As market leader in TOC analysis, Shimadzu connects tradition This chapter also applies to the individual modules, kits or op-
with experience. This enables users to profit from personal sup- tions of Shimadzu’s TOC analyzers. Useful functions are also
port or by attending seminars and user meetings organized by described.
Shimadzu. These application-oriented meetings serve for the
exchange of information and experiences. Further details are available in the individual application notes
(for instance ‘TOC determination methods’, ‘Total nitrogen de-
In this particular field of application notes, specific sets of sub- termination’ or ‘Blank values’). In addition to the information
jects ‘TOC in daily practice’ are listed that are not covered by on ‘TOC in daily practice’, there are also application notes on
one of the special applications. These are subjects that are re- ‘Pharmaceutical industry’, ‘Chemical Industry’, ‘TOC special ap-
lated to the TOC parameter, independently of the matrix. plications’, ‘Environmental analysis’ and ‘TOC process analysis.’
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
TOC – Determination methods according
to EN 1484
The EN 1484 standard “Guidelines for the The following graph shows how the
determination of total organic carbon (TOC) parameters are linked:
and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)” defines
various terms and parameters.
■ Definitions according to EN 1484
TC: Total carbon – the sum of organically
bound and inorganically bound carbon
present in water, including elemental carbon.
TIC: Total inorganic carbon – the sum of
carbon present in water, consisting of ■ Determination methods
elemental carbon, carbon monoxide, carbon The TOC can be determined according to
three different methods:
dioxide (also carbonates and hydrogen
carbonates), cyanide, cyanate, and
thiocyanate. TOC instruments mainly detect
CO2, originating from hydrogen carbonates
and carbonates, just like TIC.
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
Determination of the purgeable organic
carbon (POC)
According to EN 1484, which contains the Here, the volatile organic compounds are
instructions for TOC determination, the POC converted to CO2 and detected via NDIR
(purgeable organic carbon) is the TOC detector.
content that can be expelled under the
conditions of this method. This information is
very unspecific and should be described here TOC
in more detail.
■ Calibration
Particular attention should be paid to
calibration of the POC. Standards that are
prepared with volatile, purgeable organic
substances are inherently very unstable. This
For POC determination, the sample is is why IC standard solutions (prepared from
aspirated using the TOC-L injection syringe, carbonates and/or hydrogen carbonates) are
acidified with HCL and subsequently purged used for POC calibration. Sampling of the IC
using carrier gas. In this step, CO2 originating solutions for POC determination is carried out
from carbonates and hydrogen carbonates as using the TOC-L injection syringe. The IC
well as all volatile organic compounds (POC) solution is acidified in the syringe. The
are purged from the solution. The LiOH trap inorganic substances of the standard solution
binds the CO2 from the gas mixture are converted to CO2 and transferred to the
(originating from the TIC). The volatile NDIR detector using a carrier gas.
compounds pass the trap and reach the
■ System testing
In POC analysis, it is of great importance that
the LiOH trap functions perfectly. A test
should, therefore, be carried out to confirm
the efficiency of the CO2 trap. This test
should be carried out each working day:
An IC control solution (TIC = 1000 mg/L) is
prepared and analyzed as a POC sample. TOC=4,05mg/l
For efficient functioning of the LiOH trap, the
POC=4,05mg/l => 100%
POC measuring result must be < 0.1 mg/L.
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
TNb – total bound nitrogen
The conversion of the nitrogen containing Subsequently, the gas mixture enters the
compounds takes place via combustion in an chemiluminescence detector, connected in
oxygen atmosphere higher than 700 °C to series, where the nitrogen content is
nitrogen oxide, which reacts with ozone to determined (See Figure below).
activated nitrogen dioxide (NO2*). In the
subsequent reaction to NO2, light quanta are
emitted (chemiluminescence) that are
measured by the detector.
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
Kit for high-salt samples
Samples with high-salt loads generally are a While NaCl has a melting point of 801 °C, the
problem for TOC analysis. The problem is melting point of Na2SO4 is higher (888 °C).
less the conversion of organic compounds to The potassium salts of sulfuric acid also have
CO2 than the effects of the salt on the a significantly higher melting point than those
catalyst. This leads to higher maintenance of hydrochloric acid. This has a positive effect
needs, as the salt can crystallize in the on the lifetime of the combustion tube.
combustion system.
CaCl2 782°C
K2SO4 1.069°C
Tab. Melting point of different salts
■ Sample preparation
In this application, sample acidification is
carried out with sulfuric acid which is used to
modify the sample matrix.
■ Endurance test
To determine the performance of this option,
a brine solution was measured in a long-term
test. For this purpose, a 28 % NaCl solution
(matrix adapted with a 15 % sulfuric acid
solution and spiked to a 5 ppm TOC solution
using a KPH solution) was injected 220 times.
Initially, a blank value and a control standard
with 10 ppm TOC were measured. The
control standards were tested after 110 and
220 injections, respectively. The injection
volume was 50 µL.
■ Recommended Analyzer / Configuration
The following figure shows the excellent TOC-L CXX
reproducibilities and the stability of the ASI-L
measurement. Kit for high-salt samples
B-Type Scrubber
H i g h Sa l t Conbuti uon tube 28%N a Cl i n 5mg /LKH P[Inj :50uL A ci d:15%]
(At very high halogen concentrations in the
Concentratoin matrix, the B-type scrubber is recommended.
10 This scrubber protects the detector cell of the
NDIR detector.)
4 20
2 10
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
■ Related application
The high-salt kit is used for many different
applications in order to keep the maintenance
need for difficult matrices as low as possible.
104 TOC-Determination in seawater
304 TOC-Determination in brine solution
306 TOC-Determination in soda solution
308 TOC-Determination in sodium nitrate
603 TOC-Determination in chemical
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
Kit for small sample volumes
■ Specification
With this option, automatic dilution,
acidification and sparging is not possible and
the specifications are, therefore, changed as
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
Kit for manual injection
The manual injection kit enables the analysis For gas samples, a distinction can be made
of water samples and gases. The sample for between total carbon (for instance CO or
TC determination is directly injected into the CH4) and CO2.
combustion chamber using a µL syringe. This
is interesting for applications where only a The kit consists of two injection blocks, which
very small sample volume is available. can be easily installed in the TOC system.
One of the injection blocks is used instead of
the IC-port; the other block replaces the TC
injection block.
The kit for small sample volumes is a module This conversion does not take longer than
for TOC analyzers that can be used for one minute.
automated sample preparation and analysis
■ Specification
of small sample amounts. The methods can
For liquid samples:
be optimized in such a way that only a few
Measurement range: TC, IC: to 20.000 mg/L
mL of the sample are required. Optimization
Injection volume: 150µl maximal
should, however, not be at the expense of the
Measurement time: TC, IC: 3 minutes
intermediate rinsing step.
Reproducibility: RSD: 2%
When even smaller amounts than the few (over 8.000mg/L: 3% )
milliliters are available, the TOC-L user can For gas samples:
fall back on the manual injection kit. Measurement range: 6ppm to 100% CO2
Injection volume: 20µl bis 10mL
Measurement time: 2 – 4 Minuten
Reproducibility: RSD: 2%
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
Calibration with automatic dilution
The following fgure shows the list of ■ Calibration with automatic dilution
calibration points of a 10-point calibration function over two decades
curve in the range of 1 to 10 mg/L: In addition, there is the possibility to use
different standard solutions for the dilution.
Calibration was carried out from 1 to 100
mg/L using two standard solutions (10 and
100 mg/L).
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
Blank value consideration in TOC analysis
Water plays a dual role in TOC trace With careful sample preparation and analysis,
analysis. On one hand, it is applied as a this blank value can be minimized and
measuring medium and consumable in the reliably determined. The blank value
TOC analyzer. It is used to prepare standards consideration and the analysis of a system
and to rinse the instrument. The automatic blank value is only useful in very low
dilution function of the TOC-L uses ultrapure concentration ranges of < 1 mg/L.
water for dilution of the samples or the
standard solutions for multi-point calibration. Purified waters that have been produced
using highly complex water treatment
On the other hand, ultrapure water is a systems, have different water grades. The
sample type in TOC analysis. In ultrapure DIN ISO 3696 standard specifies the
water applications, including the analysis of requirements and test methods for water for
water for injection and cleaning validation, analytical use and classifies these waters
ultrapure water samples are analyzed to according to 3 grades.
determine their organic impurities.
Pure Pure
Parameter water water
Typ III Typ II
Typ I
resistance >0,05 >1,0 >18,0
resistance < 20 <1,0 <0,055
<200 <50 <10
TOC (ppb)
NA NA <0,03
For the determination of low concentrations at Particle
the trace-level, knowledge on the blank value >0,2µm NA NA <1
is essential. The blank value is usually (U/ml)
composed of several components. First, there Bacteria
is the instrument blank, secondly residual <1000 <100 <1
concentrations can occur in the solvent and in
Tab 1: specification according to DIN ISO 3696
the reagents used. The influence of the blank
value is particularly significant in TOC
analysis, as carbon compounds are present
everywhere and a widespread carbon input
can, therefore, not be prevented.
y = Peak area
x = TOC – concentration
m = slope of calibration
b = intercept
Sum Parameter – Total Organic Carbon
TOC – Measurement principle
Catalytic combustion at 680°C
■ Peak detection
In the past high temperatures (up to 1000°C)
were necessary because the first TOC
instruments use the peak height for
integration. Due to this the conversion to CO2
must be instantaneous to keep the peak as
narrow and sharp as possible.
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
Detection and determination limit of
NPOC method with standard catalyst
■ Measurement parameters
System: TOC-L CPN
Catalyst: Standard catalyst
(Al-balls covered with Pt)
Method: NPOC (removing of IC by
acidification and sparging)
Acidification: 1,5%
Sparge time: 2 min
Injection vol.: 150µl Characteristics
Slope a: 7,226
■ Calibration with automatic dilution Intercept b: 0,544
function Correlation coefficient r: 0,9997
A 10 point calibration curve is carried out by Result uncertainty: 33,3%
using the automatic dilution of a 2mg/L C Probability of error (a): 5,00%
stock solution. Number of measurements n: 3
Standard error of estimate Sy: 0,108
Standard error of procedure Sx: 0,015
Sum of squared deviations: 3,3
Quantile (one-sided): 1,860
Quantile (two-sided): 2,306
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
Example of applications
205 TOC determination in ultra pure
water with wet chemical oxidation
309 TOC determination in phosphoric
acid (TOC-V WP)
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
■ Note
It is difficult to assume about the long-term
stability of this silanization. It depends of
different influences.
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
TOC determination with solid module
No. SCA-130-513
In addition to aqueous samples, TOC CO2, the generated gases are passed over a
determination can also performed on soil, mixed catalyst (cobalt/platinum) for catalytic
sludge, sedimentation and other solid post-combustion. The CO2 produced is
samples. By swabbing, the carbon in subsequently transferred to the detector in
attached residues can be measured for the main unit.
cleaning validation.
The SSM-5000A solid sample module does
In some regulation (e.g regulation for the not have its own detector, but is coupled to
acceptance of waste at landfills pursuant) a the NDIR detector of the main instrument
limit value for TOC is mentioned. (TOC-V or TOC-L).
■ TC – Determination
For the TC determination, a subsample of the
dried solids is weighed into a ceramic boat
and combusted at 900 °C in a stream of
oxygen. To ensure complete conversion to
Kal. Kurve
IC determination
Result: 0,94 ± 0.009% (CV: 0,95%)
0 4000 8000 12000 18101,6
Abs C [ug]
Kal. Kurve
TOC-Result: 0,36%
■Recommended analyzer / Configuration
Example of Application
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10644,5
Abs C [ug]
108 TOC determination in solids
203 TOC determination in cleaning
Figure: IC-Calibration with NaHCO3
validation – SWAB method
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
For single compounds the factor can be The instrument software of Shimadzu TOC
calculated. systems (TOC-L standalone, TOC-Control L,
TOC-4200 standalone) enables the automatic
1. Example Glucose (C6H12O6) 1000mg/L conversion of measured TOC values into
COD= 1067mg/L COD value (if the correlation is known).
TOC= 400mg/L
Correlation COD/TOC= 2,66
Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon
∗ 2.667
Sum parameters – Total Organic Carbon
TOC – Control samples and control cards
Analytical quality assurance is an important Users can define their own parameters for
topic in many analytical application areas. each control sample. The results can be
Various information leaflets as well as specified either in terms of concentration or
directly in terms of recovery.
appropriate quality standards provide tips or
guidelines on the most suitable measures to Blind value controls can be defined as well.
attain high-level analytical quality. The blind values are usually entered without
specifying a concentration (area).
■ Control samples
Control samples are important tools in ■ Measures
analytical quality control. Specially prepared The TOC autosamplers often run overnight
solutions of known concentration are used to and process the samples sequentially until
test the system and the validity of the specific the next morning. All the more annoying
calibration. The control samples are treated when the analytical staff finds out the
like unknown samples to determine the following morning that the control samples
concentrations or recovery. The user’s quality are outside of the specified tolerance limit. In
management system specifies a tolerance such cases, the software offers a solution.
range the target value should be in.
When tolerance limits are exceeded, the
The TOC Control software of the TOC-L and software can, for example, start an automatic
TOC-V systems enable the definition of such recalibration or repeat the run of the last
control samples. control sample within the tolerance limits.
■ Control cards
In order to identify trends or system
deterioration in due time, the measurement
values of the control samples are
documented on a time axis. This leads to so-
called control cards, in which the results are
listed on the Y-axis and the corresponding
Figure: Control sample parameters. dates on the X-axis.
Pre-Period: 12 Samples
Mean value: 7,69mg/L
Control limit: 7,36mg/L and 8,02mg/L (green line)
Warning limit: 7,47mg/L and 7,91mg/L (blue line)
Out of control event: Sample 55 is over the control limit