Corporation - Dragon Awoken
Corporation - Dragon Awoken
Corporation - Dragon Awoken
MGP 6155
ISBN 978-1-907218-13-2
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher,
except for the inclusion of brief quotations in reviews.
This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organisations, places, or
events is purely coincidental.
Unfortunately the Ai-Jinn DO exist, their Agents are everywhere and their
methods merciless. There really are only two choices, join them or pay the price.
Matthew Keevil
Ruth Norbury, Petroc Wilton, James Norbury
Gareth Larter
Ian Norbury
Mark Beer - [email protected]
Factory Map - Iain Stark - [email protected]
James Norbury
Stock Models - Mr. Jumpman V.2, The Germanator, HustlerJohn
Vehicle Upgrades 92
Vehicles and Fuel 93
Some Organised Crime Groups 129
Bozsozoku / Lightning Tribes 130
Jacks 133
Rank 10 The CEO 95 New Criminal Activities 135
Rank 9 The Dragons Head 96 Cloners 135
Rank 9 The Shadow CEO 97 Snelling Drug Labs 135
Rank 8 The Sword and the Five Knives 97 Grinding 136
Rank 8 The Voting Council 98 Meatdolls 136
Rank 7/8 Regional Governors 98 Offworld People Trafficking 136
missions as a whole so before the Division is assigned proper Ai-
We are despised in some quarters because we do not aspire to
Jinn missions, they will typically spend their first 4 or 5 outings
beauty. What our detractors fail to realise is that our design making brutal strikes against their former employer’s assets. In
ethic represents an efficiency of the most fundamental kind. If cases where there is not a former employer, the Agents are simply
it takes me two days to make a sword, and it takes you three required to go along and help. This also gives the Ai-Jinn power
over their Agents should they falter at some point in the future.
days to make a beautiful sword, then on the morning of the third More on this on page 110.
day I will take my sword and cut you down while you are still
working at your forge. Now I have two swords, and two forges Being essentially a pack of thieves, murderers, extortionists, and
gangsters the Ai-Jinn need to maintain order within the ranks like
with which to make more. Thus we prevail.
no other Corporation. This tends to be done through the concept
of loyalty and by using a tried and tested system of enforced
attr: Juan Meng, Mountain Lord of the Hong Kong White Lotus comradeship the Ai-Jinn are able to weed out potential trouble very
Society early on. More on this on page 110.
One of the most obvious examples of this is in their vehicles. 1. To add consistency to the world.
Whether it’s a hulking FarDrive craft or a sub-orbital shuttle, the
design will be as simple as possible, the materials as strong as 2. To save you the job of making them up so you can
attainable and the aesthetics thrown out of the door. Even their concentrate on plot etc.
FarDrive crafts, which you might expect to be streamlined, elegant
pieces of art, give absolutely no quarter to styled appearance. 3. To present ideas you may not have thought of.
This is something that is worth remembering and can add a strong You should not be at all concerned about disregarding any aspect
feeling of consistency to your game. If you try to remember that of this book and instead using your own NPCs, weapons, tactics
anything built by the Ai-Jinn is likely to be solid, dependable and and buildings.
down-to-earth, it can help to keep the corporation’s various styles
distinct. When the players need to visit an Ai-Jinn spire the lack of
frills and chunky, no-nonsense construction will be a familiar sight.
If they are E.I. or Shi Yukiro Agents, then they may be a little
disdainful and will be looking forward to getting back to their own,
more refined cities.
And the grime? Well, that refers to a more literal filth and lack of When you sever a body part (except the torso), you only
grace. The Ai-Jinn maintain nothing that does not need it. If you deal as much damage as needed to sever the part in
were to take a look behind the scenes of a Shi Yukiro spire, you’d question.
find order, cleanliness and efficiency. In an Ai-Jinn spire things are
only cleaned if there is a practical reason; if not it can wait. Even For example, if you deal 50 damage when severing the
the wealthy areas are nothing like a typical E.I. residence, hygiene arm, the target will only take 10.
is not the reason the rich come to live in such places. As long as
the Ai-Jinn continue to offer their discreet, no-questions service, The reattachment of a severed body part replaces the hit
they will always have a broad client base. The no-frills, oppressive, points lost. So in the example above, when you reattach
industrial environments which characterise Ai-Jinn structures are the arm, you regain 10HP
here to stay.
Historically speaking, one of the largest obstacles to China's Unusually, however, the collapse of the Chinese government did
continued development was the transit of resources around its not lead to chaos among the citizenry. The Ai-Jinn became the
massive landmass. It was therefore no surprise that the company new government, using the Triads, Yakuza and Tongs as a form of
which developed and built the Trans-Asian magna-rail was going police. The streets were not patrolled in the traditional manner but
to be pivotal in the formation of the Ai-Jinn Corporation. anyone engaging in crime without the permission of the local clans
would be dealt with in the time honoured manner. Over time the Ai-
At the time, the Lang Transit Conglomerate was an industrial giant Jinn, building on the framework of the shattered Lang
building most of Asia's cars, trains, planes and roads. The magna- Conglomerate, rose not only as the head of a criminal empire but
rail was ingenious because of the low cost involved in taking the as an industrial giant. There was one final event which would seal
rail to any part of the country. It was therefore possible to build rails the Ai-Jinn’s place among the greatest Corporations of all time.
going all over East Asia for a relatively modest sum. The
technology was owned by Lang but they leased the rail to anyone THE DISCOVERY
wishing to use it for the transportation of goods. It was easily the
cheapest form of transport for private, commercial and industrial The newly formed Ai-Jinn did not take long to become the foremost
customers. The Lang Conglomerate was fast becoming a super- industrial force on the planet. So efficient and successful were they
corporation and the government were rightfully concerned that the that even the other Corporations were forced to accept it was
entire country was completely dependent on Lang and cheaper and more productive to get the Ai-Jinn to build their
consequently subject to its whims. structures and mine their ores than it was to do it themselves.
The Chinese government, headed by Chairman Cho Yun, was It was during such a mining operation in Antarctica that a massive
unable to do anything about the situation legally. Their attempts at anomaly was detected deep beneath the ice. The operation was
trying to force Lang to split into smaller units were crushed by immediately halted and the Ai-Jinn ferried in several war ships,
armies of lawyers. Rather than pursue more fruitless court cases, transporters, battle class cyberlins and heavy excavators. After
Cho Yun established a task force who were instructed to put months of painstaking work the fruits of their labour were
control of Lang into the government's hands via any means transported home spread over three cargo barges. Although many
necessary. They were given access to essentially unlimited images exist of the operation, there is no hard evidence to reveal
government resources and granted immunity from prosecution. exactly what they found down there. The most likely answer is
some kind of space-travelling vessel. This supposition is backed
The task force initially attempted a range of methods including up by the fact that nine months after the discovery the Ai-Jinn
espionage and sabotage but Lang's immense resources were still began their first test launches of a new breed of shuttle capable of
insurmountable. Eventually the task force approached Asia's less travelling through sub-space, cutting journey times significantly.
savoury elements such as the Yakuza, Triad, Tong and Snake
heads. By transferring their own immunity and resources onto Many attempts have been made to find out what the Ai-Jinn
these organised criminals they rapidly created the largest, most discovered that day. It is common knowledge that the item was
comprehensive army of ruthless, immoral and devious soldiers taken around the coast to the Xa Men factory complex but the use
ever made. of SatBlankets and cyberlins was sufficient to make sure it was not
The organised criminal groups took no prisoners bringing Lang to tracked to an exact location. The general consensus is that it was
its knees. Hundreds of high-up employees were murdered and taken underground into a specially constructed vault and is
terrorised until all of Lang's executives were too terrified to probably still there. The force of cyberlins stationed at Xa Men and
maintain their positions. Within months the company began to the array of synchronously orbiting war satellites suggest that this
crumble but the results were not as Cho Yun had predicted. supposition is correct. Aside from the FarDrive and their
illegitimate GET station, the Ai-Jinn show no other signs of
The task force, who had named themselves Ai-Jinn, were not abnormally advanced technology suggesting that whatever they
about to relinquish the power they had acquired and by continued did find; its secrets have either been fully realised or are, at this
alliances with the criminal organisations were able to make sure a time, beyond comprehension.
sizable amount of Lang's wealth and assets ended up, not with the
government, but with the task force and their new allies.
Ranger Class Cyberlin - Fire from Heaven.
This mech is equipped with environmental seals so that it can hide in swamps and lakes.
The four Agents lurked in the shadowed recesses of the The conference room beyond the door had now fallen completely
antechamber; the tumult of the heated board meeting was a silent. None of the Division noticed, because the normally
subdued murmur behind the heavy door. Division leader Han taciturn Agent Yasuda now weighed into the debate in broken
grinned, teeth flashing white and chrome in the gloom, and English, disdaining Mandarin and having long since despaired of
addressed his kill-team in a sibilant whisper of subvocalised the Division’s ability to master his native Japanese. “It’s Five
Mandarin. Dragon karate for best quickly of kill,” he opined softly. “Let’s
mutilating all corpses after killing, for our most splendid
“The degenerate cowards believe they can hide their Corporate intimidation results. Get! Hammer hand reverse strike!”
lapdogs behind arrays of ion shrouds and weapons scanners.
They cannot understand that we need no weapons – that we are The door swung open and an enormous EI Nuke lumbered out
the weapons! On my command, my brothers, we will surge into the antechamber to see what all the fuss was about, peering
through that door and slaughter every living thing behind it with into the shadows and idly weighing a frag grenade in one hand.
the Scarlet Tiger finger claw technique, that all the corrupt EI Han cursed, leapt up towards the doorway and grabbed the top
barbarians may witness the cost of their incursions on our of the steel doorframe single-handed, pivoting smoothly back
territory in the Eastern Bank!” down to kick the Nuke in the chest with both feet. As the massive
Agent toppled back into the chamber Han grabbed the grenade
Han turned to face the door, drawing in a deep breath, narrowing now tumbling through the air, flicked the activator, lobbed it in
his awareness down to a lethal point. But then Agent Peng after the Nuke and swivelled to slam the door closed again with
hissed back in heavily accented Cantonese, entirely throwing off a sweeping roundhouse kick before cartwheeling away.
his concentration. “Scarlet Tiger will never leave a clear enough
message, Division Leader. Let us demonstrate the seven point The explosion, devastating in the confined space, blew the door
nerve block of Raging Monkey, that the expressions on the faces off its hinges and back into the antechamber, clanging off the
of their dead shock the gwailo into repenting of their opposite wall before crashing to the ground where it lay with the
transgressions. I have been practising.” occasional ping of cooling metal, the only sound that broke the
sudden silence. Han turned to stare admonishingly at Peng, who
Han opened his mouth to respond but was forestalled by Agent sighed, unclipped a small dental records matcher from his belt,
Harris’s angry response in badly mangled pidgin Shanghainese. and walked gingerly through the ravaged doorway into the
“You say gwailo cannot fight? Raging Monkey style is old men charnel house that had until recently been a conference
and children fighting! We best use decimating throat strike of chamber. “This would never have happened with Raging
Blind Drunken Ox style. EI bastards choke repentance in last Monkey,” they heard him mutter as he vanished into the haze of
breathing!” greasy smoke.
Below are presented a range of new trainings. Although a few are
exclusive to the Ai-Jinn and their sects most can be used for any LIST OF TRAININGS
Corporation Agent.
Telepathic Adept
There is Only Ai-Jinn
Conviction of One
A prerequisite for some Trainings.
Undivided Focus
Corporation or Group Specific Trainings can only be This is a rarity indeed and only advanced Shi Yukiro
skipped by people in that group. Such trainings include Ai- Agents are permitted to train with the 3 or 4 true masters
Jinn Mechanic, Ai-Jinn Heavy Vehicle Pilot, Comoros within the ranks of the Shi Yukiro. It is not something that
Reverse Engineer, Eurasin Inc. Medic, Shi Yukiro Ion can be requested, and it is only offered to those who show
Smith, Shi Yukiro Ion Weapon Specialist, Shi Yukiro Master
true dedication and promise.
Ion Swordsmith, Shi Yukiro Shuriken-Do and Dynasty
Strain Trainings.
increased by 2.
COMBAT TRAININGS Example, on page 45 of the Core Rules you can see that Heavy
Combat Armour, Powered Tactical Armour and Tactical Assault
Armour would all be valid armours for the training.
Shandian Shuài
A Shandian Shuài member may spend a Conviction point and Mechtronics 3
make a 'Presence + Attitude' roll as a full action, if successful their Combat Pilot (Training)
XS on the roll is converted into temporary Conviction points that Drive 5
may be divided among any Ai-Jinn or allied troops (including Pilot 5
Agents) within earshot. You are skilled in the piloting of cyberlins. The mechanical
monsters are yours to command. This allows you to pilot all
A Shandian Shuài may not benefit personally from any Conviction classes of cyberlin and smaller mechs such as MAG Tanks.
generated in this way. Unspent temporary conviction are lost at the
end of the scene. GRAPPLE HOOK COMBAT
Personal Grapple
Note that some other character types may be able to take this Athletics 4
training. This will be noted where appropriate. In this book only the Agility 7
Shandian Shuài make take it.
Commonly used by the pirates of the Cai Qian (page 106) this
training represents the ability to use the personal grapple (page
ADVANCE UNDER FIRE 59) as a combat weapon. It allows the following moves.
Ling Kao Strain
Athletics 8 Firing the grapple in combat uses ‘Perception + Light Firearms’
Agility 8 The grapple ignores shields and deals 1 point of damage. It can
Ling Kao are not good in fire fights. It is imperative they close on embed itself into anything with AV 20 or less.
the enemy as fast as possible. They use this training to advance
quickly, hopefully dodging the hail of gunfire that is sure to rain Pre-emptive grapple
down. Before initiative is worked out the user should make an attack roll.
If he hits then the grapple embeds into the target and the grappler
System can pull them off balance. This gives the target -6 to initiative and
When closing on an enemy the Ling Kao may use Full Dodge. This they are considered attached to the grapple. Everyone then rolls
should not normally be possible as Full Dodge assumes you are initiative as normal.
heading into cover and dodging bullets, not charging the enemy.
Reel In
The grapple can reel in 400kg at a speed of 20 metres per second.
The user can reel in a target as a free action so if the target was
Ai-Jinn Agent less than 25 metres away they will be considered to be in close
In true Ai-Jinn tradition you enjoy using extremely heavy armour combat.
and have become adept in its use. The Maximum Agility score
associated with any armour granting an AV of 4 or more is If they wish to, the attacker and the target should make opposed
Agent Marx squared his shoulders and raised the railgun; away, leaping off low walls and rolling under transit piping.
checking the sight he could see, between two large factory units,
a single target exactly 907 metres distant. Marx dropped to one “What the..” Marx slammed a new clip home and slowly backing
knee and, steadying his hand, levelled the crosshair at the up along the potholed road, opened up on the advancing target,
solitary figure. He squeezed the trigger and smiled. thermal still active. The figure was just 50 metres off, dodging
every bullet as though they were in slow motion.
The smile disappeared as soon as it had come as Marx saw the
figure now running at him, its sprint broken by the occasional Marx dropped the M50, and went to draw his sword. As he did so
leap or flip. Marx levelled the gun again, took careful aim and the figure, now clearly identifiable as a woman wearing a heavy
fired. No hit. “Shit!” black cotton robe tied with a red cloth belt, leapt high in the air
and drew a straight bladed qi jian. She landed in near silence
Marx dropped the LEAW and hauled the M50 off his back. directly behind him, placed the sword against his neck and spoke
Putting in a fresh clip he stood up and held down the trigger. A a single word of Mandarin.
torrent of bullets sprayed from the weapon, concrete was Marx just had time to mentally translate before his head fell from
shattered and torn apart, windows exploded and flurries of dust his shoulders.
erupted from every impact point. Marx flicked on his thermal to
check for life signs. The figure was now only a few hundred yards “Coward.”
‘Strength + Athletics’ rolls. The loser is dragged to the winner. The IAIDO
GM may give either side a bonus / penalty if appropriate.
Ling Kao Strain or Trained Under a Shi Yukiro Master
Reflexes 9
Quick Escape
Close Combat 9
When fleeing combat the user gains +4 to their roll as long as there
is an object they can grapple to facilitate their escape.
This represents the fast draw and instant use of swords. Either for
self defence or as a pre-emptive strike. This training only applies
GRAPPLE HOOK COMBAT (ADVANCED) to swords of longsword / katana length. Not to enormous two
Grapple Hook Combat handed swords or short swords.
Light Firearms 4
Close Combat 4 Offense
When the first round of a combat scene is announced, instead of
This builds on the existing ‘Grapple Hook Combat’ Training to rolling initiative, the Iaido practitioner gets a single free attack
present more options. before combat officially begins. Opponents gain no Defence
against this attack. Once this has been completed combat begins
Wrestling Bonus and the practitioner must roll his initiative as normal.
Someone with this training gains +4 to all wrestling rolls as they
are able to use the wire to restrain and impair their opponent. Defence
Wrestling is covered on page 145 of the Core Rules. If the practitioner is surprise attacked in close combat there is a
chance he can draw his sword with incredible speed and thus
Steal Item retain his defence.
As long as your opponent is 5+ metres away you can fire your
grapple hook at their carried item in an attempt to steal it. He must roll ‘Reflexes + Close Combat’ with a penalty equal to the
attackers XS on his attack roll.
Roll ‘Perception + Light Firearms’ with a modifier.
For example, the attacker sneaks up and tries to assassinate the
Coin Sized -12 Ling Kao. He passes his roll by 4. The Iaido practitioner must pass
Pistol -6 a ‘Reflexes + Close Combat’ roll at -4 to block the assassination
Rifle -4 attempt. Combat then resumes as normal.
If you hit you attach the grapple to the object. The opponent must Looking Good
pass a ‘Strength + Endurance’ roll with a penalty equal to your XS After using Iaido against an NPC without the Iaido Trainining you
or lose it. When you reel in the grapple you can spend a free action may make a ‘Presence + Looking Good’ roll. If you pass the
to detach the grapple and take the object. opponent is so intimidated that he receives a -1 penalty to all rolls
until the end of the scene
Mechtronics 1 IAIDO HAKANAI
Access to a Guan Yu Suit. Ling Kao Strain or Trained Under a Shi Yukiro Master
Guan Yu Instructor Iaido Training
Looking Good 5
Anyone can learn to use Guan Yu Armour. As long as you have
access to a suit to practice you can purchase this Training at the This training builds on the basic Iaido training to allow the
normal cost. Note that all Ai-Jinn Agents gain this Training for free practitioner to draw the sword, cut the target, clean the blade and
at character creation. replace the sword in a single smooth action. This training functions
in the same way as Iaido (above) with the exception of the Looking
If you do not have an instructor you can still learn to use the suit Good aspect which is boosted.
but it requires another 10XP and an additional 4 weeks of
downtime. Offense
When the first round of a combat scene is announced instead of
Without this training the suit is unusable. rolling initiative, the Iaido practitioner gets a single free attack
before combat officially begins. Opponents without Iaido gain no
Defence against this attack. Once this has been completed
combat begins and the practitioner must roll his initiative as
Know that the suit was named for a humble warrior of ages normal.
past, whose formidable prowess and unflinching fidelity
resulted in his elevation to godhood. Remember his example Defence
whenever you stride to war in this armour, that you too may one If the practitioner is surprise attacked in close combat there is a
day carve your way into legend with strength of arms and chance he can draw his sword with incredible speed and thus
strength of loyalty. retain his defence.
attr: Hang Ying Wa, Guan Yu instructor. He must roll ‘Reflexes + Close Combat’ with a penalty equal to the
attacker’s XS on his attack roll.
Looking Good
Ghosting silently amidst the network of bulky iron girders that
After using Iaido Hakanai against an NPC without the Iaido
Hakanai Training you may make a ‘Presence + Looking Good’ roll. reared above the conference chamber, Agent Marcel ‘Shiv’ de
Note your XS and consult the table below. Cour found himself at last within sight of his target. Just metres
away, back turned and all attention fixed on the room below,
stood Agent Maowei Tang, aka Ka Cha Xiansheng – ‘Mr. Click’.
A simple bodyguard, but responsible for more confirmed kills
IAIDO HAKANAI than any other Ai-Jinn operative in recorded history; Tang’s
reputation alone now served to dissuade most would-be
Pass Intimidation Level assassins from attacks on his wards.
0-4 The opponent receives a -2 penalty to all rolls But de Cour was here not for Tang’s charge, a petty extortionist
until the end of the scene. occasionally adding his tremulous, wheedling tones to the
5-6 The opponent receives a -4 penalty to all rolls
babble of Mandarin below. De Cour had been sent for the
until the end of the scene
7+ The opponent runs from combat unless there is a specific purpose of eliminating Tang himself, mainly as a
critical reason for him to stay. If he stays he message to the Ai-Jinn that EI’s cadre of Assisted Retirement
receives -6 to all rolls until the end of the scene. Executives – assassins being a rather passé term – simply
could not be intimidated, and most certainly not by a grubby
Note than any character with conviction can spend 1 little bodyguard.
conviction point to ignore these effects for a scene.
So de Cour, with his customary attention to detail, had spent six
months studying the dreadful little man. He knew that Tang
eschewed armour, preferring cheap and tasteless fabrics; knew
that Tang refused to use any weapon apart from his infamous
sword, which currently hung at Tang’s side with his right hand
resting lightly on the grip; knew that Tang appeared to subsist
on the kind of rudimentary diet that he, de Cour, would only
lower himself to even consider were starvation the only other
option. The only thing de Cour had not been able to ascertain
in six months of painstaking research, to his slight irritation, was
exactly why Tang had acquired the ridiculous nickname of Mr.
– click –
Ai-Jinn Legacy Operative
This training represents your skill in fast, aggressive knife work. A Cleavers, broken chair legs, melon knives, pen knives, pocket
significant part of these attacks is in the mind-state. The close up, knives, kitchen knives, apple corers, roofing knives, prison shanks,
visceral slashing and stabbing requires a certain disposition to pull smashed bottles, potato peelers, cut throat razors, scissors, craft
off effectively. knives, box knives, stilettos, punch daggers, shards of metal,
sharpened credit chips, sharp sticks, sharpened pencils, trazors
System (toothbrush / razor), etc.
When using a single knife as your attacking weapon you
automatically win initiative and your first attack each round deals This means if you have any trainings which pertain to knives you
double total damage. may use these trainings with any improvised blade without any
penalties. Example trainings include:
‘Mastered Weapon – Knife’
Close Combat 9
‘Dual Weapon Use – Knives’
‘Knife Man’
You are highly skilled at picking up new martial skills. Any Combat
Training with Close Combat applications can be purchased for only
Triad Blade is the term used when this training is applied to Ai-Jinn
8XP instead of 10. If you are going to ‘Crash Course’ a Close
characters. Outside the Ai-Jinn it is Jack of All Blades.
Combat training as on page xx, you pay 4XP instead of 5.
In true bosozoku style you have mastered using your sword from
the back of a motorcycle (or jet bike / anti-grav bike). Any attacks
made with a sword whilst on the back of a moving motorbike have
your Drive score added to the damage (or Pilot on jet / anti-grav
Note; this stacks with damage from speed detailed on page 149 of
the Core Rules.
The Ling Kao can make a single unarmed strike against a target
with a natural cardio vascular and nervous system. The attack is
made at -4 and any Defence must also be taken into account. If it
hits, the target is instantly reduced to 0HP. This attack has a rate of
1. Agents, Malenbrach, most Cultists etc. are all immune to this
kind of strike.
If a new member joins the Division he will need to invest 10XP into
NON COMBAT TRAININGS the Training. Until he has done so the floating pool cannot be used
by anyone.
This includes such things as how to correctly address VIPs of Example Modifiers
varying status, dining protocols and gift etiquette. It also grants Where is a family located? +2
knowledge of many old myths and legends which are important to How many members in a family? +0
the principles of the Ai-Jinn. What are their goals / modifications? -1
What dark deeds have they done recently? -2
Recognising members faces / names. -4
-“So you’ve met him before eh? This ‘Purple Cloud’ guy. What’s
he like? I gotta say, he sounds like a shirtlifter.”
-“Well it’s funny you should say that, I thought the same thing. Trained under a Shi Yukiro or Ling Kao Master (or Tao Strain)
And when I first saw him I nearly pissed myself. He was wearing Agility 8
some ancient pink gown with flowers on it, had a beard down to
his nuts and eyebrows like a schnauzer.” By learning to dislocate joints the Agent can slip free from any
wrestle during his turn. This takes a full action but ends the wrestle
-“So what does he do exactly?” immediately. In addition you gain +4 to perform feats such as
squeezing through narrow gaps, escaping restraints, or avoiding
-“Well seems he’s some kind of uber-telepath, saw me smirk having your arm broken.
and threw me across the room like a rag doll. Said I was
unworthy to attend and had the manners of a pig. KINETIC FIELD REPAIR
I wasn’t hurt or anything but I missed the meet and failed the Survival Training
mission. So this time...we don’t fuckin’ laugh!” Jury-Rigging Training
Relevant Firearms Skill at 3+
The last words of Agent Chris Banks (E.I.) to Agent Paul Harris Mechtronics 2
When in the field you can repair any kinetic firearms which you are
Both lost at the notorious E.I. / Ai-Jinn Border Talks at the Khan skilled in the use of. (Relevant Skill must be 3+.) You don’t need
Spire. tools or spares, you can just use anything to hand to get the
weapon functioning. This is commonly used by Ai-Jinn Tigers
(page 34) who often need to spend weeks at a time in the jungles
CONVICTION OF ONE salvaging broken weaponry.
Ai-Jinn Agent System: Roll ‘Intelligence + Mechtronics’ and note your XS.
This Training has no effect unless everyone in the division You can automatically repair a weapon and get it working in one
purchases it. You cannot have 3 out of the 4 members using it. It hour. The weapon is reduced to a condition level equal to your XS.
represents the divisions members’ steadfast trust in one another. If your XS was equal or greater than its existing condition, it does
If one member decides not to be a part then it shows the division not decrease.
are not really that well bonded.
If you fail the weapon works for the next scene and is then broken
Effect beyond any repair.
The Division has a floating pool of conviction from which any Agent
can draw points. The pool is replenished when the division A weapon cannot be reduced below condition 1, however, if you
succeeds as a whole entity. For example, at the end of a heated roll a double while using a condition 1 weapon it dies
gun battle where Agents have aided each other and everyone has irrecoverabley and cannot be fixed. It is considered important parts
played an important part, the GM could replenish the pool by 1 or have snapped, been lost or just exploded.
2 points. At the end of a completed mission the pool may gain 3 or
4 points. The pool has a maximum number of points equal to the For example, Agent Pak finds an old rifle (condition 6) in a river
number of active division members. bed. He spends one hour and passes his ‘Intelligence +
Mechtronics’ roll by 4. The weapon is thus reduced to condition 4.
Any member of the division may draw conviction from the pool at
any time though you still cannot spend two conviction points in one If he had passed by 6 or more the weapon would not reduce in
round. condition at all.
You have taken and passed the Mission Officer’s Exam. You can By engaging someone in a seemingly unrelated conversation you
now act in the capacity of a Mission Officer. Whenever you oversee can subtly implant minor suggestions in their subconscious,
a mission you are paid an additional 500¢ per level of your Rank biasing them to a particular course of action.
with the possibility of a bonus if all goes well. If it goes badly you
are held partially responsible. It is possible to act as a Mission After spending a few minutes speaking with the target of this
Officer while in the field and receive transmissions from your acting training, you may make a 'Presence + Psychology' roll opposed by
Division. your targets 'Perception + Intelligence'
PICK POCKET If you are successful then they must make a second 'Perception +
Intelligence' roll with a penalty equal to your XS the next time a
Crime 4
situation relevant to the suggestion arises or carry out the
Agility 6
suggested course of action.
You are skilled at relieving a mark of small items of property with
Suggestions made must be fairly minor, 'accidentally' leaving a
skilful sleight of hand. You must observe the mark for at least one
door unlocked or absent-mindedly speaking a password aloud next
round (3 seconds) before making a move.
time they type it are okay, shooting someone or jumping out a
window are not. In general, a suggestion can be anything that can
Roll ‘Agility + Crime’ with a penalty equal to the mark’s Crime
be accomplished in a free action or through simple inaction.
The GM should feel free to add other modifiers if appropriate.
Circumstance Modifier Comoros Agent, Order of the True Faith or Ang Fen Strain
Mark is drunk or very distracted +4
Crowded, bustling area such as subway car +2 Once per day the telepath can spend a conviction point and double
Mark is wary of pickpockets -2 his score in a single telepathic power. The costs for activating the
Item is large or well secured power are also doubled. Ang Fen do not have to spend a
such as a neck tie or handbag -4 conviction point to use this power but they can still only do it once
per day.
Success indicates you have taken the item from the mark without
alerting them. For example, your Assault score is 7, once a day you can double
this to deal 14D6 at a range of 140 metres. It would cost 14 TE
Failure means you have the item but have been spotted by the points to activate.
Obviously most targets have little or no knowledge of crime and so
taking a wallet from a businessman in a crowded street is fairly THERE IS ONLY AI-JINN
easy. Lifting a weapon from a UIG officer at a guard post would be
Ai-Jinn Agent
another story.
This training represents your total dedication to the Ai-Jinn and
REDMAN your deep-set belief that what they stand for is undeniably right.
Hacking Training Although this can be taken at character creation the GM should
Computers and A.I. 9 feel free to temporarily remove the training if there are signs your
Corp Knowledge 5 loyalty is wavering. The training has the following effects.
Medicine 2
Loyalty Warning
You know how to operate as a Redman and can program illegal If you are about to perform an action that will annoy your Ai-Jinn
licenses, download them into chips and install them into clients. superiors the GM should inform you.
This work is highly illegal and punishable by a standard removal of
50 rank points + 10 for each provable offense. More information on Betrayal Resistance
this can be found on page 21. If you are ever forced to betray the Ai-Jinn in any way you receive
a +4 / 20% bonus to resist. This could be a roll to resist torture or
You will normally need redman software, redman chips, a a penalty to a psychogenic’s roll. The GM should adjudicate this
computer and hypodermic gun to run your business. bonus.
individual. The results are not 100% certain but will give a good or "did you meet Tex Calahan last night?". If the person does not
indication. know what they are attempting to read then the conviction is
If the individual is actually trying to fool you and pretending to be
loyal when they are not, they can roll ‘Presence + Lying & Acting’, TOSS THE PLACE
if they gain more XS than you the results of your chat are
Crime 2
inconclusive. You gain +4 if you have the Interrogation training.
Perception 4
You are skilled at rifling through an area to find items of interest.
Staunch Agent
For example, turning over an office for incriminating evidence or
Your allies, subordinates and superiors respect your steadfast
searching a dwelling to find where the resident hides their car keys
loyalty to the corporation. You are not seen as a snivelling toady,
and savings.
rather a solid and dependable member of the corporation who can
be trusted with delicate tasks and sensitive information.
No roll is needed if you possess this training; you will succeed. The
only issue is time so roll ‘Perception + Observation’. Failure means
THOUGHT RESONANCE the search takes 10 minutes.
Must be Hien Strain
Presence 10 Success indicates you have been speedy and the search takes (5-
Psychology 10 XS minutes) with a minimum of 30 seconds.
Some rare Hien are able to hone their natural abilities to perform Example: you pass your roll by 3, the search therefore takes 2
true feats of mind reading by picking up 'neural resonance images' minutes.
from those they interact with, an undeniably psychogenic ability
that would be grounds for instant execution if discovered. WHEELMAN / GETAWAY DRIVER
Drive 7
However, a Hien is not simply able to read thoughts from anyone,
You are a legend behind the wheel and are no stranger to driving
they must first create a psychic 'back door' by getting the target of
backwards at 60mph, crashing through market stalls and jumping
their ability to give some gesture of trust. What this is can vary, for
over moving bridges. When evading or pursuing in a land vehicle
example, getting the target to accept an item of food - even just a
you gain a temporary conviction point which lasts one scene and
stick of gum or a candy - or confide a fact about themselves such
may only be spent on rolls related to driving.
as their date of birth or favourite colour.
For example, you can spend the point to help bank the car onto
If the criteria can be met the Hien need only expend a conviction
two wheels and squeeze through a tight alleyway. You could not
point in order to read a specific neural resonance image, which
use it to gain +4 to fire a pistol out of the window.
should be phrased as a question such as "what is your password?"
Drive 8
REDUCING THE DOWNTIME ON Law Enforcement License (All Agents already have this.)
LICENSE APPLICATIONS You are licensed to utilise flashing emergency lights on any
vehicles you drive when responding to emergency situations. Most
Have you ever wanted a license but just can’t get the time
Marshals, Rangers and Agents with this license carry a small,
off? To remedy this situation the UIG have recently granted
powered, portable unit (see page 58) which they can simply attach
access to their state-of-the-art neural patterner in
to the roof of their vehicle when needed. It emits a 130db siren and
Stockholm which enables a subject’s brain to be
utilises flashing strobes, typically in blue.
programmed with the necessary information at a faster
rate than they could normally learn it.
Under normal circumstances traffic will part for the responding
vehicle dramatically reducing travel times.
Access to the Neural Patterner is in high demand so
anyone with a poor relationship with the UIG had better
hope they are feeling generous.
Although some GM discretion is required you can generally gain a
+4 modifier to drive rolls when pursuing if you use the sirens and
System: Normally a level 5 license requires 5 weeks of
lights. The GM may award you a bonus to evade as well but you
downtime to acquire. For each week of downtime you want
will typically make life easier for your pursuer too.
to skip you must pay 1000¢ x License Level. You cannot
reduce the time to less than one week so using this system
Note: UIG squad and patrol cars all have sirens and lights
on a level 1 license is pointless.
equipped. All UIG officers automatically gain this license for free.
For example, if you want to reduce the downtime on a 5
point license as much as possible you could knock 4
Cyberlin Pilot Training
weeks off by paying 5000¢ per week. That’s a total of
Public Appropriation License
20,000¢ and 1 week in the patterner. You also need to pay
Rank 3
the standard fee on top (500¢ per level).
You are licensed to commandeer a cyberlin in order to enforce the
The total cost for learning a level 5 license in this way
law. Abuse of this license is met with extremely harsh
would be 22,500¢ and 1 week of downtime.
punishments; typically removal of all cyberlin related licenses and
the loss of 20 rank points. This is not to mention any punishments
that may arise from the havoc you cause while rampaging around
in the metal monster.
Rank 3
The user is fitted by the UIG with a variant on the standard ID Chip.
This new chip is known as an ASO Chip and cannot be scanned
without the owner’s permission, which is granted via a neural pulse
which places the chip into a readable mode for 3 seconds.
Ai-Jinn Agents may take this modification but it only affects the
primary ID chip. Their alternate ID cannot be upgraded to be an
ASO Chip.
The UIG are free to decline this license to anybody they feel may
be intending to abuse it.
License information is held in the primary UIG datavaults. When an
ID chip is scanned the chip initiates a microscopic subspace rift,
pulls the data from the vault and displays it on the chip scanner. ILLEGAL LICENSE COSTS
This process is incredibly secure and up until recently only the Ai-
Jinn have managed to find a way to interfere with this process and Firstly you need to have a link to the criminal world. The
force the scanners to display erroneous information. This forms quality of this link can affect the price.
the foundation of the second identity held by all Ai-Jinn Agents.
(More information on this can be found in the Eastern Bank.) Price
Underground Operations Training x1
More recently however other wily individuals have moved into Contact (Criminal*) at 6-10 x1
creating illegal licenses. The process does not use the same high Contact (Criminal*) at 1-5 x1.5
end subspace routing that the identities use and instead involves A friend has the contacts x2
inserting a tiny chip under the ID chip which creates an extremely No link, just asking around etc. x3
convincing augmentation to the genuine UIG scan.
*This could be contacts with a gang, organised crime unit,
The chip is extremely limited but can essentially fool the scanner hit man etc. Any contact which is essentially criminal in
into finding a few additional pieces of information on the subject in nature.
the form of licenses. The chip is covered in crystal weave making
it undetectable by scanners and is so small a surgical search Payment is almost always upfront unless you are trusted
would only stand a 5% chance to find the device. by the contact.
The main drawback to this method is that the information is not as There is generally a 1000¢ handling fee which is in
foolproof as that carried by an alternate ID and therefore every addition to the cost below.
time you are scanned there is a chance your deception will be
discovered. On the plus side, anyone with criminal contacts can try Cost = Level of License2 x 500¢
to get themselves an illegal license.
Example: you want a level 3 license and have the
TIME NEEDED Underground Operations training.
The process requires no downtime but you will need to spend time This will cost (3x3) x 500 = 4500¢.
setting up the meeting and getting the chip injected. The GM Add to this the one thousand credit handling fee for a total
should rule on this but a day should normally be sufficient. of 5500¢.
If you are having multiple illegal licenses you only pay one
THE PROCESS handling fee.
Once you have a meeting set up you will need to choose the
license you want. The quality of the contact can influence the level
of the license you can get but this is up to the GM. Payment is
made and the vendor, commonly known as a Redman (due to his
cutting through the red tape) will use a computer to create a The production of illegal licenses is an extremely serious crime
customised license for you. This information is downloaded onto a and the punishment for having them is severe. As regards getting
redman chip which is then placed into a hypodermic gun and caught, the less illegal licenses you have the better. Because the
injected into the target just under the ID chip. Up to 10 licenses can UIG A.I. must check billions of license scans every day it ‘skims’
be installed on a single chip. most of them and doesn’t go into much detail. However, some
situations are set to trigger a more in-depth scan.
The target is scanned a few times to check the license is working
and the job is finished. The most common of these are an excessive number of licenses
for a particular type of person. For example, a high ranking agent
If you are having a second lot of illegal licenses installed at a later would be expected to have several whereas a spurky vendor might
date another chip is injected. It makes no real difference if you only have one or two. Opposite are listed the basic chances of
have them one at a time or on multiple occasions. You cannot edit getting caught with illegal licenses.
the existing chip once it is installed, its easier just to intall another.
You should add up all the relevant percentages and write the on
your character sheet. Every time you are scanned the GM should
roll a D100. If he gets equal or lower than the stated percentage
CITIZENS / OUTCASTS Within a Capital Code Zone such as the Eastern Bank +10%
UIG are on high alert +5%
Number of illegal licenses Chance of getting caught License is totally inappropriate +5%
1 5% Ai-Jinn Agent -10%
2 10%
The person scanning is highly distracted -5% to -10%
3 25%
4 50%
Archon or Powerful A.I. connected to the scanner +50%
5 75%
For acting as a Redman you can expect a removal of 50 rank
Level of Illegal License Chance of Getting Caught
points if you get caught. You will also suffer a further loss of 10 rank
1 0% points per provable redman offence. For holding illegal licenses
2 5% you can expect the removal of 10 rank points per level of the illegal
3 10% licence held. More if you have been using it inappropriately.
4 15%
5+ 20%
Use the value of the highest level illegal license you have.
Illegal licenses do not use subspace technology and as such the
Ai-Jinn do not have a monopoly on this field. However they are
Rank Chance of Getting Caught extremely well connected in the criminal world and so their
0 0% handling fee for obtaining illegal licenses is waived.
1 -5%
2 -10%
In addition they have access to a much better choice of redmen so
3 -15%
4 -20%
can choose from the best. For this reason they start with an innate
5 -25% -10% on their chance to get caught. This means if the current stack
6 -30% of illegal licenses would lead to a 25% chance of getting caught,
7 -35% an Ai-Jinn agent would only consider this to be a 15% chance.
8 -40%
9 -45%
10 -50%
The hours demanded are not high and don’t eat into an Agent’s
downtime. Each Spire has a wealth of instructors on hand whose DIVISION LEADER
services are available freely for all Agents.
The division leader gains more than the other members of the
System division. This is for two reasons, the first is based on the extra
All Ai-Jinn Agents reduce the cost to increase their Close Combat responsibility he carries and is by way of a reward. The second is
skill by 1 point (to a minimum of 1). If an Ai-Jinn Agent chooses to to facilitate his work and takes the form of assets which are to be
spend a downtime action practicing his martial arts he gains 3xp to used by the division as a whole.
spend on the Close Combat skill instead of 2 as described on page
82 of the Core Rules. As the division leader increases in rank he augments his existing
The division leader gains the benefits from the list on page 23 and
NOTES the one on page 23 unless he is effectively getting an upgrade.
Rank Loss Reductions Examples
The Ai-Jinn defend their Agents fiercely against UIG
prosecutors. This results in reduced sentences for Ai-Jinn If he is given a larger office it effectively replaces the smaller one.
If he gains a heli-pad that will be in addition to the parking space.
At ranks 2, 4, 6 and 8 you gain reduced rank point loss. You
only get the newest reduction, not all of them added together. At rank 1 the division leader gains a medium apartment instead of
a small one.
For example, at rank 4 your loss is reduced by D6, not D4+D6.
In essence the Agent will always get the best deal.
Ai-Jinn Agents are awarded assets such as vehicles, clothes
etc. If you destroy the asset it will be replaced for free next time
you increase in rank.
1 *Small apartment
*Small spire parking space
Standard issue business suit
Compulsory Unarmed Training (see opposite)
Guan Yu Use Training for free
Choose from the following trainings for free. You must have the prerequsities though.
Cyberlin Pilot (Machines of War) Clanger
Combat Driver Motorbike and Sword Combat
Combat Pilot Dynasty Knowledge
Ai-Jinn Heavy Vehicle Pilot (Machines of War) Ai-Jinn Culture
Ai-Jinn Mechanic (Machines of War) There Is Only Ai-Jinn
Mastered Weapon (Heavy Firearms) Triad Blade
Rank 9 and 10 do not follow the same system and essentially take whatever they need.
*See New Rank Bonuses section opposite.
** A Level 5 business is described in the Eastern Bank, if you don’t have it then the business would be like a chop-shop / small brothel.
I direct your attention to the footage on screen 6; this has been leave cover and charge, essentially sacrificing themselves while
compiled from various cameras, droids and sat images to give a the woman at the back here, activates an invisibility field, takes
comprehensive picture of the incident. the device and flees. I’ll resume the video.
At 23 hundred hours, the Ai-Jinn division known to us as Red And now the big surprise, you’ll see the larger man on the left
Sky arrive at our supposedly secret Capetown reverse muttering under his breath; our speech analysts tell us it’s some
engineering lab. You’ll notice the ease with which they gain entry kind of Ai-Jinn death chant, a vestige of another time. And now
suggesting they had inside help; itself a deeply concerning we are forced to switch to the satellite feed as the explosion
revelation. Our early defence droids may as well not have been took out all nearby cameras.
there, such was the efficiency of their EMP gunner. As you can
see they proceed with infuriating calm towards the labs where The woman, who we have subsequently identified as Sun Li
we have been studying the subspace device, again alluding to Kang, the division’s leader, having passed the device onto a
some kind of insider assistance. contact waiting outside, now re-enters the burning building. We
can only guess at what went on inside but one by one she
Now, at this point we do have the upper hand, unknown to them carries out her dying division and applies medical aid; from what
an Essence division led by a psychogenic, are assisting with the we can see only one of them died, though all were mangled,
analysis of the device and are in fact waiting in the lab. You’ll missing limbs and unconscious. Our own Agents were found
see that with relative ease, the Ai-Jinn intrusion specialist dead, their heads cut from their bodies.
bypasses the door lock and they enter the lab.
What I find most concerning about this event is the willingness
The ensuing scuffle is quite something, with surprise on our side of the Ai-Jinn operatives to sacrifice themselves at the behest of
you can see it quickly goes our way. The psychogenic seems to their leader. By looking at the damage done to the room the
be having difficulty influencing their minds but as we know, the chance of death was high and almost certain for the individual
Ai-Jinn training is extremely effective in strengthening their carrying the bomb. That a rabble of criminal dogs should show
resolve. such a profound level of trust, loyalty and obedience is far more
I’ll just pause the video at this point and explain what’s about to concerning than any technological advance they may have
happen. You’ll see these four Ai-Jinn Agents here are going to acquired from the wretched Archons.
6 Access to a shuttle and pilot to chauffer the division around the Earth.
8 Battle Class Cyberlin providing someone in the division is licensed and trained to use it.
AT LAST - MY OWN DIVISION! Appropriate missions might include:
Gender (D10) Preferred Combat Style (D8) Positive Attitude Traits (D12)
1-5 Male
6-0 Female 1 Heavy Firearms 1 Honest
2 Light Firearms 2 Self Reliant
Area of Speciality (D20) 3 Tactical Firearms 3 Hard Working
1 Heavy Firearms (Nuke) 4 Telepathics 4 Clever
2 Social Interactions 5 Close Combat 5 Witty
3 Assassin 6 Droid 6 Empathic
4 Mechtrician 7 Support 7 Charismatic
5 Psychologist 8 Toxic 8 Positive Mental Attitude
6 Medic 9 Lateral thinker, problem solver
7 Scientist Field of Science (D10) 10 Good team skills
8 Robotics / Cybernetics 11 Generous
9 Driver / Wheelman 1 Biology 12 Brave / Good leadership skills
10 Criminal 2 Cybernetics
11 Gladiator / Weltball 3 Chemistry Negative Attitude Traits (D12)
12 Industrial Thief 4 Physics / Subspace
13 Saboteur 5 Xenotech 1 Dishonest
14 Street Specialist 6 Neurostatics (Machines of War) 2 Negative attitude / Moans a lot
15 Computer Specialist / Hacker 7 Artificial Intelligence 3 Lazy
16 Animal / BIO Handler 8 Computer Science 4 A bit thick
17 Intrusion Specialist 9 Environmental Science 5 No sense of humour
6 Distant / Removed
18 Weapons Expert 10 Crime / Forensics
7 Irritating personality
19 Businessman / Lawyer 8 Greedy
20 Cultural Specialist 9 Cowardly
10 Poor team skills
11 Shoot first, ask questions later
12 Sexist, womaniser / maneater
As an MO it’s your job to reward or punish a division under your command. You can select rewards and punishments as stated in the
Core Rules such as reduction of privileges or extra cash.
The results of these carrot and stick measures are listed below. Bear in mind if you hand out unjust punishments the green division may
go above your head to higher ranking Agents and ask for an appeal of some kind. Too many rewards and the accountants will be asking
questions. A good MO should be able to get results by working with his division and setting them appropriate tasks.
4-5 Marginal Success 1. Get a division member out of UIG custody (legally)
The mission is a success but only just. There is a 10% 2. Prevent a division member dying on a future mission
chance a division member was captured and may need to 3. Allow a single re-roll on the ‘Green Division Success’ table (only
be recovered. once per mission). You must take the new roll.
So have fun with the sects. If your group want to all play Kabuki-
Like all corporations the Ai-Jinn have a number of sub groups (or
Mono and run riot around the streets, scaring the crap out of the
sects) which perform specific functions. When you join a sect it
locals then go for it. If you’d rather add depth to your long-term
does not mean your entire division need to be in it. For example, if
character by having them apply to be in the Hattamoto-Yakko then
you are a member of the Kabuki-Mono you may still operate in a
give it a go.
division made up of normal Agents.
And as a final note, if you’re the GM don’t forget to make some of
The GM may require you to come up with a reason that you are
your NPCs into sect members to make them more memorable and
not with the rest of your clan but this should be seen as adding
character and depth to the Agent, not making weak excuses.
For example, imagine you want to play a member of the Kabuki- ENTERING A SECT
Mono, a wild and terrifying sect, the following reasons could all be Acquiring entry to a sect is requires no XP or downtime,a though
used to explain your placement into a standard division. the prerequisites are rather stringent . However, the benefits of
being a member of a sect are not something that can be acquired
1. The division are considered to be in need of some more in a vacuum, they are the result of entering into an organisation
spontaneity. within an organisation and members may be expected to
undertake work on behalf of their sect as well as their corporation.
2. The rest of your clan was killed.
Though all sects will be loyal to the corporation itself they
3. Your particular skill-set is lacking in the division. nonetheless all have external motivations and their own spheres of
influence to govern.
4. Your clan believe you need some ‘outside training’ to expand
your horizons. Sect members often have access to information that less well
connected employees don't, just one of the perks of being a
5. The division you are joining have need of someone versed in member of an inner circle, this is represented by the following rule;
anti-authoritarian activities.
6. The target of your missions is also of interest to your Kabuki-
Members of a sect gain an automatic contact rating within their
Mono clan.
sect allowing them to acquire internal information relating to
activities the group might be involved in. The contact rating starts
Sects are designed to add interest and direction to your character.
at 3 and increases or decreases whenever the GM decides that a
If a sect requires you to behave in a certain way you should be
character’s actions have been beneficial or detrimental to the
able to use this to enhance your gaming experience rather than
mission of the sect. This is a special contact not available to those
detract from it.
outside of the sect and may not be purchased or increased with
This is really for the GM to rule on. If you have acted against the
interests of your sect then you be expelled or worse. The severity
of the action will depend on what happens to you. For example: It's about time law enforcement got as organized as organized
If you steal from the sect you will most likely be expelled and
disgraced. Rudolph W. Giuliani
If you kill another member you will need to explain yourself to the
rest of the sect. If they are not convinced that your actions were
justified you may find yourself executed.
If you want to voluntarily leave a sect then good luck. Once you
join you become privvy to some very sensitive information and are
consequently expected to remain loyal until death.
Missions & Duties The Kabuki-Mono form the street-level enforcement arm of the Ai-
As the eyes, ears and hands of the Ai-Jinn's leader the Hattamoto- Jinn, ensuring that nobody challenges the corporation’s
Yakko are called in on missions where discretion and absolute, supremacy in the criminal underworld. Their methods are usually
unwavering allegiance are needed. Most often this means deterrent-based; making a single, gruesomely bloody example of
transporting sensitive information, bodyguard duty for V.I.Ps or those who try to muscle in on Ai-Jinn operations often does more
performing the kind of jobs the corporation would rather nobody than a dozen relatively clean hits.
find out about; assassinations, mass-killings and no-witnesses
attacks against UIG assets being prime examples. Organising themselves into extremely close-knit gangs, which they
refer to as 'clans', the Kabuki-Mono represent a living nightmare for
Uniform & Equipment the authorities; street toughs with corporate backing. Local security
One of the jobs of the Hattamoto-Yakko is to represent their and even the UIG are often rendered impotent by these well-
corporation and its ideals well, they are highly paid and are equipped, well-financed and utterly unreasonable hoodlums.
expected to look like it; slovenliness is not tolerated. They are most
commonly seen wearing obscenely expensive tailored suits (off- Some of the most sadistic and aggressive Agents find their way
the-rack just won’t cut it) in flashy styles and colours, formal into the Kabuki-Mono, random acts of unsolicited violence are their
enough to do business in but cut so as not to impede their instrument of choice for keeping a neighbourhood under control
movement when the bullets start flying. Many also sport extensive and so it makes an ideal channel for an Agent that might otherwise
symbolic tattooing or cybernetic skin modifications modelled after prove problematic, as well as teaching them the value of
the gang-tats of the various organised crime groups that make up brotherhood.
the Ai-Jinn.
Missions & Duties
Membership Benefits Divisions of Kabuki-Mono Agents are often given long-term
The Ai-Jinn will throw the full weight of its legal department in your mission assignments within individual cities and largely left to their
defence, reducing any rank point deductions you suffer to 1/4 own devices by the Ai-Jinn. As long as they keep the Ai-Jinn's
(rounded down) of what it should be for your crimes. Being street-level operations running smoothly, and make sure that
reduced below rank 5 may still lead to you being temporarily concerned locals, rival gangs and the authorities are too terrified to
discharged from the Hattamoto-Yakko. try and stop them, the corporation is largely content to just send
resources their way and let them get on with it.
Example. You are looking a a loss of 13 points for various crimes.
Because you are Hattamoto-Yakko this is reduced to 3. Before joining, a potential Kabuki-Mono must perform a mission on
behalf of their clan. Often this is done as much as to bloody their
In addition, you can effectively ignore the universal chain of hands as it is to test their skills. Some examples include:
command when on a mission for the CEO within the Ai-Jinn
corporation. This means you could search a Rank 8’s house 1. Kidnapping, torturing and executing a UIG officer who has been
making trouble for the clan, then leaving the body where the UIG
Their attire is marked by a nauseating riot of colour, texture and
will find it.
style; their communications are broken with the shrieking,
desperate laughter of the clinically insane; and their kills are
2. Fighting to the death in an illegal underground competition such
made with the unpredictable, savage frenzy of a pack of wild
as a bare knuckle boxing match or strap-fight against a superior
dogs. I have seen groups of these lethally dangerous clowns
opponent, for exmaple a machina cultist.
take down Malenbrach in full Erabite armour, interrupting their
hectic, lunatic dances only long enough to drive their blades
3. Joining the clan on an arson-spree, bonus credit is awarded for
repeatedly into joints and eyeguards while our officers’
suggesting interesting or amusing targets.
weapons do nothing but scorch garish silks.
The idea of a clean kill is utterly foreign to them. If you are
4. Springing a clan member from prison in a UIG compound and
called to a crime scene where the Kabuki-Mono have been
making sure the officers responsible learn the magnitude of their
involved, bring many large guns and heavy reinforcements, in
case they have not yet departed; and bring mops and buckets,
in case their work is already finished.
5. Killing twenty members of a local gang who have been muscling
in on Ai-Jinn one night.
attr: UIG Colonel Grant Forterin, address to Eastern Bank
6. Beating up and terrorising the family of a problematic official,
then kidnapping his wife or children if he refuses to back down.
If anything could be considered standard it would be casual, battalion commanders in the world, having earned the fear and
moderately stylish civilian gear and nothing corporate-issue respect of the world during the Corporate Wars. Their use of heavy
anywhere on their person. Most Machi-Yakko ditch their standard armoured vehicles as moving fortresses made the Ai-Jinn army
Agent equipment the first chance they get and buy everything they almost impossible to turn back once it was dug in, thwarting even
need from fences and unlicensed dealers, knowing that even the the attempts of the legendary E.I. air fleet on several occasions.
gun at your hip can be part of your disguise.
Missions & Duties
Membership Benefits The first duty of the Shandian Shuài is obviously to lead the Ai-
All sect members will cultivate a web of underworld contacts, either Jinn's armies into battle. With the (perhaps temporary) end of open
directly or through their sect connections, that ensures they can hostilities between the Corporation-states their operations have
always find what they need, when they need it. Be it drugs, guns, been somewhat reduced in scope but the Shandian Shuài are still
illegal cyberware or simply information, if someone in the valuable to the Ai-Jinn in dealing with the multitude of small
underground has it then a Machi-Yakko can acquire it. skirmishes that break out from time to time. With groups such as
the Cult of Machina becoming ever more sophisticated and well
The number of times per session that they may make use of their equipped, often to the point of being able to field their own heavy
Underground Operations training is equal to half their Presence armour and cyberframes, even the UIG can't deny the efficacy, and
score, rather than simply one. even the practicality, of a tank-brigade in breaking up terrorist
Machi-Yakko receive a free retrofit of their Agent cybernetics to
make them undetectable to conventional scanning and physical
inspection. Their process socket is made to hide seamlessly and Uniform & Equipment
all cybernetic components are sheathed in scan-blocking crystal The Ai-Jinn military possesses its own uniform, ironically modelled
weave mesh. on that of the pre-Corporate Chinese People's Liberation Army.
Officers dress in the Ai-Jinn colours of teal and oxide-brown, with
A Machi-Yakko's Agent upgrades are undetectable by normal all levels of the army possessing notably more and better armour
means, this does not apply to any of their other cybernetics, such than that which is provided to troops from other corporation-states.
as cyberlimbs or an alloy skull, but such augmentations are freely
available to civilians anyway and so can be easily explained away. In the field, the Shandian Shuài uniform consists of officer-pattern
They will still have to adopt certain behaviours to pass as a normal light body armour, armoured greatcoat and peaked hat, though
human, suffering a grievous flesh wound without even flinching will many will possess their own distinctive suit of Guan Yu armour
tend to give the game away. instead.
Membership Benefits
It is no secret that organized crime in America takes in over Shandian Shuài receive the ‘Advanced Command’ Training that
forty billion dollars a year. This is quite a profitable sum, allow them to motivate and coordinate corporate forces with great
especially when one considers that the Mafia spends very efficiency.
little for office supplies. The core of Ai-Jinn military tactics is the application of heavy
armour. As such, members of the Shandian Shuài gain a +4 bonus
Woody Allen on all drive rolls associated with tanks, armoured cars and APC's.
As long as they can observe the terrain and make contact with
other drivers, they may also confer a +2 drive bonus on a number
of other drivers equal to their Presence score.
SHANDIAN SHUAI Finally, all Shandian Shuài of rank 3 or above receive a free suit of
Guan Yu armour (page.52).
'Computer, load music-file Wagner oh-two, "Ride of the
Valkyries". Play it loud.'
- attr. Ai-Jinn Tank Commander Yu Shai Tung, during the third
New Korea Pacification.
Shandian Shuai
AKA: Iron Dragons, Storm Commanders
A Shandian Shuài member may spend a Conviction point and
Rank 2, Drive 6, Assess Tech 6, Heavy Firearms 7, Attitude 8,
make a 'Presence + Attitude' roll as a full action, if successful
Command Training, Vehicle License (Military), must have been
their XS on the roll is converted into temporary Conviction
division leader during at least ten separate combat encounters
points that may be divided among any Ai-Jinn or allied troops
versus significantly superior forces.
(including Agents) within earshot. A Shandian Shuài may not
benefit personally from any Conviction generated in this way.
The Ai-Jinn possess vast armoured infantry forces, the largest
Unspent temporary Conviction is lost at the end of the scene.
land-army of all the corporations. At the head of these forces is the
Shandian Shuài, the corporation's military command branch. The
Shandian Shuài are possibly the most renowned armoured
Asia has a history of making some of the best jungle fighters in the THE AI-JINN TIGER PLATOON (AKA TIGER PATROLS)
world and the Ai-Jinn have ensured that this tradition has
These are essentially Agents but their training is orientated
continued, following in the footsteps of such groups as:
towards jungle warfare. Although there is not nearly as much
jungle in the world as there was 500 years ago, it is still abundant
The Vietnamese Vietcong
enough for the Ai-Jinn to maintain a Tiger Platoon.
The Malaysian Royal Ranger Regiment
The Philipine Army Scout Rangers
The Platoon consists of 25 Agents who train together and are
The Gurkhas (Nepal)
essentially one large Division. More often they are split up either
The Special Warfare Command (China)
into 5 squads of 5 Agents or sometimes an individual is assigned
The Singapore Army Combat Trackers
to a standard Agent division either to expand his training or to allow
The Tamil Tigers (Sri Lanka)
the division to benefit from his jungle skills.
“This place is a fuckin’ shithole. Remind me why we’re here Mendez pulled a second rifle off her back, rolled backwards off
again?” the log she was seated on and dug in, scanning the trees for
“Shut your mouth Kowalski. I’ll let you know when you need to signs of the attacker. Adams and Connor stood back to back,
know.” slowly treading a circle, covering all angles.
“C’mon major, we never signed up for this shit, that damn snake
nearly” “What the fuck are hostiles doing out here Major?”
“I said shut your mouth lieutenant. We’re supposed to be fuckin’ “I have no idea Sergeant. Mendez, do you see anything?”
Mendez looked up from behind the fallen tree, flicking her vision
The five marines pushed onwards, hacking their way through into thermal she scanned the area. The red-white shapes of
walls of thorn-vines, so sharp and hard they threatened to open Adams and Connor but nothing elsewait.a flicker of. A
wounds and sever strapping. massive, stinking hand grabbed Mendez hard around the jaw
and yanked sharply. She just registered the serrated knife sawing
Hours later, as the shadow of dusk descended over the jungle, across her throat but it was too late.
Major Connor called a halt. “Marines, according to the GPS we’re
less than a mile from target. We’re not stopping this close so get “ you see anything.”
out your night vision and let’s press on. Good news is that if intel
is accurate, we’ll be able to make a secure camp within the target Then a noise like a twig snapping, somewhere to the left; both
zone.” marines spun around.
“This had better be fuckin’ good,” muttered Kowalski. “I don’t see “Something out there sergeant, you see it?”
why we can’t know what the hell we’re risking our lives for?”
“She sees nothing now, dog.”
“You wanna take a leaf outta her book.” said Adams, nodding
towards the lean frame of Sgt. Mendez who had taken the brief “What the” Connor lashed backwards with an elbow, but it was
pause as an opportunity to strip-clean her rifle. to no avail, a male, 30 maybe 40 years old, dressed in
blackened, muddy fatigues, sniper rifle slung over his shoulder
Kowalski grinned, “If she’s gonna strip something it’s gonna stood behind him; he held a serrated knife millimetres from the
be..” Major’s throat. Branches and foliage were sticking out of matted
hair and the facial features were almost disappearing beneath
Wet chunks of tissue spattered across Adams’ face. layers of filth. Adams was dead on the floor, his neck broken and
“Shit.hostiles.take cover!” head mostly sawn off.
Kowalski lay broken on the floor, his skull in two pieces some He spoke in English with a strong Chinese accent, “I know why
three feet apart, only the shattered jawbone still hanging onto the you’re here gweilo. And I know you’ve brought the codes, so let’s
neck by threads of muscle. go for a little walk.”
2. They are commonly tattooed with tigers, normally roaring, Jungle Armour
leaping or stealthing and backed by the Chinese symbol for tiger. All armour with an AV of 2 or more owned by Tiger Patrols is
patterned in a jungle camo lamina and upgraded with some basic
3. They tend never to wear suits, being more at home in simple modifications for free. Modern jungles tend to be darker than 21st
fatigues and normally sporting machetes and kinetic weapons century ones so the camo is more of a black / khaki mix.
which are easy to maintain in the field.
4. They tend to be muddy, unshaven and smell of the jungle. This confers a +2 bonus to stealth or hiding rolls in jungle
Insect Repellent
If you’re in an area where insect bites may prove a problem the
repellent units in the suit will reduce the chances of you being
bitten. If you are bitten by an insect roll a D10, on a 1-8 you can
ignore the bite. This should only normally be rolled when the insect
may carry a nasty pathogen.
Cooling Materials
This is unlikely to affect your game very much but if dehydration
from heat is ever an issue Tiger Armour keeps its user relatively
cool and reduces sweating, thus staving off dehydration for a few
Jungle Defences
You are adept at avoiding the perils of the jungle. For example,
identifying plant toxins, finding safe food, detecting quicksand,
avoiding parasites, finding suitable campsites, spotting ambushes,
PLAYING TIGER PLATOON AGENTS etc. Normally the GM should just let you avoid them but if a roll is
appropriate then you should receive a +4.
Tiger Platoon are extremely useful, even when not in jungle
This does not extend to such incidents as fighting jungle creatures
environments. They excel at making the most of a situation and are
or falling off cliffs.
very resourceful. You may create your character as a Tiger Patrol
or use a downtime action to undergo the selection process. As long
Ghosts of the Jungle
as you have the prerequisites below and agree to adhere to the
Tigers are at home in the jungle and leave less evidence of their
downtime demands you are considered to pass.
presence than the animals themselves. Anyone attempting to track
a Tiger incurs a -10 penalty. The Tigers themselves gain +2 to all
PREREQUISITES Stealth checks when in a jungle or forest environment; this stacks
with their camo armour.
Ai-Jinn Agent
Survival Training Kinetic Field Repair
Tactical Firearms 5 Tigers are taught to maintain their weapons in the field. They gain
Close Combat 5 the training ‘Kinetic Field Repair’ for free. See page 16.
Stealth 5
Physical Stats (Str / End / Agi) all at 7+ Trappers
Tigers gain the Trap Building Training for free (see the Eastern
BONUSES Bank). If you don’t have this book the GM should simply allow you
to construct effective traps without making difficult rolls.
Tiger Patrols are required to carry a kinetic tactical firearm when on
duty. They may choose one for free upon completing training. They
are also required to carry machetes (treat as short swords) which
again, they receive for free upon completion of training.
Ai-Jinn Tiger Patrol
Tigers are required to maintain their skills and must therefore give
up 50% of their downtime actions in order to travel to jungle
environments and train with the rest of the platoon. (Round up.)
Anyone who spends any amount of time in the Tiger Platoon loses
their urban sophistication pretty quickly. For this reason you
receive a -6 to all rolls which the GM considers require etiquette,
tact or sophistication. The GM should use discretion to decide
which rolls should be penalised, for example, taking tea with a Shi
Yukiro Agent would require the penalty, sharing a drink with a biker
gang would not.
Even if the Tigers are given time to clean up they seldom will, the
layers of muck and heavy, earthy smells they carry around with
them are highly desirable in a jungle environment. Losing them is
always somewhat of a disappointment to a Tiger who will try to
address the issue as soon as possible.
Around the time pre-natal genetic engineering became widely THE LAW
available (circa 2090) there were many in the world who opted to
The UIG, in 2299, passed an amnesty stating that metahumans
tamper with the genes of their children in order to eliminate
had 12 months to turn themselves in for assessment, gene-
potential illnesses and defects. There were, of course, those who
cleansing and sterilisation. This would be means-tested and any
took this a step further and not only sought to eliminate problems
citizen who could not afford the treatment would be subsidised. To
but also to augment and refine the next generation that they might
the Dynasties this was nothing short of genetic castration and the
be better suited to their pre-determined role in life.
idea of losing both their hereditary advantages and ability to bear
children was unthinkable. By further pledging their unending and
In the western world controls were strict and punishments severe
total loyalty to the Ai-Jinn they have achieved a state of near-
and although a little of this gene manipulation went on, it was
immunity from UIG investigation.
generally subtle or a one-off. In the east, however, the Daegu
Genelab (see page 81 of the Eastern Bank), a pioneering institute
After an enormous legal battle the Dynasties occupy a position
with strong (but illicit) government backing opened its services to
within a legislative grey area. The Ai-Jinn has managed to get
anyone with money and contacts.
them classified as scientific cases and not citizens. They are not
considered BIOs and so may reside on the Earth but equally are
This unsurprisingly was taken up by a number of privileged,
not permitted to free roam. The added fact that one of the
wealthy, influential and aristocratic families who had strong ties
legislators high up in the Asian UIG is secretly part of the Hien
with government officials. These families had, throughout East
Dynasty has ensured that these rather clumsy and arguably weak
Asia’s development, played a significant role and many could trace
laws are nonetheless permitted (this officer goes by the name of
their roots back hundreds of years. Each considered itself pivotal
Hun Lo Gen).
in certain areas of industry, research or culture and felt that by
genegineering their offspring, the child’s affinity to certain careers
To surmise the Dynasty Mandate has the following guidelines:
could be increased, thus consolidating their positions of power.
1. A member of a Dynasty is considered to be an individual of
The project initially began well. Despite its dubious moral
significant genetic match to one of the following families: The
methodology Daegu is one of the world’s leading genegineering
Kang, The Ling Kao, The Tao, The Ang Fen or The Hien.
labs and produces extremely reliable, repeatable results. Families
were producing children whose potential dwarfed that of their
2. A Dynasty Member must not leave a UIG approved lab unless
parents. When they matured and took on positions within the
for transportation to a morgue or other UIG sanctioned facility. If a
family business not only were they extremely competent but they
member is outside one of these locations they are subject to
seldom thought of other careers or taking off on sabbaticals.
termination with no recourse for compensation or legal action.
Several cases of child executives arose where 14 year olds were
heading meetings or acting as trouble-shooters for the family. This
3. Dynasty Members must always carry an ID Chip identifying
was perhaps the heyday of the Metahuman Dynasties but it was
them as such.
not long before things started to turn sour.
4. Dynasty Members are not citizens. They are considered the
The modern practise of sterilising metahumans has its roots in the
property of the Ai-Jinn Corporation and any infractions of the law
Huang Zuhou families, where the results of sustained and
they cause are considered the actions of the Ai-Jinn Corporation.
profound gene manipulation over generations could be studied
first hand.
5. The UIG may at any time inspect a Dynasty holding facility to
ensure its suitability and that all actions performed within said
Genegineered cells are inherently unstable and nowadays those
facility are legal.
who have them are required to be gene-cleansed every six
months. For the Huang Zuhou Dynasties, however, the ruling
Although, as noted in point 5, the UIG are able to inspect dynasty
simply does not apply. For a combination of reasons which include
holding facilities they seldom do. The Ai-Jinn are known to be
tradition, Ai-Jinn intervention and the corruption of the system the
intolerant of this type of disrespect and will often take action
dynasties have been living unsterilised and without gene cleansing
against the inspecting officer’s family and those who ordered the
for over 400 years, their seed becoming ever more tainted and
inspection. This alone is normally enough to deter the UIG but the
twisted until some would not even be recognised as human.
added influence of officer Hun Lo Gen tends to make inspection a
The Ai-Jinn have made an art out of secrecy at almost every PLAYING DYNASTY STRAINS
level of their business and this, predictably, extends to their
It is quite feasible to play a Dynasty Member (a.k.a. Strain) but
management ethos. While nominally adhering to the standard
there are some key things to remember. In this section it is
Corporate structure, a roughly pyramidal construction flowing
assumed that you want to play an Ai-Jinn Agent Dynasty Strain. If
down from an effective oligarchy of C-level executives, the Ai- you are thinking of playing them in another way you may need to
Jinn also maintain a parallel hierarchy at the highest tiers: an make a few common sense alterations.
enigmatic dynastic subculture that completely bypasses
Corporate convention and harks back to three millennia of ID CHIP
Chinese history. You will be killed immediately if you are discovered. Fortunately as
an Ai-Jinn Agent you would receive your alternate ID which you
The UIG remains maddeningly tight-lipped on the subject, and can use to store all your licenses etc. Any Dynasty Strain who was
no Agent of this or any other Corporation has ever been formally an Agent would be advised to spend 99.99% of their time with the
introduced to any of the Dynasts, although contrarily – and alternate ID, making it their primary character. This gives them the
frustratingly – their influence is often cited to outsiders as a disadvantage that they cannot switch to a safer ID if the UIG get
major factor in the Corporation’s business decisions. Some too close. It would be next to impossible to play a non-Ai-Jinn
Dynasty Strain Agent as you could not apply for licenses or even
suggest that the Dynasts no longer survive, the sustained myth
pass selection.
of their existence merely employed as a proxy tool in the Ai-
Jinn’s intra-Corporate dealings; a veil of secret understanding
whose main purpose is to firmly separate the Ai-Jinn from the APPEARANCE
barbarians. Some Dynasty Strains have extremely distinctive appearances or
demeanours. This can make it easy for well trained officers and
But I respectfully submit that, given that Corporation’s Agents to identify you irrespective of what it says on your ID chip.
propensity for concealment and intrigue, it is entirely possible
that at least some of the Dynasts are operating actively in the FITTING IN
field, hiding in plain sight behind the Ai-Jinn’s byzantine layers Dynasty Strains are extremely focused and may suffer in the
of deception. In this context, it would behove our strategic modern corporate arena. For example, the Kang Strain find it
planning section to accurately log, correlate, and pattern any extremely hard to maintain conversations with normal people. This
and all anomalous events – and anecdotal evidence suggests a is not only awkward for the Agent; it can be tricky for the player.
Though if the player is willing to take on the challenge it can be
remarkably high preponderance of these – in every dealing our
enormous fun.
Agents have with the Ai-Jinn, whether commercial or tactical. To
accurately locate the true power centres of this Corporation
would lend us a significant advantage in our efforts to control its
Dynasty Strains get the Metahuman Training (see The Eastern
Bank) for free at character creation as they were born that way. If
you don’t have The Eastern Bank then just ignore this point.
- from The Dragon Awoken: Threat Analysis, Ai Jinn Corporation
attr: Michael Kaspillis, EI anthropologer/geopolitical analyst
The Dynasty Strains are understandably proud of their names and
[SUPRESSED 3.12.2502, /unknownadmin] do not like to hide them. If you decide to play an Agent from a
[DELETED 4.12.2502, /unknownadmin] Dynasty Strain then your true surname will be that of the family.
For example, if your first name is Chonara and you are of the Kang
dynasty you will be Chonara Kang.
THE KANG DYNASTY Kang Strains gain an extra 5 points to spend on skills at character
creation which can be assigned anywhere except Telepathics.
Area of Expertise Industrial Science & Mathematics Their skills can only be increased to 10 as normal.
Location Enlight Archology, Kazakhstan
Family Size 144 Members Kang Strain are known for their inability to interact with other
humans. Their Attitude, Psychology and Lying & Acting can never
The Kang family specialise in high level theoretical mathematics exceed 3.
and science. They have been a strong influence on the Chinese
technology industry since the mid 1900’s and were highly pivotal in Sleep
the development of the magna-rail. The Kang have always been Kang Strain do not sleep, they busy themselves on other tasks
staunch supporters of the Ai-Jinn contributing to the technology such as researching, reading or study. This extra learning time
behind the cyberlin and lending their expertise to the space grants them 1 additional XP each time XP is awarded. This bonus
program. XP should be noted separately as it can only be spent on the
following skills. It does contribute towards Agent level though.
The family themselves are fairly reclusive, unwilling to fraternise
with anyone but the Ai-Jinn’s direct representatives. This is for two Arts and Culture
main reasons: Assess Tech
Firstly their genetic predisposition to research is now so overriding Computers and A.I.
that they are consumed by it. Generally speaking they do not sleep Corp Knowledge
and find themselves at a loss, getting frustrated and even violent Mechtronics
when unable to put their minds into use. You might imagine it as an Science
eagle in a cage pulling its own feathers out.
Secondly they are so intellectually advanced that speaking with THE LING KAO DYNASTY
‘normals’ would be like an adult trying to discuss politics with a 3
year old. The Kang can only find companionship or even decent Area of Expertise Traditional Martial Arts
conversation with true intellectuals (those with Intelligence of at Location Shanghai Spire, China
least 9). Family Size 65 Members
The family reside within the Enlight Archology in Kazakhstan. This The Ling Kao Dynasty has a long tradition in China of running
building is a wonderful blend of Middle-Eastern influences and its martial art schools. It is said that some of their direct descendents
multi-spired layout allows the Kang family to inhabit their own were teaching unarmed skills before firearms were even invented.
tower which is closed off from everyone with the exception of
maintenance and Ai-Jinn Agents. To this day they still maintain a fierce dedication to old-world
weaponry and refuse point blank to use guns. Their bodies and
SYSTEM reflexes are honed to a physical peak and their joints are so supple
and refined they can perform moves others would consider
The Kang Dynasty Strain gain an extra +2 Intelligence at character
In exchange for the Ai-Jinn’s sanctuary the Ling Kao offer perhaps
creation and have their natural ability maxium for intelligence
the best martial arts training in the world. Only the Shi Yukiro’s
increased to 13. The Kang are not particularly lacking in other
Masters can rival their teachings and as such there are a number
areas so all other STATS can reach 10 as normal.
of new Trainings available which are exclusive to those who have
been lucky enough to study under a Ling Kao or Shi Yukiro Master
Telepathic Sensitivity
(see page 11).
The Kang physiology has evolved at the cost of telepathy. Kang
Strains may not take any telepathic skills or trainings and if any
The Ling Kao are obvious choices as Agents, they are single
telepathics are used within 5 metres of them they take 1HP of
minded and purposeful. The size of the family is quite small
damage per 2 levels of the power as their sensitive brains and
however and so they are reluctant to send their kin into the firing
nervous systems contort under the psion energy. (This would be in
line. Most of their debt to the Ai-Jinn is paid through the teaching
addition to any damage from a telepathic attack if the attacker were
school they run at the Shanghai Spire and so the lack of Ling Kao
within 5 metres.)
within the Agent ranks is acceptable.
This damage cannot be repaired by medical technology and must
For those who do choose to embark on the Agent training program
be healed naturally. See page 147 of the Core Rules for healing
the combination of genetics, training and augmentation technology
can be ferocious to say the least.
For example, a fellow Agent uses Biokinesis 8 to heal himself. His
nearby Kang ally takes 4 damage. As the Kang Agent is on active SYSTEM
duty and has Endurance 6 it will take 8 hours to heal the damage.
Ling Kao can increase both their natural Agility and Reflexes to 11.
Master Shen Ling Kao of the Ling Kao Dynasty
unprecedented rate.
It might have been wise at this point to segregate those who had
Area of Expertise Telepathics been altered and limit the damage but the effect on their telepathic
Location Karachi Spire abilities was so amplified that the Ang Fen would not listen to
Family Size 177 Members sense. They employed a different army of genegineers whose task
was to keep the mutations under control rather than reverse the
The Ang Fen, over time, learned to live with and even relish this
vile combination of twisted body and potent mind. Such was their
dedication that even the children were surgically altered at birth to
see whether their young bodies would deal any better with the
So far no real progress has been made but a few cases of limited
mutation have arisen. These individuals seem to have a resistance
to the battery of psion particles and mutate at a far slower rate than
their kin. These members are the ones who are normally assigned
as Agents or family diplomats, the rest of them being too hideous
or deformed to make social meetings.
The Ang Fen, as a family, now have very little purpose. They live
in sterile isolation in the Karachi Spire, revelling in their
mutagenesis. Many live in stabiliser tanks or wired up to gene-
Bak Tae Hung Ang Fen
Ang Fen can spend 2 additional STAT points at character creation
These monstrous beings have been the subject of so much
on Intelligence, Perception or Presence. You may choose two of
genegineering that their entire gene-set has become corrupted.
these STATS to have their natural maximums increased to 12.
They initially began as an intelligent family of socialites, known for
their intuitive personalities and engaging conversation. As time
passed and understanding grew the family began to realise it was
Ang Fen gain an additional 5 points to spend on telepathic skills at
mild latent telepathics which were responsible for the predilection
character creation. These skills cannot be taken above 10.
to social discourse. As the biology and physics of telepathy
became better understood the family employed genegineers to try
and augment the telepathic part of the brain (the Advani
Ang Fen are extremely resistant to psion-energy and any
Apparatus), hopefully expanding their mild talents into a more
telepathics targeted against them can be ignored if they pass an
powerful and controllable form of telepathy.
‘Intelligence + Relevant Telepathic Power’ check. The telepathic
power should be the same one used against them so to resist
Sadly the family were effectively guinea pigs for a group of
being hit with Assault, the Ang Fen should roll ‘Intelligence +
scientists who now go by the name ‘The Progenitors of Zion’.
Assault’. Success means the power has no effect.
These scientists were in fact instrumental in the ascension of the
Comoros corporation and now occupy an important position within
Telepathic Might
their ranks. They saw the Ang Fen as corrupt, materialistic groups
The Ang Fen have much larger Advani Apparatus than normal
of inbreeds whose lives could help millions become more
telepaths. This allows them to make a single, concentrated effort
enlightened and peaceful.
which can have devastating effects.
The experiments were a disaster; the link between the telepathy
and psion rifts was poorly understood and the manipulation of the
They can thus take the ‘Telepathic Might’ training and do not have
Advani Apparatus caused these minuscule, controlled rifts to spiral
to spend a conviction point to use it.
out of control. In essence it was like subjecting the patients to
continual high doses of radiation. The problem was that the source
Psion Overload
of the mutation was inside the patients head and could not be
The sheer quantity of psion energy bursting into the mind of an
removed. Their DNA was continually battered from every side and
Ang Fen can occasionally be overwhelming. Ang Fen critically fail
unable to repair itself. Under these conditions the bodies of those
all telepathy rolls of a double 9 and a double 10 unless it is their
who had undergone operations began to mutate at an
profession in which case it is only 10/10.
The doors hissed open behind him and, exactly as he had been PLOT IDEAS
instructed, Agent Wu backed carefully into the darkness of the
Eurydice Pavilion, a hundred and forty-four floors up in the For Ai-Jinn
Karachi Spire. He took steady, measured steps backwards, 1. Comoros Agents have broken into the Karachi Spire and taken
stopping only when the lights came up. They revealed a two of the Ang Fen children away with them. Your division must
recover them.
sumptuous chamber, lavishly embellished with the most
gorgeous decorations; but, Wu noted, there was no gold or any 2. A Dynasty member needs to travel to Italy to meet with a
other metal, not even any lacquer. Nothing at all, in fact, that contact. You must escort them there and ensure they are not
would permit even the slightest reflection. detained or discovered by the UIG.
3. Two of the Dynasty families are feuding. Your division must act
As the doors slid closed again in front of him, Wu heard a loud
as arbiters and resolve the dispute.
wet slurping noise from behind, and held himself very still. As
he had been warned, the voice arrived directly into his mind. It 4. For your less than exemplary behaviour the division are
was not particularly unpleasant; the voice was soft, reassuring, assigned as the ‘staff’ to attend to the domestic needs of the Ang
warm. Fen family.
Special 30,000¢ 300 Metres Rate 1 EMPS Immune
The A-HAB is an emplacement weapon which must normally be mounted on a vehicle to use. It has a pivot mounting affording it a
360 degree firing arc as well as a possible elevation of +/- 45 degrees. The A-HAB is commonly used to stop large vehicles which
it does with amazing ease, especially in the hands of a skilled user. In the hands of Agents and UIG it has also been used to stop
rogue droids and even impair the functioning of a cyberlin.
The harpoon is attached to the launcher via a 300 metre cable. This allows it to use the power cell integrated into the launcher to
deliver a massive EMP charge.
If you penetrate the armour you deal 50 EMP damage to the vehicle.
If you don’t, then you deal 5D10 EMP damage to the vehicle.
Targeting Military Vehicles – You can attempt to target the engine compartment of a vehicle. This requires you to take a -6 penalty
on the attack roll but if you succeed you have an opportunity to take down military vehicles. They are considered to have an EMP
of 40 against such an attack.
The Ragefire utilises a recently developed injury mechanism which, via a beam of focused microwave energy, burns the target with
such ferocity that the area struck is normally irrecoverably incinerated.
This is a ranged weapon capable of dealing Pulping Attacks. (See MoW page 132.)
It also stands a chance to randomly pulp body parts. In this case if any two of the damage dice roll a 6, then a random body part is
pulped providing sufficient damage has been dealt.
The basic pulping system has been re-printed in the appendix if you do not have Machines of War. This weapon uses Energy Cells
at the same rate as a heavy weapon. I.e. 1 Cell provides 3 shots.
The Ripjack autopistol is horrendously ammunition-hungry, devastatingly powerful, barks like a mad cyberwolf, is easy to conceal
and has been nearly banned more often than almost any other street-level weapon. As a result, the Ai-Jinn love it. Uses SMART
ammunition as a Tactical Firearm rather than a Light Firearm.
*Bulk-buy contracts with Yaeger & Stanton allow Ai-Jinn Agents to purchase Ripjacks at a 500¢ discount, for a total of 2500¢.
These weapons are all built by Tracer Li who are famous for their industrial cybernetic systems. (see Machines of War).
These weapons are not illegal and you do not need a license to use one. They may only be legally carried and used in zones denoted
as ‘industrial’. In commercial or domestic areas they must be stowed in UIG approved storage containers.
This weapon is a broad line plasma cutter used for chopping large pieces of metal into sections. The weapon resembles a canon
but has a much heavier and more robust construction. The muzzle tapers out to just over a foot in width, although its height does
not change.
When used it fires a 2 foot wide linear plasma projection up to 10 feet away. This line has tremendous severing power and can
easily cut a reinforced steel joist in two with one cut. These machines are commonly used by the Ai-Jinn in wrecking yards. The
weapon is held in two hands and powered by a fission cell mounted in a backpack. The cell has enough power for 20 discharges
before needing to be replaced (Cost 1000¢). This is a plasma weapons and follows normal plasma weapons overheat rules.
This weapon does not deal damage is the conventional manner. Instead it ignores all AV and cuts through anything with less than
40HP automatically. You can take a penalty as on page 146 of the Core Rules to initiate a sever on a target. Needless to say,
severing is automatic on any human like targets.
If you just attack in the standard manner you should roll for a random sever each time it is used.
This item is used in clean-up jobs to remove layers of paint or filth from large pieces of metal; typically ship hulls, tank tracks or
recyclable metals. The unit consists of a gun which is held in two hands and a backpack which contains a concentrated solution of
talanic acid. When the trigger is pulled the solution is fired out in an arc. The width of the arc can be adjusted so the jet can be
concentrated in a small area or sprayed over a large one.
The talanic acid compound is oxyphilic meaning it is designed not to damage pristine structural components but instead to eat away
at organic and eroding areas.
After effect If you have been damaged by the spray you continue to take D6 damage a round until you are dead or the
solution is neutralised by a strong alkali.
Note: If you are wearing a totally sealed, high condition (6+) suit then you take no damage from spray or jet.
The thrower takes 8.8 litres of acid which is enough for 10 uses. A refill consists of a bag of concentrate which is diluted with water.
This costs 150¢.
2D10+20 Dam 9,000¢ Close Range Rate 1 EMPS 18
This heavy piece of machinery is held in two hands by someone with strength 10+ and an artificial skeleton such as a Tracer Li or
a Reaver. The hammer uses an electromagnetic mass driver to slam the impact head forward with an unprecedented level of power.
It is sometimes used by emergency services to punch open stuck doors or by wrecking crews and salvagers.
System: The hammer can act as a heavy close combat weapon but does not gain a bonus based on your Strength. The weapon
randomly pulps a body part (see back of book) if either of the damage dice roll a 10 and sufficient damage has been caused.
It can also be used to initiate pulping attacks at close range by taking a penalty and dealing damage as stated in the pulping rules.
No Skeleton!?
If you don’t have an artificial skeleton then each time you use the hammer you take D6 points of damage which armour does not
Armour Damage
In addition each time the weapon hits a target, if they were wearing armour it loses one point of AV as the hammer smashes the
plates and tears apart the weave. Very soft armour such as reinforced clothing will not be affected. The GM should request the
Agent pay a relative fee to get the armour repaired.
For example, armour with AV 6 costing 1000¢ that has lost 3AV could cost around 500¢ to repair.
The hammer is powered by a fission cell mounted in a backpack. The cell has enough power for 100 discharges before needing to
be replaced (Cost 1000¢).
The blade of the balisword is hidden between two lengths of wood which fold out to provide the handle. This is effectively a larger
version of the traditional balisong knife. Because of this the balisword has some special properties.
When folded away the weapon is very easy to conceal. It is only a few feet in length and looks like a short stick or walking cane.
When in this state it can be used as a club following the normal rules. (Dam D6+Str / Rate 2)
These darts are composed of a cellulose polysaccharide chain which, when exposed to air or moisture, begin to dissolve. The end
result is that within D3 minutes of delivering their payload they have broken down into undetectable base materials; primarily carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen.
The disadvantage of these darts is that they cannot be loaded into a weapon in advance as they start breaking down as soon as
their vacuum sealed wraps are opened. For this reason you must spend one action opening the dart and another loading the gun
immediately before firing. This wastes two actions and as such this weapon is not very useful in a fire fight. Its more common
function is as a stealthy assassin’s weapon.
Damage – These weapons deal one point of damage which means they require very careful aiming at totally unarmoured targets.
Note that if you have the ‘Toxic Combat Training’, (page 16 of MoW) then you can unwrap and load the dart as a single action. If
you also have the ‘Rapid Reload Training’ (page 15 of MoW), then the whole process can be completed as a free action.
If you do not follow the procedure each round there is a cumulative 10% chance the dart will not fire and you end up with a dose
of toxin in your weapon which will need to be cleaned out.
These function in exactly the same way as standard injector darts, (see page 44 of the Core Rules). However they contain a tiny
dose of haemavine which acts to seal the entry hole made by the dart; this serves two purposes.
1. It forces the dart out of the target.
2. It removes any sign that the target was shot with a dart.
The ultimate dart for clean assassinations, it combines the properties of the Auto-Healing Injector Dart and the Dissolving Injector
Dart to give a completely evidence-free assassination experience.
member adds individual orange decals such as tiger stripes, blood
spatter effects, cartoon characters, kill tallies, corporation logos
etc. When inside the suit the user’s voice is intentionally distorted
and mechanical; this is designed to intimidate and is obviously
successful as a similar system is used with the Malenbrach. Guan
Yu does not confer the Voice of Authority bonus, unfortunately.
Anyone wearing a suit gains -6 to all stealth related checks as the
suit is extremely bulky and makes a lot of whining and grinding
noises when in use.
Anyone can learn to use the Guan Yu. As long as you have
access to a suit to practice you can purchase this Training at
the normal cost. Note that all Ai-Jinn Agents gain this Training
for free at character creation. If you do not have an instructor
you can still learn to use the suit but it requires another 10xp
and an additional 4 weeks of downtime.
Without this training the suit is unusable.
Cost 20,000¢ Ports 1
AV Bonus +6 AV This upgrade can be installed multiple times. For each psi-shield
Maximum Agility 8* installed the level of all telepathic effects directed against the suit’s
Strength +4 wearer are reduced by one; this includes your own.
Stealth -6 (This can place you in negative numbers)
Attitude Bonus Anyone in Guan Yu gains +1 Attitude. ECM Field
EMPS The suit is immune to EMP. Any installed Cost 15,000¢
upgrade modules have an EMPS of 30. Ports 2
Invisibility Fields These are only half as effective as normal and Electronic countermeasures prevent the targeting systems used in
so people only gain -4 to spot you, not -8. A.I.-controlled turrets, droids and guided missiles from getting an
accurate lock by electronically jamming their systems.
*This applies to Trained Ai-Jinn only. Anyone not trained in the
armour’s use has a maximum Agility of 4. Note that this stacks with Attempts by automated or guided weapon systems to attack a
the Ai-Jinn ‘Clanger’ Training so the maximum Agility will increase wearer of a Guan Yu suit equipped with an ECM field suffer a -8
to +10. penalty.
The Maximum Agility of the suit is reduced to 7. The suit needs to Optical Package
be fitted with a new movement chip to compensate for the Cost 5,000¢
additional weight which uses a single Uni-Grade port. This cannot Ports 1
be used in conjunction with the Anti Grav Booster Unit upgrade. If This integrated optical package allows the wearer to see in infra
you have the Clanger Training you can ignore the drop in red and thermal.
Maximum Agility.
Combat Talons
Micro-Shock Outfitting Cost 3,000¢
Cost 6,000¢ Ports 1
Ports 1 A set of razor-sharp, retractable durasteel talons are fitted into the
Micro-Shock Absorbers are installed into the lower joints of the suits arms. They can be extended as a reflex and do not even
Guan Yu suit as well as a regulator chipset which allows the require a free action. They allow the use to add +5 to each
shocks to react appropriately to sudden impacts. The user unarmed close combat strike and ignore 2 points of AV. You may
considers all drops 50 metres lower for the purposes of calculating suffer a small GM imposed penalty if you attempt some action with
damage as long as they land on their feet. This means an Agent in the talons extended. E.g. -2 to fire tactical weapons.
Guan Yu with this augmentation can jump from a 52 metre height
before needing to worry about damage. Accidental falls where you The talons grant +4 to all climbing based rolls but this does not
don’t land on your feet are treated normally. stack with other climbing aids such as palm thorns or ropes.
These are often installed into an entire squad’s suits so they can
rapid-deploy from hover copters in urban environments. Adaptive Camouflage Lamina
Cost 3,000¢
GM note: For simplicity you can consider a typical building level is Ports 1
3 metres meaning the Agent can jump out of a 17 storey window A variant of polychromatic paint is applied to the suit and then a
without any risk to herself. tough photo-electric polymer is layered over. The polymer detects
the colour makeup of the ambient environment and passes the
Port Splitter information to the paint which responds by changing its
Cost 20,000¢ pigmentation. The end result is chameleon-like ability for the suit
Ports 0 to change its pattern and colour based upon the environment. The
The Guan Yu design is very old and has been tried and tested for lamina is also connected to a CPU inside the suit which allows the
decades. For this reason alterations to the core design are tricky user to select from a number of presets such as desert camo,
and disproportionally expensive. The Port Splitter can be snow camo, jungle camo, Mars camo, pure black, parade colours,
purchased a maximum of three times and each installation gives sentry colours, formal insignias etc.
the Guan Yu suit an extra port. This means that you can have a The subject gains +3 to Stealth checks when wearing the suit.
maximum of 8 ports on your suit.
Integrated Sound Suppression System
Med-Station Cost 4,000¢
Cost 6,000¢ Ports 1
Ports 1 A modified sound suppression system allows the suit to operate
The Guan Yu has a small med-station installed into it, which silently. The system is superior to a standard Sound Absorption
attaches to the user via set of needles inserted into the chest. At Field as the user is still able to hear incoming noise and he can use
the beginning of each round, if the user has taken damage it heals his smeaker and comm. devices normally.
her a maximum of 15HP even if the user is unconscious. The med- The user gains +3 to Stealth checks when wearing the suit.
station contains enough haemavine to heal 50HP. Then a new H-
Pack must be purchased which costs 1200¢. This replaces a
normal medpack.
Armoured Storage
Cost Varies
Ports 1 (This single port controls all compartments)
Armoured Storage compartments are added to various parts of the Guan Yu suit.
For every 6 points of storage your maximum Agility is reduced by 1. For example, if you have 1 medium and 2 small, you will be
unaffected. If you were to add another medium space, your max agility would be reduced by 1.
You can have a maximum of 12 points of storage installed. The compartments are opened by reflex command (hence the need for
a port) and are well armoured (AV 6). They do not contribute to your overall AV.
Nakamori backed up two measured paces, out of the faint pool of armoured Agent dropped noisily to one knee and brought up its
sulphur-yellow light trickling down from many stories above. Long other arm; a series of muzzle flashes seared the alley for a
seconds whispered past before the other Agent emerged from moment and Nakamori grunted as shrapnel spattered from the
the shadows into the murky glow, and Nakamori’s grip tightened walls and a line of fire tore across his right shoulder.
on his ion katana as his eyes picked out details. The dirty ochre
light slid off the harsh angles of armour plate, bolted in many Years of gruelling training as a boy had left Nakamori able to cut
layers to a recognisably human frame, rendering its proportions almost as accurately with one hand as with two. A long step took
monstrous. Even in the semidarkness of the alley, the Shi Yukiro him inside his opponent’s range as he hefted the ion katana; he
Agent could make out the pitting of rust and corrosion around flicked the blade on halfway through its downward arc, shut it
joint seals and nano-rivet lattices, and he needed no light to smell down as soon as the same motion pulled it clear of the suit’s
the acrid stench of old, burned oil. collar armour. The green glow was instantly blanked, a dark red
spattering across the inside of the suit’s faceplate as the Agent
A rat skittered past Nakamori’s feet, queasy luminescense collapsed.
glistened off a dark flow of effluent coiling down the cracked
stonework to his side, but he ignored everything, fixing all of his His right arm dangling uselessly, the samurai flicked blood from
attention on the faceplate of his opponent’s suit. The narrow slit the blade of his weapon and straightened. A great clanking and
was almost opaque, betraying only a faint greenish tinge from grinding, deafeningly loud in the narrow confines of the alley,
instruments within the armoured helmet. Nakamori’s eyes burned made him look round. Four more suits now flanked him, two
into it, seeking some contact with the Agent inside, something blocking the alley in each direction, the dark bulk of their
that might connect the two of them in the intimacy of battle. oversized shoulderguards almost completely filling the enclosed
space. Nakamori raised his weapon in his one good hand,
The Ai-Jinn Agent lumbered forward with treacherous speed, trembling now with exertion, as the stench of burned oil rose
actuators and pistons squalling; a thick sword stabbed clumsily about him like a funeral pyre.
up at stomach height. Nakamori took a single, precise step to the
right, ion katana surging to life, and sliced through the suit’s
weapon just above the hilt. As it clattered to the ground the
Typically you can only buy these items on production of a
Response Driver License (page xx). Allows plasma weapons to be fired in a vacuum, lasts for the same
number of shots as an Energy Cell, or up to 40 rounds in the case
The item is a small fist sized block with clear plastic sides which of plasma close combat weapons. The weapon must receive the
when activated emits a 130db siren and blue strobing emergency vacuum plasma retrofit (left) to make use of hydrogen flasks.
lights. The power core is good for 3 years normal use. It has a
reusable grip pad to attach securely to smooth surfaces but can be ATMOSPHERIC EQUALISER 8,000¢
easily detached when necessary.
This clever piece of tech is used by those interested in breaking
and entering. Many modern alarm systems use shifts in
METH LAB 1500¢ atmospheric currents or pressure as part of their activation
protocol. This device is an expandable frame which can be
This collection of trays, distillers, burners, tubes and vials is used clamped onto a surface. When a hole is made into the secure
for the creation of methamphetamine or similar shake ‘n bake area, the equaliser emits a manipulator field which ensures there
drugs. To use the lab you need at least Science 1 and a spare day. is no significant shift in atmospheric pressure. It can regulate a
The process of creating the drugs is dangerous due to the toxicity hole up to 1 square metre.
of the chemicals and their volatile nature.
Note that the pressure shift is generally only one stage of a good
Making drugs in your lab alarm system. However some crude systems, such as most car
alarms are entirely based on pressure shifts.
1. Acquire the chemicals; these can be purchased in general
stores and over the counter at pharmacies. Enough raw materials System: Make an ‘Intelligence + Crime’ check to successfully
for a day’s work costs 100¢ place the equaliser before creating the hole.
2. Brew the drugs – this requires a ‘Science + Intelligence’ roll. If HIGH INTEGRITY CASE (HI CASE)
you fail the roll you have messed up the process and your raw
materials are wasted. A critical fail means the lab explodes dealing
Size Example Cost Damage Containment
10D6 in a 15 metre blast radius.
Small Briefcase 200¢ 100
Medium Suitcase 500¢ 200
3. For each point of XS you score on the roll you will make 100¢
Large 1 cubic metre 1000¢ 400
worth of drugs. For example, if you pass your roll by 4 you will
produce drugs with a street value of 400¢. You’ll need to pass by
These are used for the transport of explosives and are resistant to
1 to cover your own costs.
internal explosions. If the explosive inside goes off the case will
contain an amount of damage as stated in the Damage
Selling the meth is normally done by street dealers who can take
Containment. Any extra spills out. Damage is considered
between 10 and 50% of the cash.
maximised for purposes of determining how much is dealt. If the
case takes its Damage Containment in damage, it is destroyed.
Example – You are carrying 7 unstable grenades in a small HI
Standard plasma weapons cannot function in the vacuum of space Case. If something happens that might set them off such as a
owing to the absence of suitable gasses to convert to plasma. A massive car crash, the grenades will detonate dealing 7x18=126
plasma weapon with this upgrade has been modified to accept damage. The case will absorb 100 damage and 26 spills over onto
super-compressed hydrogen flasks to replace their atmospheric whatever is near the case. The case is destroyed.
requirements when in space. The muzzle cowling also has a
vaguely phallic appearance, which tends to put some people off
using it outside of space.
This small, button-sized device delivers a potent electromagnetic This handheld PDA style device relays satellite and archive data to
charge into any item it is attached to. The radius is only a few the UIG Officer giving him a digitally optimised bird’s eye view of
centimetres so it is useless as a weapon and anything with an the area. He is able to view in any of the following ways, which can
EMPS of 2 or more is automatically immune to it. be mixed and matched as desired. Sat-trackers can scan
anywhere in the world and have an effectively unlimited range,
Its normal use is for destroying electronic data such as that on however certain satellite types may be at a given time, out of range
computer drives. Typically the owner will attach a button to each meaning it is possible for a certain scan type to be temporarily
sensitive device he owns. When a button is activated the digital unavailable. Its scanning ability can be blocked by structures, high
data is destroyed. radioactivity and sat blankets at the GM’s whim.
Triggering the EMP Buttons. These are commonly used in conjunction with UIG Personal
There are two main ways to trigger the button though someone Teleporters (Core Rules) and Phase Matching.
with the Jury-Rigging Training and a high mechtronics skill could
try to set up different systems. Below is a list of the common scan types available with the Sat-
Master Button
For 200¢ a master button can be purchased which is calibrated to 1. High resolution video, effectively viewing the area as if
one or all active EMP buttons. When the master button is pressed from a helicopter.
the EMP goes off and all linked devices are scrambled. The master
button is also small and usually attached to the user’s belt or gun. 2. Blips – targets such as cars and people are rendered as different
Recalibrating the master button to activate different charges takes coloured ‘circles’
15 seconds. .
3. Building Blueprint – Blueprints of the building are overlaid onto
A.I. Link the image where available
The user requires an internal A.I. of 3 or more.
For 1000¢ a tiny piece of code is added to the A.I. and a transmitter 4. Threat assessment – penetrative sensory modes allow the
inserted into the scalp. When the user wishes he can trigger one officer to detect cyberware and weapons. This is not accurate but
or all of the EMP buttons. will give an indication of the likelihood that the carried hardware is
potentially dangerous.
5. ID Chips – This is only used in cases of extreme emergency as
the UIG maintain they do not track people via their ID Chips. When
This item resembles a high-tech bracer which clamps onto the
this mode is active the Officer has access to all ID Chip information
forearm. It is engineered to fit any size from a slim wrist to heavy,
for every target on the Sat-Tracker. The paranoid often rely on an
customised armour. A small remote neurolink is injected under the
ID Chip Scrambler (Machines of War) to prevent this form of
skin on the wrist when the grapple is purchased, which allows the
user to control the various functions of the grapple by voluntary
muscle action.
6. Thermal – The Sat-Trackers show the area in terms of heat
When activated a tiny, high penetration dart, connected to a 50
metre length of high-tensile cable is fired from the bracer. This dart
7. Penetrative Scan – This can scan inside a building but the data
will automatically embed itself into anything with an AV of 20 or less
is poor and only information such as ’20 life forms present’ or ’10
causing 1 point of damage. Once the dart has reached a target the
vehicles present’ can be determined.
cable stops unwinding and the user can reel himself in. The
grapple will support a total weight of 400kg which roughly equates
Note that this item, like almost all UIG equipment, will be chip-
locked and unusable by non-designated UIG.
1 heavily augmented Agent with all field kit
2 augmented Agents with field kit
3 standard Agents with some kit
4 normal humans with some kit
5 normal humans with no kit.
A specific sub-sect, the Legacy Operatives, have a special While under the influence of Red Shift the user is able even to
capacity with regard to legacy pattern tech, see 'Ai-Jinn sub-sects' dodge gunfire, the user’s Initiative score in combat is automatically
on page 32 for more details. considered to be 1 point higher than the highest Initiative roll in the
entire group, enemy and ally.
The products of the Legacy Project are not for sale, nor are they If there is more than one Red Shift user present in the combat then
widely distributed even within the Corporation. The combination of they must make opposed 'Perception + Observation' rolls to see
high production costs and the risk of such potent items falling into who acts first. The user may also apply their Perception score as
the hands of rivals who may, however improbably, discover the a penalty against one ranged attack made against them per round,
secrets of their manufacture means that they are only distributed additional ranged attacks made against them that round do not
to trusted and competent Agents. suffer this penalty. Red Shift lasts for one scene.
NEUROMEMETIC PSEUDO-VIRUS - ACCESS 3 victim is posed a question they become afflicted with a form of
targeted glossolalia for the next D10 minutes, during that time they
(A.K.A - NPV, THE TEARS OF GOD) will tell their interrogator everything they know about the
Potency 9 questioned subject in rapid, mindless speech, reliving and
describing everything they have experienced relating to the
subject. However, once the question has been implanted it cannot
Injected - The most powerful truth-serum in existance, NPV is be changed and, should the person injected with NPV at any time
nonetheless rarely employed unless the subject is completely exhaust their knowledge of the subject, then they will experience
expendable due to its mind-shattering effects. Occasionally nightmarish visions and sinister, distorted flashbacks as their
though, it has been employed as a terror-weapon, leaving UIG memories are corrupted, sustaining 1 point of permanent Presence
informants as stuttering, soul-dead shells, their whole lives turned damage per minute that it continues.
into a cavalcade of nightmares. After being injected with NPV, if the
Finial Kurtis sat awkwardly on the old plastic chair that they'd set futile ounce of resolve left in its body.
up in their impromptu interrogation room and kept his eyes to the
floor, visibly trying to block out the knowledge that three feet Jimao chuckled under his breath. "For several reasons. Because,
behind him Agent Ya had a Cougar trained unwaveringly at the despite time being of the essence, this stuff is too valuable to
back of his head. waste on worms like you. Because I want to give you a chance to
tell us what the UIG now know about our operations in Chengdu.
Agent Jimao stifled the brief pang of pity at the sight of the But mainly because once I dose you with this, for the next few
pathetic little man. It wasn't hard, he had little sympathy for minutes you will tell me everything you told them." Jimao leaned
snitches. He took the chair on the opposite side of the table from back in his chair and put his hands behind his head, nonchalantly.
Finny and reached inside his jacket. The man flinched slightly, but "A few minutes is a long time to talk about just one thing, I wonder
made no other move, more afraid of the present weapon in Ya's whether you know that much. But you see, if you don't know
hand than the possible one Jimao might draw. enough to keep the 'things' inside that vial satisfied then they'll
just start looking for other things, taking your mind apart piece by
You might regret that later. Jimao thought. piece." Jimao cracked a wide smile. "I have a lot of unpleasant
memories, hardly surprising with a life like mine. What about you,
He removed a small black case, about as wide as his thumb and Finny, do you have many unpleasant memories?"
no more than twice as long, and set it carefully on the table. Finny
stared at it with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. "A few," came the furtive reply.
"Do you know what this is?" said Jimao, opening the case and "Haunt you, don't they?" said Jimao, letting a ring of false but
retrieving its contents - an injector filled with a clear, colourless convincing compassion seep into his tone.
liquid, the letters 'NPV' stamped on the side.
Finny shook his head nervously, apparently too frightened to "Yeah," replied Finny, voice cracking as the fear and pressure
speak. That would change, one way or another. started to burst his mental dams.
"Neither do I," said Jimao, holding it up to the light. "Inside it are Jimao unthreaded his fingers and leaned across the table until
trillions of these microscopic 'things', not quite viruses, not quite they were eye-level. "And how exactly do you think you'd be, do
bacteria, not quite nanites, I really have no idea what they are. you suppose, if those were all you had?"
The scientists call it 'neuromimetic pseudo-virus', but I always
thought that was a little overly wordy. Call me a romantic but I The moment of truth approached.
much prefer 'The Tears of God'." He paused, savouring the look
of fearful confusion on Finny's face. Finny's eyes screwed up in desperation-borne hate. "Fuck you, I
"But I'm getting ahead of myself, what it is is academic compared just passed around a bit of info and you think it gives you the right
to what it does, am I right?" to pull this bullshit on me? Go to hell."
Finny gave a cautious nod, as though unsure if it were a trick Agent Jimao sighed. "That's a terrible shame, Mr. Kurtis. You
question or not. "Yeah, I suppose." know I was quite impressed with your ingenuity at uncovering our
legacy plant, and combined with willpower like that you could
"Good. Well, what it does is act as the most potent truth serum have been fit for the Agent program." He retrieved the NPV
known to man." injector and flipped the cap off the lancet with his thumb.
A small spark of desperate defiance welled up in Finny. "Yeah? "'Could have been', being the operative phrase, I doubt you will
Then why don't you quit the strongarm bollocks and use it, be much use to the Corp any more after this. Hold him down."
fucker?" he spat, like a cornered rat ready to fight with every last
MIMETIC PANOPLY - ACCESS 1 PER FORM Shield - The panoply may fold out into an armoured shield
Using a combination of alien memory metals, piconite assembly approximately 2.5 feet in diameter. This confers a +1 bonus to the
and poorly understood variable-state material technology, these wearer's AV and allows them to defend against melee attacks
strange objects are able to take the form of several useful devices unarmed, if the panoply possesses 3 or more forms the AV bonus
as well as returning to an innocuous 'neutral' form on command. is increased to +2.
When requisitioned, the Mimetic Panoply has a number of forms
It had been a hard day at the office, it always was, and Richard
Erickson, regional UIG governor for lesser southwestern Eurasia, "This does not concern my... employer," he said in a papery
had always been happy to accept that. Like most people he had monotone.
developed coping mechanisms for dealing with daily stress, all it
took was a few double bourbons and an afternoon of mind- Richard stopped in confusion a moment. "Then why-?" he began
numbing television and he was ready to deal with all the but was cut off impatiently by the Agent.
frustration, anger, pointless legalism and chilling horror that "The unpurged images of day recede; the Emperor's drunken
accompanied the job of a UIG official in the Eurasian corporate soldiery are abed; night resonance recedes, night walkers' song
state. What he wasn't ready to deal with was returning home to after great cathedral gong; a starlit or a moonlit dome disdains all
find his wife, Eluice, unconscious in the hallway just beside the that man is, all mere complexities, the fury and the mire of human
front door, as though someone had just absent-mindedly left her veins." he said, intoning the words as if reading from some
there on their way in. Panicked, he made a break for the living internal script.
room phone without thinking about the possibility that whoever
had done it was still there. "What was that?"
He flipped on the living room lights and immediately yelped in "A poem, part of one anyway, by Yeats, I believe," the Agent
shock at what they illuminated. A man of mixed-Asian descent replied, turning to leave.
wearing a black business suit regarded him with cold eyes from
the middle of the room, hands clasped behind his back. "What? You came here, broke into my house and assaulted my
"What the-? Who the fuck are you?" Richard stammered, his wife just to read me a fucking poem?" Richard said, incredulously.
hand already going for the Raven 220 in his shoulder-holster and
ripping it free. "Yes," said the Agent, barely pausing.
The stranger looked unconcerned by the fact that Richard had "Why? What the hell is it even supposed to mean!?" Richard cried
just levelled the most powerful kinetic handgun on Earth squarely aloud, anger and fear ready to push him over the edge.
at his head, making no reaction other than to glance at it briefly. The Agent sighed, shoulders drooping as though asked some
"You have a chip scanner, do you not?" he said, almost sounding stupidly trivial question.
bored by the whole situation.
"To answer the second part of your question; because one of the
The cordiality of the reply caught Erikson off-guard for a moment Three who were once of the Nine willed it. As for the 'why'? I do
before he unhooked the scanner from his belt and directed the not know and probably never will, but you will, one day you will
scan beam at the intruder, keeping his firearm trained on him as know what those words mean and then you shall act upon them.
he did. Obligingly, the stranger held out his hand to make the Or perhaps you shall not, in either case you will no longer be of
scan easier. A moment later and the scanner gave a readout; interest to the one who sent me."
Cpt. Huikai, Wu. And then he was gone, vanishing into the night as silently as a
DOB: 14/05/2467 ghost.
Corporate Agent, Ai-Jinn Mining And Macrostructure.
Logged Felonies; The med teams arrived quickly after Erikson called, one of the
6 counts, Industrial Theft few benefits of working in Eurasia, and soon informed him that
8 counts, Breaking And Entering Eluice was in no danger as they loaded her onto the ambulance.
21 counts, Justifiable Homicide He called in every spare CRO squad to search the area but they
found no trace of the Agent. The forensics team found nothing
All things considered, a relatively clean slate for an Agent. either, but that hadn't surprised him, atrophic DNA covers a
multitude of sins, after all. The fact that the chip scanner hadn't
"Look, I haven't had any dealings with Ai-Jinn business, I swear," logged the scan, on the other hand, surprised him a great deal, it
he said, groping at a perceived lifeline. was UIG-issue and meant to be impossible to tamper with.
The Agent tilted his head slightly, like a bird, a strangely Except, he later qualified, by an Archon.
mechanical motion.
Though small enough to fit into an item of jewelry, this device is in fact a laser projector packing the firepower of a heavy weapon,
making it an excellent assassination tool or surprise weapon. The weapon has six charges, each doing D10 damage, the user may
fire off all the charges at once for a single 6D10 blast or stagger it over several shots as desired. Spent charges restore themselves
at a rate of 1 per four hours without needing a direct power feed. If mounted on a ring or bracelet it is used with the Light Firearms
skill, otherwise use Athletics for such items as pendants or lapel-pin mounts.
They are considered laser weapons and automatically calibrate to targeted shields after 1 round of aiming. Furthermore, due to their
alien mechanisms and use of esoteric power-sources, Gemguns are not identifiable by any conventional scanner technology,
including the more commonly used Archon-tech scanners.
Made from a strange matte-gray metal, these weapons boast not only a fantastically sharp edge, allowing them to ignore 4 points
of AV, but have the strange property of bypassing ion shields as though they didn't exist, allowing users to attack ion wall generators
through the field and rendering UIG close-form ion shields, such as those found in Erabite armour, completely worthless.
Note that ion-transparent weapons do not shut down or even deplete the HP of ion shields they come into contact with, they just
pass right through them without disruption. The stats for the longsword above are only one example of ion-transparent weapons;
any solid metal weapon, even shurikens and other thrown weapons, can be made ion-transparent. The access point cost remains
the same.
This weapon uses a form of vapourised neutronium stored in a mass-negating internal containment node as its plasmic medium,
as opposed to the helium used in common plasma weapons. Graviplasma shots follow all the same rules for ordinary plasma
weapons but deal more damage due to the awesome concussive effect.
For purposes of determining damage type, graviplasma damage is considered both plasma and kinetic damage. After 30 shots the
internal neutronium supply is exhausted and a new pistol must be requisitioned.
2D10 Damage Access Points 8 Long Range Rate 1 EMPS 5
This highly advanced weapon delivers an orb-state nano-shell which explodes upon impact generating a sphere of highly
aggressive, corrosive nanites which attempt to dissolve anything within 1 metre of the impact point.
Anything within the area of effect takes 2D10 damage which ignores all non-nanite AV*. If the target was damaged then it continues
to take D10 damage a round for the next 10 rounds which also ignores non-nanite AV.
*Nanite based armour such as naninuium body pates IS effective against all damage dealt by this weapon.
This weapon uses nanite clusters as ammunition which cost 100¢ and provide 3 shots.
Using a Tazer or EMP attack on the affected target will instantly halt all nanite activity. However you may require the target to make
a science related roll to know this.
Entropy grenades use FarDrive-derived technology to create an undifferentiated subspace reaction, a spherical explosion of dull,
grey un-light with properties similar to the energy-manipulating field created by telepaths. The field causes all energy within the 6-
metre blast radius to be evenly distributed throughout its area, with the net result of disrupting all thermodynamic processes
occurring within it, including life. Those killed by the entropic wake simply fall over dead, without any apparent wounds or injuries
anywhere on their bodies.
When using an Entropy Grenade roll 2D8 to determine the effect on all targets within the blast radius, detailed below;
Target Effect
Living Being* If roll exceeds Endurance score, reduced to 0HP.
Droid If roll exceeds Endurance score, droid fails and must be repaired.
Equipment/Cybernetics* If roll exceeds Condition, equipment fails and must be repaired.
Vehicles (Van-size or smaller) If roll exceeds Condition, vehicle stalls and must be repaired.
If the target is protected by a shield, whether Hard Ion or Telepathic, they suffer no risk of the above effects but the HP of their shield
is instantly halved, regardless of how strong it previously was. Note that this only effects shields that have an appreciable part fitting
within the blast radius of the grenade, trying to halve the shield of a cyberlin with a handheld entropy weapon is neither going to
work or go well for you.
* In cases where a living target possesses Endurance-augmenting cybernetics, consider the living target to be affected first, thus
retaining any cybernetic bonus or penalty to Endurance even if the cybernetic augmentation in question would be rendered
nonfunctional by the grenade.
WARNING: Class 7 UDS reaction technology is employed in this device. Testing on UDSRT is not yet complete. Neither the Ai-Jinn
Corporation or its affiliates thereof are responsible for any consequence of improper use, including but not limited to: death, dismemberment,
permanent physiological re-ordering, irreparable damage to cybernetics and/or materiel, spontaneous quantum events, spontaneous cosmic
events, time dilation, time distortion, resonance cascades, miniature black hole chains, the end of the world, the end of the universe, the
beginning of (a) new universe(s), irritation of the skin and headaches. Keep out of reach of children.
This weapon appears to be a bladeless knife grip until activated, as a free action, when it projects a translucent blade of contained
antipsions from the emitter. Antipsion radiation induces extreme neural shock resulting in brain death if the blade is properly applied,
as such these weapons are generally used as an assassination tool as they leave no forensically identifiable signs of violent death
on the body.
If used in combat, not in conjunction with the Assassinate Training, this weapon deals 1 point of Intelligence damage per hit that
recovers at a rate of 1 per day, subjects reduced to zero Intelligence die. The synaptic shiv ignores AV but is blocked by close-form
shields. This weapon has no effect on creatures or objects which lack an Intelligence score and is likewise useless against AI.
Special Access Points 4 for a pair Close Combat Rate (as attack) EMPS 15
The Gravity Glove is made of fine, matte black material and laced with tiny filaments of dull metal. It uses a nanoscale amplified
grav-driver to create massive inertia in impossibly short distances allowing the user to punch with a far greater strength than he
normally could.
When a pair is worn he adds +5 to his strength when striking in unarmed close combat.
Donning the gloves takes 3 seconds but there is seldom reason to take them off. They do not affect day to day tasks.
Stone, metal, high density polymer 50%
Durasteel, superdense polymer 20%
PHASING WEAPONS The normal damage is completely healed instantly, there are 7
points of healing left in the pack. 10% of 7 is 0 when rounded down,
Phasing weapons utilise the same ‘Solid State Phase Matching
so there is no affect. Escobar uses another IV Medpack, this heals
Technology’ as found in ‘Ghost Technology’. The wounds inflicted
2 points of MB damage. He really needs to take more serious
by the weapons are a result of Molecular Binding and are
particularly aggressive and hard to heal. For this reason Phasing
Weapons are often used against Agents as it is practically
Doctor’s Aid
impossible to heal in the field, forcing Agents to think seriously
A Doctor is able to view the wound in the correct context and deal
before engaging UIG detachments with access to Phase
with the problem. The normal method is to totally remove the
damaged area and allow the body to regrow. This does not count
as severing limbs unless the GM decides it is appropriate. Once
HEALING DAMAGE FROM MOLECULAR BINDING (MB) the area has been removed by someone with the ‘Surgeon’ training
This only applies to wounds caused by Molecular Binding, if you the damage can be healed as normal.
also take another wound from a laser rifle, this can be healed
normally. You should note the Molecular Binding Damage I can do Surgery, me!
separately; it’s a rare form of damage so this should not provide You can, of course, attempt to hack out the affected area yourself
any book-keeping problems. without the Surgeon Training. This requires you to pass an
‘Intelligence + Medicine’ check with a -10 penalty. Success means
Automated Healing Aids you have removed the affected area. This method takes 2D10
When damaged by Molecular Binding the wounded area effectively minutes and deals an additional 2D4 damage to you ignoring
becomes foreign matter and no longer part of the body. For this armour. You can then heal all damage as with conventional
reason conventional automated medical aids are reduced in their methods.
efficiency to 10% (round down). They will heal normal damage first
at a normal rate. Failure means you take another 2D6 damage (ignoring armour),
waste your time and only remove D4 of the Molecular Binding
For example, damage (round down). You can keep trying though; persistence
Agent Escobar has 13 points of normal damage and 10 points of pays off, even with surgery. A critical fail means you can make no
MB damage. He uses an IV Medpack (20HP of healing). more attempts and must consult a real surgeon.
4D8 Damage 45,000¢ Long Range Rate 1 EMPS 8
This experimental firearm uses a long range, high penetration Ghost Unit to rapidly phase match a single projectile to any matter
obstructing its path. The projectile will pass through a maximum of 2 metres of matter before the phase matching becomes
impossible and the projectile becomes solid.
What this means in simple terms is that the bullet will fire through walls (up to 2 meters of walls in total).
The bullet has a sensor which will immediately stop it phase matching if it comes within 50cm of bioelectricity. This is what allows
the bullet to strike a living organism. Both shields and armour are effective against this attack. Any doubles rolled when using the
weapon mean the phasing is flawed and the bullet stops at the first solid surface. The rifle scope allows you to see though solid
matter but only in blurred thermal patterns so you need to be sure of what you are targetting.
This weapon does not use SMART ammo, instead bullets are purchased separately for 100¢ each.
3D6 Damage 500¢ Support Weapons Rate 1 EMPS 13
The Phase Grenade is ideal when used as the opening attack against groups of adversaries utilising regenerating technologies. It
counts as a 3 metre blast weapon, which deals Molecular Binding damage.
Installation Simple, 2 Hours
Cost 25,000¢
These cybernetics were designed by Voidseal, a sub-division of
Amalgamated Xenological Enterprises (AXE), primarily for space
Several new layers of bioengineered skin incorporating metallic
environments although many Agents have found terrestrial uses
and electrochemical elements are added to the patient along with
for them.
respiratory and genetic enhancements that further protect them
from harmful radiation. These enhancements provide protection
VOIDSEAL TS-80 BRONCHIAL BAFFLES from up to 80 Gy of ionising radiation, roughly equivalent to that of
Installation Complex, 10 Hours a neutron bomb.
Cost 7,000¢
Prerequisite I.C.E. Naturally, this will also provide some protection from directed
radiation weaponry such as the UIG Seraphim, though the
Micromechanical valves and pressure-regulators are installed extreme focus of such armaments makes it less effective than it is
throughout the patient’s lungs and cardiovascular system, these against ambient radiation, providing a +6 bonus to resist such
work in tandem with the patient’s I.C.E. implants to attain pressure- weapons. This enhancement is popular with paranoid space pilots
equilibrium with their environment. who don’t trust their ship’s shielding to protect them from multiple
trips through the Van Allen radiation belt.
A person with bronchial baffles is immune to explosive
decompression, be it via exposure to deep space or deep-sea
diving related incidents.
This confers no ability to breathe without air.
Installation Complex, 10 Hours Installation Complex, 4 Hours
Cost 20,000¢ Cost 7,000¢
Prerequisite I.C.E.
The patient’s hand is severed and replaced with a new one which
Respiratory reserves provide a fail-safe mechanism if exposed to can be detached and used as a small scout droid. The hand is
low-oxygen conditions by allowing the implanted individual to either controlled via an Anascan Inner Vision GUI (See Machines
conduct anaerobic respiration. of War) or a PDA / computer.
The enhancement has enough power to allow a person to survive
without oxygen for up to 10 hours on a full charge. The The droid can be controlled at a range of up to 4 kilometres.
enhancement also includes a power port in the base of the spine
from which the enhancement can be recharged, this takes 10 Scout Hand
minutes. HP 3
AV 0
Speed 10
Installation Complex, 5 Hours
Cost 5,000¢ When using the droid the player should roll ‘Perception + Stealth’
Prerequisite I.C.E. to control it. The GM could award a bonus for appropriate trainings
etc. It has no combat abilities and if spotted will not be hard to
The addition of morphic insulation to the skin and pulmonary catch and destroy, though it could be entertaining to have the
system allows the body to regulate its temperature with greater player try to get his droid to safety by outrunning the enemy.
speed and intensity as well as shielding it from excessive heat and
cold. A person with this enhancement could walk across arctic The droid has a 360 degree camera mounted on the back of the
tundra in a t-shirt or stroll across Death Valley without feeling hand so it has an excellent view and incorporates a microphone to
exceptionally uncomfortable. The regulators provide an AV of 6 collect audio data. This data is relayed to the user in real-time so
against damage resulting from extremes of environmental if the hand is destroyed the information is retained. The droid has
temperature. This does not protect from flame, cryo or temperature basic climbing skill but cannot scale vertical surfaces.
based attacks.
GEMINI BIOWARE KISS OF DEATH paracane which is available at most stations and garages.
Installation Simple, 1 Hour
Note that using the Dragon’s Breath fills your sinuses and mouth
Cost 15,000¢
with smoke and steam. These gases are typically blown out of the
nostrils afterwards for dramatic effect.
The patient’s lips are installed with tiny glands which, when
required secrete a minute quantity of tetrodotoxin (fugu fish toxin).
Anyone who kisses the patient when the toxin is on the lips has an For God’s sake, shave before you use it.
90% chance to take it into their system.
To prevent the patient from suffering the effects of the toxin they
have a number of small anti-toxin factory cells installed into their
liver which are tailored to neutralise any tetrodotoxin in their body.
The system contains a custom bio-engineered glad which creates Installation Simple, 2 Hours
its own tetrodotoxin, thus it never need be replenished but cannot Cost 4,000¢
be used more than twice per day. You cannot scrape the toxin off Prerequisite Anascan PSE
your lips and bottle it for other uses; the quantities are too small.
The users hearing can be altered to work in a narrow line rather a
Substance Potency Class Cost diffuse sphere. Switching between modes only takes a second.
Tetrododotoxin 9 A 500 per Dose When in linear mode the patient loses normal hearing and
anything nearby becomes a muted rumble. The area (1 cubic
This toxin causes the diaphragm to be paralysed and the victim metre) that the user looks at is now the source of incoming audio
dies through respiratory failure. signals.
Because the toxin starves the victim of oxygen, death is relatively This can be altered if desired by recalibrating the software so that
slow. It is not the most reliable way to kill people, especially at you can look 10 yards left of your target etc. This can be done by
range and when toxin purges are to hand. a competent cyberneticist.
Agents can live for 10 rounds / 30 seconds per point of Endurance. You can only hear sounds from inside this area.
Humans can live for 5 rounds / 15 seconds per point of Endurance.
If you have an Anascan Inner Vision GUI (See Machines of War)
If medical aid, an antidote or a toxin purge has not been applied in then you can perform the recalibration yourself on the fly.
this time the target dies.
Medical Aid – Another person can pass an ‘Intelligence + Medicine’ 200 metres if one were listening to normal voices.
roll at -6 to halt the toxin but they must have access to reasonable 100 metres if listening to soft voices
medical supplies such as a medical toolkit. 400 metres to hear the sound of a car
A pair of micro-jets are installed inside the target mouth along with Prerequisite Level 2 A.I.
a tiny igniter set into the back of the teeth. On the user’s mental Anascan PSE
command the micro-jets spray a highly combustible liquid out of Cost 4,000¢
the mouth which ignites and becomes a scorching torrent of flame.
Your internal A.I. is able to analyse a target’s speech patterns and
2D6 Damage 2 Metre Range Rate 1 look for signs that they are lying. You gain a +4 to your rolls when
trying to determine if a statement is a lie as long as the person is
Anyone who takes damage from the flame Dragon’s Breath is set speaking to you. You will typically need to engage them in
on fire. This means you take D6 damage a round until put out. You conversation for at least a few minutes so the A.I. can determine
can only be set on fire once at any one time. their typical voice patterns.
"Screw you, you can't judge me! I was a god, you understand, a fuckin' god! I pointed and mountains
moved, I walked and the earth trembled. My eyes could see to the ends of the world, my voice was as
loud as thunder, I was a goddamn force of nature! You have no idea how it feels, not one damn clue.
Hey, look man, I'm sorry about all that shit. Please, just get me out of here, okay? I can't go on like this,
living like a... a bug. I need to see it again, I need it back. Oh, okay, no, I don't have to pilot again!
Please man, just let me see it again, just let me sit in the cockpit one more time, I swear I won't
immerse, I just need to... hey... hey! Where are you going!? Come back, I need to see it again... I'll kill
you, you bastard! I'll kill all of you! I'll turn the whole damn world to ash! You can't keep me here, I'm a
fuckin' GOD!"
- Patient 36, Agent Eustace Duval, formerly of the Western Federation Cyberlin Corps.
Battle Class Cyberlin - The Fist of Khan
By hitting these targets you are able to apply all of your damage INSTALLING ORDNANCE WEAPONS
to one area and possibly destroy it. If the part in question is Size Ordnance Per Arm
reduced to 0 HP the following applies. Heavy 3
Medium 2
Hardpoint / Arm Light 1
This limb can no longer be used but the weapons on it can.
If you attach multiple weapons to one hardpoint they can be fired
Hull as a single system but must be directed at the same target.
When the Hull is reduced to 0HP the cyberlin will no longer
function For example, on the cyberlin’s left hardpoint is a single ordnance
weapon and 2 heavy weapons. These three weapons can be fired
Weapon in one activation as long as they are directed at a single target.
Ordnance weapons are considered to have 50HP
Heavy Weapons are considered to have 25HP*.
Once reduced to 0HP the weapon no longer functions.
You can install heavy weapons onto the hardpoint units of a
*Note these values are higher than listed in the Eastern Bank cyberlin. For space purposes you can have three heavy weapons
as cyberlin weapons are armoured. instead of a single ordnance weapon.
Below are listed a number of common cyberlin systems. This list is
by no means exhaustive and more system may be detailed in PROCESSOR
future books. The processor determines the number of non-essential systems
(essential systems are Processor, Hull, Hardpoints and
Does it Require Activation Locomotion) which can be installed into a cyberlin. The processor
Where the system name is written an (A) is printed if the system itself is the brain of the cyberlin and micromanages all of the
requries an activation. You should write this (A) on your Cyberlin system setting so that weapons fire accurately as the cyberlin is
Systems Sheet to remind you that the system needs activating. (P) moving, shields are buffered and regulated, locomotion is smooth
means the system is passive and always functioning. and recoil dampers are synchronised to ensure the cyberlin stays
upright and balanced when unloading 8 cannons and being shot at
How Many Systems Can I Install? simultaneously.
A cyberlin can have a number of systems based on its processor,
not it’s A.I. The A.I. is an optional extra which makes piloting easier.
The cyberlin has a massive central processor which runs and PROCESSORS (P)
synchronises all of its systems. It would be possible to place an
extremely powerful processor into a basic cyberlin but it would be Processor Systems Cost
a waste of time. Only prototype, specialist or battle cyberlins will MX5 Slave 5 500,000¢
use the more expensive processors. Microflux T8 6 650,000¢
MX8 Autoxor 7 850,000¢
Free Systems Datanetica FG90 8 1 Million¢
You receive some systems for free when you start to construct a Saracen J2000 9 1.3 Million¢
cyberlin. These are: Illian Ghost V2.2 10 1.8 Million¢
Cyrebrum MP8 11 2.0 Million¢
Processor Takata R50 DX 12 2.5 Million¢
Left Hardpoint
Right Hardpoint
The hull acts as the main structural frame for the cyberlin. It houses
The routines for controlling these elements are already built into the power unit, cockpit and optional systems such as shield
the processor. generators, auto repair stations and numerous other sub-
In addition there are some other upgrades such as armour plates Note that the armour value for the hull applies to all systems on the
which specifically note that they do not count as a systems when cyberlin as it determines the basic level of armour installed across
determining what you can install in your cyberlin. the entire machine. This is included in the hull’s cost.
LOCOMOTION The chassis has 4 legs which allow it to move over the most
Each cyberlin needs a form of locomotion. The following difficult of terrain but at a low speed.
locomotory systems can be used on all cyberlins except where
noted. Locomotory systems do NOT count towards your total Light Medium Heavy
number of allowed systems. Cost 1 Million 1.5 Million 2 Million
Top Speed 50 mph 40 mph 30 mph
Terrain Rough Rough Rough
This is used for cyberlins which operate in water (Aqualins). Agility 7 6 5
Dimensions 10.0 Metres in Length, 400mm dia Barrel Dimensions 5 Metres in Length, 16 x 300mm dia Barrels
The king of counter-cyberlin weaponry, the Type 09 can punch a The Tornado is a shoulder mounted missile array which holds
hole through even the toughest opponent. However, there is one up to sixteen guided warheads. The user can opt to fire
major drawback, the projectile itself is fairly small so whenever between one and sixteen missiles at a time but they must all be
fired there is a 10% chance it passes through a non-essential directed at the same target if being fired in the same round.
part of the mech and effectively deals no damage.
Each missile counts as a separate attack for armour purposes.
If you hit an enemy cyberlin roll an additional D10, on a roll of 10
the attack has no effect, even if you hit. This is not the case Missiles must be purchased separately; the price above refers
when attacking non-cyberlin targets. to the launcher unit.
The Type 09 can be fired through walls by firing at -4 and A heavy guided missile costs 1,000¢
ignores 25 points of AV.
PAN LEE TYPHOON LX88 SNIPER CANNON (A) Lock-On - Locking on counts as an Activation
Each round you aim with the sniper cannon you gain a +4 to hit
but no bonus to damage.
15D8+15 Damage
Rate 1
Light 50,000¢ +30 Damage EMP Immune
Medium 75,000¢ +50 Damage
Heavy 100,000¢ +75 Damage Dimensions 7.1 Metres in Length, 300mm dia barrel
This weapon is held in a manipulator and adds to the cyberlin’s An essential weapon for counter-armour* cyberlins. These
close combat damage. It can take any form such as a wrecking weapons come fitted with AM (auto modulators) which means
ball, sword or axe. the weapon will automatically penetrate all standard shields. If
the target is using a shield frequency scrambler then you roll a
The price of the weapon can be tripled in order to make it a D10, on 1-3 the cyberlin’s A.I. predicts the shield’s frequency
plasma weapon which ignores 25 points of armour value or x10 pattern and the laser ignores the target’s shields.
to make it an Ion weapon which ignores 75 points of AV.
*Armour in this instance refers to other heavy vehicles, not
Ion weapons are only available to Shi Yukiro cyberlins. defensive armour plates.
Dimensions 2.0 Metres in Length, 1000mm dia Barrel This does not count towards your total number of systems.
Effect You can decide which areas the nanites repair. E.g Hardpoints,
The entire force of the mine is directed at the locomotory module locomotary systems etc.
of the cyberlin and it ignores shields. You can only install one of these systems at a time.
Depending on the size of the cyberlin they are attached to they The cyberlin is fitted with a number of shield generators which
will reduce its speed and Agility. work in the same way as standard hard ion shields. They
function as a single shield.
Cyberlin Size Agility Reduction Speed Reduction
Light -1 per plate -10 MPH per plate Maximum Light 700 HP
Medium -1 per 2 plates -5 MPH per plate Medium 1,000 HP
Heavy -1 per 3 plates -2 MPH per plate Heavy 1,500 HP
Armour does not count towards your total number of systems This does not count towards your total number of systems.
Cyberlins can be fitted with a range of sensory and targetting All Sizes 1 Million¢
upgrades. The most popular are noted below. Prerequisite Cyberlin A.I. of 1+
Fires powerful flares into the air which illuminate the whole
battle area. The flare lasts 10 rounds and each replacement
flare costs 100¢. The launcher can hold 10 flares at a time. COUNTERMEASURES
Sources of Electricity or Radiation This technology produces carefully calibrated energy fields
Chemicals & Pathogens around the cyberlin which make it very hard for an enemy unit’s
Lifesigns software to lock onto you.
Buildings Anyone using A.I. assisted lock-on gains a -6 penalty.
If the GM deems it tricky to find then he may request a This installs a scrambling technology which limits an auto
‘Perception + Observation’ roll. For example, attempting to modulating (AM) laser’s ability to bypass a shield. If you are
ascertain if a ground troop is carrying a specific weapon or if a shot at by an AM laser weapon the attacker should roll a D10.
tank is broken or simply has all its systems turned off. On a 1-3 the attack ignores your shields but on a 4-10 does not.
Basic 200,000¢ These upgrades influence the more advanced movement of the
Advanced 500,000¢ cyberlin such as its ability to jump or fall.
Elite 1 Million¢
A complete system of decoy units and guidance disruptors serve JUMP UNIT (A)
to reduce the likelihood that guided weapons will strike your
cyberlin. Light 500,000¢
Medium 1 Million¢
At the start of a round you can use an Activation to prime the
ECM. If you are attacked with a guided system during that round Using a jump unit a cyberlin can launch itself into the air for short
they will activate automatically. periods of time. The jump pack contains enough fuel for 5
rounds in the air. Each round, the cyberlin can travel 200 metres
They will remain online until used at which point you will need to by using the jump pack so it could traverse a distance of 1km in
spend an activation to re-prime them but are only effective 15 seconds if it used all its fuel at once. Only light and medium
against one volley before repriming is needed. cyberlins can use Jump Units.
No, most likely you’ll never be able to buy one. The prices are here
These do not count towards your total number of systems)
for completeness and in case the GM feels like running a scenario
where you may be able to build one yourself.
The most likely situation that will allow you to build a cyberlin is if
you are a highly skilled cyberlin pilot and the corporation has
Cyberlins start with no A.I. You can increase it one level by asked you to design one for a purpose. Perhaps your division has
spending 100,000 credits per level to a maximum of level 10 for been placed in charge of an important facility and you have been
1 million credits. Adding a personality is free when you spend granted permission to construct a cyberlin to guard it and a budget.
this much on a high-end war A.I.
Still, it’s nice to be able to plan one or if the game gets really high
level then maybe one day you will be able to construct your own
looming steel beast to guard your collection of gold plated guns
STANDARD EJECTOR SEAT (A) OR (P) and stolen ion katanas.
This is included in the cockpit and comes free whenever you THE SCALE AND SPEED OF CYBERLIN COMBAT
purchase a hull. The ejector seat fires by default when your hull
reaches 0HP. You can turn this setting off in which case you You may have noticed that cyberlin combat works on a massive
must use an activation to fire the seat. If for some reason you scale and a fight between two cyberlins is not as punchy and quick
cannot perform this activation then you will most likely die in the as it might be between two Agents. You should therefore bear the
burning carcass of the machine. following in mind.
Atrocity Class Cyberlin - The Scourge of Man
Pictured at the Cleansing of Kimch’aek in the Eastern Bank
Scout Class Cyberlin - The Eye of Horus on Patrol Duty at Tianjin
The meeting in Tianjin had already dragged on an hour past its scheduled time, but Shuyan
Cheng was nothing if not practiced in procrastination. Effortlessly she deflected or manoeuvred
around the increasingly terse questions of the Federation rep and the more superficially polite
enquiries of the Shi Yukiro zaibatsu; she bore the lascivious stares and double-entendres of the
EI negotiator with long-accustomed ease. The Comoros ambassador sat quietly, betraying no
hurry or impatience; waiting, reflected Cheng, was something Comoros were well schooled in.
Finally, just as it seemed as though the Federation rep was about to lose his temper and leave,
a discrete chime sounded in Cheng’s inner ear. Standing, she moved slightly around the
conference table, so that her back was to the vast picture window on the north side; with the
office at ground level, the only view it currently afforded was of a gentle bluff spanning a long
stretch of featureless coastline, storm winds and driving rain pelting at the armoured glass.
“Very well, gentlemen,” she said, voice tinged with just the right hint of resignation. “We can
offer you the mineral rights to TY-322 at a 20% margin, since that appears to be the stumbling
block here; rights to be renegotiated on a five-year basis. I trust that meets with your approval?”
A concession, of course, that Cheng had been ready to make since the beginning; but petty
negotiations were not the real purpose of the meeting here.
The Federation rep surged to his feet. “Well, it’s about damn time, Cheng. Why in hell we’ve
had to spend the last three hours going back and forth on this I don’t know. I’ve got to get over
to Changi before midnight and it’s going to be –”
The man’s words were cut short by a titanic rumbling that shook the small office and dragged
all eyes over to the window. A wave crashed against the distant shoreline, sending a curtain of
spray up into the gunmetal skies, and then a towering, gleaming form was rising up from behind
the bluff, the pounding rain hammering off its massive metal shoulders in a hazy aura. The bluff
itself obscured the edge of the cyberlin yard, creating the impression that the monster was
pushing forth from the earth itself.
Though several kilometres distant, the scale of the colossus was sufficient to allow them to
make out details, particularly the massive black cylinder of the artillery cannon. The cyberlin
flexed and twisted as the pilot ran brand-new systems through startup checks; the eerie,
penetrating whine of the gigantic actuators cut through the even the noise of the storm. The
giant cannon swung down, locked into place, and fired a test round; there was a percussive
noise so loud it was painful even through glass and at this distance, and a hilltop off to the east
simply vanished in a short-lived pall of dirty red flame and a great billowing of dust.
“Ah yes, the Tianjin Cyberlin Yard; they have just completed work on our latest-model Lu Bu
battle-class project,” commented Cheng, brightly but redundantly. All four of the Corporation
reps were already staring fixedly at the behemoth as it pivoted and twisted under storm-lashed
skies. And, Cheng knew, all four would go home, and report to their superiors, who would report
to their superiors; and so on until the orders began to roll in, as they always did, and the fear
began to ripple through the Corporations, as it always did. Both outcomes, she reflected, would
earn her a bonus. Cheng allowed herself the briefest of smiles; behind her, the storm continued
to rage beneath the birthing cries of the newborn metal god.
"It's 106 miles to Chicago.
We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes,
it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Hit it."
Currently the most popular car in Asia, the Pinko was an overnight
THE TAI-LAN AUTOMOTIVE CONCERN success when it launched in 2188. Its compact bubble-like chassis
is able to seat 5 with room to spare and the micro-jet engine allows
Tai-Lan are the Ai-Jinn’s main domestic vehicle manufacturer and a surprisingly large amount of boot space. The car comes in a
have facilities all over the East. They produce mass market cars range of pastel shades with white vinyl seats and a clean, simple
for budget conscious customers but are also contracted to build dashboard.
the Ai-Jinn’s Agent issue vehicles. These often have
augmentations such as armour, A.I. vectors or gun mountings. Vehicle Statistics
HP 30
AV 3
MPH 90
DM +1
An Ai-Jinn subsidiary that produces the bulk of the Ai-Jinn's war
machines such as P-tanks, armoured cars, submarines, armed Compulsory Safety System (CSS) - The Pinko’s popularity made
hovercopters and anything else besides cyberlins, which are the is an obvious choice for the UIG Compulsory Safety System (CSS)
sole province of the Shanghai Cyberlin Concern. Their vehicles which ensures a driver follows a simple set of checks before she
are among the most reliable in the world and disdain technical sets off. The UIG subsidise the production of the Pinko on the
frippery in return for sheer ruggedness and the ability to cope in understanding that each is shipped with the CSS. Before the Pinko
almost any environment. Da Zhan also have a frighteningly fast will move the vehicle's computer walks the driver and any
production rate, a fact that nearly turned the course of the passengers through a series of safety procedures and will not
Corporate War to Ai-Jinn's side more than once. move until all of them are met.
Vehicle Statistics
A classic in its own time, the Bronze Stallion is immensely popular
HP 90
among gangsters and Agents alike due to an (apparently)
AV 4
unforseen construction quirk that made its doors strong enough to
MPH 200
serve as bullet-shields. Reliable and with a good top speed, the
DM +1
Bronze Stallion makes an excellent choice of getaway or pursuit
vehicle; it is also a relatively good-looking machine with clean lines
Note: The Off Road Vehicle in the Core Rules is mispriced and
and three-box saloon design. The default paint-job on all factory
should cost 30,000¢.
units is metallic bronze, but can be changed for an extra 500¢
TAI-LAN 'DAO BO' SPORTS SUPER-ROADSTER making those long distance journeys on time. The front seat can
accommodate 3 people and the max load is 14 cubic metres
72,000¢ (3000kg).
Due to extortionate UIG levies resulting from its apparently unsafe For an additional fee of 1000¢-4000¢ a customised storage unit
design, the Dao Bo never became a widely-sold vehicle. More’s can be installed into the back. This allows the user to set the van
the pity, because the Dao Bo is a work of art. Incorporating a up for the type of work needed. An electrician might have dozens
powerful ten-chamber nanofactured ion-stream engine with orbital of small boxes, a carpenter may have a system to store sheets of
steel cowling and a chassis / control system designed as a board and tools and a caterer a stabilised refrigeration unit.
collaborative work by no less than three 'Archimedes'-class A.I.'s,
the Dao Bo is one of the most precise and maneuverable fast cars Those designed for Agent use often have a few additional seats in
ever made. This vehicle is also marketed as the 'Storm Blade' the back, weapon racks, locking restraint bars and wipe clean
outside of Chinese-speaking territory. surfaces.
Vary rarely seen in usage by anyone who's not a UIG or corporate The Peon is churned out in the thousands and is the van for those
official, the Imperial Lotus is designed to impress, being one of the who need a transportation vehicle but cannot afford the more
largest cars available on the market. Typically chauffeur-driven, customisable and spacious Mungo. The van is a simple, no-frills
the Imperial Lotus features a spacious passenger carriage and affair which comes in a range of basic colours with few optional
real all-walnut interior furnishing; the upholstery is synthetic extras.
leather as standard but can be upgraded to the real thing at an Despite its low cost and smaller size, the Peon is still a valuable
additional cost of 4,500¢. The vehicle is neither particularly fast or asset for many small businesses and in true Ai-Jinn style it is
manoeuvrable but it is the height of comfort and is made with an reliable and solidly constructed. The Peon can seat two adults in
armoured chassis, bulletproof windows and other security the front seats and can hold 6 cubic metres of load (1200kg).
measures as standard to protect whatever VIP is currently riding it.
Vehicle Statistics
Vehicle Statistics HP 50
HP 80 AV 4
AV 5 MPH 100
MPH 160 DM -1
DM -1
Fully Armoured - Attacks against the vehicle's occupants suffer a
-6 penalty and the vehicle's AV is added to the occupant's own for 2,000¢
the sake of calculating damage, on a failed attack the vehicle takes
the damage instead of the occupant. The Dream Maker 104 is a sedate entry into the world of motorised
vehicles. Able to accelerate to 50mph in only 10 seconds this racy
Help Alarm - The vehicle is fitted with a high-amperage tracer little number is high on every trend-setter’s wish list.
beacon that can be activated by the driver or passengers at any
time as a free action to immediately send a request for assistance The Dream Maker comes in a variety of pastel shades as well as
to whoever the signal is directed at, typically the UIG and the hot-pink, lime-green and cream-white. Buckle up and don’t forget
passenger's Corporation. a helmet.
Vehicle Statistics
AV 1
26,000¢ MPH 50
DM +1
The Mungo has long stood as the benchmark for light haulage. Its
robust construction and ample storage space combine with light
handling and a comfortable ride to make a very acceptable
package. The UIG use them, the corporations use them, the public
use them; the Mungo is without doubt the world’s favourite van.
The model detailed here (the Pepé) features an integrated snack
machine in the dash and run-flat tyres as standard; essential for
Vehicle Statistics
HP 250
AV 15
Shield 150
MPH 80
DM -1
1 'Sirroco' Turreted Ordnance Rail Cannon*, 90-degree firing arc at the front.
1 Machine Gun, 360-degree firing arc.
The Mettle of Da Zhan - Da Zhan vehicles are made with simple, DA ZHAN 'ROLLING THUNDER' MOBILE FORTRESS
tried-and-tested methods using high-quality components and are
designed to be able to tolerate a great degree of structural 1.5 MILLION ¢
misalignment before they will fail entirely. As such, Da Zhan The Rolling Thunder lives up to its classification of a 'Mobile
vehicles do not lose a condition level when repaired unless the Fortress' at nearly thirty metres in length and sporting 325mm
repair roll was a critical failure (pg.31 of the Core Rulebook). layered ceramic-durasteel armour that make it utterly invulnerable
to most infantry armaments even before its massively powerful
Hermetic Sealing - The vehicles is completely shielded from the 'Aegis'-class hard ion shield is taken into account. The Rolling
outside environment, with internal air-recyclers, electro-reactive Thunder is designed to be a massive show of power, it's
radiation shielding and triple-layered atmospheric seals. The driver impregnable hull bristling with an apocalyptic arsenal of missile-
and passengers are immune to atmospheric toxins and other bio- arrays and heavy weapons able to dish out damage on a level that
hazards outside the vehicle for as long as it remains sealed. makes it a threat even to cyberlins.
Stealth Modifications - In addition to a morphic camouflage layer, Vehicle Statistics
the Blue Emperor's tread-plates are specially shaped so as not to HP 600
kick up very much dust when driving over arid ground, its chassis AV 30
is radar- and ladar-resistant and its twin-stage ion turbine engine Shield 500
is near silent-running. All rolls made to detect the Blue Emperor MPH 30
outside of immediate visual range suffer a -4/20% penalty. DM -3
Ramming Shield - Designed for smashing down barricades, the DA ZHAN MARK VII RED TALON SUBMERSIBLE P-TANK
vehicle is equipped with a durasteel ramming shield that allows it 300,000¢
to ignore up to 5 points of the rammed target’s armour and also
protects the vehicle from taking damage when ramming, provided
The Pressurised-Tank is a small, utilitarian fighting vehicle which
the AV of the rammed target is under 20.
seats only one driver.
MAG Tanks require the Cyberlin Piloting Training (page xx) Vehicle Statistics
HP 250
MAG (Mobile Armoured Gunnery) Tanks are commonly used in AV 20
environments where the locomotary system of a conventional tank Shield 200
makes it unsuitable. MAG Tanks use a multipod design (typically 6 MPH 80
or 8 legs) to allow them to clamber over a range of terrain types DM +1
which are normally tricky to navigate. The hull is normally
extremely well armoured and mounted on a platform suspended The Desert Scorpion is a shining black MAG Tank with 8 legs and
between or above the legs. an emphasis on speed and ranged combat. It’s commonly used in
large open areas such as deserts or plains where its immense top
There are a range of MAG Tank designs, each created for a speed means that if it spots you and you don’t have a fast vehicle,
specific function although all share the following features. you are going to be in big trouble very soon. They are always
piloted by professionals so their attack values are noted below.
Anti-Immobilisation System
MAG Tanks can function with only 3 legs although their speed is Weapons
reduced to half. 2 x Forward Mounted Sniper Cannons
AT 30, Dam 2D12+30, Ignores 10 AV, Rate 2, Range 3 miles.
All Terrain Mobility
MAG Tanks can cross all reasonable terrain with no issues. They The Scorpion must line itself up to use these, which the driver can
cannot climb sheer surfaces more than 10 feet high unless do as a free action.
equipped with anti-grav engines. These are aimed by the on-board A.I. and are considered to
always have aimed for three rounds. (This is taken into account
with the AT above). Each can be fired at a separate target if
1 MILLION ¢ Every mile after the first, the cannons receive -5 to hit so at 3 miles
they fire with an AT of only 20.
Vehicle Statistics
HP 150 2 Turreted Rail Guns
AV 15 AT 18, Dam 6D10, Ignores 15AV, Rate 1, X-Ray Scope
Shield 150
MPH 40 Electro Defences – Anyone engaging the tank in close combat
DM -1 receives a 4D10 electric shock which knocks them back from the
tank and ignores AV.
Twin linked ‘Hellstorm’ missile array. This fires a pair of medium Smoke Dispenser - The Scorpion can send plumes of smoke into
rockets (6D10) at a single target. The missile bay can hold 8 the air creating a cloud 30 metres in diameter. Thermal will help to
rockets giving a total of 4 attacks. spot it but most thermal units only work up to a few hundred
1 turreted rail gun mounted on the top of the hull. metres. Although the rail guns are limited to around a mile, the
2 grenade launchers loaded with a range of grenades; typically sniper cannons function at a distance of 3 miles.
smoke, heavy frag and heavy incendiary.
1 Undermounted M50 Machine Gun which can fire forwards or A.I. Co-pilot - The level 7 A.I. co-pilot ensures that all weapons
backwards so that it will not damage the legs. can be fired each round by helping the pilot with a range of tasks.
Each round the pilot can fire 2 of the weapon system as well as Hermetic Sealing - See Opposite Page
driving the vehicle.
See page 93 for an illustration of a MAG Tank.
The Mettle of Da Zhan - SeeOpposite Page
Mag Tanks make great enemies for divisions of high level Agents and can be used as ‘monsters’. They can be a very convenient
encounter for an advanced division as the Mag Tank has high armour, HP and shields but only a few attacks. You could consider it
much like adventurers fighting a small dragon in a traditional fantasy setting. The tanks are quite mobile and can chase the Agents
across urban terrain, smashing down buildings and scuttling over ruins with ease. If the players are really advanced you can
always have them attacked by a battalion of Mag Tanks.
There is a great cinematic feeling when a player takes on a tank in close combat and wins.
There are additional vehicle upgrades on page 56 of the Core Wooden Dragon’s Head 500¢
Rules. Modern sculpted metal 75¢
Giant semiprecious stone 1,000¢
Underlighting 50¢ Giant precious stone 100,000¢
A series of lights are installed along the underside of the vehicle Gun grip 100¢
giving the classic under-chassis illumination you expect from a Phallic Lookalike 75¢
street racing car.
High Capacity Fuel Tank 400¢
In-Car TV 100¢ This doubles the size of the existing fuel tank.
A small 10 inch screen is fitted into the vehicle allowing the
passengers to watch their favourite programs on the move. Larger Smugglers Compartment
screens can be fitted with the price rising by 20¢ per inch. By This is a compartment built into the vehicle which is difficult to find
doubling the price your screens can be made waterproof and with a cursory search. Anyone manually checking the car takes a
scratch resistant so they are suitable for attaching to the outside of -8 / -40% penalty to find the compartment. You can augment these
the car. spaces with crystal weave (see the Eastern Bank page 40), this
costs triple the normal cost.
Custom Paint Job
Vehicle Size Cost
Bike 500¢ Motorbike Pistol / Fist 500¢
Car 1000¢ Car Rifle / Head 1000¢
Van 1500¢ Van Heavy Weapon 1500¢
Lorry 3000¢ Lorry Human Body 2000¢
Mag Tank 5000¢
Sports Exhaust 200¢
Nothing says ‘made’ like a custom paint job, from from candy apple This ensures your car puts out a better exhaust note and uses its
green to flaming skulls. fuel even more efficiently. This increases the top speed of the car
by 5mph
Custom Upholstery 4000¢
The interior of the vehicle is decked out with a custom, real leather
re-work. Bullet Proof Glass
Moderate amount of glass (car) 300¢
SonicAir Thunder Horn 300¢ Large amount of glass (bus) 1000¢
This ear-splitting piece of horn technology has an adjustable
output to vary your horn volume from a subtle whisper to a glass- In vehicles which have a significant amount of glass such as cars
shattering siren. You can program the horn with up to 30 audio files and buses, the glass can be installed to give a +1 bonus to the
from a computer, allowing it to play your favourite music at vehicles AV.
completely unacceptable levels.
Personalised License Plates
Thief Lock 1000¢ (Illegal) Complete the look with a license plate which says something
If someone tries to steal your car the engine immobilises and the about you.
doors lock sealing the thief into the car and filling it with poisonous
gas (Potency 4) which will kill a normal human in 30 seconds. Obscure, only the owner would understand 300¢
(E.I. Agent John Moore has EI AJM1)
You then receive a phone message informing you of the incident.
Distincive, its obvious you have style and cash 2,000¢
It is even equipped with a small task A.I. that taunts the thief while (E.I. Agent John Moore has JM 1)
they're dying with phrases such as "You're never going to get out,
it's utterly pointless. You shouldn't have been such a delinquent Famous, perhaps a single word or famous date 20,000¢
little shit, should you?" (E.I. Agent John Moore has JONNY)
FUEL COSTS: Example, travelling 1000 miles in a car would cost 10 credits
Paracane is a cheap fuel and service stations still dot the endless
highways, manned by reluctant, string-vest wearing oiks. A litre DOES IT EXPLODE?
costs around one credit and will take you roughly the following Of course it does, what kind of action game would be complete
distances without exploding cars, barrels and fuel stations?
The management structure of the Ai-Jinn is a fairly simple affair. The corporation has been known to spend millions of credits to free
The CEO makes the executive decisions which ultimately dictate a single rank 1 Agent. They believe (with good reason) that for an
the Ai-Jinn’s development. These orders are passed down the Agent to know he has the unequivocal support of a multi-billion
ranks until they reach someone who can execute the required credit corporation is the best form of loyalty enforcement possible.
plan. This is a fairly common practice for most corporations. The subsequent sense of camaraderie, trust and duty give the Ai-
Jinn the strongest inter and intra division bonds seen within a
One of the key differences with the Ai-Jinn is the level of deniability modern corporation.
which is incorporated into the command structure. In the Western
Federation your commanding officer (to the extent of his power) RANK 10 - THE CEO
takes all responsibility for the actions of the division, both legally
and within the Corporation. The Ai-Jinn do the opposite and
The current head of the Ai-Jinn is Yuan Qingzhao, a woman of
anyone who is apprehended by the UIG for criminal behaviour is
great tenacity and at present the only female acting as a CEO
expected to sacrifice themselves for the good of the Corporation.
within the five major Corporations. She has been in command
since the death of her predecessor Jing Lei, who was murdered in
For example, if one member of a division engaged in illegal
his bed by Clan Hitori in 2401.
activities is caught he may well confess to a larger or non-existent
crime if he believes it may prevent his fellow Agents from getting
The death of Jing Lei is still considered to be the epitome of a
caught. The Ai-Jinn corporation are not blind to this level of loyalty
perfectly executed assassination. Not only was no security
and will throw all of their legal power behind the accused individual
triggered but all three backups of Lei’s psyche matrix were
to get him acquitted. If he does end up in jail or under threat of
simultaneously destroyed. One was under lockdown in the
depersonalisation then they will do everything they can to free him
Shanghai Spire, one was on Lunas Colony and one was held by
or make his time in prison as easy as possible.
an unnamed division who were on active duty in Odessa; this
illustrates the planning and influence the Shi Yukiro needed to
exert in order to complete this assassination.
At the time of Lei’s death Qingzhao was Shadow CEO and Kuan-
Yin Liang was the Dragon’s Head. Both were rank 9 and eligible to
be elevated to the position of CEO. A great deal of discussion and
debate ensued but it was essential a new leader be chosen swiftly
before the other Corporations took advantage.
Qingzhao is of Chinese birth and appears to be around 30 years
Yuan Quingzhao - CEO of the Ai-Jinn
old with clean, hard features, short black hair and no obvious
cybernetic upgrades. She spends a great deal of her time
practising martial arts, primarily muay thai but given her life span
of over 220 years it would be safe to say there are few disciplines
she is not proficient in. If encountered in her private quarters she
will normally be wearing traditional clothes associated with the art
she has been practicing or a more universal black combats and
such times he tends be carefree, generous and seems to exude a not realise it, it is probable their actions are being closely
sense of camaraderie. Evidence perhaps, that he remembers monitored and any sign of disloyalty could result in a severe and
vividly his days of skulking through the Old Cities, rifle in hand, sudden career plateau.
hunting the Shi Yukiro like the snakes they are.
The Shadow CEO’s main responsibility is to act as an advisor,
confidant and executive to the CEO. While the CEO herself will
The Ai-Jinn’s institutionalised hatred of the UIG is no secret. This
ultimately decide the direction of the Corporation, it is the Shadow
extends to the point of them having a department dedicated to its
CEO who will help her think through the ideas and look for
dissolution who are often equipped with Legacy Pattern
potential holes. When the plans have been finalised the Shadow
Technology. The detail is made up of 6 Agents, typically a Rank 8
CEO will then allocate the various aspects of the plan to lower
and five Rank 7s. The Rank 8 acts as a kind of mission officer
ranks leaving the CEO free to postulate future schemes.
known as the Sword who takes the comments and instructions of
his superiors and formulates plans which are executed by his
The CEO’s directives are considered by the voting council and four
specialist division (the Five Knives). He is of course able to
votes against the proposal will halt it and force a rethink. This does
commandeer other divisions as he needs them but they are
not often happen however, not because the CEO’s ideas are
seldom as suited as his own tailor-made team.
flawless but due to the simple fact that anyone openly opposing the
CEO is taking a risky political stance. The Shadow CEO will
The missions undertaken by the Five Knives are invariably highly
arbitrate with the voting council, making sure they understand
illegal and subtlety is a far more important weapon than martial
exactly what the CEO’s intentions are and that the ideas are not
prowess. Although the Division occasionally perform
dismissed due to misinterpretation.
assassinations or terrorist attacks they tend to work in a way that
does not give the UIG cause to retaliate.
The Shadow CEO’s other duties involve the promotion of Agents
above rank 5. From ranks 1 to 4 the system generally takes care
A typical assignment would be to corrupt a UIG Official or steal the
of itself and division mission officer’s deal with the administration.
plans of a new anti-Agent weapon. These missions, if performed
When an Agent is about to become rank 6, however, she reaches
correctly are extremely hard to identify and even harder to track
a point where she can start to have a serious effect on the
back to the culprit.
machinations of the corporation as a whole.
Agent Jan Tao – The Sword
For this reason the Ai-Jinn begin to closely monitor any Agent who
The current Sword is Jan Tao, an Agent whose list of grievances
has passed rank 5 and occasionally bring them in for interviews or
with the UIG go back several decades. Members of his family, both
set them special tasks to assess their loyalty. It is ultimately down
blood and criminal, have fallen to the uncompromising hand of the
to the Shadow CEO to decide whether an Agent will ascend to rank
6 or 7.
Tao himself was born into extreme poverty in Gun Nai, an isolated RANK 8 - THE VOTING COUNCIL (THE 8 IMMORTALS)
provincial town which had been left untouched by the corporation
This is a group of eight Rank 8 Agents, named after the wise
and the UIG for decades.
immortals of Chinese myth, who act as a voice of reason and
safeguard for the corporation as a whole. They have the power to
Tao was 14 years old when Malenbrach in drop ships arrived at the
force a rethink on any decision made as long as 4 members agree.
village and demanded it be cleared in preparation for the
Even the CEO herself can have her orders countermanded by the
construction of a new administration facility. Although the UIG
made provision for each family to be re-housed in the nearby old
city of Yumen the results were disastrous. Not only were the
The number 8 holds great significance in Chinese mythology and
villagers separated into different parts of the city, breaking up their
it is no coincidence that there are 8 members, each of rank 8. Their
community, they were housed in near-slum conditions and having
identities are not common knowledge and they do not spend all
no concept of city living or criminal culture were immediately the
their time festering in a boardroom, picking over fine details. Each
target of opportunistic street gangs.
member is a competent Agent in their own right and may also hold
other positions; for example, the Sword (above) could also be a
Many of the villagers were robbed, raped, beaten and murdered
council member.
over the following weeks and despite repeated requests the UIG
did nothing to resolve the situation. Tao’s family were the victims
When a matter of significance has been decided by the CEO or
of one such attack. His mother was ravished and his father killed
her advisors it is relayed to each of the council members, normally
trying to defend her. Tao himself knifed one of the attackers to
face to face but sometimes by a secure communication if
death but was beaten into a coma for his trouble. It was only when
his mother approached the local Triad begging for help that things
improved. The marauding gang was killed to a man and the Triad
Ideally the council will meet up to discuss the proposition at the
arranged for Tao’s medical costs to be taken care of on the
first available instance but failing that, a member’s decision can be
understanding he and his mother would work for the Triad when
sent in on a secure transmission. Normally a simple yes/no is
everything had stabilised. Although Tao was put to work pushing
sufficient making it quite a difficult system to corrupt.
drugs and his mother employed in a bordello, they were both safe,
well fed and rewarded for their work with money and clean
Elevation to council status is earned by impeccable loyalty,
consistent good judgement and broad political understanding.
In time Tao was invited to join the Triad as a full member and his
mother was able to cease her unsavoury work. He showed RANK 7 & 8 - REGIONAL GOVERNORS
tremendous initiative in several areas of work but displayed the
most enthusiasm for anti-UIG activities. Although he worked within These men and women are the governors of the four Ai-Jinn
the Triad’s operating boundaries he was able to create a provinces. There are actually five chairmen as one is assigned to
disproportionate amount of trouble for the lawmen. It was no Shi Yukiro territory, which the Ai-Jinn consider to be rightfully
surprise that he was approached by the Ai-Jinn and offered a place theirs. More is written about this in the section on Provinces on
in the Agent Training Programme. page 99.
During his time as a field Agent he achieved notoriety as a pioneer The chairmen are elected by firstly being recommended by their
in anti-UIG warfare. He was personally responsible for making the peers and if this recommendation is taken seriously then the CEO,
Legacy Project (page 32) what it is today and is known to have Shadow CEO and Voting Council will make an assessment.
killed over 200 officers and destroyed more than 2 billion credits
worth of UIG assets. Despite these achievements, he has never The position holds considerable power but like-wise great
been docked a single rank point and to this day continues to responsibility. Each province must be productive and fulfil its role
infuriate the UIG with his schemes. in the betterment of the Ai-Jinn in terms of productivity, political
strength and national defence. If a province begins to show signs
Death to the corrupt oppressors! Take arms against the UIG! of declining in any way the governor must immediately make a full
Sǐ! report, which if unsatisfactory will result in his immediate
Death to the machineries of power! Attack from all places
without pause! Each governor is free to deal with any problems and implement
Sǐ! expansions in his own way as long as he is following the overall
directives set forth by the CEO.
Death from the shadows! Leave no trace!
Sǐ! Each Governor is detailed with the respective Province. These
start on page 99
Death before betrayal! Uphold loyalty to our brothers!
THE FIVE GOVERNORS Since the inception of the very first corporations more than a
millennia previously, arguably the single most crucial factor in
Agent May Lin Chow - Governor of the Western Province
their success or failure has been people; those key individuals
Qhinlong - The Azure Dragon
whose specific personal qualities drive them to succeed against
Agent Simon Yo - Governor of the Northern Province their competitors. The methods by which corporations ensure
Zulong - The Vermillion Dragon that they retain the services of such individuals has, therefore,
always been a defining feature of their corporate culture. And
Agent Jan Tsai – Governor of the Central Province this remains true today, even though the vast size, power, and
Huanglong – The Yellow Dragon influence of the Five otherwise renders them almost
incomparable to their forebears of a thousand years previously.
Agent Samantha Yeung – Governor of the Southern Province
Bailong – The White Dragon
To examine the ways in which the Corporations engender
Agent Yasuhiro Kotabe – Governor of the Eastern Province loyalty, therefore, is a singularly revealing exercise. The Shi
Xuanlong – The Black Dragon Yukiro, as might be expected, taps into age-old traditions of
consensus-based obedience to the Corporation as overarching
social group. The Western Federation plays off insularity,
isolationism, and quasi-Puritanical values to convince its key
assets that life is better in Federation territory than elsewhere.
Comoros employs a similar theme of righteousness, matched
with an ethos designed to skillfully exploit the feelings of
disenfranchisement that many of its component geographical
groups have historically been prone to. Eurasian Incorporated
simply woos its most valued Agents with outrageously vast
bribes, usually rather transparently euphemized as
‘performance bonuses’ or, on occasion, stationery expense
But it is the Ai-Jinn, whose best Agents are typically those who
have already defected from other organizations and quite
frequently rival Corporations, which has perforce elevated the
assurance and preservation of loyalty into an art form. One side
of this is its familial structure; the organization has blended the
family-group ethos of countless petty and major crime
syndicates spanning the last six centuries with various
Confucian tenets of filial piety, and the resulting bonds are in
almost all cases formidably strong. The other is the punishment
of those few who are tempted to stray so far from the fold that
the Ai-Jinn decide they cannot be retrieved. Exemplary
punishment of traitors is by no means a new concept; the
challenge, for the Ai-Jinn, is to find new and relevant ways to
command attention amidst a populace long desensitized to
violence and horror. To this end, it is rumoured that fully a
quarter of the Corporation’s R&D assets are entirely dedicated
to discovering novel, graphic, and above all memorable means
of executing traitors; if the stories are to be believed, the blood-
and oil-smeared laboratories below the ACF in Beijing ring
almost ceaselessly with screams as these hard-working career
scientists tirelessly pursue their goal.
additional pressure. they are only doing so in order to destroy something peaceful.
3. The Western Province tends to be quite a ‘spiritual’ place and RUNNING BKI GAMES
the inhabitants are, for the most part, less commercial than most.
Such missions give you an excellent opportunity to allow the
For this reason it’s quite low on E.I.’s list of places to deluge with
players to pick any corporation they want to play (except Comoros)
capitalist goods and services and they tend to stay out of the area.
and go on missions without them being UIG monitored or
approved. There is no reason the division cannot be made up of
4. The Ai-Jinn’s objectives within the Western Province focus on
two Shi Yukiro and two Federation Agents and so all kinds of
spying and subversion. The area is festooned with Order Enclaves
interesting combinations can arise.
which the Ai-Jinn have been forced to permit over the last few
centuries as concessions to the people, to comply with UIG law
Although Governor Chow is technically in charge of BKI
and by way of apologies for acts of aggression. They cannot just
operations, she is not foolish enough to dictate everything that
charge in and reclaim these enclaves and neither would they want
should be done. She would rather work in co-operation with Agents
to. Rather they seek to insert their Agents in and around the area,
and come up with a plan together which will make the most use of
watching for signs of weakness and sowing seeds of dissent and
everyone’s talents.
corruption in the hope of shaking the foundations of the Faith.
If she does have to deal with dissent from non-Ai-Jinn Agents she
THE BARIKA KEBE ALLIANCE will likely contact the Agents’ superiors. Each Agent has been
A significant problem is the ‘alliance’ between the Order and assigned here for the benefit of the corporation and antagonising
Comoros in this region. Although there are no official treaties and Chow is definitely not going to help anyone.
both groups don’t always see eye to eye, their unity provides
strength. Whilst they are not fighting one another they are learning, BKI MISSIONS
growing and ultimately becoming less assailable. The idea of two
Ultimately the assassination of Barika or Kébé would more than
of the most potent groups of telepaths working together is a
likely end the alliance. However, this has proved impossible as
terrifying prospect, not just for the Ai-Jinn but for all of the other
they tend to be well secured deep within Comoros and Order
strongholds. In light of this May Lin concocts a range of missions
which serve to destabilise the fragile alliance without revealing her
The alliance is mainly due to two individuals.
nature or being too overt. Some examples are given below.
The first is Sister Anisiah Barika, a formidable woman who holds
1. Assume the identities of Comoros Agents and attack Order
the rank of Prelate within the Order and has jurisdiction over all the
enclaves within the Middle East. The second is Mr. Camora Kébé,
2. Take on Order identities and travel to nearby Comoros cities.
a rank 7 Comoros Agent entrusted with all political decisions made
Spread damning propaganda about the Comoros Corporation.
in North East Africa.
3. Assassinate some of Barika’s close co-workers and make it look
like Kébé’s doing. This could also be done the other way around.
That two individuals with such similar goals should have been
4. Steal secrets from one half of the alliance and plant them on the
forced into close proximity is fortunate for both the Order and
other half.
Comoros. From their first meeting it was apparent great things
5. Rally extremists who are opposed to the alliance and equip them
would happen and for the last 45 years the area has become more
with armaments so that they can form a rebellious faction.
and more stable until it is now one of the safest places to live in the
When the blameless and the righteous die, the very gods for
vengeance cry.
Sadly this union has not been repeated anywhere else in the world
and although Comoros and the Order bear a mutual respect for
Vlad Taltos
one another, should either Anisiah or Camora die, the alliance
would likely crumble within days.
the alliance, has fallen woefully short. strike was about to be made upon Ayan. More important than the
information itself was the fact that Ai-Jinn intelligence had both
She is kept in power only because so far she has managed to intercepted and decoded the signal. Rather than warn the Ayan
convince both Comoros and the Order of her good intentions people and mercenaries and let E.I. know this, they evacuated
whilst quietly hacking away at their foundations but unless she their most valuable assets and let the strike go ahead. Hundreds
shows some positive results in the next few years she will be of thousands died in the bombing but the Ai-Jinn easily justified the
looking for another job. Continually fighting for her position has loss to themselves and went on to make several decisive attacks
made May Lin an extremely edgy woman who can become against E.I. using their new information, the tragic loss of life just
ferociously angry when things do not go to plan. another atrocity to add to the Ai-Jinn’s remarkable and shameful
Those left behind were understandably furious and bitter and their
THE NORTHERN PROVINCE hatred formed the roots of the People’s Free Army of Ayan.
Because of the high contingent of mercenaries, bounty hunters
This is the smallest of the provinces but as a significant part of it is and even ex-Agents who founded the army, the PFAA has a
within the Eastern Bank, the Capital Code Zone* plays an surprising level of competence.
important part in the way Governor Yo handles things. The region
is sandwiched between E.I. and Shi Yukiro territory and so Yo THE PEOPLE’S FREE ARMY OF AYAN
certainly has his plate full ensuring the area remains both stable The PFAA are driven by vengeance. Mercenaries are not a soft lot
and uncompromised. and understand that in a war, almost anything is justifiable but the
total obliteration of Ayan was a step too far. Now they make their
Welcome to the lands of hatred, my friends. Perhaps you think home in the polluted, twisted jungles far to the north of the
this a figure of speech; please understand I am not given to province, planning and executing attacks against the Ai-Jinn and
such flourishes. Here, the land crawls with our enemies and its assets.
they hate you; and they are everywhere, under every rock and
behind every wretched tree. Here, the law is swift and brutal Generations of hatred and murderous training have been
and it hates you; it watches you for the slightest misstep, that it concentrated over the years into what is arguably the most
might reach out and crush you in the name of justice. Here, the effective guerrilla army on the planet. Although you can draw
land itself hates you, and will rise up against you; it will poison parallels between the American Underground and the PFAA in that
the careless, freeze the unprepared, consume the foolhardy. both are a thorn in the side of their respective corporations, their
And here, should you falter in your vigilance against our methods and reasoning differ considerably. Whereas the
enemies, the law, or the land, you will feel the brunt of my Underground are essentially a political movement who would
hatred, over many days. And then you will find that all the cease their activities if the Federation changed their policies, the
hatred that this place teems with is as a spring breeze next to PFAA will never rest until they see the Ai-Jinn ground to dust and
the hatred I can bring to bear on the incompetent. the ashes launched into the sun.
*High altitude, low opening. You gain +4 to this roll if you have the Survival Training.
You gain +4 to this roll for wearing a whole suit of armour
THE SHENYU JUNGLES If you fail you are stung and the potent poison enters your system.
At the northern tip of the province are the Shenyu Jungles, a vile
result of the heavy pollution given off by the Ai-Jinn’s immense Shrike Poison (Level 7 Toxin)
factory complexes. The jungles cover an area of roughly 40,000 Roll to determine where the poison manifests. Although it may
square miles and are notable as being one of the most polluted have entered via the cheek or hand, the thorn tip travels around
regions on the planet outside France, Australia or the Freestates. the blood for a few minutes until it breaks down and the poison is
Conditions in Shenyu are pretty terrible but the PFAA and their released into a random area. This area is paralysed for D4 hours.
families have been living there for many generations and have built
up a certain tolerance to the toxins. The poison has sadly seldom been tapped to use as a combat
toxin. It only has a shelf life of around one day when removed from
Although they are described as jungles the term is not really the tree. It is rumoured a few gifted individuals have worked out
accurate in an ecological sense. For a start, it’s extremely cold and how to store it for around a week but at present the only viable way
much of the ground is permafrost. A haze of mist and smog drifts to use it is to have a shrike tree in your flat and tap the poison just
between the trees which, although densely packed, are blackened before use.
from the pollution and often brittle and stunted. In a relatively short
time their leaves have become leathery and small which seems to SHRIKE POISON
allow them to cope with the pollutants better but as a result they
are less than a tenth as efficient as a normal leaf, explaining the 1 Head Head Paralysed
generally poor condition and reduced size of the trees that bear You are rendered unconscious.
2 Right Arm Body part totally paralysed
JUNGLE HAZARDS Treat as though severed.
The jungle is a dangerous place at the best of times and the
pollution only serves to make things worse. Anyone who visits may 3 Left Arm Body part totally paralysed
suffer from any of the following problems. Treat as though severed
4. Silenced Weapons
This results in increasingly blurred vision for the next week. All kinetics weapons are silenced, even heavy ones.
(Cumulative -1 to sight based tasks each day to a maximum of -4).
5. Invisibility Fields
In a week the eggs hatch and the eye is effectively blinded. The Each division member is given an invisibility field.
hundreds of tiny worms then burrow out, destroying the eye and
causing immense pain. They travel through the hole in the back of 6. Evade Surveillance
the eye socket and enter the circulatory system where they feed on You gain the ‘Evade Surveillance’ Training (The Eastern Bank)
blood and grow. providing you have the prerequisites.
This gives the victim an intense fever (-3 to Strength, Agility, 7. Area Knowledge
Reflexes and Endurance) until the worms pass out of the system. You gain the ‘Eastern Bank Knowledge’ Training (The Eastern
Bank) providing you have the prerequisites.
When they are mature after 2D4 days they breach out through the 8. Weapon Upgrades
skin and drop to the floor where they find a tree to climb and begin Your primary weapon is increased by two condition levels or you
the process again. gain 2000¢ to spend on weapon upgrades. A selection of weapon
upgrades can be found in Machines of War.
The disease can be cured with a toxin purge but the eye is
considered ruined. Cybernetic eyes cannot be affected. 9. Contacts
You are put in contact with some important people, gain 8 points of
contacts. No more than 5 points allocated to any single one.
You can leave the game fairly freeform, perhaps asking the players
THE CENTRAL PROVINCE a few days before the game what basic plans they have, then you
can arrange a few encounters based around what they want to do.
Some examples of what such a campaign could include are listed
The Central Province has the highest concentration of Ai-Jinn below:
assets including numerous spires, factories and research facilities.
It is perhaps the most important province and is central to the Searching for good help (it is hard to find).
functioning of the Ai-Jinn as a whole. Agent Jan Tsai has governed
the Central Province for the past 76 years with a surprisingly low Setting up security for the business.
level of serious incidents. He has a large contingent of Agent
divisions at his disposal who are assigned to the various assets Killing off or taking over the competition.
around the province.
Dealing with the UIG when they come to investigate the legitimacy
Although the eastern-most sector of the Central Province is of your business.
located in the Capital Code Zone of the Eastern Bank, Tsai does
not make such a big deal of it as his colleagues. His concerns tend Setting up illegal businesses which operate within the main
to centre around maintaining the stability of the province as a business, e.g. pushing drugs from your nightclub.
whole. Tsai ensures that seasoned mission officers oversee capital
code missions and only sends extremely experienced Agents to Dealing with existing gangs and mobsters who don’t take kindly to
the Eastern Bank zone and lets them work as they see fit. As a your presence.
consequence these Agents are generally well rewarded for their
work with free training, advanced equipment, more pay, improved Building a successful business in order to generate money to buy
accommodation and a healthy dose of cushy missions such as extra legitimate operations. You can use the Business rules in the
tours of duty on the Xing Gong Orbital (see page 139). Eastern Bank or make it up yourself.
Steadily the division will increase its power base, recruiting gang As the game progresses the division may need to leave the city
members, running protection rackets, eliminating competition and now and again to acquire resources, perform assassinations,
intimidating rivals until they can be considered to have the city in a attend meetings or in the line of unrelated duty. This allows the
vice-like grip. Once this state is reached it is merely a case of Agents a change of scene from the gritty streets.
fending off newcomers. This is normally made easier by the Ai-Jinn
assigning a few junior divisions to the area so that they can learn
the ropes under the guidance of experienced Agents in a relatively Since the Lan Nai division has moved into Gan Ho Old City the
safe environment. crime rate has fallen to an all time low. Before you praise the
work of Feng Lun and his Agents, I would ask you to look at
these productivity figures on Gan Ho for the 2488-2489 fiscal
You’ll notice they show a worrying decline. We have since learnt
This can be an excellent campaign arc for an Ai-Jinn division. You’ll
that Agent Lun has taken a somewhat ‘Federation’ approach in
need to make sure that the division is fairly competent and versed
his duties and massacred any gang which did not offer its
in street culture and crime. You can start by picking an old city unequivocal fealty.
which is slipping away from Ai-Jinn control; you could just pick one
by looking at an atlas; for example, Tongshan. Then just decide on Rather than discipline Agent Lun I suggest we promote him,
an asset which Agents start with; for example, a nightclub which is increase his budget and send him to Tokyo where his obvious
doing very badly. The Agents are given the money to buy the skills may be better realised.
business outright, they can then establish a centre of operations
there. attr; - Agent Jan Tsai - Governor of the Central Province
The name Cai Qian refers to a long dead pirate lord active in the
AGENT JAN TSAI Qing Dynasty who commanded a fleet of around 1,000 warships
HUANGLONG - THE YELLOW DRAGON The Cai Qian currently claims to have around 14,000 members
Agent Tsai could be thought of as laid back but this would be a who are divided into a number of clans. Each clan has a leader
mistake. His calm, apparently relaxed demeanour is more a and each leader ultimately pays respect to the current lord of the
product of absolute control and a calm, rather than lax attitude. Cai Qian. This structure is universally approved by all clans who
Tsai is a skilled delegator and his province is so hectic he has acknowledge that it has worked well for hundreds of years and,
become adept at selecting the very best staff for the job and even in times of crackdown, has allowed the Cai Qian to survive.
putting a great deal of faith in their work. Instead of overseeing
dozens of plans he asks for honest status reports from Mission
Officers (MO) and helps them overcome problems they are having. CAI QIAN STRUCTURE
If a division has made an absolute hash of a mission, instead of
getting mad and docking rank points Tsai will talk with the Chinese Approximate Translation
commanding MO and use his wealth of experience to try and work
out a solution. Hai Ba Sea Lord / Sea Tyrant
Current leader of the Cai Qian
If, upon examination, there is blame to be laid then Tsai will take
action but his attitude of understanding and resolution has always Can Ren The Bloodied / The Merciless
received better results than simply demoting anyone who makes a One of twelve council members who are elected from the 12
mistake. This policy not only ensures that Tsai is always kept up to most powerful clans.
date in an honest and frank manner, it means his Agents learn and
develop rather than being constantly held back on mundane duty. Shuai Commander
The respect he commands also spurs his Agents on to do their Head of a clan
best for him, more concerned about letting him down than any
punishment he might administer. Ji Zhang Captain
The captain on a pirate vessel
The citizens who dwell in these islands are typically very rich and
have moved here to take advantage of some of the most pleasant Each clan comprises around 500 pirates manning somewhere
and least polluted island and coastal real estate available. around 50 boats. Some boats are small skiffs with only a few men
Unfortunately this makes rich pickings for the gangs of pirates on board, others are great warships equipped with anti-grav drives
known as Cai Qian who scour the southern seas looking for which can take over 100 crew.
wealthy citizens partying on their yachts or lounging at their
beachfront properties. Some sample clans include
Although described as islands, many of the landmasses are still The Guandao
huge and provide a variety of environments ranging from the The Dragon Typhoon
magnificent Java Spire to the slums of Jakarta and the eclectic The Thundering Storm
neon jungle that is Old Bangkok. Although most of the region is The Sharks
heavily policed by Ai-Jinn soldiers and Agents there is an The Scourge of Lin Shi Men
enormous amount of space that simply does not get the attention The Bloodied Sails
it needs. It’s these neglected regions in which the Cai Qian make The Skulls of the South Seas
port. The Jakarta Rats
Cai Qian are for life. Secondly the Ai-Jinn would quite like to take over the Cai Qian
rather than destroy it. A fleet of mercenary pirates at their beck and
call could provide no end of uses and if they could be redeployed
Although this code is fairly crude it has served the pirates well for to target Shi Yukiro or E.I. assets then they would make an
many years. excellent addition to the personnel roster. The Ai-Jinn have been
known to dispatch the odd division now and again to assassinate
The code states nothing about obeying orders and enforcement of the Hai Ba or bring down the council but so far to no avail.
discipline within the Cai Qian normally takes the form of beatings, Infiltration seems to be the most likely method of finding out
lashings, keel hauling, imprisonment, disfigurement, restriction of enough about the Cai Qian to engineer some kind of mutiny and
privileges, removal of wealth and occasionally death. bring the dogs to heel.
Any Ai-Jinn Agent damaging the Shi Yukiro corporation when not
specifically mandated by the mission will reciveve rewards from
the Corporation.
Killing a SY Agent His Rank x 2 in Rank Points.
The Eastern Province isn’t noted on any maps and doesn’t have Recovering SY tech 1-5 Rank Points
any defined boundaries. The term refers to the islands of Japan Destroying Assets 1-10 Rank Points.
currently held (wrongfully in the opinion of the Ai-Jinn) by the Shi Collect Intelligence 1-10 Rank Points
Yukiro. Although the Ai-Jinn as a whole have their sights on
consolidation and development of existing territories as opposed These rewards can be supplemented with cash and other benefits
to expansion, the Eastern Province is always viewed with greedy, as the GM sees fit.
covetous eyes. .
As the sun slowly sank beyond the horizon it threw long, graceful shadows from the ancient cherry trees, their branches still laden
with blossom even though the small lawns and koi pools seemed to be scattered with drifts of pale pink petals.
Two men stood on a small wooden bridge, one draped in the heavy, red robes of the samurai, the other wearing a dark, tailored suit.
“Jeimuzu, my brother,” said the samurai bowing his head, “it has been too long, your presence has been sorely missed.”
“And I have missed you Kusani, but as you know duty has once again come first.”
“Of course,” the samurai nodded, “as it must, but I sense you are troubled my young friend. I see the weight of a decision on your
“No fooling you,” laughed Jeimuzu. “Indeed, during my work in Shanghai I’ve seen a lot. The Ai-Jinn have such a stranglehold over
there and what’s worse, its here too, everywhere you lookI guarantee. They’ve got their insidious fingers in everything. Does that
not scare you Kusani?”
“Scare me? No. Did my lessons not sink in? Surely you know that such a disorganised rabble will never be able to threaten the Shi
Yukiro. They are street thugs and little more. Look inside yourself Jeimuzu, consider our past, our present and our future. Do you
really think the Ai-Jinn could ever topple us?”
Jeimuzu shook his head and turned away. “You are right master Kusani, of course you”
With a single, almost imperceptible flash of movement the katana was drawn and sent in a graceful arc through Jeimuzu’s neck, wiped
clean of blood and silently replaced.
The samurai knelt and turned the head, looking into his student’s lifeless eyes.
Those who ally under the banner of the Ai-Jinn are known to be visiting areas under Ai-Jinn control and taking whatever steps they
the most loyal and, ironically, incorruptible employees in the world. deem necessary to ensure the population remain loyal, even if
Even the UIG envies the low levels of defections and anti-Ai-Jinn they are not happy about it.
sentiment within the corporation’s ranks.
Their two fold approach of iron-tight pack mentality coupled with INITIATION RITES
severe punishments for traitors has meant that levels of intra-
corporation crime and corruption are so low that, as a machine, A large number of the Ai-Jinn’s Agents are taken from the seedier
the Ai-Jinn is one of the most efficient corporations, second only to areas of life or are defectors from other Corporations. This could
the Shi Yukiro. potentially leave them open to disciplinary and loyalty issues. To
address these problems the Ai-Jinn often set new divisions the
Employees are paid fairly and there is very little waste. The Ai-Jinn task of aggressive strikes against their former associates. These
have little time for rich trappings, pay-offs, massive corporate strikes are not everyday sabotage runs or random assassinations,
bonuses, wild expense accounts or decadent corporate dinners, such acts would easily be tolerated by the targeted party in order
all of which were so common with many of the world’s leaders to secure an insider. Rather they are acts which are designed to
throughout history. ensure that the defection is genuine such as the torture and
murder of your ex-mission officer’s family.
Although not taken to the extremes espouses by Comoros, this no
nonsense attitude endears the higher echelons of the corporation This practice is common to many street level gangs whose
to its citizens and workers. Although there may be poor, starving insistence on initiation rites ensures the recruit is serious in their
people in many of the cities, there is a feeling that the leadership new vocation.
is not squandering all the public’s money on luxury items and
things are getting better. Often the Ai-Jinn will also insist on some evidence of the task such
as video or forensic data which is held by the corporation to
This feeling that the Ai-Jinn are working for the people is a dissuade the Agent from defecting or leaving. Fortunately, the Ai-
powerful tool and enemy Agents in an Ai-Jinn city may find it Jinn genuinely are a bastion of safety and an excellent vehicle for
harder than expected to get the locals to inform on their corp. those wishing to continue to work in the seedy world of crime.
The Agents themselves tend to share this point of view, most Ai- RUNNING INITIATIONS
Jinn Agents have criminal backgrounds and their unified dislike for The GM should ideally run a series of initiation games for a new
the UIG gives them a common bond. They know the corporation Ai-Jinn division. Not only does it enforce the characters’
will do its best for anyone on the wrong side of the law and backgrounds and provide some great plot ideas but it also serves
although this can prove a huge expense for the Ai-Jinn, they know to distinguish the Ai-Jinn from other corporations and hammer
that the gratitude and loyalty of its workforce more than makes up home their criminal roots.
for the cost.
Below are listed some sample new Ai-Jinn Agents and how the
This has not always been the situation however. The Ai-Jinn are GM could run their initiations.
known to have committed several atrocities against its own people
in the past and there are most certainly parts of the 5 territories
which the Ai-Jinn treat with little or no respect. It is for this reason Defected E.I. Cyberneticist
that many an Agent may find himself on loyalty enforcement duty, The defected Agent could easily be an infiltrator sent to work his
way up in the echelons of the Ai-Jinn and report back from time to
time. To root out such people a decisive and profound strike
against the former employer is an obvious solution. For example,
the defected Agent must find E.I.’s leading cyberneticist. They
must then capture him and force him to work for them. His family
These missions can be an interesting alternative to a more
could be taken and held hostage to ensure the quality of his work.
conventional mission and can force the players to use
unusual methods.
Motorcycle Gang Member
If the Agent is still in contact with the gang and on speaking terms
Simply turning up at a mountain village and demanding
then that is not really an issue; contacts are important. However,
fealty is not going to work. Whether the division use
he should make the gang aware that he is no longer bound to their
displays of power, technology, compassion or friendliness, code of conduct and will only work with them on a mutually
it can make for a fun game. advantageous basis.
This mission could involve the division aiding the gang to cement dangerous and rift-generating behaviour but the management
relations and put them in their debt. Obviously if the gang take the have taken a certain tack which seems to make the job of vigilance
position of ‘no-one leaves’, then the mission could be to wipe them just part of everyday life.
Instead of telling tales, the act of reporting another Agent has been
Escaped Criminal turned into a deed of kindness. It’s your opportunity to ‘save’ your
The issue with an escaped criminal is that he could have been brother or sister before she becomes corrupted by a brutal world.
released by the UIG on the assumption that he will infiltrate the Ai- Temptation is everywhere and Agents are only human (well
Jinn. For this reason the corporation will have to be very careful mostly). By being watchful of your co-workers and alerting the Ai-
and his first few missions will be fairly basic so the need for Jinn as soon as you spot potential dissention, you could nip the
intelligence access is low. Such missions may also target UIG or problem in the bud.
civilian assets which would make it hard for the UIG to justify the
infiltration. If a player suspects another player then ideally the information
should be passed on outside the game to avoid inter-player
For example, making a series of terrorist attacks against a UIG arguments and for maximum fun. If your group is made up of well
housing complex would not only serve to weed out infiltrators but rounded types who are good role-players let them do it whenever
may also have a secondary function; it could act as a distraction so you like.
that a more senior division could work somewhere else in the city
while the UIG are otherwise occupied. This is a common tactic LOYALTY ASSESSMENT
used in the Eastern Bank.
Typically the suspected Agent will be called in for a ‘little chat’ with
a high ranking Agent skilled in psychology and loyalty assessment.
Yakuza Member
(This is normally represented by the ‘There is Only Ai-Jinn’
The yakuza are mostly under the control of the Ai-Jinn but there
are clans scattered across East Asia who either remain
independent or support the Shi Yukiro. Thus when a new yakuza
The results of this chat determine the next course of action.
joins the Ai-Jinn who is from an unproven clan it is wise to assess
his loyalty before giving him more delicate work.
The Agent is Loyal
No further action is taken, the one who reported him is not held
A typical mission could be for the yakuza to attack a Shi Yukiro
accountable and everything continues as it was.
asset. This is fairly simple and one that can be tailored to ensure
an honourable Shi Yukiro would not perform it; for example, bomb
a historic samurai graveyard.
The rest of the Agent’s division are consulted and asked to all keep
an eye on him. If further suspect behaviour or comments are noted
If the mission officer simply believes the yakuza may be loyal to
refer to ‘Seeds of Disloyalty’ below.
another clan then he could insist they bring the clan under the
control of the Ai-Jinn. If the clan refuse, they die. Simple.
Seeds of Disloyalty
The Agent is considered to be doubting the path he is treading. He
will be sent for immediate ‘attitude correction’ at the ACF in Beijing
One of the great things about these mission types is they are very
(page 112).
simple and straightforward. They typically involve some principal
concepts of an Ai-Jinn game such as terrorist attacks, murders,
kidnappings and gang takeovers. Don’t feel you need to run an
The Agent has passed beyond redemption and will be interrogated
initiation for every Agent unless you really want to, just the ones
or executed. This will be a sudden affair, the assessing Agent will
whose past could be considered to conflict with their current
give no clue he has failed and will send him on his way as normal.
position within the Ai-Jinn.
At some point in the next 48 hours the Agent will be targeted by
one or two experienced Divisions who will take him down and bring
MAINTAINING LOYALTY him in. Whether he is executed immediately is a decision made by
the corporation’s higher ranking Agents.
Once a division has been assessed over the first few telling
missions and judged loyal their disposition must be carefully AVOIDING CORRUPTION WITHIN THE SYSTEM
monitored. Ai-Jinn Agents are, by nature, often devious, tricky, two- Agents are encouraged to report the slightest sign of dissention.
faced and expert liars. For this reason the ‘little chats’, as they have become known, are
a common occurrence and Agents stop being too concerned about
It’s not unreasonable to assume that they may get a better offer them after a while. The assessors will even call in Agents who have
from another Corporation, a wealthy independent criminal or the not been reported, just to keep them on their toes and to act as
UIG who may value their insight in the criminal world. To keep an control tests which can be used as comparisons in the future.
eye on their Agents the Ai-Jinn use the simplest tool available to
them; the vigilance of other Agents. In many organisations there has long been a stigma attached to
informing on your co-workers, especially if they are your superiors;
Anyone who suspects disloyalty is obliged to report it. The integrity this inevitably leads to corruption. Imagine a scenario where you
of an Ai-Jinn division is essential and so normally you might see an ally steal a few credits from the mission officer’s drawer. If
consider Agents reporting each other for disloyalty to be you inform on him, word will almost inevitably leak back and the
whole division may not trust you anymore. Moreover, if the System
accusation is disproved you could end up being a laughing stock Indoctrinated lose 2 points in Reflexes and their Intelligence is
and thought to be making it up. The situation worsens if you think reduced by 4 points to a minimum of 3.
your mission officer is crooked. You’d end up choosing sides and
digging yourself into a deep, deep hole. Their conviction pool cannot exceed 1 and they cannot spend
conviction from special trainings such as Conviction of One.
The Ai-Jinn system of openness allows you to report anyone Indoctrinated will report all acts of suspected disloyalty as soon as
without repercussions regardless of status. It’s considered a they can and will not break any laws unless ordered to do so by
kindness and more often than not the individual will be exonerated an Ai-Jinn Agent.
or at the most sent for attitude correction. Everyone wins in the They will follow all orders given to them by an Ai-Jinn Agent
end and the integrity of the corporation is maintained. regardless of repercussions.
THE ATTITUDE CORRECTION Through a series of mental exercises, propaganda exposure and
continued interrogation the subject has imperfections in her
FACILITY IN BEIJING attitude ironed out. The end result is a tweaking of the mind which
can cause the subject to lose undesirable traits such as:
This large complex of low, grimy buildings 4 miles outside Old
Beijing is salvation to some, nightmare to others. Originally Lightheartedness with regard to Ai-Jinn business
intended to educate citizens about the potential benefits of being Disrespect for Ai-Jinn authority
a part of the Ai-Jinn, its current function is to halt dissention in its Criticism of Ai-Jinn policies
tracks and enlighten those who have strayed from the path. Unconstructive criticism of other Agents
Sympathy for non-Ai-Jinn organisations
Anyone sent to the centre is in for a tough time; the strict regime, Feelings of hopelessness and apathy
regular interrogations and constant surveillance can be extremely
draining and if you falter you can expect to spend even more time System
here than you anticipated.
The interior is made up of dozens of bleak cells, patterning rooms, If the subject is willing then the modification is automatic. They
sensory deprivation tanks and interrogation chambers. These should role-play their new attitude by being extra-loyal and highly
areas are ill-maintained and the rusty pipes and peeling walls all supportive of the Ai-Jinn. They are more likely to criticise anyone
add to the sense of desolation and despair. This environment is showing opposition to the Ai-Jinn and even exact their own
psychologically crushing and is used by the staff to make life on judgement against them circumstances permitting. They may extol
the outside seem all the better. the virtues of the corporation and regularly point out that the Ai-
Jinn is a most excellent organisation.
There are several types of correction that occur, these are listed
below. The subject’s permanent conviction pool is reduced to 4 for the
next two missions.
This is perhaps the most serious and unlawful process which Each week the target must make a ‘Presence + Attitude’ roll.
involves exposing the subject to harsh neural patterning. This can
physically alter the psyche matrix of the patient over time, forcing Each week after the first the patient gains cumulative -1 penalty on
their brain to function in a different way. This method is rarely used the check until they cannot resist any longer, fail the roll and
on Agents or employees as it entails some degree of mental succumb to the modification.
retardation which lowers their overall capability.
The end result is the same as ‘willing subject’ above. The only way
More commonly it is used on civilians who have shown rebellious to get round this is to be pulled out by a high ranking Agent or to
behaviour and are capable of inciting action against the Ai-Jinn fool the assessor.
such as DLA members, anti-Ai-Jinn activists and terrorists.
Normally death would be the simple solution but this can often Fooling the Assessor
martyr the individual. Each week the subject may roll an opposed ‘Presence + Lying &
Acting’ check against the assessor’s ‘Perception + Psychology’
By reworking the subject’s mind the Ai-Jinn can attempt to subdue (normally around 16). The subject has a -6 penalty to this roll but
them without inciting a riot. If the indoctrination is exposed, of conviction may be used. (The subject can add his ‘Mind Telepathy’
course, even more terrible repercussions may ensue. score as a bonus if he posses it.)
The indoctrinated will not knowingly act against the interests of the Success indicates they have fooled the assessor and may leave
Ai-Jinn. They tend to be slow to respond and act a little dreamily. the facility even though none of the conditioning has taken.
They will occasionally quote Ai-Jinn doctrine or lecture those
around them about the Ai-Jinn being the only path to a better
LOSING THE CONDITIONING This style of play is not to everyone’s taste but can make an
It is possible to shake off the effects these forms of mental interesting change now and again or if you are going for that
conditioning by immense acts of willpower. The subject must focus Orwellian feel.
extremely hard for a number of weeks, using a considerable
amount of his mental energies to slowly break through the mental
System: For the next 3 missions (not sessions) the Agent cannot
use conviction as he is considered to be putting all of his extra This process can take many weeks; you should consider that
drive into breaking the conditioning. At the end of the 3 missions he other division members are engaged in typical duties. You can
is considered to be back to normal. give them a little cash to represent this. Typically 20% of their
standard mission pay for each week the conditioning is going
A Note on Role-playing This Section on for. Thus rank 1 Ai-Jinn Agents would get 140¢ a week. This
Indoctrination methods are not meant to wreck Agent concepts or serves as a bonus for loyal Agents.
make people play characters they did not want to. If you don’t like
it leave it out. However, these ideas are important to Ai-Jinn Further to this, his Ai-Jinn superiors may demand follow-up
philosophy and method so if you don’t like them you should try to classes which further impress upon the Agent a healthy
use something of your own devising. corporate outlook. These effectively strip away the Agents
future downtime by way of a punishment. 1-5 weeks is a good
Optional Rule for Getting Players Paranoid and Hating Each amount with more time being taken for more serious breaches
Other such as insubordination or disobeying orders.
Yes, that’s why this rule optional. If you wish you can consider all
words that come out of a player’s mouth to be essentially in For example, Agent Johnny Ya has been extremely rude to his
character. superior Agent Lun. Despite Agent Lun’s warnings he
maintained this attitude and even endangered the mission by
When a player says, “Oh sod it, kill him, he’s annoying me. Actually attempting to disobey orders. Agent Lun, was fairly tolerant
no, better not, he is our superior officer,” or something similar, you though and because of Johnny’s track record only sent him for
can consider that it’s the dark side of his character manifesting. It’s behavioural modification. Johnny did not resist, the process
somewhat like the vibes or uncontrolled emotions he gives off and was successful and Agent Ya now has a deep set passion for
his division members will pick up on this kind of thing. You thus Ai-Jinn policy. Lun also decided 4 weeks of doctrine
force the players to act in character all the time which makes them reinforcement were warranted so Johnny will lose his next four
wary of every word they say. downtime actions.
The lights stop, a woman speaks. She is calm and patient. “Tell Blood dribbles from Hayashi’s mouth but the woman is not
me the codes, Mr. Hayashi.” concerned, it’s probably just the broken shards of teeth slicing the
“I can’t, don’t you understand? It’s not me, it’s the progra”
“You know that the best feature of this method, Mr. Hayashi, is
Greengreenblueredredyellowredredblackwhi that the patient suffers only the most superficial physical harm.
tegreenblueredblueredredgreenred The process can continue for years until the brain places its own
existence over the value of the information.
He screams. His knuckles white, the veins on his neck and I realise that you believe you cannot help me and that may be
forehead bulging, he bites down so hard his molars crack. true. But I’m not trying to pursuade you Mr. Hayashi, I’m trying to
persuade your brain.”
“Surely a man like you has control of his thoughts Mr. Hayashi?”
Hayashi cannot speak. He has lost control of his body and is
making childish noises, snot is running from his nose and his “Don’t speak. You are not ready, your mind is still far too stubborn,
eyes are no longer looking in the same direction. but in a year, maybe two, it will be ready. So get comfortable, this
will be a long ride.
“Each time I turn a light on it uses 0.0001 unit of power. The
fission generator behind me can generate over fifty million units Dr. Zhin, set the machine to automatic, ten minute bursts every
of power. Imagine how long I can keep the lights on, Mr. Hayashi.” twenty minutes. Oh and give him an IV nutrient feed and sleep
inhibitors. Call me in a week.”
Hayashi’s eyes seem to focus and he speaks, his stilted words
Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side
A terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible Master of War!
Indestructible - Disturbed
You’ve all seen the numbers, but you need to know that the idea 8 TANK DIVISIONS
of a ‘standing army’ is a touch misleading, because the figures Each division is comprised of around 1200 heavy tanks supported
we’ve got here reflect strictly regular troops; they don’t take into by 800 light tanks. These form the main aggressive arm of the Ai-
account the Stratoforges. Jinn military.
See, the Clangers keep their main divisions as a contingency 32 ARTILLERY DIVISIONS
force; for normal business practice like putting down Each division contains 200 anti-aircraft cannons and 300 long
insurrections, cleaning up guerrilla actions and pushing through range artillery bombardment cannons. These cannons are all
hostile takeovers, they’ll typically drop a Stratoforge out of low mobile and are used to foil air attacks and bombard targets from a
orbit, diverting fighter squadrons for cover as required. Damn distance.
things are about the size of half a city block, leaking oil like rain
and sat in their own private smoke clouds; most the bulk is just 64 INFANTRY DIVISIONS
raw mineral storage. They can kick out about thirty P-tanks an Each division consists of 25,000 troops. These will normally
hour, drop ‘em straight into hotzones on one-shot gravchutes, accompany the tank division and are used for assaulting and
and they’ll keep pumping the fuckers out until there’s nothing left holding cities or assets.
to burn. Then, typically, the Stratoforge goes back up into orbit
for resupply, and any P-tanks left on the ground will all overload 32 HEAVY INFANTRY DIVISIONS
their reactors simultaneously just to make sure of the job. Each Division consists of 5,000 troops in heavy armour. These
units typically support the standard infantry.
So, while the UIG’s awful proud of the fact that ‘open warfare’ is
a thing of the past, y’all should know that the Ai-Jinn tend to treat
sledgehammerin’ walnuts as good business practice. It’s why we OTHER UNITS
train each and every one of you grunts in anti-armor drill... and
it’s why, like the fella said, you never want to start a land war in 16 BOMBER SQUADRONS
Asia. Each squadron consists of 30 bombers carrying high yield
explosives. These units are used to bomb strategic assets such as
-from Lectures at New West Point airports, military sites and command centres.
attr: Col. Jack Danes, Western Federation
Each squadron consists of 50 fighters which are used to intercept
THE AI-JINN MOBILE craft, make reconnaissance trips or make strafing attacks on
enemy assets.
The mobile armoured force is a term used to describe the entirety
Each unit consists of 25 highly trained and selectively augmented
of the Ai-Jinn’s ground forces which can be brought to bear against
soldiers who routinely undertake missions in time of military
an enemy. 50% of the army is always active, guarding assets,
activity. They are a much cruder tool than Agents and are usually
patrolling borders and so on. The other 50% can be called into
used to attack assets or defend important positions.
action almost immediately but are maintained in a standby state to
keep running costs to a minimum.
Each Division typically consists of 5 highly trained, biomechanically
Below are outlined the basic divisions of the Ai-Jinn military.
augmented Agents. These are not typically deployed in large scale
warfare except in command, sabotage or intelligence roles.
These are typically composed of 10 cyberlins, predominantly battle
All Agents are always on active duty and the number of active
class but including some ranger and scout class. These are used
divisions rises and falls continuously.
to guard assets or to back up other mechanised divisions.
These massive, hovering factories can be deployed straight into
These each comprise 4 Ocean class cyberlins and are used to
the airspace above combat zones, where they can churn out
protect ports or make attacks against enemy assets.
additional military assets at a frightening rate. They are kept in low
orbit until needed, where they are periodically restocked by Ai-Jinn
mining craft.
Each Division is comprised of a swarm of 100 P-Tanks. These fulfill
a variety of functions, for more information see their descrption on page 160.
The Kuan Ti
Fortress Class
Patrols the Sol system
These ships have seldom been used for direct aggression, the
only notable occasions being orbital strikes during the Corporate
Wars. This was thought to be too destructive and inefficient to be Barbarian Class
used as a sustained tactic and was abandoned in favour of D-Shift Not as heavily armed as the other classes but fast and responsive.
weapons. There were originally 3 Barbarian class cruisers but 2 never
returned after investigating the disappearance of the Explorer craft
Warships have three main classes in the infamous Epsilon Nestrum sector.
Oppressor Class
Designed to lie ominously near sensitive areas and lay down the
fear of a dozen gods. Oppressor class are at their best when used Between the cold and mocking stars
as a threat. They don’t even need to open fire to get their point No light comes; we could not see what we had found.
across. But the Rebel King of Heaven, who built our carriage, knew.
Unwitting, we were his instrument.
Fortress Class
Fortress class crafts are crucifix shaped which allows them to bear -Carved into a trans-ferrum bulkhead, in simplified Chinese, in
4 spinal charge drivers at cardinal points. This makes them the wreckage of Celestial Eye surveyor-class FDC (Epsilon
extremely fast to react and excellent at guarding large areas of Nestrum sector). High concentration of ceratin found in gouged
space. characters. Recovery team detained indefinitely by Hattamoto-
Yakko on grounds of suspected sedition.
APPEARANCE old fashioned cannon galleon where the majority of the tactics
The Jade Emperor is the flagship of the Ai-Jinn space fleet. It’s involve lining the vessel up without exposing itself. At this time
enormous hull stretches 1855 metres from prow to stern. The however, due to the lack of mobile enemies, the ship need
craft itself resembles a weapon as that’s basically what it is. merely be orientated towards the point of attack on an orbital
The interior of the ship is made up of functional, slabs of alloy or planet.
and polymer. There are no concessions to aesthetics and none
of the clean lines and sleek command consoles you might Torpedoes
expect from a multi-billion credit space craft. The vessel has numerous torpedo banks. They fire medium
range auto-targeting plasma warheads designed for ship-ship
Everything is stripped down to what is crucial to reliability and conflicts. They are typically used to disable the opponent’s
function. In many ways it is reminiscent of the Amur Border weapon systems and make surgical strikes on shield
Spire (Eastern Bank) where the function of the craft intrudes on generators or engine nacelles. Again, the lack of opponents
and compromises the habitability of the interior. Bunk rooms makes the tactical application of these weapons fairly
are extremely hot and noisy and corridors may occasionally be academic.
shut down to act as heat sinks after dropping out of subspace
or firing the primary weapon. Shield Generators
The Jade Emperor uses a batter of high-power shield
The computer systems used are relatively basic; the idea being generators which defend the ship from incoming weapons,
simpler technology goes wrong less often. The only advanced asteroids and space debris.
ones employed are the navigation and tactical A.I.s. These are
seasoned and thoroughly tested programs which are famed for STATS
their stability and evolve-code integrity. They are connected to Listed below are some basic STATS if you for some reason
hard-wired kill switches so the A.I.s can never over-ride the wanted to use the Jade Emperor in a combat situation. There
captain’s commands. Sadly this system does not seem to be will be more in depth rules about space combat in a future
perfect as with the case of The Ruin of Kai. supplement.
The craft has a small array of energy and torpedo weapons at HP 20,000
its disposal although the main ordnance is a linear spinal Shield 5,000
charge driver which runs along the full length of the ship. AV 50
Because of the other corporations’ lack of space faring craft, Ai-
Jinn warships have very little in the way of ship-ship weaponry. Spinal Charge Driver
AT 40 Dam D4 x 500 Rate 1 per 4 mins Range 100km
Spinal Charge Driver Plasma Torpedos
The entire ship must be manoeuvred in order for the charge AT 40 Dam D6 x 100 Rate 1 per min Range 10km
driver to be lined up. This makes the war ship analogous to an (Craft contains 10 launchers)
There are currently only three Explorer craft serving in the fleet. WEAPONRY
Four have been lost without trace and two destroyed exploring the
The Explorer craft are armed with a moderately powerful arc-beam
notorious Epsilon Nestrum sector. Although the Ai-Jinn are
energy weapon mounted in a spinal configuration which is used for
currently building new craft they are considering instead building
clearing landing areas and in defence emergencies. It also
more sensor/scanner equipped warships which will hopefully be
contains two plasma torpedo banks for ship-ship confrontations.
better able to withstand the unknown perils of deep space.
The Explore crafts are not designed for skirmishes and their main
form of defence is rapid transfer to subspace.
The Black Rat Surveyor Class
The Tiger Hunter Pathfinder Class
The Hound Pathfinder Class MINING CRAFT
Pathfinder Class Mining craft make up the largest part of the Ai-Jinn space fleet.
These ships are equipped with numerous long and short range Although there are technically more transport shuttles, there is a
sensors with massive generators to power them. They also boast greater amount of materials and money invested in these deep
impressive navigational and reactive A.I.s for charting unknown space resource collectors.
areas and developing action plans for previously unknowable
situations. Their main purpose is mapmaking rather than deep The mining craft take on a few different forms although the most
level scanning; that is the domain of the Surveyor class ships. common is the ‘driller’. These ships (pictured on page 119) are
orientated to the vertical and can be categorised into two sections.
Surveyor Class The top section houses the FarDrive, crew quarters and bridge
Surveyor class do not boast the wealth of sensors that Pathfinders while the lower half contains the mining drill and enormous
do, instead they sport impressive scanner arrays and are used to hoppers.
survey areas which have been earmarked by Pathfinder ships.
They may spend many months in a single star system making Mining craft need to be quite diverse and there are a few standard
geological maps which are in turn passed onto the mining craft. variants:
The Rat & Dragon - Inquisitor Class Mining Craft
As well as acting as a mining and cargo craft this class of vessel
has extensive labs and environmental suites on the upper levels The Ai-Jinn also have a number of craft which they lease to other
for the housing and study of xeno-based life and technology. Corporations and the UIG. These ships are generally crewed by Ai-
Jinn staff who restrict access to the FarDrive core. Example leased
craft include:
This class of vessel has additional defensive and offensive THE BLACK FIST OF LAO
systems. It is used to mine in areas where the Ai-Jinn believe This is a large combat capable transport vessel currently leased to
hostility is possible. the UIG who use it to make trips to and from Venus, Lunas, Mars
and other Sol based bodies.
The Rat and Dragon Inquisitor Class Luxury Cruiser – See page 157 of the Core Rules. Although E.I.
The Golden Monkey Avalanche Class paid for the construction of the vessel and own most of it, they do
The Tower of Skulls Skirmish Class not possess the propulsion mechanism.
The Green Demon Spirit Class
The Heavenly Ox Avalanche Class
The Great Horse Avalanche Class SHUTTLES
The Ai-Jinn lease several shuttles to various corporations to allow
The shuttle came up over the last ridge and, through the pitted them to run scheduled flights to orbitals, colonies and orbiting
layers of the armoured viewport, Agent Tsang saw the foreign ships.
sun sweeping over the alien vista for the first time. He caught his
breath as cold fire blazed from countless millions of mineral THE SPIRIT OF CHANGSHA
outcroppings, each a perfect natural sculpture never before This is an exploratory craft currently on lease to Amalgamated
seen by human eyes. The virgin landscape lay untouched Xenological Enterprises (AXE) (Machines of War Page 124). It is
before him, majestic peaks and plunging valleys sparkling one of three vessels AXE routinely hire to take them about the
galaxy searching for relics and xenoforms.
brilliantly in the cold light.
In the halls of the Exchange the debate goes on. The UIG demand
to know how the Archons can allow the most nefarious Corporation
access to one of the most powerful technologies ever invented A huge part of space is the unknown. Almost every aspect of Earth
while preventing the policing government from accessing the same has been studied in detail but space has the potential to hold
information. The allied Archons maintain that it was not at their fantastic mysteries. It can be very hard to think up completely new
behest that the Ai-Jinn acquired FarDrive technology and given the ideas as there are so many sci-fi films and books already out but
chance they would have prevented it from happening but as things try to be a little inventive and at least do something the players
stand, the Ai-Jinn are primarily concerned with the acquisition of were not expecting or that they cannot immediately understand.
resources which is not, in itself, a threat. Aliens who would rather kill themselves that be seen by someone
or star bridges billions of miles across created from coalesced
Should an organisation such as the UIG acquire complete access particulate drifting through space.
to FarDrive technology it would be used predominantly for
research and exploration. At this time, the Archons maintain deep MISSION IDEAS
space is in a delicate balance and there is a significant difference 1. The maintenance droids have over-ridden the hard-wired kill
between the odd low tech Ai-Jinn FarCraft drifting about mining switches so the A.I. cannot be shut down.
resources and a fleet of high-end, government backed ships with
the sole purpose of mapping the universe and making contact with 2. During an emergency situation the corridors are being used as
other civilisations. heat sinks but the warnings are inactive.
The AXE Corporation (Amalgamated Xenological Enterprises), 3. Your Division has been selected to be the accompanying Agents
however, pose more concern. Their pursuit of knowledge is on an Explorer Craft, charting the unknown reaches of space.
potentially dangerous and it is only the relatively small scale of
their operation which has allowed them to remain active. 4. A mining ship has broken down and a team is being dispatched
to repair it. Your division will be on board the rescue ship.
USING DEEP SPACE IN YOUR GAME. 5. A colony has lost contact with Earth, your division is part of the
recon crew who are sent to investigate.’s aliens and they’re
Although the majority of Corporation gaming happens on or very evil, monstrous, destructive and nigh-invincible!!!
near Earth the occasional sojourn into the unknown can make for
an excellent mission. Some example missions are listed below
which should give you an idea of how to use deep space travel in
your game. There are some key points to remember though which
should help space retain its rightful position in the game world.
Nonono, it's easy, look; you just take two quintuple-redundant PRIVATE PROJECTS
active naninium cables; run a few asteroids through the
As part of the Corporation's plans for future advancement into
geoscaper to get them in the right shape and thread them onto
space technologies, the building of a number of megastructures
the cables like beads; connect the ends, wait until the whole lot
has begun. Some of the more prominent examples include:
starts to fuse and denature the naninium with a gamma radiation
Then you just fill the whole damn shebang with water and The Ai-Jinn isn't quite ready to construct a Dyson Sphere just yet,
atmosphere once you've set it spinning. Centrifuge will do the and the other Corporations might object to the destruction of Earth
job of keeping it in without artificial gravity. Voila; instant for the raw materials that such a project would necessarily entail,
ringworld! but some of the principles of such a structure still hold some
potential practical use.
- attr: Captain Lu Zheng, Ai-Jinn macroengineer.
The solar plates are colossal high-absorption nanofactured
pentagonal solar panels, each over a mile across. The intention is
Possibly the greatest achievements of mankind are the twin
to transport the plates near to the surface of the sun, where the
orbitals of Vastaag and Miller-Urey. While the ownership of these
amount of solar energy that can be absorbed is several
man-made worlds falls to E.I. and the UIG respectively it was the
magnitudes greater than can be gathered on Earth, and transmit
Ai-Jinn who actually constructed them.
the energy back to distribution stations on Earth and the orbitals by
means of a series of microwave-beam satellites.
Never has any organisation before or since overseen construction
operations on such a titanic scale as the Ai-Jinn, and it is possible
If successful then the Ai-Jinn will possess a vast and functionally
than none ever could. Without the other Corporations having
inexhaustible supply of cheap electricity, much more than the
access to the Ai-Jinn's space superiority and ferocious production
entire Corporation itself can use; which is part of the plan. The true
rate, nevermind their construction expertise, any attempt to
purpose of the solar plates is not merely to provide the Corporation
replicate the feat of towing billions of tons of space debris into one
with reduced power costs, it is to unseat the UIG-owned Universal
place, fusing them together and then terraforming the resultant
Nuclear Fuels Ltd., simultaneously giving the Ai-Jinn an inroad into
molten proto-world would be a futile exercise, and certainly not a
the power-generation industry and further discrediting the UIG by
cost-effective one.
lessening the public reliance on their institutions.
The Ai-Jinn, on the other hand, have benefitted greatly from their
forays into world-building; the amount of credit paid out by the UIG THE FARGATE
and Eurasian Inc. alike were both sufficient enough to cause not As part of the Corporation's plans to expand further into deep
insignificant imbalances in the world economy for some time, and space, the FarGate program is based around the idea of placing
it was the Ai-Jinn who reaped the rewards. The Corporation is static subspace gates connecting key locations, forming
highly excited about the possibilities that this form of macroscale interplanetary trade routes and 'express lanes'. Not only is this
engineering offers for the creation of a vast new revenue-source vastly more efficient - rather than equipping every starfaring ship
but recognises that as long as they are dependent upon contract- in the fleet with a FarDrive only two are needed, one for each gate
work from other organisations they are never going to be able to - but it would allow the Ai-Jinn to charge the other Corporations
realise the true potential of megastructure building. tolls for their use.
To this end, the Ai-Jinn have recently begun a series of private Currently only one gate is completed and its sister, a modularised
side-projects carried out gradually at minimal cost which it hopes version which will be broken down and transported to Mars space
will lead to economic ascendancy when unveiled. The Ai-Jinn's for the test-run of this technology, is still under construction so
plans for their space construction efforts also serve to further less currently the gate just opens out into subspace with no exit. Non
mercenary ends. FarDrive-capable ships are therefore advised to avoid the
dimensional meniscus vortex when the gate is active during the
While the UIG's power over Earth is virtually unchallengeable, their testing periods and no spacewalks are to be conducted during this
grip over space and Earth's orbitals is tenuous at best. With no time following the tragic loss and presumed death of twenty-three
FarDrive-equipped craft of their own save those which the Ai-Jinn external workers during an activation accident three years ago.
choose to lease to them, their operational effectiveness outside of
Earth's atmosphere is effectively neutered. If megastructures can One notable feature of the gate technology is that due to the fact
be built in a sufficiently cost-effective manner, the Ai-Jinn will that the craft using it must physically pass through the subspace
become the first of the great Corporations to utterly emancipate portal it creates, rather than 'simply' translating into subspace like
itself from UIG control by moving their entire operation to a conventional FarDrive-equipped craft, the subspace rift must be
somewhere that the law simply cannot reach. maintained for much longer. To this end, the entire ring of the gate
is equipped with no less than six nuclear generators, all of which ASCENDANCY MEGA-HABITAT
are pushed to their limit maintaining an active gate. While the Ai-
Location - Geostatic orbit over Jupiter
Jinn considers this limitation acceptable given the vast increase in
Controlling Corporation - Ai-Jinn
functional efficiency they will be able to reap by running vast fleets
Governor - Citizen Xue Pailung / Rank 2 / Level 3
of FarDrive-incapable cargo ships between Earth and Mars rather
Specialist Facilities - Optic Crystal Propagation, Precision
than their comparative few FarDrive craft, some question the
Machining, Ore Refining.
wisdom of keeping a subspace rift open for so long so close to
Earth. After all, who knows what kind of things might be tempted to Spire cities were the latest and greatest stage in solving the world's
come through from the other side? problem of creating enough habitation space for Earth's population
while limiting the impact upon the already-fragile ecosystem. But
THE BRICKYARD Spires were first built over two hundred and fifty years ago, the Ai-
Jinn considers it high time for something new.
The Ai-Jinn keeps a zone of space just inside the orbit of Jupiter,
known colloquially as the Brickyard, entirely for the purpose of The Ascendancy Mega-Habitat is currently only a sixth of its way
containing mined-out asteroids from which they build their to being finished, but it's hard for Ai-Jinn executives to blame
megastructures. The strip-mining process weakens the asteroids, anyone for the slow pace with which the work nears completion, it
making them easier to break down and render into a molten state is after all nearly forty kilometres long and three kilometres in
within the bowels of the geoscaper ships so that they can be diameter. When completed, Ascendancy will be the single largest
reconstituted into the desired form at a consequentially lower cost human habitation residential zone in existence, a slowly-rotating
to the Corporation. cylinder of orbital durasteel and armour-glass threaded together
and reinforced with naninium cabling. It will be able to hold an
When the Ai-Jinn is done mining out an asteroid it is fired to the estimated human population of around ten million in simulated
Brickyard with low-powered mass drivers and picked up by AI- natural conditions equal to that of a UIG clean-zone.
automated tug ships to be towed into a stable orbit. Occasionally,
Preliminary promotional material depicts the interior of the hab as
when one of the megastructure projects requires raw materials the
a vast sea of rolling green hills dotted with gleaming-white modern
geoscaper ships FarDrive to the Brickyard to consume more rock
houses filled with happy families playing around the pool while real
matter like a titanic black beetle, the images of which are often
birds fly overhead. The centripetal motion of the hab's rotation will
featured in the Ai-Jinn's promotional films due to their dramatically
allow the entirety of the cylinder's interior to be built upon and
impressive scale.
inhabited while maintaining an artificial gravity of around .97 G's,
meaning that people could literally look up with a telescope and
see other Ascendancy citizens living above them.
THE MILLER-UREY EXPERIMENTS matter of time, if the rebellion continues, before the UIG inspectors
get wind of it and uses it as an excuse to levy harsh fines on the
Despite being its builders - or perhaps because of it - The Ai-Jinn
Corporation. If it comes to it then it is possible to flood the entire
did not get one of the more profitable or interesting areas of Miller-
landmass with tailored toxins designed to kill the coloniser-BIOs
Urey. However, unlike Eurasian Incorporated, who got thoroughly
exclusively but the Ai-Jinn would prefer not to do so as it would
cheated on the deal, the Ai-Jinn have never complained about
result in the waste of a great amount of valuable research.
their allocation of the tundra region of the orbital. Indeed, they
actively petitioned the UIG to give them custody over the Ornus
These BIOs can be found in the back of the book under
landmass, and in a rare act of contrition the UIG agreed.
The desolate, sub-zero terrain, almost incapable of sustaining
provider life such as plants, was the perfect testing ground for MISSION HOOKS
space-colonisation experiments. On Ornus the Ai-Jinn has created Ai-Jinn megastructures, including Miller-Urey, make great venues
a series of experiments in colonist-BIOs; self-aware creatures for missions that take players beyond Earth. There are few things
possessed of human-approximate intelligence but capable of more dramatic than human construction on such a gigantic scale.
withstanding environments that no human ever could without
advanced equipment or biomechanical augmentation. Some sample mission ideas are presented below;
Dozens of possible BIO designs have been created, conditioned 1. Several Solar Plates’ systems have failed due to an unexpected
and released into the frozen waste to either thrive or die, and most solar flare which released a gargantuan EMP, resulting in a
don't last for long. Of the BIO species that survive long enough to deteriorating orbit right into the sun's corona. If they are lost it will
create self-sustaining societies, the Ai-Jinn hopes to use them in cost the Corporation hundreds of billions.
the future as workers on terraforming operations. Once the
terraforming is completed they can either be moved on to a new 2. A ship that recently passed through the FarGate is floating dead
operation, retained as slave labour or simply culled to make way in space, there has been no communication from it, find out why.
for the human colonists that follow them.
3. An AI controlling the Brickyard asteroid tugs has gone sentient
Currently, the coloniser-BIOs have not progressed beyond tribal- and decided it would be more fun to accelerate asteroids at
level society but captured specimens have shown capability to use offworld colonies.
advanced technology when provided with coaching and are
acceptably tractable when brought beneath the lash. Most, 4. An unexplained explosion threatens the survival of the
however, require no coaxing to obey the Ai-Jinn, corporate Ascendancy Mega-Habitat's personnel.
ethnologists have deliberately manipulated their interaction with
Corporate personnel to build a mythology in the BIOs’ nascent 5. Find a key leader of the Maranathan rebellion and kill it, but
culture relating to humans, elevating them to the status of gods or without making it into a martyr.
6. It is believed that someone working in the Acendancy Mega-
Most coloniser-BIOs seem to regard humans as magical creatures Habitat is a spy. Root them out.
to be worshipped and obeyed, or at least feared and appeased.
They often willingly board the collection vehicles, sometimes 7. One of the asteroids in the Brickyard is showing signs of life
returning with tales of their journey to the 'spirit world', filled with deep in its core. The asteroid is several miles across. The Ai-Jinn
bright lights, wondrous magical devices and bizarre rituals that want a group of Agents to suit-up and find out what’s inside.
they were forced to carry out, thus further reinforcing the BIOs’
superstitious awe of Ai-Jinn personnel. 8. Alien spores have been detected passing through the FarGate.
One of these spores has landed on Noachis Terra (essentially a
The Maranathan Rebellion large desert) on Mars. Find the spore, isolate and determine
Not all the sentient BIOs on Ornus are utterly subservient to the Ai- exactly what it is.
Jinn. There is a small but growing guerilla rebellion against the Ai-
Jinn springing up amongst the coloniser-BIOs, named after their 9. Several of the worker droids in the Ascendancy Mega-Habitiat
leader Maranath, a Yilepsid who was taken for routine study and are disobeying orders and deconstructing the place. The resident
experimentation in 2496 and later released back into the security division has been wiped out. Your division is sent in as a
wilderness, apparently having seen through the Ai-Jinn's replacement and to sort things out.
10. The Ai-Jinn wish to build two off-world factories, one on Mars
The Maranathans do not possess the same degree of and one on Venus. Your division has been chosen to represent the
superstitiousness that the other BIOs do. If they see humans as Ai-Jinn at a series of cross-corporation talks held by the UIG on
supernatural then it is more as demons than gods, and for the past Vastaag. You will be expected to prepare your arguments and seal
several years have conducted ambushes on Ai-Jinn personnel, the deal. Be on the lookout for enemy sabboteurs as well as spies
stealing weapons, armour and other technology and using it to and assassins.
conduct raids and sabotage on Ornus’ bases.
Hong Kong Spire Complex
The rule of thumb has always been to make sure the major
players, the decision makers, the geniuses, the natural leaders etc.
are kept out of harm’s way and that only the foot soldiers take the
brunt of the UIG’s aggression. This practice has two major
1. Foot soldiers are easy to train and recruit so it’s not a great loss.
Gary ‘he Gravedigger’ McRoth - Head of the Union Firm
2. The UIG get to ‘nail’ someone. They get to close the case and
move on. If no-one gets caught and punished the investigation
continues and the longer it goes on the harder business becomes
and the more likely it is that someone important will get implicated.
The Ai-Jinn insist that this form of hierarchy exists in the majority
of its cells and if a group is not functioning as it should, Agents are
sent in to bring some order.
Crime is fundamental to the functioning of the Ai-Jinn. By using an 2. Bribery and Corruption
illegal method the criminal is able to make a higher gain and thus Sometimes you simply cannot stay away from the law. In these
be more successful. Although the Ai-Jinn are involved in several cases it is necessary to oil the wheels with a little cash so when a
world wide criminal activities, it is the street level crime which they shipment goes missing it’s listed as never having arrived or when
are better known for. drugs are being dealt from a club, the local officers are getting a
Their legions of yakuza, Triads, yardies, jacks and bangers (to
name a few) create a network of soldiers who between them are This method entails a certain degree of risk as you never know
capable of almost anything. This comprehensive army of loyal men when an officer is going to come clean so the Ai-Jinn employ a
and women are practically ubiquitous so if something needs doing, carrot and stick policy when dealing with corruption targets.
the chances are the Ai-Jinn have a group in place who can
respond within hours and get the problem fixed. It always starts with a bribe; people tend to work better with
positive reinforcement but unfortunately some individuals are too
The major problem with this type of methodology is that at any time law-abiding for their own good. In these cases the stick, often in the
the UIG can simply remove your soldiers from the battlefield. The form of threats against the target’s family or blackmail material, is
UIG, if they deem it necessary, can destroy a Triad cell overnight used. This two-fold approach seldom fails and the stick is often
with no explanation to the Ai-Jinn as to why they have killed a brought to bear before it’s even needed, just to make sure.
group of employees. If the same happened to a Federation or E.I.
asset the fallout would be substantial. Such is the problem of
working outside the law, what does not protect you can be used
against you. Fine: A bribe paid by a rich man to escape the lawful penalty of
his crime
A certain amount of losses are expected within the Ai-Jinn
business model. They realise that their assets may be captured, Henry Louis Mencken
depersonalised, confiscated or destroyed but the benefits are
BOSOZOKU / LIGHTNING TRIBES Bosozoku have a distinctive style which they enjoy displaying.
Below is a list of common clothing styles worn.
Don’t worry about death, we ride for those who died
Bandages wrapped tightly around the torso
-Bosozoku saying Wrap around sunglasses
Full length military style coats adorned with kanji or imperialist
The emergence of these gangs coincided with the growth of the Industrial style coveralls
motor industry in Japan in the 1950s. Throughout the 20th and Surgical masks or more recently rebreather masks
21st centuries they evolved from being simple motorcycle Dungarees
enthusiasts to rebellious teenagers to gangs of anarchic criminals. Baggy trousers tucked into high boots
Hachimaki headbands (often white and red)
Long ago each gang had a large membership and so violence Full body tattoos are common
between the tribes was rare as the potential casualty rate was
huge. Over time, for a range of reasons, the typical gang dropped Females
to only 25 members, this made it reasonable to attack another Excessive makeup
gang with the possibility of wiping them out. These circumstances High heeled buckled boots
led the gangs to seek support from the yakuza who, in exchange Long dyed hair
for fealty, offered to protect them from their rivals.
Although this might sound good the deals made were almost Coats are often worn open with no shirt on
invariably a bad idea. The yakuza are unforgiving masters and Greased quiff hairstyles are common
would typically demand full body tattoos, regular cash payments
and assistance in certain areas of their work.
The bosozoku’s shift to hard crime was inevitable and they were Bosozoku will always be mounted on motorcycles, some tribes
essentially categorised as yakuza by the law. As membership of may be able to upgrade to grav-bikes but there is still a preference
the yakuza was a crime in itself the bosozoku had little to lose and for Shi Yukiro-made sports bikes. The gangs will be well armed,
threw their lot in with the yaks. Although they are not full yakuza often carrying Molotov cocktails, short swords, katanas and
and are not entitled to the same tattoos it is sufficient for most pistols. They may occasionally have flack jackets and helmets but
bosozoku and they enjoy the reputation the association affords this would be unusual.
Their bikes are generally modified with illegally installed upgrades
As it stands now in 2500 you might consider the bosozoku to be to make them faster and noisier. The amplified noise is often
the Yakuza’s more impetuous, anarchic children. The gangs are changed to sound like screaming making their arrival fairly
still made up primarily of youths between the ages of 14 to 19 who intimidating.
spend the majority of their time causing havoc, prowling around
cities on their modded motorbikes, terrorising the citizenry and Territory
waiting for the call from their masters. The bosozoku gangs operate mainly in Japan with a few being
found in some other east Asian cities. They are too unpredictable
Method and chaotic to be allowed to run free in the Ai-Jinn’s own territory.
With their Yakuza backing the bosozoku have become extremely The demoralising effect the gangs have on the residents of
self-confident. A gang of 25 will think nothing of pulling up outside Japan’s open-cities is a pleasing side effect.
a bar and trashing the place, helping themselves to drink and
money in the process. They have been known to goad UIG officers Any Japanese open or old-city has between 10 and 30 bosozoku
into chases, which they will then steer into busy areas such as gangs operating at any one time. There tends to be some rivalry
shopping malls or town plazas in an attempt to get the officers to between the gangs and not all of them are allied with the Ai-Jinn.
hit innocents with their cars. The fights between them are violent, bloody affairs, often involving
weapons such as bike chains, tyre irons, swords and Molotovs.
These lawless outbursts are tolerated by their yakuza masters to
some small degree but any activity which compromises operations Shi Yukiro
or draws too much UIG scrutiny will be punished with the highest A number of bosozoku consider themselves loyal to Japan and
severity. This could involve the culprits being forced to sever their thus in some small part the Shi Yukiro. Although the Shi Yukiro do
own fingers, hands or worse. not officially endorse their activities they often receive backing
from individual divisions operating in their area. These gangs
The Yakuza and consequently the Ai-Jinn use the bosozoku as follow all the same methods but tend to direct their violence and
either a distraction or a terror tool. If a casino is failing to pay its anger at enemies of the Japanese people, namely Ai-Jinn
protection money then the bosozoku may be asked to ride by each sympathisers. The information they need is kindly supplied by Shi
night and pay the casino a visit until the money arrives. Yukiro Agents.
Alternatively they may be asked to cause some havoc in a certain
part of the city in order to divert the UIG’s attention away from
something going on elsewhere.
Playing Bosozoku
Agents are generally not suitable to be bosozoku characters as YARDIES
they will be too old and not of the right mind set. This does not
mean you can’t create a bosozoku Agent however; if you want to Yardies is a term used to describe Jamaican gangsters who ply
go ahead. their trade dealing primarily drugs and guns. The word ‘yardie’
comes from the fact that in the impoverished areas of Kingston
What is more likely is that an Ai-Jinn Agent is ex-bosozoku and, where the gangs originally hail from the housing projects contained
having left the gang, joined the corporation. He may still have communal yards. These areas were extremely poor and became a
many of his contacts and could be seen as a mentor by some of fertile environment for violent gang warfare.
the members. If you want to do this the GM may allow you to
purchase contacts in bosozoku which can be useful for getting the Originally yardies were not considered organised criminals as they
gang to act as a distraction or terror tool as described on the lacked the structure associated with groups like the Triad or Mafia.
previous page. In the last few centuries the story has changed significantly. With
their prediliction for violent and spontaneous gun crime it has
Sample Tribe Names become necessary for them to protect themselves from their rivals,
Black Emperors the Corporations and the police. For the most part all of this has
Road Devils been achieved by working with the Ai-Jinn corporation.
Night Kings
Nagoya 50 The Ai-Jinn Alliance
Genshi By maintaining a loose relationship with the Ai-Jinn the yardies are
Kokuryu able to ensure a constant supply of drugs and guns. Although they
X Sayonara welcome this facilitation to trade, they draw the line at protection.
Zenryoku Yardie gangs are proud and refuse to allow Ai-Jinn Agents to come
and assist them in fire fights.
Plot Ideas
1.You must gain the trust and respect of a bosozoku gang. The The Ai-Jinn are also adept at greasing the legal wheels which can
Corporation wishes to use them as a terror tool in the coming help considerably when a gang has been overpowered and hauled
months. in by the UIG. Again, they are not pleased to have to rely on the Ai-
Jinn but in their war against Babylon, the end justifies the means.
2. A bosozoku gang has got some extremely high-end bikes and
are proving very difficult to catch. Find out how they got the bikes. It should be noted however that the relationship between the Ai-
Jinn and the yardies is tenuous at best. The yardies believe they
3. Something is wiping out the bosozoku one by one leaving no are exploiting the Ai-Jinn and getting the best deal. The Ai-Jinn are
trace. Stop it before it kills all of them. of course aware of this and do not push things too hard. If the
yardies began to feel owned or manipulated, they would likely turn
4. The Shi Yukiro are turning the bosozoku gangs by offering them on their allies like a rabid dog.
cash and tech. Teach them the meaning of loyalty.
Independents Yardies
5. Unaffiliated bosozoku gangs have been attacking corporate Some purist gangs refuse to ally with the Ai-Jinn, considering the
assets in lightning raids. Stop them. alliance to be a sign of weakness. These rebels are often targeted
by Ai-Jinn divisions under orders to either bring the gang to heel or
6. A charismatic leader has united 8 gangs into a single unit. They wipe them out.
believe they are unstoppable. Try to create infighting within the
newly allied unit. It’s obviously not working though, the independent gangs tend to
work together to ‘fight the power’ and their operational methods are
7. The UIG are clamping down on motorcycle gangs and starting not influenced by the Ai-Jinn meaning they are far more
with some of the Ai-Jinn’s most useful allies. Help them in their war unpredictable and potentially dangerous.
against the law.
8. Each year each bosozoku elects a champion. These champions Over the past two hundred years religion has become more and
race in a deadly event across Tokyo leaving suffering and more important to yardie gangs as they find their culture being
destruction in their wake. wiped out by the inexorable march of the corporations.
The Clangers get kind of a bad rep, all that violence an’ extortion Rastafari
an’ all, but you ask me, they’re just a lot more upfront than the Most yardies follow a religion known as Rastafari, which is an old
rest of the Five. Lots of businessmen wind up crooks, ‘s a well- testament religion that focuses on the one god ‘Jah’. They believe
known fact. Clangers just took the most successful crooks and the spirit of Jah resides within them hence referring to themselves
gave ‘em control of business from the start. Same result, just as ‘I and I’.
their methods are a bit more direct. Seems to be working out
pretty well for ‘em so far. They believe the promised land of Zion (Ethiopia) has been left to
them by Jah and they reject Western society often referring to it as
attr: Dino Collins, social-political commentator/alcoholic Babylon. This rejection is part of the reason that they will only
maintain the loosest of connection with the Ai-Jinn. Obviously the
Ai-Jinn is based in the East but much of their philosophy and Comoros yardies
commercialisation mirrors western trends. With the religious and spiritual tendencies of yardies it is easy to
see how they could find allies within the Comoros corporation and
Followers of Rastafari also have a ceremony which involves the indeed many do. The main clash is that although Comoros
smoking of cannabis while talking about relevant topics. This could regularly engage in acts of violence, as a principle, they cannot
range from discussing personal problems to planning the next job. condone gun running, drug dealing and the general social
It should be noted that the version of Rastafari which is practiced destruction that yardie business entails.
by yardies in 2500 is a fairly corrupted and bastardised version of
its original form but nonetheless, brings spiritual fulfilment to those The yardie groups which are affiliated with Comoros tend to curtail
who observe its tenets. their activities somewhat and co-operate with Comoros Agents to
ensure the end justifies the means.
It is not surprising then that there is also a contingent of yardies in
the Comoros Corporation and a few of those who pay passing Style
homage to the Order of the True Faith. Yardies are a diverse lot and although many favour luxury cars and
expensive jewellery, others prefer camo trousers, flack jackets and
Voodoo (Vodou) heavy boots. Dread-locks are still the norm although nowadays all
kinds of hair styles are present.
Note: The spelling Vodou has been used to denote the original, Their trademark is brutal, open and impulse gun crime. Yardies are
peaceful form of the religion. Voodoo is used to describe its less not afraid to pull up in their big cars, get out and spray the streets
savoury form. with gunfire if it will achieve the desired effect.
Although originally a peaceful religion based on protection and There is an unwritten rule among yardies of respect and if
spirituality modern voodoo cults, especially within the yardies, breached you can expect rival groups to band together to right the
have taken on a more sinister bent. True followers of the original wrong. This rule is hard to nail down and there is nothing saying
vodou religion would be appalled at what has happened to their ‘you can’t kill him’ it’s just something you know.
To yardies murder is little more than part of business. Their killings
The main reasons for the popularity of voodoo within yardie culture are seen as badges of honour and let others know the individual
is not as a form of personal enlightenment but more as a tool of means business.
fear and intimidation. With the increase of faith and greater
acceptance of the unknowable the power of suggestion has Playing Yardies
become extremely powerful. As an Agent of the Ai-Jinn a yardie makes an excellent character.
The fact that he has been split from his posse is a minor
Blood letting, the use of dolls, curses and even forms of Satanism inconvenience when compared to the opportunities available as an
are rife among the religion’s practitioners. These methods are all Agent.
very effective in intimidating the weak willed and adding an air of
deathly mystery to yardie voodoo posses. The GM should allow any yardie character to have contacts in his
posse. A yardie would typically look for ways to acquire and sell
But does it really work? Many would maintain it does and although drugs or guns whenever possible. It would also add a lot of interest
the evidence is insubstantial the possibility that somewhere deep to the character if they were to at least have a passing interest in
within the warrens of Haitian or African old cities someone has one of the religions.
managed to use telepathy to bring these vile rituals to life is not
ridiculous. Sample Names
The Children of Ja
Adding voodoo to your game Zionites
If a player is unlucky enough to get themselves cursed by a The Snakes
voodoo master, you should feel free to decide upon a debilitating The Chosen
condition which would be explicable with a telepathic variant. The Last of Samedi
For example, imagine a variant of Biokinesis where the victim Plot Ideas
loses 1HP a day or a version of Telekinesis which damages the 1. A yardie posse has cursed one of your Corporation’s best
optic nerves rendering the victim blind. Agents. Find the posse and convince them to remove the curse.
Unless you wish to take your game into the realms of the fantastic 2. A posse has been going over the top making dozens of random
you should avoid curses such as ‘ravens will peck you to death’ or killings just to scare their rivals. Take them out.
‘your loved ones will all die by this time next year’.
3. The Ai-Jinn need better control of the drug trade in one of their
Be creative but make sure your curses are feasible, either through cities. Contact the yardies in the city and try to set up a mutually
telepathic variation or through self-imposed paranoia. If someone beneficial arrangement.
really believes in the power of voodoo and is cursed to die, it’s not
unheard of for their heath to degenerate over the next few months 4. Yardies have stolen a shipment of new weapons intended for a
as they become so scared of the curse it begins to physically affect special ops division. The weapons must be recovered and the
them. yardies taught some respect.
Cells The only common point of contact all jacks have is the Server. If
These are groups of 3 to 10 jacks, each of whom is either a hacker, they want to communicate with a cell to pass on orders or contact
data miner or social engineer. They tend to work in teams in non- another hub to co-ordinate a big job it must be done via the server.
descript locations, far from the prying eyes of the UIG. They will This ensures the jacks are totally isolated from one another and
typically be assigned work which is geographically distant from the organisation is all but indestructible. Obviously the elimination
their physical location. For example, someone employed to hack a of the Server would cripple the entire network in one go.
database in Beijing may well be located in New York.
The Server judge how well you deal with your secrets. If you keep mentioning
No one knows who or what the Server is. Everyone in the jacks them or don’t take enough care in your communications or money
can contact the Server whenever they want to; this is done via text drops then you may well end up being monitored by the UIG.
to a specific WDN address. When the UIG have captured and Catching a hub member is a real prize for them and you will likely
interrogated cell members and the address has been disclosed, it skip standard procedure and be taken directly to the Shadowmen*
has changed within seconds. The last few addresses discovered
were: Do the Corporation Know?
If you are playing Ai-Jinn then being a member of the jacks is
server2.tokyo2.jpn perfectly acceptable as long as it does not come before the
theserver.oldkent.eng corporation. As an E.I. Agent you should judge the situation for
serve.nyork.usa yourself but if you are Federation, Comoros or Shi Yukiro then you
server4.wyoming4.usa had better keep it quiet. These corporations have issues with the
serve9.glenorie.aus jacks and their methods and you will more than likely end up in an
interrogation suite.
Any questions directed at the Server will either be answered
directly or the message ‘insufficient permission’ will be relayed *Shadowmen are not described in this book and will be covered in
back. The information will not discuss the nature of an ongoing job a future supplement. They are a Black Ops arm of the UIG.
as that is the function of the hub.
The UIG have several suspicions about the nature of the Server
but they have never even got close to an arrest. The current
suspects are:
Playing Jacks
As an Agent it is not really feesible to play cell members but you
can play a Hub.
Sample Prerequisites
Presence 7
Computers and A.I. 4
Business 5
Attitude 5
Lying & Acting 6
Psychology 5
Corp. Knowledge 4
Position of Influence (e.g. Agent, Officer, City Official, Business
A hub member deals with requests from clients and then passes
orders on to a cell via the server. You’ll be expected to barter on
price, arrange the drop-offs and communicate with the Server. On
occasion you’ll need to meet the other members of your hub to
discuss policies and events and sort out finances.
However, you will receive extra cash at the start of each mission
brief. (This is not connected to your mission brief; it’s just a
convenient time to award the money.)
Getting Caught
The job is extremely risky and membership of the jacks is
punishable by instant depersonalisation. It is really up to the GM to
Outcast Harvesting
By hunting down outcasts or outlaws the cloner is able to secure a
selection of fresh bodies which can be stored until needed or
Illegal Cloning
This setup requires a fair amount of expense and skill
but the results are high-grade, unused, tailor-made
organs. More details on setting up your own illegal
cloning lab can be found in Machines of War.
Battle Class Cyberlin - The Retribution of Jing Lei
Currently stationed at Amur Border Spire in preparation for the
inevitable reclamation of the Eastern Province.
Kong Mengtian
Courtesan (Rank 0, Level 3)
One of the most popular courtesans on the station, the woman
going by the pseudonym of 'Miss Fortune' knows more information
on undercover Ai-Jinn operations than anyone has a right to, there
being a lot more that can be learned from an Agent in pillow-talk
than can be tortured or intimidated out of them. Not only that but
she understands that she knows too much and doesn't return to
Earth out of the (perhaps not entirely unwarranted) fear that she
At every turn, I find myself confounded by their damned
might be tracked down by a rival corporation or silenced by the Ai-
bureaucracy; just when I think I have bribed or threatened or
Jinn. Miss Fortune figures that as long as she remains aboard Xing
Gong the Ai-Jinn will not regard her as being a threat. Still, if a rival cajoled my way past the final layer of blank faceless obfuscation,
corporation could acquire her loyalty they'd have access to a I find another. But even now, with so much still hidden, a strange
veritable gold mine of Ai-Jinn dirty secrets, though she's far too truth is beginning to emerge; the numbers simply do not stack
knowledgeable about the way the corporations operate to be up.
willing to leave the safety of the station without some tangible proof
that she wouldn't be at risk. We have the figures for mining attrition, thanks to IMA disclosure
requirements. Assume typical PR spin; double or even treble
UNNATURAL JAY those. Ship manifests are never released, but we have all
Music A.I. DJ (Rank -, Level 5) registered craft on record and can extrapolate likely numbers for
permanent crew; again, if we accept that the Ai-Jinn are likely
'The music is all. People should die for it. People are dying for concealing some of their military space assets, we should err on
everything else, so why not the music?' the side of caution and increase these estimates threefold. Call
it ten thousand people, then, who are either stationed off-planet
- Lou Reed
long-term, or who do not survive the mines, in any given year.
All A.I.s are created for a purpose, some are destined to provide On the other hand, even if we assume the very public facilities
the operating system for droids, some are meant to be installation in Beijing, Changsha and Guangzhou are the only interstellar
administrators, the lowliest simply direct automated weapons. academies the Ai-Jinn maintain – which I submit is singularly
Unnatural Jay, however, was born to make music. More unlikely – we know from their supply data that they must be
specifically, he was created to examine how people might react operating at full capacity around eighty-two percent of each
psychologically to a charismatic sentient A.I. in a prominent public
year; over twenty-one thousand men and women undergoing
position, as a precursor to the Archons taking a more direct role in
Far Space training annually. And I have seen the endless
world affairs. Having a sentient A.I. created for the sole purpose of
producing music sparked a lot of controversy on Earth back when promotional campaigns; I have seen the vast and jostling crowds
Unnatural Jay was made. Some even held to the position that a at the recruitment drives. Yuan Qingzhao has tapped every last
data-construct was incapable of the human creativity necessary to ounce of charisma, sociological persuasion and ideological
craft true art. Unnatural Jay proved them wrong, at least in terms leverage to whip millions of her people into a patriotic fervour
of record sales and adoring fans. Even though he* hasn't had the directed at the stars. Based on what I have seen here, I would
same kind of stardom he once had since being stolen, Unnatural estimate that the Corporation produces something closer to sixty
Jay is still satisfied with his lot aboard Xing Gong. Especially given thousand fully-trained spacers every year.
that he has more artistic freedom now, rather than having to
pander to UIG culture-trend analysts and their predictions. He has
Are the Ai-Jinn secretly increasing the scale of their mining
recently been working on a new composition that he feels could be
his magnum opus, something that ought to be shared with all the operations faster than they disclose under the IMA?
Earth, a song capable of truly embodying the zeitgeist of the Unquestionably. But I do not believe that their resource drive,
Corporate age. All he's having trouble with is the crescendo, the clandestine though it might be, can account for the full extent of
sound of a quarter of a million tons of superheated metal crashing this discrepancy. Nor do there ever seem to be very many
on a city... but which city to choose? returned spacers sitting idle in the Spires and Old Cities. It is my
unshakeable conviction that hundreds, if not thousands, of the
*An abstraction based on Unnatural Jay's most commonly chosen people sent out on Far Drive craft every year simply vanish....
avatar, A.I.s have no true gender.
and are never spoken of again.
MISSION HOOKS I believe I have located a source who can unlock the final piece
of this puzzle; he fled from a research lab close by the Changsha
1. Investigate rumours that a member of the station staff may be a plant, he tells me, and now lives as a fugitive here, in the slums
spy who has managed to get past the background checks, all while of Xing Ma Duo. I will meet with him this evening, and deliver my
posing as Agents on vacation. full report when I have uncovered the truth.
2. Gladiators from the Red Knives! arena have broken loose, taken
part of the station under siege, and are now holding an important
-attr: UIG Special Investigator Benoir
corporate official hostage.
3. Keep watch on an envoy from a rival Corporation while they are
enjoying a rare outsider pass into Xing Gong, all without tarnishing (final communication from Xing Ma Duo Old City before
the Ai-Jinn's hospitality. outbreak of ‘The April Atrocities’, cf. Cult of Machina)
4. Take part in an inter-corporate poker competition conducted on
Xing Gong, the competition is really a cover for a black-market in [SUPRESSED 15.4.2502, /unknownadmin]
illicit information.
5. Investigate a series of strange disturbances in the stations [DELETED 15.4.2502, /unknownadmin]
security system.
middle of the road, productive citizens with decent jobs and good
We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us.
morals to low-down scum who would go out mugging each week
to collect the next rent payment. It was as though the old cities had
Sir Winston Churchill
come to the spires, which indeed to some degree they had, and
brought many of their problems with them. The spires, already
Note references to Hong Kong nowadays always refer to the Hong filthy and rife with urban decay, went downhill year by year. Law
Kong Spire Complex. What’s left of the original Hong Kong is enforcement was fairly selective and tended to take the attitude of
referred to as Old Hong Kong or Hong Kong Old City. ‘yeah, it’s bad here, but it’s worse outside - so deal with it’.
Hong Kong Spire Complex, as it stands, is one of the single largest Before things got out of hand the Ai-Jinn realised that if things went
urbanisations in the world. When one bears in mind a large spire too far, Hong Kong would be no better than the old cities and so in
can accommodate just short of one million people and that Hong 2408 additional security measures were put into place. The UIG
Kong comprises nine such spires, it’s easy to see how it has were given full access to the spires in order to carry out patrols and
become the urban horror that it is today. investigations and Agent divisions were assigned to each of the
nine main structures. Stricter entry requirements were
Hong Kong is not the only Spire Complex in the world. The implemented and although it’s still possible for a criminal to buy his
magnificent structures of both Austerity (Federation) and Catalan way in, it’s not as easy as it once was.
(EI) are examples of how space-conscious, high security
accommodation can be sensitively constructed and efficiently These steps seem to have worked well for the past century and
operated in order to provide a highly desirable and successful now Hong Kong, although far from pleasant, is at least vaguely
accommodation system. civilised. It’s still a dirty, depressing hole but it’s safer than an old
city and there are plenty of employment opportunities in the
The Ai-Jinn, unfortunately, do not see the value in soaring, graceful surrounding factories.
structures or clean, artful interiors. Four of the nine spires were
originally constructed in 2301 with only a cursory nod to aesthetics STRUCTURE OF THE HONG KONG SPIRE COMPLEX
and luxury. As a result they did not have the same desirability that
most of the world’s spires possessed and residential uptake was Each spire is named after a colour. Although externally they are all
slow. the same rusty grey-black, inside, the peeling décor and graffiti-
covered walls still show signs of the original colour schemes which
The project had been extremely expensive and the governor of the mirrored their titles.
Southern Province at the time, Andrew Li, was under enormous
pressure to make the complex profitable. To this end he made an The Northern Spires
unprecedented and extremely brave decision by reducing the cost
of spire living to an amount old city dwellers could afford. Red Spire Hong Se Spire
Compared to the quality of life in New Kowloon and nearby old Blue Spire Lan Se Spire
cities, the already deteriorating spires of Hong Kong seemed like Green Spire Lu Se Spire
a palace. The influx of residents was predictably huge and the Black Spire Hei Spire
spires began to recover their costs. Yellow Spire Huang Spire
Although this is not what the Ai-Jinn had planned for their spire The Southern Spires
complex, it was an undeniable success and Li was instructed to
oversee the construction of another five spires to expand the Orange Spire Cheng Spire
complex. The idea being to house a massive percentage of the Ai- Grey Spire Hui Se Spire
Jinn’s lower class citizens in one place. This would not only keep White Spire Chun Bai Spire
them under control and away from the more discerning members Gold Spire Jin Zi Spire
of society, it would generate a substantial and continuous source
of revenue. The nine spires are divided into a group of four (The Southern
Spires) and a group of five (The Northern Spires), the latter being
Even the Ai-Jinn’s more affluent spires tend to be filthy, grimy, neo- the newer structures.
industrial mazes so it’s not hard to imagine how Hong Kong
degenerated over the next century. In true Ai-Jinn style the
requirements for residence at the spire were minimal and
amounted to ‘can you pay the rent’. Even criminals were permitted
to slip through the process as long as they could keep up the
payments. The result was a mixture of residents ranging from
The main issue arises when the UIG engage in targeted operations In the pre-Federation era, Hong Kong was infamous for its
with the aim of dealing with a specific problem such as busting a pollution, ‘Fragrant Harbour’ – the direct translation of the
drug ring or arresting a gang leader. In these cases more Cantonese – being something of an irony even then. Today, the
competent units such as marshals or Malenbrach will turn up and place is a masterpiece of squalid horror. On the island, the nine
no amount of bribery or implied threats will keep them at bay. In towers of the complex proper reach up like rusty nails from layer
these cases Dao just has to take the hit and trust that he has been upon layer of grimy, lightless slums, trailing a ragged cobweb of
cautious enough not to implicate himself. dilapidated walkways bearing ceaseless toiling queues of
human traffic. Across the thin slurry of black oil, filth, and
industrial contaminants that was once a harbour, the broken
THE SOUTHERN SPIRES sub-city of New Kowloon squats like a huddle of tombstones on
The Southern Spires, to the outside observer, are nearly identical the shattered remnants of the old mountain range. The sky is an
to their northern counterparts but once inside there is a tangible ochre swirl of airborne grime, bloodied in places by the lethal
difference. Although the exteriors are stained concrete and rusted fumes of factory fires. Travellers are advised to bring their own
steel, inside the corridors are freshly painted and free of litter. The drinking water.
air-con works and the lights don’t flicker.
From The Solitary World: A Guidebook to the Ai-Jinn Territories
The governor here, a retired Agent named Miranda Kirkova is
convinced that through a process of enforced education life can Western Federation Tourism, Trade and Foreign Relations
become better for the oppressed citizen. Section
set up by the locals, all hidden beneath an impenetrable pall of
Architecture, of all the arts, is the one which acts the most slowly, but the
most surely, on the soul.
Living conditions within New Kowloon are appallingly squalid, with
Ernest Dimet
people living in conditions so cramped that they must take shifts
sleeping simply because there is not enough floor-space in their
Located approximately thirty miles north of Hong Kong Old City, domiciles for all to lie down at once. The streets are so narrow that
the walls of New Kowloon rise out of the ground, two miles wide in places it's necessary to walk sideways and the web-work of
on each side. When the Ai-Jinn began its monumental unification clothes-lines, extensions and makeshift bridges strung between
of Asia there were an understandably large number of conflicts buildings make sunlight a rare sight.
that arose as a result, and with them came dispossessed civilians.
New Kowloon, named after the infamous Kowloon Walled City, GEOGRAPHY & ENVIRONMENT
began its life as a city-sized relocation camp for victims of the the New Kowloon was constructed on an area of wasteland, the Ai-
Ai-Jinn's expansion. Jinn not wanting to use more valuable land for what was originally
to be no more than a temporary affair. Barren land, scoured by the
Originally conceived as a series of unconnected tenement blocks, weapons of the Corporate Wars, supports only the hardiest forms
subsequent expansion and rebuilding made by the inhabitants of life such as scrub bushes, small mammals and the few mangy
after the site was abandoned by the Ai-Jinn have caused the whole predators that feed on them. Much of the wildlife is mutated in
structure to grow together organically. some way by radiation and viral bioweapon residues and can be
dangerous to the unwary. Mines and quarries operated by the Ai-
Today, New Kowloon is a massive, sprawling, multi-story, shanty- Jinn dot the surrounding landscape, providing one of the few
town, resembling a squat, crumbling mockery of a spire city in its reputable sources of work and income for the city’s inhabitants. At
overall shape. Ironically, despite having been abandoned by the the same time these mines cover the sky in a perpetual cloud of
Ai-Jinn while it was still a viable population centre, New Kowloon smoke and atmospheric particulate from the micronuclear land-
has once again become a Corporate asset now that it is a crime- tiller explosives employed in major mineral extraction.
ridden hellhole.
The city is a haven for outlaws and criminals throughout Asia, so HAZARDS
much so that it has become a UIG blindspot, the crime being The squalid city of New Kowloon is home to many dangers,
simply too dense to police. Whole Malenbrach units have entered ranging from rabid, mutant animals to shoddy construction and
New Kowloon and simply disappeared. Only teams of Marshals even simple disease and pollution. The following are a few of
enter the town with any frequency, and even then only on in-and- these health hazards, with in-game effects:
out raids. As a result, some of the Ai-Jinn's most secret
installations are hidden inside New Kowloon. Drug and weapons Shock Pools
production, illegal research and brutal interrogation centres take Back when New Kowloon was constructed one of the primary
their place among the tattoo parlours, brothels and crack houses sources of high-yield portable energy were supercarbon-lithium
New Kowloon
power cells. The liquid medium that stored the electrical power 2 penalty on all rolls requiring concentration due to their distracting
was dangerously volatile in conducting power and had to be bites and victims must make an Endurance check on a D10 or
heavily insulated as even touching it could result in a lethal electric contract sludge lung, losing 1 Endurance every day for D10 days
shock. Many buildings still have terminals for supercarbon-lithium that is not recovered until it is cured. Toughskin makes the user
cells and over time, a lot of these power cells have been damaged, immune to flechette fly bites.
spilling their contents into the streets where they pool in viscous
puddles that look dangerously similar to rainwater. Anyone Sludge lung is a disease and cannot be cured with a toxin purge,
entering an area with power cell runoff must make a 'Perception + the normal treatment is a 4 day course of antibiotics (cost 600¢),
Observation' roll to notice the bluish-grey sheen and oily viscosity at the end of which the disease is cured and the Endurance points
that indicates that the pools aren't water. If they fail, or choose to are recovered at a rate of 2 per day.
ignore the pools as harmless, then they run a 50% chance of
stepping in a pool that still contains residual charge and taking 3D6 LOCATIONS OF NOTE
electrical damage.
The shadowed alleys and twisting streets of New Kowloon are
Blackdrop (Level 2 Contact Toxin) home to many surprises, and as a city whose economy is based
Radioactive ash from the mining operations sometimes congeals primarily on crime, many of them are dark, fickle surprises waiting
in the gutters of New Kowloon, mixing with rainwater and clogging to destroy the unwary. Among the more colourful places in New
the runoff drains so that it drips into the streets below on wet days. Kowloon are:
This inky black runoff, called blackdrop, is highly acidic as well as
radioactive and causes inflammation, boils, lesions and painful PASTOR SOON'S CHAPEL
ulcers on contact with skin, and over time can cause dermal
cancer. Of course I will heal you child, your eyes are kind and your soul
deeply generous. I sense a goodness in you that calls for my
Locals wear heavy raincoats or carry acid-treated umbrellas to gifts.
avoid contact with blackdrop but nonetheless blackdrop-induced
cancer is one of the biggest killers in the city, especially among -Said by Pastor Soon to Sun ‘The Bomber’ Lee, Mountain Lord
street children and the homeless. Anyone coming into contact with of the Kowloon Furious Dragon Triad currently the most wanted
blackdrop will develop sores and lesions on the affected skin over terrorist in Eastern Asia.
the course of an hour or so unless the stuff is quickly washed off
with soap and hot water.
This tiny inner-city chapel is identifiable only by the yin-yang
Blackdrop scald results in a -1 penalty on strenuous physical symbol above the entrance and the small signboards bearing
actions and subtracts 5 from the sufferers movement speed due to handwritten descriptions of the day's service. Only a few people
the pain. ICE or Toughskin users can ignore the short-term effects, ever attend, and the spotlessly clean chapel is empty most days,
though they may still develop dermal cancers. but the signs get written anyway. Pastor Soon, an ordained
member of the Order of the True Faith, has been a fixture in New
Treatment takes the form of physical surgery coupled with a Kowloon for as long as anybody can remember, it's as though he's
course of anti-oncogen tablets. The healing process takes about 2 always been there.
weeks and costs around 1000¢.
Normally an elderly and slightly senile priest would have about the
Falling Masonry same life expectancy in New Kowloon as a gnat in a flamethrower
Much of New Kowloon is crumbling and poorly constructed, the nozzle but the locals are highly protective of the old man,
original Ai-Jinn buildings having been altered and added to by especially given the service he provides. Pastor Soon is a biokine,
unskilled builders for many years. In the cramped streets where able to heal almost any physical ailment with the power of his
there is little room to move this can make falling roof tiles and bits telepathic abilities.
of acid-eaten rubble a major risk.
His power has waned with age and coupled with the slow loss of
Anyone using a kinetic or explosive weapon that does more than his faculties, he can no longer perform more than a few "miracle
three dice of damage in an area where there is falling masonry healings" a week. The very fact that he performs them for free to
triggers a rubble-fall on all doubles when making their attack roll. whoever asks, when he is able to, has endeared him greatly to
Everyone in the area must roll 'Reflexes + Observation' or take many people, a lot of whom owe their lives to his uncanny skills.
4D6 damage; wearing a helmet confers a +2 bonus on your dodge
roll. The last time someone made the mistake of robbing Pastor Soon
they ended up hanging upside-down from a scaffold by their
Flechette Flies testicles at the behest of a local mob-boss who Soon had saved
Vicious mutant mosquitoes that gather around pools of stagnant from a case of terminal skin cancer. Though he asks for nothing in
water are a constant annoyance during the summer months, return for his services, people still leave donations of food or
temporarily replacing the impersonal danger of the blackdrop with money whenever they can, often under the pretext of attending
deliberate hunting stings. Flechette flies would only be an irritation one of his services and leaving their donation in the collection
if they didn't carry dangerous sicknesses, the most common form plate.
of contagion their bites transmit is a virus called 'sludge lung' that
causes breathing difficulties and possible death from mucous Biokines (telepaths who can heal others with biokinesis), are
drowning. Entering an area containing flechette flies results in a - extraordinarily rare and only normally produced by the Order. The
Ai-Jinn has given up on trying to interrogate Pastor Soon for the shipped out every day on the buses that take the workers to the
secret of the technique as he no longer remembers how he came mining operations; from there it is distributed wherever the Ai-Jinn
to develop the ability and simply attributes it to faith healing. want it in UIG-approved ore shipments.
Mission Hooks find one. Few ever attempt it though, especially in recent years
1. The division must go undercover and set up a knock-off gun stall when those who enter the warrens often don't come back and
to find out who tries to hustle them out. those who do return tell stories that the Cult of Machina have
2. An awesome street chef is working in the market, his reputation claimed the warrens for their own.
has spread and the CEO wants his famous crispy wontons! Be
careful, the Shi Yukiro might mistake it for an important item-drop What business the Cult has with New Kowloon is anyone’s guess,
and try to steal your precious fried snacks. but judging by the great aggression with which they keep outsiders
3. Outlaws have been coming out of New Kowloon bearing away, it could be that they have chosen the city as a site for one
cybernetics with Ai-Jinn registration numbers, find the source. of their subterranean fortresses; a Cathedral Machina.
The three remaining members of the Division burst out of the faces, each barely glimpsed and gone again, somehow inhuman
alley in a tight cluster and stopped dead. The pursuit had led in the confusing medley of flickering coloured lights. Nobody met
them back onto one of New Kowloon’s main thoroughfares, and her eyes. The babble of sound around her was a solid wall,
now they stood on the edge of a milling crowd of civilians, hundreds of individual voices crushed together into meaningless
hundreds of thousands of jostling bodies crammed between the noise. She bit down to open a smeaker channel to Williams and
neon-soaked walls of the entertainment district. Agent Schaefer felt a particularly hard shove in her upper ribs, hard enough to be
found herself staring into the swirling mass to try and pick out painful; she stumbled and almost fell, staggering against a press
individual faces, but it was futile; the ebb and flow of humanity of bodies, and the impact jarred her jaw, breaking the channel
ground away any hope of discerning any one person within the again.
seething mob.
Recovering, Schaefer looked about herself; she realised she’d
Schaefer looked back at Heinz, now acting leader of the Division, lost Heinz, now, and was no longer sure which direction she’d
for guidance. He stood for a long moment with his cold blue eyes been heading in. Somewhere close by she heard an edge of
fixed on the churning crowd, absently rubbing the day’s worth of sound above the crowd noise; the start of a scream, abruptly cut
grey stubble on his chin. When he spoke, his voice was high and off. It sounded like Williams. She began pushing through the
tense, just audible over the insensible babble of the horde. packed bodies towards the noise, working elbows and shoulders
in against the compressed mass of humanity, making slow
“Fei will have gone straight through the crowd into the upper progress. She bit down again, this time opening a channel to
levels. She’ll be expecting us either to spend time trying to get Heinz.
Dyson back on his feet or to comb through this lot looking for her.”
Heinz fixed his gaze on Schaefer for a moment, flicked his eyes A crackling roar of static feedback sounded through the earbud
across to Williams, back to Schaefer again. “Dyson is dead by and she dropped the connection, fighting down panic. People
now, or as good as, and we all know it. There was nothing we pressed in on every side; she felt constrained, with barely enough
could do for him. Priority now is to catch up with Fei and find out room to breathe. Her hand slipped inside her trenchcoat, seeking
what we need, then evac at the designated site. Move through the reassuring grip of her Black Cougar, but found only the
here, get out of the crowd as fast as you can, up to the higher severed ends of the holster straps. Somehow, they’d taken her
levels ASAP. It’ll be less congested there; we can run a proper gun! She took a step back, stepped on something that crunched
grid search.” Heinz flexed his stubbled jaw, and Schaefer heard and skidded wetly out from under her, almost fell again. She
the reassuring crackle of feedback in her subdermal earbud. “Try instinctively looked down.
to stick together, but we’ll stay in touch by smeaker. Remember,
these are civilians, no danger to us, so keep it cool; save it for A chance flare of yellow light from somewhere high above
Fei. See you on the other side. Go.” showed her what she’d trodden on. It was a human jaw, a couple
of the teeth now broken where she’d stepped on it. The chin was
She saw him push into the edge of the crowd, hurried to follow covered in a day’s worth of grey stubble. The other end was wet
him before the flow of thronging bodies closed again. Then they ruin; a severed smeaker wire protruded from the mess.
were in amongst it, people all around shoving, jostling, bumping. Schaefer screamed, once, but the sound was choked and
Heinz’s broad back was just in front of her, not even an arm’s swallowed up by the ceaseless noise of the mob. The crowd
length away as they edged their way through the mass of bodies. closed in around her like the incoming tide.
She stopped briefly looked back over her shoulder for Williams.
Williams wasn’t there. She saw only a shifting chaotic flurry of
As much as New Kowloon is a crumbling pit of a city, its status as sizes, though most pre-SMART weapons use one of a
a world crime centre means that it is still an excellent place to standardised format. While cartridge firearms see virtually no use
acquire illegal goods. anymore there is still a call for them by antique gun enthusiasts
and some old-city dwellers preserve the technique for making
If you aquire illegal goods here using the Underground Operations home-made bullets, something that cannot be done for SMART
training the GM should lower the price of drugs compared to other ammo without access to the kind of equipment that rarely leaves
areas. the spires. The listed prices are for Light, Tactical and Heavy
firearms respectively.
In addition, a few items are relatively exclusive to the streets of
New Kowloon, although similarly dilapidated cities such as Rio in Warren Map Cost Varies (100-2000¢)
the South American freestate may have similar items;
A few enterprising citizens of New Kowloon have taken it upon
Kokuri themselves to engage in amateur cartography of the tunnels
beneath the city. Most maps of the warrens available are
Kokuri Potency 6 Class B 15¢ per Dose photographed copies of hand-drawn and hand-annotated
notebooks, often haphazardly arranged and lacking any
A low-grade recreational drug produced from treated chemical organisation or key that can be understood by anyone but it's
runoff and mutant plant life from the city suburbs. Physically it maker.
resembles an extruded brown-black lump, usually sold in 20-dose
slabs in packets made from heat-sealed cuts of plastic produce The common purveyors of these maps are homeless street
sacks. Kokuri is hard but melts with the application of human body children, who have built something of a strange subculture around
heat, becoming a thin, inky substance that is rubbed under the tests of courage in the warrens. An old map or one which only
eyelid. Effects include a general feeling of contentment and covers a small section of the warrens might sell for only 100¢, a
extreme hunger, even to the point of attempting to consume non- nearly-complete map, relatively up-to-date and accurate, detailing
edible substances such as polystyrene, packing foam and - on at dangers such as hanging power cables, gas pockets and Cult
least one occasion - pillows. Long term users often develop tar- enclaves can command a price of up to 2,000¢.
black sclera but there are very few long term users.
Resonance Material 5000¢/Kg
Zip Gun (Light Firearm)
Most material that acquires telepathic resonance does so during
D6 10¢ Medium Rate 1 EMP Immune times of focused, heightened emotion such as a statue that had
been the focal point in a place of worship or the knife used by a
For those too poor to even afford a Kac-Shim there's always the man to murder his wife. In New Kowloon, however, the sheer
good-old Saturday night special. Zip guns are handmade, one- oppressive gloom of the place occasionally infuses an item with
shot pistols made from loose sections of pipe and castoff junk. A potent telepathic resonance just from passive exposure over time.
zip gun can generally only fire once before it is rendered useless,
though a few can be reloaded it still takes a full two rounds to Strangely, almost all of these items are things that were once part
prime a new bullet. of the city architecture itself, though why this is the case has yet to
be explained convincingly. Telepaths who read the resonance of
Acquiring ammo will be difficult as zip guns universally use such items are often reduced to wracking sobs at the sheer weight
obsolete cartridge-ammo technology only stocked by specialists. of depression and human misery contained in something so
As pathetic a weapon as a zip gun is by the standards of an Agent mundane as a lump of masonry or a steel rebar, rendering them at
it's still usually enough to scare the average citizen into -2 to all Action Totals for 1D10 minutes. Mostly these items are just
compliance. Zip guns are always Condition 1-2 and cannot have unusual souvenirs that occasionally get picked up by sensitive
their condition level increased in any fashion. locals and sold on to passing telepaths who might find such things
Cartridge Ammo 5/10/15¢ each
The Order of the True Faith, on the other hand, are able to forge
Used in old-fashioned kinetic weapons not configured to use such material into potent resonance weapons and it is rumoured
SMART ammo. Cartridge ammo takes the form of sealed brass that the Comoros Corporation too, has mastered the rudiments of
tubes containing the propellant and ignition mechanism with the this technique, using it to create telepathic focuses to amplify their
projectile at one end and a pin-strike igniter at the other. In the already formidable abilities. Both factions are highly covetous of
case of shotguns these may be plastic or cardboard instead. any resonance material, often viewing it as their property by right
of their superior psionic knowledge.
Unlike SMART ammunition, they must be purchased in specific
Originally set up in Old Detroit, Michigan, the first FuBarr was the POLICIES
brain child of Karen Quaid, a Federation Agent who was treading
There are a few unspoken rules in the FuBarr, but everyone learns
a fine line with her penchant for hard liquor and good times.
them pretty quickly.
By setting up the FuBarr she sealed her own fate and was given
1. Fights are to be taken outside.
the choice of cleaning up her act or leaving the Federation. Being
2. All damages are to be paid for by the instigators
the way she was and spurred on by the success of her new
3. Vendettas are put on hold in the bar.
venture, Quaid set about with her new life.
4. No drinks on the pool table.
5. The UIG are fair game.
The thinking behind the FuBarr was to provide a place for Agents
to meet up and relax away from the confines of the Spire. To this
end it was very successful but with her banishment from the STAFF
Corporation, custom dried up as the punters were instructed not to The FuBarrs are normally staffed by ex-Agents of considerable
frequent it. ability. The company is overseen by the Ai-Jinn and as such the
employees tend to be vetted by them. However, this does not
Never ones to miss an opportunity, an Ai-Jinn division known mean that the bars are run exclusively by Ai-Jinn staff. The
simply as ‘The Laundry’ approached Quaid and suggested they majority are ex-E.I., Ai-Jinn and Federation Agents although a
take over the running of the bar in Detroit and she move to Old number of Comoros and Shi Yukiro proprietors are currently
Hong Kong where the customers would be far less discriminating. active.
Although initially sceptical Quaid agreed and the move turned out UIG
to be a great decision as since then another 62 FuBarrs have The UIG almost never enter the FuBarr and if they do it tends to
opened up across the world. They are all recognisable by the be Marshall squads, Malenbrach or Rangers. There is a general
American influence – rich wooden-style interiors, leaded lights, hatred of the law and its one of the few occasions you will get to
neon beer signs, pool tables and juke boxes. The clientele are see 30+ miscellaneous Agents from various corporations bring
predominantly Agents although citizens are not excluded. their combined might to bear on a single enemy.
As regards safety the Fubarr is extremely unpredictable. The bar
can go for weeks without incident but when a fight does break out THE FUBARR IN YOUR GAME.
the casualties are enormous. One of the reasons for these heated You can pop a FuBarr in to any Old City. They tend to be fairly
scuffles is that the FuBarr is open to all Agents, not just those of quiet places in general where Agents can hang out and maybe find
the local corporation. You’ll find a division of Samurai ad Technica out some non-sensitive information. It can make for a good
seated next to an Ai-Jinn Tiger Patrol or an E.I. Nuke listening meeting point or you could even have Agents which would
intently to a Federation Agent talking about refinements in normally be rivals, realising they are following the same goals and
ammunition technology. Even Comoros Agents frequent the working together.
FuBarr, the temporary cease-fire a hint at what the future may
Mining makes up a large part of the Ai-Jinn’s activities although despite the low gravity and they tend not to need exercise as their
unfortunately the Earth’s bounties have waned considerably over exertions in the mines keeps their muscles healthy. The need to
the past few hundred years. This is a bonus for the Ai-Jinn, wear magnetic boots all the time can also make day to day tasks
however; anyone can mine the Earth, only they can mine in space. tedious.
The Ai-Jinn still have a few Terran extraction facilities but most of It’s not surprising that most people who sign up to work on THG
their operations are located in space; several in the Sol system don’t do it again. Although the pay is a massive incentive; around
with a few further afield. 60,000¢ for 6 months work (+ six months total travel time). The
conditions and mind-breaking effects of living in the colony are too
Massive mining crafts such as The Rat & Dragon spend years at a much for most people. It’s not enough money to set you up for life
time on round trips dropping off miners and machinery and picking and it doesn’t have the atmosphere and diversity of Dreddoth. On
them up for the return journey to Earth. Those who work deep in the plus side however, the Ai-Jinn will take anyone and not disclose
asteroid, moon and planetary mines generally only do so to either their passenger manifest to the UIG. This is the main contributor to
avoid the authorities or for the substantial pay cheques they the fact that many of THG’s workers are criminals or desperados
receive. looking for a little time out.
Even using the FarDrive it is a time consuming business travelling PLOT IDEAS
around the galaxy and those who enlist on mining trips generally
1. An aggressive alien species has been unearthed in the mines.
commit to spending a few years of their life deep in space.
The activity has disturbed their hibernation and they are ready to
TAU HADES GAMMA (THG) 2. The Ai-Jinn believe one of the miners is a spy for a rival
corporation. Determine who it is.
Setup 3. THG always has a contingent of security. Its now the Division’s
Located near Proxima Centauri, Tau Hades Gamma is an asteroid, turn to be that security. A six month shift on THG is not going to
700km in diameter that has a wealth of valuable and easily pass quickly.
accessible ores and minerals. The mining complex comprises 2 4. The Ai-Jinn have quarantined THG. As a rival Division you have
main structures, each of which is built of prefab units. been set the task of finding out why.
5. The latest shipment of ore is back from THG. The UIG have
The first facility, named the Dunai Mine, features a hard-bore mine done random samples and confiscated all the ore. Find out what’s
which was created by The Rat & Dragon. The ship used an so special about this shipment.
enormous drill mounted on the underside to drive a primary shaft
into the asteroid. Given the exponentially scaling expense of installing new
equipment or extending existing facilities in a deep-space
The second facility, named the Kao Len Mine, incorporates a large environment, the Ai-Jinn will typically only construct a single
open cast mine which is worked by finers (see the Eastern Bank). mine building on a given asteroid or planetary body. These are
The ore is collected by large cargo-crawlers and taken back to the initially built to sufficient scale to accommodate all projected
Dunai Mine where it is stored in the hoppers to await collection. industrial operations.
It takes about 6 months to fill all the hoppers, at which point a Such are the provisions of the Interstellar Mining Accord, but the
mining craft will come to empty them and relieve any miners who words hardly do justice to the dreadful, magnificent reality. The
have fulfilled their contracts. Ai-Jinn mines are vast, angular cyclopean structures, inevitably
blackened by reeking smoke and grime. If what little still remains
Life on Tau Hades Gamma of human rights legislation held any sway off Earth, the
As you might expect it’s pretty desperate. The pre-fabs which the conditions inside those gigantic, oppressive ziggurats of
facility is constructed from are anything but luxurious. The floors ceaseless industry would violate every rule in the book. An
are tread-patterned alloy, the walls wipe-clean, grey plastic and the estimated five-eighths of all off-planet miners either transfer
ceilings low with stark lighting. home within two years or are driven clinically insane in the
Miners are expected to start work at 8:30 am (THG time) and work noisome darkness within those massive, sheer walls.
through to 6:00pm. They get one hour for lunch and 1 day off per
week. Most miners skip the day off, considering the extra money First-time observers often comment that those obscene
more desirable than a day sat in the rec room, sat in plastic chairs structures look more like tombs than mines; for a significant
watching bad films. number of their inmates, they eventually serve as both.
Meals are extremely basic but nutritionally complete and alcohol -from UIG Annual Report on the IMA, 2501
and drugs are banned from the facility. The miners’ work is hard
HP 38
Shield 60
AV 11
Defence 7 (Multiple Defence)
Strike AT 15, Dam 6, Rate 2
Plasma Short Sword AT 15, Dam D6+12+XS
Shotgun AT 12, Dam 2/3D10, Rate 1
Plasma Cannon AT 13, Dam 5D10+5, Rate 1, Ignore AV
Combat Talons AT 15, Dam 11, Rate 2, Ignore 2 AV
Heavy Frags AT 11, Dam 6D6, Rate 1
Str 12, End 8, Agi 8, Ref 7, Int 6, Per 7, Pres 7
Assess Tech 5, Attitude 6, Close Combat 7, Computers & A.I. 3,
Cybernetics & Robotics 3, Drive 3, Heavy Firearms 6, Light
Firearms 4, Looking Good 4, Medicine 2, Observation 5, Support
Weapons 4, Street Culture 2, Tactical Firearms 5
A range of licenses based on the speciality of the Agent though he
will have most of the licenses needed for the equipment he carries.
Agents more advantages than problems. Most suits are black but
TRAININGS some are decaled with Ai-Jinn insignias, personalised logos,
Clanger, Guan Yu Use, Mastered Weapon - Short Sword, There is camouflage or symbolic icons. The user generally stands a foot
only Ai-Jinn, Dual Weapon Fighting (Shotgun and Plasma Short taller when wearing the suit but normally shows little signs of
Sword), Multiple Defence, Shotgun Pulping hindrance despite the suit’s archaic appearance.
100% Selection of grenades, some heavy Guan Yu equipped Agents almost always operate in groups
100% Plasma short sword is integrated in the Guan Yu because it is not normally practical for only one Agent to wear
50% Shotgun is double barrel if you have the rules heavy armour. They will not generally employ drastically different
50% Plasma cannon is condition 6 tactics to normal, simply enjoying the many advantages the suit
100% Varied cybernetics offers.
GUAN YU UPGRADES There are dozens of potential Guan Yu setups. The one listed here
Hard Ion Field, Combat Talons, Integrated Weaponry, Optical would be considered non-specialist. The most common are as
Package, Environmental Baffles. follows.
Scout - Light, fast with good optics and long range weapons.
DESCRIPTION Assault - Moderately strong with tactical firearms and close
The Guan Yu equipped Agent is more conspicuous than a normal combat weapons.
operative but far more resilient. The nature of Ai-Jinn training Heavy - Heavy weapons, extra armour and good shielding.
means that these suits are far from impedeing and grant the Close Combat - Dual close combat weapons, often combat talons
and integrated plasma weapons.
ANGROL - AI-JINN SLAVE-CLASS COLONISER BIO their powerful frames and brachiating abilities would serve the
Corporation well carrying heavy loads up gantries and scaffolds
Rank 0 / Level 8
where machines and droids were too clumsy to be trusted.
Value 110,000¢
Unfortunately, much of the original war programming still remains
COMBAT within the Angrol genome and they are one of the most violent and
HP 42 aggressive of the slave BIOs produced on Miller-Urey. Before
Shield 0 being put to any useful work Angrols must be broken and any
AV 1 tendencies to rebellion neurochemically castrated by Ai-Jinn
Defence 7 handlers, a brutal and tortuous procedure that leaves the poor
creatures docile, obedient and too terrified of humans to ever raise
WEAPONS a finger in their own defence.
Power Strike AT14, D4+14+3, Rate 1
Bite* AT14, 7, Rate 1 COMBAT
Angrols use few tools and almost never use weapons, preferring to
* May be made in addition to unarmed attacks. wrestle down their prey and beat them to death with their meaty
fists, which are dotted with keratin knobs that make their blows all
STATS the more brutal. In the wild they might wear Grann furs
Str 14, End 10, Agi 7, Ref 7, Int 4, Per 7, Pres 6 haphazardly lashed to their bodies with lengths of gut or twisted
hide but that is roughly the limit of Angrol technology, though some
may trade meat for better-made clothes and tools with other BIO
SKILLS tribes.
Attitude 5 (Intimidating), Athletics 8, Close Combat 7, Observation
6, Psychology 5, Stealth 5.
Maranathan Rebel
LICENSES Being one of the less intelligent and so less useful of the slave
None, though Angrols are sentient and possessed of roughly BIOs, the Angrols have suffered perhaps the worst from human
human intelligence (though only just), all BIOs are officially exploitation and readily join the Maranathans once they are shown
property of their licensed creator and as such may not possess evidence of the plight of their brothers in bondage. A Maranathan
UIG citizen status or hold licenses. Angrol has a 60% chance to be wearing scavenged combat
armour, giving them +3 AV, a 50% chance to be equipped with a
TRAININGS Condition 7 Combat Chainsaw that they have trained with enough
Restrain, Unarmed Combat Specialist, Survival to gain the Powered Melee training and a 30% chance to have a
working Self Charging Shield (20 HP, EMPS 15).
Tamed Angrol
100% Crude hide clothing. A common sight around the Ai-Jinn's Ornus bases carrying heavy
80% Half-eaten Grann haunch. loads, performing construction and generally acting like living
30% Bits of carved bone, shiny rocks etc. forklifts. Tamed Angrols have had their wills broken through a
combination of torture and neurochemical alterations and many
SPECIAL ABILITIES bear signs of mutilation such as lash-marks, burns and rows of
Fast Climber - Angrols can climb at the same rate as their move circular scars at the base of the neck where probes were inserted
speed up vertical surfaces and even from horizontal surfaces such into the brain. If spoken to, the wary and sad-eyed creatures will
as ceilings and rock overhangs provided there are sufficient address all humans as Sir or Miss unless told otherwise and will
handholds. shy away like whipped dogs from any unannounced physical
contact. Even if attacked they will not defend themselves, instead
curling up and shielding their head as best they can.
Barrel-chested creatures roughly 8-foot tall, somewhat more
bipedal than gorillas but still more comfortable when knuckle-
walking. Angrol faces are simian but with jutting tusks and a wider
jaw-structure, skin tones tend toward whitish-greys with the
occasional blue-black mutant. Angrols were originally intended to
be a combat BIO species but were given enhanced intelligence
and repurposed as worker BIOs on colonisation projects where
TALGIN - AI-JINN SLAVE-CLASS COLONISER BIO components and have been equipped with long, spindly fingers
suited to fine work and an intense curiosity which gives them an
Rank 0 / Level 3
innate talent for technology.
Value 80,000¢
Talgin have long, dextrous fingers and large, luminous eyes, all
part of their adaptations to increase their technical ability. Of all the
COMBAT BIO tribes, the Talgin are both the most sophisticated and the least
HP 26 suited for Ornus' environment. They dwell primarily underground in
Shield 0 tunnel networks and emerge only when protected by multiple
AV 0 layers of heavy fur clothes, facial swathes and snow-blindness
Defence 4 protectors - simple slotted pieces of bone tied over the eyes - to
shield their delicate senses.
Dart Thrower* AT13, Dam D6, Medium, Rate 1 Unlike other coloniser-BIOs who subsist mainly on Grann, the
Bite** AT12, Dam 3, Rate 1 Talgin find the large creatures difficult to take down and more
Strike AT12, Dam 2, Rate 2 trouble than it's worth to emerge from their tunnels into the harsh
cold and light. As a result they feed primarily on cave-dwelling
*May be poisoned. insects and fungi. Those Talgin who have been brought into the Ai-
**May be made in addition to unarmed attacks at -4 penalty. Jinn's Ornus bases for study have proven remarkably tractable,
serving willingly and even happily due to their genetically
programmed technophilia.
Str 5, End 6, Agi 8, Ref 9, Int 7, Per 8, Pres 5
Talgin are ill-suited for combat but if threatened they will fight off
SKILLS any aggressors with crude, tubular weapons made from wood or
Assess Tech 3, Athletics 6, Close Combat 4, Crime 5, Lying & bone that contain a piece of gut-string under tension held back by
Acting 4, Mechtronics 2, Medicine 3, Observation 6, Science 2, a simple lever. These simple crossbow-analogue weapons fire
Stealth 7, Support Weapons 3, Tactical Firearms 5 (dart thrower poisoned stone-headed quarrels with surprising accuracy.
LICENSES Maranathan Rebel
None, though Talgins are sentient and possessed of roughly Talgin make up the smallest number of the Maranathans, the
human intelligence, all BIOs are officially property of their licensed rebels can show them far fewer examples of Talgin being treated
creator and as such may not possess UIG citizen status or hold cruelly by the Ai-Jinn than they can for the Angrols. Indeed, most
licenses. Talgin would consider the chance to explore human technology
worth any degree of slavery. Some however decide to join the
TRAININGS Maranathan Rebellion out of resentment of the humans hoarding
Aptitude, Jury-Rigging (simple mechanisms only), Survivial their technological treasures. Maranathan Talgin increase their
Assess Tech, Mechtronics, Medicine and Science scores by 1-2
points and may even possess knowledge of Computers & A.I. or
Cybernetics & Robotics. They will typically be equipped in a
100% Hide clothing, lined with fur. support role, carrying explosives and intrusion devices.
100% Condition 6 Crossbow and quiver of 10 bolts.
80% Stone knife. Collaborator
70% Cave insect rations. This Talgin has joined the Maranathans but has no true loyalty to
40% Primitive climbing equipment. their fools' cause. When the humans come to punish them for their
10% Condition 3-5 tech item dropped by Ai-Jinn personnel, impiety he plans to aid them, perhaps even convincing them to
e.g. Plasma cutting torch, night-vision goggles, music take him to the spirit world with them. He already has the rebels’
player. supplies rigged to explode. He will feign typical Maranathan
resentment of all humans but if there is an opportunity to aid them
DESCRIPTION he will take it, begging, fawning over and sometimes downright
Small, 3-foot tall, humanoids made from the rodent genotype, worshipping them all the while.
Talgin most closely resemble hairless molerats out of all Earth’s
fauna. They were created by the Ai-Jinn to work in cramped
service-ducts, repairing machinery and replacing broken
WEAPONS If forced to flee it will often pepper the retreat path with mines to
2 Plasma Cannons AT 19, 5D10+5 Dam, Rate 1, Ignores AV cripple its pursuers.
Minelayer AT 19, 30D10 Dam per mine, Rate 3
Note: Picuture is an example of the class and does not represent the exact Cyberlin detailed.
Sniper Rifle AT 19, 2D6+1 Dam, Rate 2 (The image shown here has no weapons fitted).
Strength 50
Endurance 50
Agility 10
Reflexes 8
Perception 11
Intelligence 7
Presence 6
Cyberlin A.I. 5
Assess Tech 6, Attitude 7, Close Combat 6,
Computers & A.I. 7. Cybernetics & Robotics 6,
Looking Good 5, Mechtronics 6, Observation
12, Pilot 8, Stealth 8, Support Weapons 8
Locomotion Bipedal Inverse (80mph)
Hull SCC Rogue H5
R. Hardpoint Weapon Mounting
L. Hardpoint Weapon Mounting
Processor Datanetica FG90 (8 Systems)
Right Hardpoint
2 x Plasma Cannon
1 x Snipers Rifle
Left Hardpoint
Mine Layer (Carries 30 Mines)
Hit Points
Loco 100
Hull 700
R. Hardpoint 50
L. Hardpoint 50
Shield 1000HP
AV 20
Defence 7
EMPS Immune
Activations 6
2 x Assault Cannon AT 19, Dam 4D10, Rate 1, Special
Ordnance Laser AT 19, Dam 15D8+15, Rate 1
Ordnance Plasma AT 19, Dam 15D10+15, Rate 1
Note: Picuture is an example of the class and does not represent the exact Cyberlin detailed.
Strength 75
Endurance 75
Agility 5
Reflexes 8
Perception 10
Intelligence 8
Presence 7
Cyberlin A.I. 7
Assess Tech 6, Attitude 7, Close Combat 7, Computers & A.I. 6.
Cybernetics & Robotics 5, Looking Good 7, Mechtronics 5,
Observation 8, Pilot 9, Support Weapons 9
Sensory Array
Scout Array
BUILD Augmented Vision Suite
Locomotion Tracks (70 mph) Hard Ion Shield
Hull SCC Arbiter Jump Unit
R. Hardpoint Manipulator Lock on Disruptor
L. Hardpoint Manipulator Shield Regenerator
Processor Illian Ghost V2.2 (10 Systems)
WEAPON SYSTEMS The ranger class was designed to patrol large areas of ground
Right Hardpoint around sensitive assets and deter intruders. Their jump packs
1 Tsunami Assault Cannon make them quick to respond and their paired assault cannons
1 Tempest Ordnance Laser make them extremely effective at neutralising groups of infantry.
Left Hardpoint Although ranger class cyberlins are primarily a deterrent, they can
1 Tsunami Assault Cannon make formidable opponents if the need arises.
1 Hurricane Ordnance Plasma
Hit Points
Loco 300
Hull 1100
R. Hardpoint 100
L. Hardpoint 100
Shield 1500HP
AV 25
Defence 10
EMPS Immune
Activations 8
Assault Cannon AT 20, Dam 4D10, Rate 1, Special
CAC Cannon AT 20, Dam 40D10+100, Rate 1
Rail Cannon AT 20, Dam 15D10+30, Rate 1, Ignores 25 AV
Note: Picuture is an example of the class and does not represent the exact Cyberlin detailed.
Mine Layer AT 20, Dam 30D10 Dam per mine, Rate 3
Manipulators AT 19, Dam 100, Rate 1
Strength 100
Endurance 100
Agility 5
Reflexes 9
Intelligence 9 Sensory Array
Presence 9 Scout Array
Cyberlin A.I. 10 Augmented Vision Suite
Lock on Disruptor
SKILLS Shield Regenerator
Assess Tech 6, Attitude 10, Close Combat 10, Computers & A.I. 6. Auto-Repair Systems (Elite)
Cybernetics & Robotics 7, Looking Good 9, Mechtronics 6, 1 x Armour Plating on Hull
Observation 9, Pilot 10, Support Weapons 10 Gravity Rams
Hard Ion Shield
Electronic Counter Measures
Locomotion Quadrupedal (28mph)
Hull SCC Dominator C10
R. Hardpoint Convergent Artillery Cannon The Battle Class represents the most agressive level of cyberlin
L. Hardpoint Manipulator construction. They are typically used to guard a corporation’s most
Processor Takata R50 DX (11 Systems) important assets or for full on conflicts. At the present time inter-
corporation cyberlin battles are very rare but they are not
uncommon in the freestates.
WEAPON SYSTEMS The Battle Class will normally open up with its assault cannon to
Right Hardpoint - Convergent Artillery Cannon destroy the enemy’s shields, then send in volleys of rail cannon fire
Mine Layer and deliever heavy blows with the CA cannon. Although this model
1 Sirroco Rail Cannon would function better at range it can do terrible damage with its
Left Hardpoint - Manipulator manipulator which may well be equipped with a plasma sword as
1 Sirroco Rail Cannon on page 78.
1 Tsunami Assault Cannon
The turret weapon can be any of the following. The tank can
HP 250
obviously have less so could be equipped with a single tactical
AV 15
firearms for its main turret weapon. Costs are based simply on the
MPH 65
price of the weapons.
DM -1
1 Heavy Weapon
Length 4.8 Metres
2 Linked Heavy Weapons
Height 2.6 Metres
3 Linked Tactical Weapons
1 OverRisk Weapon
Tpyical Driver Stats
Weapon Action Total 15
Or a specialist weapon if desired; however, the vehicle is too small
Piloting Action Total 15
to reliably attach Ordnance Weapons
Typical Weapon Configuration
Linked Rail Guns AT 15, Dam 6D10, Rate 2, Ignore 15AV SPONSEN RETROFITS
Plasma SMG AT 15, Dam 6D6, Rate 1, Ignore AV The P-Tank has two side sponsons. Each can accomodate the
Laser SMG AT 15, Dam 6D8, Rate 1, Ignore Shields following; Costs are based simply on the price of the weapons.
1 Tactical Weapon
DESCRIPTION 2 Linked Tactical Weapons
The P-Tank is a lightweight, highly customisable tank which can 1 Heavy Weapon
can be easily retrofitted with a variety of weapons to enable it to 2 Linked Light Weapons
function in a range of environments.
The P-Tank has two key attributes which differenciate it from other DRIVE RETROFITS
vehicles in its class.
The standard caterpilla drive can be replaced with one of the
Self Destruct
The internal reactor can be set to overload. This causes the tank
Wheels - Increase speed to 110mph and DM to 0; cannot tackle
to explode creating a massive zone of destruction. The pilot is
very rough terrain. (No cost involved in this)
almost always killed. For this reason piloting the P-tank carries
with it great risk and although some see death in the line of battle
Hover Drive - Decrease speed to 55mph and increase DM to +1.
to be an honourable end, many secretly dread being assigned to
This upgrade costs 100,000 credits. The vehicle can travel up to 1
a P-tank battalion. This threat is often held over Ai-Jinn employees,
metre off the ground allowing it to travel over very rough terrain.
another sucessful loyalty enforcer.
Gravity Rams - 30,000 - The P-Tank can be dropped from aircraft
and land without being damaged.
The P-tank is a sealed pressurised unit capable of existing for 7
days without a source of air. Up to 10 scrubber units can be
attached to the basic tank, each one adding another week’s worth HULL RETROFITS
of clean air for the pilot. (The ‘p’ in P-tank stands for pressurised.) The hull can be modified in the following ways.
This system allows P-tanks to be used in space, often as fixed
weapon platforms attached to asteroids or planetoids. Heavy Armour - 10,000¢ - Decrease speed to 45 MPH, +8AV, -1 DM.
UNIVERSAL RETROFITS - All P-Tanks features the following. Stealth Field - 50,000¢ - The tank becomes almost invisible and
silent granting observers a -8 to detect it.
Self Destruct
D10x100 Damage in a 100 metre blast radius.
P-Tank 1/10, Primary Command Unit from Swarm 10. The solve surviving unit which fought in the Corporate Wars
This generator is just for fun. Some combinations may not work 14. Luminous
but it should no doubt provide some entertainment. 15. Dark
16. Scarlet
17. Crimson
ELEMENTS - D6 18. Cereulean
19. Golden
1. Roll Adjective + Descriptor 20. Silver
2. Roll Colour + Descriptor
3. Roll Adjective + Descriptor + Terminator DESCRIPTOR (PLURALISE IF WITHOUT
4. Roll Colour + Descriptor + Terminator
5. Roll Adjective + Colour + Descriptor + Terminator TERMINATOR) - 2D10
6. Reroll
1. Sword
If no terminator, the descriptor becomes pluralised. 2. Assassin
3. Bandit
4. Cat
ADJECTIVES - D20 5. Devil
6. Dragon
7. Flame
1. Dancing
8. Immortal (warning: again, sounds like a challenge)
2. Furious
9. Jester
3. Great
10. Knife
4. Invincible (warning: may be taken as a challenge)
11. Legend
5. Killer
12. Lotus
6. Laughing
13. Monkey
7. Mighty
14. Ox
8. Silent
15. Pirate
9. Terrible
16. Pistol
10. Whispering
17. Scorpion
11. Glorious
18. Serpent
12. Famous
19. Titan
13. Indestructible
20. Warrior
14. Notorious
15. Rampaging
16. Unstoppable TERMINATOR - 1D20
17. Murderous
18. Inhuman 1. Agency
19. Ravaging 2. Association
20. Drunken 3. Brigade
4. Gang
COLOUR - D20 5. Group
6. Hong
7. Initiative
1. Black
8. Organisation
2. Blue
9. Society
3. Green
10. Triad / Yakuza / Tong
4. Indigo
11. Clan
5. Orange
12. Band
6. Purple
13. Crew
7. Red
14. Cartel
8. Saffron
15. Posse
9. White
16. Pack
10. Yellow
17. Syndicate
11. Pink
18. Tribe
12. Bronze
19. Cabal
13. Midnight
20. Family
Reprinted from Machines of War for your convenience.
Foot -6 10 Reflexes and Agility are reduced by 3 points with regard to movement. Running is impossible
and walking is slow.
Shin -4 14 The shin is destroyed although the foot can be recovered. Agility is reduced by 4 points. Any
locomotion other than hopping and crawling is impossible.
Thigh -4 18 The thigh is destroyed although the shin and foot can be recovered. Agility is reduced by 4 points.
Any locomotion other than hopping and crawling is impossible.
Groin -4 16 The groin area is destroyed. Agility is reduced by 2 points. Even Agents may wince at this!
Abdomen -4 24 The abdomen is destroyed. The hips and legs are separated from the upper body but can be
recovered. You can only move by using your arms. Agility is reduced to 1.
Chest -2 24 The cardio-respiratory system is destroyed. This will kill anyone without I.C.E technology instantly.
Even Those with I.C.E suffer 3 points of bleeding damage a round until healed.
Shoulder -4 14 The shoulder is destroyed and the corresponding arm falls off. Anything which requires two arms
is impossible. Rolls such as climbing, which partially use the hand are made at -5. Agents are
Upper Arm -4 14 The upper arm is destroyed. The lower arm can be recovered. Anything requiring the use of two
hands is impossible. Rolls such as climbing, which partially use the hand are made at -4. Agents
are ambidextrous.
Forearm -4 14 The forearm is destroyed, the upper arm and hand can be recovered. Anything requiring the use
of two hands is impossible. Rolls such as climbing, which partially use the hand are made at -4.
Agents are ambidextrous.
Head -4 25 YES! The head is totally destroyed, blow apart, pulped, it’s gone, instant death, no coming back
from this! Even a cerebral link won’t help!*
Fingers? - Fingers are too fine to be a reasonable target for destruction. If the situation warrants it the GM should be able to decide
the effects of smashing fingers and thumbs.
*Those lucky enough to have Agent Backup can of course, be brought back as normal.
Cybernetics are not necessarily made of reinforced metal and as a
result do not make a body part harder to pulp unless they carry an
inherent AV bonus. If this is the case then this is taken into account
with the basic Pulping system.
Location of Cybernetics
You may need to know where certain cybernetics are located to
see if they were damaged during an attack, if so consult page 72
of Machines of War. If you don’t have it you’ll need to use your
A Pulped body part is irrecoverable; it cannot be reattached with
Compound-H. Any underlying cybernetics are also destroyed. If a
component was only partially hit it may be possible to repair it. The
chewed mess left behind is considered a mashing wound and
bleeds at 1HP point per round.
Sometimes cybernetics become damaged, this is not necessarily a
drop in condition. Imagine you had StealthSkin and had your arm
blown off, you would need to repair it. Below are some basic
guidelines to fixing damaged cybernetics. This rule should not be
overused and the GM should feel free to ignore it if he feels it may
damage the group’s play style.
Minor Damage
Something small impeding the function of the item. Cost - 10% of new price
Cracked lens on a visual upgrade, coffee spilt in a neural jack, stealthskin compromised by the loss of a limb, wolf jaw bent
Moderate Damage
Something significant making the item fairly ineffective. Cost - 50% of the new cost
Bones snapped on an alloy skeleton, Body Space door broken off, Reaver Body Plate cracked.
Heavy Damage
The item is basically useless. At this point it’s almost worth getting a new one. Cost - 75% of the new cost
Cybernetic Arm broken in two, Alloy Skull smashed open, Videoskin burnt and ripped.
Name _______________________ Value ____________________ Processor __________________
Class _______________________ Pilot ____________________ Max Systems ______________
Damage Record
Hull Locomotion
System Function
Right Hardpoint Left Hardpoint
Copyright Brutal Games 2009. Permission granted to copy for personal use.
HP The vehicle’s HP (Hit Points). Indicates how much damage the vehicle can take until it cannot be used.
If it is reduced to 0HP or less the vehicle is useless and each round stands a cumulative 10% chance to
explode, i.e. 10% on the first round, 20% on the second and so on. Explosion of a vehicle deals 3D10
damage and is a Blast with a radius of vehicle HP / 10 metres, e.g. 40 HP = 4m blast.
AV Armour Value of the vehicle
SPEED Top speed of the unmodified vehicle (miles per hour).
DM Driving Modifier. You gain this to your Drive or Pilot Action Total while using this vehicle.
EMPS Civilian vehicles have EMPS 22, if affected they simply stop. Military vehicles are immune to EMP.
RAMMING D6 for every 10mph you are travelling at. Round down.
Copyright Brutal Games 2009. Permission granted to copy for personal use.
Advanced Command 12 Eastern Province 108
Advance Under Fire 12 Equipment Section 46
Ai-Jinn Culture 16 Eight Immortals 98
Ai-Jinn Leaders 97
Ai-Jinn Sects 28
A.I. Protocol 69 F
Ammunition 50 Factory Map 125
Ang Fen Dynasty 44 FarDrive Discovery 8
Antagonists 152 FarDrive Crafts 116
Assets of the Ai-Jinn 114 Fargate 122
ASO Chip License 19 Firearms 47
Astronautic Cybernetics 68 Five Governors 99
Ascendancy Mega-Habitat 123 Five Provinces 100
Attitude Correction Facility 112 Formation of the Ai-Jinn 8
B Fuel / Paracane 93
Barika Kebe Alliance 101 G
BIO, Slave 154, 155, 156 Gang Name Generator 163
Blackdrop 146 Gambling Sector 139
Bosozoku / Lightning Tribes 130 General Equipment 58
Butcher / Knife Man Training 15 Ghost Technology 66
Grappel Hook Combat Training 12
Grappel Hook Combat Advanced 13
C Green Divisions 25
Can Qian (Pirates) 106 Grinding 136
CEO of the Ai-Jinn 95 Guan Yu Armour 52
Central Province 105 Guan Yu Armour NPC 153
Character Advancement (Section) 10 Guan Yu Use Training 13
Clanger 12 Guan Yu Upgrades 53
Cloning 135
Close Combat Weapons 50 H
Core Trainings 11
Hattamoto Yakko 29
Corruption (avoiding) 111
Hien Dynasty 40
Compulsory Unarmed Training 22
Hong Kong Spire Complex 142
Conana Advert 37
Hub Operatives 134
Crash Course Training 11
Crime in the Ai-Jinn 129
Conviction of One Training 16 I
Criminal Activities (new) 135 Iaido Training 13
Cyberlin Pilot Training 12 Iaido Hakanai Training 13
Cyberlin Appropriation License 19 Illegal Licenses 20
Cyberlins and Vehicles Section 70 Industrial Weapons 48
Cyberlin Hit Locations 74 Initiation Rites 110
Cyberlin NPCs 157, 158, 159
Cyberlin Piloting 73 J
Cyberlin Record Sheet 166 Jacks (criminal groups) 133
Cyberlin Systems 75 Jack of All Blades / Triad Blade 15
Cybernetics 68 Jan Tsai 106
D Japan (The Fifth Province) 108
Division Leader 21 Jiggers 104
Division Leader Bonuses 24 Joint Dislocation Training 16
Dragon’s Head of the Ai-Jinn 96
Dynasty Knowledge Trainig 16
KAC Weapons 45 Quicksand 104
KAC Shim Factory 147
Kabuki Mono 29 R
Kang Dynasty 41
Random Agent Generator 26
Knife Man / Butcher Training 14
Rank Bonuses 22,23
Kinetic Field Repair Training 16
Redman Training 17
Kuang Arms Concern Poster 45
Regional Governors 98
Response Driver License 19
L Rewarding & Punishing Divisions 26
Lang Transit Conglomerate 8 Rule Changes 7
Legacy Operatives 32 S
Legacy Pattern Technology 60
Samantha Yeung 107
Legacy Pattern Weapons 64
Shadow CEO of the Ai-Jinn 97
Licenses 19
Shandian Shuai 31
Licenses Downtime Reduction 19
Shen Yu Jungles 103
Ling Kao Dynasty 41
Shi Yukiro Master (Training Under) 11
Locations, section 138
Shrike Trees 103
Loyalty within the Ai-Jinn 110
Simon Yo 104
Loyalty Enforcement 110
Snellings :) 135
Loyalty Assessment 111
Southern Province 106
Solar Plates 122
M Southern Spires (Hong Kong) 143
Machi-Yakko 30 Space Fleet 116
Management of the Ai-Jinn 95 Strike of the Cobra 15
May Lin Chow 101 Subconcious Coercion Training 17
Map of the Five Provinces 100 Sword and the five Knives 97
Map of Factory 125
Martial Aptitude 15 T
Mag Tanks 91
Tao Dynasty 42
Meatdolls 136
Tau Hades Gamma 151
Megastructures 122
Telepathic Might Traninig 17
Metahuman Dynasties 38
There is Only Ai-Jinn Training 17
Military, Ai-Jinn 115
Thought Resonance Training 17
Miller-Urey Experiments 124
Tiger Platoons 34
Mining Colony 151
Trainings (List) 11
Mission Officer Training 17
Triad Blade / Jack of All Blades 15
Motorbike & Sword Combat 15
Toss the Place Training 17
UIG Policy Advisor 97
Names 162
UIG Technology 66
New Kowloon 144
UIG Weaponry 67
New Kowloon Shopping 149
Unnatural Jay
Nightclub Sector 140
Northern Province 102 V
Northern Spires (Hong Kong) 143 Vampire Warriors No
O Vehicle Record Sheet 167
Vehicles 86
Offworld People Trafficking 136
Vehicle Upgrades 92
Ordnance Weapons 77
Voodoo / Vodou 132
Ox Labs 147
Voting Council of the Ai-Jinn 98
Paracane 93
Weapons 47
Pastor Soon 146
Western Provinces 100
People’s Free Army of Ayan 102
Wheelman Training 17
Pick Pocket Training 17
Pirates (Yes! They’re here) 106 X, Y, Z
Provinves of the Ai-Jinn 100 Xing Gong Orbital
P-Tank NPC 160 Yardies 131
Pulping Rules 164 Yasuhiro Kotabe 109
In a vast cavern of ice, buried deep beneath the bottom of the world, the single most powerful man
alive stood contemplating a grim future.
Jaime Van Dyer, Speaker for the Exchange, mouthpiece of gods, closed his wrinkled eyelids against
the great blank screens set into soaring glacial walls. In his mind, he replayed the debate that had
raged over the last three days, until all of the Exchange but him had succumbed to exhaustion and
quit the Archon Chamber.
All projections showed that competition for dwindling terrestrial resources would push the world into
outright war within two years, the Exchange had argued. If Hyperion could not be controlled, then
surely the Six must now see that the limitless resources of deep space were the escape valve, the
only way to avoid the looming disaster.
The Archons had returned an overwhelming chaos of fragmented half-answers, the massive
screens periodically hinting at a blur of mighty faces, then shattering back into swirling colour. The
Six referred obliquely to unspecified dangers lurking in the cold dark of space, spoke of the
importance of careful control, repeated old warnings of the need for balance. None of it was new.
Balance? the Exchange had queried. The Ai-Jinn continue to build an unbreakable monopoly over
raw mineral resources, their stock prices making ever more ground against their rivals. They
continue to amass war materiel, outstripping the other Corporations combined on a daily basis. The
balance is breaking. The secrets of the Far Drive must be shared or there will be war; war for
dominance or for resources, either way it will consume the world.
But the Archons had said nothing. The great screens of the gods had faded to black; their
whispering, thundering voices had gone, leaving only the querulous arguments of the Exchange to
fill the frozen silence.
Impotent, frustrated, and with the civilisation under his stewardship sliding inexorably towards its
final catastrophe, he felt the first tear slide down his cheek; it moved sluggishly in the frozen gloom.
The single most powerful man alive – Jaime Van Dyer, Speaker for the Exchange, puppet of gods
– stood in a cavern of ice, feeling alone and very, very old, and wept for a world he could do nothing
to save.