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The Interfacial Tension and Alkane Carbon Number Nmin of Alkyl Benzene Sulfonates in Relation To Enhanced Oil Recovery Part I Effect of Surfactant

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Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology

ISSN: 0193-2691 (Print) 1532-2351 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ldis20

The Interfacial Tension and Alkane Carbon

Number (nmin) of Alkyl Benzene Sulfonates in
Relation to Enhanced Oil Recovery. Part I: Effect
of Surfactant Molecular Weight/Temperature and
Electrolyte on nmin

A. M. Al-Sabagh , M. M. Zakaa & M. R. Noor El-Din

To cite this article: A. M. Al-Sabagh , M. M. Zakaa & M. R. Noor El-Din (2009) The Interfacial
Tension and Alkane Carbon Number (nmin) of Alkyl Benzene Sulfonates in Relation to
Enhanced Oil Recovery. Part I: Effect of Surfactant Molecular Weight/Temperature and
Electrolyte on nmin , Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 30:8, 1237-1246, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/01932690802544899

Published online: 03 Aug 2009.

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Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 30:1237–1246, 2008
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0193-2691 print=1532-2351 online
DOI: 10.1080/01932690802544899

The Interfacial Tension and Alkane Carbon Number

(nmin) of Alkyl Benzene Sulfonates in Relation to
Enhanced Oil Recovery. Part I: Effect of Surfactant
Molecular Weight/Temperature and Electrolyte on nmin
A. M. Al-Sabagh,1 M. M. Zakaa,2 and M. R. Noor El-Din1
Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt
Quality Control Department, Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC), Cairo,
New Maadi, Egypt

Twelve anionic monoisomeric surfactants based on the alkyl benzene sulfonic acid were prepared.
In two sets of experiments, the (nmin) values were determined at 28 and 70 C for them. The
n-hydrocarbon scans (n-C5 to n-C18) against the interfacial tension were used to determine the
(nmin) values. The factors affecting (nmin) such as; molecular weight, branching of side chain, tem-
perature and electrolyte addition were investigated. From the obtained results, it was found that
the surfactants which has the highest molecular (8/ C15 ABS) gave (nmin) equal 8, so it can be
used in the enhanced oil recovery(EOR) without additives (the suitable (nmin) for EOR between
7-9). Otherwise, the lowest molecular weight surfactant (7/ C13 ABS) gave (nmin) equal 5 without
addition of alcohols or electrolyte. This case needs some additives to adjust the (nmin) in the range
of 7 to 9. By investigation the factors affecting (nmin), it was found that the side chain of alkyl
benzene shifted the (nmin) to the highest values. The increasing of temperature decreased the (nmin)
values. Also, it was found that the (nmin) increased to high value by adding the electrolytes and
alcohols. The mixture between surfactants with and without side chain shifted the (nmin) to the
highest value. Using these parameters, the alkane carbon number (nmin) can be used to select
the suitable solvent during the preparation of emulsion to get the minimum interfacial tension
at which the maximum emulsion stability should be obtained and also to select the surfactant
for EOR.
Keywords Alkane carbon number, alkyl benzene derivatives, anionic surfactants, emulsion
stability, enhanced oil recovery, interfacial tension

INTRODUCTION of surfactant systems against n-alkanes.[6,7] This model is

One of the applications of emulsion is emulsion flooding look like a V-shape of the relation between the interfacial
for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). In the EOR method, tension against the n-alkanes (n-C5 to n-C18). Using Cayias
emulsion is formed from water and crude oil which stabi- model, the minimum alkane carbon number (nmin) at which
lized by adding surfactants. The ultra low of interfacial the maximum reduction of the interfacial tension can be
tension (102  104 mNm1) is the main target of the determined. The interfacial tensions of different model oils
added surfactants. At the same time, this low interfacial ten- with different equivalent alkane carbon number (EACN)
sion must be obtained at the most quantities of the alkane value against surfactant solutions with different nmin values
carbon number of the crude oil (CAN is between 7-9).[1–4] have also been obtained.[8] Properties of micro-and macro-
The study of interfacial tensions in an oil=surfactant= emulsions, when formulated with true ternary s=o=w
water system is greatly facilitated by use of the alkane (surfactant=oil=water) systems, depend not only on the
model, which was introduced by Cayias.[5] So the concept nature of the surfactant, but also of the oil.[9] The effects
of equivalent alkane carbon number was introduced by of several parameters on nmin have been reported previ-
Cayias and some papers studied the interfacial tensions ously and have been briefly reviewed. Parameters currently
identified as important in the achievement of the low inter-
Received 27 November 2007; accepted 8 December 2007. facial tension are; the surfactant average molecular weight,
Address correspondence to A. M. Al-Sabagh, Egyptian surfactant concentration, electrolyte, the type of oil phase
Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr City 11727, Cairo, Egypt. age of surfactant solution and alcohols.[10,11] Therefore,
E-mail: [email protected] some papers studied the effect of alcohols on interfacial


tensions.[12,13] One of the formulation variables is the nat- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ure of the oil, often rendered through the alkane carbon
number (ACN), or the equivalent alkane carbon number Effect of Molecular Weight on nmin
(EACN) when the oil phase is not an alkane.[14] For a series To deal with the surfactant molecular weight as inde-
of surfactant with the same basic molecular structure, nmin pendent variable is neither practicable nor helpful in reach-
increases nearly linearly as the hydrophobic alkyl group ing the aim of the present work. This is simply because the
chain length is increased, so the equivalent alkane carbon changing of the molecular weight is accompanied, in most
number (EACN) increases with increasing the molecular cases, by slight variations in the chemical structure of the
weight. On the other hand, increasing the molecular weight surface active molecules.
by adding hydrophilic groups, such as ethylene oxides, For example, 4 / C12, 4 / C14, and 4 / C16 linear alkyl
decreases the nmin. Actually, it seems preferable to change benzene sulfonates seem to have the same structure and dif-
nmin by altering the surfactant’s hydrophobic=hydrophilic fer only in their molecular weights. As shown in Table 1
balance (HLB),[15] rather than considering the surfactant and Figure 1a (unsymmetrical side chain), the benzene ring
molecular weight. For anionic surfactants, the hydrophibi- is attached to carbon number 4 in each of alkyl groups,
city may be adjusted by changing the hydrocarbon group that is, the benzene ring seems to have the same position
structure, and this important effect of the molecular struc- but actually this is not true because these compounds are
ture on nmin has been discussed by some investigators.[16] only identical in the short part of the chain and not in
Shift of nmin was seen when series of isomers having the the long one. Such slight variations in the molecular struc-
same molecular weight are studied. Doe and Wade,[17] have ture have been reported to cause a significant change in the
been shown that, the isomers of n-hexadecyl benzene surface behavior of such compounds.[22] This change can
sodium sulphonate (mol. wt ¼ 404) have shown attributed be better studied when the effect of the alkyl chain length
to the shift of the nmin due to the difference in surfactant was considered. In order to increase the molecular weight
molecular structure. The most commonly used surfactants of the linear alkyl benzene sulphonate without altering
in EOR are the onphenyl alkyl benzene sulfonate. The the structure to more symmetrical structure such as 6
interfacial tension behaviour of 1, phenyalkane sulfonate / C11, 7 / C13, and 8 / C15, which are shown also in
systems against n, alkanes and the effects of alcohols was Table 2b and Figure 1b (symmetrical side chain). The
studied.[18,19] They found that the IFT of these surfactants attachment of benzene rings, in these compounds, is in
less than 4 mNm1. For this reason, this work is dealing the central position of the alkyl chains (only alkyl chains
with two objects. The first of them is to synthesis isomers having odd carbon numbers can fulfill this requirement).
of alkyl benzene sulphonate derivatives with the internally By analysis the data in Table 1, it was found that, 4
substituted benzene ring along the alkyl chain at different / C12, 4/ C14, and 4 / C16 gave an interfacial tension above
molecular weights to obtain ultra low IFT. The second 101 mNm1 at equivalent alkane carbon number n-9. But,
object is to investigate the molecular weight and chemical they did not exhibit nmin at the liquid alkane carbon num-
structure of these surfactants as up and down shifter of ber (above than n-C5), although they have two side chains,
nmin in presence of alcohols and electrolytes to make one of them has the same carbon atoms and the other
optimum surfactant formulations used in area of EOR. chains were 8 C, 10 C, and 12 C, respectively as shown
in Figure 1b. The view of molecular structures of the sym-
EXPERIMENTAL metrical branch of the alkyl benzene sulfonate derivatives
is shown in Figure 1b. From the nmin data in Table 1,
Synthesis of the alkyl Benzene Sulphonate Isomers one can be concluded that, the side chain surfactant plays
Twelve monoisomeric alkyl benzene sulphonates were an important role to detect the nmin and to reduce the inter-
prepared. The details concerning methods of preparation, facial tension. The length of side chain effects on the nmin,
sulphonation neutralization and purification of the pre- that is, 6 / C11 ABS has two sides chains equal 5 C as
pared compound, have been reported elsewhere.[20,21] shown in Figure1b. The nmin was not available to deter-
mine (less than n-C5) for the 4/ C12 ABS, 4 / C14 ABS,
Surfactant Solution formation and 4/ C16 ABS. But the 7 / C13 ABS and 8 / C15 ABS
Many sets of experiments were assessment on the base exhibited nmin at 5, 6, and 8, respectively. at the same time
of discrepancy of the surfactant solution formulations. they exhibited interfacial tension at 102 and 103 mNm1,
respectively. This means that not only the side chain which
Interfacial Tension Measurements (IFT) effect on the nmin and the interfacial tension, but also the
The IFT was measured between the surfactant solutions molecular weight of surfactant. In the two phase system
and the n-alkanes (n-C5 to n-C18).[14] The interfacial (water=n-alkanes), interfacial tension depends on the status
tension was measured using the spinning drop technique of the surfactant molecules adsorbing on the interface
SDT 04 (Kruss–Germany). especially the properties of the outermost atoms or groups

TABLE 1 at the interface region. The surface energy of CH3 group is

Chemical structure, M.wt, and nmin of unsymmetrical and smaller than that of CH2 group, therefore the more CH3
symmetrical branch isomers of ABS groups present in the outermost layer the lower interfacial
tension would be obtained.[23] For a surfactant molecule of
Chemical Abbreviation =M.wt, a long lipophilic group, when adsorbing on the interface
structure nmin=Branching=IFT the hydrocarbon chain would not entirely stretch towards
the oil phase but self-coil and expose the CH2 groups to
4 / C12 ABS the outermost layer.[23] Among the three isomers 6 / C11,
343 7 / C13, and 8 / C15 have different alkyl chains containing
N.A. 11, 13, and 15 carbon atoms which would be difficult to
SB coil and simultaneously have two side chains (equal in
Y ¼ 101mNm1 length). They covered the number of CH3 groups in the
outermost layer would be the greatest than its interfacial
tension would be the lowest. The equal in length of the
4 / C14 ABS two chains of the three symmetrical branch surfactants so
376 less CH3 groups could be covered resulting in the lower
N.A. interfacial tension. The equal length of chains makes them
USB difficult to a self coil or cover each, so it would be probable
Y ¼ 101mNm1 that both of the two CH3 group contribute to reduce the
interfacial tension producing the ultra low values from
102 to 104 mNm1 against the 6 / C11, 7 / C13, and
4 / C16 ABS 8 / C15, respectively. It could be concluded that the
Y ¼ 101mNm1

6 / C11 ABS
Y ¼ 102mNm1

7 / C13 ABS
Y ¼ 103mNm1

8 / C15 ABS
Y ¼ 104mNm1

N.A: Out of liquid hydrocarbon scale (gaseous scale; not
available to measure.
USB: Unsymmetrical branch.
SB: Symmetrical branch. FIG. 1. (a) unsymetrical branching of ABS; (b) symetrical branching
IFT: Interfacial tension at the nmin. of ABS.

Effect of hydrophobe branching on surfactant nmin of liner hexadecylbenzene sulphonate in presence of electrolyte
Ingredient .

Hexadecylbenzene Surfactant
sulphonte isomers Temp.,  C Electrolyte Wt.% nmin

28 0.158% CaCl2 9
0.316% CaCl2 10
0.250% NaCl 9
0.500% NaCl 10
70 0.158% CaCl2 6
0.316% CaCl2 6.5

28 0.158% CaCl2 7
0.316% CaCl2 8
0.250% NaCl 7
0.500% NaCl 8

70 0.158% CaCl2
0.316% CaCl2 5

28 0.158% CaCl2 6
0.316% CaCl2 7
0.632% CaCl2 D
70 0.632% CaCl2 6
1.000% NaCl 6

28 0.158% CaCl2

0.316% CaCl2

0.632% CaCl2

70 0.632% CaCl2

1.000% NaCl

.: Surfactant concentration is 0.07% by wt. and no alcohol.

: Off liquid scale n-alkane and minimum tension.
D: At this electrolyte concentration and temperature, the surfactant precipitates.

branching of the lipophilic group moves to the center of at 28 C. The obtained results make to explain that these
the alkyl chain, the coverage fraction of CH3 groups in surfactants having side chain less than 6 carbon atoms of
the outermost layer increases causing the sharp decrease the alkyl benzene sulphonat isomers cannot be used to give
of interfacial tension. The nmin values of each of these com- on the liquid scale of the n-alkane. It is better determined in
pounds were determined through the IFT–ACN isotherms presence of added alcohols and or electrolyte. When the

nmin values were determined at 70 C, non of the above using 0.07 wt% of 6 / C16, 7 / C16, and 8 / C16 ABS. The
mentioned surfactants gave an on scale minimum tension obtained minimum interfacial tensions were found
against the liquid alkane. At this temperature, 9 / C17 to be in the range 102 to 103mNm1. The effect of
ABS gave nmin ¼ 7.5 (the lowest interfacial tension exhib- hydrophobe branching on nmin value of these isomers in
ited against 1:1 molar mixture of heptane and octane). It presence of electrolyte is shown in Table 2.
is important to point out that the nmin of this surfactant The data in Table 2 revel, that at any given electrolyte
cannot be determined at 28 C because it has a high mole- concentration, increasing hydrophope branching resulted
cular weight sulfonante which has tendency to be precipi- in an increase in the nmin value. For example, at 0.158%
tate at this temperature (the krafft point is around 30 C). CaCl2, 6 / C16, 7 / C16, and 8 / C16 gave nmin value of 6,
Although there are many factors which can be changed 7, and 9, respectively. It is also important to point out that
to adjust the surfactant nmin, the main areas of flexibility under the same ionic strength, the aqueous surfactant solu-
are in the structure of surfactant chosen and the alcohol tion shown the minimum tension against the same alkane
used, if any. A practical approach, therefore, is to optimize carbon number (ACN) regardless of the type of the electro-
the surfactant alcohol mixture to give satisfactory low lyte used. Thus, under the influence of 0.158% CaCl2 or
tension behavior at a predetermined electrolyte concen- 0.25% NaCl, 0.07 wt% aqueous solution of 8 / C16, the
tration and temperature range 28–70 C. As a number of minimum interfacial tension was obtained against nonane
surfactant alcohol systems can be made to give low ten- (nmin ¼ 9) at 28 C. Attempts to shift the surfactant nmin
sions against any alkane, the final system choice will then value by increasing the electrolyte concentration were not
be made primarily on the required nmin range. successful because at concentration greater than; 0.316%
In detergent alkylates, manufactures often refere to CaCl2 (or 0.5% NaCl) the investigated hexadecylbenzene
branching alkyl benzene sulphonates to indicate an alky- isomers should be precipitate from solution (at the Krafft
late having a branched alkyl group mostly of the propylene point). To avoid surfactant precipitation, the electrolyte
– polymer structure. When we deal with this alkylate as concentration must be reduced. At 70 C, no precipitation
surface-active molecule, the term ‘‘tail branching’’ is more took place and a downward shift in nmin has been observed.
defined referring to the branched alkyl group disregarding It can be expected from the data in Table 2 that the 5 / C16
the position of a phenyl group along this a chain. ABS isomer did not give minimum tension on the liquid
scale of nmin at these investigated conditions, i.e., will not
Effect of Hydrophobe Branch on nmin give the minimum interfacial tension against any of the
In linear alkyl benzene sulphonates, ‘‘hydrophobe liquid alkane members (n-C5 – n-C18). The relation
branching’’ a term is used to indicate the different points between phenyl substitution position on C16 ABS and nmin
of phenyl group attachment along the linear alkyl at different temperatures (28 and 70 C) is shown in
chain.[22,23] Thus, a maximum hydrophobe branching is Figure 2. From the plotted data in this fig. can be con-
obtained when the phenyl group is attached to the central cluded that, with increasing the carbon number attachment
carbon atom of the linear alkyl group. That is to be say
that 2-phenyl hexadecane is less branched than 8-phenyl
hexadecane provided that the hexadecyl group is linear in
both cases. Two sets of experiments were carried out to
study the, effect of surfactant structure on the nmin values
of some hexadecylbenzene sulphonate isomers. In the first
set of experiments, hydrophobe branching was changed
by changing the point of attachment of a phenyl group
along the linear alkyl chain. Thus, three isomers of sodium
hexadecylebenzene sulphonate in which the benzene ring is
attached to carbon number 6, 7, and 8 were employed.
These three isomers are abbreviated as 6 / C16, 7 / C16,
and 8 / C16 ABS. Hydrophobe branching increases in
order 6 / C16 < 7 / C16 < 8 / C16. In another set of experi-
ments, three other isomers of sodium hexadecylbenzene
sulphonate were employed to study the effect of ‘‘tail
branching’’ on nmin values obtained. The sodium salts
of 1-phenyl-hexadecan, 1-phenyl-2-methylpentadecane
and 1-phenyl-3-ethyl tetra-decane are abbreviated as 1
/ C16, 1 / (2Me) C15 and1 / (3 Et) C14 ABS. In the first FIG. 2. Effect of temperature and phenyl substitution on nmin at
set of experiments, the shift in surfactant nmin were studied CaCl2 0.158% and 0.07% surfactant concentration.

position on the C16 ABS increases the nmin toward the Effect of Added Alcohol on nmin
liquid alkane members at 28 C. This relation was missed The effect of added alcohols on the surfactant nmin is
at 70 C, because the increasing of temperature increases shown in Table 3 in presence of an added electrolyte
the solubility of oil droplet toward the water surfactant (0.1% CaCl2). The data Table 3 show that at the same elec-
solution which led to decrease the nmin. An upward shift trolyte concentration, the amount of added alcohols, to
of surfactant nmin higher value is only possible by the addi- reach a certain nmin value, depends on the molecular weight
tion of alcohol. If the carbon chains of alcohols added are and structure of these alcohols. For example, at 28 C and
much shorter than that of surfactants, alcohols may be in presence of 0.1% CaCl2, 8 / C16ABS gave nmin ¼ 12
shielded by chains of surfactants, so the function of when 2.5% tert-butanol or 1% iso-pentanol was added.
alcohol CH3 groups may be reduced as in the normal The same nmin value was reached when only 0.25%
alcohols such n-hexanol. But in the branching alcohols n-hexanol was used. The influence of alcohol hydrophope
such as t-butanol and iso-pentanol, the chance of carbon branching on surfactant nmin in presence of an added alco-
chain covered by chains of surfactants is less than that hol quite clear in Table 3. When a certain nmin was reached,
on the normal alcohols.[26] Therefore, the addition of the more branched isomer needs a smaller amount of any
branching alcohol change the interfacial tension to lower added alcohol than the less branched one. For instance,
values (102 to 104 mNm1) further make up shift of at 28 C and in presence of 0.1% CaCl2 8 / C16; 7 / C16,
the nmin to higher values (in the liquid nmin carbon scale). and 6 / C16 ABS gave minimum interfacial tensions (IFT)
The normal alcohols such n-pentanol causes also a shift against tridecane (nmin ¼ 13) when an amount of 1.5,
of nmin to up values, but these values were obtained at a 2.5 and 3.5 wt% iso-pentanol was added, respectively. It
higher values of interfacial tension (101 to 102 mNm1) is also obvious from the data in Table 3 that the down-
at most cases. ward shift in the nmin value has been observed when the

nmin values of some hexadecylbenzene sulphonat isomers in presence of electrolyte and alcohols
Surfactant, nmin
Ingredients .
Hexadecylbenzene sulphonte isomers alcohol wt,% 28 C 70 C

2.5% t-butnol 12 9
3.5% t-butnol 13 10
1.0% iso-pentanol 12 9
1.5% iso-pentanol 13 10
2.0% iso-pentanol 16 13
0.25% n-hexanol 12 9
0.5% n-hexanol 14 11

2.5% t-butanol 10 6.5

3.5% t-butnol 11.5 8
1.0% iso-pentanol 9.5 6
1.5% iso-pentanol 11 8
2.5% iso-pentanol 13 10
0.5% n-hexanol 12 9

3.5% t-butanol 10 6.5

2.5% iso-pentanol 12 8.5
3.0% iso-pentanol 12.5 9
3.5% iso-pentanol 13 9.5
0.5% n-hexanol 11 8

%Electrolyte wt%: 0.1% CaCl2, surfactant wt%: 0.07.

temperature of the system was increased from 28 to 70 C. describe the relation between three parameters (alcohol
The amount of this a shift in the nmin was found to be concentration and temperature on interfacial tension for
between 3 to 3.5 alkane carbon numbers in all the investi- 8 / C16 ABS, 7 / C16 ABS and 6 / C16 ABS) have been
gated isomers. The effect of tail branching on surfactant plotted. From the draw, it can be concluded that the
nmin of some sodium hexadecylbenzene sulphonate isomers increasing of an alcohol concentration increases the nmin
was also studied at 28 to 70 C in presence of 0.1% CaCl2 to this high values. Meanwhile, the increase of temperature
and two different pairs of alcohol. The effect of alcohol decrease the nmin values accompanied with the decrease of
concentration and temperature on the nmin is shown in interfacial tension.
Figures 3a through 3c, where three plotted segments It is clear from the data in Table 4 that, the increase tail
branch has resulted in an increase the nmin value of the
investigated hexadecylbenzene sulphonate isomers. For

Effect of tile branch on surfactant nmin of some hexade-
cylbenzene sulphonate in presence of added electrolyte
and alcohols

Surfactant, nmin
sulphonte isomers Alcohol wt,% 28 C 70 C

3.5% t-buatnol 7.5
0.5% n-hexanol
3.5% iso-pentanol 9 7
0.5% n-hexanol

3.5% t-butanol 9 7
0.5% n-hexanol
3.5% iso-pentanol 11 8.5
0.5% n-hexanol

3.5% t-butanol 12 9
0.5% n-hexanol
3.5% iso-pentanol 14 11
0.5% n-hexanol

FIG. 3. Effect of iso-pentanol on the nmin of (a) 8 / C16, (b) 7 / C16, : Surfactant concentration is 0.07% by wt. and no alcohol.
(c) 6 / C16. : Electrolyte wt%: 0.1% CaCl2, surfactant wt%: 0.07%.

instance, at 2 C in presence of 3.5% tert-butanol þ 0.5% n- TABLE 5

hexanol and 0.1% added CaCl2, the nmin values, 7.5, 9, and nmin values of some monoisomeric surfactants and
12 has been obtained for 1 / C16, 1 / (2Me) C16, and 1/ mixtures in presence of electrolyte and alcohols
(3Et) C16 ABS, respectively.
At 70 C, 1 / C16 isomer did not give nmin on the liquid Surfactant, nmin
scale, when tert-butnol and n-hexanol pair was employed. Hexadecylbenzene
Under the same conditions and in presence of the same sulphonte isomers 28 C 70 C
concentrations of added alcohols, to the isomers 1/
(2Me) C15 ABS and 1 / (3Et) C14 ABS, which are having 11.5 9
branched tails gave higher nmin values (9 and 12 or 11 and
14) against the (t-butanol=n-hexanol) and (iso-pentanol=
n-hexanol) pairs of alcohol mixtures.
In order to get higher nmin values, an upward shift in the
position of minimum tension has to be achieved through
the addition of more alcohol concentration. Thus, when
an alcohol mixture of 3.5% iso-pentanol 2.0% tert-butanol,
and 0.5% n-hexanol was added, in presence of 0.1% CaCl2, 13.5 11
higher nmin values were obtained. The nmin values were;
11.5; 13.5 and 16 against the, 1/ C16 ABS; 1/ (2Me)
C15 ABS and 1/ (3Et) ABS, respectively. The obtained
nmin values are presented in Table 5. The most striking
feature in the data of Table 5 is that the downward shift
of nmin due to a temperature rise from 28 to 70 C, is
relatively smaller than that obtained when the alcohol pairs
were used. It seems that the upward shift in nmin due to
adding alcohol over balanced the temperature downward
16 14
Three hexdecylbenzene sulphonate pairs, namely;
1 / C16=8 / C16, 1 / (2Me) C15=8 / C16, and 1 / (3Et)
C14=7 / C16, were employed under the same conditions
and their nmin values were determined at 28 to 70 C. The
obtained results which are listed in Table 5 show that it is
possible to get a distinct minimum tension against tetrade-
cane and pentadecane by using two component surfactant
mixtures in which an unbranched or simple branched tail
C16 ABS isomer was mixed with another having higher 50%(1 /f C16 ABS þ 50% 14 11.5
hydrophobe branching (a phenyl group attached to the 8 /f C16ABS
more central carbon atoms). 50%[1 /f (2 Me) C15] þ 50% 14.5 12
7 /f C16 ABS
Effect of Highly Branching Sulfonate on nmin 50%[(1 / (3 Et) C14] þ 50% 15 13
Data in the Table 6 showed that the effect of the highly 7 / C16 ABS
branching compound, dodecyl-O-xylene sulphonate C12-
Alcohol mixture is: 3.5% iso-pentanol, 2.0% t-buatnol, and
OXS and pentadecyl-O-xylene sulphonate C15-OXS on
0.5% n-hexanol.
the nmin. Both these compounds was formulated with 1% Electrolyte wt%: 0.1% CaCl2.
NaCl, different concentration of alcohol and alcohol mix-
tures at 28 C. The nmin shifted to outside scale the liquid
alkane with C12-OXS this finding was obtained with of nmin obtained by C12-OXS can be used in area of
(3.5% t-butanol or 3.5% iso-pentanol or 0.5 n-hexanol) at EOR application. But the obtained nmin values by the
28 and 70 C. But, in case of C15-OXS the nmin was scanned C15-OXS can be used in area of asphalt emulsion (using
at 28 C. Meanwhile, the nmin were; 10, 11, and 9 against Kerosene as a solvent, its ACN is from 9 to 13). The high
the same percentage of alcohols with the C15 OXS at value of nmin attained with C15-OXS because it has higher
28 C. By increasing the temperature, the nmin decreased. hydrophobic branching than C12-OXS. This means that the
Using the mixtures of alcohol increases the nmin. This hydrophobic branch plays an important role in shifting of
observation clears from the data in Table 6. The values nmin to higher values.

nmin values of C12- and C15- OXS in presence of electrolyte and alcohols
Surfactant, nmin
Sulphonte Alcohol wt,% 28 C 70 C
3.5% t-butnol
3.5% iso-pentanol
0.5% n-hexanol

3.5% iso-pentanol 6
0.5% n-hexanol

3.5% iso-pentanol 8
0.5% n-hexanol
3.5% iso-pentanol 9 7
2.0% t-butnol
0.5% n-hexanol
3.5% t-butnol 10 6.5
3.5% iso-pentanol 11 7
0.5% n-hexanol 9 6
3.5% t-butnol 12 10
0.5% n-hexanol
3.5% iso-pentanol 13 11
3.5% n-hexanol
0.5% iso-pentanol 15 13
0.5% iso-pentanol
2.0% t-butnol

: Electrolyte wt%: 0.1% NaCl.

: nmin is out of liquid scale hydrocarbon.

CONCLUSIONS the shift of nmin to high values better than of the

The conclusions of this work can be stated in the obtained with the individual surfactants of the
following points: same mixture.
. The high molecular weight ABS isomer (8 / C15
ABS) exhibited nmin ¼ 8 at the same time the
low molecular weight (7 / C13 ABS) exhibit
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