Presentation (Summary)

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Presentation structure Transitions

Presentations need to be very straightforward and logical. It is important that you avoid complex Transitions are the signposts that help the audience navigate their way through your presentation. They
structures and focus on the need to explain and discuss your work clearly. An ideal structure for a can help divide information up into sub-sections, link different aspects of your talk and show
presentation includes: progression through your topic. Importantly, transitions draw the audience’s attention to the process of
 a welcoming and informative introduction; the presentation as well as its content. Examples include:
 a coherent series of main points presented in a logical sequence;  “I will begin by discussing …”;
 a lucid and purposeful conclusion.  “Now that we have explored the ... I would like to move on to …”;
These elements are discussed below.  “In contrast to my earlier statements concerning …”;

The introduction  “Moving away from a focus on .…”;

Transitions can also be made without speaking. Non-verbal transitions include pausing, changing a
The introduction is the point at which the presenter explains the content and purpose of the
slide or other visual aid, moving to a different area of the room before resuming speaking, or making
presentation. This is a vitally important part of your talk as you will need to gain the audience’s
eye contact with a different group in the audience.
interest and confidence. Key elements of an effective introduction include:
 a positive start: “Good afternoon, my name is Adam and …”; The Conclusion
 a statement of what will be discussed: “I am going to explore …”; The conclusion is an essential though frequently underdeveloped section of a presentation. This is the
 a statement of the treatment to be applied to the topic (e.g. to compare, contrast, evaluate, stage at which you can summarise the content and purpose of your talk, offer an overview of what has
describe): “I will be comparing the four main principles of …”; been achieved and make a lasting impact. Important elements of a conclusion are:
 a statement of the outcomes of the presentation:  “I hope this will provide us with …”;  a review of the topic and purpose of your presentation: “In this presentation I wanted to

 a statement of what the audience will need to do (e.g. when they can ask questions or explore …”;

whether or not they will need to take notes): “I will pass round a handout that summarises my  a statement of the conclusions or recommendations to be drawn from your work: “I hope to
presentation before taking questions at the end.” have been able to show that the effect of ....”;
You should aim to deliver your introduction confidently (wait until the audience is quiet before you  an indication of the next stages (what might be done to take this work further?): “This does
start speaking) and communicate energy and enthusiasm for your topic. of course highlight the need for further research in the area of …”;
 an instruction as to what happens next (questions, discussion or group work?): “I would
now like to give you the opportunity to ask questions …”;
Main points
 a thank you to the audience for their attention and participation: “That’s all I have time for.
The main points are the backbone of your talk. They play an important role in helping you prioritise,
Thank you very much for listening.”
focus and sequence your information. When planning your presentation you should put aside your
As with your introduction, you should try to address the audience directly during your conclusion,
research notes and produce a list or summary of the main points that you would like to make,
consolidating the impression of a confident and useful presentation.
expressing each in a few words or a short sentence. Ask yourself: “what am I really telling them? what
should they be learning here?”. Your answers to these questions will help you communicate clear and Summary
effective messages to your audience. A presentation needs a carefully defined structure to make the most impact. This should centre on a
After you have identified your main points, you should embellish them with supporting information. series of identifiable main points that are supported by appropriate detail. Use transitions to link and
For example, add clarity to your argument through the use of diagrams, illustrate a link between theory move between points, helping your audience to understand the development or your argument. An
and practice, or substantiate your claims with appropriate data. Use the supporting information to add introduction and conclusion are essential elements of your presentation. They enable you to establish a
colour and interest to your talk, but avoid detracting from the clarity of your main points by clear purpose for your talk at the start and summarise your main points before you finish speaking.
overburdening them with too much detail.

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