International Society For Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
International Society For Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
International Society For Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Y.J. Lee
RIST, Yongin, Korea
ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of an investigation on the characteristics of tunnelling-induced
ground settlement in groundwater drawdown environment. The dynamics of the effect of groundwater draw-
down on the ground settlements are first investigated using a case history concerning a conventional tunnelling
situation in which the interaction between the tunnelling and the groundwater induced excessive ground surface
settlements. A 2D stress-pore pressure coupled finite element analysis is then conducted on a tunnelling case
with groundwater drawdown, aiming at investigating ground surface settlement characteristics. The results indi-
cated among other things that significant portion of ground settlement can occur before tunnel face reaches, and
that the error function approach does not provide a good fit to the settlement troughs for tunnelling cases with
groundwater drawdown.
Tunnelling beneath the groundwater table causes
changes in the state of stress and the pore water pres- Ground
sure distribution. In such tunnelling problems, the surface
tunnelling work inevitably causes water inflows into Groundwater
excavated area, thus causing the change in the pore lowering ∆U
water pressure distribution. The direct environmen-
tal consequence of water inflows during tunnelling is
Reduction in
the drawdown of groundwater level in the surround- pore pressure
ing aquifer (Yoo 2005). The related ground subsidence
occurring as a result of the reduction in water pressures Figure 1. Illustration of ground settlement associated with
in the soil layers can damage nearby structures/utilities tunnelling-induced groundwater drawdown.
(Figure 1). One of the major case histories illustrat-
ing damage due to ground settlement associated with
tunneling-induced groundwater drawn is perhaps the Xu et al. 2006). The results of their studies can-
Romeriksporten tunnel in which the highspeed rail- not be directly applied to the tunnel excavation
way tunnel construction caused more 1 m of ground problems as they focused only on the groundwater
subsidence due to groundwater drawdown, raising sig- drawdown due to groundwater pumping. As urban
nificant technical and political issues pertaining to tunnelling projects tend to involve potential prob-
the effect of tunnelling on surrounding environment lems related to groundwater drawdown ground move-
(NSREA 1995). ments during tunnelling, there is an urgent need for
Surprisingly studies concerned with the tunneling- better understanding on the mechanisms involved
induced ground movements in groundwater drawdown in tunnelling-induced ground movements associated
are scarce as indicated by Yoo (2005). Although a with groundwater drawdown.
number of studies on the ground subsidence caused This paper presents the results of investigation on
by groundwater pumping from an aquifer have been the characteristics of tunnelling-induced ground set-
conducted (Shen et al. 2006; Qiao & Liu 2006; tlement in groundwater drawdown environment. The
Figure 2. Typical ground profile.
of the final settlement (Sv,max ) was completed before
the face passed a monitoring station with the remain-
ing 30 ∼ 40% occurred after the full passage of the
tunnel face. Such a percentage of settlement ahead of
the face is considerably larger than the typical value of
40 ∼ 50%, suggesting a larger portion of the converged
settlement occurred prior to the arrival of tunnel face
in this tunneling condition than a tunneling condition
without the groundwater drawdown. Moreover, the set-
tlements tend to converge to a constant value after the
tunnel face advanced to a distance of 6 ∼ 7D beyond
the monitoring stations, suggesting slower settlement
convergence than a normal condition.
These results in fact are somewhat different from
Figure 4. Progressive development surface settlements at typical trends that can be observed in tunneling con-
various monitoring stations. ditions without significant groundwater lowering, and
led to a conclusion that factors other than the unloading
effect due to the tunnel excavation may have played a
role. Such a tendency is directly linked to the ground-
water drawdown as will be shown in a subsequent
Table 2. Geotechnical properties.
γ E c φ k
(kN/m3 ) (kPa) (kPa) (◦ ) (cm/sec)
Figure 7. Variation of Sv,max with HD after completion of Figure 9. Normalized surface horizontal displacement pro-
tunnel excavation. files.
2. Continued groundwater drawdown after the com- tunneling and their effects on pipeline and structures,
pletion of tunnel excavation may can cause settle- Blackie, Glasgow: 53–66.
ment larger than that occur during excavation. Norwegian Soil and Rock EngineeringAssociation (NSREA).
3. The error function does not provide a good fit to 1995. Norwegian urban tunnelling. Publication No. 10.,
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drawdown. ground Proc., 7th Int. Conf. on Soil Mech. And Found.
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cases with groundwater drawdown. and deformation induced by dewatering of groundwa-
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Shen, S.L., Tang C.P., Bai, Y. & Xu, Y.S. 2006. Analysis of
settlement due to withdrawal of groundwater around an
unexcavated foundation pit. Underground Construction
This research is supported by Korea Ministry of Con- and Ground Movement: 377–384.
struction and Transportation under Grant No. C4-01. Xu, Y.S., Shen, S.L. & Bai, Y. 2006. State-of-art of land
The financial support is gratefully acknowledged. subsidence prediction due to Groundwater Withdrawal
in China. Underground Construction and Ground Move-
ment: 58–65.
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