A Practical Introduction To Fine Wire EMG Applications
A Practical Introduction To Fine Wire EMG Applications
A Practical Introduction To Fine Wire EMG Applications
A practical introduction
to fine wire EMG applications
Thorsten Rudroff
ISBN 0-9771622-3-0
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Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 2
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................................... 4
About the Author ........................................................................................................................................... 5
How to use this booklet ................................................................................................................................. 6
Definition of EMG .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Signal Origin and Acquisition ........................................................................................................................ 7
Use of fine wire EMG .................................................................................................................................... 9
Amplifier and recording recommendations ................................................................................................. 10
Procedures for the use of fine wire EMG electrodes .................................................................................. 10
Subject Preparation..................................................................................................................................... 11
Electrode Insertion ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Illustrated step by step scheme for electrode attachment .......................................................................... 13
Electrode Removal...................................................................................................................................... 16
Potential Complications............................................................................................................................... 17
Verification of electrode location ................................................................................................................. 18
Muscle Maps ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Signal Detection problems ........................................................................................................................... 22
50 or 60 Hz Interference ............................................................................................................................. 22
Troubleshooting schemes for power hum interferences............................................................................. 23
Faulty connections between fine wires and amplifier cables ...................................................................... 24
Cable or motion artifacts ............................................................................................................................. 24
Shorted wire endings .................................................................................................................................. 27
Interfering motor unit action potentials........................................................................................................ 27
Generalized troubleshooting scheme for fine wire recordings.................................................................... 28
Signal Processing of fine wire EMG recordings ........................................................................................ 29
Digital filtering 1: Highpass Filtering............................................................................................................ 29
Digital filtering 2: Notch Filtering ................................................................................................................. 30
Rectification and Smoothing ....................................................................................................................... 32
Amplitude Normalization ............................................................................................................................. 34
Averaging in time-normalized repetition cycles........................................................................................... 36
Examples of fine wire EMG recordings....................................................................................................... 37
Brachialis..................................................................................................................................................... 37
First Dorsal Interosseus (FDI) ..................................................................................................................... 40
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis.................................................................................................................... 43
Flexor Carpi Radialis................................................................................................................................... 44
Supraspinatus ............................................................................................................................................. 48
Quadratus Lumborum ................................................................................................................................. 53
Transversus abdominis ............................................................................................................................... 55
Rectus Femoris ........................................................................................................................................... 57
Vastus intermedius...................................................................................................................................... 60
Iliopsoas ...................................................................................................................................................... 62
Peroneus Longus ........................................................................................................................................ 65
References ..................................................................................................................................................... 67
Recommended Books................................................................................................................................... 70
EMG Guidelines, Societies, Search Links................................................................................................... 71
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 3
ISBN 0-9771622-3-0
Copyright © 2008 by Noraxon U.S.A., Inc.
Reproduction without written permission is granted to educational institutions for educational purposes only.
Noraxon is a registered trademark of Noraxon U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. All other company and
product names contained herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies
and are sole property of their respected owners.
Special thanks to Dr. Peter Konrad, Software Engineer of Noraxon, who assisted with many editorial details.
I am indebted, in particular, to critical contributions by five individuals: Dr. Stéphane Baudry, who assisted in
editing and provided helpful comments; Stephen Matthews, who helped with the experiments; Jeffrey Gould
and Adam Maerz who assisted with development of anatomical figures and editing; Tyler Rudroff, who is my
source of motivation and inspiration.
I would also like to thank PrimalPictures LTD for the right to use anatomical images from the Interactive
Functional Anatomy 2nd ed.
Your access and use of these materials, whether in conventional or electronic format, including web sites, constitutes your agreement to be bound by all of the terms and conditions
herein. Noraxon, Inc. is a manufacturer and distributor of Electromyography (EMG) equipment. Noraxon is not a licensed medical provider. Nothing contained herein is or should be
considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. These materials are for educational use only. The materials provided herein are primarily to educate
users of (EMG) in the health care and related environments. These materials do not constitute the practice of any medical, nursing or other professional health care advice, diagnosis
or treatment.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 5
His research has focused on the combination of neurophysiology and the biomechanics of human
movement. Currently, his research interests include the adaptations in neural control of skeletal muscle
across aging and fatigue, as well as, understanding the mechanisms responsible for the gender and task
differences in muscle fatigue between children, adolescents and adults. He acts as referee for more than 10
scientific international journals and is a member of the Society for Neuroscience.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 6
This first edition of “Kinesiological fine wire EMG” is a short teaching manual
about the usage of fine wire electrodes for electromyographic recordings. This
booklet is not intended to replace the fundamental EMG literature (e.g.Merletti &
Parker 2005). It cannot reflect the variety of different views, opinions and
strategies that have to be considered for responsible scientific use of EMG.
Therefore, it is recommended to study the scientific publications related to a
certain topic.
The main intention is to simplify the first steps in the use of fine wire EMG as a
research and evaluation tool and “get started”. This book overviews the basic Fig. 1 A fundamental EMG
text book. Merletti & Parker:
knowledge needed to apply and perform meaningful fine wire EMG setups and Electromyography
focuses on practical questions and solutions. It is based on the first booklet
ABC of EMG (see chapter “Recommended books”) which introduces signal origin, detection and analysis
techniques of kinesiological surface EMG recordings. It is recommended to also study the ABC of EMG
booklet, especially the chapters about test standardization, analysis and interpretation strategies.
Definition of EMG
Unlike the classical Neurological EMG, where an artificial muscle response due to external electrical
stimulation is analyzed in static conditions, the focus of Kinesiological EMG can be described as the study of
the voluntary neuromuscular activation of muscles within postural tasks, functional movements, work
conditions and treatment or training regimes.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 7
When an end-plate potential is generated at a nerve-muscle synapse, it results in a muscle fiber action
potential that propagates from the synapse to the ends of the muscle fiber. The changes in the electrical
potential of the muscle membrane produced by the propagation of the action potential can be measured
with electrodes: such a recording is known as an electromyogram (EMG).
EMG measurements have been used to (1) assess muscle function during or as a result of exercise and
therapeutic procedures, (2) provide biofeedback to patients, (3) evaluate muscular control by assessing
muscle onset time duration or to establish motor unit discharge rates, (4) assess gait, (5) determine the
requirements of job-related tasks, and (6) assess fatigue. EMG recordings are typically made with two
electrodes, known as bipolar recordings. The resulting signal represents the potential difference between
the two electrodes. For recording an EMG signal, the electrodes can be placed on the skin over a
muscle (surface EMG), under the skin but over the muscle (subcutaneous EMG), or in the muscle
between the fibers (intramuscular EMG).
Fig. 3 Examples of EMG recordings: (A) multiple, overlapping action potentials due to the concurrent activation of many motor
units; (B) a train of action potentials for muscle fibers belonging to one motor unit (Figure from Rudroff et al. 2007c).
The size and location of the electrode determine the composition of the recording, which can range from
single action potentials to global muscle activity (Fig. 3). Surface EMG recordings with many
overlapping action potentials are known as interference EMG (Adrian, 1925; Fuglesang-Frederiksen,
2000; Sanders et al., 1996). Electrodes placed on the skin provide a global measure of action potential
activity in the underlying muscle, whereas fine wire electrodes placed in the muscle are able to record
both interference EMG and single action potentials from adjacent muscle fibers.
Before collecting EMG data, the investigator should consider the following: (1) What is the purpose of the
study? (2) What type of electrodes are appropriate for the recording? (3) Should the investigator use
cabling or telemetry in their setup?
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 8
The study purpose determines whether surface or intramuscular electrodes are used. Surface
electrodes are frequently used to assess superficial muscle activity. Intramuscular electrodes are used
to derive information about the activity from muscles located deep in the body and to record motor unit
activity. The advantages and disadvantages of the different electrode types are described on page 9
and discussed in detail elsewhere (Merletti & Parker, 2005; Turker, 1993).
In kinesiological EMG studies, the most common type of intramuscular electrode is the fine wire
electrode. It consists of a pair of extremely fine nylon-coated wires (diameter of 50μm or less) placed in
situ by means of a hypodermic needle. The needle is withdrawn and a small hook or barb at the end of
the wires keeps them in the muscle. Such electrodes may be driven easily into a muscle without
anesthesia causing no more pain than that resulting from the needle puncture itself. If sharp 25-gauge
needles are used, the pain is minimal and transitory. The needle withdraws easily and rarely dislodges
the fine wire electrodes due to the hooks at their ends. These electrodes do have potential
complications including patient discomfort (Jonsson et al., 1968) and wire fracture (Jonsson, 1968).
However, the incidence of these problems is extremely low (Jonsson, 1968) and is not considered a
significant threat to subjects by most experienced electromyographers.
Specialized versions of fine wire electrodes have also been developed. For example, Enoka et al., 1988
described a special version of an indwelling electrode that apparently maximizes signal stability and
muscle action potential selectivity. Their electrode is a branched, bipolar electrode positioned
subcutaneously over the belly of the muscle. This electrode allows recording of motor unit action
potentials during maximal voluntary contractions (MVC), slow movements, and fatiguing contractions of
long durations (Mottram et al., 2006; Rudroff et al., 2007a,b). Needle electrodes are another type of
intramuscular electrode that can be used for diagnostic EMG (Kimura, 1988) or to record motor unit
action potentials during fast or sustained contractions in arm and lower leg muscles (Van Cutsem et al.,
1998; Carpentier et al., 2001; Klaas et al., 2008). The application of these electrodes is limited because
needle displacement during muscle contraction can be painful and can cause muscle damage (Blanton
et al., 1971a, b; Lebedev, 1991).
Another consideration is whether to use a telemetry system or one requiring cabling. Telemetry
systems are ideal for monitoring and recording muscle functionality from long distances without wires or
cables. Telemetric recording is more convenient to record muscle activity during locomotion or complex
movements as no cables limit or restrain the range of motion. Surface and intramuscular EMG signals
are transmitted from the subject to the recording computer by radio waves from as far as 300 yards.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 9
EMG Computing
Mobile Tele-
Sensors metry
Fig. 4 EMG, force, angle and other types of biomechanical sensors can be connected to a telemetry
system. Data is then transmitted from the system directly to a computer or laptop.
System TELEMYO G2 – Noraxon INC. USA
In instances when muscles are deeply located in a body segment or covered by other surface muscles,
recordings using fine wire electrodes are necessary for accuracy. The use of the fine wire technique
requires adequate anatomical and physiological knowledge and training.
Advantages Disadvantages
Electromyographic (EMG) recordings from thin and deep muscles are difficult to obtain due to cross-talk
from adjacent muscle layers. For this reason, surface electrodes are unsuitable for recording muscle
activity in these muscles.
Although fine wire electrodes can be manipulated while monitoring EMG activity and are suitable for
clinical investigations, accurate placement of fine wire electrodes is more difficult than with surface EMG.
They must hook into the desired muscle layer and cannot be repositioned once inserted. Once inserted
fine wire electrodes are superior for prolonged and non-clinical investigations of muscle function because
they are hooked in the muscle fibers and therefore move with the fibers ensuring that the recording area
is the same.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 10
A typical fine wire electrode is shown in Figure 4. Although it is possible to make fine wire electrodes, it
is recommended for a beginner to start with pre-manufactured electrode (Nicolet, VIASYS TM). These
disposable EMG Paired Hook-Wire Electrodes are ideal for long-term intramuscular recording in
movement/kinesiology studies. They are pre-sterilized and the un-insulated endings are coloured red
for easy recognition. The ends of the wires are positioned so 2 mm of one wire and 5 mm of the
second wire exit at the end of the needle. The first wire is stripped of insulation on the first 2 mm, while
the second wire is insulated for the first 3 mm and stripped the next 2 mm. The electrodes are available
in different sizes (30 mm (1.2’’) Gauge 27 and 50 mm (2.0’’) Gauge 25). The size of the needle
depends on the depth of the muscle under investigation.
The International Society of Electrophysilogy and Kinesiology (ISEK) recommends to use a bandpass of
5-10 Hz high pass to minimum 1500 Hz low pass frequency
The A/D conversion and sampling rate should at least be set to double EMG bandpass (e.g. 3000 Hz) to
avoid aliasing problems (see ABC of EMG Chapter “Computation of EMG Signal”).
1. Screen the subject to assure that he/she satisfies the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the
experimental purpose depending on the requirements of your local human research committee.
2. Prior to arrival of the subject ensure the setup is complete. Wash your hands and arrange the fine
wire EMG table with alcohol swabs, cotton balls, tape, and sterile medical examination gloves.
3. Before the first experimental session begins, an informed consent form must be read and signed by
the subject. During this time, experiment procedures can be discussed before data collection.
4. When the subject arrives for data collection, review the procedures for the experiment and answer all
questions asked by the subject. Ensure the subject has read and filled out necessary additional
forms required for the study. Additionally, ensure that the subject fully understands what will happen
during data collection and what is required of them.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 11
Subject Preparation
Have the subject seated comfortably and perform all experimental set-up prior to electrode insertion
• Prepare the area by shaving and cleaning with an alcohol swab and iodine
• Explain to the subject that there may be a slight stinging sensation from the alcohol as the
hypodermic needle is inserted, but the procedure should not be painful. Instruct the subject not to
hesitate in expressing any discomfort during the procedure.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 12
Electrode Insertion
The insertion site should be determined using established procedures e.g. the Anatomic guide for the
electromyographers (Delagi et al., 1994 - Springfield Ill: Charles C. Thomas.) One factor that influences
an EMG recording is electrode placement. This involves both the distance between the electrodes and
the location of the electrodes relative to the neuromuscular junctions (Farina et al., 2002; Merletti et al.,
2001). The neuromuscular junctions are located in the middle of the muscle fibers and span an area
known as the innervation zone. Each fiber is activated at the neuromuscular junction, which results in
the propagation of action potentials in each direction toward the ends of the fiber. The preferred location
for an electrode is the area halfway between the center of the innervation zone and the distal tendon.
The books by Enoka (2008) and Merletti & Parker (2005) provide a full discussion of the
electrophysiological importance of electrode placement in addition to interelectrode distance and
electrode placement for various muscles (Freriks et al., 1999; Rainoldi et al., 2004).
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 13
Electrode Removal
While wearing medical gloves, grasp the wire(s) with the thumb and index finger on one hand.
• Remove wire(s) with a firm but gentle continuous pull. Once the wire(s) are removed, apply firm
pressure with an alcohol swab to the insertion site to minimize bruising. Clean the site with an
additional alcohol swab if necessary.
Potential Complications
Hematoma Symptom – Signs will include swelling and possible bleeding if a blood vessel
has been pierced.
Response – Immediately remove the electrode and then compress and elevate
the affected limb and apply ice to the affected region.
May require referral to a medical professional.
In the event of a needle stick injury, report the incident immediately to your supervisor and to a medical
professional who will determine what actions may be required.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 18
It is strongly recommended to verify the electrode location. In case of the fine wire technique, electro-
myographers can use functional tests, ultrasound images and stimulation through the implanted wires
to verify electrode location. An appropriate specific muscle test can be used to ensure that the electrode
is inserted into the correct muscle (e.g. external shoulder rotation for infraspinatus, leg extension for
quadriceps muscles). Perform the contraction and watch for activity in the recording computer. If a
more objective method to test electrode location is needed, the investigator may use ultrasonography.
A study by Rudroff et al., 2008 compared changes in intramuscular and surface recording of EMG
amplitude in parallel with ultrasound measures of muscle architecture of the elbow flexor muscles
during a submaximal contraction. A B-mode ultrasonographic apparatus (Sonolayer SSH0140A,
Toshiba) with a 7.5-MHz linear-array probe (38-mm scanning length) was positioned on the skin to
measure selected features of the muscle architecture: the thickness of the long head of the biceps
brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis muscles, and the pennation angle of the fascicles in brachialis
(Figure 8). Minimal pressure was applied to the scanner against the skin so that deformation of the
tissues was minimized. Landmarks were drawn on the skin overlying the muscles. The thickness of
biceps brachii and brachialis was measured by placing the transducer on the anterior aspect of the arm
in a sagittal plane and proximal to the crease of the elbow.
Fig. 8 Representative ultrasonography of intramuscular EMG depth. Ultrasound image (left) of the relaxed long head of
biceps brachii and brachialis muscles with the transducer placed on the anterior aspect of the arm in a sagittal plane
and proximal to the crease of the elbow. Right shows the parameters measured for each muscle: a:, thickness of the
long head of biceps brachii; b, thickness of brachialis; α, pennation angle for fascicles in brachialis muscle.
Depth of the electrodes: 1 = 1/2a, 2 = 1/3b, 3 = 2/3b. Figure from Rudroff et al., 2008.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 19
The transducer was moved slightly in a lateral direction to ensure a clear image of the muscle
boundaries and the periosteal reflection from the humerus. Brachioradialis was measured by placing the
transducer over the muscle belly just distal to the crease of the elbow joint and parallel to the longitudinal
axis of the forearm. Two ultrasound measurements were made for brachialis: the thickness between the
superficial border of the muscle and the humeral surface 2 cm from the left-hand edge of the image, and
the angle of pennation between the most clearly visualized fascicle and its insertion into the humeral
surface. The thickness of the long head of biceps brachii and brachioradialis muscles was determined
as the distance between the lower and upper boundaries. The ultrasound analyses were made offline
with digitizing software (Scion Image, National Institutes of Health). A disposable 25-gauge hypodermic
needle was used to insert two stainless steel wires into the muscle bellies at an angle that was parallel to
the ultrasound probe. The needle was removed after the wires reached a depth that was determined by
the ultrasound measurements. The depths were 1/2 of the muscle cross-section for biceps brachii, and
1/3 and 2/3 of muscle thickness for brachialis (Figure 8) and brachioradialis. The latter was inserted
~3 cm distal from the elbow crease.
There are recommendations regarding verification of electrode location with ultrasonography for various
muscles (Herbert et al., 1995; Hodges et al., 2003; Rudroff et al., 2008; Shi et al., 2006).
Another method to determine the location of the fine wire electrodes is the usage of stimulation through
the implanted wires (Basmajian &DeLuca, 1985).
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 20
Muscle Maps
Deeper, smaller or overlaid muscles need a fine wire application to be safely and selectively detected
and recorded. Most of the important limb and trunk muscles can be measureD by surface EMG
electrodes. The following muscle maps show a selection of muscles that typically have been
investigated in kinesiological studies.
Frontal View
Deltoideus p. acromialis
Pectoralis minor Deltoideus p. clavicularis
Pectoralis major
Biceps brachii
Serratus anterior
Rectus abdominis
Smaller forearm muscles Flexor carpum radialis
Flexor carpum ulnaris
Vastus lateralis
Vastus medialis
Peroneus longus
Tibialis anterior
Fig. 9 Anatomical positions of selected electrode sites – frontal view. The left side indicates deep
muscles and positions for fine wire electrodes; the right side for surface muscles and placements.
From ABC of EMG
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 21
Dorsal View
Trapezius p. descendenz
Subscapularis Trapezius p. transversus
Rhomboideus Deltoideus p. scapularis
Teres major / minor Infraspinatus
Biceps femoris
Gastrocnemius lat.
Gastrocemius med.
Thin / deep shank muscles
Fig. 10 Anatomical positions of selected electrode sites – dorsal view. The left side indicates deep
muscles and positions for fine wire electrodes; the right side for surface muscles and placements.
From ABC of EMG
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 22
50 or 60 Hz Interference
Fig. 11 60 Hz power hum artifact caused by an external “noisy” ultra-sound sonograph. The
baseline noise level exceeds 15 to 20 uV
50/60 Hz noise can be visually identified by zooming in on the affected baseline and checking the
repetitive sinoidal signal shape (see Zoom box in Fig. 11). A more objective verification is to apply a Fast
Fourier Transformation to generate a Total Power Spectrum:
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 23
Fig. 12 Power spectrum of the zoomed area in the fine wire EMG trace shown in Fig. 8. Note
the dominant sharp spike at 60 Hz
When this source of noise is present a sharp power peak can be seen at 50 or 60 Hz within the Total
Power Spectrum.
When power hum is present, the first step is to find the source of the noise. It is generally recommended
to avoid cable drums or power strip for all devices involved in the EMG recording. In many buildings,
wall-outlets differ by their noise level. Outlets mounted directly to the wall are preferred. All unnecessary
electrical devices should be turned off. The first preparatory step of any EMG recording is to verify the
electronic noise is below the level that will interfere with the recording. Telemetry systems are much less
sensitive to ground and leakage noise because they are battery operated and thus not directly
connected to wall powered devices. Walking around the room to find “noisy” areas is one strategy. One
can also touch all the devices nearby and check if the noise level increases. A common source of noise
can be computer power supplies. Heavy machines like treadmills and/or devices with strong electric
motors may interfere and should be checked as well. Often the problem with a given noisy device can
be solved by adding a ground using copper wires. If the source of power leakage hum cannot be
identified try to move away from noisy areas or consider recording in another location.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 24
The connection between the fine wire and adapter of the preamplifier is the most sensitive point, so must
be carefully arranged. It is typically the first connection to troubleshoot. Special attention should be given
to make sure the electrical connection is well arranged. A faulty connection may show an increased
noise level, slow wave baseline deviations or no signals at all.
Gently pull the wire to check that it has stable connection with the adapter. Check that the conductive
insulated ending of the wire has contact with the preamplifier. Any loose endings should not touch each
other to avoid electrical shorts. A repositioning of wires may help with a persistent problem.
In dynamic studies motion artifacts caused by wire or muscle belly shaking are an ongoing concern.
They can cause sharp amplitude spikes or slow wave baseline shifts.
Fig. 13 Cable motion artifact in a walking trial (ch.1=SEMG Rectus Fem., ch. 2= fine wire EMG Rectus
Fem., ch. 3= foot switch signal). The artifact appears right after heel strike and is visible both in surface
and fine wire recording
Sharp spike artifacts have a repetitive nature related to the subjects motion cycle and are typically
caused by wire shaking or changes in pressure near the electrode.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 25
Fig. 14 Fine wire recording of Rectus Fem. (upper channel) in a treadmill walking trial. The
cable motion artifact has repetitive nature directly related to the gait event (see foot switch
signal – lower channel).
In many cases, the problem can be minimized by securing the patient cables tighter or using another
method to attach them. Taping or repositioning the preamps can also help.
Fig. 15 Motion artifact due to cabling shaking on channel #2: The analysis of the time
synchronized video recording (upper right image) reveals that in the end flexion the muscle
belly touches the wires and causes an artifact spike on the fine wire Brachialis recording in
ch. 2
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 26
Muscles can show considerable wobbling in dynamic activities. Changes in temporary volume
conduction and geometrical wire ending arrangement cannot be avoided. These interfering temporary
changes in local detection geometry are typically producing slow wave baseline shifts. The contraction
process itself can temporarily change the position of the wires against each other, even in static
Fig. 16 Slow wave artifacts produced by internal motion/muscle tissue migration in semi static
contraction in fine wire recording of multifidus (ch. 2). The parallel surface recording at the
insertion position is not affected (ch. 1).The subject is performing a diagonal shoulder-hip
extension/flexion cycle in quadruple position
In addition to carefully securing the wires, a temporary static maximal contraction or pulling the wires
gently may help to minimize this problem:
Fig. 18 An example of an electrical short during a fine wire recording (lower trace)
of the multifidus during a static test contraction. The baseline is drifting away from
zero and no amplitude innervation spikes are visible (Drifting Baseline.).
Fig. 19 A fine wire multifidus recording contaminated with MUAPs and shifting
baseline during a static contraction.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 28
This problem can be easily detected by zooming in on the raw signal and checking its rhythmic triphasic
shape (see Zoom box). The only way to eliminate interfering MUAP recordings is to reposition the wire
endings with a static max contraction or gently pulling on the wires.
• Check and establish the electrical environment in your lab prior to the main experiments
• Find and eliminate 50/60 Hz noise sources and areas of increased current leakage
• Check the power supply of all involved devices (e.g. laptop power supply)
• Arrange additional grounding of heavy machines and devices with strong electro-motors
• Carefully check the electrical contact between the fine wires and preamplifier adapter
To quantify fine wire recordings, it is recommended to apply certain signal processing steps to minimize
the effect of artifacts and increase the reliability of the data. The most common steps are summarized in
figure 20 and include highpass filtering at 10 or 20 Hz, rectification and smoothing.
Fig. 20 Bandpass filtered (20Hz high-pass), full wave rectified and smoothed (RMS100)
EMG signal (red curve), shown in a processing overlay scheme based on raw data
(blue-grey curve).
A short introduction of signal processing methods and strategies are presented in the following chapter.
Please also refer to the chapter Signal Processing in the ABC of EMG booklet.
If it is needed, digital filtering is always applied prior to any other signal processing method. Digital
filtering should be used with care because it automatically causes loss of signal information.
Nevertheless, for dynamic studies involving amplitude analysis it is generally recommended to apply a
10 or 20 Hz highpass filter. This will help to stabilize slow wave baseline shifts and will automatically
correct any DC shift of the zero line in raw EMG recordings. Due to the huge benefit of a stable and
correctly positioned baseline, the amplitude related signal loss is of minor importance and will only
marginally affect the data integrity.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 30
Fig. 21 20 Hz Highpass filtering (black curve) applied to a raw Fine wire recording (blue
curve) with heavy baseline shifts in a static multifidus contraction: the IIR Bessel filter
corrects any slow wave shift
Notch filters cancel out certain frequency contents of the signal, e.g. 50/60 Hz artifact cycles:
Fig. 22 The original raw curve is shown in green color, the dark blue curve is notch
filtered at 60 and 120 Hz. Note the reduction in baseline noise between contractions
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 31
The notch filter can help correct records contaminated with power hum. The signal loss is acceptable for
amplitude oriented analysis. In general, EMG recordings should have a signal loss due to filtering of less
than 10% (see below) of the unfiltered signal magnitude.
Fig. 23 Highpass filtered and RMS smoothed fine wire EMG recording of infraspinatus
contractions as shown in Fig. 22. Dark green is the notch filtered curve, light green is the
same signal prior to filtering.
When notch filtering is employed, active EMG bursts will be reduced slightly, but the main effect is to
remove the noise from baseline signals. While the amplitude may be slightly reduced, the shape of the
rectified smoothed and averaged signal is very close to that of the unfiltered signal.
T o ta l P o w e r S p e c t r u m
IN F R A S P IN . F IN E W I R E , u V * u V *s
10 0
IN F R A S P IN . F IN E W I R E , u V * u V *s
10 0
For EMG investigations using frequency analysis parameters, notch filtering should not be used because
signal energy loss of up to 35% can occur (see Fig. 25).
Because of the increased probability to catch power hum artifacts during fine wire recordings, notch
filtering can be used to “save” and fit data, but care should be taken to find the correct ratio between
signal fitting and signal distortion. It is strongly recommended to avoid sources of power hum before data
collection rather than trying to filter them out of a poor signal. Methods for this were described previously.
Rectification and smoothing are standard processes for almost all EMG analysis. Rectification is needed
to process standard amplitude values like mean amplitude or area, and smoothing is applied to eliminate
the non-reproducible spikes within the EMG signal. Smoothing can be done with mathematical
algorithms like moving average or root mean square (RMS). If the latter is applied, the signal is called
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 33
Rectified EMG
Fig. 26 Based on the raw signal (upper trace) the signal is first full wave
rectified (middle trace) and finally smoothed with a RMS algorithm
To some degree, smoothing can eliminate the effects of cable shaking artifacts:
Fig. 27 Smoothed and rectified (RMS 100ms) fine wire EMG signal of the Rectus
Fem. during gait analysis. The cable artifact (as described in Fig. 13) is nearly
eliminated through the smoothing algorithms, which by its nature only follows the
mean innervation trend within the signal
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 34
Amplitude Normalization
Any EMG recording is based on a unique detection condition which cannot be precisely reproduced.
Therefore, the absolute values obtained cannot be compared across subject or for the same subject
across different sessions. One benefit of fine wire recording is that it bypasses the effects of skin and
tissue filtering between electrodes and muscles. However, the precise position and distance between the
fine wire electrodes can significantly vary and care must be taken to directly compare two raw recordings
by means of their absolute microvolt values.
Fig. 28 MVC (Maximal Voluntary Contraction) test for 2 muscles (multifidus SEMG and fine wire) in a static,
secured prone lying position. The MVC trial is performed 3 times, with pausing of 30 sec. between trials. The
green areas indicate the signal portion of highest EMG level for each channel. The mean value of this
interval (500ms) is defined as the MVC reference value.
For healthy subjects, varying anatomical detection conditions can be eliminated by a biological
calibration of the microvolt data to reference value. This reference value can be the mean or peak
amplitude value of a given trial or the highest activity level for those muscles during a maximal voluntary
contraction (MVC). This procedure is typically called MVC-normalization and is measured in separate
static tests. The original microvolt data of all trials are expressed as a percentage of the highest
innervation level (%MVC). This procedure allows a direct comparison of EMG data between muscle sites
and subjects. The other benefit is that MVC data provide information about the neuromuscular fatigue
level for those muscles during a particular activity (e.g. “the muscles fire with 35% of its MVC
maximum”). MVC normalization requires healthy subjects to perform a true maximum muscular effort in
order to obtain representative data. For more information, please refer to the chapter entitled
“Normalization” in the ABC of EMG booklet.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 35
Fig. 29 Example of MVC normalized activity: the subject is stepping back and forth with his right leg. Surface
(channel 1) and fine wire recording (channel 2) of the rectus femoris and a foot switch signal (channel 3) were
recorded for a sequence of four repetition cycles.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 36
Averaging is the preferred method to normalize the unavoidable variability of EMG patterns within
repetitive motion cycles (see Fig. 29) Since any repetitive exercise differs in duration between
repetitions, time normalization of 100% percent of the motion cycle can be applied. The data are
expressed as a vector with a resolution of 100 data points, thus it doesn’t matter how long the original
repetition lasted. Averaging requires a motion trigger to determine the start and end points, points of
return (e.g. flexion to extension) or gait events (heel strike, toe off), which can be accomplished by using
foot switches, goniometers, inclinometers or time-synchronized DV video at a minimum of 50 fps.
Fig. 30 MVC and time-normalized average activation pattern of the forward-backward step motion. The
averaged curves of 4 repetitions +/- 1 standard deviation (shaded area) are shown in the step forward (yellow)
and step backwards (blue) phase. The data show a direct comparison of SEMG (green curve) and fine wire
(red curve) recording of the Rectus Fem. in the step exercise of fig. 29.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 37
Fig. 31 A. Location of needle insertion into brachialis, B. View of brachialis after removal of biceps brachii
The brachialis muscle is a muscle in the upper arm that flexes the elbow joint. It lies just below the biceps
Blood supply: Muscular branches from the brachial artery and the radial recurrent
Action: Flexion of the forearm at the elbow. Agonists: biceps brachii and Brachioradialis;
Antagonist: triceps brachii (long, lateral, and medial heads) and anconeus.
Electrode insertion: Insert electrode two finger widths proximal to elbow groove along and just lateral
to the tendon and the bulk of the biceps brachii.
Pitfalls: If the needle electrode is inserted too medially, it will be in the biceps.
Subject with fine wires in brachialis muscle (left). Surface EMG electrodes are placed over the short head of
the biceps brachii (right).
Subject performs elbow flexion. Channel 1 shows surface EMG activity; Channel 2 fine wire EMG activity.
The bars on the lower right indicate the EMG values at each time point of the motion.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 39
Subject performs elbow flexion. Channel 1 shows surface EMG activity; Channel 2 fine wire EMG activity,
and the bottom trace the force output measured by a force transducer attached to the cable. The bars on
the lower right indicate the EMG values at each time point of the motion.
Suggested Readings
Herbert RD, Gandevia SC. Changes in pennation with joint angle and muscle torque: in vivo measurements in human
brachialis muscle. J Physiol 484: 523-532, 1995.
Rudroff T, Staudenmann D, Enoka RM. Electromyographic measures of muscle activation and changes in muscle
architecture of human elbow flexors during fatiguing contractions. J Appl Physiol 104: 1720-1726, 2008.
Rudroff T, Christou EA, Poston B, Bojsen-Møller J, Enoka RM. Time to failure of a sustained contraction is predicted by
target torque and initial electromyographic bursts in elbow flexor muscles. Muscle Nerve 35: 657-666, 2007b.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 40
Proximal attachment: Each by two heads, to the adjacent sides of the metacarpals in each interspace.
The first lying between the first and second metacarpals.
Distal attachment: Base of the proximal phalanx and the ipsilateral band of the extensor apparatus.
The first dorsal interosseus attaches to the radial side of the thumb.
Action: Flexion of the first digit at the metacarpophalangeal joints. Agonists: palmar
interossei, lumbricals, flexor digiti minimi, flexor digitorum profundus; Antagonists:
extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, and extensor digiti minimi.
Pitfalls: If the needle electrode is inserted too deeply it will be in the adductor pollicis.
Suggested Readings
Christou EA, Poston B, Enoka JA, Enoka RM. Different neural adjustments improve endpoint accuracy with practice in
young and old adults. J Neurophysiol 97: 3340-3350, 2007.
Maluf KS, Shinohara M, Stephenson JL, Enoka RM. Muscle activation and time to task failure differ with load type and
contraction intensity for a human hand muscle. Exp Brain Res 167: 165-177, 2005.
Poston B, Enoka JA, Enoka RM. Endpoint accuracy for a small and a large hand muscle in young and old adults during
rapid, goal-directed isometric contractions. Exp Brain Res 187: 373-385, 2008.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 42
The abductor pollicis brevis is a muscle in the hand that functions as an abductor of the thumb.
Distal attachment: Lateral aspect of the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb and, occasionally,
a slip to the extensor apparatus of the thumb.
Action: Palmar abduction of the thumb at the trapeziometacarpal joint. Agonist: none;
Antagonist: adductor pollicis.
Electrode insertion: Midpoint of a line drawn between the volar aspect of the first
metacarpophalangeal joint and the carpometacarpal joint. Insert to depth of one-
fourth to one-half inch.
Pitfalls: If the needle electrode is inserted too deeply it will be in the opponens pollicis.
Suggested Readings
Van Oudenaarde E, Oostendorp RA. Functional relationship between the abductor pollicis longus and abductor pollicis
brevis muscles: an EMG analysis. J Anat 186, 509-515,1995.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 43
The extensor carpi radialis brevis is shorter and thicker than the longus, which lies beneath.
Proximal attachment: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus via the common extensor tendon and the radial
collateral ligament of the elbow.
Innervation: Radial nerve, posterior cord, posterior division, upper and middle trunk (C6, C7).
Action: Extension of the wrist. Agonists: extensor carpi radialis longus and extensor carpi
ulnaris; Antagonists: flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, and flexor carpi ulnaris.
Suggested Readings
Chae J, Knutson J, Hart R, Fang ZP. Selectivity and sensitivity of intramuscular and trancutaneous electromyography
electrodes. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 80: 374-379, 2001.
Finsen L, Søgaard K, Graven-Nielsen T, Christensen H. Activity patterns of wrist extensor muscles during wrist
extensions and deviations. Muscle Nerve 31: 242-251, 2005.
Riek S, Carson RG, Wright A. A new technique for the selective recording of extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
EMG. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 10: 249-253, 2000.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 44
The flexor carpi radialis is a muscle of the forearm that acts to flex and abduct the hand.
Proximal attachment: Medial epicondyle of the humerus via the common flexor tendon.
Distal attachment: Base of the second and, occasionally, the third metacarpal.
Innervation: Radial nerve, posterior cord, posterior division, upper and middle trunk (C6, C7).
Action: Flexion of the wrist. Agonists: palmares longus and flexor carpi ulnaris;
Antagonists: extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, and
extensor carpi ulnaris.
Electrode insertion: Three to four finger widths distal to the midpoint of a line connecting the medial
epicindyle and biceps tendon.
Suggested Readings
Alizadehkhaiyat O, Fisher AC, Kemp GJ, Frostik SP. Strength and fatigability of selected muscles in upper limb:
Assessing muscle imbalance relevant to tennis elbow. J Elelectromyogr Kinesiol 17: 428-436, 2007.
Calancie C, Bawa P. Voluntary and reflexive recruitment of flexor carpi radialis motor units in humans. J Neurophysiol
53, 1194-1200, 1985.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 45
Fig. 36 A. Location of needle insertion into infraspinatus, B. View of infraspinatus after removal of trapezius and deltoid
Distal attachment: The middle of the three facets of the greater tubercle of the humerus.
Blood supply: Suprascapular artery from the thyrocervical trunk and humeral circumflex humeral
artery from the axillary artery.
Primary action: External rotation of the arm at the shoulder Agonists: teres minor and posterior
deltoid Antagonist: subscapularis, anterior deltoid, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis
major (sternal head), pectoralis major (clavicular head), and teres major.
Electrode insertion: Insert needle electrode into infraspinous fossa two finger widths below medial
portion of the spine of the scapula.
Pitfalls: If needle electrode is inserted too superficially it will be in the trapezius; if too
laterally it will be in posterior deltoid.
Subject with fine wire electrodes in infraspinatus muscle. Surface electrodes are placed over the muscle.
Subject performs internal and external shoulder rotation. The top trace shows surface EMG activity, middle
trace fine wire EMG activity, and the bottom trace the force output measured by a force transducer attached
to the cable. The bars on the lower right indicate the EMG and force values during the contraction.
Internal and external shoulder rotation with simultaneous ultrasonography video recording:
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 47
Suggested Readings
Bitter NL, Clisby EF, Jones MA, Magarey ME, Jaberzadeh, Sandow MJ. Relative contributions of infraspinatus and
deltoid during external rotation in healthy shoulders. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 16: 563-568, 2007.
Morris AD, Kemp GJ, Lees A, Frostic SP. A study of the reproducibility of three different normalisation methods in
intramuscular dual fine wire electromyography of the shoulder. J Elelectromyogr Kinesiol 8: 317-322, 1998.
Palmerud G, Forsman M, Sporrong H, Herberts P, Kadefors R. Intramuscular pressure of the infra- and supraspinatus
muscles in relation to hand load and arm posture. Eur J Appl Physiol 83: 223-230, 2000.
Rudroff T, Barry BK, Stone AL, Barry CJ, Enoka RM. Accessory muscle activity contributes to the variation in time to task
failure for different arm postures and loads. J Appl Physiol 102: 1000-1006, 2007.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 48
Fig. 37 A. Location of needle insertion into supraspinatus, B. View of supraspinatus after removal of trapezius and
deltoid muscles
The supraspinatus is a relatively small muscle of the upper limb and is one of the four rotator cuff muscles
Blood supply: Suprascapular artery from the thyrocervical trunk and the dorsal scapular artery.
Action: Abduction of arm and stabilization of humerus. Agonist: middle deltoid; Antagonist:
latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, teres major, and long head of triceps brachii.
Electrode insertion: At the supraspinous fossa just above the spine of the scapula beneath the
trapezius. The electrode will travel through the midtrapezius muscle.
Teres Minor
Proximal attachment: On the dorsal surface of the middle half of the lateral border of the scapula.
Innervation: Axillary nerve, posterior cord, posterior division, upper trunk, C5, C6.
Action: External rotation of the arm at the shoulder. Agonist: infraspinatus and posterior
deltoid; Antagonist: anterior deltoid, subscapularis, pectoralis major (clavicular and
sternal heads), teres major, and latissimus dorsi)
Electrode insertion: Insert one-third of the way between acromion and inferior angle of the scapular
along lateral border.
Pitfalls: If needle is inserted too cephalad, it will be in the supraspinatus, if inserted too
caudally, it will be in the teres major; if inserted too superficially, it will be in the
trapezius. If inserted too medially, it will be in the infraspinatus.
Fig. 39 A. Location of needle insertion into multifidus, B. View of multifidus after removal of overlaying muscles.
Multifidus is a series of paired small muscles extending the full length of the spine just superficial to the
rotatores and each spanning 2 or 3 intervertebral spaces.
Proximal attachment: Sacral region: dorsal surface of the sacrum as low as the fourth sacral foramen,
the aponeurosis of erector spinae, the posterior superior iliac spine, and the dorsal
sacro-iliac ligaments.
Lumbar region: all the mamillary processes. Thoracic region: all the transversus
processes. Cervical region: the articular processes of C4 to C7.
Distal attachment: arrangement in three layers, attaching to the entire length of the spinous
processes of C2 to L5: the deepest layer attaches to the adjacent vertebra; the
intermediate layer attaches to the second or third vertebra above; and the
superficial layer to the third or fourth vertebra above.
Action: Contralateral rotation of the cervical spine when acting unilaterally. Agonist:
semispinalis cervicis; Antagonist: multifidus muscle of the contralateral side.
Blood Supply: Dorsal rami of the posterior intercostal arteries, the dorsal branches of the
subcostal arteries, and the dorsal branches of the lumbar arteries.
Pitfalls: If the fine wire electrode is inserted too superficially it will be in the erector spinae.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 51
Subject performs a typical exercise (diagonal arm/leg extension in quadruple position) for the back muscles.
Left top trace shows surface EMG activity, middle trace fine wire EMG activity of the multifidus. The bars on
the lower right indicate the EMG activity during the contraction.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 52
Subject performs another common exercise (prone lying back extension) for the back muscles. Left top
trace shows surface EMG activity, middle trace fine wire EMG activity of the multifidus. The bars on the
lower right indicate the EMG activity during the contraction.
Suggested Readings
Moseley GL, Hodges PW, Gandevia SC. Deep and superficial fibers of the lumbar multifidus muscle are differentially
active during voluntary arm movements. Spine 27: 29-36, 2002.
Vasseljen O, Dahl HH, Mork PJ, Torp HG. Muscle activity onset in the lumbar multifidus muscle recorded simultaneously
by ultrasound imaging and intramuscular electromyography. Clin Biomech 21: 905-913, 2006.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 53
Quadratus Lumborum
Fig. 40 A. Location of needle insertion into quadratus lumborum, B. View of quadratus lumborum after removal of
overlaying muscles
The quadratus lumborum has an irregular and quadrilateral shape, and is broader at its base.
Proximal attachment: Transverse processes of L1 to L4, the iliolumbar ligament, and the posterior third
of the iliac crest.
Action: Alone, lateral flexion of vertebral column; Together, depression of thoracic rib
cage. Agonists: iliocostalis lumborum, longissimus thoracis, psoas major, external
and internal oblique; Antagonist: contralateral quadratus lumborum.
Electrode insertion: Subject starts in a prone position and then is asked to lift the chest off the table to
increase the lumbar lordosis. This position will allow the precise identification of
the lateral border of the erector spinae muscle. Two insertion areas are available:
(1) One finger width lateral to the erector spine mass and just proximal to the iliac
crest: the needle will travel through the latissimus dorsi aponeurosis before
entering the quadratus lumborum.
(2) The 2nd lumbar vertebra level is identified and the needle is inserted three
fingers breadth lateral to the spinous process. The needle will travel through the
latissimus aponeurosis and the erector spinae before entering the muscle. The
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 54
needle insertion is easy to feel due to the thickness and toughness of the lumbar
aponeurosis, which helps to notice where the tip of the needle may be at any
given time.
Pitfalls: (1) If the electrode is too superficial it will be in the latissimus dorsi; if too medial it
will be in the erector spinae; if too lateral it will be in the internal oblique. If too
deep it may enter the abdominal cavity.
(2) If electrode is too superficial it will be in the erector spinae; if too deep it will be
either in the medial psoas muscle or in the retroperitoneal renal space. If too
medial it will be in the multifidus; if too lateral it will be in the renal space.
Functional test: Subject is asked to laterally bend the body, or to lift the hemipelvis on the
ipsilateral side.
Suggested Readings
Andersson EA, Gundstrom H, Thorstensson A (2002). Diverging intramuscular activity patterns in back and abdominal
muscles during trunk rotation. Spine 15, 152-160.
Andersson EA, Oddsson LI, Gundstrom H, Nilsson J, Thorstensson A (1996). EMG activities of the quadratus lumborum
and erector spinae muscles during flexion-relaxation and other motor tasks. Clin Biomech 11, 392-400.
McGill S, Juker D, Kropf P. (1996). Quantitative intramuscular myoelectric activity of quadratus lumborum during a wide
variety of tasks. Clin Biomech 11, 170-172.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 55
Transversus abdominis
Fig. 41 A. Location of needle insertion into transversus abdominis, B. View of transversus abdominis after removal of
external and internal oblique
The transversus abdominis muscle is a muscle layer of the anterior and lateral abdominal wall which is
just below the internal oblique muscle. It is a major muscle of the functional core of the human body.
Proximal attachment: Aponeurosis of the posterior and anterior rectus sheath and the conjoined tendon
to the public crest and the pectineal line.
Distal attachment: Costal margin, the lumbar fascia, the anterior two-thirds of iliac crest, and the
lateral half of the inguinal ligament.
Innervation: Ventral primary rami of T7 to T12; conjoined tendon is supplied by the ilioinguinal
nerve (L1).
Blood supply: Branches from the lower two or three posterior intercostals arteries and the
subcostal artery.
Action: (1) Supports the abdominal wall. Agonists: rectus abdominis, pyramidalis, external
oblique, and internal oblique; Antagonist: none.
(2) Forced expiration. Agonist: serratus posterior inferior; Antagonist: serratus
posterior superior, levatores costarum breves, and levatores costarum longi.
Rectus abdominis, external and internal oblique assist with force expiration.
Electrode insertion: Fine wire electrodes are inserted immediately adjacent to the eighth costal
cartilage in the upper region of the transversus abdominis, halfway between the
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 56
iliac crest and lower border of the rib cage in the middle region of transversus
abdominis, obliquus internus abdominis and obliquus externus abdominis, and
adjacent to the anterior superior iliac spine in the lower region of transversus
abdominis and obliquus internus abdominis.
Functional test: Subject is asked to laterally bend the body, or to lift the hemipelvis on the
ipsilateral side.
Suggested Readings
Carpenter MG, Tokuno CD, Thorstensson A, Cresswell AG. Differential control of abdominal muscles during multi-
directional support-surface translations in man. Exp Brain Res 188, 445-455, 2008.
Hodges PW, Gandevia SC, Richardson CA. Contractions of specific abdominal muscles in postural tasks are affected by
respiratory maneuvers. J Appl Physiol 83: 753-760, 1997.
Hodges PW, Richardson CA. Feedforward contraction of transversus abdominis is not influenced by the direction of arm
movement. Exp Brain Res 114: 362-370, 1997.
Hodges PW, Pengel LHM, Herbert RD, Gandevia SC. Measurement of muscle contraction with ultrasound imaging.
Muscle Nerve 27, pp. 682-692, 2003.
Urquhart DM, Hodges PW. Differential activity of regions of transversus abdominis during trunk rotation. Eur Spine J 14,
pp. 393-400, 2005.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 57
Rectus Femoris
Fig. 42 A. Location of needle insertion into rectus femoris, B. View of rectus femoris after removal of sartorius muscle
and tensor fascie latae. ASIS = Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
The rectus femoris muscle is one of the four quadriceps muscles. The others are vastus medialis, vastus
intermedius (deep to the rectus femoris), and the vastus lateralis.
Distal attachment: The quadriceps tendon along with the three vastus muscles, enveloping the
patella, then by the patellar ligament into the tibial tuberosity.
Blood supply: Femoral artery and branches from the profunda femoris artery.
Action: Extension of the leg at the knee. Agonists: vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and
vastus intermedius; Antagonist: biceps femoris (long and short head),
semitendinosus, and semimembranosus.
Electrode insertion: The anterior thigh midway between the anterior superior border of the patella and
the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS).
Pitfalls: If the electrode is inserted too medially it will be in the vastus intermedius; if
inserted too laterally it will be in the vastus lateralis; if inserted too distally and
medially it will be in the vastus medialis.
Functional test: Subject flexes the hip with the knee extended.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 58
Subject performing forward/backward steps with one leg. Channel 1 shows surface EMG activity, Channel 2
fine wire EMG activity of the rectus femoris. The bars on the lower right indicate the EMG and force values
during the contraction.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 59
Subject walking on a treadmill. Channel 1 shows surface EMG activity of the Rectus Femoris; Channel 2
fine wire EMG activity of the rectus femoris; and Channel 3 shows foot switch activities. The bars on the
lower right indicate the EMG values during the gait cycle.
Suggested Readings
Annaswamy TM, Giddings CJ, Croce UD, Kerrigan DC. Rectus Femoris: Its role in normal gait. Archives of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation 80: 930-934, 1999.
Jacobsen WC, Gabel RH, Brand RA. Surface vs. Fine wire electrode ensemble-averaged signals during gait. J
Electromyogr Kinesiol 5: 37-44, 1955.
Nene A, Byrne C, Hermens H. Is rectus femoris really a part of quadriceps? Assessment of rectus femoris function
during gait in able-bodied adults. Gait and Posture 20: 1-13, 2004.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 60
Vastus intermedius
Fig. 43 A. Location of needle insertion into vastus intermedius, B. View of vastus intermedius after removal of overlying
The vastus intermedius arises from the front and lateral surfaces of the body of the femur in its upper two-
thirds and from the lower part of the lateral intermuscular septum. Its fibers end in a superficial aponeurosis,
which forms the deep part of the quadriceps tendon.
Proximal attachment: Anterior and lateral aspects of the upper two-thirds of the femoral shaft and the
lower part of the lateral intermuscular septum of the femur.
Distal attachment: Into the quadriceps tendon along with rectus femoris and the other vastus
muscles, enveloping the patella, then by the patellar ligament into the tibial
Blood supply: Femoral artery and branches of the profunda femoris artery.
Action: Extension of the leg at the knee. Agonist: vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and
rectus femoris. Antagonist: biceps femoris (long and short heads),
semitendinosus, and semimembranosus.
Tensor fasciae latae assists with extension of the knee through the iliotibial band.
Electrode insertion: The anterior thigh midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the patella
and under the rectus femoris
Pitfalls: If the fine wire electrode is inserted too superficially it will be in the rectus femoris;
if inserted too laterally it will be in the vastus lateralis; if inserted too medially it will
be in the vastus medialis or sartorius.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 61
Functional test: Subject in supine posture lifts heel from bench with knee extended.
Suggested Readings
Montgomery WH 3 , Pink M, Perry J. Electromyographic analysis of hip and knee musculature during running. Am J
Sports Med 22, 272-278,1994.
Powers CM, Landel R, Perry J. Timing and intensity of vastus muscle activity during functional activities in subjects with
and without Patellofemoral pain. Phy Ther 76, 946-955,1996.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 62
The term iliopsoas refers to three muscles: psoas major, psoas minor, iliacus.
Electrode insertion: Two finger widths lateral to the femoral artery pulse and one finger width below
the inguinal ligament.
Pitfalls: If the needle electrode is inserted too medially it will contact the neurovascular
bundle; if inserted too laterally it will be in the sartorius.
Functional test: Subject to flex the thigh with the knee flexed beyond ninety degrees.
Suggested Readings
Juker D, McGill S, Kropf P, Steffen T. Quantitative intramuscular myoelectric activity of lumbar portions of psoas and the
abdominal wall during a wide variety of tasks. Med Sci Sports Exerc 30 (2), 301-310,1998.
LaBan MM, Raptou AD, Johnson EW. Electromyographic study of function of iliopsoas muscle. Arch Phys Med Rehabil
46, 676-679, 1965.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 63
Tibialis Posterior
Fig. 45 A. Location of needle insertion into tibialis posterior, B. View of tibialis posterior after removal of surface
The tibialis posterior is the most central of the lower leg muscles. It is a key stabilizer of the lower leg.
Proximal attachment: Posterior surface of the interosseous membrane and the adjacent sides of the
tibia and fibula for the upper two-thirds of the attachment.
Distal attachment: On its way into the foot, on the posterior side of the ankle, the tendon of tibialis
posterior makes a groove in the posterior groove in the posterior side of the
medial malleolus just anteromedial to the groove made by flexor digitorum longus.
In the foot, the tendon divides into two: a larger superficial division and a more
tendinous lateral band. The superficial division attaches to the tuberosity of the
navicular with fibers continuing to the inferior surface of the medial cuneiform. The
deeper lateral division sends attachments to the second cuneiform and the bases
of the second, third, and fourth metatarsals.
Blood supply: Branches from the anterior and posterior tibial arteries.
Action: Inversion of the foot at the subtalar joint. Agonist: tibialis anterior; Antagonist:
Peroneus longus and brevis.
Electrode insertion: 1 cm medial to the margin of the tibia at the junction of the upper two-thirds with
the lower third of the shaft; direct the needle obliquely through the soleus and
flexor digitorum muscles.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 64
Pitfalls: If the needle electrode is inserted too superficially it will be in the soleus or flexor
digitorum longus; if inserted too deeply it will be in the tibialis anterior.
Suggested Readings
Chapman AR, Vicenzino B, Blanch P, Hodges PW (2008). Patterns of leg muscle recruitment vary between novice and
highly trained cyclists. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 18, 359-371.
Murley GS, Buldt AK, Trump PJ, Wickham JB (2008). Tibialis posterior EMG activity during barefoot walking in people
with neutral foot posture. Journal of Electromyography 27, ahead of print.
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 65
Peroneus Longus
Fig. 46 A. Location of needle insertion into peroneus longus, B. View of tibialis posterior after removal of surface
The peroneus longus is a superficial muscle in the lateral compartment of the leg.
Proximal attachment: Head and proximal two-thirds of the lateral surface of the fibula, and the anterior
and posterior intermuscular septa of the leg.
Distal attachment: The tendon of peroneus longus runs obliquely forward across the lateral side of
the calcaneus, below the peroneal trochlea and the tendon of peroneaus brevis,
and beneath the inferior peroneal retinaculum. The tendon crosses the lateral side
of the cuboid and then runs under it in a groove converted into a canal by the long
plantar ligament. It continues across the sole of the foot obliquely. The tendon of
peroneus longus attaches by two slips to the lateral side of the base of the first
metatarsal and the medial cuneiform.
Action: Eversion of the foot at the subtalar joint. Agonist: peroneus brevis; Antagonist:
tibialis anterior and posterior.
Electrode insertion: Three finger breadths below the fibular head directed toward the lateral aspect of
the fibula.
Pitfalls: If the needle electrode is inserted too posteriorly it will be in the soleus; if inserted
too anteriorly it will be in the extensor digitorum longus.
Suggested Readings
Kadaba MP, Wooten ME, Gainey J, Cochran GV. Repeatability of phasic muscle activity: performance of surface and
intramuscular wire electrodes in gait analysis. J Orthop Res 3, 350-359,1985.
Walmsley RP. Electromyographic study of phasic activity of peroneus longus et brevis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 58, 65-
Kinesiological Fine Wire EMG 67
Adrian ED. Interpretation of the electromyogram. Lancet, June 13, 1229-1233. 1925
Alizadehkhaiyat O, Fisher AC, Kemp GJ, Frostik SP. Strength and fatigability of selected muscles in
upper limb: Assessing muscle imbalance relevant to tennis elbow. Journal of Electromyography and
Kinesiology 17: 428-436, 2007.
Andersson EA, Gundstrom H, Thorstensson A. Diverging intramuscular activity patterns in back and
abdominal muscles during trunk rotation. Spine 15, 152-160. 2002
Andersson EA, Oddsson LI, Gundstrom H, Nilsson J, Thorstensson A. EMG activities of the quadratus
lumborum and erector spinae muscles during flexion-relaxation and other motor tasks. Clin Biomech 11,
392-400. 1996
Annaswamy TM, Giddings CJ, Croce UD, Kerrigan DC. Rectus Femoris: Its role in normal gait. Archives
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 80: 930-934, 1999.
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Recommended Books
Enoka RM Perotto A
Kernell D
Williams Wilkins
Baltimore (1985)
Hermens H.J., Freriks B., Merletti R., Hägg G., Stegeman D.F., Blok J., Rau G.,
Disselhorst-Klug C. (1999) SENIAM 8: European Recommendations for Surface
ElectroMyoGraphy, Roessingh Research and Development b.v., ISBN 90-75452-15-2.
Freriks B., Hermens H.J. (1999) SENIAM 9: European Recommendations for Surface
ElectroMyoGraphy, results of the SENIAM project, Roessingh Research and Development b.v.,
1999, ISBN 90-75452-14-4 (CD-rom).
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