Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
This doesn't do what I want it to do! What is this item supposed to do? You know, it
seems like this could be better for what we paid! What now - we're out of money
and not done?
Do any of these expressions sound familiar to you? They are all indicators of
questionable value. How does one avoid this condition? Excellent question! Read on
to see how you may avoid aggravation by taking advantage of the Value Engineering
FUNCTION is what something can do. Value Engineering thinks in terms of basic and
secondary functions.
1. The basic function is what something must do so that it will satisfy your need.
Consider the example of requiring something to hold mineral water for drinking.
Whatever you get must be able to perform the basic function - dispense water. So,
we should all use plain, clear glasses for drinking water. Right? That sounds awfully
stark. Most things we see that dispense water are colorful, made of different
materials, have lids, logos, etc. Are those a waste of money?
2. Enter the concept of secondary function. These are things that attract you to
THAT thing among many choices. They are functions beyond the basic function that
provide convenience, dependability, attraction, and satisfaction. In most
circumstances, some of those functions are desirable and some of them may be
included whether you want them or not.
The challenge of Value Engineering, then, is to identify what functions must be done.
Next is to identify what can best perform that function. The expense of this best item
is what the function is "worth". Last is to identify the difference between what is
proposed for the purpose (cost) and what can best perform the function (worth). In
this way, Value Engineering identifies the cost and worth of a function for informed
Value engineering 2010
We use the Value Engineering Job Plan, a systematic approach in phases that
analyzes a project in terms of its functions. The phases are:
2. Speculation Phase in which we identify specific cost and state cost wise functions.
Execution Stage -
(Note – In this project report, the conclusion will be given after the idea generation. We will not
proceed further for the execution stage.)
Value engineering 2010
The project will be solved in terms of various phases mentioned above viz..
Information phase, Speculation phase and creative phase.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a versatile and safe material for the modern world.
Its unique properties make PVC the material of choice in many applications,
including construction, transportation, electronics and health. PVC is made
from processing ethylene, from oil or gas, and chlorine from salt, with energy.
Over the years, various aspects of PVC manufacture, use and disposal have
been criticised by environmentalists. Most of the issues raised have been
addressed by industry or rebutted with scientific evidence. Numerous
independent studies have concluded that PVC is an eco-efficient material
when managed responsibly from cradle to grave, and that it provides many
sustainable benefits to society.
PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is the second most widely used plastic after polyethylene
PVC is efficient in its use of resources, with 57% of its feedstock being salt - one of
the earth’s most abundant raw materials - and a low energy demand in manufacture.
It is also used in many long life applications and can be recycled.
The inherent properties of PVC make it valuable to many industries. It has a high
strength to weight ratio, does not corrode and is very durable. PVC is chemically
stable and does not depolymerise. All these properties make this plastic an
especially cost-effective material in both economic and environmental terms across a
wide range of applications. The price/performance ratio of PVC is one of the best for
Value engineering 2010
any material.
About 60% of PVC manufactured has a service life of between 15-100 years. Main
applications are in construction as window frames and shutters, water and waste
pipes, and electrical applications such as cable and wire insulation.
In addition, PVC presents a very low fire hazard. PVC is specified for building
materials and is favoured by fire authorities because of its excellent fire prevention
properties. It is difficult to ignite, and in the absence of a powerful external flame,
will not continue to burn. When PVC does burn it releases hydrogen chloride, which
irritates the nose and can provide an early warning of fire. Carbon monoxide is also
formed, but very little heat. In the absence of PVC, fires produce carbon monoxide
and heat, which are the major causes of fire deaths. Furthermore, the production of
dioxins in PVC fires is no higher than many other types of combustion, including car
exhausts or cigarette smoking (1).
PVC acts as a barrier against air, oxygen, moisture and odours, and has antibacterial
properties, helping to keep packaged food fresh and clean. It also is used in
medical applications from packing pharmaceuticals to hospital flooring. Blood stored
in PVC bags lasts 54 days, over four times longer than other storage methods.
RIGID PVC, without plasticizers, it exhibits high surface strength and very good
rigidity. It is used mainly for extrusion of profiles for windows, piping and
other applications in widely differing sectors.
PLASTICIZED PVC added with plasticizers thanks to which a flexible material is
obtained used in manufacture of films, gaskets, expanded products, sheets,
jacketing for electrical cables, etc.
Value engineering 2010
The raw material cost is generally lower. The processing temperature is lower for
PVC (lower energy cost). PVC is a unique product for a lot of different applications.
The user can adapt the additive package for each specific application.
• PVC saves energy in the production process, and during its all cycle life.
• PVC saves non renewable resources (< 43% coming from oil).
• PVC is recyclable and is recycled today in significant amounts
And also because:
• One day, you will need a blood transfusion.
• You appreciate hygienic & disinfected walls, floors, soils & seats in hospitals.
• You need every day your bank card & credit card.
• You ask for sustainable household plumbing piping & sewage installations.
• You ask for safe & non-flammable electrical installations in your home.
• You prefer maintenance-free window frames that last 3 times longer than precious
tropical wood.
• In the full heat of sun or under the rain, you love the protection provided in the by
PVC roofing.
Value engineering 2010
Almost any material can be replaced in most applications. But to justify this, the
replacement material must not only fulfill the functional requirements of the
application, meet any necessary safety standards and be available at a competitive
cost, but also prove that it offers an environmental benefit. For this last point, the
objective mean of comparison is the "eco-balance", which appraises the
environmental burdens imposed by a material during its total lifecycle, from original
production to waste disposal. Making substitution decisions on subjective bases can
lead to a trap resulting in losses to the environment, rather than gains. A number of
eco-balances have already been published showing PVC's favorable environmental
4. Why have some local authorities and even national governments banned the use
of PVC in some applications?
There are cases where the use of PVC has been restricted for some specific
applications. However, there are also a number of examples where such restrictions
have been lifted once the subject has been more closely examined. In fact,
discussions currently going on at a national and local level in many countries strongly
indicate that people's attitudes towards PVC become far more positive once they
have access to more information and can study the facts in more detail.
5. What are the advantages of PVC versus polyolefins for the pipes?
The PVC has 5 major technical advantages in pipe application versus polyolefins:
• Higher stiffness of the material (related to the E-modulus of 3000 MPa compared
to 800 to 1400 MPa for polyolefins) which allows limited thickness of the pipe.
• Durability: as explained in other chapters, PVC pipes are not sensitive to oxidation
during service. The PVC pipes are being used with high satisfaction since more than
60 years and the expected lifetime is higher than 100 years.
• Fire properties: PVC is among plastics one of the most difficult to ignite and the
contribution to fire is one of the lowest.
• Easier connections : PVC pipes are easy to saw and to drill with standard tools and
PVC can also be glued (which is not the case for polyolefin material).
• The environment balance is very good for 2 main reasons: the low energy content
as calculated from the life cycle analysis ; and the excellent ability to recycling of this
material which allows to extrude many times the recovered material to obtain the
same shape or a new shape of product.
Value engineering 2010
6. What are the advantages of PVC versus “traditional raw materials” (concrete,
cast iron, etc…)?
7. What are the advantages of PVC versus wood and aluminum for the windows?
Value engineering 2010
The current market price for UPVC windows at Bangalore is Rs. 280 – 300/SFT.
PVC windows are available both as standard sizes and customised sizes. the
following are some of the patterns and designs in the standardised form.
Value engineering 2010
Value engineering 2010
Not an
2. ALUMINIUM --- environment Rs. 370 1
friendly choice.
Value engineering 2010
The factor comparison method analyses life cycle cost to be highest difference
among the various factors and availability of PVC to be the least difference in the
Value engineering 2010
These days many people are opting for UPVC windows over wooden windows or the
aluminium ones. This is because it is more durable and requires little maintenance.
UPVC refers to Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride which is also called as vinyl. It is used
for the window sides and is now slowly becoming more popular as it is better than
the aluminium windows.
There are a number of reasons why people are using the UPVC windows over the
aluminium ones. One of the main reasons is that the former requires little
maintenance as compared to the latter. The aluminium doors and windows fade with
time and with exposure to sun and this is why one needs to paint them after some
time. On the other hand, the UPVC doors do not fade even after excessive sun
exposure. One can simply clean the doors and windows regularly and they do not
loose their beauty.
The vinyl windows and doors are monsoon resistant and wind resistant as well. They
have a special rain resistant mechanism that can deal with the rainy season and does
not allow the rain water to come in. they are also multi-chambered and are
reinforced with steel which helps them to withstand strong winds. On the other
hand, the aluminium window is not very effective in both the cases and is neither
rain resistant nor wind resistant. At the same time, manufacturing the UPVC doors
do not require much energy as compared to the aluminium windows and therefore it
is environment friendly as well.
One can buy the UPVC windows easily and can get them made in different sizes to
suit his own requirement. Different designs of these windows are also available now.
If you have a large window then you can opt for sliding windows where the window
frame can slide horizontally. Casement windows are also available in UPVC wherein
the windows open outwards or inward. Some of the other popular styles available
include Bay, French, coupling and tilt and turn windows etc.
As compared to the aluminium windows, the UPVC windows are better as they
require low maintenance and can deal with the seasonal changes. These can be
decustomised also to suit ones requirement and you can get noise free, weather
proof and storm windows also which can not be expected from the aluminium doors
and windows. Hence Windows and Doors are made from a special blend of UPVC and
have many benefits over Aluminium, Steel Doors.
Thus , value engineering has been processed successfully from the age old wooden
windows to the aluminium to the steel and now to the PVC windows and doors.