Water Quality Planning On Thorp and Kimball Brooks - 2010 Report, Appendix D
Water Quality Planning On Thorp and Kimball Brooks - 2010 Report, Appendix D
Water Quality Planning On Thorp and Kimball Brooks - 2010 Report, Appendix D
Calculating flow is outlined as follows:
• Calculate the level to diameter ratio (L/D).
• Identify the flow unit multiplier (K) (Table I, Pages 2-3 and 2-4).
• Square the diameter in feet.
• Calculate flow.
Convert the Diameter to Feet and Square
D2 = (Diameter in inches ÷ 12)2
D 2 is in feet diameter squared. The diameter needs to be converted to feet because
the velocity is in feet per second.
What is the flow in millions of gallons per day (MGD) of a 10-inch diameter conduit with a 6-inch
level? The U has been calculated to be 1.5 ft/sec.
Identify K
K = 0.6 "0.3180 from Table I
Calculate D2
D2 = (10 in ÷ 12)2 = (0.833 ft)2 = 0.694 ft2
Calculate flow
K x D2 x U = MGD = 0.3180 x 0.694 ft2 x 1.5 ft/sec = 0.331 MGD
Table I Flow Unit Multiplier
K (Flow Unit Mulitiplier)
.01 .0009 .5966 .0013 .0023 3.2522 2.2585
.02 .0024 1.6824 .0037 .0063 9.1709 6.3687
.03 .0044 3.0814 .0069 .0117 16.7986 11.6644
.04 .0068 4.7296 .0105 .0179 25.7811 17.9036
.05 .0095 6.5894 .0147 .0249 35.9190 24.9438
.06 .0124 8.6351 .0192 .0327 47.0701 32.6876
.07 .0156 10.8475 .0242 .0411 59.1295 41.0621
.08 .0190 13.2113 .0294 .0500 72.0148 50.0103
.09 .0226 15.7143 .0350 .0595 85.6585 59.4851
.10 .0264 18.3460 .0409 .0694 100.0039 69.4471
.11 .0304 21.0975 .0470 .0799 115.0022 79.8627
.12 .0345 23.9609 .0534 .0907 130.6108 90.7020
.13 .0388 26.9294 .0600 .1019 146.7919 101.9388
.14 .0432 29.9967 .0668 .1135 163.5116 113.5497
.15 .0477 33.1571 .0739 .1255 180.7393 125.5134
.16 .0524 36.4056 .0811 .1378 198.4467 137.8102
.17 .0572 39.7374 .0885 .1504 216.6081 150.4223
.18 .0621 43.1480 .0961 .1633 235.1995 163.3330
.19 .0672 46.6334 .1039 .1765 254.1985 176.5267
.20 .0723 50.1898 .1118 .1900 273.5844 189.9892
.21 .0775 53.8135 .1199 .2037 293.3373 203.7064
.22 .0828 57.5012 .1281 .2177 313.4387 217.6657
.23 .0882 61.2496 .1365 .2319 333.8710 231.8548
.24 .0937 65.0555 .1449 .2463 354.6172 246.2619
.25 .0992 68.9161 .1535 .2609 375.6613 260.8759
.26 .1049 72.8286 .1623 .2757 396.9880 275.6861
.27 .1106 76.7901 .1711 .2907 418.5825 290.9823
.28 .1163 80.7982 .1800 .3059 440.4305 305.8545
.29 .1222 84.8503 .1890 .3212 462.5182 321.1932
.30 .1281 88.9439 .1982 .3367 484.8325 336.3892
.31 .1340 93.0767 .2074 .3523 507.3605 352.3337
.32 .1400 97.2464 .2167 .3681 530.0894 368.1176
.33 .1461 101.4507 .2260 .3840 553.0071 384.0327
.34 .1522 105.6875 .2355 .4001 576.1017 400.0706
.35 .1583 109.9546 .2450 .4162 599.3618 416.2234
.36 .1645 114.2500 .2545 .4325 622.7757 432.4831
.37 .1707 118.5715 .2642 .4488 646.3325 448.8419
.38 .1770 122.9172 .2739 .4653 670.0208 465.2922
.39 .1833 127.2851 .2836 .4818 693.8301 481.8265
.40 .1896 131.6733 .2934 .4984 717.7501 498.4375
.41 .1960 136.0797 .3032 .5151 741.7607 515.1178
.42 .2023 140.5026 .3130 .5319 765.8788 531.8603
.43 .2087 144.9400 .3229 .5487 790.0673 548.6578
.44 .2151 149.3902 .3328 .5655 814.3250 565.5034
.45 .2215 153.8512 .3428 .5824 838.6420 582.3902
.46 .2280 158.3212 .3527 .5993 863.0080 599.3111
.47 .2344 162.7985 .3627 .6163 887.4133 616.2592
.48 .2409 167.2811 .3727 .6332 911.8480 633.2277
.49 .2473 171.7673 .3827 .6502 936.3024 650.2100
.50 .2538 176.2553 .3927 .6672 960.7664 667.1989
Table I Continued
K (Flow Unit Mulitiplier)