Comparison of Two Theorem Provers: Isabelle/HOL and Coq

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Comparison of Two Theorem Provers:

Isabelle/HOL and Coq

Artem Yushkovskiy1,2
arXiv:1808.09701v2 [cs.LO] 6 Sep 2018

1 Department of Computer Science,

Aalto University (Espoo, Finland)
2 Department of Computer System Design and Security,
ITMO University (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Autumn 2017


The need for formal definition of the very basis of mathematics arose in the last century. The scale and
complexity of mathematics, along with discovered paradoxes, revealed the danger of accumulating errors
across theories. Although, according to Gödel’s incompleteness theorems, it is not possible to construct
a single formal system which will describe all phenomena in the world, being complete and consistent
at the same time, it gave rise to rather practical areas of logic, such as the theory of automated theorem
proving. This is a set of techniques used to verify mathematical statements mechanically using logical
reasoning. Moreover, it can be used to solve complex engineering problems as well, for instance, to prove
the security properties of a software system or an algorithm. This paper compares two widespread tools
for automated theorem proving, Isabelle/HOL [1] and Coq [2], with respect to expressiveness, limitations
and usability. For this reason, it firstly gives a brief introduction to the bases of formal systems and
automated deduction theory, their main problems and challenges, and then provides detailed comparison
of most notable features of the selected theorem provers with support of illustrative proof examples.

KEYWORDS: proof assistants, Coq, Isabelle/HOL, logics, proof theory, formal method, classical logic,
intuitionistic logic, usability.

1 Introduction
Nowadays, the search for foundations of mathematics has become one of the key questions in
philosophy of mathematics, which eventually has an impact on numerous problems in modern
life. As a result, the formal approach was developed as a new methodology for manipulating the
abstract essences in a verifiable way. In other words, it is possible to follow the sequence of such
manipulations in order to check the validity of each statement and, as a result, of a system at
whole. Moreover, automating such a verification process can significantly increase reliability of
formal models and systems based on them.
At present, a large number of tools have been developed to automate this process. Generally,
these tools can be divided into two broad classes. The first class contains tools pursuing the aim of

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validating the input statement (theorem) with respect to the sequence of inference transitions (user-
defined proof ) according to set of inference rules (defined by logic). Such tools are sometimes
called proof assistants, their purpose is to help users to develop new proofs. The tools Isabelle [1],
Coq [2], PVS [3] are well-known examples of such systems, which are commonly used in recent
The second class consists of tools that automatically discover the formal proof, which can rely
either on induction, on meta argument, or on higher-order logic. Such tools are often called
automated theorem provers, they apply techniques of automated logical reasoning to develop the
proof automatically. The systems Otter [4] and ACL2 [5] are commonly known examples of such
tools. In this paper, only systems of the first class were considered in order to test the usability
of such systems.
This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 describes basic foundations of logic necessary
for understanding theorem provers. In particular, Section 2.1 provides formal definition, Sec-
tions 2.2–2.4 describe different types, basic properties and theoretical limitations of formal sys-
tems. Section 3 presents the comparison itself and provides the illustrative examples of different
kinds of proofs in both considering systems.

1.1 Related work

A considerably extensive survey on theorem provers has been presented by F. Wiedijk [6], where
fifteen most common systems for the formalization of mathematics were compared against vari-
ous properties, in particular, size of supporting libraries, expressiveness of underlying logic, size
of proofs (the de Bruijn criterion) and level of automation (the Poincaré principle). Another no-
table work was presented by D. Griffioen and M. Huisman [7], in which two theorem provers,
PVS and Isabelle/HOL, were deeply compared with respect to numerous important aspects,
such as properties of used logic, specification language, user interface, etc. This paper proposes
analogous comparison of two widely used theorem provers, Isabelle and Coq, with respect to
expressiveness, limitations and usability.

2 Foundations of formal approach

The formal approach appeared in the beginning of previous century when mathematics experi-
enced deep fundamental crisis caused by the need for a formal definition of the very basis. At
that time, multiple paradoxes in several fields of mathematics have been discovered. Moreover,
the radically new theories appeared just by modification of the set of axioms, e.g., reducing the
parallel postulate of Euclidean geometry has lead to completely different non-Euclidian geome-
tries, such as Lobachevsky’s hyperbolic geometry or Riemman’s elliptic geometry, that eventually
have a large number of applications in both natural sciences and engineering.

2.1 Definition of the formal system

Let the judgement be an arbitrary statement. The formal proof of the formula φ is a finite sequence
of judgements (ψi )ni=1, where each ψi is either an axiom Ai , or a formula inferred from the subset
{ψk }ik−=11 of previously derived formulas according the rules of inference. An axiom Ai ∈ A is a
judgement evidently claimed to be true. A logical inference is a transfer from one judgement
(premise) to another (consequence), which preserves truth. In formal logic, inference is based
entirely on the structure of those judgements, thereby, the result formal system represents the
abstract model describing part of real world.

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The formulas consist of propositional variables, connected with logical connectives (or logical
operators) according to rules, defined by a formal language. The formulas, which satisfy such
rules, are called well-formed formulas (wff). Only wff can form judgements in a formal system.
The propositional variable is an atomic formula that can be claimed as either true or false. The
logical connective is a symbol in formal language that transforms one wff to another. Typically,
the set of logical connectives contains negation ¬, conjunction ∧, disjunction ∨, and implication
→ operators, although the combination of negation operator with any other of aforementioned
operators will be already functionally complete (i.e., any formula can be represented with the
usage of these two logical connectives).
The formal system described above does not contain any restriction on the form of proposi-
tional variables, such logic is called propositional logic. However, if these variables are quantified
on the sets, such logic is called first-order or predicate logic. Commonly, first-order logic operates
with two quantifiers, the universal quantifier ∀ and the existential quantifier ∃. Thereafter, the
second-order logic extends it by adding quantifiers over first-order quantified sets — relations defin-
ing the sets of sets. In turn, it can be extended by the higher-order logic, which contain quantifiers
over the arbitrary nested sets (for instance, the expression ∀ f : bool → bool, f ( f ( f x )) = f x could
be considered in higher-order logic), or the type theory, which assigns a type for every expression
in the formal language (see Section 2.4).
A formal system determines the set of derivable formulas (judgements that are provable with
respect to the rules of formal system). Let Φ be a set of formulas. Initially, it only consists of
hypotheses, a priori true formulas, which are claimed to be already proved. The notation Φ ⊢ φ
means that the formula φ is provable from Φ, if there exists a proof that infers φ from Φ. The
formula which is provable without additional premises is called tautology and denoted as ⊢ φ
(meaning ∅ ⊢ φ). The formula is called contradiction if ⊢ ¬φ. Obviously, all contradictions are
equivalent in one formal system, they are denoted as ⊥.
In current paper, the notation (1), which was borrowed from the Isabelle documentation,
will be used for expressing the rules of inference. In this notation, the sign =⇒ means logical
implication, which is right-associative, see formula (3). This notation is equivalent to the standard
notation (2):

[[ A1 ; A2 ; . . . An ]] =⇒ B (1)
≡ { A1 , A2 , . . . A n } ⊢ B (2)

A1 =⇒ A2 =⇒ · · · =⇒ An =⇒ B
≡ A1 =⇒ ( A2 =⇒ (· · · =⇒ ( An =⇒ B)))
The formulas below describe the principal inference rule residing in most logic systems, the
Modus ponens (MP) rule, and two main axioms of classical logic:

[[ A, A =⇒ B]] =⇒ B (MP)
A =⇒ ( B =⇒ A). (A1)
( A =⇒ ( B =⇒ C )) =⇒ (( A =⇒ B) =⇒ ( A =⇒ C )). (A2)

Together with axioms (A1) and (A2), Modus ponens rule forms the Hilbert proof system
which can process statements of classical propositional logic. Other classical logic systems of-
ten include the axiom of excluded middle (EM), and may derive the double negation introduc-

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tion (DNi) and double negation elimination (DNe) laws:

A ∨ ¬ A. (EM)
A =⇒ ¬¬ A (DNi)
¬¬ A =⇒ A (DNe)

Many classical logics may derive the de Morgan’s laws (DM1), (DM2), the law of contraposi-
tion (CP), the Peirce’s law (PL) and many other tautologies:

¬( A ∧ B) ⇐⇒ ¬ A ∨ ¬ B (DM1)
¬( A ∨ B) ⇐⇒ ¬ A ∧ ¬ B (DM2)
( A → B) =⇒ (¬ B → ¬ A) (CP)
(( A → B) → A) =⇒ B (PL)

The axiom of excluded middle means that every logical statement is decidable, which might
not be true in some applications. Adding this axiom to the formal system leads to the reasoning
from truth statements, in contrast to natural deduction systems that use reasoning from assumptions.
Although the difference between these two kinds of formal systems seems to be subtle, the latter
can be used more as framework, allowing to build new systems on the logical base of pre-defined
premises and formal proof rules.

2.2 Properties of Formal System

Let U be a set of all possible formulas, let Γ = < A, V, Ω, R > be a formal system with set of
axioms A, set of propositional variables V, set of logical operators Ω, and set of inference rules
R. Then Γ is called:

• consistent, if both formula and its negation can not be proved in the system:
∄φ ∈ Γ : Γ ⊢ φ ∧ Γ ⊢ ¬φ ⇔ Γ 0 ⊥;
• complete, if all true statements can be inferred:
∀φ ∈ U : A ⊢ φ ∨ A ⊢ ¬φ ;
• independent, if no axiom can be inferred from another:
∄a ∈ A : A ⊢ a.

For instance, the Hilbert system described above is consistent and independent, yet incom-
plete under the classical semantics. In 1931, Kurt Gödel proved his first incompleteness theorem
which states that any consistent formal system is incomplete. Later, in 1936, Alfred Tarski ex-
tended this result by proving his Undefinability theorem, which states that the concept of truth
cannot be defined in a formal system. In that case, modern tools, such as Coq, often restrict
propositions to be either provable or unprovable, rather than true or false.

2.3 Lambda-calculus
The necessity of building the automatic reasoning systems has lead to development of models
that abstract the computation process. That time, the concept of effective computability was
being evolving rapidly, causing development of multiple formalisations of computation, such
as Turing Machine, Normal Markov algorithms, Recursive functions, and other. One of the fist
and most effective models was λ-calculus invented by Alonzo Church in 1930s. This formalism
provides solid theoretical foundation for the family of functional programming languages [8]. In

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λ-calculus, functions are first-order objects, which means functions can be applied as arguments
to other functions.
The central concept in λ-calculus is an expression, which can be defined as a subject for appli-
cation the rewriting rules [9]. The basic rewriting rules of λ-calculus are listed below:

• application: f a is the call of function f with argument a

• abstraction: λx.t[ x ] is the function with formal parameter x and body t[ x ]
• computation (β-reduction): replace formal parameter x with actual argument a:
(λx.t[ x ]) a → β t[ x := a]

λ-calculus described above is called the type-free λ-calculus. The more strong calculi can be
constructed by using the types of expressions to the system, for which some useful properties
can be proven (e.g., termination and memory safety) [10].

2.4 Type systems

A type is a collection of elements. In a type system, each element is associated with a type, which
defines a basic structure of it and restricts set of possible operations with the element. This allows
to reveal useful properties of the formal system. Therefore, type theory serves as an alternative
to the classical set theory [11].
The function that builds a new type from another is called type constructor. Such functions
have been used long before type theories had been constructed formally, even in the 19th century
Giuseppe Peano used type constructor S called the successor function, along with zero element 0,
to axiomatise natural number arithmetic. Thus, number 3 can be constructed as S(S(S(0)))).

2.4.1 Simple type theory

The type can be defined declaratively, by assigning a label to set of values. Such types are called
simple types, they can be useful to avoid some paradoxes of set theory, e.g., separating sets of
individuals and sets of sets allows to avoid famous Russel’s paradox [12]. Simple type theory can
extend λ-calculus to a higher-order logic through connection between formulas and expressions
of type Boolean [13].

2.4.2 Martin-Löf type theory

The Martin-Löf type theory, also known as the Intuitionistic type theory1 , is based on the principles
of constructive mathematics, that require explicit definition of the way of "constructing" an object
in order to prove its existence. Therefore, an important place in intuitionistic type theory is held
by the inductive types, which were constructed recursively using a basic type (zero) and successor
function which defines "next" element.
The Intuitionistic type theory also uses a wide class of dependent types, whose definition de-
pends on a value. For instance, the n-ary tuple is a dependent type that is defined by the value
of n. However, the type checking for such a system is an undecidable problem since determining
of the equality of two arbitrary dependent types turns to be tantamount to a problem of inducing
the equivalence of two non-trivial programs (which is undecidable in general case according to
the Rice’s theorem [14]).
1 In this paper, in terms intuitionistic type theory and intuitionistic logic, the word intuitionistic is used as a synonym for


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2.4.3 Calculus of Constructions

Another important constructive type theory is the Calculus of Constructions (CoC) developed
by Thierry Coquand and Gérard Huet in 1985 [15]. It represents a natural deduction system
which incorporates dependent types, polymorphism and type constructors. The typed polymor-
phic functional language of CoC allow to define inductive definitions, although rather ineffi-
ciently [16].
Whenever an inductive type is defined, the task of type-checking becomes equivalent to the
task of executing corresponding function in a programming language. Although in many pro-
gramming languages type-checking algorithm is efficient, type-checking in CoC is undecidable in
general case. This problem is closely related to the Curry-Howard isomorphism, a direct relationship
between a program and an intuitionistic proof, in which a base type of the program is equivalent
to a propositional variable in the proof, an empty type represents false and a singletone type rep-
resents truth, a functional type T1 → T2 corresponds to an implication, a product type T1 ∗ T2 and
a sum type T1 + T2 correspond to conjunction and disjunction, respectively [17]. Thus the Calcu-
lus of Constructions can be considered as an extension of the Curry-Howard isomorphism. An
important feature of CoC type system is that it holds the strong normalisation property, which
means that every sequence of inference eventually terminates with an irreducible normal form.
Although the language of CoC is rather expressive, its expressiveness is not enough to prove
some natural properties of types. In order to overcome this drawback, the Calculus of Inductive
Constructions (CIC) was developed by Christine Paulin in 1990. CIC is implemented by adding
the Martin-Löf’s primitive inductive definitions to the CoC in order to perform the efficient com-
putation of functions over inductive data types in higher-order logic [16]. This formalism lies
behind the Coq proof assistant.

3 Comparison of two theorem provers

In this work, two automated proof assistants, Isabelle/HOL2 and Coq have been chosen for com-
parison as they both are widely used tools for theorem proving (according to the number of
theorems that have already been formalised, see [18]).
This section discusses some common and different features of these two theorem provers,
providing illustrative examples of proofs performed in Coq and Isabelle. As a startpoint, the
de Morgan’s laws (DM1) and (DM2) in propositional and first-order logics have been chosen.
Afterwards, the formula for sum of first n natural numbers, defined inductively in both Isabelle
and Coq, is being discussed. An example of extraction in Coq the verified code in Haskell and
OCaml follows the proof of correctness of this formula.

3.1 The Isabelle/HOL theorem prover

Isabelle was developed as a successor of HOL theorem prover [19] by Larry Paulson at the Univer-
sity of Cambridge and Tobias Nipkow at Technische Universität München. Isabelle was released
for the first time in 1986 (two years after the Coq’s first release). It was built in a modular man-
ner, i.e., around a relatively small core, which can be extended by numerous basic theories that
2 Roughly speaking, Isabelle is a core for an automated theorem proving which supports multiple logical theories:

Higher-Order Logic (HOL), first-order logic theories such as Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory (ZF), Classical Computational
Logic (CCL), etc. In this paper, the Isabelle/HOL has been considered as the startpoint for exploring the power of this
proof assistant.

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describe logic behind Isabelle. In particular, the theory of higher-order logic is implemented as
Isabelle/HOL, and it is commonly used because of its expressivity and relative conciseness.
Isabelle exploits classical logic, so even propositional type is declared as a set of two elements
true and false (thus any n-ary logic can be easily formalised). In proofs, Isabelle combines
several languages: HOL as a functional programming language (which must be always in quotes),
and Isar as the language for describing procedures in order to manipulate the proof.

3.2 The Coq theorem prover

Coq is another widespread proof assistant system that has been developed at INRIA (Paris, France)
since 1984. Coq is based on Calculus of Inductive Constructions, an implementation of intuition-
istic logic which uses inductive and dependent types. Nonetheless, Coq’s logic may be easily
extended to classical logic by assuming the excluded middle axiom (EM). A key feature of Coq
is a capability of extraction of the verified program (in OCaml, Haskell or Scheme) from the con-
structive proof of its formal specification [20]. This facilitates using Coq as a tool for software
Being based on the constructive foundation, Coq has two basic meta-types, Prop as a type of
propositions, and Set as a type of other types. Unlikely Isabelle’s type system, the True and False
propositions are defined as of type of Prop, so that in order to be valid they need to be either
assumed or proven (see Appendix A.1 Fig.5). Nonetheless, Coq’s library has the bool definition,
which is of type of Set in the manner of Isabelle’s proposition (as simple as enumeration of two
elements, tertium non datur; see Appendix A.1 Fig.6).
In proofs, Coq combines two languages: Gallina, a purely functional programming language,
and Ltac, a procedural language for manipulating the proof process. A statement for proof and
structures it relies on are written in Gallina, while the proof process itself is being controlled by
the commands written in Ltac language.

3.3 Common features

In general, both Isabelle and Coq work in a similar way: given the definition of a statement, they
can either verify already written proof, or assist user in developing such a proof in an interactive
fashion, so that the invalid proofs are not accepted. During the proof process, the systems save
the proof state, a set of premises and set of goals (the statements to be proved). Therefore, the proof
may represent the sequence of tactics applied to the proof state. A tactic may be thought as an
inference rule, it can use already proved statements, remove hypotheses or introduce variables.
Some tactics work on very high level, they can automatically solve complex equations or prove
complex statements, so that the proof assistant acquires features of an automated theorem provers
described in Section 1.
Both systems have rather large libraries with considerable amount of already proven lemmas
and theorems; in addition, they can be used as functional programming languages as they allow
to construct new data types and recursive functions, they have pattern matching, type inference
and other features inherent for functional languages.
Both tools are being actively developed: on the moment of writing this paper (autumn 2017),
the latest versions were Coq 8.7.0 (stable) and Isabelle2017, both released in October 2017. Since
their first release, both Isabelle and Coq have already been used to formalize enormous amount of
mathematical theorems, including those which have very large or even controversial proof, such
as Four colour theorem (2004), Lax-Milgram theorem (2017), and other important theorems [18].
Moreover, the theorem provers have been successfully used for testing and verifying of software

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programs, including the general-purpose operating system kernel seL4 (2009) [21], the C stan-
dard (2015) [22], and others.
Both Isabelle and Coq have their own Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to work
in (gtk-based CoqIDE and jEdit Prover IDE, respectively). In general, both native IDEs of these
theorem provers provide the facility for interactive executing scripts step-by-step while preserv-
ing the state of proof (environment), which for each step describes the set of premises along with
already proved statements (context) and the set of statements to be proven (goals). However, Is-
abelle’s native IDE allows to change the proof state arbitrarily, in contrast to the CoqIDE, which
provides only the capability of switching the proof state to backward or forward linearly. Alter-
natively, both considering theorem provers have numerous of plugins for many popular IDEs, for
instance, the Proof General [23] is a plugin for Emacs, which supports numerous proof assistants.
During the work on this paper, only native IDEs of each proof assistant have been used in order
to minimize the impact of third-party tools to the research.
Both systems accept proofs written in an imperative fashion (forward proof ), i.e., such proof
represents a sequence of tactic calls, that implicitly change the proof state at each step, com-
pounded by the control-flow operators called tacticals, that combine tactics together, separate
their results, repeat calls, etc. In addition, the syntax of Isar permits writing goals explicitly in
the proof (backward proof, see Appendix A.6 Fig. 19 and Fig.15).

3.4 Major differences

The key differences between Isabelle and Coq lie in differences between logical theories they
based on. While Isabelle/HOL exploits higher order logic along with non-dependent types,
Coq is based on intuitionistic logic, which does not include the axiom of excluded middle (EM)
essential for classical logics. Consequently, the double negation elimination rule (DNe) does not
hold, however the double negation introduction law (DNi) can be easily proven (see Figures 1
and 2). This follows from the fact that, if a proposition is known as truth, then double negation
works as in classic logic, but if the proposition truthfulness is to be proven from its double
negation, then there is nothing known about the proposition itself so far.

Lemma DoubleNegElim_Coq : forall P: Prop, Lemma DoubleNegIntro_Coq : forall P: Prop,

¬¬P -> P. P -> ¬¬P.
Proof. Proof.
try tauto. (* fails *) (* automatic ’tauto’ works here *)
Abort. unfold not.
intros P P_holds P_impl_false.
apply P_impl_false. apply P_holds.

Figure 1: Proof failure of the (DNe) rule in Figure 2: Proof of the (DNi) rule in Coq

In addition, the double-negated axiom of excluded middle can be proven as well solely in
intuitionistic logic, see Appendix A.2 Fig.11. This is a way for embedding the classical proposi-
tional logic into intuitionistic logic and known as Glivenko’s double-negation translation [24], which
maps all classical tautologies to intuitionistic ones by double-negating them. Furthermore, there
are other schemes of the translation for other classical logics, such as Gödel-Gentzen translation,
Kuroda’s translation, etc. [25].
Therefore, numerous of theorems, such as the classical logic tautology Peirce’s law (PL), can
not be proved in intuitionistic logic, while being valid in classical logic, which makes the latter

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strictly weaker [26] and incomplete (Coq’s tactic for automatic reasoning of propositional state-
ments tauto fails to prove this automatically).
In classical logic, some proofs remain valid, yet completely inapplicable. For instance, the
following non-constructive proof of the statement "there exist algebraic irrational numbers x and y
such that x y is rational" may serve as a classic example of it. The proof relies on the axiom of
√ √2 √
excluded middle [27]. Consider the number √ √ x =
2 ; if it is rational, then consider 2 and
√ √ 2 √ 2 √
y = 2, which both are irrational; if 2 is irrational, then consider x = 2 and y = 2,
so that x y is rational, q.e.d. Although this proof is clear and concise, it reveals no information
√ √2
about whether the number 2 is rational or irrational. More importantly, it gives no algorithm
for finding other such numbers. Therefore, the main purpose of constructive proofs is to define
such a solution schema for a problem, in addition to proving the claim. Commonly, the proofs of
existence3 of an element are non-constructive as in order to prove such a statement it is enough
to find single valid example.

3.4.1 Proofs in propositional logic

As an example of proof statement in propositional logic, the de Morgan’s law (DM2) has been
chosen. Although both proof assistants can operate with propositional statements, the proof in
Isabelle relies on the classical logic by applying excluded middle (EM) axiom (see "apply (rule
classical)", Appendix A.3 Fig.12), and the proof in Coq does not use this axiom, working
completely within intuitionistic logic with propositional variables of meta-type Prop (see Ap-
pendix A.3 Fig.13). Note that both system can prove this statement automatically (using tactic
blast in Isabelle or tactic tauto in Coq).
The proof in Coq can be much simpler if the theorem is formulated with usage of Set-type
bool (see definition of bool in Appendix A.1 Fig.6, see proof in Appendix A.3 Fig.14). There,
it is possible to use the tactic destruct to decompose type to different goals and prove them
separately (in Coq, the ’;’ operator between two tactics instructs interpreter to apply next tactic
to all subgoals produced by previous tactic call). Note that when the theorem was formulated
in terms of variables of meta-type Set, the automatic tactic tauto fails, as it works only with
propositions of meta-type Prop.

3.4.2 Proofs in first-order logic

As an example of proof in first-order logic, the first-order quantified de Morgan’s laws have been
chosen. In both Coq and Isabelle, the proof necessarily relies on the axiom of excluded middle
as the existence of an element is to be proven4 . The proof in Isabelle is written as a backward proof
(see Appendix A.4 Fig.15). The Coq’s proof imports the library Coq.Logic.Classical_Prop, which
contains definitions of classical logic, which are useful to extend intuitionistic logic to classical
logic (see Appendix A.4 Fig.16).

3.4.3 Proofs using inductive types

In both Isabelle and Coq, the natural numbers type nat is defined inductively on induction on
zero as in Peano arithmetic (see Appendix A.1 Fig.7 and Fig.8). As an example of statement with
3 as well as proofs of non-universally valid statements "¬∀", which in classical logics are equivalent to existence proofs
4 in
contract to the previous proofs formulated in propositional logic, where the existence of both propositions was

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the type nat, the simple formula 2 · Sn = n · (n + 1) for sum Sn of first n integer numbers has been
chosen (see proof in Isabelle in Appendix A.6 Fig.19, see proof in Coq in Appendix A.6 Fig.20).
Note that the proof in Coq uses the library, which contains powerful tactics to
simplifying and proving natural numbers formulas.

3.4.4 Code extraction in Coq

Furthermore, after the correctness of defined function range_sum has been proven, it is possible
to extract from Coq the verified function code in Haskell or Ocaml:

range_sum :: Nat -> Nat (** val range_sum : nat -> nat **)
range_sum n =
case n of { let rec range_sum = function
O -> O; | O -> O
S p -> add (range_sum p) (S p)} | S p -> add (range_sum p) (S p)

Figure 3: Extracted function in Haskell Figure 4: Extracted function in OCaml

3.5 Results of comparison

In this paper, the authors have made an attempt to compare to different theorem provers, Coq
and Isabelle/HOL, and both of them have been found highly developed and valuable, although
they both require deep understanding of metamathematical concepts of the proof process. The
list below summarises the main features of these two tools that the authors have noticed.

• Expressiveness of underlying logic:

◦ Isabelle/HOL uses classical higher-order logic;
◦ Coq uses intuitionistic logic based on Calculus of Inductive Constructions theory, but may
be extended to classical logic by assuming the axiom of excluded middle.
• Necessary background for using the theorem prover:
◦ From the author’s personal point of view, Coq requires deeper understanding of underlying
logic theory, since usually the intuitionistic logic is being studying as a further development
of classical logic that adds large number of additional constraints to it;
◦ Nonetheless, the whole proof process may seem unfamiliar for users with traditional mathe-
matical background, so that for these users both systems require large amount of additional
learning (at least, understanding and memorising the most common tactics is least necessary
requirement for using these systems).
• The level of the proof automation:
◦ Both systems have automatic tactics for proving (e.g., auto in Isabelle; auto, tauto in Coq)
or simplification complex statements (e.g., automatic reasoner blast in Isabelle; automatic
tactics simpl, omega in Coq). However, in some cases these tactics offer insufficient level
of automation, particularly in proving theorems over natural numbers (see example in Ap-
pendix A.6 Fig.20, where numerous steps for rewriting the equation by calling rewrite had
been performed in order to apply automatic tactic omega).
• Size of proof:
◦ Analogous proofs have approximately equal size in both systems, caeteris paribus.
• Number of supporting theories:
◦ Both Isabelle and Coq have rather large set of libraries containing formalised theories and
data structures, that are being constantly replenished, see [1] and [2].

In proceedings of the Seminar in Computer Science (CS-E4000), Aalto Univeristy, Autumn 2017

• Expressiveness of syntax:
◦ Both systems have the built-in powerful functional languages, which can be used to define
complex recursive structures;
◦ Both systems accept forward proofs (written in imperative style as a sequence of tactics
calls). This method may seem non-natural mathematically, as the search for proof is being
performed "blindly", preserving the goal of the implicitly;
◦ In contrast to Coq, the backward proof supported by Isabelle firstly states the target goal
explicitly for every tactic (with keywords show, have, assume, etc.), so that the proof become
much more readable, yet it requires more time to be written.
• Usability of the syntax:
◦ Although Isabelle recognises common mathematical ASCII symbols in proof which makes
it much more readable, it may seem inconvenient to use them within IDE (e.g., character ∀
is incoded as \<forall>, ∑ as \<Sum>, etc.);
◦ The syntax of Coq is closer to the syntax of a programming language rather than mathemat-
ics, apparently it was designed for convenient work with a keyboard.
• Usability of the native IDE:
◦ The authours are inclined to consider the Isabelle’s jEdit Prover IDE more user-friendly
as the whole proof is being recompiled every time user changes the syntax tree, which
facilitates user to acquire the proof state for any arbitrary step of the proof;
◦ In contrast, the CoqIDE can change the proof state backward and forward linearly, which
however implies less system overload.
• Additional comparison information:
◦ Coq has an essential feature that distincts it from most other theorem provers: it can ex-
tract the verified code for which compliance with the specification have been proved in a
constructive way. This encourages using Coq as a software verification tool.

4 Future work
Although this paper does not pretend to give a fully exhaustive comparative analysis of two
such complex systems as Coq and Isabelle, the authors hope it will help users without advanced
background in mathematics to be involved into the work with proof assistants more quickly and
easily. In future, this paper tends to be a foundation for more advanced survey of automatic tools
used in software verification.

I wish to thank Prof. Stavros Tripakis for letting me dive into the exciting world of Logic, for pro-
viding feedback on my paper at all stages of the work, for answering all my countless questions
and supporting me.

[1] “Isabelle, a generic proof assistant.”

[2] “Coq proof assistant.”

[3] “PVS specification and verification system.”

In proceedings of the Seminar in Computer Science (CS-E4000), Aalto Univeristy, Autumn 2017

[4] W. McCune, “Otter and Mace2,” 2003.

[5] “ACL2: a computational logic for applicative common lisp.”
[6] F. Wiedijk, “Comparing mathematical provers,” in MKM, vol. 3, pp. 188–202, Springer, 2003.
[7] D. Griffioen and M. Huisman, “A comparison of pvs and isabelle/hol,” Theorem Proving in
Higher Order Logics, pp. 123–142, 1998.
[8] R. Rojas, “A tutorial introduction to the lambda calculus,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.09060,
[9] H. P. Barendregt, “Introduction to lambda calculus,” 1988.
[10] H. Barendregt, W. Dekkers, and R. Statman, Lambda calculus with types. Cambridge University
Press, 2013.
[11] S. Thompson, Type theory and functional programming. Addison Wesley, 1991.
[12] A. D. Irvine and H. Deutsch, “Russell’s paradox,” Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy, 2008.
[13] L. C. Paulson, “A formulation of the simple theory of types (for isabelle),” in COLOG-88,
pp. 246–274, Springer, 1990.
[14] H. G. Rice, “Classes of recursively enumerable sets and their decision problems,” Transactions
of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 358–366, 1953.
[15] T. Coquand, Une Théorie des Constructions. PhD thesis, Université de Paris VII, 1995.
[16] C. Paulin-Mohring, “Introduction to the calculus of inductive constructions,” 2015.
[17] B. C. Pierce, Types and programming languages. MIT press, 2002.
[18] F. Wiedijk, “Formalizing 100 theorems.”
[19] “HOL, interactive theorem prover.”
[20] P. Letouzey, “Extraction in Coq: An overview,” Logic and Theory of Algorithms, pp. 359–369,
[21] G. Klein, K. Elphinstone, G. Heiser, J. Andronick, D. Cock, P. Derrin, D. Elkaduwe, K. En-
gelhardt, R. Kolanski, M. Norrish, T. Sewell, H. Tuch, and S. Winwood, “sel4: Formal ver-
ification of an os kernel,” in Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 22Nd Symposium on Operating
Systems Principles, SOSP ’09, (New York, NY, USA), pp. 207–220, ACM, 2009.
[22] R. J. Krebbers, The C standard formalized in Coq. [Sl: sn], 2015.
[23] “Proof general.”
[24] V. Glivenko, “Sur quelques points de la logique de m. brouwer,” Bulletins de la classe des
sciences, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 183–188, 1929.
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[27] J. Harrison, Handbook of practical logic and automated reasoning. Cambridge University Press,

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A.1 Basic type definitions
(* In Coq, False is an unobservable proposition, which
is defined as a propositional type without constructor *)
Inductive False : Prop := .

(* On the other hand, True is defined as always true proposition *)

Inductive True : Prop := I : True.

Figure 5: Basic Prop types definitions in Coq

(* boolean type is defined as simple enumeration: *)

Inductive bool : Set :=
true : bool | false : bool

(* Similartly to the False, an empty set is a Set without type constructor: *)

Inductive Empty_set : Set := .

Figure 6: Basic Set types definitions in Coq

datatype nat = Inductive nat : Type :=

zero ("0") | | O : nat
Suc nat | S : nat -> nat.

Figure 7: Definition of Peano’s natural numbers Figure 8: Definition of Peano’s natural

type nat in Isabelle numbers type nat in Coq

fun add :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat" Fixpoint add (n m: nat) : nat :=

where match n with
"add 0 n = n" | | O => m
"add (Suc m) n = Suc(add m n)" | S n’ => S (n’ + m)
where "n + m" := (add n m) : nat_scope.

Figure 9: Definition of addition over nat Figure 10: Definition of addition over nat
in Isabelle in Coq

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A.2 Example proof of double-negated classical tautology in Coq

Lemma DoubleNegatedExcludedMiddle_Coq: forall P: Prop,
¬¬(P \/ ¬P).
(* ’tauto’ automatically proves the statement *)
unfold not. (* apply ¬P ==> P -> False *)
intros P f. (* move premises to the set of hypotheses *)
apply f. (* replace the goal with premise of implication in f *)
right. (* apply disjunction elimination inference rule *)
intro P_holds. (* move P to the set of hypotheses *)
apply f. (* replace the goal with premise of implication in f *)
left. (* apply disjunction elimination inference rule *)
exact P_holds. (* match the goal with one of the hypotheses *)

Figure 11: Proof of the double-negated excluded middle in Coq

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A.3 Example proofs of de Morgan’s laws in propositional logics

lemma DeMorganPropositional_Isabelle:
"(¬ (P ∧ Q)) = ( ¬ P ∨ ¬ Q)"

(* ′ apply blast′ automatically solves the equation *)

apply (rule iffI) (* split equality into two subgoals *)
(* "Forward" subgoal: 1. ¬(P ∧ Q) =⇒ ¬ P ∨ ¬ Q *)
apply (rule classical) (* 1. ¬ (P ∧ Q) =⇒ ¬ (¬ P ∨ ¬ Q) =⇒ ¬ P ∨ ¬ Q *)
apply (erule notE) (* 1. ¬ (¬ P ∨ ¬ Q) =⇒ P ∧ Q *)
apply (rule conjI) (* 1. ¬ (¬ P ∨ ¬ Q) =⇒ P; 2. ¬ (¬ P ∨ ¬ Q) =⇒ Q *)
apply (rule classical) (* 1. ¬ (¬ P ∨ ¬ Q) =⇒ ¬ P =⇒ P *)
apply (erule notE) (* 1. ¬ P =⇒ ¬ P ∨ ¬ Q *)
apply (rule disjI1) (* 1. ¬ P =⇒ ¬ P *)
apply assumption (* 1. (solved). 2. ¬ (¬ P ∨ ¬ Q) =⇒ Q *)
apply (rule classical) (* 2. ¬ (¬ P ∨ ¬ Q) =⇒ ¬ Q =⇒ Q *)
apply (erule notE) (* 2. ¬ Q =⇒ ¬ P ∨ ¬ Q *)
apply (rule disjI2) (* 2. ¬ Q =⇒ ¬ Q *)
apply assumption (* 2. (solved) *)
(* "Backward" subgoal: 3. ¬ P ∨ ¬ Q =⇒ ¬ (P ∧ Q) *)
apply (rule notI) (* 3. ¬ P ∨ ¬ Q =⇒ P ∧ Q =⇒ False *)
apply (erule conjE) (* 3. ¬ P ∨ ¬ Q =⇒ P =⇒ Q =⇒ False *)
apply (erule disjE) (* 3. P =⇒ Q =⇒ ¬P =⇒ False; 4. P =⇒ Q =⇒ ¬Q =⇒ False *)
apply (erule notE, assumption)+ (* 3. (solved); 4. (solved) *)

Figure 12: Proof of the de Morgan’s law for propositions in Isabelle

Theorem DeMorganPropositional_Coq:
forall P Q : Prop, ¬(P \/ Q) <-> ¬P /\ ¬Q.
(* ’tauto’ automatically proves the equation *)
intros P Q. unfold iff.
- intros H_not_or. unfold not. constructor.
+ intro H_P. apply H_not_or. left. apply H_P.
+ intro H_Q. apply H_not_or. right. apply H_Q.
- intros H_and_not H_or.
destruct H_and_not as [H_not_P H_not_Q].
destruct H_or as [H_P | H_Q].
+ apply H_not_P. assumption.
+ apply H_not_Q. assumption.

Figure 13: Proof of the de Morgan’s law for propositions in Coq

(* define macroses: *)
Notation "a || b" := (orb a b).
Notation "a && b" := (andb a b).
Theorem DeMorganBoolean_Coq:
forall a b: bool, negb (a || b) = ((negb a) && (negb b)).
try tauto. (* automatic tactic fails here *)
intros a b.
destruct a; simpl; reflexivity.

Figure 14: Proof of the de Morgan’s law for booleans in Coq

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A.4 Example proofs of first-order quantified de Morgan’s laws

lemma DeMorganQuantified_Isabelle 5 :
assumes "¬ ( ∀x. P x)"
shows " ∃x. ¬ P x"
proof (rule classical)
assume "∄x. ¬ P x"
have "∀x. P x"
fix x show "P x"
proof (rule classical)
assume "¬ P x"
then have "∃x. ¬ P x" ..
with <∄x. ¬ P x> show ?thesis by contradiction
with <¬(∀x. P x)> show ?thesis by contradiction

Figure 15: Proof of the de Morgan’s law for first-order propositions in Isabelle

Require Import Coq.Logic.Classical_Prop.

Lemma DeMorganQuantified_Coq: forall (P : Type -> Prop),

¬ (forall x : Type, P x) -> exists x : Type, ¬ P x.
unfold not.
intros P H_notall.
apply NNPP. (* apply classic rule ¬¬P ==> P *)
unfold not. intro H_not_notexist.
cut (forall x:Type, P x). (* add new goal from the goal’s premise *)
- exact H_notall.
- intro x. apply NNPP.
unfold not.
intros H_not_P_x.
apply H_not_notexist.
exists x.
exact H_not_P_x.

Figure 16: Proof of the de Morgan’s law for first-order propositions in Coq

5 This proof was originally taken from the set of examples in Isabelle’s documentation, see

In proceedings of the Seminar in Computer Science (CS-E4000), Aalto Univeristy, Autumn 2017

A.5 Example of higher-order statement definitions

lemma lem: Lemma lem:

"∀ (f::bool ⇒bool) (b::bool) . forall (f : bool -> bool) (b : bool),
f (f (f b)) = f b" f (f (f b)) = f b.

Figure 17: Higher-order statement definition Figure 18: Higher-order statement definition
in Isabelle in Coq

In proceedings of the Seminar in Computer Science (CS-E4000), Aalto Univeristy, Autumn 2017

A.6 Example proofs of the formula for sum of first n numbers using inductive
fun range_sum :: "nat ⇒ nat"
where "range_sum n = (∑k::nat=0..n . k)"
value "range_sum 10" (* check the function *)

theorem SimpleArithProgressionSumFormula_Isabelle: "2 * (range_sum n) = n * (n + 1)"

proof (induct n)
show "2 * range_sum 0 = 0 * (0 + 1)" by simp
fix n have "2 * range_sum (n + 1) = 2 * (range_sum n) + 2 * (n + 1)" by simp
also assume "2 * (range_sum n) = n * (n + 1)"
also have ". . . + 2 * (n + 1) = (n + 1) * (n + 2)" by simp
finally show "2 * (range_sum (Suc n)) = (Suc n) * (Suc n + 1)" by simp

Figure 19: Proof of the formula for sum of n first number in Isabelle

Require Import

Require Coq.Logic.Classical.

Fixpoint range_sum (n: nat) : nat :=

match n with
| O => 0
| S p => range_sum p + (S p)
Compute range_sum 3. (* output: ’= 6 : nat’ *)

Lemma range_sum_lemma: forall n: nat,

range_sum (n + 1) = range_sum n + (n + 1).
intros. induction n.
- simpl; reflexivity.
- simpl; omega.

Theorem SimpleArithProgressionSumFormula_Coq:
forall n, 2 * range_sum n = n * (n + 1).
induction n.
(* goal: ’2 * range_sum 0 = 0 * (0 + 1)’ *)
- simpl; reflexivity.
(* goal: ’2 * range_sum (S n) = S n * (S n + 1)’ *)
- rewrite -> Nat.mul_add_distr_l. (* ’2*range_sum(S n) = S n * S n + S n * 1’ *)
rewrite -> Nat.mul_1_r. (* ’2*range_sum(S n) = S n * S n + S n’ *)
rewrite -> (Nat.mul_succ_l n). (* ’2*range_sum(S n) = n * S n + S n + S n’ *)
rewrite <- (Nat.add_1_r n). (* ’2*range_sum(n+1) = n*(n+1)+(n+1)+(n+1)’ *)
rewrite -> range_sum_lemma. (* ’2*(range_sum(n)+(n+1)) = n*(n+1)+(n+1)+(n+1)’ *)
omega. (* automatically solve arithmetic equation *)

Figure 20: Proof of the formula for sum of n first number in Coq


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