Monetary Policy in Pakistan: Effectiveness in Inflation Control and Stabilization
Monetary Policy in Pakistan: Effectiveness in Inflation Control and Stabilization
Monetary Policy in Pakistan: Effectiveness in Inflation Control and Stabilization
Policy in
Effectiveness in
Inflation Control and
Ehsan U. Choudhri
Asad Jan
Hamza Malik
March 2015
Ehsan U. Choudhri
Department of Economics, Carleton University
Asad Jan
Monetary Policy Department, State Bank of Pakistan
Hamza Malik
Macroeconomic Policy and Development Division
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
March 2015
Empirical evidence from VAR models (based on the conventional identification scheme)
suggests that monetary policy shocks have an insignificant impact on output and inflation in
Pakistan. This evidence raises concerns about the ability of the State Bank to control inflation
and stabilize output. Frictions in the credit and foreign exchange markets in Pakistan could
possibly impede the transmission of monetary policy effects, but our analysis of a DSGE model
that incorporates such friction indicates that they do not sufficiently weaken the effect of
monetary policy shocks to explain the VAR results. Another possibility is that VAR estimates
understate the impact of monetary policy because of misidentification of the monetary shock.
Analysis of data generated by stochastic simulation of the DSGE model supports this
*We are grateful to International Growth Centre for the support of this project.
1. Introduction
Inflation and economic growth targets in Pakistan are set by the government and the State
Bank of Pakistan (SBP) is responsible for formulating monetary policy to implement these
targets. Structural models are useful for constructing different monetary policy scenarios and
however, can vary significantly across different models, and empirical evidence is needed to
One problem with empirical analysis of monetary policy effects is that changes in policy
all shocks to the economy can potentially affect the behavior of policy instruments and their
relation to key macroeconomic variables such as inflation and real GDP. One needs to isolate
monetary policy shocks from other shocks to disentangle the effects of monetary policy. One
widely-used tool for this purpose is the vector autoregressive (VAR) model. VAR models
typically use high-frequency (at least quarterly) data to capture the short- and medium-term
effects of monetary policy, but a major data limitation for Pakistan is that GDP data are available
only on an annual basis. Recently, Hanif et al. (2013) have used interpolation methods to
estimate a quarterly series for Pakistan’s real GDP. Exploratory VAR analysis by Ahmad and
Pasha (2014) utilizing this data suggests that monetary shocks have little effect on both inflation
Pakistan. We estimate a wide range of VAR models, which differ in the set of variables used, the
choice of the instrument variable and the estimation period. We follow the conventional
approach (based on a recursive scheme suggested by Christiano et al., 1999) to identify the
monetary policy shock. The impulse response functions (IRFs) derived from the VAR models
indicate that monetary policy shocks do not have a significant effect on real GDP and the sign of
the effect is sensitive to the choice of the instrument. The short-run effect on inflation is
The IRFs based on VAR models differ from the IRFs obtained from a Dynamic
Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model designed for Pakistan’s economy, which imply
that a positive monetary shock (that raises the interest rate) has a contractionary effect on output
and inflation. Financial markets in a developing economy like Pakistan are not well developed
and fully integrated with the global markets. These conditions can introduce frictions which can
impede the transmission of monetary policy effects. Incorporating these frictions in a DSGE
model, we find that although these frictions diminish the monetary policy effects, they do not
explain the VAR results. The response of output and inflation to the monetary shock in the
DSGE model with frictions is significantly different from that estimated from the VAR model.
A possible explanation of the discrepancy between the results of DSGE and VAR models
is that the VAR estimates are biased because the recursive structure used by the conventional
approach for identifying the monetary policy shock does not generally hold. A number of
alternative approaches have been used for the identification of structural shocks.1 It is difficult,
of studies have used sign restrictions to identify monetary policy shocks, which require only that
the IRFs be consistent with the expected sign of the effect of a shock on certain variables.2 A
See, Lutz Kilian (2011) for a survey of this literature.
See, for example, Canova and De Nicolo (2002), Peersman (2005) and Uhlig (2005). Also see Fry and Pagan
(2010) for a critical review of this approach.
major limitation of this approach, however, is that sign restrictions do not imply unique IRFs, but
available, our strategy is to use simulated data from a DSGE model to estimate a VAR and
explore how the recursive identification scheme might distort the IRFs for the monetary shock.
An interesting result of this analysis is that the IRFs based on the recursive scheme indicate that
the effect of the monetary policy shock on output and inflation is not significantly different from
zero even though the true effect on these variables is clearly negative.
The next section describes the evolution of monetary policy in Pakistan and some
stylized facts. Section 3 examines the evidence from the basic VAR model and its various
extensions. Section 4 discusses results from DSGE models and compares their IRFs with those
the domestic economy and changing dynamics in the international market. Although SBP Act
1956 assigned the dual objectives of stabilizing inflation at low level and sustaining high
economic growth to monetary policy in Pakistan,3 SBP did not have either any authority or the
appropriate instruments to pursue these goals before 1990’s. However, one important function of
SBP was to implement the exchange rate policy. The exchange rate was fixed until 1982 and was
then replaced by managed float. During the 1970’s through 1990’s, SBP’s monetary policy had a
See the Preamble to the Act and Section 9A (and sub-clause a) for this act.
limited role and was concerned primarily with administering directed credits to priority sectors at
In early 1990s, the government took initiatives for reforming the financial sector in
Pakistan by privatizing some of nationalized banks and allowing residents to open foreign
currency accounts. As part of financial sector reforms, SBP discontinued direct intervention in
the market and adopted a market-based monetary and credit management system. Specifically,
SBP introduced auction of governments’ treasury bills (6-months T-bills) in 1992. In February
1992, it also introduced a 3-days Repo facility, which allowed commercial banks to obtain
liquidity (overnight or up to 3-days in lieu of treasury bills as collateral) at SBP Reverse Repo
rate.5 SBP began to use this rate as a policy instrument and it is called the policy rate. Moreover,
SBP replaced the system of credit ceiling with a system in which banks were free to extend
credit within limits set in relation to the credit-deposit ratio. In the pursuit of financial market
liberalization, SBP eventually abolished the use of the credit-deposit ratio as an instrument of
credit control in 1995, and introduced indicative annual targets of monetary aggregates.
Monetary and credit policies continued to operate within the framework of Annual Credit
Plan, in which the credit expansion during the year was calculated on the basis of growth and
inflation targets set by the government.6 In addition to the policy rate, SBP had a variety of
instruments - - open market operations (OMOs), changes in cash reserve requirements (CRR)
and statutory liquidity requirements (SLR) - - to implement the targeted monetary and credit
National Credit Consultative Council (NCCC) was established in early 1972, where the government set annual
credit targets of commercial banks for priorities in agriculture and industrial sectors.
The Repo facility replaced the discount window where commercial banks could rediscount bill of exchange or
other eligible commercial paper at the Bank rate. The Bank rate was changed rarely. For instance, it remained at 10
percent during July 1977 through January 1992.
Government, however, continued to set mandatory credit targets for priority sectors of agriculture and industrial
From 2001 onwards, SBP stopped giving indicative credit targets in order to move
towards a more market-based monetary policy. The credit planning exercise was officially
abandoned in 2006 and the National Credit Consultative Council (NCCC) was replaced with
Private Sector Credit Advisory Committee (PSCAC) with a view to discuss the issues related to
availability of credit with business community representatives. During this period, both the
primary and secondary markets for intermediate (i.e. 12-month Treasury Bills) to long-term
(FIBs and PIBs) government papers were gradually developed. At the same time, the exchange
rate was gradually allowed to be influenced by market forces, which enhanced further the capital
In 2006, SBP implicitly started to monitor the short-term money market interest rate in
order to influence aggregate demand and arrest inflationary pressure on the economy. To further
rationalize monetary policy, SBP explicitly announced an interest rate corridor (with SBP
Reverse Repo rate as ceiling and SBP repo rate as floor) in August 2009. The overnight money
market repo rate moves within the announced interest rate corridor. SBP also introduced standing
facilities to manage liquidity in the money market and align the short term market interest rate
During the years, SBP monetary policy decision making process has also evolved over
time with the amendments in SBP Act. These amendments not only enhanced the SBP authority
in deciding monetary policy stance but also improved the operational tools available for
monetary management. Although SBP does not have the independence to set growth and
The Reverse Repo or the policy rate is the primary instrument of monetary policy in
Pakistan. The 6-month Treasury Bill (TB) rate has closely followed the policy rate except in
2003-4 when large capital inflows lead to a fall in the TB rate causing it to diverge temporarily
from the policy rate (see Figure 1). Because of the tendency of the two rates to move together,
the market often perceives the TB rate to be an indicator of monetary policy. The dynamic
relation of these rates with key macroeconomic variables in the recent period (2002Q1 to
2014Q4) is illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. Figure 2 shows dynamic correlation between interest
rates and de-trended GDP (in logs) as a measure of output gap (the difference between actual and
potential output).7 The output gap is negatively correlated with the interest rates at the lags and
positively correlated at the leads. These correlations, however, are small (are generally between
-0.2 and 0.2). Figure 3 shows dynamic correlation between the interest rates and quarterly de-
trended CPI inflation.8 CPI inflation has a negative but small (between 0 and around -0.1)
correlation with lagged interest rates and a positive but also small correlation with the current-
policy instruments and macroeconomic conditions, but they are sensitive to the realization of
different shocks. Monetary policy would be expected to raise interest rates in response to higher
inflation and output in the pursuit of the twin goals of inflation control and output stabilization.
Thus, non-monetary policy shocks to inflation and output would produce a positive correlation
between these variables and the interest rates. On the other hand, monetary policy shocks
(changes in interest rates not systematically related to macroeconomic variables) would have a
contractionary effect on inflation and output and thus lead to a negative correlation between
For quarterly real GDP, we use a recent series constructed by SBP staff which utilizes several indicator variables
(available at quarterly frequency) and interpolation techniques to convert annual to quarterly data. Hodrick-Prescott
filter is used to remove stochastic trend (assumed to be a measure of potential output). Output gap is expressed as a
percentage rate.
Inflation is measured by quarterly change in CPI in logs and is expressed as an annual percentage rate (i.e., the first
difference in the log of quarterly CPI is multiplied by 400). Hodrick-Prescott filter is used to de-trend the inflation
these variables and the interest rates. In the presence of both type of shocks, the signs and the
ambiguous. Monetary policy shocks need to be isolated to draw inferences about the
effectiveness and the conduct of monetary policy, and we turn to VAR models in the next section
In this section, we estimate a variety of VAR models to explore the response of key
coefficients, and c is a m 1 vector of intercepts (the VAR could also include a time trend).
Consistent estimates of the VAR parameters can be obtained by ordinary least squares, which
can be used to derive IRFs showing the response of all variables to each reduced-form shock.
These shocks, however, are one step ahead forecast errors and do not represent the fundamental
or structural shocks.
To relate reduced-form to structural shocks, assume that the structural model for Yt is of
A0Yt c AY
1 t 1 ... ApYt p t , (2)
where t is a m-dimensional vector of orthogonal structural shocks, c is a m 1 vector of
intercepts, and Ai ' s (i 0,..., p) are m m coefficient matrices. The shock to monetary policy is
of special interest and can be defined as the change in the instrument variable that is not
accounted by the systematic monetary policy response to the state of the economy. The
systematic response can be referred to as the monetary policy rule and can be identified with the
equation in (2) which determines the instrument variable. The shock in this equation represents
Pre-multiplying (1) with A0 and relating the resulting equation to (2), we obtain the
A0ut t . (3)
As (3) indicates, structural shocks are a weighted average of reduced-form shocks with weights
(possibly equal to zero in some cases) given by matrix A0 . Thus, knowledge of this matrix is
needed to identify structural shocks and derive IRFs for these shocks.
The conventional approach for identifying monetary policy shocks is based on a recursive
scheme suggested by Christiano et al. (1999). To explain this scheme, let Z t denote the
instrument variable and partition the other variables in Yt into two sets: X 1,t , and X 2,t .
Variables in X 1,t (generally associated with the goods markets) are assumed to be determined
before Z t is set while those in X 2,t (typically associated with the money and financial markets)
are assumed to be determined after the setting of Z t . Thus the equations for the variables in X 1,t
do not include the contemporaneous values of variables in X 2,t and Z t , while the
contemporaneous values of variables in X 2,t are absent in the equation for Zt . 9 Given these
restrictions, it can be shown that the monetary policy shock can be identified using Choleski
decomposition with variables in Yt ordered such that the X 1,t variable are included before and
The exclusion restrictions used in the above identification scheme are controversial and
do not hold in many macroeconomic models. Indeed, they are not consistent with standard
DSGE models, which imply that the monetary shock has a contemporaneous effect on output and
we focus on the conventional recursive scheme in this section, but later use simulated data from
DSGE models to explore the bias introduced if this scheme is used to identify monetary policy
We first consider a basic 3-variable VAR that is often used (e.g., Castelnuovo and Surico,
2010) and can be related to small scale macroeconomic models. The three variables in this model
are output gap, inflation and the monetary policy instrument. For the identification of the
monetary policy shock, output gap and inflation are assumed to belong to set X 1,t (set X 2,t is
empty in this case). For the instrument variable, we use two alternative indexes: the policy rate
and the TB rate. We include 4 lags in the VAR.11As the monetary policy in Pakistan acquired the
These restrictions imply that in matrix A0 , the rows corresponding to the X 1,t variables have zeroes in the
columns for Z t and the X 2,t variables, and the row for the Z t contain zeroes in the columns corresponding to the
X 2,t variables.
The ordering of variables within the X 1,t and X 2,t does not matter for the derivation of the IRFs for the monetary
We also explored VARs with number of lags determined by several criteria, but as the basic results were not very
sensitive to the choice of lags, we report below only the results for VARs with 4 lags.
authority and the instruments to control inflation and stabilize output in the 1990’s, we use a
For each measure of the instrument variable, the IRFs for the monetary policy shock are
shown in Figure 4. The shock to the policy rate exerts a negative initial effect on both output gap
and inflation as predicted by the theory, but this effect is weak and not significantly different
from zero. The initial effect of the shock to the TB rate on output and inflation is similarly weak
and insignificant (also, the sign of the initial output effect is reversed). The interest rate response
to the shock is slightly more persistent for the policy rate than for the TB rate. We also explored
variations of the basic VAR, which introduced a deterministic trend or alternatively, removed
stochastic trends (using the Hodrick-Prescott filter) from the series for inflation and the interest
As there were important changes in Pakistan’s monetary policy in the early and mid
2000’s, it can be argued that SBP’s feedback rule may have shifted. To examine this possibility,
we tested the VAR equation for the instrument variable for a shift around 2002Q1 and 2005Q1.
Chow breakpoint test indicates a significant shift at the earlier date for the policy rate, and at the
latter date for the TB rate. We re-estimated the policy rate and the TB rate VARs using the post-
shift samples for the two rates. The IRFs based on these VARs still imply an insignificant
response of output gap and inflation to the monetary shock (see Figure 5).
We next examine VAR models that extend the basic model to include additional
variables. First, we explore models that use the policy rate as the instrument variable and include
one or more financial variables in the X 2,t set. These models reflect the view that the policy rate
A motivation for detrending the inflation and interest rate series is that the inflation target or the long-run real
interest rate is not constant over time.
is the primary instrument of monetary policy and does not react to financial variables, but these
variables are needed to capture the transmission of monetary policy effects. In addition to the TB
rate, we consider the following two variables as possible candidates for inclusion in the X 2,t set:
4-quarter growth rate of M2 and quarterly rate of rupee depreciation relative to the US dollar,
Figure 6 displays the IRFs for the monetary policy shocks derived from the extended
VAR models that add one financial variable at a time and are estimated for the whole sample.
Addition of a financial variable to the VAR makes little difference to the effects of the monetary
shock on output gap and inflation, which remain insignificant. In the VAR that includes the TB
rate, the shock to the policy rate does have a significant effect on TB rate, which is consistent
with the view that this rate is a useful indicator of monetary policy. In the VAR with M2 growth,
the effect of the policy rate shock has the expected negative sign on money growth, but this
effect is not significant. When exchange rate depreciation is included in the VAR, the effect of
the policy rate shock on depreciation does not have the expected sign and is insignificant. These
results change little even if we add all three variables to the VAR at the same time (instead of
one at a time).
The VARs discussed above assume that the contemporaneous values of money growth or
exchange rate depreciation do not enter the monetary policy rule. To check the sensitivity of the
results to this assumption, we also explored variations where these variables were moved from
the X 2,t set to X 1,t set (i.e., these variables were placed before the policy rate in the Cholesky
Since one-quarter growth rate of M2 is noisy, we use the growth rate over 4 quarters defined as
[log( M 2t ) log( M 2t 4 )] 100 , where M 2t is the average M 2 money stock in quarter t . Letting ert denote the
average rupee/US dollar exchange rate in quarter t , the rupee depreciation rate is defined as
[log(ert ) log(ert 1 )] 100 .
decomposition), but these variations did not appreciably alter the response of either output gap or
The IRFs based on the VAR models indicate that monetary policy shocks do not have an
appreciable effect on output and inflation. In this section, we use DSGE models to understand
this result which suggests that monetary policy in Pakistan is ineffective. One potential
explanation is that in a developing country like Pakistan, there are frictions in the credit and
foreign exchange markets that impede the transmission of monetary policy effects. In the
standard macroeconomic model, the effects of monetary policy operate mainly through two
channels: interest rates and the exchange rate.14 A positive shock to the policy interest rate
increases the market interest rates which reduce investment and consumption. It also raises the
exchange rate which worsens the trade balance. These effects decrease aggregate demand and
thus cause a decline in output and inflation. Both of these channels may not function well in
developing countries. Imperfections in the credit market can weaken the link between the policy
and the market interest rates.15 Lack of integration between domestic and foreign financial
markets can diminish the impact of the policy rate on the exchange rate.
Choudhri and Hamza (2014) introduce these types of frictions in a DSGE model designed
for monetary policy analysis in Pakistan. The model includes a banking sector that provides
These effects, in fact, operate through real values of these variables. It is assumed that the response of the policy
rate to inflation is sufficiently strong (i.e., the policy follows the Taylor principle) to cause a rise in both the nominal
and real interest rates. Also, wages and prices are assumed to be sticky so that nominal and real exchange rates move
Low pass-through from policy rate to interest rate on bank loans is observed in a number of low-income countries
(Mishra et al., 2010).
intermediary financial services and allows for international financial transactions.16 A friction in
the credit market is introduced in this model by assuming that there are adjustment costs in
setting the rate on bank loans (which finance investment). These costs make the bank loan rate
sticky and thus weaken the short-run response of this rate to the policy interest rate. An
exchange market friction is added to the model by the assumption that there are large transaction
costs in international borrowing (lending), which increase in the stock of foreign liabilities
(assets). This assumption has two important implications. First, intervention in the foreign
exchange market (via buying or selling of international reserves) can have a significant influence
on the exchange rate and can be used to reduce its volatility.17 Second, if the exchange rate is
stabilized, the impact of the policy interest rate on the exchange rate is weakened. The short-run
effect of monetary policy in the model is further reduced by the additional assumptions that
household expectation are an average of forward- and backward-looking expectations and the
Figure 7, which shows how the response of output and inflation to a monetary shock in the
model with frictions differs from that without frictions.18 In the model without frictions, we also
let household price expectations be fully forward-looking and the policy rate to react to expected
future inflation. In the model with frictions, a contractionary monetary policy shock (a positive
The model also distinguishes between two types of households: low-income households who are liquidity
constrained and high-income households who participate in the financial markets.
If costs for international financial transactions are very small, then intervention in the foreign exchange market
would cause an offsetting international capital flow and have little impact on the exchange rate.
See the appendix for the specification of the models with and without frictions and their calibration. For further
discussion of these models, see Choudhri and Malik (2013, 2014). The IRFs for the monetary shock in the figure are
based on the values of the interest rate smoothing parameter in the monetary policy rule ( rr ) and the standard
deviation of the monetary shock ( xR ,t ), which were calibrated for the stochastic simulation discussed below.
shock to the policy interest rate) causes a considerably smaller decline in both output and
inflation in the first two quarters than the model without frictions.
We next examine whether the DSGE model that incorporates frictions can explain the
empirical results of the VAR model. Figure 8 compares the responses of output and inflation to a
monetary shock in the two models. To facilitate comparison between the two models, the value
of the monetary shock in each model has been adjusted such that it produces a one percent
increase in the interest rate in the first quarter.19 Even in the presence of frictions, the impact of
the monetary shock on both output and inflation is much stronger in the DSGE than in the VAR
model. The IRF for output from the DSGE model lies outside the 95% band for the IRF from the
VAR model in the short and intermediate run. The 95% band for the VAR IRF for inflation is
much wider, but even in this case, the DSGE IRF is outside the band in the first two quarters.
Thus, although credit and exchange market frictions can account for less effective monetary
policy, they do not appear to be a sufficiently strong factor for explaining the empirical evidence
from VARs.
The VAR results use the recursive scheme with zero restrictions to identify the monetary
shock. These restrictions are inconsistent with the DSGE model which implies a significant
contemporaneous effect of the monetary shock on output and inflation (see Figure 8). If zero
restrictions do not hold, the recursive scheme misidentifies the monetary shock and biases the
estimates of the IRFs. To explore the direction and the degree of this bias, we undertake
stochastic simulations of the DSGE model. These simulations are used to generate artificial
series for the variables included in the VAR model. We then use the recursive scheme to identify
To relate it to the DSGE model (where the central bank controls the interest rate on government bonds), we use
the VAR where the policy instrument is the TB rate.
the monetary shock in the VAR model estimated from the artificial data, and examine how the
Potentially, shocks and the IRFs in a DSGE model can be matched with those in a
condition under which the behavior of observable variables in a DSGE model can be described
by an infinite order VAR process. A VAR with finite lags can be estimated to approximate the
infinite order process.20 A necessary requirement to satisfy the invertibility condition is that the
To relate our DSGE model to the basic 3-variable VAR, we consider three shocks in the
stochastic simulation of the DSGE model: a shock to government expenditures, a shock to TFP
and a shock to the monetary policy rule. The government expenditure and TFP shocks follow an
AR(1) process [see equations (54) and (55) in the appendix]. The autoregressive coefficients and
the standard errors of the innovations for these processes are estimated from the quarterly time
series for real government expenditures and TFP. For the monetary policy rule [equation (50) in
the appendix], the interest rate smoothing parameter and the standard deviation of the monetary
policy shock are chosen to match the standard deviations of output gap and inflation of the
simulated data to those of the real data. The length of the simulated series was set equal to the
We use the model with frictions for stochastic simulation. Figure 9 shows the dynamic
response of output gap and inflation to the monetary policy shock estimated from the simulated
However, the structural matrix ( A0 ) needs to be identified in order to recover true IRFs from the VAR. Liu, and
Theodoridis (2012) suggest an identification strategy that uses both qualitative and quantitative restrictions implied
by the DSGE model.
In fact, simulations were generated for 196 quarters and the first hundred values were dropped.
data using the recursive scheme to identify the shock. The monetary policy shock so identified
has an insignificant effect (the zero line lies in the 95% band) on both output and inflation. We
experimented with stochastic simulations of model variations (which removed certain frictions),
but the results were similar. These results suggest that the improper use of zero restrictions to
identify monetary shocks can introduce a sufficient bias to make the monetary policy effect
appear not significantly different from zero when the true effect is negative.
5. Conclusions
This paper explores why the conventional VAR analysis (based on the recursive
identification scheme) finds the monetary policy shock to have an insignificant impact on output
and inflation in Pakistan. One possible explanation is that credit and exchange market frictions
diminish the effectiveness of monetary policy in Pakistan. After introducing such frictions in a
DSGE model designed for Pakistan’s economy, we find that their presence in the model is not
enough, by itself, to explain the VAR results. Another explanation of why the VAR results differ
from the predictions of the DSGE model is that these results are biased because the recursive
scheme does not properly identify the monetary policy shock. Stochastic simulation of the DSGE
model supports this explanation: VAR estimates based on simulated data generated by a model
where monetary policy exerts significant effects, can produce the result that monetary policy is
There is need for further empirical work to explore what variant of the DSGE model fits
the data better and is well suited as a tool of monetary policy analysis. A promising approach
would be to employ widely-used Bayesian methods to estimate and evaluate DSGE models for
Pakistan. One difficulty with this approach is that there is limited availability of time series for
key macro variables at quarterly frequency. However, a reasonable quarterly data set can be
assembled using interpolation techniques to convert annual to quarterly series, and this set could
be used to estimate at least a small scale DSGE model. It would also be useful to relate DSGE
and VAR models and explore if IRFs form an estimated DSGE model can be matched with those
from a structural VAR that identifies shocks using restrictions that are more general than the
Model Equations
H (high-income) households
sumnit bt* 1
cH , t , (4)
1 1
sumnit *
nit *
sumnit 1 , (5)
st (1 r )(1 TCt 1 ) (1 r )(1 TCt 1 )
1 (1 rt )
sumrt *
sumrt 1 , (6)
st (1 r )(1 TCt 1 ) (1 r * )(1 TCt 1 )
e 1
TCt b*
, (10)
e 1
cH , t 1 rt 1 / e
cuH ,t t
, (11)
HC 1 rt
cH , t rt rD ,t
d H ,t , (12)
HD 1 rt
(1 ACWH ,t )( 1) wH ,t HN (nt ) (cHt ) ( wH ,t ) 2
wH ,t
1 nH ,t 1 wH ,t wH ,t 1 ACWH ,t 1
1 rt nH ,t e
t wH ,t
t ( Et t 1 ) ( t 1 )1 , 0 1, (14)
wH ,t t
1 , (15)
2 wH ,t 1 t 1
L (low-income) households
cL , t Et cL ,t
cuL ,t 1 e
, (17)
LC c
t L ,t
(1 ACWL ,t )( 1) wL ,t LN nL ,t cL ,t wL ,t 2
wL ,t
1 nL ,t 1 wL ,t wL ,t 1 ACWL ,t 1
1 rt nL ,t e
t 1 wL ,t
wL ,t
ACWL ,t WL t
1 , (19)
2 wL ,t 1 t 1
lB ,t n
BL HB ,t , (21)
crt bB ,t lB , t d H ,t , (22)
B ,t (1 rD ,t )
crt d H ,t , (23)
B ,t 1/ e
B ,t (1 rD ,t )
bB ,t (1 ) d H ,t , (24)
B ,t (1 rt )
[1 rL ,t (b)]
ACB ,t B
1 , (26)
2 [1 rL ,t 1 (b)]
qt 1 I , (27)
Et ret 1 (1 ) Et qt 1
1 rL ,t , (28)
kt 1 it (1 ) kt , (29)
it lB ,t lH , (30)
zt cH , t cL , t it gt ACt , (31)
z D ,t (1 ) zt pD ,t , (33)
z M ,t zt pM ,t , (34)
1 pM ,t1 (1 ) pD , t 1 1 , (35)
z X ,t zt * ( p*X ,t ) , (36)
yt Y ,t nHY ,t H nL ,t L kt1 H L
, (37)
nL , t L yt mct / wL ,t , (39)
yt z D ,t z X ,t , (42)
pD ,t t
1 , (43)
2 pD ,t 1 t 1
p X ,t t
1 , (44)
2 p X ,t 1 t 1
(1 ACPD ,t ) ( 1) pD ,t mct p D , t ( pD , t mct )
pD ,t
z D ,t 1 ACPD ,t 1
p D , t ( pD ,t 1 mct 1 ) ,
(1 rt ) z D ,t pD ,t
(1 ACPX ,t ) ( 1) p X ,t mct p X ,t ( p X ,t mct )
p X ,t
z X ,t 1 ACPX ,t 1
p X ,t ( p X ,t 1 mct 1 ) ,
(1 rt ) z X ,t p X ,t
pM .t st pM* ,t , (47)
p X .t st p*X ,t , (48)
H ,t H b bt 1 b , (50)
mb (1 1 / ) g H L rb , (51)
1 rt (1 Rt ) / e
t , (54)
1 R (1 r ) , (55)
dirst* ir ( st s) , (56)
ln gt (1 G )ln g G ln gt 1 xG ,t , (57)
ln Y ,t (1 Y )ln Y Y ln Y ,t 1 xY ,t . (58)
Endogenous variables
Note: Real values are expressed in terms of the home composite good while foreign real value
are in expressed in terms of the foreign composite good. The real exchange rate represents the
price of the foreign composite good in terms of the home composite good.
ACt = total adjustment costs; ACB ,t = adjustment costs for bank loans; ACPD ,t = adjustment costs for domestic prices;
ACPX ,t = adjustment costs for exp ort prices; ACWH ,t = adjustment costs for H household wages;
ACWL ,t = adjustment costs for L household wages; bt = real stock of domestic bonds; bt* = real stock of foreign bonds;
bB ,t = banks holding of domestic bonds; cH ,t = real consumption of H households; cL ,t = real consumption of L households;
crt = banks real cash resrerves; cu H ,t = real currency held by H households; cu L ,t = real currency held by L households;
d H ,t = real deposits held by H households; dirst* = change in foreign real value of international reserves;
gt = real govt. expenditures; it = real investment; kt =capital stock; lB ,t = real bank loans; mbt = real monetary base;
mct = real marginal cost; nH ,t = total labor supply of H households; nHB ,t = banks labor demand for H households ;
nHY ,t = firms labor demand for H households; nL ,t = labor supply of L households; nit = H households net real income;
pD ,t = real price of domestic goods; pM ,t = real price of imports; p X ,t = real price of exports;
p*X ,t = foreign real price of exports; qt = real price of installed capital; rt real interest rate; rD ,t = real deposit rate;
rL ,t = real loan rate; ret = rental rate for capital; Rt = nominal interest rate; R = nominal long-run interest rate;
wH ,t = H households real wage; wL ,t = L households real wage; yt = ouput; st = real exchange rate;
sumnit = discounted value of H households net income stream; sumrt = a conversion factor;
TCt = transaction cost for foreign bonds; zt = total real expenditure; z D ,t = real exp enditure on domestic goods;
zM ,t = real exp enditure on imports; z X ,t = real exp enditure on exports; B ,t = shadow price for banks constraint ;
H ,t = H households real taxes; H = long-run value for H ,t ; t = current to last period price ratio;
= expected value of t ; Y ,t = total factor productivity.
Exogenous variables
b = target value for govenment bonds (0.6); g = long-run value of g t (0.198); mb = long-run value of mbt (0.589206);
lH = real value of household loans from banks (.166095); pM*,t = foreign real value of imports (1);
r = long-run value of the real interest rate (0.01); rmt* = foreign real value of remittances (0.042);
L = real value of L household taxes (0.075); = target value of t (1.025);
xG ,t = shock to the process for gt ; xR ,t = shock to the interest rate rule; xY ,t = shock to the process for Y ,t .
H 0.363, L .0242, 1 / 1.01, 1.01, 0.0203472, 6, ir 5, rr 0.65, r 0.1,
ry 0, b 0.025, 0.778876, 2, 20, 2, 1.01, G 0.86, Y 0.88, 6, B 10,
b 1200, I 4, WH 400, WL 200, P 100, BL 377.777, HC 0.0192189, BD 11.1569,
HD 0.00321047, LC 0.038543, HN 18.588, LN 6.39184, Y 0.740024, 0.154511, 0.5,
* *
zt 0.119, s.d. of xG ,t 0.025 ; s.d. of xR ,t .0095 ; s.d. of xY ,t 0.0028 .
2. To make transaction costs for foreign bonds negligible, set .01 . Also assume no exchange
3. To introduce forward looking behavior, set 1 in price expectations and replace the policy
rule (50) by
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in percent
Policy rate
TB rate
Figure 1. The TB and the policy rates: 1991M1-2014M12
Figure 2. Dynamic Correlation: Output gap and the interest rates, 2002Q1-2014Q4
Dynamic Correlation
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 3. Dynamic Correlation: Inflation and the interest rates, 2002Q1-2014Q4
Dynamic Correlation
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 4. Dynamic effects of the monetary policy shock: basic VAR model, full sample
.4 0.5 0.8
0.0 0.6
-0.5 0.4
-1.0 0.2
-1.5 0.0
0.5 0.0
0.0 0.4
-0.5 -1.5
-2.0 -0.4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: IRF’s for the monetary policy shock are derived from the basic VAR model using
Cholesky decomposition with variables in the following order: output gap, inflation, instrument
variable. The sample period is from 1991Q1 to 2014Q4.
Figure 5
Dynamic effects of the monetary policy shock: basic VAR model, post-shift samples
.0 .2
-.8 -2 -.4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
.0 0
-.4 -.4
-.6 -4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: IRF’s for the monetary policy shock are derived from the basic VAR model using
Cholesky decomposition with variables in the following order: output gap, inflation, instrument
variable. The sample period is from 2002Q1 to 2014Q4 for the VAR with the policy rate and
from 2005Q1 to 2014Q4 for the VAR with the TB rate.
Figure 6. Dynamic effects of the monetary policy shock: extended VAR model, full sample
.4 0.5 0.8
0.0 0.6
-0.5 0.4 0.4
-1.0 0.2
-1.5 0.0
0.75 0.4
-1 -0.4
-.8 -1.2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1.0 0.8
0.4 0.8
0.5 0.6
0.0 0.4
0.0 0.4
-0.4 0.0
-0.5 0.2
-0.8 -0.4
-1.0 0.0
Note: IRF’s for the monetary policy shock are derived from the extended VAR model using
Cholesky decomposition with variables in the following order: output gap, inflation, the policy
rate, indicated financial variable. The sample period is from 1991Q1 to 2014Q4.
Figure 7
Dynamic effects of the monetary policy shock: DSGE model with and without frictions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 8
Dynamic effects of the monetary policy shock: DSGE and VAR models
(a) Response of output gap to a monetary shock generating 1% interest rate increase in quarter 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
95% band VAR
(b) Response of inflation to a monetary shock generating 1% interest rate increase in quarter 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
95% band VAR
Figure 9
0.0 0.5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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