Ravno - Continuous Weighing of Bagasse
Ravno - Continuous Weighing of Bagasse
Ravno - Continuous Weighing of Bagasse
electrical faulting does occur, most of the difficulties
are encountered in the first few da.ys after commis-
sioning and thereafter reliability is usually of a very
high standard.
Choice of the radiation source
The radio-isotope which is used in an installation
of this kind must satisfy a number of conditions. These
are :
(a) A suitable energy of emitted radiation. This is
a means of expressing the penetrating power of
the radiation which must be correlated with the
thickness of the material to be measured and
its density.
(b) An acceptably long half-life. If the half-life of
the isotope is too short, then a re-standardisa-
tion of the weigher 'will be required at exces-
FIGURE 1 The nuclear weigher C-frame layout. sively frequent intervals in order to maintain
the accuracy of measurement.
necessary to measure the exact speed and include this
in the calculation of the flow rate. Belt speed is readily (c) The isotope must be readily obtainable at a
measured to the required degree of accuracy by means reasonable price.
of a DC tacho-generator which is driven by the con-
veyor belt. To avoid problems of belt slippage it is For nuclear belt weighing three isotopes are in
necessary for the tacho-generator to be driven from common use. For thick sections of heavy materials
.an idler pulley on the belt and for this purpose the tail the high penetration obtained with radiation from
pulley is very frequently the most satisfactory point. Cobalt-60 is used. For most applications where mode-
A chain or gear drive is generally used to allow the rate thicknesses of moderately heavy materials are
tacho-generator to be run at the most suitable speed. involved the isotope Caesium-137 is used, whilst for
The output of the tacho-generator is introduced into light material such as bagasse the low-energy radiation
the computing unit at an appropriate point to make from Americium-241 is necessary to obtain satisfactory
the necessary allowance for variations in belt speed. measurement results.
The output of the computing unit is used to actuate For all of these isotopes the half-life is sufficiently
an electrical indicator which can be calibrated in terms long that re-standardisation of the weigher only
of mass flow rate and also feeds a signal into an inte- requires to be done at relatively infrequent intervals.
grating unit which totalises in tons the material which Actual half-life values are :
has passed over the belt. Cobalt-60 . . . . . . .. 5,3 years
The mathematical functions implemented in the Caesium-137 .. .. .. 30 years
computing unit include the following: Americium-241 . . . . .. 458 years
(a) Suppression of the standing signal due to the The isotope is sintered into a ceramic pellet and
radiation level with no material on the belt. further enclosed in a number of layers of inert material
(b) Correction for the implicit non-linearity of the and this structure ensures that the radlioactive material
Beer-Lambert equation. This is an exponential is not allowed to leak out and become a contamination
function and consequently must be corrected hazard. The radiation itself produces no contamina-
by a non-linear curve-shaping technique. tion of the product and this type of gauging is widely
accepted in different parts of the food industry.
(c) Correction for the fact that the geometrical
configuration of source and load cause a non- The radiation detector
linear deviation from the Beer-Lambert Law. A number of radiation detector systems are used in
This correction can in fact be combined with gamma ray gauging systems. Many of these involve
that outlined in section (b) above and in fact an installation with high electrical potentials on'the
only a single "lineariser" unit is employed. The detector and possibly high frequency cabling from the
lineariser uses a series of 6 straight-line seg- detector to the electronic unit. A feature of the Ohmart
ments to represent any arbitrary curve. equipment is the use of a special, patented, low-voltage
ionisation chamber detector which involves the use
( d ) Multiplication of the computed load figure by of only low-frequency and low-voltage cabling. Conse-
the belt speed value to give an output in terms quently the electronic unit can be mounted at a con-
of mass rate of flow. siderable distance from the conveyor belt, thereby
The use of modern solid-state circuitry has increased facilitating maintenance and calibration. A special
the reliability and has facilitated rapid fault-finding multi-core electrical cable must be run from the C-
with the use of plug-in printed circuitry. Experience frame to the instrument cabinet which may be sited
with this type of equipment has shown that when up to 300 metres away.
36 Proceedings of The South Afvican Sugar Technologists' Association-April 1974
Y instrument must be re-standardised, a simple operation
which occupies less than 15 minutes.
The frequency of calibration checking should be
Cyclone determined experimentally when the weigher has been
Depi ther installed. It will generally be found that a check twice
a year will be sufficient.
Application in the sugar industry
-0 Normal
Belt NO. 3 0
In the sugar mill context, calibration and calibration
checking presents no difficulties with regard to the
requirement of an empty belt for the purpose. The
weekend shut-down periods provide the opportunity,
and calibration checks could be timed to be performed
at start-up or shut-down when cane is not being
I -C
For calibration checking on the run, it is necessary
Weigh bridge to provide a material by-pass around the weigher.
FIGURE 2 Schematic plant layout.
Weighing accuracy
Calibration Test procedure
The accuracy of the nuclear weigher was checked on
Calibration involves setting the instrument zero and a relative basis using an assized weighbridge as the
setting the computing unit to linearise the radiation reference. Figure 2 serves to illustrate the schematic
detector output. layout of the relevant plant at Felixton.
Physically this is done on a static, empty belt. After Bagasse fibre was separated from whole bagasse in
adjusting the zero, a load of actual process material the depither and passed through the system to storage.
is placed on the belt between the arms of the C-frame. During each test period, the full stream of bagasse
The material is placed over a length of belt between fibre was diverted into a trailer where it was collected
0,3 and 0,6 m and profiled in cross-section to match and subsequently weighed on the weighbridge. The
the profile of the material under normal operation. weight of material passing the nuclear weigher during
The amount of material placed on the belt is calculated the same test period was then compared with the
to be equivalent to the weight per unit belt length under weighbridge value.
full load conditions. The computing unit is then
adjusted to give a reading of 100% of full scale and In detail, the test procedure involved stopping the
the procedure is repeated using belt loadings corres- bagasse feed and conveyor belt No. 1 (see Fig. 2), in
ponding to a series of lower belt loadings ranging order to check the nuclear weigher zero with conveyor
between 0 % and 100% of full scale. belt No. 2 running and to establish the tare reading on
the instrument's weight integrator. Conveyor belt No.
A final adjustment to the zero is made under 3 was then reversed in its direction of travel.
dynamic conditions by running the conveyor for several
revolutions of the belt and observing the integrated Conveyor belt No. 1 and the bagasse feed were then
reading for a complete number of revolutions. For this restarted and the test period commenced when the first
purpose the counting unit is capable of integrating material reached the nuclear weigher. When the col-
negative and positive deviations and the zero is lecting trailer was nearly full, the bagasse feed was
adjusted to give a net integrated total of zero. The again stopped and the test period ended when the last
Proceedings of The South African Sugar Technologists' Association-April 1974
Derived data
I Equivalrnt rate I I I
1 1 I
Test Ohmart
No. tonslh
Error I*
Error 2*
% 1 Error 3*
24,95 0 10 20 30 40 50
25,50 FIGURE 3 Correlation between nuclear weigher result and
21,83 weighbridge reference standard.
19,22 Acknowledgements
Mean . The authors gratefully acknowledge the invaluable
assistance given by Mr R. G. Hoekstra in the statis-
* Error 1 = (Ohmart - Weighbridge) tons/h tical analysis of the data.
Ohmart - Weighbridge
Error 2 = x 100 %
Ohmart -. Weighbridge
Error 3 =
50 ton/h (full scale)