5403 Part 2
5403 Part 2
5403 Part 2
Using our paragraph. Let’s practice using these
formatting tools. Highlight the center’s name and then click on
B for bold. Highlight the information in the parentheses and
click on I for italics. Highlight “meet old and new frndz” and
click on the U for underline.
Your paragraph should now look something like this:
The “Golden Hour Senior Citizen’s Center” is a great place to
relax, meet old and new friends and get training on computer
and word processing.
Font Size and Fonts:
Changing the size of words in your documents is one
of the best ways to call attention to specific parts or provide a
title or section.
You can change the size of the whole document, or just a word,
or just a character. My paragraph above is in 12- point size. We
will increase the size to 14. Select and highlight the entire
paragraph using our mouse.
With the paragraph selected, click on the point that is probably
a 10 or 12. The standards text in documents varies between 9
and 12 for effect, we’ll select 14.
Click on the down arrow to the right to point size. The matching
size in the drop down menu is highlighted. Either select 14 by
moving the mouse pointer to 14 or type 14 when the number in
the box is highlighted. Your standard choice are 8 through 72
but you can enter any number between 1 and 99.
Let’s decrease the size of the words with in the parentheses to
8 point. Select the word within the parenthesis by going to the
beginning or end of the phrase, clicking the mouse and then
going across the words to select them all. Then click on the
down arrow to the right of the 14 and select the number 8. The
text within the parenthesis will now appear smaller than the
The fastest way to sum a column or row of numbers is to
select to call next to the numbers you want to sum and click the
Auto sum button on the Home tab, in the formats group. Excel
will insert a SUM formula for automatically.
Useful Resources:
Excel sum formula examples formulas to total a column,
rows only filtered (visible cells) or sum across sheets.
Excel auto sum- the fastest way to sum a column or row of
SUMIF in Excel- formula example to conditionally sum
SUMIFS in Excel- formula examples to sum cells based on
multiple criteria.
The Excel average function does exactly what its name
suggest, i.e. finds an average, or arithmetic mean, of numbers.
Its syntax is similar to SUMs.
Average (number1, [number2] …)
Having a closer look at the formula from the previous
section (=SUM (B2:B6)/5), what does it actually do? Sums value
in cells B2 through B6 and then divides the result by 5. And
what do you call adding up a group of numbers and then
dividing the sum by the count of those numbers? Yep an
The Excel AVERAGE function performs these calculations
behind the sense. So instead of dividing sum by count, you can
simply put this formula in a cell:
To average cells based on condition, use the following
AVERAGEIF formula, where A2:A6 is the criteria range, D3 is the
criteria and B2:B6 are the cells to average:
=AVERAGEIF (A2:A6, D3, B2:B6)
Useful resources:
Excel AVERAGE: average cells with the numbers.
Excel AVERAGEA: find an average of cells with any data
(numbers, Boolean and text values).
Excel AVERAGEIF: average cells based on one criterion.
Excel AVERGEIFS: average cells based on multiple criteria.
How to calculate weighted average in Excel
How to find moving average in Excel
The MAX and MIN formulas in Excel get the largest and
smallest value in a set of numbers, respectively. For our simple
data set, the formulas will be as simple as:
=MAX (B2:B6)
=MIN (B2:B6)
If you are curious to know how many cells in a given range
contain numeric values, don’t waste your time counting them
by hand. The Excel COUNT function will bring you the count in a
Judging by the number of I F- related comments on our blog,
it’s the most popular function in Excel. In simple terms, you use
I F formula to ask Excel to test a certain condition and return
one value or perform one calculation if the condition is met,
and another value or calculation if the condition is not met:
I F (logical test, [value if true], [value if false])
For example the following I F statement checks if the order is
completed (i.e. there is a value in column C) or not. To test if a
cell is not blank, you use the “not equal to” operator (<>) in
combination with an empty string (“”). As the result, if cell C2 is
not empty, the formula returns yes otherwise No:
= I F (C2<>””,”YES”,”NO”)
Useful resources:
I F function in Excel with formula examples
How to use nested I Fs in Excel.
I F formulas with multiple AND/OR conditions.
Q3: With the help of Internet, computer features
of windows operating system and Android
Operating system. Also elaborate important
functions of an operating system.
Operating System
An operating system is a conglomeration of software that
controls the hardware of the computer and ensures that the
computer can perform all its basic functions. Which are
necessary for all other programs to work. The operating system
helps additional programs integrate with the computer so that
they can run. Because the operating system is so important, it is
usually the first software added to the computer. Operating
systems contain a number of utility.
A utility is an operating system is a computer program that
performs a single task, usually very specific and related to any
part of operating system software. Theses program work
mostly with system resource such as memory and basic data
flow. They often help computer organize their memory and set
apart memory for applications that are added later in the life of
the computer.
Operating systems have many different software programs that
help them run basic processes for the computer.
Some of this software users can replace or delete. Other types
of software’s are vital to the operating system and help it
function correctly. Likewise some software is highly complex
and multilayered, while other types are simple and take up only
a little space. Utilities tend to be smaller, more basic types of
software. While you are pretty much free to use your Apple
device as you please there are certain thing you can’t do due to
Apple’s own restriction. These restrictions are spelled out in.
Differences: operating systems also use software known as
applications and it can sometimes be difficult to tell what the
difference is. In general, utilities are smaller and simpler than
applications. Applications are complex and perform many
functions instead of only one often functions that are not
directly related to the basic computer structure. Word
processors and datasheet programs are two of the most
common applications.
Some utilities in operating systems may not be completely
necessary and some utilities can even be part of applications.
For instance, simple program within an application that allows
it to print to multiple locations may be considered a utility, as
can simple tools within an operating systems. These tools can
often be added on or taken away from the operating system as