(Kylie Judyawon) (Mark Iligan) : Confucianism Group 4 Life of Confucius Living According To Confucian Values

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Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees

Group 4 it.
Life of CONFUCIUS (KYLIE JUDYAWON) Living according to Confucian values (MARK ILIGAN)
 K'ung Fu Tzu (Confucius) 551 – 479 BCE  Confucius taught his disciples to be a
 Born in province of Lu during the Chou dynasty gentleman. In his philosophy a gentleman was a
 His mother taught him to master the six arts person who had developed the five virtues of
(ritual, music, archery, chariot-riding, courtesy, chivalry, good faith, diligence, and
calligraphy, and arithmetic) kindness; and a man with those qualities should
 His father was a commander that died when he employ them in governing the state.
was three. “The gentleman first practices what
 He opened a school at 22 he preaches and then preaches what
 Success led to appointment as magistrate of the he practices.”
town of Chung-tu then minister of justice of Lu  NON-THEISM
 After a conflict with the Marquis of Lu in 496  never indicated doing anything for a "God" in
BCE, he left the state to travel and has taught his teachings
for 11 years throughout China.  main prerogative was to promote a social
------------------------------------------------------------------------ system based on "good conduct" and virtue
Life of CONFUCIUS (EDWARDS JUDYAWON) instead of the pervading class system of his
 A year after his death, the Confucius temple  originated as a philosophy rather than a
was constructed in Qufu, China religion.
 390 – 305 BCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 He claimed that people needed to remain 5 great relationships (LOVELY GRACE GUMAPAC)
grounded and avoid the trap of dwelling on God  In all relationship there involves the authority
 He believed that people are naturally good and over each other except between the friends.
evil is learned The power and the right belongs to the superior
 298 – 238 BCE i.e to the older people over younger and to man
 He challenged the teachings of Mencius over woman. Each people has to respect the
 He warned that human nature was inherently superiority.
evil and easily corrupted unless taught  The subject to his ruler, the wife to her husband,
otherwise the son to his parents, and the younger brother
 Wrote 32 essays that clarified the belief system to the older brother. Most of these relationship
------------------------------------------------------------------------ deals with the family. And if the love between
Living according to Confucian values (FLORENCE) family is perfect, everything will be perfect from
 CONFUCIANISM is an ethical and philosophical home to village to the empire.
system dealing with moral, social, political, and
religious thought.
 Its purpose of creation is to promote order and
stability.  Li is a concept within Confucianism that dictates
 Both the theory and practice of Confucianism how those who practice it should prioritize their
have indelibly marked the patterns of lives. The five relationships of Confucianism fall
government, society, education, and family of under the concept of Li, which is based on the
East Asia. Although it is an exaggeration to philosophy of Confucius that a healthy life
characterize traditional Chinese life and culture required a structured society.
as Confucian, Confucian ethical values have for The Five Relationship Bonds:
well over 2,000 years served as the source of (from most important to least)
inspiration as well as the court of appeal for  Ruler to Subject
human interaction between individuals,  Father to Son
communities, and nations in the Sinitic world.  Husband to Wife
 Confucius' teachings and his conversations and  Elder Brother to Younger Brother
exchanges with his disciples are recorded in the  Friend to Friend
Lunyu or Analects  To Confucius, a good ruler is benevolent, and
 One of his famous analects is the golden rule: the ruler's subjects are loyal. A father is loving
“Do not do to others what you would not to his son, and the son demonstrates reverence
wish them to do to you.” to his father. A husband should be good to his
 Other famous analects or sayings of Confucius: wife, and his wife should, in turn, be obedient.
1. Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart. An older sibling should be gentle to younger
2. Life is really simple, but men insist on making it siblings, and younger siblings should be
complicated. respectful of their older siblings. Finally two
3. It does not matter how slowly you go so long as friends should be considerate and respectful of
you do not stop.
each other. Based on these principles, Confucius
4. Choose a job you love, and you will never have
believed it was possible to form an ideal
to work a day in your life.
relationship with everyone people encountered
throughout their lives. The fact that three of the
five relationships are familial reiterates the key
role that family plays in Confucianism.


The Confucian virtues (FLORENCE)

The Five Confucian Virtues include:
1. Ren: benevolence or humaneness towards
others; the highest Confucian virtue
2. Li: propriety or etiquette
3. Yi: honesty or uprightness
4. Hsiao: filial piety; reverence
5. Zhi: knowledge (in the sense of moral wisdom)
 These five virtues became the basic ideals of
A. Ren: what makes man distinctively human
(that which gives human beings their humanity).
It is a sense for the dignity of human life--a
feeling of humanity towards others and self-
esteem for yourself.

B. Li: Two basic meanings to li:

(1) concrete guide to human relationships or
rules of proper action that genuinely embody
-The way things should be done or propriety:
positive rather than negative ("Do's rather than
(2) general principle of social order or the
general ordering of life.
-Every action affects someone else--there are
limits to individuality.

C. Yi: the moral disposition to do good (also a

necessary condition for jen or for the superior
man).The ability to recognize what is right and
good; the ability to feel, under the
circumstances what is the right thing to do.

D. Hsiao (showe):
1. Parents are revered because they are the
source of your life. They have sacrificed much
for you.
2. One should do well and make the family
name known and respected: bring honor to
your family.
3. Consider someone you respect and admire
who saves your life or someone who has
sacrificed his life for you--as, indeed, your
parents did. Hence, the reverence.

E. Zhi (chee): moral wisdom; the source of this

virtue is knowledge of right and wrong. Zhi is
added to Confucianism by Mencius (muhn
shoos) who believed that people are basically
born good. Since we draw the difference
between right and wrong from our own mind,
these ideas are innate.

1. Confucianism is developed by ______ (551-479 BC)
A. Confucianism
B. Confucius B. Ren
C. Mencius C. Yi
D. Lao Tzu D. Hsiao

2. ____________is an ethical and philosophical system 10. ______means filial piety or reverence.
dealing with moral, social, political, and religious A. Li
thought. B. Ren
A. Taoism C. Yi
B. Hinduism D. Hsiao
C. Buddhism
D. Confucianism

3. Confucius taught his disciples to be a ___________.

A. Lady’s man
B. Gentleman
C. Good citizen
D. Manly

Statement 1: Confucianism is categorized as
Statement 2: Confucianism believes in one god.
A. Statement 1 is TRUE, Statement 2 is FALSE.
B. Statement 1 is FALSE, Statement 2 is TRUE.
C. Both statements are TRUE.
D. Both statements are FALSE.

Statement 1: Confucius’ teachings never indicated
doing anything for a "God".
Statement 2: Confucianism is originated as a
philosophy rather than a religion.
A. Statement 1 is TRUE, Statement 2 is FALSE.
B. Statement 1 is FALSE, Statement 2 is TRUE.
C. Both statements are TRUE.
D. Both statements are FALSE.

6. In all relationship there involves the _________over

each other except between the friends.
A. Inferiority
B. Authority
C. Insignificance
D. Inconsideration

7. _______ is a concept within Confucianism that

dictates how those who practice it should prioritize
their lives.
A. Ren
B. Li
C. Zhi
D. Yi

8. Out of the five relationship bonds, the most

important is_____________
A. Ruler to Subject
B. Father to Son
C. Husband to Wife
D. Elder Brother to Younger Brother

9. ______means benevolence or humaneness towards Living according to Confucian values

others. It is the highest Confucian virtue.
A. Li
 CONFUCIANISM is an ethical and philosophical good; the ability to feel, under the
system dealing with moral, social, political, and circumstances what is the right thing to do.
religious thought.
 Its purpose of creation is to promote order and D. Hsiao (showe):
stability. 1. Parents are revered because they are the
 Both the theory and practice of Confucianism source of your life. They have sacrificed much
have indelibly marked the patterns of for you.
government, society, education, and family of 2. One should do well and make the family
East Asia. Although it is an exaggeration to name known and respected: bring honor to
characterize traditional Chinese life and culture your family.
as Confucian, Confucian ethical values have for 3. Consider someone you respect and admire
well over 2,000 years served as the source of who saves your life or someone who has
inspiration as well as the court of appeal for sacrificed his life for you--as, indeed, your
human interaction between individuals, parents did. Hence, the reverence.
communities, and nations in the Sinitic world.
 Confucius' teachings and his conversations and E. Zhi (chee): moral wisdom; the source of this
exchanges with his disciples are recorded in the virtue is knowledge of right and wrong. Zhi is
Lunyu or Analects added to Confucianism by Mencius (muhn
 One of his famous analects is the golden rule: shoos) who believed that people are basically
“Do not do to others what you would not born good. Since we draw the difference
wish them to do to you.” between right and wrong from our own mind,
 Other famous analects or sayings of Confucius: these ideas are innate.
6. Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.
7. Life is really simple, but men insist on making it
8. It does not matter how slowly you go so long as
you do not stop.
9. Choose a job you love, and you will never have
to work a day in your life.
10. Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees

The Confucian virtues

The Five Confucian Virtues include:
6. Ren: benevolence or humaneness towards
others; the highest Confucian virtue
7. Li: propriety or etiquette
8. Yi: honesty or uprightness
9. Hsiao: filial piety; reverence
10. Zhi: knowledge (in the sense of moral wisdom)
 These five virtues became the basic ideals of
A. Ren: what makes man distinctively human
(that which gives human beings their humanity).
It is a sense for the dignity of human life--a
feeling of humanity towards others and self-
esteem for yourself.

B. Li: Two basic meanings to li:

(1) concrete guide to human relationships or
rules of proper action that genuinely embody
-The way things should be done or propriety:
positive rather than negative ("Do's rather than
(2) general principle of social order or the
general ordering of life.
-Every action affects someone else--there are
limits to individuality.

C. Yi: the moral disposition to do good (also a

necessary condition for jen or for the superior
man).The ability to recognize what is right and

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