The Science and Art of Winemaking PDF
The Science and Art of Winemaking PDF
The Science and Art of Winemaking PDF
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Dear Bato Balani Ed
Unravel the secrets behind the making of wine an ancient- A pleasant day to al
old gift from the gods. ing
o is fond of read
I am a student wh r re ad ing
s and othe
educational book Ba to Ba la ni
ine like
THE PROMISE AND PERIL OF TRANSGENIC materials. A magaz vie ws abou t
ledge and
PLANTS augments our know nc e. It open s
rld of scie
Have you heard about them food products with the fascinating wo ns.
genetically modified ingredients? Or you might have idea s and latest innovatio
already eaten some? the door to new
ving every
I look forward to ha
. Thank you.
The power of extremely low temperatures in the
advancement of science and technology; know the
facts as cold as ice.
Vernalaine O. Jose
La Salette of Aurora
Discover the usefulness of liquid crystals, the magic
behind many appliances and equipment today.
R E G U L A R F E AT U R E S Violeta Arciaga, Jaime F. Bucoy,
3 Science & Technology News Jose C. Calderon, Victoria V. Cervantes,
for Science and Technology is published bimonthly by Diwa Scholastic Press, Inc. Bato Balani is one of Diwas Scholastic Enhancement Materials (SEMO). The SEMO
trademark refers to a new genre of scholastic publication, including a selection of premium-quality magazines. Copyright 2000. Articles in this publication may be reprinted provided due acknowledgment
is given. All communications should be addressed to THE EDITOR, G/F Star Centrum, Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City, Philippines, Telephone numbers: 843-4761 to 66.
Barbecue Anyone?
It may be a favorite summer activity,
but barbecuing can also produce cancer-
causing compounds. There is a tasty
alternative, however. Researchers report that
marinating the meat before grilling can
reduce carcinogens as much as 67%. The
meat was marinated overnight, but
researchers think just an hour or two is
It is enough to give anyone
palpitations or increase your heart beat.
Scientists have shown that injecting alcohol
into a congenially enlarged heart and
deliberately inducing a heart attack can ease
the shortness of breath, chest pain and other
symptoms of the genetic disorder. The
alcohol—ethanol, equivalent to 200-proof
vodka—kills overgrown heart muscle,
enabling blood to flow more freely.
Calcium Power
Dosing up on calcium may help your
colon. The ions and salts of calcium are essential
to life. A new study says calcium supplements
(1,200 mg daily) may reduce the odds of
developing new polyps. A polyp is a small usually
benign growth protruding from a mucous
membrane. The polyps, called adenomas, may
be a precursor to colon cancer. How does calcium
work? Researchers theorize that it binds with
compounds that would otherwise irritate the lining
of the bowel. Calcium supplements are very much
available in the market today, in the form of tablets
and capsules and powdered drinks.
Metallurgy is the science and engineers in the Philippines. He has a string Dr. Gopez earned his post-graduate
engineering of metals. This discipline applies of achievements, especially in his field of degree at the Institute National
the principles of chemistry and physics to specialization. His expertise and experience Polytechnique de Lorraine in France. His
the understanding and use of metallic has made him perhaps the most qualified stay in France has made him familiar with
materials. This usually involves conducting person to be appointed as the executive the French language that he was able to
experiments to find new and better mixtures director of the Philippine Council for translate science articles written in French
of alloys. Metallurgists extract metals from Industry and Energy Research and to the English language. His contributions
their ores, refine them and find their uses. Development. He has also served as a in the field of metallurgy have earned him
professor of metallurgy at the University of numerous recognition and awards.
Dr. Adolfo Jesus R.Gopez is one of
the Philippines.
the renowned and respected metallurgical
by Raymond A. Oliveros
he practice of making wine is as old
as most ancient civilizations, and wine
has played a central role in human
culture for some hundred years. In
contrast to most foods and beverages
that spoil quickly or that can spread
diseases, wine does not spoil if stored
properly. The alcohol in wine, called ethanol, is present
in sufficient concentrations to kill disease-causing
microorganisms. Some people even believe that wine, if
consumed moderately, is safer to drink than water or
milk. This antimicrobial property of wine was so
significant that before the interconnection among
microorganisms, poor sanitation, and disease was
understood, ancient peoples regarded wine as a gift from
the gods because it protected them against diseases.
Wine is the product of the fermentation by yeast
of grape juice or grape must, grape juice with the fruits
skins and seeds. Fermentation is complete once the
grape sugar has been entirely consumed. Then wine
has been produced.
While the basic production elements of wine The type of container used and the temperature
are simple, manipulation of the grapes, juice or must, during fermentation process influence the characters of
and the wine itself to produce the desired combination the wine. Most containers used for fermentation are
of flavors and aromas is very difficult. Regarded as an made of stainless steel or wood. Many of the aroma
artform more than a science, wine production takes a components of wine leave by evaporation. Normally
lot of time and patience. Add to that the meticulous evaporation occurs faster at higher temperatures, so to
details that go with the process. Winemakers try to retain fruity characters in the wine the temperature of
optimize production of specific aromas and flavors fermentation must be controlled, usually by direct
described with terms like cherry, chocolate, vanilla cooling of the fermentation tanks. Stainless steel is
and minimize the formation of negative flavors and much easier to cool than wood and is preferred for
aromasdescribed as wet dog, plastic, and rotten egg. temperature-crucial fermentation.
It is also important that the wine acids and alcohol are
Some winemakers allow fermentation to
balanced. The wine may taste sour if it is too acidic. If
proceed relying only on the yeast naturally present on
the ethanol level is too high, the wine will have a strong
the grape skins and in the winery equipment. Some
taste of alcohol. However, the most important factor that
prefer adding extra yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
contributes to the character of a wine is the grapes that
or Saccharomyces bayanus in a process called
are used. The kind and the quality of the grapes influence
inoculation. Yeast is responsible for the presence of
the wines flavor, alcohol content, acidity, and even its
both positive and negative aroma characters in wine.
color. White wine, which is actually pale to golden-yellow
For example, when yeast is under stress it produces a
in color, is produced from white grapes while red wine is
compound called hydrogen sulfide, which smells like
made from red grapes. Production of red and white wine
rotten eggs. To avoid this undesirable quality, a wine
is the same except for one primary difference. White
maker may add nutrients to the fermentation tank. The
grapes are crushed and the juice is separated from the
duration of fermentation is the ultimate factor that
skins prior to fermentation. Red wine, on the other hand,
influences the character of the wine.
is fermented with the grape skins. Red pigments called
anthocyanins and other compounds in the grape skins Other naturally occurring microorganisms may
are extracted during the fermentation process to impart grow in the must or juice, affecting the flavors and aromas
the characteristic red color of the wine as well as other of the finished wine. For example, lactic acid bacteria
features such as taste and aroma. A blush or rose wine use the acids in wine as a source of energy, reducing
is light pink in color and is produced from red grapes the acidity of the wine. The bacteria also produce other
not fermented with the skins. A little pigment is released aromas and are responsible for the buttery smell of the
when the red grapes are crushed, but not to the same wine. Sometimes the wine maker restricts the growth
extent as during fermentation. of lactic acid bacteria, especially if the wine is already
low in acidity or if the buttery character would clash
In modern wine production, the grapes that are
with other aromas of the wine. Another type of bacteria,
harvested from the vineyards are taken to a winery, and
the Acetobacter, can spoil the wine by converting ethanol
then passed through a machine called destemmer-
to acetic acid, or vinegar.
crusher, that separates the fruit from the stems and
crushes the grapes to release the juice. To make white When fermentation is complete, red wine
wine, the must is transferred to a press where pressure is separated from the stems and grape
is applied to separate the juice from the skins. The skins by passing it through a press. Both
amount of pressure used influences what flavor red and white wines appear cloudy after
compounds are extracted from the skins. After pressing, fermentation. The wine maker must wait
the white juice without the skins is transported to a for the yeast and other solids to settle to
fermentation tank. In red wine production, the must from the bottom of the fermentation tank, forming
the crusher is transferred directly to a tank for a sediment called the lees. The clear wine is
fermentation. racked or drawn off the lees and stored in a clean
cask. In a process called fining, the winemaker
Red Wine
White Wine
Ede Danica D. Tuazon
St. Stephen High School
Q: What is the difference between a horn and an antler? Manila City, Metro Manila
by Wacky Salazar
TOP: INPUT enter a number from 0 9:, X
IF X <0 or X>9 THEN
PRINT only numbers from 0-9 are allowed. TRY
PRINT Thanks for following instructions.
There is another way to do it with another kind PRINT Guess no.; TRY;
of loop. Its called the DO LOOP. The DO-LOOP syntax INPUT ,GUESS
is as follows: LOOP UNTIL GUESS>0 AND GUESS <11
DO <WHILE/UNTIL> <condition> PRINT You got IT ;name$; !!!
LOOP PRINT Try again!!!
TRY = TRY + 1
You may be wondering about the <while/until> END IF
part. Well when using the DO-LOOP you can choose LOOP UNTIL TRY > 3 or GUESS=SECRET
between the WHILE or UNTIL before the command. If IF TRY>3 THEN PRINT Sorry ;name$; . The
you use the WHILE statement then it will execute the number was;SECRET;Better luck next time!
instructions so long as the condition is true. If you use PRINT Thanks for playing!
the UNTIL statement then the instructions will be END
performed up to the point where the condition is met.
However, they basically do the same thing as you will Now there is an interesting one! Here you can
see in this example: play with the computer, the second and third line of
code generates a random number between 1 and 10.
CLS You can make this program even more user-friendly by
DO WHILE X<0 OR X>9 adding your own comments to help the users along.
INPUT enter a number from 0 9:, X
LOOP Okay, here is another neat game you can try
PRINT Thanks for following instructions. out.
Or PRINT The object is to press the H key when
the counter strikes 100
CLS PRINT Good Luck!
DO UNTIL X>=0 AND X<=9 INPUT <press ENTER to continue>, X$
INPUT enter a number from 0 9:, X CLS DO UNTIL PRESS$=H OR PRESS$=h
LOOP PRESS$=INKEY$ lets you enter one char
PRINT Thanks for following instructions. without having to press enter
LOCATE 12,38
As you can see we have two programs which COLOR 12
do exactly the same thing. Its really up to you which to PRINT I
use as long as your conditions are correct. Here is a FOR DELAY = 1 to 75000 increase the end
modified guessing game which you can play against value to slow down the count
the computer. NEXT
generates a random number from 1 to 10 ELSE
TRY = 1 PRINT Sorry! Try again next time!
INPUT Please enter your name:, name$ END IF
PRINT Try and guess my secret number, its END
between 1 and 10
PRINT Youve got three tries, good luck You can create your own variations of these
DO programs or design your own. Happy Gaming!
The Promise and Peril of
Transgenic Plants
by Ernesto Buensuceso Ferreras Jr.
hen you go shopping for groceries,
Transgenic plants make its big impact on rice.
chances are you will come across
For instance, there is a wild variety of rice that can grow
food products that contain genetically
rapidly in rising waters, but its yield is less than that of
modified (GM) ingredients. Most of us
rice currently cultivated. If the gene controlling the wild
might even have been unknowingly
types rapid growth could be inserted into high-yield
eating GM foods in some form or
varieties, farmers could plant rice in flood-prone areas.
another. GM crops, mostly in the form of corn, canola,
That would increase the land area devoted to rice farming.
and soybeans, are now cultivated commercially,
Scientists are also experimenting on rice that
especially in the United States, which is the worlds
may be able to fix nitrogen from the air in association
biggest producer of GM crops.
with bacteria. Nitrogen fixation is the conversion of
The Promise of Biotechnology atmospheric nitrogen gas, which plants cannot use, into
nitrogen compounds in the soil that plants can take up
In February 1997 scientists presented to the and use in making essential molecules. This would
public the worlds first cloned sheep using adult mammal enable rice plants to produce some of the needed
cells. The event also brought to public attention custom- fertilizers. Researchers also plan to engineer rice
tailored genes, miracle drugs, and supercrops. These varieties that could withstand drought or suppress the
wonder feats will be achieved through the amazing growth of weeds.
science of biotechnology. In agriculture, biotechnology
is touted as the engine that will usher in a new green How are genetically engineered plants
revolution in crops. produced? Many plants, such as tomatoes, potatoes
and carrots, can be regenerated from a single cell grown
Biotechnology refers to any technique that uses in culture.
living organisms or parts of organisms to make or modify
a product, improve plants or animals, or develop Genetic engineers use various methods to
substances for specific traits, like pest resistance, that introduce new genes into plant cells. One method is
do not occur naturally. The resulting plants or animals the use of a plasmid vector from the soil bacterium
are called transgenic because the desired genes of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The bacteriums Ti plasmid
one organism have been transplanted to the cells of has the ability to transfer DNA into plant cells. A new
another. technique uses a gene gun to fire pieces of foreign
DNA directly into plant cells.
Biotechnology is applied in agriculture to
increase crop yields. How else can you feed the world Today, many genetically engineered plants have
in the 21st century? By the year 2020, Asia alone is been safely field-tested under various conditions. For
predicted to increase its population by a billion people. instance, special genes have been engineered into
Biotechnology, mainly in the form of genetic engineering, tomato plants to increase flavor and shelf life. Tobacco
can be the savior to feed an expanding human population. and tomato plants have also been modified to offer
It can enhance our food security by helping farmers resistance to viral diseases. Corn inserted with gene
produce more food with less resources, land, water, or from the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) bacteria is able to
chemicals. make a toxin to fend off borer insects, reducing the need
for pesticides. Designer banana trees can make overcome the genetic resistance of the new plants,
vaccines. planting a few crop strains instead of many would invite
crop failure.
Dangers of Tampering with Mother Nature
Solutions: Fear and Hope
Many people question the need to alter nature.
Worries about bio-engineered foods deal with potential Transgenic organisms promise many benefits
risks in two main areas: peoples health and the for humankind. However, scientists also worry about their
environment. Consumers are asking whether these GM potential dangers, especially on the possibility of creating
foods are safe to eat. One may not know the hazardous new pathogens. That is why microorganisms
repercussions until many years later. used in the experiments are genetically crippled to insure
that they cannot survive outside the laboratory.
The greatest fears are over the effects of
transgenic organisms on the environment. These Today, concerned groups around the world are
transgenic plants or animals may interact with other pushing for an international protocol on biosafety. They
creatures in unpredictable ways. With herbicide are calling on governments to make labeling of GM
resistance, in the wider environment, traits transferred products mandatory. They maintain that consumers
to related flora may turn into superweeds. Engineered should have a right to know and the right to choose to
plants may spread outside the fields and wreck buy GM foods or not.
Genetic manipulation often introduces proteins
from organisms never used as foods. This may introduce
food allergy caused by proteins. Antibiotic-resistance
genes that are often used as markers to select
transgenic cells may aggravate health problems. In 1. Describe briefly the benefits and risks of introducing
GM foods?
bioengineering, antibiotic-resistance marker genes are
2. What are the ways that an altered organism may
regularly introduced together with the foreign gene as a harm the environment?
screening device. If new seedlings survive being exposed 3. What are the uses of marker genes?
to the antibiotic, it signals that the plant has incorporated 4. How do enhancers and promoters work?
the novel gene. If bacteria in the stomach picked up
antibiotic-resistance genes, they could become resistant
Gene transfers usually involve the insertion of
new products and enhancers, bits of genetic material
enhancer a nucleotide sequence that increases the
that control how genes are introduced. Where these rate of genetic transcription by increasing the
are introduced is still a largely random process. Each activity of the nearest promoter on the same
gene has its own promoter or switch; plant geneticists DNA molecule
often replace this with one that is easier to manipulate, genetic marker a dominant gene or trait that serves
to identify genes or traits linked with it
typically from a virus. A promoter in the wrong place vector a transferable plasmid that may carry genes
may turn on the wrong gene. other than those needed for replication and
Another concern is that more deadly hybrids of
virus may be produced when viral genes in plants
engineered for virus resistance may recombine with References:
invading microbes. 1. Campbell, Neil A. et al. Biology: Concepts and
Connections, 2nd Edition. 1997. California: Addison
Environmentalists fear that the transgenic Wesley Longman, Inc.
2. Choong Tet Sieu. Seeds of Division. Asiaweek,
plants could spread and eliminate existing species. This
January 21, 2000.
has an unfavorable result. Transgenic plants are 3. World Book Millennium 2000 Encyclopedia. 1999.
genetically uniform. When mutants of insects and viruses Chicago: World Book, Inc.
The Threat of CFC to the
by Alfie Vera Mella
ey, nice hairstyle! Surely you have just against the sun. To a great extent, ozone depletion is
consumed half a bottle of hairspray. But the result of human activity, particularly with the use of
have you checked the label of the CFC-containing products. When released,
hairspray that you are using? I just hope choloroflurocarbons spread up into the upper atmosphere
it does not contain CFC. where they are broken down by ultraviolet radiation. The
process releases the chlorine that destroys ozone. It is
alleged that one atom of chlorine is enough to destroy
Yeah, CFC, or chlorofluorocarbons. Products more than 1000,000 molecules of ozone. According to
that contain CFC are the main culprit behind the scientists, there is presently a large concentration of
depletion of the ozonosphere. CFCs and other ozone-depleting substances, such as
halons, carbon tetrachloride, methyl bromide, methyl
Chlorofluorocarbons? Ozonosphere? What chloroform, and hydrobromofluorocarbons, in the
about? atmosphere. And some of these chemicals have life
CFC, or chlorofluorocarbons, are a category of spans of 25 to 400 years! Almost all chloroflurocarbons
human-made chemicals commonly used in air released into the atmosphere since the invention of CFC-
conditioners, refrigerators, foams, solvents, aerosols, containing products continue to destroy the
and other commercial products. They are very stable ozonosphere. You can now imagine how fast the
chemicals that do not easily break down in the lower ozonosphere is being destroyed, and how long it would
atmosphere of the Earth, making them the leading cause take for the atmosphere to regain all its depleted ozone.
of ozone depletion. Though ozone depletion is also explained as a
Ozone, with the formula O 3, is a chemical natural phenomenon, it is chiefly aggravated by the
relative of oxygen. While regular oxygen is a two-atom effects of chloroflurocarbons and other ozone-depleting
oxygen molecule, which has the formula O2, ozone, on chemicals. Concern over increasing ozone depletion and
the other hand, consists of three oxygen atoms. Though its harmful effects led to international restrictions on the
ozone is always present in trace quantities throughout use of these chemicals. Canada and other proponents
the Earths atmosphere, a very large percentage (about of the need for global efforts to protect the ozonosphere,
90 percent) of all ozone is concentrated in the upper for instance, carry on with their mission to control ozon-
atmosphere, between about 15 and 35 km above the depleting substances. Scheduled reductions in the
Earths surface, with a peak concentration at 25 km. manufacture of such chemicals were also set, specially
This layer of the Earths atmosphere, also known as by the Montreal Protocol. This Canada-based
the ozonosphere, is our planets only natural shield international organization sets out actual measures to
against the harmful effects of the suns ultraviolet (UV) implement controls on the production and consumption
rays. Overexposure to ultraviolet radiation is very of ozone-depleting substances.
damaging to all lifeforms on Earth. Continual destruction At our end as consumers, it is therefore
of the ozonosphere definitely puts human and all other necessary for us to be wary of the contents of the
living things in grave danger. chemical products that we are buying.
Ultraviolet radiation itself plays a major role in So the next time you buy products like
the production of ozone. It causes oxygen molecules to hairsprays, air-pressurized deodorants and insecticides,
break up, and create free oxygen atoms that attach and other chemical products which commonly contain
themselves to intact oxygen molecules to form ozone. chlorofluorocarbons, be sure to check on their labels
The totality of ozone in the atmosphere is a balance first.
between the rate at which it is produced by ultraviolet
radiation and the rate at which it is depleted in Ahmm...can I borrow your hairspray?
photochemical reactions with other gases. This balance
Oops. I gotta change brand first.
has a significant effect on the atmospheres temperature
and the movement of air currents around the world. The
continuous depletion of the ozone layer tips off the 1.
balance, diminishing the Earths protective properties 2.
when burned. The higher the heating value, the more the energy is
Fs = standardization factor
per unit mass of fuel. When the heating value is high, a smaller
amount of fuel is needed, resulting in lower consumption. = Ss x Ws
Sulfur Content. Sulfur combines with oxygen during 100 x (V – Vb) x C
combustion, producing sulfur dioxide and, eventually sulfuric acid,
which causes acid rain. The sulfur content determination, therefore, where Ss = mass percent of sulfur in standardization sample
measures the degree to which the fuel can become a pollutant.
Ws = weight of standardization sample
Density. The mass of a substance per unit volume must be
Vs = volume of standardization KIO3 solution in Fs
within acceptable levels..
Percent Yield. The oil must have a relatively high yield for it
The length of consumption was determined by placing 5
to become economically feasible.
drops of oil evenly on a strip of paper. The paper was ignited and the
Soot Color. The amount of particulate matter given off by length of time it took to consume its entire length was recorded.
the fuel when burned must be acceptable. This process was repeated using the kerosene and gasoline. The
MATERIAL SAND METHODS paper without fuel was used as the control.
Mature fruits of the African oil palm were gathered. The pulp To determine the heating value, the General Bomb method
were separated from the seeds by slicing and were frozen to prevent was followed. Less than 1 g of the sample was weighed into a
rapid deterioration. combustion cup. The bomb was prepared and a strip of wire was
The oil was extracted using the Soxhlet apparatus. Petroleum dipped just below the surface of the combustion cup. The bomb was
ether was used as the solvent. After the extraction, the oil was immersed into a water bath maintained at 27oC. The initial and final
distilled to completely remove the solvent until the color of the temperatures of the water was recorded. After twenty minutes, the
solution changed from dark red to light orange. bomb was removed and the remaining wire was measured. The
bomb was washed and its washing was collected for titration.
To determine the sulfur content, the crucible containing the
sample, magnesium oxide, copper and iron were placed in the furnace. The heating value was obtained using the formula:
Purified oxygen was used in combustion. HV = K + it + (e1 + e2 + e3)
A rotatory meter was connected between the purifying train WS
and the furnace. About 65mL of HCl 2mL starch-iodine solution where K = a constant
and potassium iodate solution were added to the absorber which
it = final temperature – initial temperature
served as an indicator to signal the completion of combustion.
e1 = remaining length of wire
The furnace was switched on. The volume of KlO3 solution
required to titrate the amount of SO2 evolved was recorded after e2 = sulfur content
combustion was completed. e3= acid concentration from bomb obtained from
To get the sulfur content, the following formula was used: titration
WS = mass of the sample
Sulfur content = (V – Vb) x Fs x C x 100
W The flash point was determined using the Cleveland open
cup apparatus. The temperature of the sample was slowly increased.
where V = volume of standard KIO3 solution used
A test flame was passed over the cup at regular intervals. The
Vb = volume of standard KIO3 solution used in blank temperature at which the sample flashed was recorded is the flash
determination point.
C = sulfur equivalent of standard KIO3 solution The soot color was obtained, using 6 mL each of oil, kerosene,
W = mass of the sample (mg) and petroleum paced in 3 different vials. A wick of rolled-up cloth
was soaked in each vial and lit. A paper screen was placed over the Percent yield is determined by the formula;
flame. The smoke emitted by each was observed.
Table 1. A comparison of some important properties of the oil extracted from African oil palm and commercial fuels.
SAMPLE Heating Value (MJ/Kg) Flash Point (O C) Density (g/ml) Sulfur (%) Boiling Point (oC) Time of Consumption (sec)
African oil 39.08 244 0.85 0.07 250 11.67
Kerosene 71 0.082 185 7.33
Gasoline 44.1 0.80 0.53 200 5
Luyun, Rochelle
Perez, Rosalene
No part of this article may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever
Rosales, Rhiza without written permission from the Philippine Science High School,
Diliman, Quezon City, except in the case of brief citations as embodied
Tabbada, Kristina A. in the laws of scientific articles and reviews.
Literally means “false science.” Therefore, it is best for the public to be made aware of the facts behind pseudosciences –
practices and beliefs that have no reliable scientific bases. These include false beliefs that are, almost always, results of the ignorance and
gullibility of the oldfolk, who tend to rely strongly on “coincidence mentality.” However, more baffling is to know that despite the
advancement of science – the foundation of human knowledge – many continue to patronize pseudosciences.
This section aims to expose these pseudosciences, which do not only hamper progress, but may also pose harm to the health
and sound judgment of those who get influenced by them. But worry not, just a dose of true science cures the most ignorant of minds.
by Alfie Vera Mella
ust a few years ago, some song for our new album. Let’s say the song
most likely “reveal” unsavory messages is about a plea to the government to lower
local alternative bands, the
when backmasked. the cost of consumer products. The song
likes of Eraserheads, Yano,
the Youth, and Rivermaya, Rock songs are the favorite victim would probably have a line which goes like:
caused quite a stir when self- of such propesterous allegation. The sole Huwag na sana taasan pa ang presyo ng
professed “moralists” alleged reason is that rock music and other forms of mga bilihin.
that their songs contained subliminal alternative music has long been associated For example, we were able to
demonic messages. The accusers delved on with sex, drugs, and fast life. However, time record the song and produce it commercially.
the issue of backmasking. Backmasking is and liberal thinking proved that such Since our musical style generally falls under
the process of playing a piece of music on assumption is baseless and unfair. Rock the category of rock, some “moralists” might
compact disc, vinyl, or cassette tape in music analysts say the ideas of backmasking accuse us of putting demonic messages in
reverse. This process, according to is just an attemp by several “conservativists” our songs. They would probably backmask
“moralists,” reveals demonic and other to discredit rock music. Rock music, like our songs. Say they have chosen the new
blasphemous messages. They say that such folk, classical and other types of music, is song we recorded. Most likely they will find
messages are put there either intentionally already regarded as a musical artform. Thus, what they are looking for. Why?
or subconsciously by rock bands, especially subliminal messages believed to be revealed
by whomever composed the particular song. through backmasking are just a fiction of Okay, let us read the following
the mind of fault finding moralists who hate line in reverse (from end to beginning):
The issue of backmasking was
rock music.
already hyped in the past. The same Huwag na sana taasan pa ang
accusation hurled to our local alternative Being a musician myself, as the presyo ng mga bilihin
bands was already slapped onto the face of vocalist of a local new wave band named
You would have read it as:
famous rock bands of the 70’s. Seventies’ halflifehalfdeath, I have also done thorough
rock bands like Led Zeppelin, The Eagles, study about backmasking. According to my NIHILIB ANGAM NGAN
and Black Sabbath were also accused of findings, the supposed “demonic message” OYSERP NGA AP NASAAT ANAS AN
putting demonic messages into their songs. deciphered through backmasking is just the GAWUH
The accusation was, of course, vehemently lyrics of the song read in reverse, from
Fault finders would probably hear
denied by the bands. It was not proven. The beginning to end. Following this logic, any
same accusation lodged on our very own piece of music, poetry, or a mere spoken
local alternative bands has not been proven sentence when recorded then played in
as well. Why? For the simple reason that the reverse will definitely sound weird. And in See? This is just one sentence.
idea of backmasking is not true at all. Music some instance, just like what happens to a What else if the entire lyrics of the song is
experts and sound engineers say that the rock song when played in reverse, might hit read in reverse? Besides who would care to
message being deciphered through playing a blasphemous word or two. listen to a song in reverse? No one but those
the music in reverse is only accidental. They fault finding “moralists.” And don’t you
Let us have an example:
even defended rock bands by saying that worry, after all you are still the master of
any piece of music, rock songs or not, will Suppose I will compose a new your fate and the captain of your soul.
ercury solidifying. Rubber becoming as to its original temperature. Then the system is made to
brittle as glass. Helium creeping up do work. In the above example, the gas is allowed to
the sides of a container, defying gravity. expand. This action uses up some of the remaining heat
Air becoming a liquid or even a solid. energy of the gas and cools the gas below the
Science fiction? Definitely not. They temperature of its surroundings.
are cold facts in the bizarre world of
To produce temperatures as low as 0.7° K
(-272.44° C), liquid helium at reduced pressures is made
Cryogenics? It is the science of matter at low to evaporate. Temperatures around the millidegree
temperatures much colder than those that occur (0.001° K) level can be attained using special techniques.
naturally on Earth. To set a standard, the US National One technique is cooling by demagnetization. In this
Bureau of Standards has suggested an upper limit of process, a strong magnetic field lines up the molecules
cryogenic temperatures: below 150 C, or 123 degrees of a paramagnetic crystal. This arrangement raises the
above absolute zero on the Kelvin scale. However, some temperature. When the crystal cools back to the starting
scientists regard the normal boiling point of oxygen temperature, the magnetic field is removed. Then the
(-183 C) as the upper limit. tiny magnets resume their random alignments and, in
the process, reduce the thermal energy of the substance.
Towards Absolute Zero
The energy the tiny magnets use to move comes from
Under natural conditions, you can cool a the heat energy of the crystal, so the temperature falls
substance by placing it next to something colder. Or, to levels as low as 0.002° K (-273.15° C). This procedure
you must introduce work to remove heat from the is called adiabatic demagnetization.
substance, then insulate the substance to keep it cold.
This technique relates the amount of energy to
In cryogenic cooling, energy is introduced into a the amount of disorder, or entropy, in a system. According
system. This is done, for example, by compressing a to the second law of thermodynamics, disorderly atoms
gas. Since heat flows from a region of higher temperature within a system may be made more orderly (decreasing
to a lower-temperature area, the excess heat energy the entropy) only if energy from the outside is applied to
flows out to the surrounding area. This cools the system the system.
Another method of cooling makes use of the which currently use conventional superconductive
unusual properties of helium at low temperatures and electromagnets and require expensive cryogenic cooling
does not require a magnetic field. For example, at certain techniques. The use of high-temperature
temperatures liquid helium has less entropy (more superconductors may also improve the performance of
ordered) than solid helium, which can be formed only new designs of computers. Other possible applications
under pressure. If liquid helium is compressed at low include power transmission lines and magnetically
temperatures, it solidifies. At these temperatures helium levitated superfast trains.
must increase its entropy (absorb heat) and the
Cryogenics has also made possible the
temperature will drop when it solidifies.
commercial transportation of liquefied natural gas. In
Similar techniques of alignment of atomic nuclei medicine, through the techniques of cryogenics,
has produced temperatures close to 0.00001° K. This physicians are able to freeze living parts of the body,
is almost absolute zero. Absolute zero is approximately such as blood and eye corneas for future use. Banks of
273.16 C, or zero degree on the Kelvin scale (0° K). tissues and organs are preserved for future surgical
This is the temperature at which the pressure would be grafting and implantation. Some embryos have been
zero. And, according to the third law of thermodynamics, frozen and stored for later implantation as test-tube
the entropy of a pure crystal is zero at absolute zero babies. Cryogenic surgery, or cryosurgery, is based on
temperature. At this point, the substance would have the selective destruction of tissue by freezing it with a
no motion or energy left to give up. small cryogenic probe. It is being used for the treatment
of Parkinsons disease and destroying tumors.
Absolute zero temperature can never be reached.
Just as there is no largest number since no matter
how large a number is written, another digit can be added
to make it even larger so too there is no smallest
number. No matter how low a temperature is reached
as 0.001° K shrinks to 0.0000001° K and below,
temperatures even lower will always exist.
Industrial Applications 1. How are scientists able to cool substances to cryogenic
temperatures as low as 0.00001° Kelvin?
The oxygen used in rocket engines, for cutting 2. Describe the process of adiabatic demagnetization.
and welding torches, for supporting life in space and 3. Cite other areas where cryogenic technology is applied.
deep-sea vehicles, and for blast furnace operations is
obtained from the air through applications of cryogenics.
Nitrogen is also obtained from the air in large-scale
production. It goes into the making of ammonia for
fertilizers, and it is used to prepare frozen foods by
cooling them rapidly enough to prevent destruction of adiabatic relating to a process that does not involve heat transfer
cell tissues. It can also serve as a refrigerant and for paramagnetic substance a substance of low magnetizability
ability of some materials to conduct electric current with no
transporting frozen foods. resistance at temperatures near absolute zero
urely you have already used a brought about by factors such as
cellphone or, at least, have seen one. a rise or fall in temperature, a
You might even have one of your own. slight electric current, or a
Text. Text. Text. Turn it on. Enter PIN small change in pressure. And
code. Press OK. Code accepted. by controlling such changes, the
Check the view screen. Signal? OK. liquid crystal can be put to work
Battery indicator? Full. Press Menu. in so many ways.
Select Messages. OK. Now compose your message The most common
on the view screen
helö! batobalani ed. iv a question... application of the liquid crystal is in
Send. Enter number. 09192170526 . OK. Message the LCD of cellular phones, calculators,
sending failed. Try again. Message sent. At last! and some watches. How does the liquid
But have you taken a closer look at the view crystal work? The liquid crystal is placed between two
screen of the cellular phone? At that gray substance panes of thin glass. The molecules of the liquid crystal
where all those letters, numbers, symbols, and icons line up in an orderly manner, and light passes through
are being displayed? This is what is known as the LCD. the material without any trouble. Remember, the glass
The LCD, or liquid-crystal display, is a constantly pane is transparent. However, when a small electric
operating display that consists of segments of a current is caused to pass through the liquid crystal, its
substance known as liquid crystal. And this liquid crystal molecules break apart. Now light is scattered and the
is the magic behind the LCD and other similar glass pane becomes opaque. In the LCD, the electric
materials. In fact, it is almost everywhere: in hospital current is applied only to certain parts of the liquid crystal
equipment, in road signs and billboards, and in ad in between the glass panes. The parts are designed
displays. However, before we can truly appreciate its into letters, numbers, etc. When the current passes
usefulness, we should first learn what kind of a substance through them, they become opaque and spell out, as
the liquid crystal really is. in the cellphone, the typed message. The LCD in some
Liquid + crystal. An unlikely pair. A crystal is road signs, billboards, and ad displays also works this
known to be generally solid and rigid. Liquid is not. Being way.
solid, a crystal has molecules that are arranged in a Being sensitive to temperature changes, the
very orderly way. Its molecules are locked into a rigid liquid crystal is also used in some hospital equipment,
structure by electrical forces between the molecules. particularly in temperature-monitoring tools. For
Liquid molecules, on the other hand, can move around example, a disk made of a liquid-crystal material is
freely. Remember? A liquid has no structure and takes placed on the patient. The body temperature of the patient
the shape of its container? affects the color of the disk. Change in the color of the
The usefulness of the liquid crystal is attributed disk, in turn, determines the body temperature of the
to its molecular arrangement and behavior. In the liquid patient, indicating whether the patient is afebrile or not.
crystal, molecules behave as a solid and a liquid at the In fact, disposable liquid-crystal thermometers based
same time. They can move around freely but tend to on this technology are already available in the market.
remain rigid. Thus the liquid crystal is usually thick and Significant advancement in the liquid crystal
flows slowly. However, the liquid crystal is more effective technology is now seen in appliances such as video
when it is spread out in a thin sheet. In this way, there games, flat televisions, and computers and in the field
are only a few layers of molecules, which are structured of medicine, as coatings placed on the skin to reveal
so rigidly that they hardly move at all. underlying tumors.
The liquid crystal can change very easily in the
way it reacts to light. It can be transparent one moment References:
and opaque the next. It may be single-colored now, then 1. Encyclopedia Americana Intl Ed. 1983 Grolier
multi-colored after a short while. These changes can be Incorporated.
Hey! Its a Bouncing Ball!
Probably you have already tried making wax balls out of melted candles,
especially during All Souls Day. But how about a bouncing ball? In this activity,
you will make your own bouncing balls with just a few ingredients in just a short
1. Writing is to me a slow and tedious way of expressing myself.
2. Give man a fish and he will have a meal for a day; teach man how to catch fish and he will have a
meal for a lifetime.
3. Seek first to understand then to be understood.
4. Thats one small step for a man; a giant leap for mankind.
5. Dreams are expression of repressed emotions.
6. We never really wanted that kind of success in the first place as weve always felt that music is an
expression of our inner selves.
a. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
b. Neil Armstrong
c. Jeremy Kelly
d. Alexander Graham Bell
e. Sigmund Freud
f. Stephen R. Covey
Solution A has a pH of 7 while Solution B has 3. Which
is acidic?
Across C R O S S W O R D Down