Edtech Reaction Paper
Edtech Reaction Paper
Edtech Reaction Paper
There’s a huge question about how can technology help education in certain ways. From
ancient days to past phasing technology today, kids today are more tech savvy and reliant on
technology than ever before. Technology can enhance the learning experience inside the
classroom. And not just for students, either. But for educators, too. Teachers are steadily
seeing the benefits of blended learning in our society now a days. The question now is how
helpful software can be.
Apps and software programs can be also be used to address the needs of students at
different stages of learning. This is particularly beneficial at the all type of learning stage, where
smaller schools often combine their year levels. Younger learners are fascinated by gadgets and
devices. So, tablets, apps, software programs and interactive tools can be used in an
educational setting to enhance their language and literacy skills while helping teachers respond
to the individual needs of each child
Software may help the educators to overcome such challenges inside and outside the
classroom. Sometimes students who are easily bored, or have a short attention span, with the
use of technology teachers may get the attention of the students by using modified software.
Software can constantly having to think up a novel and innovative ways to keep students
interested, motivated and entertained; encouraging participation and interaction from
everyone. Working with large class numbers which often include students of differing learning
levels may be overcome with the use of software. Lastly, software keep on top of paperwork,
timetables, and implementing strict lesson plans while staying within the curriculum.
Technology is not taking over from traditional teaching anytime soon. But, used
correctly, it can greatly enhance the educational experience. By embracing technology, you’ll be
taking a positive step forward towards a happier, more enjoyable and effective learning
environment for students of all ages and abilities.
The Internet can be used as a tool for communicating outside of the classroom. Students
can easily collaborate with peers across continents or ask questions directly to an expert in
their field of interest. The multimedia capabilities of the Internet allow students to share
information, stories, artwork, movies, and other productions with multiple audiences.
Communication and collaboration are particularly exciting for students using the
Internet. Students can set up email pen pals to connect with peers around the country and the
globe. Students can correspond with experts in various fields via e-mail. E-mail activities are a
good way to get started on the Internet, as they require minimal planning. Students can also
communicate in real-time through online conferencing. For this, online chat rooms are popular
with students and teachers. Audio and video conferencing using software such as facebook and
Messenger create even more exciting educational opportunities. Collaborative projects go
beyond simple communication. Students might work with expedition teams, solve problems by
collecting or exchanging information, and create and respond to questions.
With the Internet, students can engage in real-time data collection in ways that were
once impossible. They can collect scientific data updated continuously by scientists at work,
thereby using the same methods as researchers and scientists, analysing the same data and
sharing their conclusions either on- or off-line. Students can conduct research using large and
geographically varied samples. They learn to analyse trends, correlations, and causality. When
real-time data is used, students see the relationship between their studies and the real world.
Integrating technology into classroom instruction is more than training students in basic
computer skills and software programs in a separate computer class. It also means more than
allowing a free for all, allowing students to play with everything. Essentially effective technology
integration happens across the curriculum in areas that research shows deepen and enhance
the learning process.
New technology tools for visualizing and modelling, offer students ways to experiment and
observe phenomenon and to view results in graphic ways that aid in understanding. As an
added benefit, with technology tools and a project-learning approach, students are more likely
to stay engaged and on task, reducing behavioural problems in the classroom.
Technology also changes the way teachers teach, offering educators effective ways to reach
different types of learners and assess student understanding through multiple means. It also
enhances the relationship between teacher and student. When technology is effectively
integrated into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of adviser, content expert and coach.
Technology assists teaching and learning to become more meaningful and enjoyable.
In the past technology in education was a debatable topic amongst the society. There was a
myriad of views on modernising education and making it technology aided. There were a huge
number of positives and negatives to education technology. Gradually as schools embraced
technology, the importance of technology in education was realised. Its positives outnumbered
the negatives and now, with technology, education has taken a whole new meaning that it
leaves us with no doubt that our educational system has been transformed owing to the ever-
advancing technology. Technology and education are a great combination if used together with
a right reason and vision.
With technology, educators, students and parents have a variety of learning tools at their
In the era of modern language teaching, a new dimension has been added in the
existing methods and techniques. With the development of technology, new innovations are
being brought up in language teaching. Nowadays, language teachers are using different audio-
visual aids to facilitate the teaching process. Along with text books, language teachers are likely
to use related pictures, audio clips, videos, power point slides, posters and so on in language
classrooms. The purpose of this study is to investigate the benefits that the language teachers
as well as the learners get in using audio-visual aids in teaching English language. Nowadays,
trend is more toward communicative language teaching than traditional grammar teaching.
Whereas, in the previous time, learning a new language meant learning to read the literature of
that language, now the necessity of learning a new language has become a communicative
There are many new technologies being used in classrooms today: social networking,
online teaching, class blogs and wikis, podcasting, interactive whiteboards, and mobile devices.
There are many ways in which we can benefit from the new technologies being developed
today. For one, new technologies make distance learning easier. In today's world that is
growing ever smaller thanks to technology, classrooms aren't just confined anymore to the four
walls of traditional schools. Education thru technology is the way of the future.
In the last decade, the use of computers in classrooms have extended and become
widespread. From just being confined to computer labs in MIT and other research institutions,
computers now pervade every aspect of the educational institution. You can hardly go to class
without encountering the use of computers in teaching. Students use computers to complete
their assignments, do their research, and connect with their classmates. Teacher use computers
to keep track of their students, check on their work, and make grading them easier and more
Education that is truly free and universal will have been achieved by new technologies
such as the computer and the internet. he continuous development of microchips that grow
smaller and more powerful means that in the next few years to come, we will see even more
new technology that will improve and change the way we teach and learn. One of the
longstanding dreams of the computing community is that there comes a time when we won't
have even have to go to school anymore. That with just one touch of a button, we can learn
anything we want. By just downloading a lesson and uploading it to our brain, we can learn and
master anything.
The latest technology used in classrooms today may just be the relics of history in the