal concepts can remain in the same form while fundamentally changing their social
functions. Law can adapt to changed social circumstances without necessarily changing its form
or structure.
In this project, it has tried to study the interplay between law and social change – the role of law
as an instrument of social change, and the impact of social developments on the development of
legal principles.
1. Law is determined by the sense of justice and the moral sentiments of the population, and
legislation can only achieve results by staying relatively close to the prevailing social norms.
2. Law and especially legislation, is a vehicle through which a programmed social evolution can
be brought about. In general, a highly urbanized and industrialized society like the US law does
Dubey, S.C. (ed), India Since Independence: Social Report on India 1947-1972, Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi, 1977 p.33
Renner, Karl, The Institutions of Private Law, Taylor & Francis Inc., 1949, p:84
play a large part in social change, and vice versa, at least much more than is the case in
traditional societies or in traditional sociological thinking. [eg. In the domain of intrafamily
relations, urbanization, with its small apartments and crowded conditions, has lessened the
desirability of three-generation families in a single household. This social change helped to
establish social security laws that in turn helped generate changes in the labor force and in social
institutions for the aged.
1. To study the theory of law and social change in sociological context,
2. To study the reciprocal relationship between law and social change,
3. To critically analyze the role of law in social change.
4. To critically analyze the role of social change while framing the law.
5. To analyze the role of law in changing of society by the example of India.
Short-term changes, as in family developmental stages, may be obvious and easy to comprehend,
but they may not actually constitute changes at all in the long run.
This project is largely based on doctrinal method of data collection
Anthony Giddens observed social change as infra:
Sociology was born of the transformations that wrenched the industrializing social order of the
West away from the ways of life characteristic of preceding societies. The world that was created
by these changes is the primary object of concern of sociological analysis. The pace of social
change has continued to accelerate, and it is possible that we stand on the threshold of transitions
as significant as those that occurred in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Shackman,
Liu, and Wang, observed two sources of social change. One is '' systematic'' and another is
''non-systematic''. Technological innovation, climate change and changes forced by other
countries which come under purview of non-systematic source of social change. Generally,
changes to society occur through combination of systematic as well as non-systematic processes.
Eisenstadt (1973) argued that modernisation required a basic level of free resources and the
development of standardised and predictable institutions, such as a stable but flexible market
system and political process. An additional requirement was that governing institutions be
flexible enough to adapt to the changes that come up.
The classic Hegelian dialectic model of change is based on the interaction of opposing forces.
Starting from a point of momentary stasis, Thesis countered by Antithesis first yields conflict but
subsequently results in a new Synthesis.
Thomas Kuhn in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions argued with respect to the Copernican
Revolution that people are unlikely to jettison an unworkable paradigm, despite many indications
that the paradigm is not functioning properly, until a better paradigm can be presented.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus used the metaphor of a river to speak of change thus, "On
those stepping into rivers staying the same other and other waters flow". What Heraclitus seems
to be suggesting here, later interpretations notwithstanding, is that, in order for the river to
remain the river, change must constantly be taking place. Thus one may think of the Heraclitan
model as parallel to that of a living organism, which, in order to remain alive, must constantly be
changing. Daoist, the Chinese philosophical work Dao De Jing, I.8 and II.78 uses the metaphor
of water as the ideal agent of change. Water, although soft and yielding, will eventually wear
away stone. Change in this model is to be natural, harmonious and steady, albeit imperceptible
science training) than in sociology departments. For many sociologists, law is derivative of
broader (or more authentic) sociological concerns, for example social control and deviance, or is
treated within other substantive areas such as labor relations, the welfare state and social policy,
crime, bureaucratic organizations or contemporary family relations 3. Many sociological
definitions of law stress its normative character and are concerned with the responses to
behaviour that violates laws.
Sociological discussions of law are often limited to discussions of the criminal law,
its operation and administration. Law and sociology are often presented as two distinct
disciplines and bodies of knowledge. For example, Cotterrell – a socio-legal theorist – seeks to
understand ‘the nature and effects of confrontations between such different fields of knowledge
and practice as those of law and sociology ... [that have] quite different historical origins or
patterns of development, social and institutional contexts of existence, and social and political
consequences. Another commentator disagrees that the common law can be considered a social
science because of the two disciplines’ different epistemological approaches: the former relies on
adjudication to discern ‘facts’ and on precedent to resolve present disputes, while the latter relies
on ‘positivity’, the constitution of knowledge via empirical research and the deployment of
statistical analyses.
Certainly, the development of law and sociology in western societies occurs within different
institutions and bodies of knowledge (as professionally defined). However, they have very
similar subject matters: both are concerned with social relationships, values, social regulation,
obligations and expectations arising from particular social positions and roles, and the linkages
between individuals and society. Almost any aspect of social life can be subject to legal
regulation and judicial statements do have similarities with social theory (and often read like
social theory). Nonetheless, the substance of law in western democratic societies primarily deals
with the regulation of property relationships and the enunciation and protection of property
Sociology is more interested in a wider array of social relationships and investigates inequality
and power at both structural and interpersonal levels. While jurists are concerned primarily with
the activities of courts, especially the process of legal reasoning, sociologists are more interested
in the interconnections between law and changing social institutions, political structures and
Friedman, Lawrence M. and Jack Ladinsky, Social Change and the Law of Industrial Accidents,
Columbia Law Review, 1967, p:50
economic conditions and the relationships between legal institutions and other forms of dispute
resolution, social control or regulation. At a more individual or micro level, social researchers
investigate how various actors – including lawyers, judges, social activists and people in
everyday life – experience, use, interpret, negotiate and confront law, legal institutions
and legal discourse.
Law is rooted in social institutions, in socio-economic network. These social factors influence
the course of law or the direction of legal change. This is the outcome of personal and social
interactions which are variable and often unpredictable. At the same time, law may itself change
social norms in various ways. For example in free india legal abolition of
untouchability is an attempt to change a long-standing social norm. Yet it has not succeeded
much due to inadequate social support. Thus there is a reciprocal relationship between law and
beyond the activities and purposes of individuals but in turn depend on individual action for their
reproduction and continuation. The idea of structure suggests a fixed, observable, enduring
entity, such as a whole society or part thereof, for example the legal system, or the system of
inequality. Social structure constrains human activity limiting the scope for human agency,
individual choice, responsibility, motivation or intention. This image of structure is most obvious
in structural-functionalist accounts that conceptualise society or social organization as
constituted by different parts undergirded by the logics of integration and stability. Any change
seems to be the natural process of evolution and progress, often toward modern societies
characterized by the replacement of tradition and custom by science and rationality. Either way,
social change can bring about instability; conflict and dislocation4.
Harper, CL (1993). Exploring social change. Engelwood Cliffs: New Jersey.
The speed of social change is not uniform. It differs from period to period. In modern society the
speed of social change is rapid or faster than traditional society.
(3) Speed of social change is unequal and comparative
We can argue that speed of social change is more or less similar in each society. It is slow in
traditional society whereas it is rapid in modern society. In urban areas the speed of social
change is faster than the rural areas.
(4) Social change is an essential law
Essential law means a law which occurs and over which we have no control. It may be planned
or not, it must occur.
(5) Social change may be planned or unplanned
Planned changes are those which occur by some deliberate or conscious effort. On the other
hand, unplanned change refers to the change which occurs without any deliberate effort like
earth-quake, war, political revolution and other natural calamities. Thus, social change occurs
both in planned and unplanned manner.
(6) Social change may be short term or long term
Some change brings immediate change which is known as short term change, like fashion,
behavior of the individual etc. But other changes take years to produce result which is known as
long term change. Custom, tradition, folkways, mores etc. are long term changes.
(7) Social change lacks definite prediction
Prediction means 'foretelling' in case of social change we are well aware of various factors but
we cannot predict although it is a law. Definite prediction of social change is not possible,
because what will the result of social change we cannot say.
(8) Social change is a community change
Social change does not refer to the change which occurs in the life of an individual or life pattern
of individuals. It is a change which occurs in the entire community and that change can be called
social change which influences a community form.
(9) Social change is the result of the interaction of various factors
A single factor can trigger a particular change but never causes social change. It is always
associated with other factors such as Cultural, Biological, Physical, Technological and others. It
is due to the material interdependence of social phenomena.
The three types of change articulated below are not prescriptions of social change but rather
descriptions of different kinds of social change that already exist and are inherently a part of the
developing state of a social being6. If used to accurately read the nature of change in a social
being then they suggest certain approaches working with change that are more likely to respond
successfully to unfolding realities on the ground. But the first task must be to understand what is
already there before anything is done in response.
Emergent change describes the day-to-day unfolding of life, adaptive and uneven processes of
unconscious and conscious learning from experience and the change that results from that. This
applies to individuals, families, communities, organizations and societies adjusting to shifting
realities, of trying to improve and enhance what they know and do, of building on what is there,
step-by-step, uncertainly, but still learning and adapting, however well or badly.
This is likely the most prevalent and enduring form of change existing in any living system.
Whole books, under various notions of complex systems, chaos theory and emergence, have
been written about this kind of change, describing how small accumulative changes at the
margins can affect each other in barely noticeable ways and add up to significant systemic
patterns and changes over time; how apparently chaotic systems are governed by deeper,
complex social principles that defy easy understanding or manipulation, that confound the best-
laid plans, where paths of cause and effect are elusive, caught in eddies of vicious and virtuous
circles. Emergent change is paradoxical, where perceptions, feelings and intentions are as
powerful as the facts they engage with.
Emergent change processes take two forms:
development Projects. Being less conscious it may be less predictable, more chaotic and
haphazard than more conscious emergent change.
Crisis or stuckness sets the stage for transformative change. Unlike emergent change, which is
characterized as a learning process, transformative change is more about unlearning, of freeing
the social being from those relationships and identities, inner and outer, which underpin the crisis
and hold back resolution and further healthy development.
Crisis or stuckness can come in many forms and expressions with deep and complex histories
and dynamics. They may be “hot” surfaced experiences of visible conflict or “cold” hidden
stucknesses which cannot be seen or talked about. Left alone, crises do get unconsciously
resolved over time, tragically or happily or somewhere in-between. But they can also be more
consciously and proactively resolved through well led or facilitated transformative change
For practitioners, understanding existing transformative change processes or change conditions
demands a surfacing of relationships and dynamics that are by their nature contested, denied or
hidden and resistant to easy reading. This reading can take time, effort and require patience and
an openness to sudden shifts of perspective as layers of the situation and its story are peeled
away. The real needs for change very rarely reveal themselves upfront. When they are revealed
they can provoke real resistance to change and require the people to let go deeply held aspects of
their identity, both collective and individual.
Where the internal and external environments, especially the relationships, of a system are
coherent, stable and predictable enough, and where unpredictable outcomes do not threaten
desired results, then the conditions for projectable change arise and well-planned projects
become possible.
Two orientations where projectable change dominate:
One is characterised by a problem-based approach, essentially identifying problems and seeking
a fix. A broken tap is identified and a fix found. A problem-based approach works logically with
plans from the present into the future.
Another is characterised by a creative approach of people imagining or visioning desired results,
not as a direct solution but as a new situation in which old problems are less or no longer
relevant – a leap of imagination into the future. Rather than looking for a direct fix, a new source
of water may be created or looked for, rendering the broken tap an irrelevant problem. A creative
projectable change begins in the future, plans backwards to the present, devising stepping-stones
to the desired results.
to change a long-standing social norm. Yet it has not succeeded much due to inadequate social
support. Thus there is a reciprocal relationship between law and society. The term ‘social
change’ is also used to indicate the changes that take place in human interactions and inter-
relations. Society is a ‘web-relationship’ and social change obviously means a change in the
system of social relationship where a social relationship is understood terms of social processes
and social interactions and social organizations7. Thus, the term, ‘social change’ is used to
indicate desirable variations in social institution, social processes and social organization. It
includes alterations in the structure and the functions of the society. Closer analysis of the role of
law vis-à-vis social change leads us to distinguish between the direct and the indirect aspects of
the role of law.
the march of law is clearly in favour of Supreme Court having performed a pro-active role in
social change of the languishing masses9. It certainly has acted as a catalyst in the process of
social transformation of people wherein the dilution of caste inequalities, protective measures for
the weak and vulnerable sections, providing for the dignified existence of those living under
unwholesome conditions, etc, are the illustrious examples in this regards.
The law, through legislative and administrative responses to new social conditions and ideas, as
well as through judicial re-interpretations of constitutions, statutes or precedents, increasingly
not only articulates but sets the course for major social change. Attempted social change, through
law, is a basic trait of the modern world. Many authors consider law as a desirable necessary and
highly efficient means of inducing change, preferable to other instruments of change. In present-
day societies, the role of law in social change is of more than theoretical interest. In many areas
of life such as education, race relations, housing, transportation, energy utilization, protection of
the environment, and crime prevention, the law and litigation are important instruments of
change. Law plays an important indirect role in social change by shaping various social
institutions, which in turn have a direct impact on society. [eg. Mandatory school attendance
upgraded the quality of the labor force, which in turn played a direct role in social change by
contributing to an increased rate of industrialization. The law interacts in many cases directly
with basic social institutions, constituting a direct relationship between law and social change].
The intervening nineteenth century was pivotal in that it saw the initiation of this process that
brought about an enormous transformation in the religious, social, economic, political and
cultural spheres of Indian society. Many interrelated factors where in what in this transformation.
The British Raj influenced Indian life through many channels: administration, legislation, treads,
new systems of communication, inchoative industrialisation and urbanisation, all has great
influence of the society as a whole, because every measure in some way interfered with some
traditional patterns of life.
The sum total of these influences on the life and ideas of the people forced them to adjust their
patterns of life to the new circumstances thus affecting a continuum of social change.
Kothari, Rajni, Politics in India, Orient Longman, New Delhi, 1970
In pre independence period some legislations were made in relation to prevailing conservative
and orthodox social practices such as untouchability, degrading position of women, infanticide,
sati, widow hood and child marriage which acted towards social reform.
Prevention of Sati Act,1829; Widow Remarriage Act,1856; Native Marriage Act,1872; Age of
Consent act,1891;the Factory Act,1881; Bengal Tenancy Act,1885 and Press Act,1878 not only
advanced the cause of socio-cultural change but also contributed towards the transformation of
agrarian structure10.
However, the nature and extent of social change in India have been influenced largely by radical
social legislation introduced after independence.
Our Constitution provides certain basic rights(Articles 14-32)to every citizen irrespective of
religion, race, sex, caste, place of birth etc. ensuring justice socio-economic and political, liberty
of thought, expression, belief faith and worship, equality of status and opportunity and fraternity
assuring the dignity of the individual. It also ensures protection against exploitation and protects
cultural and educational rights11.
Articles 36 to 51 lays down certain directive principles of the state policy to secure
(a) adequate means of livelihood for all citizens;
(b) control and distribution of wealth so as to serve the common good;
(c) equal pay for equal work;
(d) health and strength for all from economic avocations;
(e) protection from child labour;
(f) right to work and to education;
(g) uniform civil code;
(h) promotion of educational and economic interests of the scheduled castes, scheduled
tribes and of other weaker sections.
The Untouchability (Offences)Act, 1955 amended as protection of Civil Rights Act, 1976 has
definitely attacked caste prejudice, though has not been fully able to eradicate it. A number of
laws have been enacted for the upliftment of women. The Special Marriage Act, 1954; Hindu
marriage Act, 1955; Hindu succession Act, 1956 and Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961; Prevention
of Immoral Traffic Act, 1956; Sati Prevention Act, 1987; Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence, 2005 have created favourable situation regarding the status of women, whereas Hindus
Jain, M.P., Indian Constitutional Law, Wadhwa Publications, Nagpur, 2005.
Pandey, J.N., Constitutional Law of India, Central Law Agency, Allahabad, 2005.
Adoption and maintenance Act,1956; Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986;
Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation, Act,
1996; the Juvenile Justice Act 2000 amended in 2005 have safeguarded and protected rights of
the children12. These illustrative legislations demonstrate that in a democratic state like ours,
legislation can be effectively used as an instrument of social change.
1. Meaning of law (in sociological context):
Desai, A.R., State and Society in India : Essays in Dissent, Popular Prakashan,
Mumbai, 1975.
Friedman, W., Law in a Changing Society, Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Delhi, 2003.
For many sociologists, law is derivative of broader (or more authentic) sociological concerns, for
example social control and deviance, or is treated within other substantive areas such as labor
relations, the welfare state and social policy, crime, bureaucratic organizations or contemporary
family relations14. Many sociological definitions of law stress its normative character and are
concerned with the responses to behavior that violates laws.
Friedman, Lawrence M. and Jack Ladinsky, Social Change and the Law of Industrial Accidents,
Columbia Law Review, 1967, p:50
2. Speed of social change is related to time factor
3. Social change is an essential law
4. Social change may be planned or unplanned
5. Social change lacks definite prediction
6. Change is the result of the interaction of various factors
The history of mankind reveals that human wisdom has devised different methods and means to
meet the structural changes in the social system which take place with the advancement of
knowledge, culture and civilization. Law has always been considered as one of the important
instruments of affecting social change. Though there are several devices to bring about a change
and reformation in society, but reformation through law is perhaps one of the most effective and
safest methods to achieve this end.
A change in the established pattern of social relations between racial or ethnic groups in a
society would constitute social change, but a general increase or decrease in the amount of
economic wealth in a society would not.
In our quest to discover the effect of law on social change, we generally tend to ignore the
reverse, i.e., the effect of social change on law. That legal change reflects wider social change
often seems too obvious to require discussion. For example, technological change is one
important direct cause of legal change: the development of the internal combustion engine, the
motor car and later of air transport produced vast areas of new or reshaped legal doctrine to
regulate these new features of life with their attendant possibilities, risks and dangers.
It is a fact that the tendency of the society is to look for stability and certainty, as the society
is conversant with the existing practices. They would be sure that the law of yesterday would
still be the law of tomorrow. But stability and certainty alone, however, are not sufficient to
provide us with an effective, vital system of law. Progress also has a justified claim upon the
law. In the contemporary scenario, law needs to play a proactive role in bringing about social
Pandey, J.N., Constitutional Law of India, Central Law Agency, Allahabad, 2005.
Jain, M.P., Indian Constitutional Law, Wadhwa Publications, Nagpur, 2005.
Kothari, Rajni, Politics in India, Orient Longman, New Delhi, 1970.
Jha, S.N. & Mathur, P.C., Decentralisation and Local Politics, Sage Publications, New Delhi,
Dev Indra, Sociology of Law, Oxford University Press, 2005