Zoya Shafiq
Zoya Shafiq
Zoya Shafiq
SUBMITTED TO: Dr. Muhammad Naeem Javed
COURSE: Development Communication
Development Communication
Loads of conceptions, uses and functions are associated with the term “Development.” It all
depends on the different theoretical foundations. Development in communication can be defined
as a process which is used by a society to achieve socio-economic, cultural, political and other
The concept of development is as old as the human history itself. Industrial revolution of the 18th
century, World War I (1914-1918) and World War II (1939-1945) gave new meaning to this
concept. While focusing on increase in income and industrial and agricultural productions a new
concept of “development as a total change” rises. This change of positive nature included change
in traditional social culture setup attitudes and behaviors.
Development Communication is a natural human activity which carries information about things,
ideas, places, policies and persons. It is a process through which a human being understands
others and in return is understood by others. When defining its relevancy with mass
communication, the word communication belongs to the Latin and Greek Words “Communis”
and “Communicane.” These words stand for making something common between two or more
According to Carl Hovland Communication is the process by which an individual who can also
be called the communicator transmits stimuli done usually by verbal symbols to modify the
behavior of other individuals who can also be called communicatees.
The issue of development in the Western Countries was raised after the destruction which took
place in the second World War. The third world countries ridden with poverty and lacking in
technology, science and investment facilities argued that if the western countries want to be
developed, it is crucial for the third world countries to be given facilities to grow and develop in
order to avoid the economic crisis.
So we can conclude that the concept of development communication was given rise within the
framework of the contribution that communication and the media originated in response to the
desire of development in the countries of the Third World.
In the development context, a suggested positive value is attached to what one communicates
about, which in turn will motivate the people for social change. But originally the term
Development Communication was used by the Western writers like Daniel Lerner, Lucian Pye
and Wilbur Schramm. Nora C. Quebral says, that “Development communication is an art and
science of human communication apply to the speedy transformation of a country and mass of its
people from poverty to a dynamic state and the larger fulfillment of the human potential.”
It sums up the latest efforts undertaken to bring about a positive change in a constricted
It aims at perusing the audience to achieve a defined and specific goal of change and
It evolved as a more specific and participatory communication effort to educate the
people of rural settings.
It does not require technology based communication media.
Its backbone concept is to motivate the intended audience towards change using all
available means of communication.
It works within a specific community to create awareness about innovations.
It interacts with audience closely.
DSC can be used to enhance the basic life sustaining goods such as shelter, food, health
and protection availability and distribution.
Raise incomes, better education, more job opportunities, higher awareness level of human
and cultural values and overall increase the living conditions of people. All of this will
not only work for the betterment of material well-being but also enhance self-esteem on
national and individual level.
DSC can widen the range of social and economic choices available to individuals and
nations by freeing them from dependence and servitude not only in relation to other
people and nation-states but also to the forces of human misery and ignorance.