Clinical Practice in BNCT To The Brain-Japan 32030440
Clinical Practice in BNCT To The Brain-Japan 32030440
Clinical Practice in BNCT To The Brain-Japan 32030440
Y. Nakagawa
Department of Neurosurgery,
National Kagawa Children's Hospital,
Kagawa, Japan
Abstract. Our concept of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is to selectively destroy tumour cells using
the high LET particles yielded from the 10B(n,GC)7Li reactions. The effort of clinical investigators has
concentrated on how to escalate the radiation dose at the target point. BNCT in Japan combines thermal neutrons
and BSH (TS^B^HuSH). The radiation dose is determined by the neutron fluence at the target point and the
boron concentration in the rumour tissue. According to the recent analysis, the ratio of boron concentration
(BSH) in tumour tissue and blood is nearly stable at around 1.2 to 1.69. Escalation of the radiation dose was
carried out by means of improving the penetration of the thermal neutron beam. Since 1968, 175 patients with
glioblastoma (n=83), anaplastic astrocytoma (n=44), low grade astrocytoma (n=16) or other types of tumour
(n=32) were treated by BNCT at 5 reactors (HTR n=13, JRR-3 n=l, MuITR n=98, KUR n=30, JRR-2 n=33).
The retrospective analysis revealed that the important factors related to the clinical results and QOL of the
patients were minimum tumour volume radiation dose, more than 18Gy of physical dose and maximum vascular
radiation dose (less than 15Gy) in the normal cortex. We have planned several trials to escalate the target
radiation dose. One trial makes use of a cavity in the cortex following debulking surgery of the tumour tissue to
improve neutron penetration. The other trial is introduction of epithermal neutron. KUR and JRR-4 were
reconstructed and developed to be able to irradiate using epithermal neutrons. The new combination of surgical
procedure and irradiation using epithermal neutrons should remarkably improve the target volume dose
compared to the radiation dose treated by thermal neutrons.
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
We consider BNCT an intercellular internal radiation therapy. Alpha particles (^He) and
recoiling lithium-7 (^Li) nuclei yielded from the nuclear reaction between boron-10 and
thermal neutron have a high linear energy transfer (LET) and an associated high relative
biological effectiveness (RBE). Furthermore, the two particles have a short path length (5-10
mm) which is approximately equal to the diameter of the tumour cells. Selective accumulation
of 1 OB in the tumour cells and corrective irradiation with suitable thermal neutron beam can
realise cell levelled destruction of tumour tissue without significant damage to the
surrounding brain tissue. It is well known that for a successful treatment in patients with
malignant brain tumour, it is essential to secure a sufficient radiation dose (enough alpha
particles & recoiling lithium-7). This depends on the boron compounds that adequately
accumulate in the tumour tissue and improvement of neutron penetration in the brain. [3]
measured by prompt gamma ray spectrometry during the irradiation. In order to measure the
exact neutron flux at each point of interest, gold wires inserted in the tumour tissue are pulled
out at 15-30 minute intervals after the full power operation of the reactor. It is possible to
assess the exact neutron fluence at each point of interest. The plan for the remainder of the
irradiation is then based on this up-to-the-minute data regarding boron concentration and
neutron flux.
Neutron irradiation was designed according to the clinical analysis in our series. T.
Kageji et al. reported detailed pharmacokinetics and boron uptake of BSH in a recently issued
report.. Neutron irradiation was started between 10 to 20 hours after a single infusion of BSH
in consecutive trials. [4] The mean boron concentration before the neutron irradiation in the
tumour tissue was 25.8 ppm. The tumour to blood ratio (T/B) was nearly stable at around 1.2
to 1.69 in successful cases. The study showed a significant statistical correlation between
boron uptake and time interval from the infusion of BSH. Within the first 10 hours after BSH
infusion, malignant glioma tissue contained high level of boron (30-60 ppm), however; the
boron concentration in blood showed a higher level than that in the tumour tissue. Hence the
T/B ratio was below one. hi the 12-24 hours following BSH infusion, the boron concentration
in the tumour was above 20 ppm in 56% of malignant glioma patients. The T/B ratio was
more than one in 69% and two in 38% of them. These data indicated that the neutron
irradiation should be done around 15-18 hours after the BSH infusion. A positive tumour-to-
blood ratio and a uniform tumour concentration around 10^40 mg/g ^B are needed for
successful BNCT.
Lb, Follow up CT15 years after BNCT
Case 3. An 11-year-old girl had a huge tumour in the right frontal lobe. Histological
diagnosis was grade 3 oligo-astrocytoma. BNCT was performed at MuITR in Oct. 1981.
Neutron flux measured on the surface of the ping pong ball and on the bottom of the cavity
using gold foils was 1.46E + 13n/cm2 and 6.72E + 12n/cm2 respectively. Boron concentration
in the tumour tissue was 22.1ppm and 11.2ppm in the blood. Tumour volume radiation dose
was 23.0 Gy (physical dose). Follow up MRI studied in 1994 demonstrated porencephalic
cyst, however, there was no recurrence of the tumour (Fig. 3).
Case 4. A 41-year-old female suffered from headache epileptic seizure and right
hemiparesis. A magnetic resonance image (MRI) showed an enhanced mass in the left parietal
lobe. She underwent craniotomy and partial resection of the tumour. Histological diagnosis
was glioblastoma. BNCT was performed at KUR in Aug. 1992. Two gold wires were inserted
around the tumour. Neutron flux was measured on the surface of the brain and at the target
point. It was 1.6E + 13n/cm2 and 4.IE + 12n/cm2 respectively. Boron concentration in the
tumour tissue was 20.0ppm and 11.2ppm in the blood. Retrospective analysis of the radiation
dose of boron n-alpha reaction was 13.0 Gy (tumour volume dose). Follow up MRI
demonstrated marked decrease of the enhanced lesion (Fig 4).
Fig. 2, Follow up MRA after 16 years after BNCT, Boron concentration :I4.0 ppm in tumor tissue,
133ppm on blood Radiation time : 140 min . Radiation dosed5.9 Gy (B-iO n~a)
Fig, 3, UF, Oligo-astwcytoma (G3), Planning (kft) Oct. 1981 at MulTR, Follow up MM (right) m
1994, Radiation dose at target pint was 23Gy,
.: 2.31 X K
•. -y i -y v
•year-old female with gliobktstoma*, Planning (left) Aug. 1992 at KUR, Follow up MRI
{.right) 2 years after BNCT. Radiation dose at target pint "B "was IJGy.
i I.. •>..'. r:" •.- ur-old man with glloMmtoma was underwent in March, 1995 at JRR-2. Faitow up MRI
BNCT (from ieftto right; pre BNCT, Iweets, I month, 6 months after BNCT} Radk&im dose at target
pint wtis: .HGy. Abnormally enhanced lesion gradually decreased (arrow),
Case 5. A 65-year-old man had glioblastoma in the bilateral frontal lobe. He underwent
craniotomy and partial resection of the tumour. Histological diagnosis was glioblastoma.
BNCT was performed at IRR-2 in March, 1995. Neutron flux was measured using gold wires
which were inserted around the tumour. It was 4.2E + 12n/cm2 at the target point. Boron
concentration in the tumour tissue was 31.0ppm and 25.0ppm in the blood. Retrospective
analysis of the radiation dose of boron n-alpha reaction was 11.0 Gy (tumour volume dose).
Follow up MRI demonstrated a gradual decreasing of the enhanced lesion (Fig 5).
Since 1968, we have treated 175 patients and performed boron-neutron capture therapy
(BNCT) using 5 reactors in Japan. There were 83 patients with glioblastoma, 44 patients with
anaplastic astrocytoma and 16 patients with low grade astrocytoma (grade 1 or 2). There were
32 patients with other types of tumour. Most of the patients were followed by CT or MRI to
study the efficacy of BNCT. Retrospectively we divided the patients into two groups to
investigate the prognostic factors. One group (group 1): the patients who lived more than 3
years. The other group (group 2): the patients who lived less than 3 years. We analyzed
histology of the tumours, age of the patients, radiation time, boron concentration in the blood,
neutron fluences on the surface of the brain at the target point target depth and tumour volume
dose in each group.
Table I. Clinical outcome of the patients who lived more than 10 years
Patient Age Sex Histology T/B ratio lOBin Tumour
tumour volume dose
M.T. 50 M Glioblastoma 0.56 15.3 13.5
R.N. 60 F Glioblastoma 1.05 13.3 18.9
T.T. 30 M Chondrosarcoma 1.07 27.1 11.6
C.U. 47 F Meningioma 8.95 90.4 13.8
C.Y. 58 F Meningioma N.D N.D 12.5
K.N. 25 M An. Astrocytoma 1.15 35.2 23.1
T.M. 11 f An. Astrocytoma 1.43 11.2 14.2
Y.T. 38 F Glioblastoma 1.42 13.9 15.9
R.K. 56 M Glioblastoma 1.89 21.6 20.3
M.I. 22 M Malig. Ependymoma N.D. N.D. 14.8
K.K. 39 M An. Astrocytoma N.D. N.D. 15.2
E.M. 48 F Meningioma N.D. N.D. 9.3
factors. However, the most important factor was tumour volume radiation dose demonstrated
by boron n-alpha reaction. The tumour volume was calculated on CT or MRI findings.
Twenty-eight patients were treated before the induction of CT, therefore the patients were
excluded in this study. [5.6]. The tumour volume radiation dose in the patients with grade 2
glioma were 11.5Gy (group 1) vs. 6.7Gy (group 2), 15.6Gy (group 1) vs. 11.8 (group 2) in
grade 3 glioma and 18.2Gy (group 1) vs. 9.8Gy (group 2) in glioblastoma patients (table 2).
Table II. (cont.)
The tumour volume radiation dose of the last protocol was lOGy but increased up to
15Gy in the new protocol. Surgical procedures and making a cavity played an important role
not only to irradiate with sufficient neutron fluence, but also to avoid radiation side effect.
Radiation side effect or radiation necrosis was observed in 10.9 % of our series. The factors
related to radiation necrosis were maximum thermal neutron fluence on the brain surface and
vascular dose. Therefore, we decided the maximum thermal neutron fluence on the surface of
the brain should be below 2.0 + El3 n/cm2. Vascular dose in the brain tissue near the surface
of the brain or maximum vascular dose must be controlled below 15 Gy. To improve the
neutron penetration, we decided to utilize epithermal neutron beams. KUR was reconstructed
in 1997. Following the shutdown of the JRR-2, JRR-4 was renewed for medical use in 1998.
Both reactors have the capacity to yield thermal neutron beam, epithermal neutron beam and
mixed beams. We compared the neutron fluences at the target point and on the surface of the
cavity between a case treated by thermal neutron and one by mixed beam (Fig. 3). Thanks to
the cavity, neutron penetration was improved ca. 30% even if irradiated by thermal neutron.
The new combination of surgical procedure and irradiation using epithermal neutrons should
remarkably improve the target volume dose compared to the radiation dose treated by thermal
neutrons, seven times without cavity and 3.5 times with cavity.
Patient selection
- Patients with glioma grade 3-4
- Less than 70 years of age
- No serious systemic disease
- Good general condition (KPS>70)
- Radiation dose
- Minimum Tumour Volume Dose: 18Gy*
- Target Volume Dose: 15Gy*
- Maximum Vascular Dose < 15Gy
*Physical dose of boron n-alpha reaction
Neutron irradiation using mixed beam of thermal neutron or epithermal neutron beam
Radiation time is decided according to the data of boron concentration in the blood or tumour
tissue and neutron flux at the target point and surface of the brain.
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[4] KAGEJI T., NAKAGAWA Y.: "Pharmacokinetics and boron uptake of BSH
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