Supplement To Complaint To Dean Landeta-Burdick 12:13
Supplement To Complaint To Dean Landeta-Burdick 12:13
Supplement To Complaint To Dean Landeta-Burdick 12:13
(617) 513-3365
I am submitting this letter as a supplement to the letter complaint that I sent to you yesterday.
Ms. Peller is unrelenting in her attempts to have Louis jailed for his Constitutionally protected
right of free speech. I was contacted yesterday by the Assistant District Attorney who is
handling the case against Louis in Northampton District Court. He informed me that Ms. Peller
walked into the Northampton Police Department to report a violation of Louis’ conditions of
release. The supposed violation was that he had reposted the video in which he claims that he is
going to sue her for what she has done to him. I am attaching the police report that documents
her actions.
Ms. Peller was in court when the conditions of release were announced by the Judge. They
provide only that Louis not contact her. He has not. She is now compounding her misdeeds by
filing a false police report. If you read the report, even the officer who took it notes that in the
video Louis merely claims that he is going to sue her. Nothing else.
In regard to her patently false claims that the video was full of physical threats that Louis made
to her, I cross-examined Ms. Peller about this video last Tuesday. She testified, under oath, that
she did not read what he had written on a banner on the video -"LAWYERS ACTIVATED" -
and that she did not listen to the entire video before she reported it as containing threats of
physical violence against her. Her testimony in this regard does not pass the straight face test.
Karen D. Hurvitz