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(M.A. Part I AND Part II)
(From June 2010 to 212)
Rules and Regulations
General Information:
 The M.A. degree will be awarded to students who complete a minimum of 72 credits in a
minimum of two years taking 6 core courses per Semester (3x 6=18 credits). Each core
course will be of 3 credits. Total courses will be of –
1-Minimum-54 Credits
2-Electives-minimum-18 credits.
 A student can opt for 2 courses from other departments leading to at least 2 electives of
minimum 6 credits.
A student can opt for a self study programme of not more than 3 credits.
 All courses are open to all students from outside the department. Eligibility for registering
for each course will be decided by the departmental committee.
 For the students doing M.A. degree in History the courses are divided into Core and
elective papers. Every student has to take all the 6 core courses in Semester I & II, and
3Core and 3 Elective courses in semester III & IV. Every student has to take just one
group of Specialised papers, out of- A (Ancient India) or B (Medieval India), or C
(Modern India )
I. Evaluation
Each course will have 60% marks as semester end examination and 40% marks for internal
The student has to pass in the combined total of internal assessment and semester end
In order to pass a student shall have to get minimum 40% marks (E and above on grade
point scale) in each course.
The system of evaluation will be as follows: Each assignment/test will be evaluated in
terms of marks. The marks for separate assignments and the final semester (semester end)
examination will be added together and then converted into a grade and later grade point
average. Results will be declared for each semester and the final examination will give total
marks, grades and grade point average.


(M.A. Part I AND Part II)
First Semester
Core/ Compulsory Courses
HST-001 Paper-I: Principles of History (3 Credits)
HST-002 Paper-II: World History 1775-1848 AD (3 Credits)
HST-003 Paper-III: History of Afro-Asian nationalism. (3Credits)
HST-004 Paper- IV: Indian National Movement -1857-1919 AD (3 Credits)
HST-005 Paper-V: Women in Indian History (3 Credits)
HST-006 Paper-VI History of Uttarakhand (600 BC to 1949 AD ) (3 Credits)
Second Semester
Core/ Compulsory Courses
HST-007 Paper-VII: Sources of Indian History (3 Credits)
HST-008 Paper VIII: World History 1848 -1914 AD (3 Credits)
HST-009 Paper-IX: Constitutional Development 1858-1950AD (3 Credits)
HST-010 Paper- X: Indian National Movement -1919-1947AD (3Credits)
HST-011 Paper-XI: Ecology and Environment in History (3 Credits)
HST-012 Paper-XII: Culture of Uttarakhand (Early Times to 1949 AD) (3 Credits)
Third Semester
Core/ Compulsory Courses
HST-013 Paper-XIII: Historical writings: Schools & Historians (3 Credits)
HST-014 Paper-XIV: Tourism in History (3 Credits)
HST-015 Paper-XV: Twentieth Century World -1914-1945AD (3Cradits)

Elective Courses/ Specialised Courses - Student has to choose ONE GROUP of Elective
papers out of A (Ancient India) Or B (Medieval India) Or C (Modern India ).
Group-A (Ancient India)
HST-016 Paper-XVI: History of Ancient India (From earliest Times to 185 BC) (3 Credits)
HST-017 Paper XVII: History of Ancient India (From C. 186 BC to 650AD) (3 Credits)
HST-018 Paper XVII: History of Ancient Northern India C. AD 650-1200AD. (3 Credits)
Group-B (Medieval India)
HST-019 Paper XVI: History of Delhi Sultanate (from C.1192 to 1320 AD.) (3 Credits)
HST-020 Paper XVII: History of Delhi Sultanate (C. 1320 to 1526 AD.) (3 Credits)
HST-021Paper XVIII: History of Mughal India (C. 1526 to 1605AD.) (3 Credits)
Group-C (Modern India)
HST-022 Paper XVI: History of Modern India (from 1757-1857AD) (3 Credits)
HST-023 Paper XVII: History of Modern India (from 1858-1947AD) (3 Credits)
HST-024 Paper XVIII: History of Modern India (from 1948- 2000AD) (3 Credits)
Elective Courses/ Specialised Courses - Student has to choose ONE GROUP of Elective
papers out of A (Ancient India) Or B (Medieval India) Or C (Modern India ).
Fourth Semester
Core/ Compulsory Courses-
HST-025 Paper XIX: Twentieth Century World C.1945-2000AD (3 Credits)
HST-026 Paper XX: History of USA C.1885-1945AD (3 Credits)
HST-027 Paper XXI: Project Work/ Dissertation (3 Credits)
Elective Courses/ Specialised Courses-
Group-A (Ancient India)
HST-028 Paper XXII: History of Ancient Southern India
(C. AD 650-1200AD) (3 Credits)
HST-029 PaperXXIII: Society and Culture of Ancient India
(from earliest time to 1200 A.D.) (3 Credits)
HST-030 Paper XXIV: Economy of Ancient India
(from earliest time to 1200 A.D. ) (3 Credits)
Group-B ( Medieval India)
HST-031 Paper XXII: History of Mughal India (C.A.D. 1605 to 1757AD.) (3 Credits)
HST-032 Paper XXIII: Society and Culture in Medieval India
(From C.A.D..1200 to 1757AD.) (3 Credits)
HST-033 Paper XXIV: Economy of Medieval India (C.A.D.1200 to 1757AD) (3Credits)
Group-C (Modern India)
HST-034 Paper XXII: History of Ideas in Modern India (3 Credits)
HST-035 Paper XXIII: Society and Culture in Modern India
(C. A.D. 1757-1964AD) (3 Credits)
HST-036 Paper XXIV: Economy of Modern India (C. A.D. 1757 -1964AD) (3 Credits)
M.A. HISTORY- First Semester
Paper I - Principles of History
Unit 1 Meaning of History, Definition & Scope, Subject matter of History
Unit 2 Types of History–social, economic, intellectual, agrarian, urban, art history etc.
Use and Misuse of history.
Unit 3 Problems of Periodisation.
Unit 4 Objectivity, Determinism, Relativism, Causation, Generalization in history and
Moral judgement in history.
Unit 5 History and other Disciplines.
Ancillary Sciences : Archaeology, Paleography, Epigraphy, Numismatics
Auxiliary Sciences: Linguistics, Sociology, Economics, Political Science,
(Influences of statistics on historical methods.
Unit 6 Extent of subjectivity, contrast with physical sciences, interpretation and
speculation, causation verses evidence, concept of historical inevitability,
Historical Positivism.
Recommended Readings:
1. Ali, B. Shaikh, History: Its Theory and Methods
2. Bloch, Marc, The Historians Craft, Vintage Books
3. Carr, E. H., What is History, Penguin (Hindi also)
4. Collingwood,R.G., The Idea of History, Mc Milan
5. Thomson, David, The Aims of History
6. Elliot and Dowson., History of India as told by its own Historians
7. Elton, G. R., The Practice of History
8. Mukhia, Harbans, Historians and History of Medieval India
9. Thompson, J. W., History of Historical writing.
10. Mukherjee, D. P., On Indian History
11. Thapar, Romila, The Past and the Prejudices
12. Thompson, Paul, The Voice of the Past
13. Phillips, G. G., Historians of India, Pakistan and Cylone.
14. Om Prakash, Hindi Kalam
15. Pande, G. C., Itihas Darshan
16. Saxena, R. K., Sultnat Kalin Itihaskar
17. Saxena, R. K., Madhya Kalin Itihaskar
18. Khurana and Bansal; Itihas Lekhan, Avdharnaen tatha paddhyatiya
19. Robert. N. Burns & Hugh Raymen,(edited) Philosophies of history in 2000, Oxford.
20. Authur Marwick, The nature of history 1989, Macmillan, London.
21. Michael Stanford, The companion to the Study of History, 1996, Blackwell, Oxford.
22. J. Gardiner, What is history today, 1988, Macmillan, London.
23. Foucault Michel , The order of things, , 1970, Tavistock Publications, London .
24. Appleby, Telling the truth about history, ,1994, Norton, New York.
25. E.LE. Roy Ladurie, The territory of the Historian, , 1979, Harvester Press , Britain.
26. Verma, Lal Bahadur; Itihas Ke Bare Maen
Paper II - History of World ( C. 1775 A.D. --1848 A.D.)
Unit 1 American Revolution (1776) –causes and effects.
Unit 2 France on the eve of the revolution of 1789 A.D. :-
a) Social, Political and Economic Condition of France.
b) Intellectuals and their impact.
Unit 3 Course of French revolution :-
a) Estates General ; Events leading to the fall of Bastille.
b) National Assembly and its works,
c) Legislative Assembly and circumstances leading to September massacre.
d) Working of National Convention and its estimate.
Unit 4 Napoleon
a) Rise of Napoleon ; As first consul.
b) Napoleon as a king ; Continental system ; Peninsular War.
c) Downfall of Napoleon; Estimate of Napoleon.
Unit 5 Vienna Settlement – Principles and criticism.
a) Concert of Europe-Holy Alliance; Quadruple Alliance.
Unit 6 France 1815 to 1848 :-
a) Charles X and July Revolution
b) Louis Philippe’s domestic and foreign policy.
c) Revolution of 1848- its internal and external impact.
Recommended Readings :
1. Fisher, H.A.L., A History of Europe (London, Fontana Library, 1969).
2. Hinsley, F.H. (ed.), And Modern History: Material Progress and World Wide Problems.
3. Joll. James, Europe Since 1870: An International History (Har-Row, 1973).
4. Langer, W.L., Diplomacy of Imperialism.
5. Langer, W.L., European Alliances and Alignments. (Greenwood, 1977).
6. Lefebvre, Georges, Coming of the French Revolution (Princeton, 1989).
7. Palmer, R.A. and Cotton, Joel, A History of Modern World, 6th ed. (Mcgraw, 1982).
8. Parks, H.B.,The United States of America.
9. Rude, George, Revolutionary Europe (1984).
10. Saboul, A., The French Revolution.
11. Stavrianos, L.S., The World Since 1500 (1928).
12. Thompson, David, Europe Since Napoleon (Penguin, 1957, 1966).
13. Jain & Mathur, Vishwa Ka Itihas from 1500 to 1950 AD
14. Parthasarthi, G., Vuishva Ka Itihash (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1983)
15. Khurana & Sharma, Vishva Ka Itihash (Laxmi Narayan Agarwal)
16. Chauhan, Devendra Singh, Adhunik Europe ka Itihas
17. Katalbey,C.D.M.; Adhunik Kal Ka Itihas(1789 to present time) translated by Vishwa
Prakash, S.Chand, Delhi.
Paper III – History of Afro-Asian Nationalism
Unit 1 Nationalism –Concept, meaning and definition – Theories of Nationalism –
Colonisation – Anti-colonial struggles – Rise of Nationalism.
Unit 2 China – 1911 revolution – Sun Yat Sen – KMT – Chinese Communist party –
People’s Republic of China.
Unit 3 South East Asia – Dutch Colonisation of Indonesia – Nationalism struggle in
Indonesia – French Colonization of Indo-China – Liberation of Vietnam.
Unit 4 Colonisation of Middle East – Arab Nationalism – Nationalist struggle in
Unit 4 Africa – Colonisation of Africa – Anti-colonial struggle in Africa – African
Nationalist Movement in South Africa.
Recommended Readings :
1. S. Hall, D.G. E., 1981, History of South East Asia, Mac Millan Education Ltd.,
2. Clyde and Beers, History of East Asia.
3. Fisher, S.N., The Middle East.
4. Harrison Church, R.J., West Africa.

5. Baril Davidson, The Growth of African Civilisation East and Central Africa to the
Late 19th Century.
6. Panthari, Shailendra, Sudur Poorva Ka Itihas, U.P.Hindi Sansthan
Paper IV: Indian National Movement ( C.1857-1919AD)
Unit 1 The Revolt of 1857 – causes and consequences-Factors leading to the
Emergence of Indian Nationalism.
Unit 2 Founding of Indian National Congress - Moderate and Extremists-1885-
Unit 3 Partition of Bengal 1905 –Swadeshi and Boycott Movements, Rise of
Muslim league .
Unit 4 Congress Split, 1907. Revolutionary Trends at home and abroad for India's
Freedom. Home Rule Movement- Lucknow Pact, 1916
Unit 5 Impact of the World War-I – Rowlatt Act and Jallianwallah Bagh
Massacre, Peasant Movement In India.
Recommended Readings:
1. Bipan Chandra, Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India.
2. Sumit Sarkar, Modern India.
3. Sen, S.P., 1857.
4. Choudhary, V.C.P.,Theories on Indian Revolt of 1857.
5. Pandey, B.N., A Contemporary History of the Indian National Congress (Vols. 1, 2, 3)
6. Pattabi Sitaramaiah, The Indian National Congress.
7. Tara Chand (1972), Freedom Movement in India, (IV Vols), Government of India, New
8. Majumdar, R.C., 1962, History of Freedom Movement in India, 3 vols, Calcutta.
9. Aggarwal, R.C., 1988, Constitution Development and National Movement of India, S.
Chand & Co., New Delhi.
10. Judith Brown, Modern India.
11. Abel, M., 2005, Glimpses of Indian National Movement, (First Edition), The ICFAI
University Press, Hyderabad.
12. Grover, B.L., and Grover, S., 1985, The Evolution of Indian Constitution and Freedom
Struggle, S.Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
13. Singh, Ayodhya; Bharat Ka Mukti Sangarsh
14. Singh, Gurumukh Nihal; Landmark of Indian Constitutional and National Development
1600-1919AD., Indian Book Shop, Bombay
15. Aggarval, R.C., Indian Constitutional and National Development
16.Bipan Chandra, Bharat Ka Swantantra Sangharsh
17.Durgadass, Bharat Curzen SE Nehru aur uske Pashchat, Wilco Pub. Bombay
18. Grover and Yashpal,Adhunik Bharat Ka Itihas, S.Chand & Company Delhi.
Paper V: Women in Indian History
Unit 1 Definition of Women’s Studies – Its Objectives – Status of Women in ancient,
medieval and modern India
Unit 2 Women contribution in literature and fine art
Unit 3 Contribution of women in Indian National movements.
Unit 4 Rise of Women’s Organisations and Feminist Movement
Unit 5 Legal and Constitutional Rights of women in Indian.
Uniy 6 Role of Women in politics and administration in post independence era.
Recommended Readings:
1. Tara Ali Aog, India’s Women Power.
2. Rama Mehta, Socio-legal, Status of Women in India.
3. Srinivas, M.A., The Changing position of Indian Women.
4. Nanda, B.R., Indian women from Purdah to Modernity.
5. Altekar, A.S., The Position of Women in Hindu Civilisation, Motilal Banarsi Das,
6. Neena Desai, A Decade of Women’s Movement in India.
7. Bovehur David, The Feminist Challenge, The Movement for Women’s Liberation in
Britain and U.s.
8. Banbs Olive, Faces of Feminism – A Study of Feminism as a Social Movement.
9. Gandhi, M.K., Women and Social Justice.
10. Radha Kumar, The Women’s Movement in India.
11. Bharat Maen Narivad, Delhi Uni. Hindi Karyanvayan Pub.
12. Agrawal, C.M. Yug-Yug Maen Nari, Almora
Paper-VI - History Of Uttarakhand (C. 600 BC To 1949AD)
Unit 1 Early History of Uttarakhand
(i) Source Material for the Study of the History of Uttarakhand.
(ii) Outlines of the history of Uttarakhand from 600BC to Katyuri Period-
Kirat, Kuninda, Khasa Tangana
(iii) A notes on tribes of Uttarakhand–Bhotia, Tharu, Boxa, Van-Raji and
Unit 2 State Formation in Uttarakhand
(i) Panwars Dynasty in Garhwal and Chands Dynasty in Kumaun and their
administrative set up .
(iii Political Relations of Kingdoms of Uttarakhand with rulers of Delhi in
medieval times and Sikh, Nepal and Sirmore.
Unit 3 Colonisation of Uttarakhand
(i) Gorkha invasion and its impact.
(ii) British administration in Uttarakhand-Land revenue and education..
Unit 4 Political Awakening and National Movement in Uttarakhand
(i) Press, Coolie Begar, Forest Agitations, Dola- Palki.
(ii) National movement in uttarakhand since 1920.
Unit 5 Tehri Garhwal Princely State
(i) Administration
(ii) Prajamandal Movement and merger in Indian Union.

Recommended Readings:
1. Atkinson, E.T., The Himalayan Gazetteer, Vol. II,Pt.I-II
2. Dabral, S.P., Uttarakhand Ka Itihas, Vol.1-17.
3. Guha, Ramchandra, Unquite Woods
4. Joshi, M.P., Morphogenesis of Kuninda Society.
5. Joshi, M.P., Uttaranchal Sanskriti: RISHI,
6. ------------- Uttarakhand Past and Present.(3 Vols)
7. Katauch, Y.S., Archaeolgy of Mid-Himalaya,
8. Katauch, Y.S.(ed.) Uttarakhand Ka Naveen Itihas.
9. Nautiyal, K.P., Archaeology of Kumaon including Dehradun.
10. Nautiyal, K.P.& B.M. Khanduri, Emergernce of Early Culture in Garhwal Himalaya.
11. Negi, S.S., Madhya Himalaya Ka Rajnitik Avam Sanskritik Itihas.
12. Pande, B.., Kumaon Ka Itihas.
13. PAHAR (Nainital) all relevant Volums
14. Khanduri, B.M., Archaeology of Alaknanda Valley’
15. Bhakuni, Hira, Sangramiyaun Ke Sartaj Pt. Badri Datt Pande
16. Manral, Dharam, Svatantrata Sangram Mein Yogdan.
17. Raturi, H.K., Garhwal Ka Itihas
18. Rawat, A., History of Garhwal(1358 to 1947)

19. Saklani, Atul, The History of Princely State- Trehri.
20. Saklani, Dinesh, Ancient Communities of Himalaya
21. Tolia, R.S.,(ed.) British Kumaon-Garhwal(2 Vols), Walley, P.(discription)
22. Uttarankhand Bharati, all Vols.
23. Valdiya, K.S., (ed.), Kumaon Land and People,
24. Zaidi, Rehana, Madhya Himalaya Ke Partiya Rajya Avam Mughal Shashak.
25. Pathak Shekhar, Uttarakhand Mein Coolie Begar Pratha.
26. Thapliyal, Rekha, Prachin Madhya Himalaya,
27. Kandari,O.P. & O.P. Gusain(ed.), Garhwal Himalaya: Society, Nature and Culture,Trans
Media, Srinagar,2001
28. MUHA, Journal of Meerut University.Vols. 5- (Special Issue on Uttarakhand.)
29. Handa, O.C. History of Uttarachal, Indus Pub., N.Delhi, 2002
30. Bisht, Surendra Singh; Himalaya Maen Upniveshvad aur Paryavarnan, Trans Media
31. Khanduri, B.M & S.S.Negi; Uttarakhand : A Historical Profile, Trans Media, Srinagar,
32. Zaidi, Rehana, Garhwal-Mughal Sambandh.
M.A. HISTORY -Second Semester
Core/ Compulsory Courses
Paper-VII - Sources of Indian History
Unit 1 Ancient Indian literary and archaeological sources: Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit
Unit 2 Medieval Sources: Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian,Urdu.
Unit 3 Bhakti literature
Unit 4 Modern Sources: English, and vernacular literature.
Unit 5 Modern Historians and their writings: V Smith, R.G.Bhandarkar, K.P.
Jayaswal,R.C.Mazumdar,J.N.Sarkar,D.D.Kosambi,Irfan Habib,Bipin Chandra.
Recommended Readings :
1. Ali, B. Shaikh, History: Its Theory and Methods
2. Bloch, Marc, The Historians Craft, Vintage Books
3. Carr, E. H., What is History, Penguin (Hindi also)
4. Collingwood,R.G., The Idea of History, Mc Milan
5. Thomson, David, The Aims of History
6. Phillips, G. G., Historians of India, Pakistan and Cylone.
7. Toynbee, Arnold, A stduy of History (also in Hindi)
8. Verma, Lal Bahadur, Itihas Ke Bare Mein
9. Burke, Peter, History and Social Theory
10. Gandhi, Leela, Post-colonial Theory
11. Edward, Said, Post Modernism – A Theory
12 ----------, Orientalism
13. Mukhia, Harbans, Historians and History of Medieval India
14. Thompson, J. W., History of Historical writing.
15. Mukherjee, D. P., On Indian History
16. Thapar, Romila, The Past and the Prejudices
18. Thompson, Paul, The Voice of the Past.
19. Saxena, R. K., Sultnat Kalin Itihaskar
20. --do-- Madhya Kalin Itihaskar
Paper-VIII - History of World (C. 1848 -1914 A.D.)
Unit 1 France
A. Establishment of second republic in 1848 A.D.
B. Napoleon III and the Second empire – Domestic and Foreign policy.
C. Problems faced by the Third Republic and involvement in European
Unit 2 Germany
A. Unification of Germany 1848 A.D. to 1870 A.D.
B. Domestic and Foreign policy of Bismark 1870 A.D. to 1890 A.D.
C. William II and his world’s politics.
Unit 3 Italy
Unification of Italy 1848 A.D. to 1870 A.D.
Internal and External policy of Italy from 1870 A.D. to 1914 A.D.
Unit 4 Eastern Question
A. Crimean War.
B. Berlin Congress – Circumstances, clauses and criticism.
C. Young Turk movement 1908 A.D.
D. Balkan Wars – 1912—1913 A.D.
Unit 5. International diplomacy on the eve of World War I and Causes of First
World War
Recommended Readings:
1. Bury, J.I.T. France, 1840 (Routledge Chapman and Hall, 1985).
2. Fisher, H.A.L., A History of Europe (London, Fontana Library, 1969).
3. Hill, Christopher, From Reformation to Industrial Revolution (Penguin, 1970).
4. Hill, Christopher, Lenin and the Russian Revolution (Penguin, 1978).
5. Hinsley, F.H. (ed.), And Modern History: Material Progress and World Wide Problems.
6. Joll, James, Europe Since 1870: An International History (Har-Row, 1973).
7. Langer, W.L., Diplomacy of Imperialism.
8. Langer, W.L., European Alliances and Alignments. (Greenwood, 1977).
9. Lefebvre, Georges, Coming of the French Revolution (Princeton, 1989).
10. Palmer, R.A. and Cotton, Joel, A History of Modern World, 6th ed. (Mcgraw, 1982).
11. Randal J.G. and David Donald, The Civil War and Reconstruction 2nd rev., ed.
12. Rolls, Eric, History of Economic Thought.
13. Rude, George, Revolutionary Europe (1984).
14.. Saboul, A., The French Revolution.
15. Taylor, A.J.P., The Origins of the Second World War.
16. Taylor, A.J.P., The Struggle for Mastery in Europe (OUP, 1954).
17. Thompson, David, Europe Since Napoleon (Penguin, 1957, 1966).
18. Jain & Mathur, Vishwa Ka Itihas from 1500 to 1950 AD
19. Parthasarthi, G., Vishwa Ka Itihas (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1983)
20. Khurana & Sharma, Vishwa Ka Itihas (Laxmi Narayan Agarwal)
21. Hayes and Moon, World History, Vol.I,II
22. Katalbey, Europe in Modern Times (Hindi and English)
23. Hazen, C.D., Modern Europe (Hindi and English)
24. Verma and Srivastava, Bharat Ka Itihas
25. New Cambridge Modern History
Paper IX – Constitutional History of India (C. 1858-2000AD)
(with landmark Amendments)
Unit 1 Introduction of Constitutional history of India–
The Government of India Act of 1858; The Indian Councils Acts, 1861&1892.
Unit 2 Constitutional Development– The Indian Councils Act of 1909, Government
of India Act, 1919.
Unit 3 Government of India Act of 1935
Unit 4 Cabinet Mission Proposals 1946, The Indian Independence Act of 1947,

The Constitution of India, 1950 – Salient Features.
Unit 5 Landmark Constitutional Amendments – 24th and 25th Amendments,
44th Amendment and 52nd Amendment, Anti Defection Law,
72nd and 73rd Amendments - Panchayat and Nagar Palika Acts.
Recommended Readings:
1. Kapur, A.C., Constitutional History of India.
2. Agarwal, R.C. 1988, Constitutional Development and National Movement of India,
S.Chand & Co., New Delhi.17
3. Keith, A.B., The Constitutional History of India
4. Mahajan,V.D., Constitutional History of India
5. Chhabra,.G.S., Constitutional History of India
6. Sharma, Bhadra Dutt; Bharat Ka Samvadhanik Itihas, Shiv lal Agrawal, Agra.
Web Sources:
1. Constitution of India with all amendments:http://indiacode.nic.in/coiweb/welcome.html
2. Making of the Constitution:
3. Basic structure:http://www.humanrightsinitiative.org/publications/const/
the_basic_structure_of_the_i ndian_constitution.pdf
4. Extracts from the Constitution:http://mama.indstate.edu/users/india/country/const.html
Paper -X – Indian National Movement (C.1919-1947 AD)
Unit 1 Gandhian Era -Non-Cooperation Movement -Khilafat Movement -Swarajist
Unit 2 Simon Commission; Lahore Congress; Civil Disobedience Movement; Quit
India Movement.
Unit 3 Impact of World War II -Subash Chandra Bose and the INA
Unit 4 Peoples Movement in Indian Princely States; tribal and trade union movement
in India
Unit 5 Rise of Communalism and Partition of India,
Recommended Readings:
1. Bipan Chandra, Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India.
2. Sumit Sarkar, Modern India.
3. Chaudhary, V.C.P.,Theories on Indian Revolt of 1857.
4. Pandey, B.N., A Contemporary History of the Indian National Congress (Vols. 1,2,3)
5. Pattabi Sitaramaiah, The Indian National Congress.
6. Tara Chand (1972), Freedom Movement in India, (IV Vols), Government of India, New
7. Majumdar, R.C., 1962, History of Freedom Movement in India, 3 vols, Calcutta.
8. Aggarwal, R.C., 1988, Constitution Development and National Movement of India,
S.Chand & Co., New Delhi.
9. Judith Brown, Modern India.
10. Abel, M., 2005, Glimpses of Indian National Movement, (First Edition), The ICFAI
University Press, Hyderabad.
11. Grover, B.L., and Grover, S., 1985, The Evolution of Indian Constitution and Freedom
Struggle, S.Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi. 1947, (First Edition), Indian Council of
Historical Research, New Delhi.
Paper-XI: Ecology and Environment in History
Unit 1 Ecology: What is Ecology, Scope of Ecology, Ecology-Science or Art, Its relation
to other subjects.
Unit 2 Environment: What is Environment, Component of Environment, Environmental
degradation and its impact on present and future.
Unit 3 Environmental consciousness in ancient India and Conservation:
The concept of nature in our spiritual traditions, Ethics of environmental
awareness and conservation in ancient culture and literature of India.
Indus valley civilization: Planned urbanization, drainage system, watershed
management, waste management, worship of different components of nature,
concept of prakriti and purush.
Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic civilization.
Forest and wild life management in Maurya and Gupta period, small scale
industries based on natural resources in ancient India.
Unit 4 Environmental consciousness in Medieval India.
Exploration of natural resources for economic development in early Medieval
Exploration of natural resources for ecological development in Mughal period.
Over exploitation and ecological destabilization during later Mughal period.
Unit 5 Environmental and Ecological consciousness in Modern India.
British imperialism and Nature.
Ruin of Indian small scale industries.
Over exploitation of natural resources.
Establishment of industries based on Indian natural resources and its impact on
environment and ecology.
Unit 6 Environmental Movements in Independent India.
Recommended Readings:
1. Agrawal, Arun, Environmentality, Oxford University Press, 2005
2. Arnold, David (ed.), Nature, Culture and Imperalism, OUP, 1996
3. Gadgil,Madhav and Guha, Ramachandra, This Fissured Land, OUP, 1993
4. Grove, Richard, Ecology, Climate and Empire, OUP, 1998
5. Guha, Sumit, Environment and Ethnicity in India, Cambridge University Press, 1999
6. Saberwal, Vasant, and Rangarajan, Mahesh (ed.), Battles over Nature, Permanent Black,
7. Sivaramkrishnan, K., Modern Forests: State making and Environmental Change in
Colonial Eastern India, Stanford University Press, 1990.
8. Skaria, Ajay, Hybrid Histories, OUP, 1999.
9. Vaidyanathan, A., India’s Water Resources, OUP, 2006.
10.William P.Cunningham & Barbara Woodworth Saigo, Environmental science, USA, 1990
11. E.P. Odum, W.B. Philadelphia (ed.) Fundamentals of Ecology, Pennsylvania USA-1959
12. Sharma,P.D. Ecology and Environment, Rastogi Publications, Meerut, 1990
13. Chopra, Puri & Das., Social, Cultural and Economic History of India Vol-I, II & III,
14. Mohd. Ahsan, Forest and Wild life Management in ancient India, Looking through the
Mauryan Times, Paryavaran Gyan Yagya Samiti, Lucknow. Recommend
15. Srivastava, K.C. Prachin Bharat ka Itihas tatha Sanskriti (Hindi),
16. Verma., Harishchandra Madhyakalin Bharat(Hindi),
17. Bipin Chandra ,(Hindi) Bharat Mein Arthik Rashtravada Ka Udbhav Aur Vikas
18. K.A. Nilkantha Sastri., Nand Maurya Yugin Bharat(Hindi),
Paper-XII - Culture of Uttarakhand (from Earliest Times to 1949AD)
Unit 1 Sources of Cultural History of Uttarakhand
Unit 2 Society and Economy of Uttarakhand - Social Stratification;
Trans-Himalyan Trade
Unit 3 Religion in Uttarakhand: Folk and Pauranic-
Shaivite, Vaishnavite, Shakta and minor popular Sects.
Unit 4 Religions in Uttarakhand
Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, Sikhism and Christianity.
Unit 5 Pilgrimage tradition in Uttarakhand

10 | P a g e
Chaturdham yatra ,Kumbha mela, Nanda Jat and Kailash Mansarover
Unit 6 Traditions of Uttarakhand
(ii) Oral Tradition: Songs,Jager,Dance and Drama.
(iii) Fairs and Festivals- Devidhura Bagwal, Bisu festival, Uttarayani, lossar,
Jandha mela, Urs of Piran Kaliyar
Unit 7 Silient features of art and architecture of Uttarakhand.
Recommended Readings:
1. Atkinson, E.T., The Himalayan Gazetteer, Vol. II,Pt.I-II
2. Bhatt, M.C. Himalaya Ka Itihas.
3. Bhakuni, Hira, Sangramiyaun Ke Sartaj Pt. Badri Datt Pande
4. Dabral, S.P., Uttarakhand Ka Itihas, Vol.1-17.
5. Nautiyal, K.P., Archaeology of Kumaon including Dehradun.
6. Nautiyal, K.P.& B.M. Khanduri, Emergernce of Early Culture in Garhwal Himalaya.
7. Negi, S.S., Madhya Himalaya Ka Rajnitik Avam Sanskritik Itihas.
8. Pande, B., Kumaon Ka Itihas.
9. Pande, T., Kumaon Lok Sahitya.
10. PAHAR(Nainital) all Volums
11. Negi, S.S., Madhya Himalaya Ka Rajnitik Avam Sanskritik Itihas.
12. Pande, B.., Kumaon Ka Itihas.
13. Pande, T., Kumaon Lok Sahitya.
14.Pokhariyal, H.C., Agrarian economy of the central Himalaya,Indus Pub.N.Delhi,1998
15. PAHAR(Nainital) all Volums
16. Naithani, S.P., Uttarakhand Ke Teerth avam Mandir.
17.Agrawal, C.M., Golu Devta, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalaya, 1992, Shree
Almora Book Depot, Almora
18. Chatak, Govind; Madhya Himalaya Ki Sanskriti, Indus Pub. N.Delhi
19.Kandari,O.P. & O.P. Gusain(ed.), Garhwal Himalaya: Society, Nature and Culture,Trans
Media, Srinagar,2001
20. MUHA, Journal of Meerut University.Vols. 5- (Special Issue on Uttarakhand.)
21. Saklani, D.P.; Tribal Cmmunities of Uttarakhand, Indus Pub. Delhi
22. Nautiyal S.N. Garhwal Lokmanas
23. ---------------- Garhwal Loknritya
24 Mukundi Lal; Garhwal Painting.
25. Handa, O.C. & K.L.Vaidya; Pahari Chitrakala.
M.A. HISTORY -Third Semester
Core/ Compulsory Courses
Paper XIII: Historical Writings: Schools & Historians
Unit1 Origins of Historical narrative, Greek and Latin Historiography: Herodotus,
Thucydides, Polybius, Livy, Tacitus, St. Thomas Acquinas, St. Augustine &
Church historiography.
Unit 2 Chinese tradition: Ssuma-chian.
Unit 3 Ancient Indian Historical tradition: Kalhana
Unit 4 Islamic Historical tradition: Ibnkhaldum, Al-Beruni, Ziauddin Beruni, Abul
Fazal, Khafi Khan
Unit 5 Renaissance: General characteristics, Age of Enlightenment, Romanticism,
Unit 6 Rise of Modern Historiography: Empirical tradition, Bury;
Universalist/Idealist tradition:Toynbee, Spengler; Positivist tradition:
August Comte, Ranke; Annales tradition: MarcBloch, Marxist Tradition: E.P.
Thompson & E.J. Hobsbawm, Subaltern, Orientalism

11 | P a g e
Recommended Reading:
1. Buddha Prakash. Itihas Darshan. 1962.
2. Dubey, S.R.(ed.), Contemporary Historiography : Methodology & Trends (English &
Hindi).Ujjain. 2001.
3. Pandey G.C. Itihas Swarup Avam Siddhants. Jaipur. 1993.
4. Pathak, V.S. Ancient Historians of India. Gorakhpur. 1984.
5. Philips, C.H. (ed.) Historians of India, Pakistan and Ceylon. London. 1961.
6.Shaikh Ali, B. History : Theory and Method. J.W. Thompson and Bernard Holm, A History
of Historical Writing, Vol-I and 2, New York, Macmillan 1942.
7. John cannon, et. al.(ed), The Blackwell Dictionary of Historians, Oxford Basil Blackwell
8. Stuart Clark, The Annales Historians–Critical Assessment, Vol-I, London, Routledge,
9. R.G. Collingwood The Idea of History, , Oxford, OUP, 1946.
10.Peter Hardy, Studies in Indo-Muslim Historical Writing, London, 1997
11. Mohibbul Hassan, (ed.) Historians of Medieval India, Meerut, Meenakshi Prakashan,
12. D.D. Kosambi An introduction to the study of Indian History, , 1956.
13. R.C. Majumdar, Historiography in Modern India, Bombay, Asia publishing house 1967\
Paper-XIV: Tourism in History
Unit 1 Introduction to history of tourism-
Tourist Resources in India – Types of Resources, Natural Land forms –
Climate – Flora and Fauna, Water Bodies.
Unit 2 Cultural and Historical Monuments of tourist interest-
Caves: Ajanta, Ellora, Badami,
Temples: Sun temple Konark, Khajuraho temples, Balaji temple (Tirupati),
Gurudwara- Amritsar
Dargah-Ajmer Sharif
Unit 3 Monuments: Delhi, Agra, Rockmemorial Kanya Kumari, Fatehpur Sikri,
Churches of Goa,
Unit 4 Museums :National Museum, Delhi, Prince of Wales Museum, Mumbai,
Victoria Memorial Museum, Kolkata, Salarjung Museum, Hyderabad
Unit 5 Chaar Dham Yatra: Badri, Kedar, Gangotri,Jamunotri,-
Unit 6 Tourism in India – Aims and Objectives.
NOTE: Visit to Historical sites and Submission of a tour Report is Compulsory.
Recommended Readings:
1. Chris Cooper and Fletcher, Tourism : Principles and Practices.
2. S. Wahab, Tourism Marketing.
3. James W. Morrison, Travel Agent and Tourism.
4. Joun Bakewell, The Complete Traveller.
5. Edword D. Mill’s, Design for Holliday’s and Tourism.
6. A. K. Bhatia, Toursim : Principles.
7. Dougles Pierce, Tourism Today : A Geographical Analysis.
8. Mujumdar R.C. (Gen. Ed.) for Arts Architecture Culture, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan’s All
Volumes on Indian History, Mumbai – 1988.
9. Sinha, R.K., Growth and Development of Modern Tourism.
10. Lajpathi Rai, Development of Tourism in India.
11. Douglas Foster, Travel and Tourism Management.
12. Burbant, A.J., and Medik, S., Tourism, Past, Present and Future.
13. Lavkush Mishra, Religious Tourism in India.
12 | P a g e
14. Shivaramamurti, Art and Archtecture of India
15. Fonia,Tourism in Uttarakhand
16. Kandari OP. etc. ,Garhwal Himalaya-Society and Culture.
Paper XV: Twentieth Century World (C. 1914-1945AD)
Unit 1 Legacy of the Nineteenth Century
Liberalism, Socialism, and Nationalism.
Unit 2 World Order up to 1919
Paris Peace Conferences and its consequences.
Unit 3 Emergence of Socialist State
Causes and impact of the Russian Revolution -establishment
of a Socialist State and its impact.
Unit 4 World between the Two Wars
Working of the League of Nations and Collective Security;
Crisis in capitalism- Great Depression; Ideologies of Nazism
and Fascism: Germany, Italy and Japan; Policy of
Unit 5 Second World War and its Effects
Background; origin, nature and impact of the War.
Recommended Readings:
1. Schleicher, P., Charles, International Relations Co-Operation.
2. Palmer and Perkins, International Relations
3. Schuman, International Politics.
4. Moon, P.T., Imperialism and World Politics since 1945.
5. Hughes, H.S., Contemporary Europe.
6 .Carr, E.H., International Relations since 1919.
7. Sen, A.K., International Relations since 1919.
8. Prakash Chander and Prem Arora, International Relations.
9. Hill, Christopher, Lenin and the Russian Revolution (Penguin.)
10. Hinsley, F.H. (ed.), Modern History: Material Progress and World Wide Problems.
11. Joll, James, Europe Since 1870: An International History
12. Langer, W.L., European Alliances and Alignments. (Greenwood).
13. Palmer, R.A. and Cotton, Joel, A History of Modern World,(Mcgrew).
14. Parks, H.B.,The History of United States of America.
15. Taylor, A.J.P., The Origins of the Second World War.
16. Taylor, A.J.P., The Struggle for Mastery in Europe (OUP).
17. Thompson, David, Europe Since Napoleon (Penguin).
18. Jain and Mathur, Vishwa Ka Itihas 1500 to 1950 AD.
19. Khurana and Sharma, Vishwa Ka Itihas (L.N. Agarwal, Agra).
20. Parthsarthy, G., Vishwa Ka Itihas (Hindi Directorate, Delhi).
21. Chauhan, Devendra Singh., Europe Ka Itihas (1789to 1950A.D.).
22. Pushpesh Pant and Sripal Jain.,Anterrashtriya Sambandh
Web Sources:
Some World history resources.
1. www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/History_n2/a.html
2. www.historyworld.net/
3. www.history.com/
4. http://www.wadsworth.com/politicalscience_d/special_features/ext/ir/tir/tir_infotrac1
5. International Relations Resource Centre http://www.isn.ethz.ch/
6. Foreign Affairs, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Affairs
7. Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi, http://www.ipcs.org/

13 | P a g e
GROUP A (Ancient India)
Major Elective/Specialised Papers
Paper XVI - History of Ancient India (From Earliest To 185 BC)
Unit 1 Introduction of ancient Indian history
a. Geographical background and historical sources of ancient India.
b. Brief Outline of Palaeolithic, Mesolithic & Neolithic cultures of
Unit 2 Bronze Age, first urbanization
a. Chalcoltihic village societies of the north-west (Baluchistan, Sindh & Rajasthan).
b. Harappan Civilization: Urabanization; Important cities; governance;
c. Post Harappan Cultures, and Urban decline.
Unit 3 Background to the emergence of early Historic India
a. The Early Vedic Polity.
b. The Later Vedic Polity.
c. Iron technology & its' impact on historical process.
Unit 4 Janapadas and Mahajanapadas
a. Early Monarchical states and Gana-rajyasa
b. Political formations: monarchical and republican.
c. Rise of Magadha empire
Unit 5 Towards empire: Nandas and Mauryas
a. Alexanders’ invasion
b. Growth of Mauryan empire
c. Polity; nature and extent of centralization; and foreign relatios.
d. Kautilya's Arthashastra and Megasthenes' India.
Recommended Readings:
1. Allchin, B. and Allchin, F.R., Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan (Delhi, Select
Book Service Syndicate, 1983).
2. Allchin, Raymond and Bridget, The Birth of Indian Civilization, 1968Origins of a
Civilization (Delhi, Viking, 1997).
3. Chakrabarti, D.K. India: An Archaeological History, Paleolithic Beginnings to Early
Historical Foundation (Delhi, OUP, 1999). Now available in paperback.
4. Chattopadhyaya, D.P., Indian Philosophy (New Delhi, Popular Publishing House, 1986).
5. Comprehensive History of India, Vols II (1957), III (Orient longman,1952), IV (Delhi,
PPH, 1992).
6. Dani, A.H., Recent Archaeological Discoveries in Pakistan (Paris, UNESCO, 1988).
7. Jha, D.N. and Shrimali K.M., Prachin Bharat Ka Ithihas (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1990).
8. Kulke, H, and D. Rothermund, History of India (london, Routledge,1998).
9. Majumdar, R.C. et al., History and Culture of the Indian People, Vols II, III, (Mumbai,
Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Series, 1970, 1979, 1980).
10. Munshi, V.K.M. and R.R. Diwakar, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Series -Indian Inheritance,
3 vols (Bombay, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, 1965, 1970).
11. Nilkanta Sastri, K.A., A History of South India from pre-historic times to the fall of
Vijaynagar (Chennai, OUP, 1983).
12. ------ Nand Mauryan Yugeen Bharat.
13. ------------(edited by) Comprehensive History of Ancient India, Vol. II, The Mauryas and
14. Sharma, R.S., Aspects of Political Ideas and Institutions in Ancient India (Delhi, Motilal
Banarsidass, 1991) (Revised edition).
15. Sharma, R.S., Ancient Indian History
16. Thapar, B.K., Recent Archaeological Discoveries in India (Paris, UNESCO, 1985).
14 | P a g e
17. Thapar, Romila, Early India(from origin to AD.1300)penguin Book-2002.
18. ----- Ashoka and the Decline of Mauryas.
--------------From Lineage to State, oxford,1984, seventh ed.2002
---Interpreting Early india, oxford press,1992, ninth ed.2005
19. Raychaudhary, H.C., Political History of Ancient India, 1950
20. Mookerjee, R.K., Ancient India, 1956
21. Smith, V.A., Early History of India, 1924
22. Puri, B.N. India as described by early greek writers,1939
23. Narain,A.K. The Indo-Greeks,1957
24.. Nilkanta Sastri, K.A., The Pandyan Kingdom,1972
25. Agrawal, D.P. Archaeology of India. New Delhi. 1984.
26. Agrawala, D.P. & J.S. Kharkwal. Bronze and Iran Ages in South Asia. New Delhi. 2003.
27. Agrawala, D.P. & J.S. Kharkwal. South Asian Prehistory. New Delhi. 2002.
28. Ghosh, A. The City in Early Historical India. Shimla. 1973.
29. Lal, B.B. and S.P., Gupta (eds), Frontiers of The Indus Civilization. Delhi. 1994.
30. Rapson, E.J. Cambridge History of India, Vol. I. Cambridge. 1922.

Paper XVII: History of Ancient India (C.BC 185 to 650A.D.)

Unit 1 Reconstructing ancient Indian history
Historical Sources and Historiographical interpretations.
Unit 2 Post Mauryan Dynasties and Polity
a. Sungas and Kanvas: Dynastic history
b. Indo-Greeks, Saka-Pahalavas
c. State formation in Central India and in the Deccan: Satavahanas and
Western Kshatrapas.
d. The Kushanas: Political consolidation -extent and structure
e. Sangam age: chiefdoms.
Unit 3 Guptas
a. Dynastic history of the Guptas: Political consolidation - structure.
b. Administrative organization, provinces and feudatory states.
Unit 4 Hunas and Vakatakas
a. Huna invasions
b. The Dynastic history of Vakatakas
Unit 5 Vardhanas, Chalukya and Pallavas
a. Harsha-political consolidation and administrative organisation
b. Chalukyas and Pallavas: Extent of kingdoms and administration.

Recommended Readings:
1. Jha, D.N. and Shrimali K.M., Prachin Bharat Ka Ithihas (Delhi, Hindi Directorate,1990).
2. Kulke, H, and D. Rothermund, History of India (london, Routledge,1998).
3. Majumdar, R.C. et al., History and Culture of the Indian People, Vols III,IV. (Mumbai,
Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Series, 1970, 1979, 1980).
4. Munshi, V.K.M. and R.R. Diwakar, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Series -Indian Inheritance, 3
vols (Bombay, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, 1965, 1970).
5. Mazumdar, R.C. The Vakataka-Gupta
6. Gupta, P.L. Gupta Samrajya.
7. Upadhyay, Vasudev. Gupta Samrajya Ka Itihas.
8. Rai, U.N., Gupta Samrat aur Unka Kal.
9. Sharma, B.N. Harsha and his Times.
10. Majumdar, R.C. Ancient India
11. Sharma, R.S., Ancient Indian History
12. Sen, S.N., Ancient Indian History and Civilization, willey Eastern limited, Delhi
15 | P a g e
13. Raychaudhary, H.C., Political History of Ancient India, 1950
14. Mookerjee, R.K., The Gupta Empire, 1969
15. ---------- Harsha
16. Pannikar, K.M., Shri Harsha of Kannauj, 1922
17. Tripathi, R.S., History of Kannauj, 1927
18. Goyal, S.R., A History of Imperial Guptas, 1967
19. Devahuti, D., Harsha, A political Study,1970
20. Nilkanta Sastri, K.A., A History of South India from pre-historic times to the fall of
Vijaynagar (Chennai, OUP, 1983).
21. ------------ (edited by) Comprehensive History of Ancient India, Vol. II, The Mauryas
and Satvahanas, 1957
22. -------A History of South India, 1966
23. ------------- The Cholas, 1955
24. Gopalan, R., History of Pallavas of Kanchi, 1928
25. Venkataramanayya, N., The eastern Chalukyas of Vengi, 1950
26. Chattopadhyaya, S. Early History of Northern India. Delhi. 1976.
27. Mukherjee, B.N. The Kushana Geneology, Calcutta. 1957.
28. Narain, A.K. From Alexander to Kanishka. Varanasi. 1967.
29. Narain, A.K. The Indo Greeks. New Delhi. 1996.
30. Puri, B.N. India Under the Kushanas. Bombay. 1965.
31. Rapson, E.J. Cambridge History of India, Vol. I. Cambridge. 1922.
32. Sharma, R.S. Material Culture and Social Formations in Ancient India. Delhi. 1985.
33. Thapar, Romila, Early India(from origin to AD.1300)penguin Book-2002.

Paper-XVIII: History of Ancient Nothern India (C. AD 650-1200AD)

Unit 1 Interpreting the period
Historical Sources and Historiographical interpretations.
Unit 2 Dynasties of Northern and eastern India:
Gurjar-Pratiharas, Palas and Senas
Unit 3 Dynasties of Western and central India :
Parmar, Chandelas,Gaharwal and Chauhanas
Unit 4 Polity & Administartion:
Political structure-Central, Provincial and Local administration.
Unit 5 Emergence of Feudalism in Northern India and struggle for Supremacy
Recommended Readings:
1. Bhatia, P., The Parmars.
2. Bose, N. S., History of the Chandellas,Bombay,1956
3. Ganguli, D. C., History of the Parmar Dynasty,Dhaka Uni. Press, 1933(Hindi)
4. Kanungo, K. R., Studies in Rajput History.
5. Majumdar, R. C. & Pusalkar, A. D., Imperial Kannauj
6. Ojha, G. H., Rajputana Ka Itihas
7. Pathak, V. N., Uttar Bharat Ka Rajnitik Itihas (Hindi)
8. Puri, B. N., Gurjar-Pratihar
9. Chaudhary, H. C. Ray, Dynastic History of Northern India. Vol. I and II
10. Niyogi, Roma, History of Gahadwal dynasty,1959, Calcutta.
11. Mittal, A.K., Prachin Bharat ka Rajnitik Avam Sanskritik Itihas
12. Tripathi, R. S., History of Kannauj
13. Sharma, R.S., Indian Feudalism (Hindi) .
14. Verma, H.C., Madhya Kalin Bharat 750-1540 Part I (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1983).
15. Srivastava, K.C., Pachin Bharat Ka Itihas Avam Sanskriti, United Book Depot,
Allahabad, 2009-10
16 | P a g e
GROUP-B (Medieval India)
Elective /Specialised Papers -
PAPER-XVI: History of Delhi Sultanate (C.1192 to 1320AD.)
Unit 1 Historiography and Contemporary Sources:
a)Alberuni, b) Minhaz-us-Shiraj, c) Shams-I-Siraj Afif
d) Ziauddin Barni, e) Amir Khusro, f) Ibnbatuta
Unit 2 Foundation and consolidation of Delhi Sultanate:
a) Northern India on the eve of Turkish Invasion \
b) Causes of the success of Turks against the Rajputs
Unit 3 Early Turkish Sultans: Problems, Conquests and Achievements
(i) a) Qutubuddin Aibak, b) Iltutmish, c) Razia,
d) Nasiruddin Mahmud e) Balban and Mangol invasions .
(ii) Balban’s theory of Kingship
Unit 4 The Khiljis:
a) Khilji Revolution
b) Alauddin Khilji’s theory of Kingship
c) Alauddin Khiljis rajput and Deccan policy
d) Causes of the downfall of Khiljis.
Recommended Readings:
1. Pandey, A.B., Early Medieval India, ed. 2 (Allahabad, Central Book Depot, 1970).
2. Rizvi, S.A.A., The Wonder that was India. Vol 2, London 1987, 11.4 (Delhi, Foundation
Books,1993). Reprint Paperback, 1993.
3. Sastri, K.A.N., History of South India (Delhi, CUP, 1975).
4. Satish Chandra, Medieval India, From Sultanate to the Mughals (Delhi, Har Anand
Publications, 1997).
5. Stein, Burton, Peasant State and Society in Medieval South India (Delhi, CUP, 1980)
6. Verma, H.C., Madhya Kalin Bharat 750-1540 Part I (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1983).
7. Qureshi, H. Administration of Delhi Sultanate
8. Nizami, K.A. Comprehensive History of India, Vol. II
10. Elliot and Dowson, History of India as told by its Historians Vol. I, II, III
11. Rizvi, S.A.A., Khilji kalin Bharat
13. Sharma, L.P, Madhya Kalin Bharat
14. Srivastava, A.L. Delhi Sultenat
15. Mehta, J.L. Advanced Studies in Medieval India Vol. I

Paper-XVII: History of Delhi Sultanate (C. 1320 to 1526 AD.)

Unit 1 The Tughlaqs:
a) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaqs’ expedition and estimate
b) Muhammad –bin Tughlaq and his plans, Character,, Personality.
c) Firozshah Tughlaq’s Expeditions of Bengal, Kangra, Sindh and Katehar,
Administrative reforms and Public works.
d) Timur’s invasion
Unit 2 The Sayyaid and The Lodhis
a) Khijra Khan estimate,Reign of Mubarak shah
b) Afgan Theory of Kingship, Circumstances leading to the first battle of
Unit 3 Administration and other Aspects:
a) Central administration
b) Provincial administration
c) Causes of the collapse of Delhi Sultanate.

17 | P a g e
Recommended Readings:
1. Pandey, A.B., Early Medieval India, ed. 2 (Allahabad, Central Book Depot, 1970).
2. Rizvi, S.A.A., The Wonder that was India. Vol 2, London 1987, 11.4 (Delhi, Foundation
Books,1993). Reprint Paperback, 1993.
3. Sastri, K.A.N., History of South India (Delhi, CUP, 1975).
4. Satish Chandra, Medieval India, From Sultanate to the Mughals (Delhi, Har Anand
Publications, 1997).
5. Stein, Burton, Peasant State and Society in Medieval South India (Delhi, CUP, 1980)
6. Verma, H.C., Madhya Kalin Bharat 750-1540 Part I (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1983).
7. Qureshi, H. Administration of Delhi Sultanate
8. Nizami, K.A. Comprehensive History of India, Vol. I
9. Hussain, M. The Tuglaq Empire
10. Elliot and Dowson, History of India as told by its Historians Vol. I, II, III
12. ---------------- Uttar Tuglaq Kalin Bharat
13. Sharma, L.P, Madhya Kalin Bharat
14. Srivastava, A.L. Delhi Sultenat
15. Mehta, J.L. Advanced Studies in Medieval India Vol. I
Paper XVIII: History of Mughal India (C. 1526 to 1627AD.)
Unit 1 Historiography and Contemporary Sources:
a) Babars’ Tuzuk-I-Babri,
b) Gulbadan Begums’ Humayunnama,
c) Abul Fazals’-Akbarnamah and Ain-i- Akbari,
d) Abdul Qadir badayunis’-Muntakhab ut- Tawarikh,
e) Abbas khan sarvani- Tarikh-I-Shershahi
f) Tuzuk-I- Jahangiri
Unit 2 Foundation of Mughal Empire in India:
a) Babar-Conquests, Character and estimate
b) Humayun-Problems, relations with Sharshah Suri
c) Sharshah Suri- Administration and Military reforms
Unit 3 Consolidation of Mughal Empire:
a) Tutelage of Bairam Khan
b)) Relations with Rajputs
c) Mansabdari System
d) Religious policy
Unit 4 Jahangir Reign
a) Jahangir’s early life
b) Role of Noorjahan in the contemporary politics
c) Revolt of Khurram and Mahawat Khan
d) Jahangir relations with rajputs.
e) Character and estimate of Jahangir and Noorjahan
Recommended Readings:
1. Verma, H.C., Madhya Kalin Bharat 750-1540 Part I (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1983).
2. Tripathi, R.P., Rise and Fall of the Mughal Empire (Allahabad, Central Book Depot,
3. Rizvi, S.A.A., The Wonder that was India. Vol 2, London 1987, 11.4 (Delhi, Foundation
Books, 1993). Reprint Paperback, 1993.
5. Sastri, K.A.N., History of South India (Delhi, CUP, 1975).
6. Satish Chandra, Medieval India, From Sultanate to the Mughals (Delhi, Har Anand
Publications, 1997).
7. Stein, Burton, Peasant State and Society in Medieval South India (Delhi, CUP, 1980)

18 | P a g e
8. Verma, H.C., Madhya Kalin Bharat 1540-1701 Part I & II (Delhi, Hindi Directorate,
9. Nizami, K.A. A Comprehensive History of India, Vol. II
10. Elliot and Dowson, History of India as told by its Historians Vol. I, II, III
11. Sharma, L.P, Madhya Kalin Bharat
12. Mehta, J.L. Advanced Studies in Medieval India Vol. II
13. Pandey, A.B., Later Medieval India, ed. 2 (Allahabad, Central Book Depot, 1970).
14. Richards, John F., Mughal Empire, New Cambridge History of India. 1.5 (Delhi,
Cambridge, 1993).
16. Tripathi, R.P., Rise and Fall of the Mughal Empire (Allahabad, Central Book Depot,
17. ---------------- Some Aspects of Muslim Administration.
18. Ali, Ahtar, The Nobility under Mugal Empire
19. Saran, P., Islamic Polity
20. W.H. Moreland, India at the Death of Akbar,.

GROUP-C (Modern India)
Specialised Paper: Modern India
Paper XVI: History of Modern India (C.1757-1857AD)
Unit 1 Expansion and consolidation of British power
Territorial expansion and diplomacy: Anglo –French Rivalry,Conquest of
Bengal- Battle of Plessey and Buxar, Anglo-Mysore wars, Anglo-maratha
Unit 2 Colonial Construction of India: Structures and Institutions
a. Administrative structure.
b. Arms of the state-police, army, law, civil service.
Unit 3 British Paramountcy and Indian states
a. Ring-Fence Policy-1757-1813
b. Subrdinate - Isolation policy-1813-1858
Unit 4 Resistance to Colonial Rule -I
a. Nature and forms of resistance.
b. Pre-1857- Peasant, tribal and cultural resistance.-economic complaints.
Unit 5 Resistance to Colonial Rule -II
a. Revolt of 1857: Causes and nature; leadership at various levels; people's
b. British repression and response.

Recommended Readings:
1 . Bayly, C.A., Indian Society and the Making of the British Empire, The New Cambridge
History of India, Vol. II (Cambridge,1988).
2. Bhattacharji, Sabhyasachi (trans.) Adhunik Bharat ka Arthik Itihas 1850-1947 (Delhi,
3. Bipan Chandra, et al., India's Struggle for Independence, 1857-1947 (Delhi, Penguin,
4. Brass, Paul, The Politics of India since Independence (Delhi, Foundation Books, 1994).
5. Desai, A.R., Social Background of Indian Nationalism (Mumbai, Popular Prakashan,
6. Dharma Kumar & Tapan Raychaudhuri, ed., Cambridge Economic History of India, Vol.
II (Cambridge, 1982).
Gopal S,Britsh Policy in India-1868-1905

19 | P a g e
7. Heimsath, Charles, Hindu Nationalism and the Indian Social Reform Movement
(Princeton, 1964).
8. IGNOU Course Material, EH 1.1 and EH 1.5 (English & Hindi) (1858-1964) (1757-1857).
9. Kulke, H., and D. Rothermund, History of India (Australia, Crook Helms, 1986, D.
10. Mazumdar, Datta and Ray Chowdhury (eds), Advanced History of India (London,
11. Panigrahi, D.N., ed., Economy, Society and Politics in Modern India (Delhi, Vikas,
12. Shukla, R.L., ed., Adhunik Bharat Ka Itihas (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, reprint 1998).
13. Singh, Ayodhya, Bharat Ka Mukti Sangram (Delhi, Prakashan Sansthan, 1992).
14. Spear, T.G.P., History of India, Vol. II (London, Penguin 1965).
15. Sumit Sarkar, Modern India.
16 Majumdar, R.C .(Ed.) British Paramountcy and Indian Renaissance ,part I,
17. Aggarwal, Constitutional Development of National Movement.
18. Grover Yashpal,Adhunic bharat Ka Adytan Itihas.

Paper –XVII: History of Modern India ( C.1858 – 1947AD)

Unit 1 India under the Crown –
a-The aftermath of the revolt
b-The conservative reaction
Unit 2 a) caution: Lytton, Ripon and Dfferin.
b) The apogee of administration- Curzon
Unit 3 a) Imperial policy- annexation of Burma, relations with Tibet, relations with
b) Indian Princely state. Policy of Subordinate Union-(1858-1919),
Unit 4 a) Indian Nationalism and British reaction. Debates on nature of Indian
b)Gandhi and British administration: Gandhi - Irvin agreement. Gandhi and
Government during and after World War II, Post war-politics-Poona pact-
third round table.
c)working of provincial government.
Unit 5 Partition of India. Independence of India.
Recommended Readings:
1 . Bayly, C.A., Indian Society and the Making of the British Empire, The New Cambridge
History of India, Vol. II (Cambridge,1988).
2. Bhattacharji, Sabhyasachi (trans.) Adhunik Bharat ka Arthik Itihas 1850-1947 (Delhi,
3. Bipan Chandra, et al., India's Struggle for Independence, 1857-1947 (Delhi, Penguin,
4. Brass, Paul, The Politics of India since Independence (Delhi, Foundation Books, 1994).
5. Desai, A.R., Social Background of Indian Nationalism (Mumbai, Popular Prakashan,
6. Dharma Kumar & Tapan Raychaudhuri, ed., Cambridge Economic History of India, Vol.
II (Cambridge, 1982).
Gopal S,Britsh Policy in India-1868-1905
7. Heimsath, Charles, Hindu Nationalism and the Indian Social Reform Movement
(Princeton, 1964).
8. IGNOU Course Material, EH 1.1 and EH 1.5 (English & Hindi) (1858-1964) (1757-1857).
9. Kulke, H., and D. Rothermund, History of India (Australia, Crook Helms, 1986, D.

20 | P a g e
10. Mazumdar, Datta and Ray Chowdhury (eds), Advanced History of India (London,
11. Panigrahi, D.N., ed., Economy, Society and Politics in Modern India (Delhi, Vikas,
12. Shukla, R.L., ed., Adhunik Bharat Ka Itihas (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, reprint 1998).
13. Singh, Ayodhya, Bharat Ka Mukti Sangram (Delhi, Prakashan Sansthan, 1992).
14. Spear, T.G.P., History of India, Vol. II (London, Penguin 1965).
15. Sumit Sarkar, Modern India.
16 Majumdar, R.C .(Ed.) British Paramountcy and Indian Renaissance ,part I,
17. Aggarwal, Constitutional Development of National Movement.
18. Grover Yashpal,Adhunic bharat Ka Adytan Itihas.
19. Rai Satya ,Bharat mein rashtra vad Evam Upniveshvad.
20.Nautiyal Vikas-Adhunic Bharat ka itihas
21. Pandey, B.N., A Contemporary History of the Indian National Congress
(Vols 1,2, and 3)

Paper –XVIII: History of Modern India ( C.1947- 2000 AD)

Unit 1 Independent India
a. Visions of new India.
b. Integration of Princely states.
Post- Partition refugee problem
Unit 2 Beginnings of Planned Economy and Progress.
a. Land question and industrial policy.
b. Education; health; science; and technology, Women-Hindu Code Bill
Unit 3 Foreign Policy- non alignment , Pakistan and Kashmir Issue, Indo-China
Dispute, War of 1962.Indo-Pak War -1965, Indo-Pak war and liberation of
Bangla desh- 1971, Indo-Srilanks relations and tamil Issue.
Unit 4 Indian Parliamentary Democracy-Congress Governments and non Congress
Governments, Popular movements--for Statehood.
Unit 5 India and its Neighbors- Nepal- Bhutan- Bangladesh and Sri Lanka –(1972-
Recommended Readings:
1. M.J. Akbar, Riot after Riot: Reports on Caste and Communal Violence in India,
Penguin India, 1988.
2. Amrita Basu and Atul Kohli, Community Conflicts and the State in India, Oxford
University Press, 1988.
3. Jean Dreze, Meera Samson and Satyajit Singh, The Dam and the Nation, Oxford
University Press, 1998.
4. David Ludden, Making India Hindu: Religion, Community and the Politics of
Democracy in India, Oxford University Press, 1996.
5. P.V. Narsimha Rao, Ayodhya: 6 December, 1992.
6. Rob Jenkins, Democratic Politics and Economic Reform in India, Cambridge
University Press, 1999.
7. Stephen P. Cohen, India: Emerging Power, Oxford University Press, 2001.
8. Jairam Ramesh, Making Sense of Chindia: Reflections on India and China, India
Research Press, 2005.
9. Thomas Friedman, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Globalized World in the
21st Century, Allen Lane, London, 2005.
10. Ramchandra Guha, A Corner of a Foreign Field: The Indian History of a British
Sport, Picador, London, 2002.
11. Mukul Kesavan, Secular Common Sense, Penguin, 2001.

21 | P a g e
12. David C. Potter, India's Political Administrations: From ICS to IAS, Oxford
University Press, 1996.
13. Devesh Kapur and Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Public Institutions in India, Oxford
University Press, 2004.
14. Panigrahi, D.N., ed., Economy, Society and Politics in Modern India(Delhi, Vikas,
15. Ramchand Guha,India After Gandhi,Picador,india
16. Bipan Chandra and Others, Post Independence India (also in Hindi)
17. Pushpesh Pant and Sri Pal Jain,Antarrashtriya Sambandh.\
18. Edwards, Michael, Last Year of British Rule in India

M.A. HISTORY -Fourth Semester

Core/ Compulsory Courses-
Paper-XIX: Twentieth Century World (C.1946-2000AD)
Unit 1 Emergence of new world order
U.N.O. and World Peace; Nationalist Movements and Decolonization in-
Asia, Middle East and Africa; Communist Revolution in China.
Unit 2 Cold war and its impact
Ideological and Political basis of Cold War (1947-1991)- Emergence of Power
Blocks; Pacts and Treaties; The New Cold War; Disarmament.
Unit 3 Disintegration of socialist block and end of cold war
Socialism in decline-Disintegration of U.S.S.R.
Unit 4 International associations and concerns
Non-Aligned Movement; - SAARC ,OPEC ; Emerging new world economic
order,G-7,G-15,G-77;European Union; International concerns on terrorism
and environment.
Unit 5 India and its foreign policy
India and its neighbours - Indo-China and Indo-Pak relations; other

Recommended Readings:
1. Schleicher, P., Charles, International Relations Co-Operation.
2. Palmer and Perkins, International Relations
3. Schuman, International Politics.
4. Moon, P.T., Imperialism and World Politics since 1945.
5. Hughes, H.S., Contemporary Europe.
6 .Carr, E.H., International Relations since 1919.
7. Sen, A.K., International Relations since 1919.
8. Prakash Chander and Prem Arora, International Relations.
9. Hill, Christopher, Lenin and the Russian Revolution (Penguin.)
10. Hinsley, F.H. (ed.), Modern History: Material Progress and World
Wide Problems.
11. Joll, James, Europe Since 1870: An International History
12. Langer, W.L., European Alliances and Alignments. (Greenwood).
13. Palmer, R.A. and Cotton, Joel, A History of Modern World,(Mcgrew).
14. Parks, H.B.,The History of United States of America.
15. Taylor, A.J.P., The Origins of the Second World War.
16. Taylor, A.J.P., The Struggle for Mastery in Europe (OUP).
17. Thompson, David, Europe Since Napoleon (Penguin).
18. Jain and Mathur, Vishwa Ka Itihas 1500 to 1950 AD.
19. Khurana and Sharma, Vishwa Ka Itihas (L.N. Agarwal, Agra).
20. Parthsarthy, G., Vishwa Ka Itihas (Hindi Directorate, Delhi).
22 | P a g e
21. Chauhan, Devendra Singh., Europe Ka Itihas (1789to 1950A.D.).
22. Pushpesh Pant and Sripal Jain.,Anterrashtriya Sambandh
Web Sources:
Some World history resources.
2. www.historyworld.net/
5. International Relations Resource Centre http://www.isn.ethz.ch/
6. Foreign Affairs, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Affairs
7. Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi, http://www.ipcs.org/

Paper-XX: History of U.S.A. (C.1865-1989AD)

Unit 1 Civil war and its consequences:
a) Causes and significance of civil war
b) Administration of Abraham Lincoln and the diplomacy of the civil war.
Unit 2 Emergence of U.S,.A. as a world power;
a) Foreign policy of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson.
b) Entry of USA in world war I and formation of League of Nations
c) Great Depression and New Deal programme of F.D. Roosevelt.
Unit 3 a) USA entry into world war II
c) Administration of Harry Truman and beginning of the cold war.
Unit 4 a) Administration of D.D. Eisen Hower. Korean war.
d) Administration of John F. Kannedy and cold war.
Unit 5 a) Lyndon B. Johnson and the beginning of the Vietnam war and its
b) Richard M. Nixon and end of the Vietnam war.
c) Foreign policy of USA from 1976 to 1989.

Recommended Readings:
Harries, Owen (ed.), America’s Purpose: New Vision of U.S. Foreign Policy, S.G. Wasani,
New Delhi, 1991.
La Feber, Walter, America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945-1990, Mc-Graw Hill Inc., 1991.
Robinson, W.I., Promoting Polyarchy: Globalization, US Intervention and Hegemony,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996.
Brewster, C., Seeing American Foreign Policy Whole, S.G. Wasani, Delhi, 1989.
Brockhampton, Dictionary of World History, Brockhampton Press, London, 1994

Paper-XXI: Project work / Dissertation

a) Project Work – 60 marks
b) Sessionals- 20+20=40 marks(Viva, presentation)

GROUP-A (Ancient India)

Elective/Specialised papers
Paper-XXII: History of Ancient Southern India (C. 650-1200AD)
Unit 1 Interpreting the period
Historical Sources and Historiographical interpretations.
Unit 2 Dynasties of the deccan:
Rastrakutas, Chalukyas of Badami and Kalyani,and Yadavas.
Unit 3 Dynasties of south India:
Cholas, Pallavas and Pandyas

23 | P a g e
Unit 4 Polity & administartion:
Political structure-central, provincial and local administration.
Unit 5 Emergence of feudalism in southern India and struggle for supremacy

Recommended Readings:
1. Altekar A. S., Rashtrakutas and their times.
2. Majumdar, R. C. & Pusalkar, A. D., Imperial Kannauj
3. Shastri, K. A., Nilkantha, History of South India (also Hindi trans)
4. Srivastava, Balarama, Dakshin Bharat Ka Itihas (Hindi)
5. Tripathi, R. S., History of Kannauj
6. Yazdari G., History of Deccan (Hindi)
7. Sharma, R.S., Indian Feudalism (Hindi)
8. Subramaniam, T.N., South Indian Temple Inscriptions, Vol. I,II,III, 1953-54-55, Madras
9. Aiyenger, Ancient India.

Paper -XXIII: Society and Culture in Ancient India (Earliest time to 1200AD)
Unit 1 Sources for the study of Indian society, primary and secondary sources
structure of society-varna system, origin and growth of caste, ashram,
purusharthas, sanskaras, position of Shudras, slavery system.
Unit 2 Marriage and family life, position of women.
Unit 3 Education system in ancient India-Gurukul system and prominent center of
education teacher and taught relations, women education.
Unit 4 Religion - Vedic religion - Shrutis & Smritis, devamandal during Vedic
period, Upanishadic religious ideas.
Unit 5 Pauranic religion - rise and growth of Vaishanavism, Shaivism, Shaktism and
other minor sects, Jainism, Buddhism.

Recommended Readings:
1 Hiriyanna, M., Essentials of Indian Philosophy (Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1995).
2. Jha, D.N. and Shrimali K.M., Prachin Bharat Ka Ithihas (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1990).
3. Majumdar, R.C. et al., History and Culture of the Indian People, Vols 4. III, IV and V
(Mumbai, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Series, 1970, 1979, 1980).
5. Munshi, V.K.M. and R.R. Diwakar, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Series -Indian Inheritance, 3
vols (Bombay, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, 1965, 1970).
6. Nilkanta Sastri, K.A., A History of South India from pre-historic times to the fall of
Vijaynagar (Chennai, OUP, 1983).
7. Stein, Burton, Peasant State and Society in Medieval South India.(Delhi, OUP, 1980).
8. Thapar, Romila, A History of India, Vol. 1 (Pelican, 1966, Penguin, Harmondsworth).
9. ------------------, Ancient Indian Social History
10. Jain, K.C., Prachin Bharat ki samajik evam arthik sansthain
11. Om Prakash, Prachin Bharat ka samajik evam arthik itihas.
12. Srivastava, K.C., Pachin Bharat Ka Itihas Avam Sanskriti, United Book Depot,
Allahabad, 2009-10
13. A.L. Basham, Cultural History of India, 1975, Bombay
14. P.N. Prabhu, Hindu Social Organization, 1972, Bombay
15. A.L. Basham, Aspects of Ancient Indian Culture, 1966, Bombay
16. The Wonder That Was India, A.L. Basham, 1954, New York
17. U.N. Ghoshal, Studies in Indian History and Culture, 1975, Bombay

PAPER-XXIV: Economic life in Ancient India (Earliest time to 1200AD)

Unit 1 Sources-primary & secondary; early stages of economic development.

24 | P a g e
Unit 2 State and ancient Indian economy.
Unit 3 Economic progress in Maurya and Gupta period, land ownership, irrigation
Unit 4 Trade and trade routes: internal and external.
Unit 5 Credit and Banking System, business organization- guild system, development of
textiles, handicrafts.

Recommended Readings::
1. Adhya, G.l., Early Indian Economics (Kolkata, Asia Publishing House, 1960).
2. Allchin, B. and Allchin, F.R., Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan (Delhi, Select
Book Service Syndicate, 1983).
3. R.C. Majumdar.,Corporate Life in Ancient India,
4. Gopal, L, Economic History of Northern India.. 750-1200 (Varanasi, Motilal Banarsidass,
5. Gupta, P.L. and T.S. Hardekar, Indian Silver Punchmarked Coins (Nasik, Indian Institute
of Research in Numismatic Studies, 1985).
6. Gupta, P.L., Coins: India, the land and People (New Delhi, NBT, 1969).
7. Jha, D.N. and Shrimali K.M., Prachin Bharat Ka Ithihas (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1990).
8. Majumdar, R.C. et al., History and Culture of the Indian People, Vols III, IV and V
(Mumbai, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Series, 1970, 1979, 1980).
9. U.N. Ghosal ,Contribution to the History of Revenue system,.
10. Nilkanta Sastri, K.A., A History of South India from pre-historic times to the fall of
Vijaynagar (Chennai, OUP, 1983).
11. U.N. Ghosal. ,Agrarian System in Ancient India
12. Stein, Burton, Peasant State and Society in Medieval South India. (Delhi, OUP, 1980).
13. D.N. Jha. ,Studies in Early Indian Economic History,
14. R.S. Sharma.,Perspective in Social and Economic History of Early India,
15. D.N. Jha., Revenue System in post Maurya and Gupta times,
16. K.D. Bajpeyee., Bharatiya Vyapar ka Itihas (Hindi),
17. P. Niyogi., Economic History of Northern India,
18. Balram Srivastava.,Trade and Economics in Ancient India,
19. S.K. Das.,Economic History of Ancient India
20. Srivastava, K.C., Pachin Bharat Ka Itihas Avam Sanskriti, United Book Depot,
Allahabad, 2009-10
GROUP-B (Medieval India)
Elective/ Specialised Papers
Paper-XXII: History of Mughal India (C. AD. 1627 to 1757A.D.)
Unit 1 Historiography and Contemporary Sources:
a) Abdul Hamid Lahori- Padshahnama
b) Khwafi khan-Muntakhut-ui-lubab
c) Bernier- Trevals in the Mughal India
d) Manucci- Storia do mogur(Translated by W. Irvin)
Unit 2 Shahjahan Reign:
a) Deccan policy
b) Central Asian policy
c) War of succession
Unit 3 Aurangzeb Reign:
a) Deccan policy) Rajput policy
b) Religious policy
c) Character and estimate

25 | P a g e
Unit 4 The Marathas:
a) Rise of Shivaji
b) Shivajis’ administration
c) Shivajis’ estimate
Unit 5 Later Mughals Emperors, Administration and advent of Europeans’:
a) Court politics and Jagirdari crises during later Mughal period
b) Advent of European power- French and English.
Recommended Readings:
1.Gordon, Stewart, The Marathas. 1600-1818,The New Cambridge History of India (Delhi,
Foundation Books, 1994)
2.Tripathi, R.P., Rise and Fall of the Mughal Empire (Allahabad, Central Book Depot, 1963).
3. Kulkarni, A.R., Medieval Maharashtra (Delhi, Books & Books, 1996).
4. Rizvi, S.A.A., The Wonder that was India. Vol 2, London 1987, 11.4 (Delhi, Foundation
Books, 1993). Reprint Paperback, 1993.
5. Sastri, K.A.N., History of South India (Delhi, CUP, 1975).
6. Satish Chandra, Medieval India, From Sultanate to the Mughals (Delhi, Har Anand
Publications, 1997).
7. Stein, Burton, Peasant State and Society in Medieval South India (Delhi, CUP, 1980)
8. Verma, H.C., Madhya Kalin Bharat 1540-1701 Part II (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1983).
9. Nizami, K.A. A Comprehensive History of India, Vol. II
10. Elliot and Dowson, History of India as told by its Historians Vol. I, II, III
11. Sharma, L.P, Madhya Kalin Bharat
12. Mehta, J.L. Advanced Studies in Medieval India Vol. II
13. Pandey, A.B., Later Medieval India, ed. 2 (Allahabad, Central Book Depot, 1970).
14. Richards, John F., Mughal Empire, New Cambridge History of India. 1.5 (Delhi,
Cambridge, 1993).
16. Tripathi,R..P.,Rise and Fall of the Mughal Empire(Allahabad, Central Book Depot,
17. ---------------- Some Aspects of Muslim Administration.
18. Ali, Ahtar, The Nobility under Mugal Empire
19. Saran, P., Islamic Polity
20. W.H. Moreland From Akbar to Aurangzeb

Paper-XXIII: Society and Culture in Medieval India (C.1200 to 1757AD.)

Unit 1 Indian society during Sultnate and Mughal periods:
Social stratification, position of women, Customs and traditions.
Unit 2 Education and Literature:
Education during Sultnate and Mughal period, Literature during Sultnate and
Mughal period: Hindi, Urdu, Persian.
Unit 3 Bhakti Movement. Ramanand, Kabir, Nanak, Chaitanya, Ballabhacharya,
Tulsidas & Saints of Maharashtra.
Unit 4 Sufism- definition and growth sufi-silsilas, Chisti; Shuharwardi, Qadri and
Unit 5 Main features of Architecture under Sultanate and the Mughals. Mughals and
Rajput Painting, Cultural synthesis.
Recommended Readings:
1. Gordon, Stewart, The Marathas. 1600-1818,The New Cambridge History of India (Delhi,
Foundation Books, 1994)
2. Karashima, N., Towards A New Formation, South Indian Society under Vijaynagar Rule
(Delhi, CUP, 1992).
3. Rashid, A. Society and Culture in Medieval India.
4. Srivastav, A.L. Medieval Culture
26 | P a g e
5. Kulkarni, A.R., Medieval Maharashtra (Delhi, Books & Books, 1996).
6. Pandey, A.B., Early Medieval India, ed. 2 (Allahabad, Central Book Depot, 1970).
7. --------------- Later Medieval India (Allahabad, Central Book Depot, 1967).
8. Richards, John F., Mughal Empire, New Cambridge History of India. 1.5 (Delhi,
Cambridge, 1993).
9. Rizvi, S.A.A., The Wonder that was India. Vol 2, London 1987, 11.4 (Delhi, Foundation
Books,1993). Reprint Paperback, 1993.
10. Sastri, K.A.N., History of South India (Delhi, CUP, 1975).
11. Satish Chandra, Medieval India, From Sultanate to the Mughals (Delhi, Har Anand
Publications, 1997).
12. Stein, Burton, Peasant State and Society in Medieval South India (Delhi, CUP, 1980)
14. Verma, H.C., Madhya Kalin Bharat 750-1540 Part I (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1983).
15. ----------Madhya Kalin Bharat 1540-1701, Part I1 (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1993).
20 RadheyShyam, Madhya Kalin Samajic Avam Arthik Itihas
21. Das Ghanshyam, Madhya Kalin Bhartiy Samjik, Rajnitik Avam Arthik Sansthain
22. Levy, R. The Social Structure of Islam.
23. The Islam in Medieval India, Carpenter J.E.
24. Tarachand. , Influence of Islam on Indian Culture,
25. Yusuf Husain., Glimpses of Medieval India Culture,
26. P. Brown, The History and Culture of Indian People, Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Bombay
(Vol-V & VI)
27. K.A. Nizami., Religion and Politics in India during Thirteen Century,

Paper-XXIV: Economy in Medieval India (C.1200 to 1757AD.)

Unit 1 Revenue Administration and Taxation:
a) Allauddin Khiljis’ revenue and economic reforms and market control
b) Sher shah Suri land revenue and currency reforms
c) Akbar’s land and revenue reforms
d) Life and condition of farmers and artisans.
Unit 2 Trade and Commerce and Monitory system:
a) Inland and Meritime trade
b) Structure and volume of trade
c) Role of Arab and European traders
d) Indian marchents and their commercial practices
e) Medium of exchange, currency and coinage, Banking
Unit 3 Industries and Production Technology:
a) Textiles
b) Mughal Karkhan
c) Metal technology
Recommended Readings:
1. Gordon, Stewart, The Marathas. 1600-1818,The New Cambridge History of India (Delhi,
Foundation Books, 1994)
2. Karashima, N., Towards A New Formation, South Indian Society under Vijaynagar Rule
(Delhi, CUP, 1992).
3. Rashid, A. Society and Culture in Medieval India.
4. Srivastav, A.L. Medieval Culture
5. Kulkarni, A.R., Medieval Maharashtra (Delhi, Books & Books, 1996).
6. Pandey, A.B., Early Medieval India, ed. 2 (Allahabad, Central Book Depot, 1970).
7. --------------- Later Medieval India (Allahabad, Central Book Depot, 1967).
8. Richards, John F., Mughal Empire, New Cambridge History of India. 1.5 (Delhi,
Cambridge, 1993).

27 | P a g e
9. Rizvi, S.A.A., The Wonder that was India. Vol 2, London 1987, 11.4 (Delhi, Foundation
Books,1993). Reprint Paperback, 1993.
10. Sastri, K.A.N., History of South India (Delhi, CUP, 1975).
11. Satish Chandra, Medieval India, From Sultanate to the Mughals (Delhi, Har Anand
Publications, 1997).
12. Stein, Burton, Peasant State and Society in Medieval South India (Delhi, CUP, 1980)
14. Verma, H.C., Madhya Kalin Bharat 750-1540 Part I (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1983).
15. ----------Madhya Kalin Bharat 1540-1701, Part II (Delhi, Hindi Directorate, 1993).
16. Habib, Irfan, Agrarian System of Mughal India
17.--------------- The Economic History of Medieval India : A survey
18. Moreland, W.H. Agrarian System of Moslem India
19. Moosvi,Shireen, The Economy of Mughal Empire : A Statistical Study
20 RadheyShyam, Madhya Kalin Samajic Avam Arthik Itihas
21. Das Ghanshyam, Madhya Kalin Bhartiy Samjik, Rajnitik Avam Arthik Sansthain

GROUP-C: (Modernl India)
Elective/ Specialised Papers

Paper-XXII: History of Ideas in Modern India

Unit 1 Colonialism & emergence of new political ideas-utilitarianism, liberalism,
nationalism, democracy, socialism, communalism, secularism.
Unit 2 Ideas of dissent & protest: constitutional opposition: Dada Bhai Nauroji; G.K.
Gokhale; B.G. Tilak.
Unit 3 a) Anti caste movements in south and north India.
b) Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Ambedkar
Unit 4 Gandhian social philosophy, its source, ideas on religion, civilization, social
reform & education, emphasis on villages, women’s rights, harijan uplift, struggle
against casticism etc.
Unit 5 a) Sarvodaya & Bhoodan; integral humanism & radical humanism.
b)Left Centric Ideas-Naxalism and Maoism
Recommended Readings:
1. Eric Stokes ;The English Utilitarian and India,.
2. G.D. Bearce;British attitudes towards India,
3. M.K. Gandhi; Hind Swaraj,
------ (ed)’Essays on Gandhian politics,
4. R C Guha;India after Gandhi
5. Norman Lowe; Mastering world history
6. Gadgil and Guha;This Fissured land
7. Mclaughlin Elizabeth T.; Ruskin and Gandhi, , London, Buckell. Univ. Press 1979.
8. Bhattacharya G.P.; M.N. Roy and Radical Humanism, Bombay, A .J.B.H. Wadia
Publication 1961.
9. Parekh, Bhikku; Colonialism, Tradition and Reforms : An Analysis of Gandhi's Political
Discourses, New Delhi, Sage publications 1989.
10. Sudipta Karaj and Sunil Khilnami, (ed) Civil Society: History and Possibilities, New
Delhi, Foundation Books 2000.
11. Chatterjee, Partha,; Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World : A Derivative
Discourse, Delhi,1986, .
12. Pannikar K.N., Culture, Ideology and Hegemony: Intellectual and Social Consciousness
in Colonial India, New Delhi, 1995.

Paper-XXIII: Society and Culture in Modern India (C.1757-1964AD)

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Unit 1 British understanding of Indian society, Christian Missionaries.
Unit 2 a) Indian response' Brahma Samaj, Arya Samaj, Prathana Samaj etc.
b)Theosophical Society & Mrs. Annie Besant,
c) Education-indigenous and modern.
Unit 3 Social reforms policy of East India Company & afterwards; social movement,
Unit 4 Dalit movement and B.R. Ambedkar
Unit 5 a)Rise and growth of the middle Classes.
b)NationalCultural policies: national academy and schools- Art, Drama, Dance,
Music and Film
Recommended Readings:
1.Ali, Yusuf, Modern Indian Culture.
2.Chopra, Puri and Das, M.N.,A Social, Cultural and Economic history of India Vol.- II &III.
3. Das, M. N., Economic and Social Development of Modern India.
4. Dutta, K. K., A Survey of Socio-Economic History
5. Forquher, Modern Religious Movement in India
6. Frickenberg,Land Control and Social Structure in Indian History.
7. Gadgil, Industrial Revolution of India.
8. Griffith, The impact of British rule in India
9. Malley, O., Modern India and the West
10 Stokes, Erie, English Utilitarians and India
11. Hiemsath, Charles, Hindu Nationalism and the Indian Social Reform Movement
(Princeton, 1964).
12. IGNOU Course Material, EH 1.1 and EH 1.5 (English & Hindi) (1858-1964) (1757-
13. Kulke, H., and D. Rothermund, History of India (Australia, Crook Helms, 1986, D.
14. Mazumdar, Datta and Ray Chowdhury (eds), Advanced History of India (London,
15. Panigrahi, D.N.,ed., Economy, Society and Politics in Modern India (Delhi, Vikas, 1985).
16. Rao, M.S.A., Social Movements in India, Vol. land Vol. II (Delhi, Manohar, 1978).
17. Panigrahi, D.N.,ed., Economy, Society and Politics in Modern India (Delhi, Vikas, 1985).
18. Rai, Satya. Bharat Mein Upniveshvad Economic History of India Vol.II\
19. B.B. Mishra , The Indian Middle Class,.
20. Charles Heimsath, Indian Nationalism and Hindu reform,
21. W.T. Burry, (ed), Sources of Indian Traditions,
22. K. Ballahatchat , Social Policy and Social Change in Western India,.
23. Guha, R.C. India After Gandhi,2006

Paper-XXV: Economy in Modern India (C.1757-1964AD)

Unit 1 a)Indian Economy in the middle of 18th Century. The English East India Company
and its rule in Bengal, South India and the Saran tic Debts.
b)The Drain of wealth and its mechanism, magnitude and effects;
c) Decay of Indian manufacturing.
Unit 2 a) The Permanent Settlement-objectives, operation. Its effects on Zamindars and
peasants, official critiques, The Ryotwari Settlement of Madras Presidency,
Ryotwari and the Mahalwari systems, consequence.
Unit 3 Trade & Commerce changing nature of external trade. Internal trade, Drain of wealth
during the first half of the 19th century.
Unit 4 The Railways Imperialism of free trade, economic and political impulse behind
Railway construction, economic consequence of railways.

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Unit 5 Rise of modern Indian Industries, rise of cotton textiles industries and impediment
to its growth, jute, coal, iron and steel. History of Banking 1757-1947, growth of
currency policy and the emergence of Reserve Bank of India.
Recommended Readings:
1. Baden Powell, Land systems in British India,
2.Chopra, Puri and Das, A Social, Cultural and Economic history of India Vol.- II & III.
3. Das, M. N., Economic and Social Development of Modern India.
4. Dutta, K. K., A Survey of Socio-Economic History
5. Forquher, Modern Religious Movement in India
6. Frickenberg,Land Control and Social Structure in Indian History.
7. Gadgil, Industrial Revolution of India.
8. Griffith, The impact of British rule in India
9. Malley, O., Modern India and the West
10.Stokes, Erie, English Utilitarians and India
11.Dharma Kumar, (ed) The Cambridge Economic History of India, Vol-II, 1984,
12. IGNOU Course Material, EH 1.1 & EH 1.5 (English & Hindi) (1858-1964) (1757-1857).
13. Kulke, H., and D. Rothermund, History of India (Australia, Crook Helms, 1986, D.
14. Mazumdar, Datta and Ray Chowdhury (eds), Advanced History of India (London,
15. Panigrahi, D.N.,ed., Economy, Society and Politics in Modern India (Delhi, Vikas, 1985).
16. Dutt,R.C.,The Economic History of India, 1908
17. Panigrahi, D.N.,ed., Economy, Society and Politics in Modern India (Delhi, Vikas, 1985).
18. Rai, Satya. Bharat Mein Upniveshvad Economic History of India Vol.II

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