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2016 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT)

Implementation, Comparison and Experimental

Verification of Nearest Vector Control and Nearest
Level Control Techniques for 27-Level Asymmetrical
CHB Multilevel Inverter
Department of Electrical and Electronics Department of Electrical and Electronics Department of Electrical Engineering,
Engineering, Engineering, University College of Engineering
Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Kakinada (A),
Women (A), Women (A), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological
Bhimavaram – 534 202, Bhimavaram – 534 202, University Kakinada,
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. Kakinada-533 003,
[email protected] Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.

Abstract—In this paper, implementation and comparisons of like Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter having N (maximum
Nearest Vector Control and Nearest Level Control modulation number of levels) - 1 clamped diodes in addition to the circuit
techniques for 27-Level with 3-Cell Asymmetrical Cascaded H- to generate N levels, same as N-1 flying capacitors in Flying
Bridge Multilevel Inverter is presented to analyse the Capacitor Multilevel Inverter [3].
performance and application oriented complexity. Asymmetrical
type of multilevel inverters is familiar in the view of attaining
more number of levels with lesser number of cells. Hybrid
Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter gives higher levels than other
asymmetrical inverters with no redundant switching states for
the entire operation. Modulation Strategy takes foremost
involvement in the conversion process, but the selection of
strategy is based on the type of application and topology of
inverter. This paper reviews the comparative performance
parameter analysis to choose a suitable modulation technique for
different applications. The adoptive nature of Nearest Vector
Control and Nearest Level Control strategies are analysed
through Simulation and Experimental results.

Keywords—Nearest Vector Control; Nearest Level Control;

Total Harmonic Distortion; Asymmetrical Cascaded H-bridge
Multilevel Inverter.

In present industrial market scenario, the influence of
Multilevel Inverters is high. Because the major research work
is going to improve the quality of power from PV array and FIGURE 1. CLASSIFICATION OF INVERTERS.
utilization of batteries for mobility. To get a high quality ac
supply with required voltage magnitude, frequency and better In Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter DC sources may
THD in output for the most of the applications are fed with be PV array, Fuel cells or Batteries; the main attractive feature
multilevel inverters [1]. The most important feature of the of one of the Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverters is
multilevel inverter is having high power operating capability provides more number of voltage levels without increasing the
with low power rated conventional semiconductors, because DC sources and power switches i.e., Asymmetrical Cascaded
they are operated in cascade [2]. H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter [4-6]. If the cascaded H-bridge
multilevel inverter is designed with equal dc sources, then it is
The multilevel inverters are classified into different called as symmetrical Multilevel Inverter otherwise
categories and they are shown in Figure 1. Among the Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter. In this article, the
classifications, Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) Multilevel Inverter Asymmetrical CHB MLI is utilized to implement different
(MLI) is the best and commercially accepted one, but the only Modulation Techniques to generate 27-level output with less
drawback is more number of DC sources. In other topologies number of cells.

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2016 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT)

levels and higher output voltage with the same number of




The process of sequential switching of semiconductor

devices in a converter from one state to another to get a TABLE 1. COMPARISON BETWEEN SYMMETRICAL AND ASYMMETRICAL
required output state with the specified logic is called MULTILEVEL INVERTER.
Modulation. There are so many modulation techniques are
available used for Multilevel Inverter and they are shown in Symmetrical Asymmetrical Inverter
Figure 2. Inverter Binary Tertiary
No. of Levels 2R+1 2R+1-1 3R
In this article the Asymmetrical CHB Multilevel Inverter No. of DC Sources R R R
(ASCHBMLI) is operated with the Nearest Vector Control No. of Switches 4R 4R 4R
(NVC) and Nearest Level Control (NLC) techniques for the Vo,Max R 2R-1 (3R-1)/2
performance analysis. This paper is organized as follows, in
section II, the Asymmetrical CHB multilevel inverter is Table 1 summarizes the number of levels, switches, DC
presented. The basic principles of Nearest Vector Control sources and maximum available output voltage for classical
(NVC) and Nearest Level Control (NLC) techniques are cascaded multilevel converters, Asymmetrical multilevel
addressed in section III. Simulation and Experimental result inverter [7-9] with tertiary sources are considered for 3 cells
analysis is discussed in Section IV and V respectively. Section gives more number of voltage levels than others i.e., 27 Level.
VI concludes the overview of analysis about NVC and NLC in So this topology is used and preferred for the analysis of
application point of view. different modulation strategies, among the classified
II. ASYMMETRICAL CASCADED H-BRIDGE MULTILEVEL modulations strategies the basic logical approach of the NVC
and NLC strategies are chosen and the description of these
strategies are concise in next section.
To increase the number of output levels without increasing
the number of cells(R), asymmetrical nature in DC sources of III. NVC & NLC MODULATION STRATEGIES
CHB Cells shown in Figure 3, are chosen according to a The operational characteristics of the inverter is depends
geometric progression with a factor of 2 or 3. For an R of upon the implemented modulation [14-17]. In this section,
cascaded converter cells, one phase can achieve the following recently introduced and simplified version based on two
distinct voltage levels: different platforms i.e., vector duration and reference level
N= 2 −1 oriented modulations are discussed. NVC is an advanced
if V , = 2 V = 1,2,3, … R (For Binary) adaptation of space vector modulation, the logical approach is
N= 3
same as SVM and the pulses are manipulated only based on the
if V , = 3 V = 1,2,3, … R (For Tertiary)
vector duration. So the NVC has a predefined approach to
generate the pulses for the inverter with the comparision of
The maximum output voltage of these R cascaded cell
available vectors and the reference vector position. The other
based multilevel inverter is
type of modulation NLC has an personalized logical approach
to generate the pulses, this strategy is operated with rounded
V , = V ,
level based reference. It has a simple logical strategy to
generate the gating pulses and also it is very easy to implement.
The above equations can be written as follows The logical approach and methodology of chosen and preferred
V, = (2 − 1)V NVC and NLC modulations related discussions follows.
if V , = 2 V , = 1,2,3, … R (For Binary) A. Nearest Vector Control
(3 − 1)
V , = ∗V NVC is a simplified strategy of Space Vector Modulation.
2 Culminating features are approximately fundamental switching
if V , = 3 V , = 1,2,3, … R (For Tertiary)
frequency and low distorted output signals with vector based
By comparing the above equations, it can be seen that the approach. The vectors are selected with the Space Vector
Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter can generate more voltage Modulation Strategies approach [10, 11], but the approach is

978-1-5090-5240-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 215

2016 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT)

very much simplified by reducing the computational equations Operating conditions of NLC gives that it is not a fundamental
for the time intervals of vectors. By using the function ceil to modulation strategy, so the elimination of harmonics is not
resultant reference signal gives the appropriate voltage vectors possible due to there is no procedural tracing of reference
for the operation. signal. But if the levels of the inverter is high then the
harmonics are naturally eliminated in the AC side. The main
advantages are simplicity on operation and implementation.
Implementation of these two NVC and NLC modulation
techniques are very easy because of low computational
complexity and mostly compatible with any topology based
inverters [13]. In this paper implementation and performance
analysis of NVC and NLC to 3-Cell, 27-Level Asymmetrical
CHB Multilevel Inverter in Simulation and Experimentation
with Low-Power Prototype model are discussed in sections IV
& V. For comparison purpose, simulation is carried out with
FIGURE 4. NVC STRATEGY. Low-Power and Medium-Power models.
As shown in Figure 4 the resultant reference signal is
approximated with the horizontal and vertical lines of space Table 2 shows the detailed parameters used to design the
hexagon to find the ranges of vectors. In each instant of time Asymmetrical multilevel inverter with 3-Cell. For
of present vector the reference signal is approximated with ceil asymmetrical nature of operation in both Low and Medium
function and getting the nearest vector with the values by the Power models are equipped with the 1:3:9 ratios related DC
simple calculations. These operational issues can be found in Sources.
detail in [10]. The selected voltage vector is basically
represents the future voltage vector and this will provides the TABLE 2. SIMULATION MODEL PARAMETERS.
future output level generated by the inverter. Based on the level
DC Voltages 1V : 3V : 9V (3 Cells)
the control driver circuit is generates the gating pulses and
Switches IGBT / D
those pulses will controls the switches to get the required
Load R = 10Ω, L = 25mH
output level.
Modulation Strategy NVC & NLC
B. Nearest Level Control f0 50Hz
Max. Step Size 1e-6 Sec
NLC is a simple level based strategy, and the levels are
selected by the rounded function so it can be called as Rounded
Control method [12, 13]. In NVC also using the same approach Figures 6-9, are simulated results for the single phase Low-
but NLC is a level based approach and NVC is time based. The Power model with specified modulation parameters as
pulse generation is different from the NVC modulation, mentioned in the previous section of NVC modulation strategy.
because NVC is a modulation and a selected vector gives the The 27-Level Voltage waveform is shown in Figure 6. The
commands to all three phases, but in NLC 1200 phase shifted middle portion of the +ve half cycle is constant, because the
references are required to generate all the three phase pulses. output levels are selected based on the vector control strategy.
The nearest voltage level selection procedure in NLC is based One of the corner in space hexagon’s vectors are the
on the simple expression per phase is: Nearest Voltage Level responsibility for that increment, constant and decrement
(VRN) = VDC*f-round (Vref). The operation of the NLC is nature of the output. It is based on a logical approach but it has
illustrated in Figure 5. some mismatches with the reference at the trail and bad edges
of constant portions.


The different voltage rating alignment for the individual

cells in a multilevel inverter is the identical parameter in
FIGURE 5. NLC STRATEGY. Asymmetrical type inverters. All these asymmetrical voltage
rating cells are operated in +ve region, -ve region and zero state
The computed level from the reference is fixed to generate for the desired level in output side. The main advantage of this
the gating pulses and these pulses are transferred to the inverter asymmetrical type is having low switching frequency for high
for the required output in AC side. Based on the level of the voltage rating cell and high switching frequency for low
inverter, the output is approximately appears like reference. voltage rating cell. This will provides the lower switching

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2016 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT)

losses than conventional inverter; because of this, power

sharing of DC sources and switching frequency of switches are
different from each other of 3 Cells. Figures 7 and 8
respectively shows the Switching Pulses and Power of 3 Cells.


Simulated results of Low-Power model for the single phase

with specified parameters as mentioned in the previous section
of NLC modulation strategy are shown in Figures 10-13. The
Voltage and Current waveforms of 27-Level are shown in
Figure 10. The output having the sequential increment and
FIGURE 7. GATING PULSES TO ASYMMETRICAL MULTILEVEL INVERTER FOR decrement steps are creating the approximate reference type of
NVC. signal with the help of Nearest Level Control with the support
of Asymmetrical Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter. The
output voltage performance is much better than the NVC
NLC related cell wise Powers sharing of 3 Cells and
Switching Pulses are shown in Figures 11 and 12 respectively.
The gating pulses shown in Figure 11 having the less operating
frequency than the NVC based pulses shown in Figure 7. And
also the power sharing of the NLC based inverter cells are
symmetrically distributed than the NVC modulation strategy.


The spectral analysis of Nearest Vector Control strategy

based Low and Medium Power models related Line to Line
Voltage wave are shown in Figure 9 sub sequentially. This
harmonic analysis will provides the performance of the
Asymmetrical Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with
Nearest Vector Control modulation strategy.




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2016 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT)






The spectral analysis of Nearest Level Control strategy

based Low and Medium Power models related Line to Line
Voltage wave are shown in Figure 13 sub sequentially. This
harmonic analysis will provides the performance of the FIGURE 15. CLOSE VIEW OF DRIVER CIRCUIT AND CHB MULTILEVEL
Asymmetrical Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with INVERTER SETUP.
Nearest Level Control modulation strategy. And the
comparision form the NVC strategy will gives that the NLC To implement, compare and validate the NVC and NLC
having lower harmonic distortions. strategies for 3-Cell Asymmetrical 27-Level Inverter with
Simulation model, an Experimental prototype is implemented.
TABLE 3. COMPARISON OF THD FOR NVC AND NLC STRATEGIES. The single phase hardware design of multilevel inverter 3-Cell
prototype is shown in Figures 14 and Fig. 15 shows the
Modulation Type of
Type Fundamental Value
VTHD (%)
separate view of Inverter and Driver circuit.
of (V)
Strategy Model
Phase R load RL load R RL
Low-Power 1- Ф 40.08 40.08 6.55 6.55
NVC Medium- 1- Ф 236.2 236.2 6.57 6.57
Power 3- Ф 409.1 409.1 5.53 5.53
Low-Power 1- Ф 39.09 39.09 3.02 3.02
NLC Medium- 1- Ф 230.3 230.3 3.04 3.04
Power 3- Ф 398.9 398.9 2.61 2.61

Figures 6-13, visualizes the NVC and NLC modulation

strategies for Low-Power model related simulation results. The
comparison of results for both Low and Medium (1Ф & 3Ф)
Power models is shown in Table 3. The concise information
from the simulation result comparison, NLC with ASCHB MLI
having the better operating conditions with low harmonic
distortions. NVC is also having low THD but approximately
3% higher than the NLC. Changing of the power rating nothing FIGURE 16. VOLTAGE WAVEFORM FOR NVC STRATEGY BASED 27-LEVEL
but the change of operating voltage is give the scope to operate ASYMMETRICAL CHB MULTILEVEL.
this type if modulation and inverters to any extension levels.

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2016 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT)


27-Level NLC modulation based output Voltage

waveforms and spectral analysis are shown in Figures 20-23.
The NLC modulation strategy based ASCHB MLI output
FIGURE 17. 50HZ CYCLE OF NVC MODULATED VOLTAGE SIGNAL. voltage waveform is visualized in Figure 20, and those are also
resembles the simulation output pattern. Because of the
rounded reference pattern the output waveforms are looks same
like sinusoidal, and the 50Hz i.e., one cycle of the NLC based
outputs are shown in Figure 21.


The IC number with FGL40N120ANDC10JJ (1200V, 40A)

single IGBT module with diode connected anti parallel is FIGURE 20. VOLTAGE WAVEFORM FOR NLC STRATEGY BASED 27-LEVEL
selected for the design of the H-Bridge Cells. The hardware ASYMMETRICAL CHB MULTILEVEL.
model is operated and associated with the help of
TMS320F28335 for standalone development platform with
high performance 150MHz Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
from Texas instruments. The operating parameters used in the
simulation are the same for Low-Power experimental model.
The NVC modulation based output voltage wave form is
revealed in Figure 16, and this figure demonstrate the similarity
of NVC simulation output. Figure 17 illustrates the 50Hz
frequency signal i.e., 20msec of interval for the full cycle.
The incremental view of the levels of NVC based inverter
output waveform is shown in Figure 18, and this figure view
that the level 1 magnitude is very low because of voltage drop
across the switch. All 13 level are clearly visualized. Harmonic
analysis with the reference of harmonic order in hardware
results are shown Figure 19, and the total harmonic order is FIGURE 21. 50HZ CYCLE OF NLC MODULATED VOLTAGE SIGNAL.
somewhat higher than that of simulation i.e., approximately 4%

978-1-5090-5240-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 219

2016 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT)

inverter output waveform is shown in Figure 22. All 13 level
are clearly visualized. Harmonic analysis with the reference of Simulation Experimental
harmonic order in hardware results are shown Figure 23, and NVC NLC NVC NLC
(V-THD (%)) (V-THD (%)) (V-THD (%)) (V-THD (%))
the total harmonic order is somewhat higher than that of R RL R RL R RL R RL
load load load load load load load load
simulation i.e., approximately 2% higher.
6.55 6.55 3.02 3.02 10.45 10.40 5.26 5.51

In the observation of practical implementation point of

indications, Level based and Vector oriented strategies are
having their individual preference in the dissimilar application
areas. Uncontrolled operation doesn’t having such type of
contest among NLC and NVC modulations, but in controlled
applications, major methodologies are worked on sample based
or vectors for the optimal control. Finally vector oriented
modulation like Nearest Vector Control is having more
desirability in the controlled operations. However Nearest
Vector Control modulated 27-level output voltage wave having
less performance with the indication of THD measured by the
simulation design and experimental model than NLC.
The Prototype results exhibit the compatibility of NLC and
FIGURE 22. MAGNIFIED VIEW OF LEVELS (0-13) FOR NLC STRATEGY. NVC strategies to implement for Asymmetrical 3-Cell
Multilevel Inverter in real time applications. The variations of
performance parameter (THD) values for both NVC and NLC
strategies from simulation to experimentation are deviated
about 3.9% and 2.24% respectively. By the piecewise result
analysis, up to 11th harmonic the disturbances are high in
NVC, after that NLC has more disturbances than NVC. The
NVC modulation technique is based on Space Vector Strategy
with more impact in closed loop and real-time applications but
comparatively slightly more distortions in output side. The
NLC modulation technique is based on Level of Reference
(amplitude); it has very low distortions in output side, but has
need for real-time implementation for the different applications
of closed loop operation. With the reference of IEEE Std
519™-2014, it allowable limit for the VTHD is 8% and these two
modulation strategies are very near to the standards. NVC is
FIGURE 23. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF NLC STRATEGY. few % of higher value than the standard but the NLC is very
lesser value than the standards.
Table 4 gives the assessment of experimental and simulated
values of NLC and NVC strategies with the load variation R VI. CONCLUSION
and RL for Low-Power model. Figure 24 shows a graphical The assessment of the NVC and NLC modulation based
similarity view of spectral analysis for NLC and NVC ASCHB MLI with simulation and hardware results and also
modulations for hardware results. discussion from the final results, it is concluded that both NVC
and NLC modulations are good at their own areas of operation.
That concludes NVC has better influence in closed loop
operations of different applications, and NLC has high
performance in all aspects but it will be applicable for open
loop and few areas of closed loop operations. In comparative
analysis it observed that NLC having higher performance than
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support
FIGURE 24. COMPARISON OF SPECTRAL ANALYSIS BETWEEN NVC & NLC provided by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
STRATEGIES. Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, TEQIP Centrally Sponsored
Scheme through Ministry (HRD) of Govt. of India and Shri
Vishnu Engineering College for Women, Bhimavaram.

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2016 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT)

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