Second Edition 2013
Written by: David Bradbeer (Vancouver Airport Authority), Eoin Ryan (Dublin Airport Authority), Ian Witter
(Heathrow Airport), Sanne Patijn (Amsterdam Schiphol Airport) and Xavier Oh (ACI)
Reviewed by: BTEE SA, Falcon Environmental Services, David Gamper and Gudjon Atlason (ACI)
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Airports Council International
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ISBN 978-0-9919875-0-4
©2013 Airports Council International. All rights reserved.
The content of this Handbook also builds upon the existing guidance in the ACI
Policies and Recommended Practices Handbook, with safety related policies
included in this publication for easy reference. While remaining short and succinct,
it provides checklists for action, as well as an explanation of risks to be assessed
and means of mitigation available. As stated in the text, local risk assessments are
inevitably necessary.
A diversity of wildlife species, including birds, mammals, to aerodrome managers because of the vast diversity of
and reptiles, can be found on or around aerodromes species that can be hazardous to aircraft operations. Each
the world over. Certain species of wildlife pose a risk to aerodrome will have its own unique hazards to manage,
aviation safety. In the USA alone there have been 119,917 and no two aerodromes will experience wildlife hazards in
strikes involving wildlife reported between 1990 and 2011, exactly the same way. Given the unique nature of wildlife
with damage costing approximately $480 million (Federal hazard management, it is critical for each aerodrome to
Aviation Administration 2012). Since 1988, 231 people have develop its own WHMP.
been killed as a result of bird strikes and over 220 aircraft
have been destroyed. Individual aerodromes can reduce This handbook will assist an airport operator to manage
the risk to life and property by actively managing wildlife wildlife hazards around the aerodrome by describing the
hazards. responsibilities of the operator, guidelines for conducting a
Risk Assessment and the creation of a WHMP, operational
Wildlife hazards, just as any other hazards to aviation practices for Wildlife Hazard Management, training
safety, should be identified, assessed and managed in curriculum, and how to evaluate the efficacy of the Plan.
order to reduce the risk, through a Safety Management
System (SMS). The first step is Hazard identification, The content of this handbook builds upon the existing
involving species present in and around the aerodrome, guidance:
and how much damage each species could cause to an
aircraft if struck (Hazard level). This is followed by a review ICAO standards for States: ICAO Annex 14 chapter 9,
of past wildlife strikes in order to identify which species are section 9.4 (Wildlife strike hazard reduction), including:
likeliest to be involved in a collision (Probability of a strike). ACI policy guidance to members: ACI Policy Handbook 5.19
The product of these factors gives the risk for that species,
and can be shown in a risk assessment matrix (this process 9.4.1 The wildlife strike hazard on, or in the vicinity of,
an aerodrome shall be assessed through:
Is explained in Chapter 3). An assessment of habitats in
a. the establishment of a national procedure
and around the aerodrome that have the potential to
for recording and reporting wildlife strikes
attract wildlife is also completed, so that the habitat can be
to aircraft;
managed to reduce the presence of species identified as b. the collection of information from aircraft
constituting a risk to flight safety. operators, aerodrome personnel and other
sources on the presence of wildlife on
Following a Risk Assessment, aerodrome operators must or around the aerodrome constituting a
develop a Wildlife Hazard Management Plan (WHMP). The potential hazard to aircraft operations; and
WHMP sets out the actions required to reduce wildlife c. an ongoing evaluation of the wildlife hazard
hazards in and around critical aircraft operating areas, and by competent personnel.
decrease the risk of a strike.
can provide enough stimulus to make the animals fear for
their safety and leave.
1.4 Removal
2.1 Introduction
Roles and Responsibilities
2.6 Stakeholders Outside the Airport
Wildlife hazard management on an airport often requires
communication, cooperation, and coordination among Aerodrome operators should also identify which stake-
various groups on the aerodrome. This is especially holders will be responsible for providing input and
true when identifying hazardous wildlife situations, consultation. Stakeholders can include transportation
• Senior Manager
• Wildlife Control Coordinator
• Wildlife Control Operator representative
• Aircraft Operator representative
• Airport Planning Manager
• Aerodrome maintenance and operation Manager
• ATC representative
• Local runway safety team representative
• Local authorities
• Depending on the organizational structure of the airport,
other representatives can also be included, such as the
Fire and Rescue Department or the Runway Control
3. Risk Assessment of Wildlife Hazard &
Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
The first step of managing wildlife hazard is to assess The next step of a Risk Assessment is to rate the probability
the level of risk that each species of animal presents to that species will be involved in a strike. The example below
aircraft operations at the aerodrome. This risk assessment uses a scale with 5 levels but fewer or more levels could
is more than simply surveying the species found in and be used.
around the aerodrome; it involves assessing the likelihood
of each species striking an aircraft and the probability and The probability can be assessed qualitatively on a scale,
extent of damage that may result. This allows managers to for example, from Very Low to Very High. Species that
prioritize their management actions to target the highest shy away from aircraft noise or that learn to avoid aircraft
risk species. The Risk Assessment should also identify could be rated as Low or Very Low. Birds that flock in large
the biological factors that cause different wildlife species numbers to certain habitats in the flight path could be rated
to present a risk to aviation safety. Identification of these a High or Very High. Solitary animals might be rated as
factors will greatly aid in the formulation of a Wildlife Hazard Medium but other behavioural factors might have to be
Management Plan. taken into account. This probability might also vary with
the season or other conditions such as grass length or rain
There are several methods of conducting a Risk Assessment and weather conditions.
of Wildlife Hazards. This Handbook will outline a simple,
qualitative method that can be used as a starting point for A quantitative approach could use historical strike records
a more detailed Risk Assessment. In its most basic form, at the aerodrome expressed as the number of strikes (by
a Risk Assessment determines the level of risk that each species) per 10,000 aircraft movements. As a guide, 5 or
species of wildlife presents based on the combination of more strikes per 10,000 movements would constitute a
the probability that it will be struck by an aircraft and the Very High probability of a strike, whereas less than 1 strike
severity of the outcome. per 10,000 movements constitutes a Very Low probability.
3.1.1 Define the Area of Risk Assessment 3.1.3 Ranking the Severity of a Strike
The first step in a Risk Assessment of Wildlife Hazards The next step is to rank the expected severity of the impact
is to define the area that will be assessed. This generally or damage resulting from a strike event. Sometimes called
includes the entire aerodrome. The area of the Risk the Hazard Level Ranking, this can use a scale similar to
Assessment should include the take-off routes and landing strike probability scale. This ranking will depend on the size
approaches when significant wildlife hazards are present in of the animal and its tendency to flock or congregate.
these zones.
Severity of Strikes
A/C Crash & A/C Crash & A/C Severe A/C light
Probability of Strikes near miss
Severe Light Casualty Damage & No Crash Damage
Definition Meaning Value A B C D E
Occasional 3/10,000 movements 3 3A(Unacceptable) 3B(High) 3C(High) 3D(Moderate) 3E(low)
Improbable 1/10,000 movements 1 1A(Unacceptable) 1B(High) 1C(Low) 1D(Very Low) 1E(Very Low)
consider a greater set of variables, and therefore, assess 3.2.2 Communication Strategy
risk more accurately. For example, the type of aircraft using
the aerodrome will influence the level of risk; larger, faster Aerodrome operators should create communication
aircraft will increase the risk of a damaging wildlife strike. procedures for managing and reacting to wildlife hazards
and for acting when a strike does occur.
When considering the probability of a wildlife strike,
components of each species behaviour can also be It is critical for safety that key personnel are notified
considered. This is especially valuable when detailed when there is an elevated risk of a wildlife strike. The
records of historical wildlife strikes are not available. communication strategy should summarize which
Such factors as variations in a species annual abundance
around the aerodrome, the animal’s propensity to engage
personnel are responsible for recognizing and alerting of an 3
increased wildlife hazard, and which personnel should be
in “hazardous” behaviour, and its relative ability to avoid notified. The communication strategy should be inclusive
aircraft can be considered. of wildlife management technicians, pilots, and air traffic
3.2 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
A communication strategy is also necessary for when a
The Wildlife Hazard Management Plan (WHMP) is a strike does occur. This allows the effective collection of
document created to provide the strategy for reducing the data pertaining to the strike, including the airline and type
risk that wildlife poses to safe airport operations. The plan of aircraft involved, the stage of flight, the damage to the
is based on the Risk Assessment of Wildlife Hazards. An aircraft and whether there was an effect on flight, and the
effective WHMP should: species of wildlife involved. The wildlife strike data can then
be used as an evaluation tool.
• Identify the wildlife species that are a priority for risk
reduction; 3.2.3 Taking Action to Reduce Risk
• Prescribe the actions necessary to reduce the risk
associated with the individual species; Once the risk presented by various wildlife species is
• Clearly identify of the roles and responsibilities prioritized, a series of actions for reducing that risk is
personnel are required to fulfill; and outlined. The actions needed to reduce the risk can take
• Describe a Communication Strategy for ensuring that several forms and include managing aerodrome habitats
the information necessary for managing wildlife risk is so that they are less attractive (fulfill fewer of the animals
shared effectively; basic requirements); dispersing wildlife with behavioural
• Outline a Training Programme for the personnel stimulants; physically excluding wildlife from the aerodrome;
involved in Wildlife Hazard Management; physically removing wildlife from the aerodrome; and
• Describe a monitoring and evaluation strategy for the strategies for managing habitats that are within the vicinity
entire WHMP; of the aerodrome but outside its boundaries. The actions
• Prioritize the specific research needed to advance should also include a system for communicating the risk of
the efficacy of wildlife hazard management on the bird strikes to critical personnel, including pilots, air traffic
aerodrome. controllers, and wildlife management personnel.
The WHMP should explicitly identify the personnel who A Training Programme must be established through the
will be involved in the Wildlife Management Programme, WHMP. Effective training ensures that actions taken to
including the roles and responsibilities they will fulfill. reduce wildlife hazards are consistent across all personnel.
Chapter 2 outlines the specific roles and responsibilities A basic Training Programme is provided in Chapter 5.
associated with wildlife management at as aerodrome.
3.2.5 Monitoring and Evaluation
4.1 Introduction
Operational Practices
• Observe and report any other safety issues associated pressure associated with the wildlife control operator.
with the operation of the airport, whether or not it (Care must be taken that the patrol itself does not
related to wildlife hazard management. become a hazard to aircraft operations.)
• Noise to scare wildlife such as sound generators,
4.4 Remote Detection Systems pistol or gun shots, and pyrotechnics or firecrackers.
(Care must be taken that wildlife are moved away from
Some airport might employ remote detection systems such aircraft operations.)
as radar or video monitoring systems. Such technology will • Noise to deter wildlife such as recorded distress or
probably never replace the need for manned patrols and alarm calls. (Care must be taken that such calls do not
interventions, but could assist with reducing the frequency attract curious or predatory species.)
of patrols. • Visual repellents including lasers, kites, balloons,
scarecrows and small models.
Coordination between the remote monitoring center
and operators that might respond to wildlife sightings is
• Trained predators such as falcons and dogs used to
chase wildlife. 4
required. • Trapping, tagging and relocation, especially for larger
animals and protected species.
• Culling or killing. (This is generally a last resort, as a
dead animal is not a trained animal. It is not an option
for certain species such as endangered or protected
• In some situation chemical repellents and pesticides
might have a role to play, although the use of poisons
and environmental pollutants should be discouraged.
4.5 Intervention Techniques Mobile patrols should be more persistent than the wildlife.
Simply moving wildlife and then driving away is seldom
Intervention techniques are actions taken by a wildlife effective wildlife control. It often is necessary to remain in
control operator to remove wildlife from areas of high risk. the area following control to prevent the immediate return
More details and discussions are provided in Annex B. of wildlife or to repeatedly return to the area at frequent
intervals to ensure that the controlled wildlife have not
One of the intentions of intervention techniques is to train returned and to reinforce control if necessary. The aim is to
the wildlife not to occupy areas where they are not wanted. achieve a bird free aerodrome and the control needs to be
If an animal learns that the effort to occupy a place and thorough to ensure the birds leave the airfield.
get chased away is greater than the benefit provided by
the food or opportunity to rest in that area, it may stop 4.6 Recording and Reporting
4.6.1 Recording All Daily Activities
Most intervention techniques rely on scaring wildlife with
an audible or visual threat. This can include the following: Keeping records of all activity related to wildlife hazard
management is fundamental to the WHMP. Data is required
• Movement of the patrol vehicle and the human in order to be able to assess the effectiveness of the Plan
as a whole, as well as specific trends such as habituation. to aircraft operations, including reducing the number of
wildlife strikes, reducing the total mass of wildlife strikes,
There is an increased tendency towards airlines and/or reducing the average mass of wildlife strikes, or reducing
their insurers to pursue legal action to recover the costs of the number of hazardous wildlife around the aerodrome.
wildlife strike damage from airports at which they occur. It
is important that airports record the wildlife control actions 4.7 Equipment
that they take in order to be able to demonstrate that
they had an adequate WHMP in place at the time of an The wildlife control operator should be equipped with
incident and that the Plan was functioning properly. Data devices appropriate to the wildlife species encountered,
gathered as part of a plan is also important in assessing the the numbers present, and to the area that they need to
effectiveness of the actions taken. control. Staff should have access to appropriate devices for
removal of wildlife, such as firearms or traps, or the means
4.7.2 Static equipment Various new methods for either habitat management at
airports, detection systems or new dispersal techniques
In general, static wildlife scaring devices, such as gas have been developed in the past years. There are many
cannons or other sound generators, gradually lose their methods of wildlife dispersal available. Aerodrome
effectiveness over time. Although some of the more operators should assess the need before purchasing
sophisticated devices, which generate a variety of sounds equipment. n
in random or pre-programmed order, may delay this
habituation. They are generally more suitable for providing
short-term wildlife deterrence from limited areas (e.g.
ground being reinstated after building works).
4.8 Habituation
Deterrent Spikes don’t keep all birds off of signs. Note that this
Red Tailed Hawk is marked with a special identification tag as part
of a Trap and Release Program, Vancouver International Airport
5.1 Introduction
The significance of wildlife and habitat management It is important for aerodromes to outline the objectives
5 plans must be recognised as a major safety priority of all of a bespoke wildlife and habitat management plan. It is
aerodromes regardless of size, aircraft movements or the not sufficient for staff to undertake any role within the
lack of a perceived threat. aerodrome wildlife team without appropriate wildlife and
habitat training.
• Aerodrome must have specific comprehensive wildlife
and habitat management training programmes.
• Staff tasked for wildlife and habitat management must PLAN OBJECTIVES
be trained and assessed as fully competent to perform • Ensure training plan meets best international,
their duties. national & local standard
• It is important that the role is comprehensively • To deliver appropriate wildlife/habitat
explained to staff and that they fully understand their management training to staff that are tasked
roles and responsibilities. with managing and implementing the plan
• Ensure local aerodrome conditions and
effective control measure are included in
training plan
• Ensure that staff have a full understanding of
procedures and practices required to deliver
on objectives of the WHMP
• Provide practical training programme that
ensure full competency on wildlife control
Overview Familiarization Specification
Theoretical Training Practical Training Specific Wildlife Training
Aerodrome location will dictate much of the content of Training must be conducted professionally by appropriately
the training programme and the procedures that are best qualified personnel using approved material drawn from
suited to each aerodrome. Aerodromes located at the coast appropriate national and international standards and
or close to forests will require a different set of control publications. Training content and programmes must be
measures than those aerodromes located near artic or approved by a wildlife manager with guidance from a
desert locations. Aerodromes developing WHMPs must subject matter expert to ensure that programme content
take the local and regional aspect of wildlife management is sufficient and all mandatory safety and operational
into consideration. requirements are met.
Gulls: Account for 18% of known species strikes Wildlife The wildlife team will require training on the importance
Strike figures: Courtesy of ICAO EB 2009/37 and significance of a liaison plan in respect of all wildlife
stakeholders. Stakeholders identified:
This role is central to managing and directing the
LIAISON PROGRAMME TRAINING aerodrome wildlife and habitat plan. The purpose of training
is to ensure this person has all the necessary knowledge
• State Authorities and understanding to ensure the proper oversight and
• Aviation Authorities management of the plan.
• Environmental Authorities
• National Planner In order to be fully competent this person must receive
• Critical Infrastructure Authorities appropriate training to support the role. A central part of
• Local Authorities this training will consist of briefings from subject matter
• Local Business Entities experts so that they are fully informed of the potential
• Local residents and representative group danger that wildlife habitat & management pose to aircraft
• Local interest farmer/landowners and aerodromes.
• Other groups as deemed necessary
5.4.2 Wildlife Control Coordinator
of the wildlife control and habitat programme. Full training Detailed appropriate training is essential for this role as it is
should be provided to ensure all members understand central to the full implementation of an effective wildlife
the objectives of the programme. Training should include and habitat management plan. This includes a full
regular briefings from subject matter experts so that they understanding of all aspects of the wildlife team objectives
are fully informed of the potential danger that wildlife and how they should best perform the task in a safe and
habitat pose to aviation at the aerodrome. efficient manner.
• Theoretical assessments that demonstrate Where possible, aerodromes should have a dedicated
team members have the knowledge necessary resource that will ensure that advances in the field of
to deliver the objectives of the wildlife wildlife management and habitat management, (whether
management programme that be scientific, procedural or proven improved control
• Familiarisation with procedures, practices & techniques) are reflected in the aerodromes wildlife and
techniques of wildlife management habitat management plan.
• Practical assessments that demonstrate
team members have the practical knowledge 5.5.9 Refresher Training
necessary to operate all equipment and
techniques Each aerodrome should have an effective refresher training
• General suitability, whereby team members programme that the wildlife team will complete on a
can demonstrate a level of operational regular basis. The training must include a dedicated wildlife
competencies to deliver on the objectives of management and habitat module which will reflect on
the wildlife management plan statistical information, procedural reviews, staff feedback
and a central piece by a subject matter expert at the
aerodrome (internal or external) and by a senior manager
This process will consist of the following components: responsible for the aerodrome management and habitat
5.5.10 Training Programme for other
Aerodrome Users
6.1 Introduction
Evaluation of WHMP
6.3.3 Aerodrome Survey resource that will ensure that advances in the field of
wildlife management and habitat management, whether
A wildlife survey is a valuable tool for aerodromes to ensure that be scientific, procedural or proven improved control
their wildlife management and habitat plans are effective, techniques are reflected in the aerodromes wildlife and
meet all regulations and standards required. The survey will habitat management plan.
be completed formally on an annual basis by a qualified
professional. Evaluation of all operational, practical, 6.3.9 Intelligence Gathering
procedural and technical aspects of wildlife and habitat
management will form part of this survey. A comparison The importance of gathering intelligence locally at the
with previous year’s findings and recommendations to aerodrome and surrounding areas can contribute greatly
ensure the survey delivers on the purpose of the survey. to ensuring that control measures are effective. A plan for
sharing information with local aerodromes or aerodromes
6.3.4 Statistical Comparisons Year on Year with similar wildlife and habitat issues is a useful process
of mutual benefit where control measures are compared
It is extremely important that accurate statistics are and evaluated.
gathered and interpreted by a competent person to ensure
that aerodromes can have effective control measures in 6.3.10 Wildlife Documentation Audit
a timely fashion. Reference should be made to previous
statical data over the last five years and recommendations An evaluation of all reports and records to ensure they
and action points raised accordingly. Particular attention meet appropriate standards as they must provide accurate
should be placed on the quality and accuracy of aerodrome information that can be understood and that will be of value
wildlife statistics and how these statistics are interpreted in the evaluation process.
so that trends are measured and mitigation measures
immediately put into place. A full check of all wildlife team documentation, paying
particular attention to following documentation:
6.3.5 Review of Procedures
• Locations of wildlife, identification, patterns of
A full comprehensive review of all control procedures and movement, control measures records;
practices to ensure that effective control measures are in • What measures were used, what precise method and
place and are correctly followed and documented. A review how effective?
of seasonal migration patterns is essential. • Nuisance species reports;
• Protected species, endangered species register;
6.3.6 Equipment Serviceability • Monthly alert reports;
• Rotational control measures records;
A full equipment audit shall be undertaken annually to • Recording aerodrome wildlife hot spots (on/off
establish serviceability and effectiveness of all equipment aerodrome) and potential strike danger records;
used to support wildlife management. • Analysis of wildlife strikes, removal techniques records;
• Reported strikes on near misses (over last 5 years)
6.3.7 Rotational Procedure records;
• Investigated strike and near miss reports;
A systematic review of rotational control procedures and • Analysis of carcass (on site and external analysis)
the perceived effectiveness of the process. Particular records.
attention to identification of new species and control
measures are required to deal with the species. Emphasis should be placed on quality of all records in
particular daily logs to ensure the best quality intelligence
6.3.8 Research Review is gathered so that this information can be fed back into the
plan in a timely fashion. n
Where possible, aerodromes should have a dedicated
A-1 Introduction
Habitat Management
Habitat management is probably the most important method Wildlife can be attracted to particular sites for feeding,
of preventing or reducing wildlife strikes on and around an breeding, roosting, resting or access to water. Efforts put
airport. The airfield habitat should be less attractive to the into reducing the attractiveness of the airfield can be the
animals than the surrounding areas. If there are off-airport most productive way to reduce the risk of wildlife strikes.
sites that attract birds these may need dealing with - also The large expanse of grass, low vegetation or even the
these can create flight line of flight paths of birds moving lack of vegetation present at airports is attractive to wildlife
from one area to another (e.g. from an overnight roost to that prefer open country habitats partly because they rely
a feeding location) then the airport should, in conjunction on being able to observe predators at long distances.
with local regulators seek to reduce the attractiveness of When combined with food resources, airports can be very
these off airport sites also. attractive habitats for open-country wildlife. The presence
of numerous buildings and hangars along with trees and
explanation of what features can be attractive and what The production of seeds by herbaceous plants, particularly
steps can be taken to counter this. the many species of graminaceous plants which provide a
favourable source of food for some bird species.
• Buildings – provide sites for nesting, roosting and
perching; If the presence of birds is to be decreased substantially, it
• Open water – access to water, breeding and roosting is necessary to take action mainly at the source by reducing
sites; their food supply. The use of pesticides and herbicides may
• Trees, shrubs, berries – perching, nesting and feeding; be a solution in some cases.
• Grass – see details below on how to manage airfield
of hazardous wildlife and undertake action to limit the decrease the numbers of animals present. All dilapidated
access of wildlife to these bodies. Placing floating balls, or ruined buildings, on or in the direct vicinity of the
netting or overhead wires, can be excellent solutions, aerodrome, should either be repaired or demolished. Those
depending on the species present. structures are often colonized by wildlife that uses them as
shelters and for breeding purposes.
Therefore, the larger and most hazardous species, because particular length such that local bird species cannot find
they are usually much taller than 20 cm, require grass food and cannot rest because their sight in interrupted by
heights well in excess of the typical “tall” grass range. the grass. At other locations it may be more important to
Grass management has to be adapted for each aerodrome. not provide perching opportunities on structures or, in dry
No general principles can be adopted on this subject at the areas not to provide access to surface water. A study of the
international level. airport environment should lead to the implementation of a
Habitat Management Plan that describes the management
Aerodromes which do not have vegetation covering the soil needed for the different areas and habitats of the airport
do not offer much food to birds, but may attract certain perimeter.
species to nest or roost directly on the soil. At airports
where sparse or no vegetation attracts hazardous species, Where grass does grow naturally in the environment
studies could be conducted to determine possibilities for it can be managed as described elsewhere. In terms of
plant coverage that prevents nesting and roosting without operational procedures this will mean a plan to achieve the
increasing food sources. It is not automatically the best following:
choice to provide a grass covered airfield. If the surrounding
areas are arid desert then the green grass may well attract • Soil sampling to ensure there are no insects and larvae
birds. that will attract birds to feed;
• Weed-killer to reduce weeds upon which birds may
Depending on the type of grass used and the local climate, feed;
grass coverage needs to be maintained. Depending on • Insecticide to remove insects upon which birds may
the type of grass, the machinery used to mow will have feed;
to be adapted to pick up maximum amounts of grass after • Fertiliser application to ensure the grass can grow to
mowing, and must not create ruts, which may offer wildlife the required length;
a favourable environment. For example, if they become • Bottoming out – cutting the grass very short in spring;
filled with water. The continual collection of grass may also • – to ensure fresh vigorous growth and to remove grass
lead to reduced soil fertility and may require periodic added cuttings or thatch that can build up and harbour insects
fertilization, preferably in the form of low-nutrient organic and attract birds;
fertilizer. • Regular topping cuts to maintain upright grass of the A
required height. In warm wet periods the grass may
The period during which grass is cut is a determining factor grow more quickly and in hot dry periods it may cease
in wildlife hazard management. It is essential to be able to grow – these variations in the weather will need to
to carry out this work under dry weather conditions and be taken into account so as not to strictly follow a time
be sure that it can be completed as rapidly as possible. based plan for cutting.
Consideration should also be given to conducting grass
cutting at night time. Night cutting eliminates the risk of However, general guidelines are difficult to establish
attracting birds to the mowers to feed. The period after for all climates and locations. According to the type of
mowing should allow for grass to grow to its optimal height vegetation, growing conditions and wildlife at the location,
before the next mowing is carried out. an appropriate mowing regime must be determined.
distribution, movements and abundance. food for birds. Certain species will travel several kilometres
to reach a dump. Birds flying to and from these sites may
The first stage consists of gathering specific data on wildlife cross over an aerodrome or aircraft flight paths. It is not
outside the physical boundaries of the aerodrome. While it is uncommon to observe birds, in particular gulls, soaring over
critical to know the seasonal abundance of each hazardous dump sites in the thermals created by composting garbage.
species on and near the airport, it is also important to know The greater presence of birds may give rise to problems
how those species interact with the airport. For example, for approaching aircraft. The presence of garbage dumps
knowledge of movement routes makes it possible to on aerodromes must be totally prohibited. In accordance
provide pilots with reliable information on potential hazards with various national recommendations for the prevention
within approach and departure paths. Knowing where of bird hazards, regulations call for the elimination of
species nest/den etc. can be very important in determining garbage dumps within a radius of up to 13 kilometres of
control strategies for young animals that are frequently the aerodrome. Even this regulation may be inadequate to
most at risk of causing a strike. prevent hazards if the airport is located between the landfill
and the roosting site of the birds using the landfill.
The areas surrounding the aerodrome have a direct impact
on the presence of wildlife on the aerodrome. Their physical
location may also result in animals crossing the aerodrome
regularly. It may be necessary to gain an understanding of
wildlife behaviour outside the aerodrome.
Nature Reserves
canopy and shrubs should not be planted under the canopy
of trees and should also be spaced so as to not touch each
other. Open form trees and shrubs should be selected,
avoiding coniferous trees and shrubs which provide year-
round shelter.
Wildlife Intervention Techniques
Wildlife dispersal techniques have been in use at many The scaring effect of cartridges or crackers fired from
aerodromes for a long time and it is important to use a firearms is well known. Cartridges and shell crackers should
variety of these techniques to remain effective. However, be used carefully. They should not be fired from within a
in-depth knowledge of the airport and vicinity habitats vehicle. They should always be fired between the risk area
and the distribution, movement patterns and behaviour of and the birds so they will be scared away from the area
the wildlife present remains the determining factor in the where they pose a risk to the airport operation.
choice of methods. The management of the hazard should
involve the regular monitoring of wildlife and analysing their Pyrotechnics should not be launched into flocks of birds.
behaviour, rather than being limited to simply harassing This typically causes uncontrolled dispersal in all directions.
wildlife. Typically pyrotechnics should be directed to one side of the
flock opposite to the desired direction the controller wishes
The levels of sophistication of hardware available, and the birds to flush.
hence cost, are highly variable and can include:
To be really effective, the goal should always be to aim
projectiles to detonate below the sight line of birds. For
birds on the ground, the detonation should take place at
ground level. Once the birds have taken flight, another shot
fired between the ground and the birds should scare them
away. For birds in flight, cartridges should be fired behind
them. If the intent is to change the trajectory of a flock in
flight, several cartridges could be fired in their flight line.
Distress/Alarm Calls
Squawker using high fidelity natural sounds such as
Birds emit distress calls when captured by a predator. distress call, alarm calls and cries of predators
The use of distress calls is therefore effective as long as
the birds are correctly identified to species and the right It is important to mount loudspeakers on the wildlife hazard
distress calls are then used. This involves recording and prevention vehicle. They should be mounted facing the front
emitting distress calls through high-quality loud speakers of the vehicle. In this way, the driver always has the birds
which emit the full range of call frequencies and are then being dispersed in sight and can monitor their response
mounted on the bird hazard prevention vehicle. and take any necessary follow-up measures.
Depending on the geographical situation of the aerodrome Some guidelines for the use of bird distress calls are as
and the species present, the use of distress calls can be an follows:
excellent solution. Their effectiveness is well proven in the
case of gulls, for example. • The vehicle should be stationary;
• The vehicle should be upwind of the flock of birds;
Birds normally react to distress calls in the following • The vehicle (and loudspeakers) should face the flock
manner: of birds;
• The ideal distance between the vehicle and the birds is
• They are alerted and take flight; less than 100 meters;
B • They approach the source of the sound and circle
• The broadcasting of distress calls should last for around
90 seconds.
• Certain birds dive to assess the source of the threat.
When the calls cease, the birds very often leave the area.
It can be effective to combine audio methods with visual
methods such as the use of cracker shells or models
or effigies. When calls are associated with a dead or
distressed bird, the reaction of most birds is to leave the
area. According to expert opinion, when distress calls alone
are used, birds cannot precisely identify the threat or the
predator and the safest action for them is to disperse.
In view of this, the dispersal of birds through the use of
distress calls may take time.
Bird Laser, Dublin International Airport
Wildlife Strike Statistics
The first recorded human fatality resulting from a bird strike occurred in 1912. Cal Rogers, the first man to fly across the
United States, crashed into the ocean after a gull became jammed in his aircraft’s flight controls. Since then, bird strikes
have become an increasingly serious problem in both civil and military aviation, with many thousands of strikes occurring
every year.
According to IBSC, It is believed that the number of fatal accidents has risen to at least 55, killing 276 people and the
destruction of 108 aircraft between 1912 and 2011.
Engine Model :
o Day
o AM o PM
Month Day Year
o Night o Speed (IAS) :
D 11 – 100
Remarks: (Describe damage, injuries and other pertinent information)
Name :
Phone :
Email :
Text references:
References & Sources
Wildlife Protected Species Register
Each Aerodrome must compile a Wildlife Protected /Rare Species Register based on national & local legislation guidelines. Staff engaged in the role of wildlife strike
prevention must receive training in recognition of all species to include endangered species. http://www.iucn.org/
Note: Aerodromes may also wish to consider critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable species in addition to protected species
Species name/type
Mitigation factors
(specific aerodrome protected species Reason protected Tick Tick & note Register of sightings Tick & note
list below, include picture)
Patrol Date
Rare species
Capture Numbers
Endangered species
Relocation Location
National register
Rescue agencies Direction from/to
Tagging Other details
Patrol Date
Rare species
Capture Numbers
Endangered species
Relocation Location
National register
Rescue agencies Direction from/to
International register
Tagging Other details
Patrol Date
Rare species
Capture Numbers
Endangered species
Relocation Location
National register
Rescue agencies Direction from/to
International register
Tagging Other details
ISBN 978-0-9919875-0-4