Vibration-Based Semantic Damage Segmentation For Large-Scale Structural Health Monitoring
Vibration-Based Semantic Damage Segmentation For Large-Scale Structural Health Monitoring
Vibration-Based Semantic Damage Segmentation For Large-Scale Structural Health Monitoring
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Xiao Liang on 16 January 2020.
Demirboga, & Adeli, 2017) and more specifically automat- Kim, & Chon, 2014; Chun, Yamashita, & Furukawa, 2015;
ing the structural inspection process (Koch, Georgieva, Khodabandehlou, Pekcan, & Fadali, 2019; Liang, Mosalam,
Kasireddy, Akinci, & Fieguth, 2015). This automation & Muin, 2018; Mita & Hagiwara, 2003; Rafiei & Adeli, 2017;
includes structural component detection (Narazaki, Hoskere, Sajedi & Liang, 2019b, 2019c).
Hoang, & Spencer, 2018) and damage identification. Classi- Given the presented literature, machine learning algo-
fication of damage in the corresponding literature is mainly rithms for the vibration-based SHM have shown promising
limited to visible cracks (e.g., Cha, Choi, & Büyüköztürk, performance for the purpose of near real-time implementa-
2017; Xue & Li, 2018; Zhang et al., 2017), corrosion, spalling, tion. However, to the authors’ knowledge, the existing data-
delamination, rebar exposure, cavity, or a subset of previ- driven frameworks for damage diagnosis have the following
ous damage types (e.g., Cha, Choi, Suh, Mahmoudkhani, & deficiencies: (a) the number of sensor placements (affecting
Büyüköztürk, 2018; Hoskere, Narazaki, Hoang, & Spencer, the input size) is usually limited due to the computational
2018; R. Li, Yuan, Zhang, & Yuan, 2018). Some researchers demand; (b) enlarging the number of potential output dam-
have presented extended frameworks that perform damage age locations might reduce the model accuracy and its com-
detection and classification in different global and local fail- putational efficiency; and (c) information regarding the geo-
ure levels (e.g., Gao & Mosalam, 2018; Liang, 2019; Sajedi metric location of sensors is not included in the input data
& Liang, 2019a; Yeum, Dyke, Ramirez, & Benes, 2016). A structure.
pixel-wise description of damage may contain valuable infor- In this article, to resolve or alleviate the aforementioned
mation. However, current vision-based models are unable or limitations, we propose a grid environment framework that
have very limited capability to provide inference about struc- provides a practical, yet computationally efficient solution.
tural performance in terms of collapse capacity, residual drift, A fully convolutional encoder–decoder neural network is
etc. The only source of information for vision-based inspec- designed to perform semantic damage segmentation. This
tions are images that may not be available for critical structural framework is capable of providing near real-time and fine-
elements. In addition, images only provide information about detailed SHM for large-scale civil infrastructure. Different
the deterioration on the surface while internal layers might site hazard uncertainties and consequences of misclassifi-
be heavily damaged (Kashif Ur Rehman, Ibrahim, Memon, & cation can be considered while being able to modify the
Jameel, 2016). model’s performance in favor of predefined locations in a
Vibration records are another source of information uti- structure.
lized in SHM with the underlying assumption that dynamic The remainder of the article is organized as follows. In Sec-
properties and responses will be changed when damage is tion 2, the damage diagnosis framework is introduced and the
present. Corresponding model-based SHM methods have necessary formulations are provided. The data-driven frame-
been investigated with experimental data from existing work and the idea of gird environments are described through
structures (e.g., Amezquita-Sanchez, Park, & Adeli, 2017; a case study in Section 3. Furthermore, a step-by-step design
Behmanesh & Moaveni, 2015; Z. Li, Park, & Adeli, 2017; process is presented in Section 4 to optimize the deep learning
Perez-Ramirez et al., 2016; Yu et al., 2017). Interpretation of architecture, hyperparameters, and to investigate class imbal-
such variations as damage commonly requires expertise and ance. In Section 5, a second test data set is generated to
is challenging for the large-scale infrastructure. Moreover, evaluate the generalization of the deep learning framework
these methods could be computationally expensive, which for reinforced concrete (RC) frames with different proper-
makes their real-time implementation difficult. ties. Detailed performance evaluation of the frameworks is
Data-driven methods in SHM are relatively more recent provided in Section 6 followed by the conclusions given in
developments compared to the model-based approaches. Sta- Section 7.
tistical learning and pattern recognition algorithms can pro-
vide alternatives in damage diagnosis of civil infrastruc-
ture. Significant efforts have been dedicated to the task of 2 DAM AG E DIAGNOS IS
anomaly detection for identifying the existence of damage, F RAM EWO RK
mainly utilizing unsupervised algorithms. Proposed meth-
ods in this area include machine learning algorithms, such Semantic segmentation methods are rapidly growing for the
as clustering (Kesavan & Kiremidjian, 2012) and kernel- task of scene understanding. Different algorithms are utilized
based methods (Gui, Pan, Lin, Li, & Yuan, 2017; Santos, to assign a class label to the pixels in an image, competing
Figueiredo, Silva, Sales, & Costa, 2016). More sophisti- in robustness and efficiency. One recent model for seman-
cated approaches are proposed for identifying damage loca- tic segmentation is SegNet (Badrinarayanan et al., 2015)
tion (Abdeljaber et al., 2018; Abdeljaber, Avci, Kiranyaz, that outputs detailed pixel segmentation using a fully con-
Gabbouj, & Inman, 2017; Lin, Nie, & Ma, 2017; Rafiei & volutional encoder–decoder architecture. In damage diag-
Adeli, 2018; Zhou, Ni, & Zhang, 2014) and severity (Chong, nosis, especially for large-scale SHM, detailed information
We later show that this concept also facilitates encoder– except that last block with softmax (Goodfellow et al., 2016)
decoder mapping for the task of segmentation. It should activation.
be noted that there is a difference between introducing null
nodes and the “padding” operation (Goodfellow, Bengio, & 2.4 Loss function for backpropagation
Courville, 2016). The latter is only applied to modify (or pre-
serve) the extracted feature dimensionality after convolution To calculate the losses in each individual grid node, the cross-
whereas the null nodes are created as a part of input data pre- entropy loss function is considered.
processing. From here forth, we will describe and validate the
𝑛hg ×𝑛vg 𝑝+1
models for 2D environments. Note that the input tensor would ∑ ∑
𝐿𝑖 = −𝑃𝑖 𝜓𝑗 𝑢𝑖𝑗 𝑦𝑖𝑗𝑘 log 𝑞𝑗𝑘
be a fourth-order tensor for 3D grid environments. The deep
𝑗=1 𝑘=1
learning architecture shall be adjusted accordingly to consider
a 3D input in that regard. For example, instead of a 2D con- where 𝐿𝑖 is the loss value for the observation i (e.g., a seismic
volution, a 3D version will be used. Therefore, the framework excitation event), and index j counts all the nodes in the grid
and the concepts studied in this article are still applicable to a environment. The loss of an observation is the sum of losses
3D physical model. for all nodes. 𝑦𝑖𝑗𝑘 is an element for the one-hot encoding of
output probability of class k associated with node j in obser-
2.3 Deep learning architecture vation i (a vector containing the value of 1 for the true class
and 0 otherwise), and 𝑞𝑗𝑘 𝑖 is the corresponding softmax proba-
After processing the input–output data for each observation, bilities. 𝑃𝑖 in this formulation is the probability of observation
the architecture of a neural network can be designed. A fully i that can be obtained from ground motion attenuation models
convolutional encoder–decoder network is developed which (e.g., Campbell & Bozorgnia, 2014). This factor is to account
enables end-to-end training. Before proceeding to the design for seismic hazard uncertainties in the proposed framework.
and optimization of the neural network, it is necessary to The factor 𝜓𝑗 is introduced to highlight the importance of cer-
define the building blocks of deep learning models. The pro- tain nodes, with respect to the others. This definition is useful
posed CNN includes encoder and decoder blocks. An encoder when there exist locations that contain critical facilities with
block is comprised of a sequence of following operations: con- higher importance compared to the other locations in the grid
volution, batch normalization (Ioffe & Szegedy, 2015), acti- environment. In this case, each node can be assigned an impor-
vation, and max-pooling. The sliding filter size (ks ) and the tance factor regardless of its potential damage.
number of filters (nf ) are the main hyperparameters of the The coefficients 𝑢𝑖𝑗 are hyperparameters that tune the per-
convolution operator. It is assumed that sliding filters relo- formance of algorithms in favor of the true class label. In the
cate with the stride of 1. Moreover, padding is performed to vision-based algorithms, these coefficients are used to deal
keep input and output dimensions equal after each convolu- with imbalanced data sets (Eigen & Fergus, 2015), which is
tion. Followed by batch normalization and activation, max- also a critical issue in data-driven SHM where achieving a
pooling is performed with window sizes of 2 × 2 and nonover- uniform distribution of damage classes is challenging and per-
lapping strides of 2. Decoders are similar to their peer encoder haps even impossible. For example, depending on the struc-
block with the exception that max-pooling is replaced with tural properties, some damage mechanisms are more likely to
up-sampling, which is moved to the beginning of the decoder dominate others. A collapse mechanism is commonly formed
block. It should be noted that the input–output dimensions of by the failure of certain structural components (e.g., a soft
each encoder block should be consistent with the correspond- story mechanism). Therefore, the majority of structural ele-
ing decoder. This is necessary to preserve the dimensions of ments might remain locally undamaged. The value of 𝑢𝑖𝑗
the grid environment for SDS. The final output of SDS will depends only on the true class of node j in observation i.
be 𝑛hg × 𝑛vg × (𝑝 + 1) dimensional, where p is the number of Therefore, 𝑢𝑖𝑗 can have 𝑝 + 1 possible distinct values (𝑢𝑖𝑗 ∈
possible damage scenarios in each node (plus the null class). {𝑢̂ 0 , 𝑢̂ 1 , … , 𝑢̂ 𝑝 }). Later in Section 4, the strategies to select
To achieve this output shape, after the last decoder block, a these coefficients are investigated. In the following, we will
convolution layer with 𝑘s = 1 and 𝑛f = 𝑝 + 1 is included in assume that attributes associated with a null class (NC) are
the architecture. The whole process for the proposed SDS indexed with 0 and for the sensor nodes, indices 1 through p
framework is summarized in Figure 2. The shaded areas in are assigned depending on the damage classes (DC).
this figure indicate that the number of encoder–decoder pairs
(denoted as 𝑛b ) may be subject to change. Moreover, the last
encoder or decoder blocks differ from their adjacent peers
2.5 Cost-sensitive objective function
in that they, respectively, do not have a max-pooling or up- Modeling the SDS framework based on minimizing the loss
sampling layer. Rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation func- function in Equation (2) will increase the global accuracy.
tion is uniformly used throughout all computational blocks Nonetheless, it is of great benefit in SHM to consider the
consequences of misclassification. Noting that the data-driven age is predicted as less critical compared to the real condition.
models may have inevitable errors in prediction, a decision In this concept, the global accuracy (𝐴p ) can be measured
maker is more likely to favor a conservative false alarm over as the mean of prediction accuracy for individual nodes (𝐴𝑗 )
the opposite. The cross-entropy loss, though computation- expressed as follows:
ally convenient, is formulated only to maximize the proba- ∑𝑝+1
bility associated with the true class (hence increasing accu- 𝑠𝑗
𝑚=1 𝑚𝑚
𝐴 = ∑𝑝+1 ∑𝑝+1 𝑗 (5)
racy) although it does not differentiate how misclassification 𝑠
𝑚=1 𝑛=1 𝑚𝑛
occurs. It is necessary to define a metric that emphasizes
on the accuracy while penalizing misclassifications based on Based on the previous definitions, a score quantity (𝐶𝑗 ) for
their consequences. We will later use this metric as the objec- each node can be expressed as:
tive function to tune the hyperparameters. For this purpose, a
global score function is defined. In this definition, each sen- 𝐶𝑗 = 𝑤1 𝑆D − 𝑤2 𝑆LT − 𝑤3 𝑆UT (6)
sor node has a confusion score matrix (CSM) in which rows
(m) and columns (n), respectively, correspond to the true and
predicted damage labels. The elements of the CSM (𝑠𝑗𝑚𝑛 ) for 𝑝+1
the node j can be expressed as: 𝑆D𝑗 = 𝑠𝑗𝑚𝑚 (7)
𝑠𝑗𝑚𝑛 = 𝑖𝑗
𝑃𝑖 𝐼𝑚𝑛 (3) 𝑝+1 𝑚−1
𝑖=1 𝑗
∑ ∑
𝑆LT = 𝜆𝑚𝑛 𝑠𝑗𝑚𝑛 (8)
𝑖𝑗 𝑚=2 𝑛=1
where 𝐼𝑚𝑛 is an identity function defined as:
(a) (b)
FIGURE 4 Description of case study. (a) BeamWithHinges element, (b) RC sections, (c) the grid environment
strength,𝑓𝑐′ = 4 ksi; concrete’s modulus of elasticity, 𝐸c = where distributed plasticity can be modeled with fiber sec-
3604 ksi; and grade 60 (A615) rebar for the reinforcement. tions at the ends. The lengths of fiber elements are assigned
For a more realistic assessment of damage, incremental based on section design and geometric properties (Bae &
nonlinear time-history analyses (NTHA) are performed in Bayrak, 2008). Lumped masses are assigned to each node
OpenSees (McKenna, Fenves, & Filippou, 2010). BeamWith- assuming 25% live load contribution. Note that in this study,
Hinges element (Scott & Fenves, 2006) is used in this model rigid diaphragms are not considered on purpose. We intend
damage level 3 and the other with 0, the more critical value
(3 in this joint) is selected to label the beam damage level (the
same rule applies to the columns). Based on the critical dam-
age level of beam and column, a DC-ID is selected in accor-
dance with Table 2. If a given element type does not exist, we
simply assume that its damage level is zero. For instance, the
ground truth label for the base level nodes is limited to 1, 3,
6, and 10 damage classes.
FIGURE 6 Plastic hinge formation in columns (Feng, Qiang, As shown in Figure 4, the grid environment considered in
Qin, & Gao, 2017) and beams (Pampanin, 2012) this study is 16 × 16 where the first 11 grid nodes in the two
horizontal directions are considered as sensor nodes and the
rest are null. For each scale factor, the 180 ground motion
TABLE 2 Definition of damage class in grid nodes
events are randomly shuffled. For the purpose of training,
Damage level
validation, and testing, the data set is, respectively, divided
DC-ID Column Beam Severity index Frequency
into the splits of 80%, 10%, and 10%. We propose two differ-
1 0a 0 0.0 757905 ent damage segmentation frameworks, SDS-B and SDS-16.
2 0 1b 1.0 265619 SDS-B outputs a binary decision for individual sensor nodes,
3 1 0 1.2 13780 to identify the potential damage locations (anything beyond
4 0 2c 2.0 219669 DC-1). In an extended version of this framework, SDS-16
5 1 1 2.2 2526 not only locates the potential existence of damage but also
6 2 0 2.4 1331 classifies its severity into one of the 16 classes defined in
7 0 3d 3.0 35713 Table 2.
8 1 2 3.2 5013
9 2 1 3.4 97
10 3 0 3.6 3667
11 1 3 4.2 1028
12 2 2 4.4 170
The proposed deep learning model, similar to most data-
13 3 1 4.6 61
driven methods, has several hyperparameters that affect the
14 2 3 5.4 43 performance of the classifier. The performance in this context
15 3 2 5.6 122 can be regarded as robustness and computational efficiency.
16 3 3 6.6 56 Although the existing deep learning models in the literature
Immediate occupancy (IO). are commonly optimized for image classification, signal pro-
Life safety (LS). cessing is a completely new domain where input and output
c Collapse prevention (CP).
d arrays have different physical interpretations and dimension-
Beyond CP (E).
ality. That being said, some predefined settings of the vision-
based models are unlikely to be appropriate for the task of
the unnecessary details (e.g., if damage occurs in the left beam damage diagnosis. For example, we will show that damage
or the right one in a joint). The definition of damage mecha- localization can be effectively performed with relatively shal-
nisms (combinations of critical beam and column damage lev- lower neural networks. This issue is investigated in this sec-
els) and corresponding observation frequencies are presented tion, where we propose a systematic procedure to tune the
in Table 2. SDS framework.
The DCs are sorted based on their consequences as men- Model training is accelerated by running epochs on an
tioned in Section 2. This task could be challenging and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU @ 8 GHz with 2560
requires domain expertise. In this article, based on the seis- CUDA cores and mini-batch sizes of 256. Keras API (Chollet,
mic design concept known as “weak beam, strong column,” 2015) is used in this study to train the deep learning mod-
we consider a damage severity index, which is obtained by els. Before proceeding to the design process, it is necessary
the summation of critical damage index of beams and 1.2 to build a baseline model while we present a step-by-step
times the damage index of columns. The logic behind this design process. At this point, the predefined coefficients of
selection is inspired by provision in ACI 318-14 the SDS framework can be summarized as: 𝑢̂ 0 = 0, 𝑢̂ 1,…,𝑝 = 1,
(2014). 𝜓𝑗 = 1, 𝜏 = 2, 𝜅 = 0.1, 𝑤1 = 10, 𝑤2 = 3, 𝑤3 = 1. Noisy raw
To better illustrate the labeling process, an example is pro- acceleration values are preprocessed to generate input obser-
vided. If there are two beams connected to a joint, one with the vations assuming 𝜂 ∈ {0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6} in four acceleration
(a) (b)
FIGURE 7 Validation loss of SDS-16 using (a) default hyperparameters and (b) hyperparameters optimized by BO. Pairs of (a,b) in the legend
denote validation accuracy (%) for the two sets of hyperparameters
channels and one null data channel. This leads to an input 4.2 Hyperparameters of the CNN
dimension of 16 × 16 × 5. Considering that the number of architecture
filters (𝑛f ) can vary in different encoder–decoder blocks, for
The architecture design is the second step in building the SDS
simplicity, we imply this attribute of the network architecture
framework. It is noted that the total number of individual pix-
with the hyperparameter 𝛼. Therefore, the first encoder (or
els in images is usually significantly greater than that of the
last decoder) block has 2𝛼 filters and the last encoder block
sensor placements in grid environments. For example, Seg-
(or the first decoder) has 𝑛f = 2𝛼+𝑛b −1 (refer to Figure 2). For
Net (𝛼 = 6, 𝑛b = 4) takes 360 × 480 input images, whereas
the deep learning model at this stage: 𝛼 = 5 and 𝑛b = 3, that is,
our grid environment is 16 × 16. For near real-time dam-
the model is assumed to have three pairs of encoder–decoder
age diagnosis, it is reasonable to select the depth and other
blocks with, respectively, 25 , 26 , and 27 filters and 3 × 3 slid-
network dimensions accordingly. Another reason for choos-
ing kernels (𝑘s = 3).
ing a 16 × 16 grid environment is for computational con-
sideration. After performing the max-pooling operation, the
4.1 Weight optimizers dimensions corresponding to grid height and width will be
reduced by half. To properly decode the extracted features
The first step of SDS design is to select a proper optimizer and map them to the same grid environment (𝑛hg × 𝑛vg ), it
for learnable parameters. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD), is necessary to maintain the corresponding dimensions divis-
RMSprop, Adagrad, Adadelta, Adam, Adamax, and Nadam ible by two. Therefore, having a grid size of 16 in both direc-
are investigated for training. Interested readers are referred to tions makes it possible to have a maximum of four encoder
the Keras documentation (Chollet, 2015) for the existing liter- blocks.
ature on these optimizers. The model that was described ear- A parametric study is performed to evaluate different archi-
lier is trained for two sets of hyperparameters. Initially, SDS- tecture designs for robustness and computational efficiency.
16 is trained for 200 epochs with default settings. Then, lever- The following pools of design parameters are considered:
aging Bayesian optimization (BO), hyperparameters (e.g., 𝑛b ∈ {2, 3, 4}, 𝛼 ∈ {2, 3, … , 8}, and 𝑘s ∈ {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Lim-
learning rate and decay) are optimized to maximize the score iting the maximum number of network parameters (𝑁par ) to
objective function proposed in Equation (11). The loss func- 20 million, 90 possible combinations can be considered for
tion in Equation (2) is monitored per epochs of training for SDS-B and SDS-16. It should be noted that the architecture
the validation set. It should be noted that due to different ran- of SDS-B differs from SDS-16 in the last convolution layer
dom weight initializations for each instance of training, the due to different output shapes. Very deep or shallow encoder–
final accuracy and loss value will slightly vary. The results are decoder neural networks might be prone to under- or over-
presented in Figure 7 where the validation accuracy for each fitting. It will be shown that multiple designs have similar
optimizer is also included. The default settings for SGD lead performance in terms of the global score (GS). That being
to relatively poor results without Bayesian optimization. After said, the results of the optimal architecture design are pre-
conducting Bayesian optimization, it is observed that using sented based on two criteria: the global score defined in Equa-
learning rates greater than 0.01 leads to faster convergence for tion (11) and computational efficiency. The ones presented
SGD. The other methods had similar performance or insignif- in the second category are selected based on a compromise
icant improvements after optimization. Overall, Nadam pro- in the global score but offering significantly reduced cost of
vides more accurate and stable output and is used in further computation. Because the real-time performance of the model
tuning of the models. may also depend on software and hardware configuration, we
characterize such models based on 𝑁par in the deep learning inant where damage is localized in the elements of a cer-
framework. To do so, the top 10% high score models are sorted tain story level. Although the design engineer may be able
based on the number of parameters and the ones with min- to avoid certain undesirable patterns, SHM mainly deals with
imum 𝑁par are selected as efficient models. The results are existing structures that may have not been designed to satisfy
summarized in Tables 3 and 4. the current code requirements. Moreover, uncertainties asso-
For both models, it is evident that there is a significant dif- ciated with extreme events (e.g., earthquakes) turn the near
ference between the number of network parameters in two real-time SHM of modern structures into a challenging task,
categories. It is also worthy of mention that, compared to where there exists a significant imbalance between different
SDS-16, SDS-B can achieve the optimal performance with damage classes. In the previous section, we monitored the
relatively simpler (shallower) architectures. Considering the model’s performance based on global score values and global
number of parameters, GS, and global accuracy, we will use accuracy (𝐴p ). It is mathematically evident that 𝐴p is highly
a deep learning architecture with three pairs of encoder– dominated by the prediction outcome of undamaged nodes
decoder blocks, 𝛼 = 5, and a kernel size (𝑘s ) of 5 for both given their frequency (see Table 2). This imbalance might
SDS-16 and SDS-B. result in a damage diagnosis model that has superior per-
formance to correctly diagnose the undamaged nodes while
4.3 Damage class imbalance the accuracy for less frequent scenarios is poor. That being
said, there is equal or greater interest in the correct prediction
In large-scale structures, the occurrence and intensity of dam- of damaged classes in SHM. In what follows, we investigate
age are commonly not uniformly distributed among structural methods to improve average class accuracies concerning this
elements. On the contrary, it usually follows specific patterns issue.
that could lead to certain collapse mechanisms. For exam- Class imbalance is also an issue in computer-vision for
ple, in a moment frame, soft-story mechanism may be dom- semantic segmentation where the less important background
pixels dominate object classes in terms of pixel frequency.
TABLE 3 SDS-B architecture design summary Tuning the training weights (𝑢) ̂ can be used as a means to
𝒏𝐛 𝜶 𝒌𝐬 GS 𝑨𝐩 (%) 𝑵𝐩𝐚𝐫 modify loss function to favor certain classes in the training
High score models 3 7 3 40808.42 96.18 5323523 process. Median frequency weight (MFW) assignment has
2 8 5 40737.20 96.23 13147651
been adopted in vision semantic segmentation research where
a class imbalance weight is obtained by dividing the median
2 8 6 40727.33 95.86 18928899
class frequency by the corresponding number of observations
3 5 5 40699.17 96.10 927939
in that class (Eigen & Fergus, 2015). Note that this strategy
3 5 4 40685.09 96.26 594723
will only affect the training process (loss values) of the deep
Efficient models 3 2 5 37740.39 91.71 15195
learning model. At the time of preparing this article, a new
3 3 3 37801.41 91.45 21683 approach was proposed by Chan, Rottmann, Hüger, Schlicht,
3 2 6 37624.94 92.01 21751 and Gottschalk (2019) in which the uniform weights (UW) are
4 2 3 37725.42 91.21 22107 utilized in training but the decision rule is changed by weight-
2 4 4 37252.93 91.38 34579 ing posterior class probabilities. In other words, besides train-
ing, the main difference between the two approaches is that the
first one uses the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP),
TABLE 4 SDS-16 architecture design summary whereas the latter utilizes the maximum likelihood (ML) to
𝒏𝐛 𝜶 𝒌𝐬 GS 𝑨𝐩 (%) 𝑵𝐩𝐚𝐫 modify class prediction probabilities.
High score 4 6 4 29274.40 93.27 9715153 In this article, we compared the baseline model (UW-
models MAP) with the two proposed approaches (UW-ML, MFW-
2 8 6 28882.31 93.65 18932497 MAP) while also experimenting with the combination of two
3 5 4 28244.72 93.18 595185 strategies (MFW-ML). In ML decision making, softmax prob-
3 6 5 28189.61 93.68 3699985 abilities are divided by prior class probabilities obtained from
2 8 4 28084.34 93.37 8421137 damage class frequencies in the training set. These prior prob-
Efficient 3 4 5 26815.23 92.91 233809 abilities are independently obtained for sensor nodes in the
models grid environment based on their location. Damage classes that
3 5 3 26351.43 93.39 336017 do not exist in the training data for a single node are elim-
3 5 4 28244.72 93.18 595185
inated from softmax output probabilities. The logic behind
this elimination stems from the numerical issue of division
3 5 5 27216.08 93.80 928401
by zero class probabilities. Also, we intend to avoid our
4 4 5 26495.12 93.34 951889
deep learning framework to predict classes beyond what it is
TABLE 5 The comparison of imbalance handling strategies on observation from Table 5 is that the undamaged class accuracy
SDS-16 (UCA) is reduced after increasing 𝜅 as the SDS framework is
𝜿 = 1/6 𝜿 = 1/10 penalized less intensely for misclassifying undamaged node
𝑨𝐩 MCA 𝑼 𝑪𝑨 𝑨𝐩 𝑴𝑪𝑨 𝑼 𝑪𝑨 observations. The adoption of either modifying training class
Models (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) weights or altering the decision rule contributes to improv-
UW-MAP 93.23 45.44 95.87 92.85 42.23 96.16 ing MCA. We observe that the combination of two strategies
UW-ML 91.34 55.77 94.16 92.22 49.97 94.66 results in the best model regarding MCA.
MFW-MAP 82.06 60.19 81.75 77.82 55.44 85.20 Based on the presented results and setting 𝜅 = 1∕6, a
MFW-ML 71.01 61.66 64.97 73.45 58.44 75.53 detailed report of the class accuracies is provided in Table 6.
It can be seen that the prediction accuracy is significantly
trained for. For example, in the ground level, only one of the improved for less frequent damage classes and the strategy of
damage labels 1, 3, 6, and 10 is physically possible because MFW-ML yields the optimal MCA. In this article, all types of
plastic hinges can only form in the columns as no beam exists accuracies are calculated considering the probability of each
there. GM event. For example, in DC 16, only one of the six test
In the following, these strategies are investigated for two observations is correctly predicted but the correct prediction
different values of 𝜅 ∈ {1∕6, 1∕10} in SDS-16. Because the belongs to a less likely seismic hazard level. Hence, instead
decision rule and weights are different in these experiments, of 16.7%, class accuracy is reported as 2.4%.
Bayesian optimization is utilized to tune Nadam hyperparam- The SDS-B framework, which is designed to identify the
eters to improve the performance of each model. It is observed location of damage, is also investigated using the same balanc-
that the models using the MFW strategy require longer train- ing strategies. It should be noted that for this model, the distri-
ing to converge. Therefore, 200 epochs for UW and 400 bution of the damage classes is relatively balanced compared
epochs for MFW models are used in the training process. Note to that of SDS-16. As a result, the performance of the frame-
that the objective function of Bayesian optimization is calcu- work to identify damage location is more robust while the
lated on the validation set while we compare the models based strategy of MFW-MAP gives the best performance. A sum-
on unseen test data. Given this description, mean class accu- mary of the results is presented in Table 7.
racies (MCA) of 16 possible labels are recorded in Table 5.
For a specific DC, class accuracy is used as a metric to mon-
itor the weighted percentage of correct predictions among all 5 STOCHAST IC TEST DATA SET
nodes. It is observed that by increasing 𝜅, as intended, the
models are more sensitive to the misclassifications in more In the previous sections, 10,800 simulations are per-
severe damage levels, which results in greater MCA. Another formed and the data set is randomly shuffled for training,
(a) (b)
validation, and testing splits. It should be emphasized that all from the adjacent elements in the frame for a single obser-
the observations are obtained using the same physical model vation. Nonetheless, a specific element (e.g., the beam in the
but for different ground motion inputs. In other words, the third bay of the second level) has different sampled properties
SDS framework is tested for a series of unseen excitations but in different observations (unlike the ideal FE model). We will
on the same building model. No matter how sophisticated is denote the second data set as the stochastic test set thereafter
the numerical simulation, the structural properties of a real in the article. This data set includes 1,080 unique frames sub-
building can be different from the ideal finite element (FE) jected to 1,080 unseen input motions. The proposed stochastic
model. Such properties are not deterministic. With this mind- sampling is illustrated in Figure 8b.
set, a second test data set is generated while considering that
some principal parameters of the FE model are treated as ran-
dom variables (RVs). 6 P ERFO RM ANCE EVALUATION
The compressive strength of concrete (𝑓𝑐′ ) and rebar’s yield
strength (𝐹𝑦𝑟 ) are subject to variations due to the manufac- In this section, the SDS classifiers obtained from Section 4
turing and construction quality. Moreover, due to formwork will be further tested on the stochastic data set and the results
imperfections, the as-built dimensions of a section (height and from the ideal and stochastic test data sets are compared with
width) are commonly different from the design blueprints. It is each other. Later in this section, a detailed investigation of
assumed that these four model properties are randomly sam- models’ robustness is given through CSMs.
pled from normal distributions. This sampling is performed
for all the elements of a frame and independently for each test 6.1 Comparison of the ideal and stochastic
observation. test sets
The mean value of each distribution is obtained from the
ideal FE model (see Section 3.1). Standard deviations are GA and MCA metrics of the trained models in Section 4 are
selected from the statistical data in the existing literature (e.g., compared for the two test data sets. For the SDS-B model, the
Arafah, 1997) and standards (ACI, 2006, 2014) for a reason- results are summarized in Table 8. Similarly, the performance
able estimate. Figure 8a provides more details regarding the of the SDS-16 is expressed in Table 9. In the stochastic test
Gaussian distribution of each RV. data set, GA has slightly decreased for both SDS-B and SDS-
It should be emphasized that, for each observation, a 16 although the performance is still promising. An important
new stochastic physical model is built for the corresponding point to consider here is that the frames tested in the stochas-
NTHA. In this way, the properties of an element are different tic data set are different from the ideal FE model, resulting in
underestimated damage predictions. Although, some nodes • The concept of a grid environment makes it possible to
may still have lower diagonal CSM elements. Moreover, there feed information from a variable number of sensors with-
exist dark-colored arrays denoted as 𝜀. The dark color in such out changing the deep learning architecture. This is made
arrays results from the limited number of observations in nor- possible by introducing null nodes.
malization. For example, if there is only one test observation • The SDS framework is capable of using the relative geo-
in a CSM row, it will be normalized by itself. However, given metric location of sensors in the automatic feature extrac-
the insignificant score value, such observations are less likely tion process, which leads to superior robustness in damage
(e.g., CSM elements in for classes 7, 10, 13, and 15 of CSM diagnosis models.
in Figure 10d).
• The global accuracies of 96.3% and 93.2% are, respec-
Figure 10b implies a relatively successful prediction with
tively, achieved for the identification of damage location
limited misclassifications in which the framework is capable
and severity in the test set with the ideal FE model.
of correctly predicting even the less frequent damage classes
(e.g., DC 8 and 11). Some nodes (e.g., the CSM in Figure 10d) • Three strategies are investigated to handle the highly imbal-
have relatively high rates of misclassification for the undam- anced data set for SDS, which gives a 16.2% improvement
aged class (DC 1), which is a result of the trade-off from regarding mean class accuracy for the SDS-16 model.
increasing the mean damage class accuracies through adopt- • A stochastic test data set is generated by simulating 1,080
ing MFW-ML approach and increasing 𝜅 (see Table 6). This different RC frames than the ideal FE model. The drop in
issue will also result in all-zero rows in some CSMs. For global accuracy is shown to be at most 2% in the stochastic
example, in Figure 10d, there is no ground truth label for DCs test set. The results from the stochastic test set indicate the
9, 11, and 14; however, the misclassifications of other classes generalization capabilities and potential robustness of the
cause the existence of these CSM rows. Nonetheless, for the SDS framework.
majority of nodes, the CSMs remain diagonal.
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