Freller 04
Freller 04
Freller 04
Resumen: En 1588 y 1595 se descubren en Granada un número de textos, llamados Los libros
plúmbeos, que demostraban aparentemente una contribución más o menos islámica en la tem-
prana historia de la cristiandad en general y de la historia de España en particular. Basándonos
en las fuentes con las que contamos se puede inferir claramente que los acontecimientos de
Granada sirvieron como base a la posterior creación de nuevas falsificaciones en árabe. Des-
pués de 1783, las traducciones basadas en fuentes árabes sobre la historia de Sicilia que hizo
el abad Vella fueron tan aclamadas que amenazaron con cambiar muchas de las nociones
históricas establecidas. La finalidad de este artículo es arrojar una nueva luz sobre los aconte-
cimientos que proporcionaron a Vella la base de sus actividades y algunas de sus consecuen-
Abstract: In 1588 and again in 1595 a number of texts, the so-called ‘books of lead’ (Los
libros plúmbeos), were discovered at Granada which seemingly threw a more or less Islamic
light on the early history of Christianity in general and on the history and role of Spain in
particular. From the sources it might be safely inferred that these events in Andalusia served
as a backdrop for another spectacular forgery of Arabic documents: after 1783 the Maltese
abate Giuseppe Vella`s ‘translations’ of Arabic sources of the history of Sicily were so highly
acclaimed that they threatened to change many a cherished historical notion. This paper aims
to throw fresh light on events which provided the backdrop for Vella`s activities and some of
their consequences.
Palabras clave: Abad Giuseppe Vella. Falsificaciones en árabe. Granada. Historia de Sicilia.
Key words: Abate Giuseppe Vella. Arabic forgeries. Granada. History of Sicily.
It is interesting to observe that in the last decades of the 18th century a similar de-
velopment of a cautious ‘discovery’ of Arabic roots did take place in Andalusia as
well as in Sicily. Even more curious is the fact that both in Andalusia and in Sicily
the new fascination with Arabic history and culture resulted in some notorious forge-
ries. Almost at the same time of the activites of some anonymous forgers at Granada
and of the Spanish ‘scholar’ Conde, the Maltese cleric Giuseppe Vella rose to fame
as translator of kufic medieval texts which were aimed to have a considerable impact
on the restructuring of the contemporary legal and political system of the Kingdom
of Naples. When one delves deeper into the activities of Vella one wonders whether
the Maltese chaplain and his Sicilian supporters and ‘benefactors’ were not encoura-
ged or inspired by the events in Granada and Andalusia. As will be shown later on
it can be taken for granted that some of the main actors of the Vella affair knew per-
fectly what had been going on in Andalusia. This was already indicated by the most
obstinate detective on the trails of the abate Vella, the professor from Vienna Joseph
Hager. In his book Nachricht von einer merkwürdigen litterarischen Betrügerey
(1799) and the expert report on Vella`s translation of Kufic and Arabic documents
which he presented to the Neapolitan court1, Hager compares Vella`s works with the
Arabic documents which had been found at Granada. In fact Hager had a profound
knowledge of this subject as the Austrian scholar had been in Madrid in 17902 to
study Arabic manuscripts in the library of the Escorial and in other Spanish archives.
He assumed that the masterminds of the Sicilian forgeries were influenced by what
had happened in Andalusia, namely in the circles of some Morisco scholars. As is
well-known, the Moriscos were Moors who stayed on and had been baptized against
their free will after the fall of Granada in 1492. Their forced conversion had started
after 1500. Many of them had continued, however, to adhere secretly to Islam. The
last of these crypto-Muslims (as they were also called) were eventually expelled from
Spain between 1609 and 16143.
Thus, to unravel the underlying forces which led to these forgeries in Palermo in
the 1780s, it is imperative to keep in mind significant events which date from earlier
centuries. On 18th March 1588 workers discovered a leadbox under the ruins of a
minaret in Granada, containing relics of St. Stephen, a painting and a parchment sup-
posedly written by the patron saint of Granada, St. Cecilio. The parchment contained
a text in Latin, Arabic and Castillian4. The interpreter of the Spanish king, Miguel
de Luna5, and the scholars Luis Farjado, Francisco López Tamarid, and Alonso del
1. Cf. the examination report which Hager sent to King Ferdinand IV on 7. February 1795, Archivio
di Stato, Palermo; R. Segretaria di Sicilia; Incartamenti 5291, no pagination.
2. Cf. Joseph Hager. Reise von Wien nach Madrid. Berlin, 1792.
3. On the Moriscos` cf. the classic book by A. Dominguez Ortiz y B. Vincent. Historia de los moriscos.
Vida y tragedia de una minoría. Madrid, 1975.
4. On the scenery of these events cf. Luis de la Cueva. Diálogos de las cosas notables de Granada y
lengua española y algunas cosas curiosas. Sevilla, 1603.
5. On Miguel de Luna cf. Darío Cabanelas Rodríguez. “Cartas del morisco granadino Miguel de Luna”.
Castillo6 were asked to translate the Arabic text. The archbishop of Granada, Don
Juan Méndez de Salvaterra, was immediately thrilled because the discoveries would
increase the prestige of his see. Archbishop Don Juan Méndez de Salvaterra and his
successor Pedro de Castro ignored warnings regarding the involvement of the Moris-
cos Miguel de Luna and Alonso del Castillo as possible forgers. Pope Sixtus V gave
permission to continue the investigations on the authenticity. But more mysterious
things were to come. In February 1595 twenty-two so-called ‘books of lead’ (Los
libros plúmbeos) were found at the Sacromonte at Granada. The documents recount
the arrival of St. James in Spain with his disciples among whom the above mentioned
St. Cecilio7.
Only many generations later it was found out that these documents were forgeries.
Miguel de Luna`s and Alonso del Castillo`s activities had political and ideological
motives. The Morisco Miguel de Luna and his friends wanted to ‘prove’ an uninte-
rrupted line of guarantee of the rights of the Moorish Christians –the ‘Mudejars’– in
the kingdom of Granada. The ‘books of lead’ were meant to show that the Arabs we-
re the first real Christians in Andalusia.
At the end of the 16th century these findings found a considerable echo in Spain
as well as in other European countries. The subject of the finding of the ‘books of
lead’ was taken up by Cervantes in his Don Quijote. Cervantes had visited Granada
in 1594. Also the great poet Góngora in 1598 wrote a sonet Al monte santo de Gra-
nada which recalls the findings. Even the mapmakers Braun and Hogenberg in 1598
in their map of Granada included an illustration of them. A few years later Miguel
de Luna made up a life of the legendary Visigoth King Roderich from ‘old Arabic
manuscripts’. In this work the Muslimis are portrayed as the true liberators from bar-
barism. This book was highly successful and by 1650 seven editions of the Historia
verdadera del Rey Don Rodrigo, en la qual se trata la causa principal de la perdida
de España, y la conquista, que della hizo Miramamolin Almansor, Rey que fue de
Africa, y de las Arabias, y vida. Compuesta por el sabio alcalde Abulcacim Tarif
Abentarique, de nacion Arabe8 were printed. In 1660 the book was translated into
Italian, while in 1671 a French translation was published9.
At about the same time of the finding of the ‘books of lead’ an anonymous Moris-
co author compiled the so-called Evangelio de San Bernabé. This document shows
how cleverly the author had combined Christian and Muslim notions about what ma-
kes a true gospel. In fact modern scholars, like Luis F. Bernabé Pons, have analysed
this text, and have concluded it to be a Spanish endeavour to invent an ‘evangelical’
text which conforms to Islam10. The original but lost Gospel could then be made to
pass as a predecessor of the Qur’ân. That is why Jesus returns to earth to assign to
Barnabas, his most reliable disciple, the task to write down what he manages to re-
call. Jesus somewhat is reduced to the status of a forerunner and messenger, and is
assigned the role of John the Baptist, who disappeared from the gospel. The anony-
mous forger of the Evangelio de San Bernabé opts for a ‘Christian’ solution. The
form of his gospel tallies with the traditional Christian one. The message is clear: by
choosing a Christian model and retouching a great part of the material drawn from
the four gospels, and describing it from the Islamic point of view, the author tried to
demonstrate how close the Christian church and Islam are. So the text was meant to
help Moriscos to find a legitimate place next to Christians in Spain.
In the meantime the Curia had ordered an investigation of the authenticity of the
discoveries at Granada. In 1642 the ‘books of lead’ were transferred to Rome. The
commission was headed by the great Jesuit scholar, Athanasius Kircher. However,
no definite conclusion was reached. Only in 1682 the Curia in Rome passed negative
judgement on these documents because of Islamic ideas found in them. History re-
peated itself: also in Granada, this time in the Alhambra, in 1764 another sensational
discovery was made, consisting of ‘numerous inscriptions written on ore, lead and
stone’11. The discovery roused great interest all over Europe, although many, ‘tried
8. On Miguel de Luna`s book on King Rodrigo cf. Francisco Márquez Villanueva. “La voluntad de
leyenda de Miguel de Luna”. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, XXX, 2 (1981), 359-395; Ramón
Menéndez Pidal. Floresta de leyendas heroicas españolas. Rodrigo, el último godo. Madrid, 1942-1944,
9. Cf. Ali Abençufian [i.e. Miguel de Luna]. La Vie du Roy Almansor. Amsterdam, 1671.
10. Cf. in detail Luis F. Bernabé Pons. “Zur Wahrheit und Echtheit des Barnabasevangeliums”. in R.
Kirste (Ed.). Wertewandel und religiöse Umbrüche. Religionen im Gespräch, (n. pl., 1996), IV, 133-188.
On the Barnabas-Evangelium cf. also Safiyya M. Linges. Das Barnabas Evangelium. Bonndorf, 1994.
11. Joseph Hager, Nachricht von einer merkwürdigen litterarischen Betrügerey. Leipzig, 1799, 39.
in vain to decipher these rare and unknown script like Court de Gebelin found no
clue to read the inscriptions at Mount Sinai; finally in 1777, these Granada inscrip-
tions were classified as having been falsified’12.
But other forgeries were already in the making. Then the Spanish scholar Conde
compiled some ‘authentic’ Arabic documents. Most of his contemporaries believed
they were authentic. Only a few decades later suspicion arose. In the middle of the
19th century Adolf Friedrich von Schack, who more or less out of Romantic motives
interested himself in everything Arabic in Spain and Sicily, commented thus on the
works of Conde in his book Poesie und Kunst der Araber in Spanien und Sicilien:
“If one considers that until very recently even the political history of the Arabs in
Spain was hardly known, one tends to question many thinks. As the great Dutch
Oriental scholar Dozy has proven, Conde, who for so long was regarded as the main
authority on this field, presented just fragments of Latin chroniclers as translations
of Arabic historians. Where Conde had to rely on authentic Arabic texts, he did not
understand them at all. Sometimes he even made two or three individuals out of one
name or misunderstood infinitives as personal names. In his so-called translations
some personalities die several times over or die before their official birth. He also
invented people who never existed. Still his book was until recently the authoritative
source for everything written about the Arabs in Spain. In every university in Europe
this medieval period was read according to the work of Conde. All studies on Spain
written by Germans, Englishmen, Americans, Frenchmen or Spaniards have taken
their information on this splendid period of the Iberean paeninsula from Conde. That
means that these false facts and information are to be found in universal histories, in
studies on the medieval times, and in travelogues”13.
Only a few years after the ‘sensational’ discoveries at the Alhambra in 1764, Pa-
lermo became the scene of another famous ‘Arabic’ forgery. As in the case of the
activities of Miguel de Luna, the scene was also set by the hard facts of politics. The
main protagonist of the events in Palermo was the Maltese chaplain Giuseppe Ve-
lla14. The archival sources housed in the Archivio di Stato of Palermo, the Biblioteca
Comunale of Palermo and the National Library of Malta (Valletta) allow us to throw
some light on Vella`s involvement in contemporary politics. To understand better the
complicated story of Vella`s fantasies and false trails, one has to start by outlining
some basic events and place them in the framework of their period. Early in 1783 the
news spread in Palermo that an ambassador from Marocco, Ibn Uthmân15, who had
spent a couple of weeks in the city had found a Kufic codex which contained most
precious first-hand information about the hardly-known Arabic period of Sicilian
history and which became known as Codex Martinianus16 because of the place where
the manuscript had been discovered.
That Vella and his patron, bishop Alfonso Airoldi, must have been well-informed
about the archival situation in Spain is shown by their claim that also the Codex Mar-
tinianus originally had come to Sicily from the Iberian peninsula. According to them
around 1640 Don Martino La Farina, Marchese di Madonia, the librarian of the Esco-
rial, had brought many Arabic manuscripts on his return to his native Sicily17. One
of Don La Farina`s heirs is supposed to have sold these Arabic manuscripts in 1744.
A few years later five of these Arabic manuscripts were bought by the librarian of
the monastery of San Martino, ‘amongst which there was also a manuscript in quarto
size with 279 linen sheets’18. This was supposedly the so-called Codex Martinianus.
The Maltese chaplain Giuseppe Vella subsequently translated these documents.
The ambitious publication of the manuscript in six volumes entitled Codice diploma-
tico di Sicilia sotto il governo degli Arabi dall`anno DCCCXXVII al MLXXII brought
Vella not only great local fame and styled him as an absolute expert in Kufic and
medieval Arabic script but also a great social reputation and considerable financial
benefits. Vella was promoted to an abbot with a huge villa to his disposal. He beca-
me even more famous when he announced to have discovered an Arabic translation
of 17 lost books of Livy19 and to have translated the official correspondence between
the Norman rulers of Sicily and the caliphs in Cairo. This correspondence, which was
published under the name of Libro del Consiglio di Egitto contained several docu-
ments which seemed to confirm the absolute power of medieval rulers over the rights
15. On the person of Ibn Uthmân and his tour cf. in detail Thomas Freller. “‘The Shining of the Moon’
– The Mediterranean Tour of Muhammad Ibn Uthmân, envoy of Morocco, in 1782”. Journal of Medite-
rranean Studies, XII, 2 (2002), 307-326.
16. The manuscripts which were described by Vella as Kufic and which supposidly contained important
information on Arabic Sicily –including a life of the prophet Mohammed– are today preserved in the Bi-
blioteca Comunale of Palermo.
17. Here quoted from the German translation by Philipp Wilhelm Gottlieb Hausleutner in Geschichte
der Araber in Sicilien. (...). In gleichzeitigen Urkunden von diesem Volke selbst. Aus dem Italienischen
mit Anmerkungen und Zusätzen von Philipp Wilhelm Gottlieb Hausleutner. 4 vols. Königsberg, 1791-
1793, I, introduction, XLVIII et seq.
18. Joseph Hager. Nachricht von einer merkwürdigen litterarischen Betrügerey. Leipzig, 1799, 3.
19. Cf. Thomas Freller. “The Abate Vella and the Lost Books of Livy. An elaborate fairy-tale?”. Trea-
sures of Malta, IV, 3 (summer 1998), 59-63.
and prerogatives of the nobility. It therefore became an important matter in the ef-
forts of Francesco Maria Venanzio d`Aquino, principe di Caramanico, the viceroy
of Sicily, and his lawyers and civil servants to justify and legitimatize the pruning of
the rights and power of the mighty Sicilian barons. In a spectacular trial most of Ve-
lla`s works were finally unveiled as forgeries.
The details of the events read like a detective story: In 1788 Vella and his bene-
factor bishop Alfonso Airoldi reported that Ibn Uthmân`s brother had sent them a
new manuscript from Fez on medieval Sicily. This manuscript covered 45 years of
official correspondence between the sultans of Egypt and the Norman princes Robert
Giuscard, Count Roger, and his son King Roger II of Sicily20. This codex (Kit~b d§-
w~n Misr). contained exact information on the prerogatives of the Norman rulers and
kings, the right to keep mills, enfeoffment of rivers and land21, decrees on salt pans,
fishing, and hunting and the rights over the county of Benevent: “After a while Mus-
tapha ben Ausman (sic), in a most gentle manner, also sent us information on the
period of the Normans. He presented to Abate Vella the whole manuscript which
contains numerous copied letters of the Egyptian Divan and of the business reports
and orders of the government of the sultans directed to the African dynasties. It also
contains many other things which refer to the history of our Sicily”22. Important do-
cuments (‘tutto epistolare, tutto diplomatico, tutto originale’) on the Norman period
of Sicily, Southern Italy, and Malta which were regarded by the locals as so presti-
gious for their country were bound to attract even more attention than unknown ma-
terial on the Arabic period. Until then the Norman history of these regions was
known only through some fragmentaric chronicles (‘sospette cronache di alcuni po-
2 3
c h i ’ ) , a s V e
20. For the sending from Fez to Palermo cf. also Joseph Hager. Gemälde von Palermo. Berlin, 1799,
154. Cf. also Camilla Maria Cederna. Imposture littèraire et stratégies politiques: Le Conseil d`Égypte
des Lumières siciliennes à Leonardo Sciascia. Paris, 1999, 40.
21. For these subjects cf. in detail Jeremy Johns. The Muslims of Norman Sicily, c. 1060-c. 1194. 2
vols., Diss. Oxford, 1983; Fardella Enrico Mazzarese. I feudi comitali di Sicilia dai Normanni agli Arago-
nesi. Milano, 1974; Hans Niese. Die Gesetzgebung der Normannischen Dynastie im Regnum Siciliae.
Halle, 1910, on the Norman sources cf. 9-13; Dietlind Schack. Die Araber im Reich Rogers II. Diss. Ber-
lin, 1969; Hiroshi Takayama. The administration of the Norman Kingdom of Sicily. Leiden, 1993. Still
useful to consult is the older work by A. Kehr. Die Urkunden der normannisch-sizilischen Könige. Inns-
bruck, 1902.
22. Here quoted from the German translation by Philipp Wilhelm Gottlieb Hausleutner in Geschichte
der Araber in Sicilien, I, introduction, XLVI et seq. On the background of the ‘discovery’ of the Norman
Codex cf. also in detail Domenico Scinà. Prospetto della Storia letteraria di Sicilia nel secolo decimotta-
vo. 3 vols. Palermo, 1824-1827, III, 332 et seq. Johann Gottfried Eichhorn (Ed.). “Actenmässige Relation
vom Vella Process”. Allgemeine Bibliothek der Biblischen Litteratur. Leipzig, 1799, IX, 193 et seq.
23. So Vella writes in the preface of the Libro del Consiglio di Egitto tradotto da Giuseppe Vella cappe-
lla describes them. Joseph Hager sums up: “[Vella] maintained he had received from
Morocco a manuscript which contained the correspondence between the Norman
princes Robert Guiscard and Roger and their African neighbours Almostanser Billah
(sic). He called this manuscript Kitabü Divani Misri or Book of the Council of Egypt
because in those days the Fatimides ruled over this country”24.
Vella`s work on this so-called Norman Codex coincided with a general change in
his company and personal horizons. The background of this metamorphosis requires
a more detailed investigation. While the abate worked on the material of the Norman
Codex, he had drifted closer to leading representatives of the administration of the
new viceroy of Sicily, Francesco Maria Venanzio d`Aquino, principe di Caramanico
(1738-1795, viceroy 1786-1795)25. Caramanico was a Freemason and a widely-trave-
lled man. Before he took up his post in Palermo, he had served as ambassador of the
kingdom of Naples in London and Paris. His vision of politics was influenced by
physiocratism, secularism, and reformism just like that of his predecessor Domenico
Caracciolo (1715-1789, viceroy 1780-1786)26. However, he adapted more to the fac-
tual Sicilian situation in his political actions and he was therefore more diplomatic
and cautious than Caracciolo27. When Caramanico arrived in Sicily in 1786 the
strong antagonism between the government and the powerful feudal Sicilian barons
who owned most of the lands still existed. His position became even more difficult
when the court of Naples, after the events in France in July 1789, followed up an
increasingly conservative and anti-liberal policy. Caramanico`s primary aim was the
diminuition of the rights and prerogatives of the Sicilian aristocrats. A look at the
numbers is enough to give a brief impression of the phenomenon of refeudalisation
which Sicily had underwent in previous generations. At the end of the eighteenth
century, there were 142 Principi, 95 Duchi, 788 Marchese, 59 Conti, and 1274 Baro-
ni in Sicily. An important aspect of Caramanico`s policies was the legal struggle
against the feudal rights. He established new professorships for state law and civil
law at the universities of Palermo and Catania where he only employed lecturers who
had proven their loyalty towards monarchy and government. In subsequent years
there appeared a series of treatises and pamphlets on state law fully in accordance
with Caramanico`s vision. The authors included such personages as Marino Guara-
ni28, Angelo Masci29, Giacinto Dragonetti30, Saverio Simonetti31, and Francesco
Rossi32. Even the lawyer Francesco Paolo Di Blasi, who for some time was suspected
of being a Jacobine, was commissioned to edit a new series of Prammatiche. In 1785
the French traveller Charles Dupaty commented: “The barons are, especially in Si-
cily, real tyrants. A couple of years ago it was preached from the pulpit that the ba-
rons were the true lords of the country. The ‘Marchese Caraccili’ (sic), the actual
viceroy of Sicily, works with considerable success to transfer the old power of the
nobility to the domain of the government. This undertaking is not without some dan-
ger and trouble”33.
Many of these loyal lawyers tried to document the prerogative power of the state
and the monarchy over the Sicilian nobility by historic documents. Giacinto Drago-
netti, for example, based his treatise Origine dei feudi nei regni di Napoli e Sicilia
(1788) on Caruso`s Anonymi historia Sicula, a Normannis ad Petrum Aragonensem,
ex bibliotheca Vaticana (1723), the chronicle of Abulfeda, and the first volume of
Vella`s Codice diplomatico. These sources should refute both the idea that there had
been a feudal system in Sicily under the Arabs and that later, with the Norman con-
quest, the land had been distributed to the barons as commilitones. Already Vella`s
Codice diplomatico therefore –most probably unintentionally– provided the loyal
lawyers and historians with good material in their fight against the barons. Vella`s
patron, bishop Airoldi, in his preface to the Codice diplomatico, had made some refe-
rences with regards to this when he indicated that the book contained some material
‘for those wise and distinguished men’ who ‘are responsible for the political rule of
our country’34. The documentary ‘treasures’ of the historians, therefore, became trea-
sures for the politicians and the leaders. A letter from the former Viceroy Caracciolo
to his successor Caramanico of 9 September 1786 documents how well the political
leaders of the country were informed about the activities of the historians. Caracciolo
informed his successor Caramanico in great detail about the momentary situation of
the historic research on Arab Sicily35.
The importance the viceroys attributed to the historians` research and the strict
policies they followed are documented in a contemporary description of some of Ca-
racciolo`s measures. In December 1785 the Danish scholar Friedrich Münter wrote:
“The reason why the viceroy did not give his permission for the printing of Abate Di
Blasi`s first part of his history of Sicily which covers the period until the beginning
of the Arabic rule is presumably caused by fears it would do harm to the govern-
ment`s policy. (...) The king has given his permission and even wanted to pay the
printing but Caracciolo intefered and stopped the whole process. Most likely the
printing will not be continued until there is a new viceroy”36. On the other hand, the
Sicilian nobility was also not shy to suppress information which did not fit in their
vision. Very often old documents and sources simply disappeared. Münter quotes the
example of the private library of the Marchese Giaratana: “The reason [for the disap-
pearance of documents] lies in the general distrust of the nobility of the government
of the Kingdom of Naples. Marchese Giaratana is afraid that the government might
use some manuscripts which are in his possession which might show some new light
on the rights of some Sicilian noble families. In fact, some families think that, by
means of old tradition and the transfer of prerogatives, they are in a position to call
some pieces of land their own as if they possessed this land through medieval legal
enfeoffment. (...) Don Francesco Daniele, the royal historiographer in Naples, who
has long worked on a history of the family of the Hohenstaufen tried in vain to con-
sult this codex (with the letters of Petrus de Vineis). It is denied that the codex is still
there, although it is known that this is not true”37.
So it was only too understandable that Vella`s announcement of being in posses-
sion of new material on the history of Sicily under Roger I and II created great inte-
rest and also preoccupations among many. The first indications of the contents of the
letters, diplomata, bulls and orders of the so-called Norman Codex made the repre-
sentatives of the government rejoice for the news fitted their programme exactly. The
sensible and delicate reactions to these subjects in those times of emerging central
35. Here quoted by Giuseppe Giarrizzo a. o. (Eds.). “Illuministi italiani...”. In La Letteratura Italiana.
Storia e Testi. Milano-Naples, 1965, XLVI, part VII, 1074 et seq. Cf. also E. Pontieri (Ed.). “Lettere del
Marchese Caracciolo viceré di Sicilia al ministro Acton”. Archivio storico per le provincie di Napoli, 57
(1932), 266 et seq.
36. Friedrich Münter. Aus den Tagebüchern Friedrich Münters. Wander- und Lehrjahre eines dänis-
chen Gelehrten. Ed. by Ojvind Andreasen. 3 vols. Copenhagen-Leipzig, 1937, II, 56.
37. Friedrich Münter. Nachrichten von Neapel und Sicilien, auf einer Reise in den Jahren 1785 und
1786. Copenhagen, 1790, 199 et seq.
power of the state is also shown in the comments of foreign observers. It is exactly
the political implication of the Norman Codex which interested from the beginning
several European intellectuals and travellers. Count Carl Ulysses von Salis und
Marschlin, who in the summer of 1788 undertook a tour of Sicily with his uncle who
was a general in the army of Naples, discussed this subject quite deeply: “To get the
correct impression of the situation of the Sicilian nobility one has to see its roots in
the old times. When Roger distributed the land to his warriors to reward them for
their brave services, he never granted them prerogatives or rights over the inhabitants
of this land. Therefore the lords promised to everyone who wanted to settle in their
lands, fields or pieces of arable lands against payment of rent. This rent was someti-
mes fixed for a certain period of time sometimes in perpetuity. If the local Moors or
Saracens had quarrels or disputes, they had to turn to a royal judge who was placed
in every big town. The barons saw that their power was considerably limited by this
situation and their authority suffered as a result. So they keenly waited for the time
when the power of the kings was weakened and then forced them to allow to act as
judges over their respective lands. But de facto their legal power never went so far
and the right to appeal was always open to everyone who wanted to use it”38. So al-
ready in 1788 amateurs could foresee the importance of the documents which had
allegedly been sent from Fez to Palermo. In the spring of 1794 Joseph Hager discus-
sed the contents of the Norman Codex at the court in Naples. He observed that:
“[King] Ferdinand, who was very enthusiastic about this discovery, showered Vella
with gifts. He ordered that the Italian translation of this African manuscript should
be published in a most prestigious way. He even thought this manuscript had the sa-
me importance as the discoveries of Herculaneum and Pompeii”39.
Is the appearance of the Norman Codex and its obvious relevance to the visions
of the viceroy`s policy a coincidence or part of a clever plan? Who are the people of
the court of the viceroy and the royal administration with whom Vella had contact
after 1788? The key figure in the story seems to have been Francesco Carelli segreta-
rio di questo Governo di Sicilia since 178840. Carelli who had come to Palermo with
Caracciolo`s administration was a learned dilletante with a special interest in legal
history41. Count Friedrich Leopold von Stolberg who had paid Carelli a visit in sum
38. Carl Ulysses von Salis und Marschlin. Beiträge zur natürlichen und ökonomischen Kenntniß des
Königreichs beider Sicilien. 2 vols. Zurich, 1790, I, 133.
39. Hager. Gemälde, 154.
40. On the career of Francesco Carelli cf. Baviera Albanese. L`arabica impostura, 130 et seq. On his
role in the Vella case cf. also M. E. Alaimo. “Gli ineffabili codici del Vella non si trovano a San Martino”.
Giornale di Sicilia, (12 May 1963), 3.
41. Friedrich Leopold von Stolberg. Reise in Deutschland, der Schweiz, Italien und Sicilien. 2 vols.
mer 1792 in his private diary had even written that Vella is supposed to have told
him that the translation of the Libro del Consiglio di Eggitto had been carried out as
a royal commission42. Another learned visitor to Palermo, Johann Heinrich Bartels
from Hamburg, accused Vella`s critics of having ‘political purposes’ in their attacks
of the Norman Codex43. The historian Adelaide Baviera Albanese has shown that
Carelli had really studied the legal history of the feudal system in Sicily during his
service at the court of the viceroy. To go more deeply in the matter Carelli had asked
for sources and documents from Naples. Together with his friends and colleages, he
discussed how to harmonize the historical features and structures with the modern
treatises of Guarani and Dragonetti44. Significantly the almighty Neapolitan minister
John (‘Giovanni’) Acton was always very well informed about the outcome of this
historical research in Palermo45. The eyewitness Léon Dufourny documents in his
private journal that Vella and Carelli met often between 1791 and 179246. Even anot-
her of Vella`s acquaintances, the poet Giovanni Meli, is convinced that the lawyers
and officers Saverio Simonetti and Francesco Carelli had their share behind the idea
of the Libro del Consiglio d`Egitto47.
That the monarchy was immediately only too ready to offer generous funds for
the prestigious edition of Vella`s Consiglio d`Egitto is another indication that this
was a joint work48. Vella dedicated his work to the king. How far the abate himself
was aware of the political implications of his ‘translations’ is documented by his in-
troduction to the Libro del Consiglio di Egitto: “Grandi cose ed assai rilevanti notizie
a me parve che questo codice contenesse (...) ma diffidando del mio giudizio ben mi
avvisai di sottoporgli all`alto discernimento del principe di Caramanico (...) ed egli
conosciuto il pregio dell`opera (...) mi incoraggiò al compimento della medesima
(...). ma quel che più mi fa sperare che debba renderlo meritevole della Vostra Au-
gusta protezione egli è, o Sire, che i supremi diritti della Regalia non altrove quanto
in esso ampiamente rilucono; conciossiaché nelle due legislazini che vi sono inserite
(...) tutto ciò che al fiero ed inalterabile dominio dei reggitori di questa Monarchia
fu riservato partitamente si legge”49. Vella explicitely refers to the good ‘collabora-
tion’ with Carelli, expressing his gratitude for the ‘gentilezza che accompagna la
molta dottrina e l`indefesso studio di don Francesco Carelli (...) che io vanto per mio
singolare amico, come egli lo è volentieri di tutti quelli che negli studi e nelle arti
singolarmente si affaticano’50.
It is doubtful if Vella was aware of the whole dimension and long-term conse-
quences of this ‘collaboration’ with some members of the viceroy`s administration.
With this new step he moved on to the stage of a political game which was so diffe-
rent from scholarly discussions and the silent atmosphere of monastic studies to
which he had been used to. But it seems that the abate with the Libro del Consiglio
di Egitto really wanted to change his ‘monastic’ environment for a place in the distin-
guished circles of the theatrum politicum. After he finished the translation of the
Norman Codex, he was granted an audience at the court of King Ferdinand IV in Na-
ples, ‘salutò il re, come faceano i suoi Emiri scrivendo a` Califi, baciando cioè colla
fronta per terra le mani alla sua grandezza’51.
If the version of the events around the genesis of the Libro del Consiglio di Egitto
as presented by Vella during his trial is close to reality or not is difficult to find out.
In this protocol drawn up during the trial Carelli appears as the actual instigator be-
hind the fraud: “Quel manoscritto [the Norman codex] era scritto in modo epistolare;
il confitente cominciò a tradurlo per la premura che gliene faceva don Francesco Ca-
relli (...). Quando il confitente tradusse la prima legislazione (...) la presentò al riferi-
to Carelli il quale (...) gli disse che quella legislazione era necessario che si fusse
accomodata; il confitente gli risposte che non si poteva accomodare giacché il ma-
noscritto così diceva e che portando qualche pregiudizio non si avrebbe data alla
stampa. A tal proposizione gli rispose il detto del Carelli in questa maniera: –Senti,
abate Vella, tu ami il nostro sovrano? –e il detto confitente gli rispose: –Quanto me
stesso perché Iddio cossì comanda. –Dunque –rispose il segretario– bisogna rendere
un servizio al nostro padrone. Bisogna che tu scrivessi ciò che ti detto io”52. This sta-
49. Libro del Consiglio di Egitto tradotto da Giuseppe Vella capellano del sacra ordine gerosolimitano,
abate di S. Pancrazio. Palermo, 1793, IV-VI.
50. Libro del Consiglio di Egitto, VII. Cf. also Baviera Albanese. Imposture littèraire, 132: “Questo
aspetto della personalità del segretario ci induce a credere che tra lui e l`abate maltese dovettero interco-
rrere dei rapporti più o meno stretti (...) e rende verosimile l`affermazione del Vella sulle monete da lui
date in pegno al Carello e sullo scambio di libri in prestito”. On Carelli and Vella cf. also Cederna. Impos-
ture littèraire, 133 et seq.; Eichhorn (Ed.). “Actenmässige Relation”, 200.
51. Scinà. Prospetto della Storia, III, 335.
52. Here quoted by Baviera Albanese. Imposture littèraire, 121.
tement alleges that Carelli soon involved a discrete expert in medieval law and old
literature, Giovanni Battista Fidotta, in the proceedings. Together Carelli and Fidotta
developed the ideas of the contents which Vella had to ‘translate’: “Il confitente [Ve-
lla] gli rispose che trattandosi di servire il padrone faceva tutto (...) Soggiunse il Ca-
relli: –Io dunque ti do queste carte; le dovrai trascrivere al tuo stile e quando saranno
terminate le porterai in palazzo insieme con quelle che tu scriverai per io farle legere
al Vicerè. –Il confitente obbedì al Carelli a fare ciò che gli ordinò perché gli fece
credere che non si faceva pregiudizio a persona alcuna che anzi del bene e che le di
lui fatiche erano molto giovevoli alla nazione e se non l`avrebbe obbedito avrebbe
incontrata l`indignazione del detto Carelli. (...) Dopo alcuni giorni (...) le consegnò
al Carelli il quale dopo due giorni andò a ritrovare il confitente dicendogli che il Vi-
cerè ne restava contento, animandolo ed avvertendolo di non farne motto con persona
alcuna. Il confitente continuava le sue fatiche nella trattazione delle carte che gli ve-
nivano sommistrate da Carelli (...) e nel tempo che (...) faceva quella fatica gli anda-
va in casa di sera don Giovanni Battista Fidotta mandato da Carelli per osservare se
il confitente traslava bene le seconda legislazione”53.
That Carelli or one of his confidants had already noticed some ‘irregularities’ in
Vella`s work on the Codex Martinianus and had used this information to force the
abate to support their political aims is an interesting hypothesis. What is strange is
that Carelli was not surprised at all when Vella later confessed to him that the Arabic
letter chronicle which he published as Codice diplomatico is not identical with the
San Martino codex. Carelli answered: “Senti abbate Vella per questa cosa non ti dov-
rai turbare. Portami tutti li manoscritti al Palazzo; parleremo al Vicerè e si accomo-
derà tutto54. To the public these deeper coherences and connections were of course
unknown. The European gazettes and journals kept on announcing that the Norman
Codex would be published soon55.
As discussions went on in Europe, Vella kept on working to finalize the ‘transla-
tion’ of the codex. Without further consulting the experts, the viceroy and the court
in Naples gave permission for the printing of the Libro del Consiglio di Egitto in
three folio volumes on 18 January 1790. The costs were to be footed by the royal
treasury56. Before it had been planned to use this money for the publication of the 12
volumes of Rosario Gregorio`s history of Sicily. Now this project was abandoned in
favour of Vella`s. In all the royal treasury estimated a cost of 1,600 Neapolitan oun-
ces or 8,000 guilders57. Despite of all the hidden criticism the first volume of the Li-
bro del Consiglio di Egitto was published in folio in Palermo in 1793. It was announ-
ced as ‘tradotto da Giuseppe Vella cappellano del sacra ordine gerosolimitano, abate
di S. Pancrazio, professore di Lingua Araba nella Reale Accademia di Palermo, e
Socio nazionale della Reale Accademia delle Scienze, Belle Lettere, ed Arti di Napo-
li’. Once again the importance of the sources which were brought to light for the first
time is stressed in the preface: “Never before had the legitimicy of the royal preroga-
tives been better documented than here. In the two law codes which are included in
this manuscript, one finds all that what created and creates the basis of the legal po-
wer of the rulers of this monarchy: The direct and permanent patronship over all
churches in the kingdom and the right to elect bishops. This was acted out in those
days without any opposition. The bitter conflict of the supreme rule over the county
of Benevent and so many other discussions and antagonism will be solved on the
basis of this codex”58. The publication of the first volume was followed by several
announcements and reviews in European scientific magazines59. The publication of
the second volume was announced for the spring 179460.
Vella knew his enemies. To counteract the expected criticism from the barons and
some European experts, he included in the preface some positive comments on his
Vella from 1 February 1790; Note on the costs of the printing of the Libro del Consiglio di Egitto carried
out by the royal chamber dated 12 Dezember 1790; Ibid. note of President Paternò and Councillor Drago-
netti, dated 17 December 1792.
57. Cf. Hager, Nachricht 52. The librarian Joseph Sterzinger and Cavaliere Gregorio Speciale were
responsible for the supervision of the printing. For the costs of the printing of the fist volume cf. also
ASP.; R. Segretaria di Sicilia; Incartamenti 5291, no pagination; communications from Sterzinger and
Speciale to the royal chancery dated 7 February 1791; 18 May 1792, 26 November 1792 and 5 February
1793. Further details of the costs and difficulties of the printing of the Norman Codex are explained in
a note of the Consiglieri Patrimoniali (amongst them Giovanni Gioeni, Antonio di Napoli, Gaetano Mon-
talto, Giacinto Dragonetti, Francesco Chirigo, Michele Perremuto), dated 11 July 1792. Cf. also the letter
from Giovanni Battista Paternò to Giacinto Dragonetti dated 17 December 1792. The special paper on
which the book should be printed was ordered in Genoa. Because of difficulties with the customs the arri-
val of the paper was delayed. Cf. the note in the files made by a secretary of the Tribunale de` R. Patrimo-
nio, dated 11 July 1792.
58. Hager. Nachricht, 59. Cf. also Archivio di Stato, Palermo, R. Segretaria di Sicilia; Incartamenti
5291, no pagination. Letter from Carlo Demarco to Viceroy Caramanico dated 27 November 1793.
59. Cf. Magasin Enciclopedique, year 5, VI, 330-356.
60. The printing of the second volume was originally delayed because of financial problems. Cf. Archi-
vio di Stato, Palermo, R. Segretaria di Sicilia; Incartamenti 5291, no pagination; Note from Joseph Ster-
zinger and Gregorio Speciale to president Rojo y Lopez dated 1 April 1794. After Hager had pointed out
that the Norman Codex was a pure forgery in the autumn of 1794, the printing of the second volume was
work by the Dutch scholars Schultens and Meerman and by Professor Olaus Gerhard
Tychsen from Rostock61. Vella maintained he had provided these scholars with ex-
cerpts and passages of the manuscript himself for their opinion long before the publi-
cation was in the pipeline62. Vella after the publication of the first volume of the Li-
bro del Consiglio di Egitto was at the peak of his fame, financial wellbeing, and so-
cial position. But in the explosive contents of the Libro del Consiglio di Egitto there
were the seeds which would soon cause the abate`s fall. Vella`s career up till then
was never really harmed by the critical comments of learned sceptics. It is the politi-
cal element of the Libro del Consiglio di Egitto which would lead to the disaster. The
administration was very much pleased with the work of the Maltese abate but now
Vella had made bitter enemies: The mighty Sicilian magnates and the Church. Was
it not Vella himself –although surely instructed by Carelli– who had pointed out that
the publication of the translation of his Norman Codex would solve the century-old
conflict of the prerogatives over the county of Benevent? For centuries the Roman
curia had struggled with the Kingdom of Naples over the possession of this county.
The curia always believed itself to be the legal sucessor of the Langobardian and
Norman feudal rights but Vella`s ‘documents’ seemed to place such rights entirely
in the hands of the Sicilian Monarchy63. Even more than the curia, the Sicilian nobi-
lity was embittered over the publication of the Norman Codex. This discussion had
started before 1793. Long before publication, Vella or Carelli must have delivered
information from the codex to loyal lawyers and councillers who made use of it for
their own purposes. Already in his treatise of 1791 the royal officer and lawyer Don
Donato Tommasi had referred to the invalidity of church property sold without the
permission of the crown on the legal basis promulgated in the codex64. In 1794 after
the publication of the first volume of the Libro del Consiglio di Egitto Don Giovanni
d`Angelo, a member of the Palermitan Accademia del buon gusto, edited a summary
61. Tychsen`s answer (in Latin) dated from 4 February 1793. The letter from Johan Meerman dated
from 28 April 1793. Professor Schultens ‘Professore delle lingue orientali in questa Università [Leiden]’
because of a grave sickness however was not anymore in the position to write an opinion himself. The
subject then was taken up on behalf of Schultens by Vella`s friend Johan Meermann. Cf. Libro del Consi-
glio di Egitto, preface.
62. Libro del Consiglio di Egitto ‘Avviso del Traduttore al Lettori’, IX.
63. On the feudal claims of the curia over Southern Italy cf. in detail Antonino Trombetta. La sovranità
pontificia sull`Italia meridionale e sulla Sicilia. Studio sulle sue origini e sulle sue vicende. Casamari,
1981. On this aspect of the Libro del Consiglio d`Egitto cf. also Cederna. Imposture littèraire, 75.
64. Donato Tommasi. Della nullità delle alienazioni de Beni, delle Chiese, delle Badie, e de Benefici
di Real Padronato, mancanti di Regio assenso... Palermo, 1791, 19. Cf. also Hager. Nachricht, 60. Cf.
also Eichhorn (Ed.). “Actenmässige Relation”, 194.
of the contents aimed for students of law and history65. As d`Angelo`s work was pu-
blished, the star of Giuseppe Vella was, however, in decline. His enemies had started
their direct attacks.
One of these critics was the director of the cabinett of coins at the court of Naples,
abate Zarillo. For years he had been kept informed about Vella`s translations through
his correspondence with the French philologist and member of the Academie Fran-
çaise, Abbé Barthélemy. Zarillo shared Barthélemy`s scepticism but never dared to
speak out. Even at this stage now Zarillo only kept referring to grave mistakes in Ve-
lla`s translations but he never went so far to accuse the abate as a forger66. The
anonymous author of a review of the Libro del Consiglio di Egitto in the Gazetta di
Mantua used some irony when he commented on the sequence of the Norman Codex:
“We voluntary would like to know (...) if there is another man in all of Europe who
has the talent to develop a historical novel which contains the history of centuries
carefully listed day for day and week by week and interlinked so artistically that the
reader has a full picture of the time of the Saracens in Sicily from their arrival to their
disapearance?”67 In the spring 1794 the Oriental scholar from Vienna Joseph Hager
arrived in Naples and later travelled to Palermo full of curiosity to ‘throw a glance
on the newly found books of Livy’ – or at least so he said68. In Sicily, he also took
a keen interest in the Arabic period of the country. Before he had arrived in Palermo,
Hager had studied Vella`s Codice diplomatico and the first volume of the Libro del
Libro di Egitto. He was of the opinion that both works were not authentic translations
from the Arabic or the Kufic69. In Palermo Hager also met with Vella`s old enemy
Rosario Gregorio and seemed to have discussed with him how the abate could be
unmasked70. Hager and Gregorio however found great difficulties to communicate
the results of their research.
Not too surprisingly Viceroy Caramanico did not react to the –most unwillcome–
heavy accusations against Vella. The viceroy just told Hager he should communicate
his doubts to Minister Acton in Naples71. Hager did not hesitate to do so. Together
with the historian Rosario Gregorio, the Austrian composed a detailed expertise72
which declared the Libro di Consiglio di Egitto and the Codice diplomatico as forge-
ries73. But for more exact proofs and details a more thorough investigation of the ori-
ginal manuscripts was required. Minister Acton, then possibly the most powerful
man in the court of Naples, received this opinion on 22 May 1794 and presented it
soon after to King Ferdinand IV74. Already on 31 May Acton sent a response to Ca-
ramanico and Airoldi. In his letter he reported how embarrassed the king had been
when he had heard about Hager`s accusations against Vella75. But Carelli and Cara-
manico could for the moment prevent an open action against Vella and his Libro del
Consiglio di Egitto which was so useful for their policy76. So Hager, who was on his
way back to Vienna, was ordered by Ferdinand IV. to keep silent about the Vella
But the circle around Gregorio, encouraged and supported by the Sicilian barons,
in the meantime had become too powerful to be ignored. Indeed the Libro del Consi-
glio di Egitto threatened to become too explosive for the political situation in the
kingdom. The members of the Sicilian nobility protested strongly against the use of
the Norman Codex in the actual law. In the November 1794 session of the Sicilian
parliament, the barons applied to ‘your majesty that the Norman Codex should not
be incorporated into the legal codex of the kingdom before its absolute authenticity
is proven and attested’78. Secretary of state Carelli is accused of instrumentalizing the
codex against the nobility and threatening the internal peace of the kingdom79.
The Neapolitan court, especially the active and clever Acton, decided to take the
things in hand. To calm the situation down, the whole affair around the activities of
the abate had to be cleared. What effect Acton`s resentments against Caramanico had
on this development is difficult to say80. According to Domenico Scinà, it was Bis-
hop Airoldi himself who had proposed to the government in Naples to commission
Hager for a thorough investigation of the case81. It seems that Airoldi now found the
whole affair as too politically dangerous to be kept quiet under the table. Furthermo-
re, with the unmasking of the Libro del Consiglio di Egitto as a fake, even its anticu-
rial contents could be declared invalid. The aim of Acton and King Ferdinand IV was
to silence the protests and to calm down the nobility and the clergy of the kingdom.
In a letter of 19 July 1794 which was handed over to Hager by the Marchese di Ga-
llo, the Neapolitan ambassador at the imperial court in Vienna, the Austrian scholar
was invited to return to Naples and Palermo82. Hager became even more ready to
obey to the call from Naples when it was announced to him that he also was to ex-
pect a monthly salary of 100 scudí83. On 27 July Hager communicated his agreement
84. Letter from Hager to Minister Acton dated 27 July 1794. Archivio di Stato, Palermo, R. Segretaria
di Sicilia; Incartamenti 5291, no pagination.
85. Letter from Acton to Airoldi dated 13 September 1794. Archivio di Stato, Palermo, R. Segretaria
di Sicilia; Incartamenti 5291, no pagination.
86. Cf. Scinà. Prospetto della Storia, III, 346 et seq.
end of January 1795, responsibility was transferred to the Tribunale del Real Patri-
monio87. The president of the Tribunale del Real Patrimonio Grassellini now perso-
nally took over. Grassellini, who cannot be called a friend of Vella`s, immediately
ordered an investigation of the villa of the abate and a new thorough interrogation
of Vella and his confidant Camilleri. All Arabic manuscripts in their hands were con-
fiscated88. Further studies revealed that most of these ‘medieval’ manuscripts were
written on a paper which could be bought in Palermo! The nicely-ornamented titles
of these manuscripts had actually been produced by the Palermitan designer and en-
graver Gioacchino Giuffrida89.
For the insider Rosario Gregorio and finally also for Hager, the role of Caramani-
co`s secretary Carelli was no secret any more (‘ magagna del Vella e del Carelli
fu messa in chiaro...’)90. Talking about the Vella case in the intellectual salons of Pa-
lermo, Gregorio was very clear in his comments. In his Nachricht von einer merk-
würdigen literarischen Betrügerey, Joseph Hager more diplomatically just indicated
that Carelli was ‘held as the mastermind behind this political novel’91 by many. The
Marchese Villabianca in 1795 even knew about rumours in Naples, ‘che il Vella fos-
se stato indotto a fingere quel libro dal secretario del governo d. Francesco Carelli
il quale come nemico giurato dei baroni siciliani volea con un colpo abbaterli e farsi
un merito presso la Corte’92. In his opinions and comments sent to the Neapolitan
court, Joseph Hager, of course, did not dare touch this subject.
After the Neapolitan court had examined of Hager`s opinion and assessments,
Minister Acton decided that Vella should be delivered to the lawcourts. So the fa-
87. Cf. the report of the robbery carried out by the officers of the Corte Capitaniale signed by Airoldi
and sent to Naples on 31 January 1795. Archivio di Stato, Palermo, R. Segretaria di Sicilia; Incartamenti
5291, no pagination. On the same day a report of the Vella case was handed over by the officers of the
Corte Capitaniale to the Ministro Patrimoniale. This report later was reworked and augmented and on
5 February sent to Minister Acton in Naples. It contained a list of all the fragments of the Codex Martinia-
nus and the Norman Codex which had up to this moment come to light. On 16 February 1795 the Consi-
glieri Patrimoniali Michele Perramuto, Domenico Grasselino, Giovanni Gioeni, Antonio di Napoli, Igna-
zio Lucchesi, Vitale Massa, Tommaso Mazzola, Gaspare Vanvitelli, Francesco Chirigi and Girolamo Pu-
gliese confirmed they had received the order that from then onwards the Tribunale Patromoniale should
be responsible for the investigation. On the same day a report on the ongoing investigations was sent to
the royal chancery in Naples.
88. Cf. the instructions to the Tribunale del R. Patrimonio from end of January 1795. Archivio di Stato,
Palermo, R. Segretaria di Sicilia; Incartamenti 5291, no pagination. Cf. also Scinà, 1827, III, 351.
89. Scinà. Prospetto della Storia, III 352.
90. Here quoted by Caruana. Frammento Critico, 46.
91. Hager. Nachricht, 61.
92. Biblioteca comunale di Palermo, Marchese di Villabianca, (Diarii indediti), Qq E 110. Here quoted
by Baviera Albanese. L`arabica impostura,153. Cf. also Biblioteca comunale di Palermo, Qq D 111, t.
mous Vella trial started93. That the lawcourts had some problems with this affair from
the beginning is shown by the fact that the case was transferred from the Corte Capi-
taniale of Palermo to the higher Tribunale del Patrimonio (‘in considerazione
dell`interesse, che vi ha il Regio erario’). This was explained by the national interest
in the case and by the fact that Vella`s career and the printing of the Libro del Consi-
glio di Egitto had been financed by the royal treasury94. Finally it was decided by
royal order that the Tribunale di Monarchia with Vella`s old patron Alfonso Airoldi
as one of its heads (!) should take over the case95. But the officers of the Tribunale
di Monarchia were also not very enthusiastic to be involved in this fishy and compli-
cated affair. It was just as difficult to find an advocate for Vella. The highly-reputed
lawyers Paolo Leone and Francesco Baldanza refused the brief, ‘in coscienza e con-
tro l`interno (...) sentimento’96. Pressure by the Sicilian barons may also have made
the lawyers hesitate to take on this case. Finally D. Michele Terilli took over Vella`s
One of the primary aims of the lawcourt was to keep the government of Sicily and
the royal court clean from any suspicion that they had been involved in Vella`s mani-
pulations and forgeries98. On 29 August 1796 the verdict was read. Vella was con-
demned to 15 years imprisonment99 and made to resign as abate of San Pancrazio.
His belongings were sequestrated and he also lost the pension granted to him by the
93. On the trial cf. F. Parlavecchio. “Il processo dell`abate Vella”. La voce giudiziara, 15 April 1953.
94. The confusion as to which lawcourt should take over the case was already indicated in a report by
the Consiglieri Patrimoniali sent to Naples on 16 February 1795. Archivio di Stato, Palermo, R. Segreta-
ria di Sicilia; Incartamenti 5291, no pagination. Similar difficulties cropped up when the robbery of the
Arabic documents was investigated. Cf. Airoldi`s letter to the royal chancery dated 21 February 1795. Cf.
Adelaide Baviera Albanese. L`arabica impostura, 135.
95. The confiscated documents were already in the hands of the officers of the Tribunale del R. Patri-
monio by mid-February 1795. Cf. the note of 16 February 1795. Archivio di Stato, Palermo, R. Segretaria
di Sicilia; Incartamenti 5291, no pagination. On the transfer of Vella`s papers and Arabic manuscripts to
the Tribunale della Monarchia cf. the report of the Corte Capitaniale dated 30 March 1795. Archivo di
Stato, Palermo, R. Segretaria di Sicilia; Incartamenti 5291, no pagination. On the competence of the Tri-
bunale della Monarchia, cf. Airoldi`s letters to Naples dated 7 and 31 March 1795.
96. Archivio di Stato, Palermo, R. Segretaria, Incartamenti 5291, no pagination. Letter from Francesco
Baldanza dated 3 October 1795. Cf. also the undated Memoriale di Francesco Baldanza. On the defense
of Vella cf. the note from 28 October 1795, Vella`s supplication from 12 December 1795, the Memoriale
dell` Abbate Giuseppe Vella, dated 8 October 1795 and the Memoriale del Rev. Abb. D. Giuseppe Vella
dell`isola di Malta, dated 9 May 1796.
97. Cf. Archivio di Stato, Palermo, R. Segretaria di Sicilia; Incartamenti 5291, no pagination; Vella`s
supplication from 22 May 1796.
98. Archivio di Stato, Palermo, R. Segretaria di Sicilia; Incartamenti 5291, no pagination. Here quoted
by Baviera Albanese. L`arabica impostura, 136.
99. Here quoted by Scinà. Prospetto della Storia, III, 367.
archbishop of Palermo100. But the fallen hero did not give up. From his prison cell,
Vella kept actively fighting for his reputation. From the new provisional ruler of the
kingdom of Sicily Archbishop Lopez y Rojo Vella, however, could not expect any
mildness or special treatment. Lopez y Rojo was keen to close this embarrassing ca-
se. The last thing he wanted to do was to resurrect the ghosts of the past and provoke
again the tense atmosphere between the government and barons experienced under
Viceroys Caracciolo and Caramanico. These latter two might have had a good word
for the ex-abate, but they were both dead now. Vella`s former collaborator and Spiri-
tus rector of the Libro del Consiglio di Egitto, Francesco Carelli had long disappea-
red into anonymity in Naples. So Vella wrote most of his supplications directly to the
King of Naples101. In 1798 the supplications asking for his release from prison becau-
se of bad health showed some results. Bishop Airoldi, in his function as Giudice
dell`Apostolica Legazione e della Regia Monarchia nel Regno di Sicilia, gave per-
mission for a two-month stay in the monastery of the Capuchins or Benfratelli on a
deposit of 400 Neapolitan ounces. Vella was indeed fortunate and subsequent events
turned matters into his favour. 1799 was a very turbulent year for the kingdom of
Naples. The French army`s successes in Italy and the threats of a conquering of Na-
ples forced King Ferdinand IV to transfer his court temporarily from Caserta to Pa-
lermo. Vella used the presence of the king in Palermo to draw more attention on his
case. He again sent several supplications to the court in which he styled himself as
innocent and a victim of slander and blackmail. Surely Ferdinand had been well in-
formed about the political background of the case. Otherwise it is hardly explicable
why he now permitted Vella`s release from prison. This, however, was no official
act of mercy. Vella was only unofficially released. A few months later, a royal order
stipulated that Vella should be kept in his former country house in the near of Mez-
zomonreale. On 4 January 1803 his sequestrated goods and belongings were offi-
cially restituted. On 16 June 1803 even his income as abate of San Pancrazio was
100. E. Orlando. Il feudalismo in Sicilia, II, Note 21, 22; Di Blasi. Storia della Sicilia, Lib. VII. Here
quoted by Paolo de Bono. Sommario della Storia della Legislazione in Malta. Malta, 1897, 95, annotation.
Cf. also Caruana, Frammento critico 48.
101. For Vella`s supplications and justifications cf. the files in the Biblioteca comunale di Palermo,
3Qq.E.15 and 2Qq.C.159. Cf. also the Memoriale of the Vella case, compiled on 7 August 1798 and 29
June 1799. Archivio di Stato, Palermo, R. Segretaria di Sicilia; Incartamenti 5291, no pagination. On 5
September 1795 and 16 March 1799 the Rappresentazione del Tribunale del Patrimonio discussed the
Vella case. Ibid. Further supplications of Vella date to 15 November 1797, 24 May 1798, 11 January
1799, and 10 March 1799. When Vella`s income as abate of San Pancrazio was restituted in June 1803
these supplications were compiled in one volume.
restituted and he could resume reading mass in the church of San Carlo in Palermo102.
In May 1814 Vella died at the age of 65 years. The cause of the death is unknown103.
102. Cf. Scinà. Prospetto della Storia, III, 367, annotation 1. Cf. also Caruana. Frammento critico, 49.
103. Cf. also Scinà. Prospetto della Storia, III, 367.
The "lead books" appeared to be written in a combination of Arabic and Latin, using
characters that 16th century Morisco scholars claimed to recognise as 'Solomonic' and
which they identified as pre-Islamic Arabic. Many letter forms were uncertain, and
the texts themselves were cryptic and obscure, so that the Catholic authorities found
themselves entirely reliant on Morisco translators; chief amongst whom were Miguel
de Luna and Alonso del Castillo, who by fortunate chance lived in the nearby
Albaicin, and who had indeed been instrumental in the rediscovery of some of the
books. One complete book, the so-called "Libro Mudo," or "Mute Book," has
remained undeciphered and untranslated to this day.
As reported by the Christian Morisco translators, the books recorded the prophetic
and liturgical teachings of the Blessed Virgin Mary, chiefly addressed through Saint
Peter, in which she gave instructions for Saint James the Great and Saint Caecilius to
be dispatched on a mission to evangelise Spain, stating her love for the Arabic
peoples and language of that land, and promising her particular guardianship over the
city of Granada. Taken together, the books may be regarded as a supplement to the
canonical Acts of the Apostles (and taken together, are indeed of similar length), but
recording an alternative mission history in which Saint Paul does not appear. The
Virgin's words had apparently been delivered in Latin, but were claimed to have been
translated and interpreted into Arabic by Caecilius. The texts include an explicit
reference to the Counter-Reformation formulation of the doctrine of the Immaculate
Conception: Mariam non comprehendit peccatum originale; but also employ
terminology otherwise closer to Islamic formulae: God is One. There is no God but
God, and Jesus is the Spirit of God.
Early 17th century Protestant scholars in the Netherlands also took a keen interest; but
their characterisation of the lead books as a blatant fabrication only served to discredit
dissenting opinions within Catholic Spain by association with heresy. The Vatican
remained highly sceptical of the texts, however, and in 1642 succeeded in having the
"lead books" sent to Rome, together with an associated "ancient" parchment which
had been discovered in 1588 in a lead box in the tower of a former mosque in the city
of Granada itself. A prolonged investigation by the Holy Office in Rome concluded in
1682 that both the parchment and the "lead books" were heretical forgeries. While the
Vatican's condemnation did not implicate any specific individuals, scholarly
consensus since the sixteenth century is that the forgers were probably Luna and
Castillo, the same two Moriscos who had translated many of the texts. While further
discussion of the lead books by Catholics was officially forbidden, some Spanish
scholars continued to maintain the authenticity of the texts through till the 19th
century. The lead books were kept in the Vatican, but eventually returned to the
Abbey of the Sacromonte in the year 2000. The Church authorities in Granada
continue to forbid scholarly access however, on the grounds that the official
prohibition remains in force. Current studies depend on the various (often partial and
highly contradictory) transcripts and translations made at the time of the books'
discovery, and on some independent decipherments produced by Vatican Arabists.
Almost all scholars now concur with the official verdict and believe that the books are
a forgery intended to promote toleration of the language, dress and customs of
Christian Moriscos in the face of increasing hostility from the Spanish Inquisition and
the Castilian state. If so, this exercise was unsuccessful in its general objective, as
between 1609 and 1614 the entire Christian Morisco population of Andalucia,
estimated as 250,000 persons, was deported, and, although some were allowed to
settle in Italy, most eventually found their way to North Africa or Turkey, where they
reverted to Islam. Both Castillo and Luna escaped this fate, as the archbishop of
Granada, Pedro de Vaca de Castro y Quiñones, ever grateful for the immense increase
in the prestige of his see arising from the discovery of the relics of St Caecilius,
extended his personal protection to them and their families. Many of the deported
Moriscos remained convinced of the books' authenticity however, and transcripts
continued to circulate within Tunisia, until this practice was forcibly suppressed by
Islamic religious authorities there.
The authenticity of the relics (i.e. the bones and ashes of the 12 martyrs) was never
officially challenged, and they continue to be venerated in the Abbey that Archbishop
Castro built on the spot. Hence the legend has acquired a moral function directly
contrary to the intention of its presumed original propagators; far from validating the
authentically Spanish identity of Granada's Morisco traditions, the legend has served
to sanction and celebrate the supersession of those traditions.