Enabling and Enrichment Competencies For Science Melcs (Most Essential Learning Competencies)

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SCIENCE MELCs (Most Essential Learning Competencies)

GRADE 3 Quarter 1 - Matter

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
1.1. Observe and classify solid materials based on its
observable characteristics
1.2. Observe and classify liquid materials based on its
ease of flow, and adaptability to flow to the shape of
the container
1.3. Describe and group different liquids based on their
1.7. Discuss the precautionary measures in handling
1 20 taste and smell
materials (solid, liquid, and gas)
1.4. Observe the characteristics of gases using concrete
model (marble in a transparent container, inflated and
deflated balloon, hot water in a container cap)
1.5. Describe how gases occupy space
1.6. Role play the movement of particles of solids, liquids,
and gases
2.1. Observe and describe how you feel if the material is
hot (warm) or cold
2.8. Recognize the importance of the proper handling of
2.2. Infer why the material is hot or cold
2.3. Measure the temperature of the hot and cold
2.4. Describe what happens to a material when it
changes from solid to liquid or when the temperature
is increased or decreased 2.9. Familiarize with the different types of thermometer
2 20 2.5. Describe through observation what happens when a and its use
liquid changes into solid in an increase or a decrease
of temperature
2.6. Describe through observation what happens when a
liquid changes into gas in an increase or a decrease
of temperature 2.10. Practice the use of the body thermometer and
2.7. Describe through observation what happens when a laboratory thermometer
solid changes into gas in a decrease or an increase
of temperature

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GRADE 3 Quarter 2 – Living Things
Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
3.1. Identify and describe the different sense organs of
the human body
3 5 3.2. Identify the parts and describe the functions of the
different sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue,
and skin)
4.1. Identify and describe animals in the surroundings
4 5
based on their body covering, body parts, and habitat
5.1. Describe and identify the body parts and functions of
5 5
Common animals
6.1. Observe how animals use their body parts
6.2. Group the animals based on how they use their body
6 5
parts, according to the food they eat, and according
to the place where they live
7 5 7.1. Identify ways of handling and taking care of animals
8.1. Identify different plants found in the community
8 5 8.2. Describe and identify the parts and functions of
9 5 9.1. Identify the uses of plants
10.1. Give examples of living and nonliving things
10.2. Classify given examples into living or nonliving
10 5 things
10.3. Cite similarities and differences between living and
Nonliving things
11.1. Observe and identify the different characteristics of
living things
11 5
11.2. Identify physical traits of living things that are passed
on to offspring
12.1. Observe and describe the needs of living things to
12 5
13.1. Cite situations where humans need environment,
animals, and plants; animals need environment,
13 5 humans, and plants; plants need environment,
animals, and humans
13.2. Describe how each one depends on each other

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14.1. Enumerate ways of protecting the environment
14 5 14.2. Describe ways on the community practices in the
protection of the environment

GRADE 3 Quarter 3 – Force and Motion

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
15.1. Describe the position of an object (a) relative to
15 20
another object, (b) after it has moved
16.1. Identify and classify the sources of light, sound,
heat, and electricity
16.2. Discuss the different uses of light, sound, heat, and 16.4. Identify one’s contribution in the conservation of
16 20
electricity these sources
16.3. Identify the proper ways of using light, heat, sound,
and electricity

GRADE 3 Quarter 4 – Earth and Space

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
17.1. Identify the importance of surroundings to people
and other living things
17.2. Specify the benefits of people and other living things
17 10
derived from the surroundings
17.3. List down some harmful effects of the identified
things in the surroundings
18.1. Describe the formation of weather
18.2. Identify the types of weather, condition of the sun
and the sky, appearance of clouds, temperature and
wind blows
18.3. Describe the appearance of the clouds
18 10
18.4. Describe the characteristics of each clouds
18.5. Draw and describe the basic types of clouds
18.6. Show a four-day observation of the locality with its
condition of the sun’s heat and sky, temperature,
and wind blows
19.1. Identify the different activities during the occurrences
19 10
of varied types of weather condition

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19.2. Explain the safety precautionary measures in times
of typhoon, during sunny day, rainy day, and windy
19.3. Identify the government agency responsible in giving
weather forecast
20.1. Observe and identify objects found in the sky during
daytime and nighttime 20.3. Write a short story of a daily activity and how it is
20 10
20.2. Describe the appearance of objects in the sky in affected by the sun or moon
terms of size, brightness, distance and position

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GRADE 4 Quarter 1 – Matter
Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
1.1. Name and describe the materials which have the
ability to absorb water
1.2. Identify the characteristics of materials that have the
ability to absorb water
1.3. Classify materials based on the ability to absorb
1.4. Name and describe the materials that float in water
1.5. Identify the characteristics of materials that float in
1 10
1.6. Classify materials based on the ability to float in
1.7. Name and describe the materials that sink in water
1.8. Identify the characteristics of materials that sink in
1.9. Classify the materials based on the ability to sink in
2.1. Name the materials that can be easily bent, pressed,
hammered, or cut
2 10
2.2. Describe the characteristics of materials that can be
easily bent, pressed, hammered, or cut
3.1. Identify changes in the materials when exposed to
3 10
temperature or when mixed with other materials
4.1. Name the materials that remain useful or become
4 10 harmful to environment after exposure to
temperature and mixed with another substances

GRADE 4 Quarter 2 – Living Things and their Environment

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
5.1. Describe the function of the muscles
5.2. Discuss ways on how to keep our muscles healthy
5 5
5.3. Describe the function of the bones
5.4. Discuss ways on to keep our bones healthy

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5.5. Describe the function of the kidneys
5.6. Discuss ways on how to keep our kidneys healthy
5.7. Describe the function of the intestine
5.8. Discuss ways on how to keep our intestine healthy
5.9. Describe the function of the stomach
5.10. Discuss ways on how to keep our stomach healthy
5.11. Describe the function of the liver
5 5
5.12. Discuss ways on how to keep our liver healthy
5.13. Describe the function of the lugs
5.14. Discuss ways on how to keep our lungs healthy
5.15. Describe the function of the heart
5.16. Discuss ways on how to keep our heart healthy
5.17. Describe the function of the brain
5.18. Discuss ways on how to keep our brain healthy
6.1. Describe how the body moves in coordination with
the bones and muscles
6.2. Discuss the common sports and game injuries and
their treatment
6.3. Connect the relation of the small and large intestines
to the entire digestive system
6.4. Trace the process through which urine is produced
6.5. Demonstrate the ability to monitor heart rate before,
6 5
during, and after given activities
6.6. Explain how the lungs and heart work together to
make the body function properly
6.7. Explain how humans can respond to stimuli
6.8. Identify ways to protect the internal organs of the
6.9. Explain the importance of practicing proper health
7.1. Infer that animals have different body structures that
make them adapt to water
7.2. Infer that animals have different body structures that 7.8. Construct a model of an animal with protective
7 5
make them adapt to land structures
7.3. Infer that animals have different body structures in
getting or eating their food

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7.4. Infer that the color of animals protects themselves
from their enemies
7.5. Infer that animals have different body parts that help
7.9. Make a survey of animals found in the community
7 5 them protect themselves from their enemies
and their specific habitat
7.6. Compare the body movements of animals in their
7.7. Identify the animals adapted to a particular habitat
8.1. Identify the characteristics of terrestrial plants
8 5 8.2. Identify the characteristics of aquatic plants
8.3. Identify plants that can grow in water, soil, and air
9.1. Identify some animals that undergo complete
metamorphosis in their life cycle
9.2. Recognize the different stages of the life cycle of
animals undergoing complete metamorphosis
9.3. Identify some animals that undergo incomplete
metamorphosis in their life cycle
9.4. Recognize the different stages of the life cycle of
9 5 animals undergoing incomplete metamorphosis
9.5. Identify the stages of development of an egg to
becoming a chick
9.6. Identify and compare the different stages of the life
cycle of selected egg-laying animals
9.7. Distinguish the stages of the human life cycle
9.8. Categorize the stages of growth and development
that humans go through
10.1. Describe the effect of the environment on some
animals that undergo complete metamorphosis
10.2. Describe the effect of the environment on some
animals that undergo incomplete metamorphosis
10 5
10.3. Describe the effect of the environment on some
egg-laying animals
10.4. Describe the effect of the environment on the
growth and development of humans
11.1. Describe the effects of beneficial interactions
among organisms in the environment
11 5
11.2. Describe the effects of harmful interactions among
organisms in the environment

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12.1. Describe the interaction between the bees and the
flowers of a tree
12.2. Describe the interaction between the ferns and a
branch of a tree
12.3. Describe the interaction between the frogs and the
12 5
insects in the pond
12.4. Describe the interaction between a man and a
12.5. Describe the interaction among plants occupying
the same space

GRADE 4 Quarter 3 – Force and Motion

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
13.1. Explain the effect of force on the shape of an object
13.2. Describe the effect of force on the size of an object
13.3. Describe the effect of the amount of force on the
13 10 movement of an object
13.4. Perform various activities to show that force affects
the motion of an object
13.5. Practice safety measures in doing physical activities
14 10 14.1. Describe the force exerted by magnets
15.1. Identify materials that serve as medium for light,
heat and sound in order to travel
15 10 15.2. Describe how heat is transferred in solid materials
15.3. Describe how heat is transferred in liquid materials
15.4. Describe how heat is transferred through air
16.1. Describe how light is reflected
16.2. Identify the medium to show that light is reflected 16.12. Perform various activities to show that light is
16.3. Describe how light is refracted reflected or refracted
16.4. Identify the medium that shows light is refracted
16.5. Investigate properties and characteristics of sound
16 10
16.6. Infer that sound could be soft or loud
16.7. Infer that sound is reflected in the form of echo 16.13. Perform various activities to show that sound
16.8. Infer the relationship between the volume of sound travels in different media
heard to the distance of the observer from the
source of sound

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16.9. Describe common ailments when exposed to
excessive light and sound
16.10. Identify measures to protect oneself from excessive
16 10
16.11. Identify measures to protect oneself from loud

GRADE 4 Quarter 4 – Earth and Space

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
17.1. Describe the characteristics of soil
17.2. Identify the different types of soil based on their
physical characteristics
17 5
17.3. Investigate the effects of the types of soil on the
growth of mongo seeds
17.4. Identify factors that affect the growth of plants
18.1. Identify sources of water suitable for human
18.2. Describe good practices in preserving sources of
18 5
18.3. Perform different activities to show water
19.1. Describe the process of water cycle
19.2. Role play or make collage on the process involved in
water cycle
19 5
19.3. Describe the importance of water cycle
19.4. Describe the role of the sun in water cycle
19.5. Define weather and weather instruments
20.1. Identify and use different tools to measure weather
conditions such as anemometer and wind vane
20.2. Identify local materials that can be used as a
20 5 weather instrument
20.3. Identify and describe the different types of weather
20.4. Analyze and interpret recorded weather data
21.1. Role play showing measures to do in times of
21 5
weather disturbances

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21.2. Name the different institutions that can help people
in times of calamity
22.1. Explain why the position and length of the shadows
22 5
23.1. Perform various activities to show the effect of the
23 10
sun to human activities

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GRADE 5 Quarter 1 – Matter
Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
1.1. Describe the properties of solid materials in terms of
hardness, brittleness, malleability, and ductility
1.2. Describe the properties of solid materials in terms of
porosity, elasticity, and flexibility
1.3. Describe the properties of solid materials in terms of
volume, mass, and density 1.7. Propose ways on how these household materials
1 10
1.4. Describe the properties of liquids in terms of volume, should be properly used
mass, density, and viscosity
1.5. Relate the density of solid and liquid materials to
1.6. Use the properties of materials to determine whether
household materials are useful or harmful
2.1. Differentiate a physical change from a chemical
2.2. Predict the changes that might happen to a material
that undergoes physical and/or chemical change 2.6. Explain the importance of the presence or absence
2.3. Conduct an experiment to test materials subjected to of oxygen to living things
the presence or absence of oxygen
2.4. List the changes observed on materials subjected to
the presence or absence of oxygen
2.5. Infer the importance of oxygen in physical and 2.7.1. Discuss the role of temperature during the
2 15
chemical changes process of evaporation
2.7. Discuss the role of temperature on the different 2.7.2. Discuss the role of temperature during the
process of phase changes process of condensation
2.9. Discuss the role of temperature during the process of 2.7.3. Discuss the role of temperature during the
combustion process of sublimation
2.10. Describe the appearance of materials when heat is 2.7.4. Discuss the role of temperature during the
applied process of melting / liquefaction
2.11. Infer the importance of heat during physical and 2.8. Simulate the process of evaporation,
chemical changes condensation, sublimation, and melting
3.1. Identify the most common waste products produced 3.4.1. Propose a project title for the product to be
in the community designed
3 15
3.2. Propose ways on how these waste products could be 3.4.2. Make a design of the proposed project
of use 3.4.3. Enumerate the procedures of the project

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3.4.4. State the importance of the project proposed
3.3. Justify why waste products in the community should 3.4.5. Make the data analysis of the project proposed
be segregated into biodegradable and non- 3.4.6. Enumerate the weaknesses of the project
biodegradable 3.4.7. Prepare for the presentation of the project

GRADE 5 Quarter 2 – Living Things and their Environment

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
4.1. Identify the different parts of the male reproductive
4.2. Describe the parts of the male reproductive organs
4.3. State the functions of each part of the male
reproductive organs 4.7. Make a checklist of the practice on hygiene and
4 5
4.4. Identify the different parts of the female reproductive proper care of the reproductive organs
4.5. Describe the parts of the female reproductive organs
4.6. State the functions of each part of the female
reproductive organs
5.1. Define menstrual cycle 5.4. Identify the different ailments related to
5.2. Identify the phases of menstrual cycle menstruation
5 5
5.3. Discuss what happens during each phase of the
5.5. Discuss proper hygiene during menstrual cycle
menstrual cycle
6.1. Identify and describe the parts of the reproductive
system of some animals
6.2. Describe the mode of reproduction in butterflies and 6.5. Discuss preventive measures in the increase in
6 5
mosquitoes population of mosquitoes
6.3. Describe the mode of reproduction in frogs
6.4. Describe the mode of reproduction in cats and dogs
7.1. Identify the reproductive parts in a flowering plant
7.2. Describe the functions of the reproductive parts of a
flowering plant
7.5. Illustrate the reproductive parts of flowering and
7 5 7.3. Identify the reproductive parts of a spore-bearing
non-flowering plants
7.4. Identify the reproductive parts of a cone-bearing
8.1. Describe the different modes of reproduction of 8.5. Show the different modes of reproduction of
8 10
flowering plants flowering and non-flowering plants

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8.2. Describe the different modes of reproduction of non-
flowering plants
8.3. Describe the different models of reproduction of
mongo and other flowering plants
8.4. Describe the different modes of reproduction of moss
and ferns
9.1. Differentiate estuaries with intertidal zones
9.2. Identify the different types of estuaries
9.6. Make an essay / slogan / bookmark expressing
9.3. Describe the different regions of intertidal zones
9 5 one's advocacy in protecting estuaries and intertidal
9.4. Identify the living and nonliving things in estuaries
9.5. Discuss the interaction among living and non-living
things in estuaries
10.3. Explain why we need to protect and conserve
10.1. Cite the importance of estuaries and intertidal zones
10 5
10.2. List ways on how to protect and conserve estuaries 10.4. Explain why we need to protect and conserve
and intertidal zones intertidal zones

GRADE 5 Quarter 3 – Force, Motion, and Energy

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
11.1. Define motion
11.2. List different examples of motion
11.3. Describe the motion of an object in terms of distance
and time 11.6. Construct a diorama depicting distance travelled
11 5
11.4. Define speed operationally over time
11.5. Solve for the speed of an object by tracing and
measuring its distance travelled over a period of
12.1. Discuss the movement of an atom in an electrically-
charged object
12.2. Explain why some materials are good conductors of 12.6. Enumerate precautionary measures in using
heat and electricity electrical equipment
12 5 12.3. Explain why some materials are poor conductors of
heat and electricity
12.4. Describe how heat transfers from one medium to 12.7. Share personal experiences that such materials
another through conduction and convection that are good conductors of heat and electricity
12.5. Enumerate precautionary measures in using brought you harm or the extent of putting your life

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electrical equipment at risk
13.1. Describe the waves of light
13.2. Describe the behavior of light as it travels through a
13.4. Simulate the blocking, absorbing, or transmitting of
13 5 medium
light using different kinds of materials
13.3. Relate the ability of materials to block, absorb, or
transmit light to its use
14.1. Describe the different parts of a circuit
14.2. Infer how a series circuit works
14.3. Infer how a parallel circuit works 14.6. Create a prototype house / room where series and
14 5
14.4. Construct an electric ciruit model parallel circuits are being applied
14.5. Infer the conditions necessary to make the bulb light
up using the constructed circuit
15.1. Determine the effects of changing the number of
loads in a circuit
15.2. Determine the effects of changing the number of
15.5. List the advantages and disadvantages of
loads in a circuit
15 10 changing the number of loads in a circuit as well as
15.3. Determine the effects of changing the size of path in
changing the number of parts of a circuit at home
a circuit
15.4. Determine the effects of changing the number of
paths of a circuit
16.1. Construct a simple electromagnet
16.2. Infer that the number of coils around the core
determine the strength of an electromagnet
16.5. Infer that the size of the core affects the strength of
16 10 16.3. Infer that the number of coils around the core
an electromagnet
determine the strength of an electromagnet
16.4. Infer that the size of the core affects the strength of
an electromagnet

GRADE 5 Quarter 4 – Earth and Space

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
17.1. Discuss the rock cycle
17.2. Identify the physical properties of rocks
17.3. Classify rocks according to their physical properties 17.8. Collect pictures showing how rocks weather
17 5
17.4. Differentiate mechanical weathering from chemical physically or chemically
17.5. Describe how rocks weather physically or chemically

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17.6. Describe rock rocks turn into soil
17.7. Infer that the continuous weathering results to the
formation of soil
18.1. Define soil erosion
18.2. Identify the different forces / agents that contribute to
18.6. Simulate how soil erosion occurs
soil erosion
18.3. Infer why soil erosion takes place
18 5
18.4. Describe the effects of soil erosion on living things
18.7. Share a story or incident of soil erosion that
and the environment
brought terrifying effect to the environment and
18.5. Investigate the extent of soil erosion in the
people as well
19.1. Share a story or incident of soil erosion that brought
terrifying effect to the environment and people as
19.2. Describe the changes in weather before and after a
19.6. Construct a disaster preparedness plan for your
19 10 19.3. Describe the different types of tropical cyclones
family and the community
according to speed
19.4. Recall the safety measures before, during, and after
a typhoon
19.5. Describe the effects of wind on the different public
storm signal numbers
20.1. Describe the movement of the moon around Earth
20.2. Demonstrate the movement of the moon as it travels
around Earth using a model
20.6. Share common beliefs and practices in your
20.3. Identify the phases of the moon
20 10 community or home town associated with the
20.4. Explain the apparent changes in the shape of the
movement of the moon
20.5. Infer the effect of the movement of the moon to the
life of people on Earth
21.1. Infer the origin of the star
21.2. Identify the different characteristics of a star 21.4. Simulate / Construct the different star patterns
21 10
21.3. Identify the different star patterns at a particular time using materials provided by the teacher
of the year

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GRADE 6 Quarter 1 – Matter
Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
1.1. Describe the appearance of mixtures formed from 1.10. Perform experiments to show the different factors
the combination of (a) solid and solid, (b) solid and affecting solubility (nature of solvent, size of
liquid, and (c) solid and gas solute, and manner of stirring)
1.2. Describe the appearance of mixtures formed from 1.11. Perform experiments to show the different factors
the combination of (a) liquid and solid, (b) liquid and affecting solubility (amount of solute, and
liquid, and (c) liquid and gas temperature of solvent)
1.3. Describe the appearance of mixtures formed from
1 20 the combination of (a) gas and solid, (b) gas and
1.12. Describe the characteristics and uses of simple
liquid, and (c) gas and gas
1.4. Describe the characteristics of uniform mixtures
1.5. Describe the characteristics of non-uniform mixtures
1.6. Describe solution as a uniform mixture 1.13. Classify the different types of colloids (aerosols,
1.7. Describe the characteristics and uses of solutions foams, gel)
1.8. Infer that not all solutes dissolve in solvents 1.14. Classify the different types of colloids (sols,
1.9. Describe the characteristics and uses of suspension emulsions)
2.1. Separate the insoluble solid in a liquid using
2.2. Separate immiscible liquids by using decantation
2.3. Demonstrate how soluble solid is separated from a
liquid using evaporation
2 20
2.4. Separate insoluble solid from a liquid using filtration
2.5. Demonstrate how simple mixtures of fine- and
coarse-particle solid materials are separated
2.6. Separate the components of common mixtures
containing magnetic and non-magnetic materials

GRADE 6 Quarter 2 – Living Things and their Environment

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
3.1. Describe the parts and functions of the muscular
3 5
3.2. Explain how the organs of the muscular system work

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3.3. Describe the parts and functions of the skeletal
3.4. Explain how the organs of the skeletal system work
3.5. Describe the parts and functions of the
integumentary system
3.6. Explain how the organs of the integumentary system
work together
3.7. Describe the parts and functions of the digestive
3.8. Explain how the organs of the digestive system work
together 3.15. Construct a model of how the organs of the
3 5
3.9. Describe the parts and functions of the respiratory muscular and skeletal system work together
3.10. Explain how the organs of the respiratory system
work together
3.11. Describe the parts and functions of the circulatory
3.12. Explain how the organs of the circulatory system
work together
3.13. Describe the parts and functions of the nervous
3.14. Explain how the organs of the nervous system work
4.1. Describe the mechanism of how the major organs of
musculo-skeletal system and integumentary system
work together
4.2. Explain how the major organs of digestive,
4 5
respiratory, and circulatory systems work together
4.3. Analyze how the major organs of the nervous system
work with the musculo-skeletal, digestive,
respiratory, and circulatory system
5.1. Recognize vertebrates and invertebrates that are
commonly seen in the community
5.7. Practice ways of caring for and protecting
5.2. Describe the common characteristics of vertebrates
5 10 vertebrates and invertebrates found in the
and invertebrates
5.3. Describe the distinguishing characteristics of each
group of vertebrates

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5.4. Classify vertebrates as mammals, birds, fishes,
amphibians, and reptiles
5.5. Describe the distinguishing characteristics of each
group of invertebrates
5.6. Classify invertebrates as poriferans, coelenterates,
flatworms, nematodes, annelids, mollusks,
echinoderms, and arthropods
6.1. Identify living and nonliving things in tropical
rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps
6.2. Identify interrelationships that exist in tropical
rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps
6.3. Discuss the interaction between living and nonliving
things in tropical rainforests (e.g., mutualism,
6 10 predation, commensalism, competition, parasitism)
6.4. Discuss the interaction between living and nonliving
things in coral reefs (e.g., mutualism, predation,
commensalism, competition, parasitism)
6.5. Discuss the interaction between living and nonliving
things in mangrove swamps (e.g., mutualism,
predation, commensalism, competition, parasitism)
7.1. Enumerate and explain ways in protecting and
conserving tropical rainforests
7.2. Enumerate and explain ways in protecting and 7.4. Practice ways in protecting and conserving tropical
7 10
conserving coral reefs rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps
7.3. Enumerate and explain ways in protecting and
conserving mangrove swamps

GRADE 6 Quarter 3 – Force, Motion, and Energy

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
8.1. Define friction and identify the different kinds of
friction 8.7. Demonstrate the effects of friction and gravity on
8.2. Describe how friction affects motion the motion of an object
8 10 8.3. Identify ways to reduce friction
8.4. Describe gravity
8.8. Create an advertisement that demonstrates road
8.5. Cite situations which show the presence of gravity
8.6. Describe how gravity affects motion

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9.1. Describe energy transformation
9.2. Describe the transformation of electrical energy to
9.6. Demonstrate how energy is transformed into
sound energy in activities at home
another form
9.3. Describe how electrical energy is transformed to light
9 15 energy
9.4. Describe how electrical energy is transformed to heat
energy 9.7. Construct a model on how energy is transformed
9.5. Describe how sound energy is transformed to heat into another form
10.1. Identify the different types of simple machines 10.10. Draw and label the different types of simple
10.2. Identify the different types of wheel and axle machines
10.3. Identify the different types of inclined plane
10.11. Demonstrate how wheel and axle works
10.4. Identify the different types of wedge and lever
10 15 10.5. Identify the different types of pulley and screw
10.12. Demonstrate how an inclined plane works
10.6. List the different uses of wheel and axle
10.7. List the different uses of inclined plane
10.13. Demonstrate how wedge and lever work
10.8. List the different uses of wedge and lever
10.9. List the different uses of pulley and screw 10.14. Demonstrate how a pulley and screw work

GRADE 6 Quarter 4 – Earth and Space

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
11.1. Explain how an earthquake occurs
11.2. Describe the changes that occur on the Earth's
surface as a result of earthquakes
11 5
11.3. Explain how volcanic eruptions occur
11.4. Describe the changes that occur on the Earth's
surface as a result of volcanic eruptions
12.1. Enumerate what to do before, during, and after an
12.2. Practice precautionary measures before, during, and
after an earthquake
12 5 12.5. Design an emergency preparedness plan
12.3. Enumerate what to do before, during, and after a
volcanic eruption
12.4. Practice precautionary measures before, during, and
after a volcanic eruption
13 5 13.1. Describe what climate is

Page 19 of 49
13.2. Identify the factors affecting the climate in the
13.3. Describe the different weather systems affecting the
13.4. Describe the two seasons in the Philippines
13.5. Identify the different factors / causes affecting the
seasons in the Philippines
14.1. Describe the Earth's movement on its axis
14.2. Explain how Earth's rotation causes day and night
14.3. Perform an activity showing how Earth's rotation on
its axis causes day and night
14.4. Construct a model of the Sun-Earth showing how
14 10 Earth's rotation causes day and night
14.5. Describe the Earth's movement around the sun
14.6. Explain how Earth's revolution causes the different
14.7. Perform an activity showing how Earth's revolution
causes different seasons
15.1. Identify the planets of the Solar System
15.2. Describe the distinct characteristics of the inner
15.3. Describe the characteristics of the outer planets
15.4. Compare the relative sizes of each planet
15.5. Compare the relative distances and surface
temperature of each planet from the sun
15 5
15.6. Compare the planets based on their period of
15.7. Compare the planets based on their period of
15.8. Compare the planets based on their relative masses
15.9. Compare the planets as to the presence of satellites
and rings
16.1. Construct a model of Mercury with its distinct
characteristics and relative size
16 10
16.2. Construct a model of Venus with its distinct
characteristics and relative size

Page 20 of 49
16.3. Construct a model of Earth with its distinct
characteristics and relative size
16.4. Construct a model of Mars with its distinct
characteristics and relative size
16.5. Construct a model of Jupiter with its distinct
characteristics and relative size
16.6. Construct a model of Saturn with its distinct
characteristics and relative size
16.7. Construct a model of Uranus with its distinct
characteristics and relative size
16.8. Construct a model of Neptune with its distinct
characteristics and relative size
16.9. Construct a model of Pluto with its distinct
characteristics and relative size
16.10. Construct a model of the Solar System showing
the relative distance from the sun
16.11. Display the constructed model of the Solar System

Page 21 of 49
GRADE 7 Quarter 1 – Matter
Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
1.1. Identify issues and problems needed in the scientific
1.2. State the scientific problem based on the identified
1 4 situation 1.5. Make conclusions based from the given findings
1.3. Formulate possible solution / hypothesis to solve the
1.4. Describe the relationship between variables
2.1. Discuss the general characteristics of elements and 2.3. Perform experimentations that show the
compounds characteristics of elements and compounds
2 8
2.2. Describe the periodic table according to group, 2.4. Name elements and compounds that are essential
period, family and trends to life
3.1. Differentiate mixtures from substances based from
different properties
3.2. Examine differences between homogeneous from
3 8
heterogeneous mixtures based on observable
3.3. Distinguish substances from mixtures
4.1. Differentiate solute from solvent through a wide
variety of examples
4.2. Compare and contrast properties of saturated and
unsaturated solutions 4.5. Name solutions that improve the health and
4 4
4.3. Test the properties of saturated and unsaturated wellness of the community
solutions through experimentation
4.4. Name solutions that are commonly used in the house
5.1. Differentiate concentrated from dilute solution
5.2. Tell the difference between percent by volume and
5.4. Solve given problems involving concentration of
5 8 percent by mass based on concentration of solutions
5.3. Identify factors affecting how fast a solid dissolve in

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GRADE 7 Quarter 2 – Living Things and their Environment
Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
6.1. State the function of a microscope
6.2. Name the parts of a microscope
6 4
6.3. Manipulate the parts of the microscope
6.4. Tell the functions of each part of the microscope
7.1. Prepare different specimens for viewing
7.2. Set up the mounted specimens
7 4 7.3. View the specimen using the LPO and HPO
7.4. View the specimens using the different magnification
of eyepiece
8.1. Define cells
8.2. Determine the different levels of organization
8 4
8.3. Illustrate the levels of organization from cell to
9.1. Illustrate a plant cell and an animal cell
9.2. Label the organelles found in an animal and a plant
9.3. List the different organelles found in a plant cell and
an animal cell
9.4. Recognize the cell organelles found only in plant cell
4 and in animal cell
9.5. Predict if the cell is a plant cell or an animal cell
based on the presence or absence of certain
10.1. Describe the structure and function of a cell
10 10.2. Cite the importance of a cell
10.3. Tell that all organisms are made up of cells
11.1. Define and describe sexual reproduction
11 4 11.2. Define and describe asexual reproduction
11.3. Differentiate sexual from asexual reproduction
12.1. Describe an ecosystem
12.2. Name the components of an ecosystem
12 4
12.3. Describe biotic factors and give examples in an

Page 23 of 49
12.4. Describe abiotic factors and give examples in an
12 4 ecosystem
12.5. Discuss how biotic factors differ from abiotic factors
13.1. Describe the interactions of biotic and abiotic factors
in an ecosystem
13.2. Determine the type of ecological relationships that
exist among these components / factors in an
13 4 13.3. Define symbiotic relationships and non-symbiotic
13.4. Give examples of symbiotic relationships and non-
symbiotic relationships
13.5. Relate the ecological relationships to the survival of
14.1. Predict the effect of changes in abiotic factors on the
14 4

GRADE 7 Quarter 3 – Force, Motion, and Energy

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
15.1. Identify the position and direction of an object with 15.1.1. Describe the motion of an object in terms of
respect to a point of reference distance and displacement
15.2.1. Infer from the position-time graph the difference
15.2. Construct a position-time graph of a body
between distance and displacement
15.3. Describe the position and direction of an object in
terms of speed
15.4. Describe the motion of an object using distance-time
15 8
15.5. Describe the position and direction of an object in
terms of velocity
15.6. Describe the motion of an object using displacement-
time graph
15.7. Describe the position and direction of an object in
terms of acceleration
15.8. Describe the motion of an object using velocity-time
16 4 16.1. Analyze the motion strips of paper with dots 16.1.1. Describe acceleration

Page 24 of 49
16.2. Interpret the motion of objects with the change in
17.1. Describe how waves are formed
17.2. Identify the parts of a wave
17 4
17.3. Explain how waves carry energy
17.4. Cite the importance of waves
18.1. Demonstrate how sound is produced
18.6. Trace by concept diagramming how sound is
18.2. Identify the factors that affect the pitch and loudness
produced from the human voice box
of sound produced
18 4 18.3. Describe the characteristics of sound
18.4. Compare the sound produced by the sounding box 18.7. Explain how pitch, loudness, and quality of sound
with the sound produced by the guitar vary from one person to another
18.5. Identify the factors affecting the speed of sound
19.1. Identify the different sources of light
19.2. Determine the power of the sources of light
19.3. Relate the brightness or intensity of light with the
19 4 distance from the source of light
19.4. Construct a spectrum wheel
19.5. Explore the characteristics of light such as energy,
frequency, and wavelength
20.1.1. Give situations which show how heat is being
20.1. Describe heat transfer by conduction
transferred by conduction
20.2. Define convection
20.3. Observe and describe convection of heat through
20.4.1. Compare the abilities of two different surfaces to
20 4
20.4. Define radiation absorb or reflect radiation from the sun or from a
lighted electric bulb
20.5. Identify situations that involve the different methods 20.5.1. Explain how methods of heat transfer are
of heat transfer affected by different materials
20.6. Describe the conditions necessary for heat transfer
20.6.1. Trace the direction in which heat is transferred
to take place
21.1. Identify the different types of charges
21 4
21.2. Describe how objects can be charged

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GRADE 7 Quarter 4 – Earth and Space
Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
22.1. Locate the lines of latitude with special names
22.2. Construct a coordinated system model of locating 22.2.1. Use the coordinated system model to locate
places places on Earth
22 4 22.3. Locate places on Earth in a flat map and globe
indicating location of coordinated system
22.4. Correlate the relationship of the latitude of a place
and the climate it experiences
23.1. Analyze the advantage of the location of the 23.1.1. Cite examples derived from Earth materials
Philippines in relation to its resources which are considered used to the society
23.2. Cite ways of conserving and protecting the Earth's
23 4 23.3.1. Compare at least three alternative energy
23.3. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of energy
sources on the basis of cost and impact on the
resources in the Philippines
23.4. Discuss some human activities that destroy natural 23.4.1. Cite ways to reduce the negative effects of
resources human activities on natural resources
24.1. Identify the main source of energy on Earth
24.2. Show by diagramming the layers of the atmosphere
24.3. Draw the percentage distribution of gases present on
air / the atmosphere
24.4. Identify the occurrence that lead to increase in
24.8. Construct a consequence mapping of the cause
percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
24 4 and effect of greenhouse gases and global
24.5. Discuss how energy from the sun interacts with the
layers of the atmosphere
24.6. Gather information about Earth's atmosphere based
on a graph
24.7. Explain the factors that contribute to the increase of
carbon dioxide in the air
25.1. Describe sea breeze and land breeze in terms of
their occurrence
25.11. Infer the importance of the occurrence of
25 4 25.2. Explain how sea breeze and land breeze occur
monsoons to human activities
25.3. Situate an example showing the occurrence of the

Page 26 of 49
25.4. Compare which warms and cools faster - sand or
25.12. Interpret a map to determine the direction of wind
25.5. Differentiate northeast monsoon from southeast
25.6. Illustrate 'habagat' brings lots of rain
25 4 25.7. Give examples of how monsoons (amihan and
habagat) affect people
25.8. Describe ITCZ 25.13. Explain why it is cold around December to
25.9. Locate in a map and explain as to why there is an February and warm around July
25.10. Infer the occurrence that lead to ITCZ in the air
26.1. Using models, relate the tilt of the Earth to the length
of daytime
26.2. Using models, relate the length of daytime to the
amount of energy received
26.3. Using models, relate the position of the Earth in its
26 12
orbit to the height of the sun in the sky
26.4. Using models, relate the height of the sun in the sky
to the amount of energy received
26.5. Using models, relate the latitude of an area to the
amount of energy the area receives
27.1. Explain how shadows are formed
27.3.1. Using a Venn diagram, give the similarities and
27.2. Demonstrate how shadows are formed
27 4 differences of total and partial solar eclipse
27.3. Using a Venn diagram, give the similarities and 27.3.2. Using a Venn diagram, give the similarities and
differences of solar and lunar eclipses differences of total and partial lunar eclipse

Page 27 of 49
GRADE 8 Quarter 1 – Force, Motion, and Energy
Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
1.1. Identify and explain the forces acting on an object at
1.2. Explain why objects stay at rest
1 4
1.3. Investigate the relationship between the amount of
force and the mass of the object to the amount of
change in the object's motion
2.1. Describe the conditions when two forces are
2 4
2.2. Explain the effect of balanced forces on the state of
motion of an object
3.1. Identify situations in which work is done and in which
no work is done
3.2. Describe the energy changes when energy is
transferred from one body to another
3.3. Describe how work is related to power and energy
3.4. Compute for your power output in walking or running
3 4
up a flight of stairs
3.5. Relate the speed and position of an object to the
amount of energy possessed by a body
3.6. Calculate the change in kinetic energy and/or
potential energy of a body
3.7. Relate potential energy to work
4.1. Infer that sound is transmitted in air through
vibrations of air particles
4.2. Distinguish the different characteristics of sound
4 4 4.3. Determine the frequency and wavelength of sound
4.4. Compute the wave speed based on the frequency
and wavelength
4.5. Distinguish which material transmits sound the best
5.1. Infer that energy of the colors of light increases as
5 4
one goes towards the right side of the color spectrum

Page 28 of 49
5.2. Infer that red light has the least energy and violet has
5 4
the most energy
6.1. Distinguish between heat and temperature
6.2. Describe the hotness or coldness of an object in
terms of its temperature
6.3. Compare the changes in the temperature of water to
determine the relationship between the amount of
heat transferred and the resulting temperature
6.4. Explain the scattering of the dye in water at different
6 4 temperature
6.5. Describe the relation of the temperature of the water
to the scattering of the dye
6.6. Determine experimentally how temperature affects
the thermal expansion of some objects
6.7. Explain the effect of temperature change on phase
6.8. Compare the heat capacities of the given liquid
7.1. Measure the electric current and voltage in a circuit
using an ammeter and a voltmeter, respectively
7.2. Determine the relationship between (a) electric
7 4 current and voltage; (b) electric current and
7.3. State Ohm's Law and solve problems involving
Ohm's Law
8.1. Construct a series circuit and a parallel circuit
8.2. Differentiate series circuit from parallel circuit
8 8.3. Solve problems involving series and parallel circuits
8.4. Explain why household wiring and appliances are
4 usually connected in parallel
9.1. Describe a fuse and a circuit breaker and identify
their functions in a circuit
9.2. Describe earthing and double insulation and identify
their functions in a circuit

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GRADE 8 Quarter 2 – Earth and Space
Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
10.1. Describe an earthquake
10.2. Explain the relationship between earthquake and
10.3. Infer the occurrence of earthquake based on the
location and crustal movement
10.4. Describe the appearance of faults
10.5. Explain how a fault forms
10 4
10.6. Explain how movements along faults generate
10.7. Demonstrate how movement along faults affect the
10.8. Explain how faults generate earthquakes
10.9. Explain why not all movement along faults produces
11.1. Differentiate between focus and epicenter
11.2. Demonstrate how movement along faults affect the
11.3. Identify what PHIVOLCS mean
11.4. Enumerate PHIVOLCS Earthquake Intensity Scale
11.5. Enumerate the three types of faults and the three
types of stress
11.6. Explain the effect of bending of rocks along faults
11.15. Make an emergency plan and demonstrate
11.7. Relate fault movement and earthquakes
precautionary measures before, during, and after
11.8. Enumerate the active faults and trenches in the
11 8 a typhoon, including following advisories, and
calls for evaluation given by government agencies
11.9. Explain the importance to be knowledgeable about
in charge
the different locations of active faults and trenches
11.10. Name the fault lines in the Philippines
11.11. Identify the most geologically active faults in the
11.12. List the different landforms produced when an
earthquake happens
11.13. Differentiate intensity from magnitude
11.14. Identify the description of intensity scale

Page 30 of 49
12.1. State the earthquake hazards
12.2. Describe and give examples of each earthquake
12.3. Explain the precautionary measures to do when an
earthquake occurs
12.4. Enumerate the things to prepare when emergency
12 4
12.5. Enumerate the causes of tsunami
12.6. Explain what's inside the Earth
12.7. Define seismic waves
12.8. Explain the impact of tsunami on human life
12.9. Explain how tsunamis are generated
12.10. Infer why tsunamis do not always occur even when
there is an earthquake
13.1. Demonstrate how typhoons are formed in the ocean
13.2. Review how a tropical storm develops
13.3. Trace the path of a typhoon from the ocean where it
originates as it passes to the Philippines
13.4. Design a house appropriate to different regions of
the Philippines
13 8 13.5. Read a map, given the latitude and longitude of a
tropical cyclone, and tell if it has entered the
Philippine Area of Responsibility
13.6. Explain what is meant when a typhoon has entered
the Philippine Area of Responsibility
13.7. Explain why we need to give a local name to a
14.1. Make an emergency plan and demonstrate
precautionary measures before, during, and after a
typhoon, including following advisories, and calls for
evaluation given by government agencies in charge
14.5. Create a poster showing how one can be prepared
14 4 14.2. Identify if your location is in the path of a tropical
before, during, and after a typhoon
cyclone, given the latitude and longitude position
14.3. Explain why PAGASA regularly monitors when a
tropical cyclone is within PAR
14.4. Identify the parts of a typhoon

Page 31 of 49
15.1. Explain the characteristics of comets, meteors, and
15 4
15.2. Describe asteroids
15.3. Identify how asteroids are named and classified

GRADE 8 Quarter 3 – Matter

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
16.1. Describe the properties of solids, liquids, and gases
16.2. Differentiate mass from volume using assigned
16 8 16.4. Trace the history of atoms
16.3. Compare atoms from molecules
17.1. Illustrate and explain how particles of matter move
17.3. Create a model of the three states of matter using
17 8 17.2. Explain the changes different states of matter
recyclable materials
18.1. Describe the charges of sub-particles of atoms
18.2. Compare the masses of the subatomic particles of 18.4. Create and explain the early models of atoms
matter (Thompson, Rutherford)
18.3. Tell the importance of the nucleus of an atom
18 8 18.6. Identify the atomic and mass numbers of elements
using the periodic table
18.5. Discuss the nuclear model of atoms and relate it to
18.7. Describe isotopes
nuclear energy
18.8. Compute for the number of sub-atomic particles of
an element using its atomic and mass numbers
19.2. Count the numbers of valence electrons of each 19.1. Draw and identify the energy levels using the block
19 8
element system of elements

GRADE 8 Quarter 4 – Living Things and their Environment

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
20.1. Value the importance of organ systems in the body
20.2. Name the organs making up the digestive system
and how it works in the system
20 4 20.3. Name the organs of the respiratory and circulatory
systems that interact with the digestive system
20.4. List the steps in the digestion of foods
20.5. Explain what happens during each step

Page 32 of 49
20.6. Trace the pathway of foods during digestion
20.7. Explain what happens to the food during ingestion
20.8. Explain how foods is absorbed in the body
20.9. Explain how food is assimilated in the body
21.1. Recognize the importance of cell division cycle
21.2. Outline the stage processes in the cell division cycle
21.3. Explain the four-stage process of the cell division
21.4. Describe mitosis and explain its stages
21 21.5. Define meiosis and explain its stages
21.6. Analyze the salient features of mitosis and meiosis
21.7. Point out the similarities between mitosis and
21.8. Describe the importance/role of mitosis and meiosis
during the cell division cycle
22.1. Define chromosome
22.2. Discuss the importance of chromosome number in
22 organisms
22.3. Relate the importance of meiosis in maintaining the
chromosome number of organisms
23.1. Express appreciation of uniqueness in one's physical
23.2. State Mendelian Genetics
23.3. Discuss simple patterns of inheritance / Mendelian
23 4
23.4. Define genotypes and phenotypes
23.5. Solve for the genotypic ratio
23.6. Predict the phenotypic ratio based from the
genotypic ratio
23.7. Report on the importance of variation in organisms
24.1. Internalize on the uniqueness of human being
24.2. Define species
24.3. List some species in the community
4 24.4. Discuss the concept of species
25.1. Exhibit appreciation of the different hierarchy of
25 organisms
25.2. Define hierarchical taxonomic system

Page 33 of 49
25.3. Categorize species according to their level of
hierarchical taxonomic system
25.4. Distinguish organisms according to taxonomic
25.5. Classify economically important species using the
hierarchical taxonomic system
26.1. Appreciate high biodiversity
26.2. Cite the advantages of high biodiversity in an
26.3. Narrate the economic advantage of high biodiversity
27.1. Describe the trophic levels in an ecosystem
27.2. Identify the organisms that belong to each level
27.3. Explain how energy is transferred in each trophic
27.4. Illustrate an ideal food choice based on the trophic
28.1. Give the importance of bacteria and fungi in an
28.2. Discuss the roles of these microorganisms in the
28 4
cycling of materials
28.3. Justify the role of these organisms in the cycling of
29.1. Display the proper use of water at home
29.2. Determine the different cycling of materials in an
29.3. Illustrate water cycle
29.4. Cite the importance of water cycle
29 4
29.5. Create a diagram showing the oxygen-carbon cycle
29.6. Discuss the oxygen-carbon cycle based on the
29.7. State the nitrogen cycle
29.8. Discuss the nitrogen cycle
30.1. List the activities that humans do to the environment
30 4 30.2. Explain how these activities will make an impact to
the environment

Page 34 of 49
GRADE 9 Quarter 1 – Living Things and their Environment
Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
1.1. Name, describe, and give the function of the parts of
the respiratory system
1.2. Explain how the organs of the respiratory system
work together to transport nutrients, gases, and other
molecules to and from the different parts of the body
1.3. Explain how the organs of the circulatory system
work together to transport nutrients, gases, and other
1 8
molecules to and from the different parts of the body
1.4. Illustrate how the respiratory system and circulatory
system work together to transport nutrients, gases,
and other molecules to and from the different parts of
the body
1.5. Discuss the coordinated function of the respiratory
and the circulatory systems
2.1. Collect data on the diseases recorded from school or
local health workers
2.2. Name the common diseases related to respiratory
and circulatory systems
2.1.1. Conduct an interview to school or local health
2.3. Explain how to detect and treat these diseases
2 4 workers about diseases related to respiratory and
2.4. Suggest ways on how to prevent the respiratory and
circulatory systems
circulatory diseases through healthy lifestyle
2.5. Conduct an information dissemination activity on
effective ways of taking care of the respiratory and
circulatory systems through healthy lifestyle
3.1. Compare Mendelian from Non-Mendelian genetics
3.2. Give examples of plant or animal that shows
incomplete dominance
3.3. Explain incomplete dominance
3.4. Give examples of traits in humans that are sex-linked
3 8
3.5. Explain sex-linked traits
3.6. Give examples of traits in humans that are inherited
through multiple allelism
3.7. Explain the concept of inheritance through multiple

Page 35 of 49
4.1. Give examples of animals that lived millions of years
ago but do not exist now
4.2. Define extinction and cite possible reasons why
these animals become extinct
4.3. Discuss theories related to extinction
4 4
4.4. Trace the timeline of extinction of representative
microorganisms, plants, and animals
4.5. Make a multimedia presentation or any creative
presentation of the timeline of extinction of
representative microorganisms
5.1. Identify which part of the plant cell where
photosynthesis takes place
5.2. Explain why photosynthesis takes place in the
5.3. Identify the raw materials and products / by-products
of photosynthesis
5.4. Enumerate the steps / phases in photosynthesis
5.5. Explain how photosynthesis occurs
5 8
5.6. Describe respiration in plants
5.7. Identify the structure involved in respiration
5.8. Describe the cell's mitochondria
5.9. Explain why respiration takes place in the
5.10. Explain how respiration occurs in plants
5.11. Design and conduct an investigation to provide
evidence that plants can manufacture their own food

GRADE 9 Quarter 2 – Matter

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
6.1. Relate the colors emitted by metal salts to the
structure of the atom
6.2. Describe how it is likely to find the electron in an
6 4 atom by probability
6.3. Enumerate and explain quantum numbers
6.4. Write the electron configuration of elements
6.5. Identify the pattern of filling the ortbitals of elements

Page 36 of 49
6.6. Explain Hund's rule of multiplicity
6.7. Explain Pauli's Exclusion principle
6.8. Describe Aufbau's rule
7.1. Identify the energy level of each element
7.2. Compute for the number of electrons in each atomic
orbital thru mathematical calculations
7.3. Draw and explain how bonding happens using Lewis
7 4 dot system
7.4. Compare and contrast ionic from covalent bonding
7.5. Relate the metallic properties of metals to covalent
7.6. Distinguish polar from non-polar covalent bonds
8.1. Describe ions
8 4 8.3. Illustrate how ions are formed
8.2. Describe how ions are formed
9.1. Recognize common kinds or organic substances and
their uses
9.2. Identify the types of bonds that form alkanes,
alkenes, and alkynes
9.3. Relate the structures of alkanes, alkenes, and
9 8
alkynes to their properties
9.4. Identify similarities in the structures of the different
kinds of alcohols
9.5. Relate the structures of acetone and formalin to the
carbonyl compounds where they belong
10.1. Identify the different classes of hydrocarbons and
their uses
10.2. Identify the different classes of alcohols and their 10.4. Identify the kinds of organic compounds that are
10 4
uses useful in our daily lives
10.3. Identify the different classes of aldehydes and
ketones and their uses
11.1. Measure and record the mass of a given object
11.2. Convert the mass of items to each equivalent mass
in grams and vice versa using the equivalents taken
11 4 from the result of the activity
11.3. Compute for the molar mass of common substances
11.4. Apply the mole concept in completing a given set of

Page 37 of 49
11.5. Prepare a concept map on the mole concept
12.1. Compute for the percentage composition of common
house chemicals 12.4. Calculate for the empirical formula of common
12.2. Formulate an improvement of the percentage household chemicals
12 4
composition of a product to increase its quality
12.3. Use the mole concept to express the mass of 12.5. Calculate for the molecular formula of common
substances household chemicals

GRADE 9 Quarter 3 – Earth and Space

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
13.1. Describe the basic features of volcanoes
13.6. Construct a model of a volcano
13.2. Name the parts of the volcanoes
13.3. Identify the materials ejected from a volcano as it
13 4 13.7. Compare a volcano from a mountain
13.4. Describe the activity and eruption of an active
13.5. Explain how the nature of magma affects the nature 13.8. Describe the belt where active volcanoes are
of volcanic eruption commonly found
14.1. Illustrate the comparison of the model with the flow of
molten materials during a volcanic eruption
14.2. Give a situation wherein one volcano erupts and
release high viscous magma and one with less
14 4
viscous magma
14.3. Name the types of volcanoes according to shape
14.4. Name the factors affecting the steepness of the
volcano and its lava cone shape
15.1. Discuss the factors affecting volcanic cone
15.2. Identify and explain the different types of volcanic
15.4. Identify and explain the advantages and
15 8 eruption
disadvantages of volcanic eruptions
15.3. Discuss some safety precautions / measures on
what to do before, during and after volcanic eruptions
16.1. Identify and explain how different factors affect the
climate of an area
16 4 16.2. Infer how latitude affects climate
16.3. Explain how mountains, hills, and ocean currents
affect climate

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17.1. Illustrate and explain how ocean currents affect the 17.2. Name the different ocean current/s that carry warm
17 4
climate of an area water
18.1. Identify which constellations may be observed at 18.2. Locate in the constellary map the constellations at
18 8
different times of the year using models different times of the year

GRADE 9 Quarter 4 – Force, Motion, and Energy

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
19.1. Define what projectile motion is
19.2. Record the time for the object to travel at a given
19.3. Construct a graph showing the results of the
19 4 calculation 19.6. Solve problems involving projectile motion
19.4. Calculate the maximum height reached by the ball
thrown vertically upward
19.5. Describe the horizontal and vertical motions of a
20.1. Determine the effects of varying the angle of release
on the range of a projectile
20.2. Calculate the maximum height, time of flight, and/or
the horizontal displacement of a projectile launched
20 4
at arbitrary angles
20.3. Compare and contrast a projectile launched
horizontally and la projectile launched at arbitrary
21.1. Identify the factors that affect momentum 21.3. Compute for the momentum of the object in the
21 4
21.2. Explain how each factor affects momentum given problems
22.1. Describe the total momentum before and after
22.4. Solve problems on conservation of linear
22 4 22.2. Determine that the total momentum before and after
collision is equal
22.3. State the law of conservation of linear momentum
23.1. Identify the positions where kinetic energy or
potential energy is at its maximum or minimum
23 4 23.2. Explain the result of the demonstration using
conservation of energy
23.3. Trace the transformation of energy in moving objects

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24.1. Demonstrate how heat causes the internal energy of
24.3. Solve problems on the First Law of
24 4 the water to increase
24.2. Relate heat, internal energy, and work in an equation
25.1. Identify the energy transformation that takes place in
a geothermal power plant
25 4 25.2. Explain how a geothermal power plant works
25.3. Cite the advantages and disadvantages of using
geothermal power plants
26.1. Explain how electricity is produced
26.2. Trace the path of electricity from the generating
station, transmission station, and residential areas
26.3. Differentiate between a step-up transformer and a
26 4 step-down transformer
26.4. Calculate the energy consumption of a household
electrical appliance
26.5. Compute for the cost of electrical energy consumed
by the appliances in the household

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GRADE 10 Quarter 1 – Earth and Space
Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
1.1.1. Locate the position of certain vulnerable localities
1.1. Locate the distribution of active volcanoes,
using the PHIVOLCS's seismic map and other
earthquake epicenters, and major mountain belts
national database systems
1.2. Infer why it is important for us to identify areas which
are prone to earthquakes and presence of volcanoes
1.3. Identify the belt in the world which have many
volcanoes and location of earthquake phenomenon
1.4. Describe an earthquake
1.5. Explain the types of sources of an earthquake
1.6. Locate the epicenter of an earthquake using the 1.6.1. Locate the epicenter of an earthquake using the
1 12 triangulation method wedge method
1.7. Compute for the epicenter of an earthquake
1.8. Describe the effect of an earthquake based on its
intensity, focus, and epicenter
1.9. Relate the distribution of mountain ranges with the
distribution of earthquake epicenters and volcanoes
1.10. Define seismic waves scientifically
1.11. Differentiate the different types of seismic waves
1.12. Recognize the importance of seismic waves in the
study of the Earth's interior
1.13. Discuss how scientists use earthquake waves to 1.13.1. Describe the different land features and geologic
investigate the interior of the Earth activities as outcomes of plate tectonics
2.1. Name and describe the different types of plate 2.1.1. Differentiate the features, motion, effect, and
boundaries topography of each type of plate boundary
2.2. Explain the occurrence of such plate boundaries and
its effect to surrounding and people
2 4 2.3. Identify the location of the major plates in the world
2.4. Describe how each plate of the continent emerged
as such from the type of boundaries
2.5. Discuss the movement of the different boundaries 2.5.1. Make a simulation / model / hands-on activity on
according to the arrow the movement of different plate boundaries

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3.1.1. Identify the different continental and oceanic
3.1. Differentiate the divergent, convergent, and faulting
formations in the Philippines and in different parts
boundaries in terms of motion
of the world as products of plate boundary motion
3.2. Explain the process that occur along convergent
boundaries using a diagram
3.3. Identify the geological events that could happen as
well as the geologic features that will be formed 3.3.1. Illustrate the process and result of the collision
when an oceanic plate collides with a continental between an oceanic plate and a continental plate
3.4.1. Illustrate the process and result of the collision
3.4. Infer how two oceanic plates converge
between two oceanic plates
3 8 3.5. Explain the processes that occur between the 3.5.1. Illustrate the process and result of the collision
collision of two continental plates between two continental plates
3.6. Explain the processes that occur along divergent
3.7.1. Illustrate the process and result of plate that are
3.7. Describe the results of plates that are moving apart
moving apart
3.8. Describe the effect of transform fault boundaries on
the Earth's crust
3.9. Describe a transform fault boundary
3.10.1. Identify areas which are prone to earthquakes so
3.10. Express the relationship between an earthquake and
that necessary precautions could be done if ever
a transform fault boundary
you're living in one of those places
4.1. Explain the movement of the types of boundaries
4.2. Differentiate and explain the three types of plate
4.3. Explain the movement of the types of boundaries
using a model
4.4. Describe the mechanism of the tectonic plate
4 4 movements with the different forces driving it
4.5. Relate hot spots with plate tectonics
4.6. Identify the different forces that cause plates to move
4.7. Develop awareness on the effects of plate
4.8. Explain how the surface characteristics of the Earth
changes through time

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4.9. Compare the theory of continental drift and seafloor
4.10. Identify the evidences of plate movements
4.11. Explain the importance of the evidences in justifying 4.11.1. Relate continental drift and seafloor spreading to
the theories about plate movements plate tectonics
5.1.1. Discuss how the evidences of continental drift,
5.1. Explain the lines of evidence that support plate
seafloor spreading, and plate tectonics are used
to support plate motion
5.2. Describe and strengthen their knowledge about
continental drift theory and its supporting evidences
through the activity
5.3. Explain the seafloor spreading theory and its
supporting evidences through the activity
5.4. Simulate and describe the seafloor spreading
5.5. Identify the evidences of seafloor spreading and
continental drift theory
5.6. Realize the importance of the seafloor spreading
5 4 process relative to the continental drift theory
5.7. Prove that the seafloor is spreading through
magnetic reversals and isostasy
5.8. Analyze the magnetic polarity map
5.9. Introduce the idea of magnetic reversal using the
concepts of Earth's magnetic field and magnetic
5.10. Describe how magnetic reversal prove the idea of
seafloor spreading
5.11. Describe the Theory of Isostasy
5.12. Identify the essential materials included in a survival
5.13. Appreciate the importance of survival kit in cases of
emergency like during and after an earthquake

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GRADE 10 Quarter 2 – Force, Motion, and Energy
Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
6.1. Match the scientists with their contributions to the
development of the electromagnetic theory
6.2. Discuss the relative wavelengths of the different 6.2.1. Describe the characteristics and properties of EM
forms of electromagnetic waves waves
6 8
6.3.1. Compare the relative wavelengths, frequencies,
6.3. Compare the relative wavelengths of the different and energies of the different forms of
forms of electromagnetic waves electromagnetic waves (*E = hf)
6.3.2. Solve word problems in getting the wave speed
7.1. Identify materials that can block or allow radio waves
to pass through
7.2.1. Perform an activity on which radio waves are
7.2. Describe the characteristics of radio waves
blocked or allowed
7 8
7.3. Describe how radio waves are generated,
transmitted, and received
7.4. Name the parts of the radio transmitter and receiver
and the give the functions of each part
8.1. Discover infrared waves and its effect on living things
and the environment
8.4. Discuss how UV rays, X-rays, and gamma rays
8 4 8.2. Cite the applications of infrared radiation
affect living organisms
8.3. Cite the applications of other EM radiation on living
things and the environment
9.1. Determine the height, width, and the distance from
the mirror of the images formed by plane mirrors
9.2. Compare the actual height, width, and the distance
of the object from the mirror with that of the image
formed by a plane mirror
9.3. Show an understanding of reversal effect in mirrors
9 4 by writing laterally reversed letters and words
9.4. Compare the angle of reflection and the angle of
incidence formed in plane mirrors
9.5. State one of the laws of reflection
9.6. Identify the relationship between the number of
9.6.1. Conduct an activity to describe the image formed
images formed and the angle between the two
using curved mirrors qualitatively

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9.7. Use the gathered data to derive the formula for
determining the number of images formed when two
mirrors are kept at a certain angle
9.8. Describe the location, size, and orientation of the
images formed by curved mirrors
9.9. Describe the location, size, and orientation of the
images formed by lenses
10.1. Construct improvised optical instruments using the 10.2. Demonstrate how mirrors and lenses are used in
10 4
different properties of mirrors and lenses optical instruments
11.1.1. Build a device which uses motors or generators
11.1. Build a simple electric motor
and discuss how it works
11.2. Explain the operation of a simple electric motor
11.3. Explain the operation of a simple electric generator
11.4. Enumerate the factors that can increase induced
11.5. Explain the principle behind transformers
11 4 11.6. Observe the deflection of a galvanometer needle
when a magnet moves inside a current-carrying coil
11.7. Identify and explain the factors that affect the
induced current through a conductor
11.8. Identify the basic recording equipment of a digital
radio studio
11.9. Classify whether devices use electricity and/or
magnetism when used in recording an audio

GRADE 10 Quarter 3 – Living Things and their Environment

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
12.1. List down the changes that males and females
experience during puberty
12.2. Cite the possible causes of such changes
12.3. Define hormones
12 4
12.4. Identify and describe the parts of the endocrine
12.5. State the functions of the parts of the endocrine

Page 45 of 49
12.6.1. Create a hormonal chart on the list of hormones,
12.6. Explain how these parts and hormones are related to
its functions and related diseases
13.1.1. Identify common beliefs on menstruation and
13.1. Cite what happens during menstrual cycle
scientific bases to disprove such
13.2. Identify the hormones involved in menstrual cycle
13.3. Describe the role of hormones in the menstrual cycle
13.4. Discuss how these hormones regulate the menstrual
13 4
13.5. Define feedback mechanism
13.6. Identify the types of feedback mechanism
13.7. Describe each type of feedback mechanism in
menstrual cycles
13.8. Explain how the feedback mechanism regulates the 13.8.1. Discuss how feedback mechanisms work to
menstrual cycle attain homeostasis
14.1. Name the different parts of the nervous system (CNS
and PNS)
14.2. Describe the parts of the nervous system
14.3. State the functions of each part of the nervous
14 4 14.4. Explain how these parts work for a coordinated
function of the nervous system
14.5. Define homeostasis
14.6. Describe how the nervous system coordinates and
regulates these feedback mechanisms to maintain
15.1. Define DNA and RNA
15.2. Identify the composition of DNA and RNA
15.3. Describe and compare the structure of DNA and
15.4. Describe the functions of DNA and RNA
15.11. List down important proteins made by the body
15 4 15.5. Describe the process of DNA replication
through protein synthesis
15.6. Explain what happens during DNA replication
15.7. Describe the process of transcription
15.8. Determine the correct sequence of bases in mRNA
using information from DNA
15.9. Describe the process of translation

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15.10. Identify the amino acids coded for by the mRNA
codon using the genetic code table
16.5. Identify the different diseases associated with gene
16.1. Define mutation
and chromosomal mutations
16.2. Illustrate the different kinds of chromosomal 16.6. Cite examples of disorders / abnormalities
aberrations observed in some humans
16.7. State the role of DNA in these disorders /
16.3. Differentiate the different kinds of genetic mutations
16.4. Explain how mutations cause changes in the 16.8. Differentiate autosomal genetic disorders from sex-
structure and function of proteins related genetic disorder and give examples of each
17.1. Give examples of organisms that show evolution
17.2. Define biological evolution
17.3.1. Compare and contrast the different theories of
17 4 17.3. State the different theories of evolution
17.4. Explain how each theory of evolution can result in
18.3. Analyze an example of organism on how these
18.1. Give examples of evidences of evolution evidences (fossil records, comparative anatomy,
genetic information) provide evidence for evolution
18 4
18.2. Explain how these evidences (fossil records,
18.4. Determine the implications of genetic similarity and
comparative anatomy, genetic information) provide
genetic variability
evidence for evolution
19.1. Identify the reasons why organisms were able to
adapt in an environment
19 4
19.2. Discuss how organisms are able to adapt based on
the changes in their environment
20.1. Define population growth and carrying capacity
20.2. Enumerate the different factors affecting population
20.4. Cite historical records of population collapse after
20 4 density
an overshoot in growth
20.3. Differentiate density-independent from density-
dependent factors affecting population

GRADE 10 Quarter 4 – Matter

Enabling Competencies Enrichment Competencies
No. Taught
21.1. Describe the volume and pressure of a gas at
21 8
constant temperature

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21.2. Describe the volume and temperature of a gas at
constant pressure
21.3. Explain the relationships of V-P and V-T using the
Kinetic Molecular Theory
21.4. Familiarize with the different units used for volume
and pressure and practice the conversion of units
21.5. Perform an experiment on Boyle's Law or the
relationship between the volume and pressure of
gases at constant temperature
21.6. Perform an experiment on Charles' Law or the
relationship between the volume and temperature of
gases at constant pressure
21 8
21.7. Perform an experiment on Gay-Lussac's Law or the
relationship between the pressure and temperature
of gases at constant volume
21.8. Perform an experiment on Combined Gas Law or the
relationship among the temperature, pressure, and
volume of gases at constant number of moles
21.9.1. Solve problems involving Ideal Gas Law
21.9. Analyze problems involving the relationships of 21.9.2. Identify common applications of gas laws
volume, pressure, and temperature of gases observed in everyday life and discuss the
principle of gas law involved
21.10. Describe the Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) and
the properties and behavior of gases
22.1. Detect the presence of carbohydrates in food
samples using chemical tests
22.7. Identify the agents for the denaturation of proteins
22.2. Classify the given samples of carbohydrates
according to kinds
22.3. Detect the presence of lipids in food samples using a
22.8. Relate the denaturation of proteins to home or
22 8 chemical test
ordinary activities
22.4. Determine the classes of lipids
22.5. Detect the presence of proteins in food samples
using a chemical test 22.9. Explain what happens to proteins upon
22.6. Relate indicator reactions to the presence of organic denaturation
23.3. Identify chemical symbols used in writing chemical
23 8 23.1. Write chemical formulas of selected chemicals

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23.4. Identify and differentiate between reactants and
23.2. Name the chemical formulas of selected chemicals
23.5. Write a chemical equation
23.6. Familiarize with the Law of Conservation of Mass 23.6.1. Illustrate the Law of Conservation of Mass
23.7. Apply the concept of the Law of Conservation of
Mass in balancing chemical equations
23 8 23.8.1. Balance chemical equations using algebraic
23.8. Balance chemical equations using inspection method
23.9. Identify the types of chemical reactions
23.10. Describe the mass of reactant before the reaction
to the mass of the product after the reaction
23.11. Determine the number of atoms of each element of
reactants and products in a chemical reaction
24.1. Identify the conditions to make chemical reactions
24.7. Discuss how the factors of chemical reaction rates
possible based on collision theory
affect common applications in everyday scenario
24.2. Determine the energy needed of the colliding
using chemical equations
molecules to start a chemical reaction
24.3. Identify the factors that affect the rate of chemical
reactions 24.8. Identify the chemical reactions involved in several
24 8
24.4. Describe the effect of particle size or surface are on technological / environmental processes
the reaction rate
24.5. Describe the effect of a catalyst and concentration on
the reaction rate 24.9. Analyze the effect of chemical reactions on life and
24.6. Describe the effect of temperature on the reaction the environment through visual representation

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