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mT 41 4) eC eae TTDAutomated Flash Point Testers Since 1966, Tanaka has been delivering automated flash point testers for higher productivity at petroleum laboratories. The theme of the 8th generation model series is " Ergonomic, Versatile and Premium " ‘ Figonomicaly cola-coordnatedasplay fr high vist fr everybody (universal design and intutve switch operation. €@ Enhances versaity including UB por fr optional fash drive or keyboard passwort protection and data storage (200 ess) €@ Alkin-one chass's design: compact ight-veight and premium exterior design Abel Closed Cup Flash Point Tester (DI-8a / abl-81 ab san automated Abel Closed Cup fash pon tester to cover fammable and combustile rate for sieping and safety regulations. Heating /coling i ay energy eficent Pair rmodils attached toa metal black bath, Aircoles enodel abl-ta and igus cole model bh areavalabe or diferent temperature anges Model ab¥8lvequves an optional hier) ce Test Methods 150 13736, 170,60 1518 /1523 Measuring Range +10" 10 +170 forabl fo 30°C to +110°C for abl (with an optional chiller) Temperature Sensor PT-100in stainless stel sheath FashDetector ——CRCthemocousle Igntlon Source Gas Mame orlectrccol voren RS-232C and USB, each Sae(WxDxH) — 280%470%390mm eign 194 Power Consumstion 250VA, Tag Closed Cup Flash Point Tester ({G-SUfc / atg-8afc / atg-8Ifc atgsisan automated Ta Closed Cup fash point tester Model atg vfs wth convetional water bath. Medel ag-fafc and atg-sfe are avalible ‘ol temerature range. the cooling ‘Theaing fer these models are by Petar modules (Modalatg- requires an optional chile) Furthermore tw standard equipped with fee containment system. It can extinguish fre neers Gg effectively ey flowing quenching gas {NCOs} ome Test Methods -ASTIADS, IP 304, 15K2265-1 Measuring Range ‘Amblent0 495°C fr atg-8wfc 45°C 10 175°C foratgtate 20°C 19 195 C for ats with an ostional chil lemperature Sensor 71-10 n stainless tet seth Flash Detector ‘aCThermocourle Ignition Source ‘Gas ame or elect cai WoPen 5-232C and USB each Size(Wx0xH) 2803708390 mm Weight 1959 Frecontainmens system Power Consumption 31-500 VA man. atg af atg-H=250VA fan) Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point Tester apm-8fc apm-tfcis an automated Penshy-Martens Clases Cup fash point tester. Numerous tes methods are bulk into accomatat varous samples Procedure-Aforhomogeneous pa" eum tauiss such a dilate fuels, Procedure-® for residual fl oil and same other nonhomogeneous Iquds,Pocedure-C or besisel SPE modefor samples wth unknown ‘expected eh poi, CRM mode for CRMs, Custom mace where heating ean beset freey, and 80 15267 mode for animal and vegetable ats and ols. Furthermore, star dard equipped fre containment system It can extinguish te erecively ay flowing quenching gos or) fom exeral connection por. ce Test Methods 150.2719, 150 15267, ASTINDSS, 1934115 2265-3 Measuring Range ‘ambient to 370°C Temperature Sensor 1-10 in stainless ste seth Fish Detector ‘RC thermocouple Igation Source “cas fame or elec call voPon R5-282C and USB each Sze(Wx0xH) 2804703300. Weigrt 1949, Power Consumtion TROWA (mae Fire containment system = 1 Tanaka Scientific LimitedTANAKA Further improved Swing Arm assembly for easy setting and cleaning : -Aterinserting the test cup in the instrument, justlower the swing sensor, fash detector and tier (incase of a-8 and apr). After arm assembly onto the test cup to set all the necessary compo- the tes, lit the arm to the complete upriaht position for easy nents for the tes, incliging the ignition source, temperature cleaning Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester (CO-8 / (CO-8dS aco isan automated Cleveland Open Cup (COC ash & fire point taster Gas test fame is igntes automaticaly, Fre cin is detemined automatically when sustaining combustion hasbeen detected or sec Fire containment bya metalic id covers the st cup automat cally when 3 sustained fre i getectes Model aco-aifortertng btuminovs materials ce Test Methods 150.2592, ASTM D82, P36, 1182265-4 Measuring Range ‘Ambien to 400°C Temperature Sensor 1-10 stainless tel sheath Fash Detector Deut nization rings Ignition Source ‘Gas ame with 2p electric cols voPen 5-232C and USB, each Sze(Wx0xH) 280%470%400 mm Weignt 17g Power Consumiion 11000 Wimax) @ cosas forbtumen appliations Fre containment In open positon li} Fre containment closed {Eouinped with TF surace sen remover) 6 Positions Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester ACO-T602 [ACO-T602 automaticaly carries out COC flash point test of up te 6 samples Continuously. For large sample numbers, this carousel model reduces the ‘burden on the laboratory personnel. Easy programming: Up to 6 sample types data can be stored and later recalled for easy programming of routine tess Flectuc ignition: Relacle, easy, and safe ce Test Methods 1502582, ASTIAD92/ P36, ex, ype Programmable with poston carousel TTemourtute Sensor P7-100in stainless steel sheath Fash Detector Iprization between est cupand igniter Patented) Igation Source 2xEktvie cols Safery Heater cut-off an fire containment Fd voPon 2xRSI3IC Size(WxDxH) Testun 4105203400 mm contour 230x460 110 mm wert Convolunt: Phy test unt: 34g Power Consumption 1500W(max)TEMPE Ms le Automated Distillation Tester It’s been over 50 years since we started manufacturing automated distillation testers. Nowadays, we deliver to a _ 7 customers in more than 70 countries. ad-7 automatically performs distillation test of petro- leum products prescribed in “Standard Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products at Atmospheric Pres- sure’, as well as narrow boiling range samples with optional temperature sensor. | varsaica 3 Tanaka Scientific LimitedTANAKA Ergonomic : Universal design for intuitive operation Premium —: Premium design for extended pro use. Versatile |: Enhanced functions for more elaborate analysis. + The world’s srnallest class size of footprint. + Cooling/Heating by Peltier Cooling system + 10.4 inch Color LCD that is 4 times larger than previous model. + Intuitive operation by Touch Panel + 200 test modes can be recorded. + Test mode for unknown sample is available, + Test with less than 100mL sample is possible. + 5,000 test results can be stored. + Fire containment system with CO2 gas. (When ultraviolet sensor detects a fire, CO? gas flows into the heater room if connected to CO? source.) + PC software for data management(TDAS) is included in standard accessories. ce sea 150205, P23, ASTOR /D850/0I078 IBKEDSE fanae Aber 0459°C ey TLD Wah cortouchceen wth univers ign Teper Svior 70 Vp Conder and Reeve, Terma rer Heer 2AV OW Lowman low vote heer il ype Ditaon ae 45 Wirimac ct (alec fom 2109 wth OS ETE Teste Upto temas canbe coded acd Otemest rion Fe coninnent tm Cnecten \siconeten dbo corecton SSS 52226 USK and here each Sex aH) 2095204710 woos 35 over Souce 500VRGma0UT oR eee ML a ae For the cold behavior tester series, unique and efficient cooling systems that do not require either large capacity chiller or methanol have been adopted. Asa result, the maintenance cost as well as environ- mental burden have been greatly reduced Pour / Cloud Point Tester MPC Series TTANAKA’s MPC series has been designed for automatic determination of POUR POINT (PP) and CLOUD POINT (CP) with small specimen size and shorter test cycle time while securing better test precision than the conventional ‘manual methods PP measurement is by "AIR PRESSURE METHOD" (ASTM 106749), and CP measurement is by "SMALL TEST JAR METHOD" (ASTM 07683). The epoch-making automatic PP test method yields 1°C test resolution, while the new CP method yields 0.1°C resolution Principle of Pour Point Detection Pour / Cloud Point Tester MPC-102S 5 Tanaka Scientific Limited No pressure rise detected es Test methods >HE 35 PP - ASTM 06748, D97, 150 3016 CP : ASTM D7683, 02500, 150 3015 Ultra Low Temp Without Liquid Chiller with a ayo block bath, model CB-80C manufactured by SCI, MPC. 1025 works without an exemaliquid chiller Compact Design & Energy Efficient A compact and energy efficent cro block bath model C-80C i capable of cooling the samples to -65°C whhout a lquid chile Elecicty consumption is only 20% comparing ta MPC-=102L with cexeal igi ciler ce€e ‘Type Bench top, | potion witha eye blocksath Measuring Range 45 "Cro 451°C Diply Vid module voPon TeRS232e Size(WxDxH) —30034603320mm Weight Big Power Consumation T6OVACmas)TANAKA Pour / Cloud Point Tester MPC-102A / MPC-102L ‘MPC-102A MPC-102L 4 Benchtop, postion Benchtop, postion, ve ‘wth a ook Petr cooler sth gue cle Peles cooker NMessuing Range -25°Ct0451"Cin25"Cambient 45 °C10.+51 “Cwhen used with Tet oF TCL-402 chile optional WoPon 1 xRs.232 1xRs252¢ Diphy YEO meddle vrD module Sae(WxDxH) 230% 480% 390mm 230480399 mm Weignt 1949 204g PowerConsumstion 300VACmax) 300 VAC ce ce Pour / Cloud Point Tester MPC-602 ce Type Bench top postions with Equi cooled Peer Measuring Range 85 "C20 451 ‘Cwhen use wth 3 sets of TCU408 chile (optional Disply FO medile woPon Tens252 Sze(WxDxH) —800x550x850mm Weight 100% Power Consumption 1S00VA\max) CEPP Tester AFP-102 automaticaly executes the Cod ier Plging Pins (CFPP tet methos prescibed in 30, ASTM 08371 andJISK2788, After developing ts predecessor AFP-102 models, this third generation model has been developed by applying Tanaka’ latest technologies and the various know-haws. "Ease of operation” has been further improved on this model ce TestWethods ASTM 6371, 19308, ENTS Type Bench top| positon, with uid coca Pebiercooler Measuring Range -50°Ctoambientshen ved with 1 set of ICU-408 chiller (optional Disply veO meddles| voPor 5-232C teach Sze(WxDxH) 3505503 480mm Weight 2619 Power Consumtion 60VA(max) Chiller Unit TCU-408 refrigerated circulator is suitable for TANAKA MPC-102L / 602 and TCU-40B aS : [eas Te ge 40"cioanbet “ Coomsconey a Watare = Sme(WxOxh)——-BOS10x75 nm oy were Ssiginw PonerConnpon OVA =Aniline Point, Softening Point Aniline Point Tester aap-6 aap-5 automatically determines aniline point of wide range of samples. The use of special Infrared detector gives the instrument the ability to "see" through dark opaque samples such as power generation fuels and marine diesels. The measuring cellcan be exsly removed and placed on an analytical balance for weighing viscous samples which are solid at ambient temperature. The measuring cell can be cleaned without disassembling, which makes the cleaning easier and safer Test Methods Samples ange Sample call Detection voPer Sze(Wx0xH) Weight Power onsumion 1802877, ASTM SII, ete Transparent or opaque / dark 80.0n ASTM color scal) petroleum products Ambient 170°C below RT wit optional jackeves cell and extemal chiller Mosifed Utube Photarelecic detector S-282C, USB, and Ethemet,Y each 2304703480 mm Mig 125VAlmad Softening Point Tester asp-6 “Test Methods ype Range Detection sting voor Size(Wa0xH) Wehr Power Consumption 7 Tanaka Scientific Limited asp- automates softening point tes of bitumen and other materials by utllzing photo-electic device with a wide light bear, which assures reliable detection, Generation of harmful vapor from overheated alcerin is prevented by the safety shutdown. Furthermore, aso is small ‘enauigh tobe installeg in 2 fume hood ce -ASTMAD3G, ASTM E28, EN 142758. Ring andl, Des ‘Ambient to 200°C (382°F) LED /Photo-dode Magneticstiring (80 to 300m) RS-252C, USA and theme. each 280%470%440 mm 159 1.S00VACmas)eee TANAKA Micro Carbon Residue Tester Ac8-m3 automates the vaporizing / coking process of Micro carbon residue test, the result, ACR-M3 ‘of which has been found wel conelated with conventional Conradson method's. Further- more, due tits more consistent proces, it yields better precision. This secand generation model has been further improved for its ease of use and test throughput. ce “Tess Methods 150 10370, ASTM 04530, ete. Range Up to 500°C NsGasFow Rate ‘Automatiallyregusted and displayed onthe rant panel Sze(Wx0xH) "350% 390.480 mm Weight 20g PowerConsumesion 1600 Vmax)Viscosity, Vapor Pressure, Color Kinematic Viscosity Measuring System AKV-202 |AKV-202 has been designed for automatic determination of Kinematic viscosity. Once sample is set, f the series of processes including timing, clezning/drying, and reporting ate fully automated, AAKV-202 is an economical bench top system which saves not only the technicians’ time but also valuable laboratory floor space Test Methods 150 3104, ASTIADMAS, #71, et pe Bench tp automatic KV measuring system with 2vcometersin bath Range 110 10000 mms icomater Modified Lana-Zetfchs ype athTemp rset a points. Preset aon’ can be set a any temp beeen 20 and 100°C vorer TRIE Sze(WxDxH) $30 550x980mm a ry Weight Big PowerConsumerion 2000VA (mad Reid Vapor Pressure Tester AVP-30D 7220 2omstcaty mesures es vapor sree mattangamnacuted nr Wie ase foperaion snd svar intrument ze ae achieved with the smaller siz cylinders, tet result precely agrees with tat ofthe regu sze Reid cylinder. Compact size: Widths merely 400mm, Relble eclent sess shaking mechanism ‘Test Methods 150 3007, ASTM 0323, P88 ee. Type Bench-iop with 2,3, 0F4 demisze clnrs ange © to 196} (2k) hinder Sains steel eyiner with approx. 60% in length and 30% in volume of regular ed cylader voPen 1 xRS.232¢ Sze(WxDxH) —— Diy Weight 454g PowerConsumsion 115 17OOVA(may), 230 1400 ¥ACmae) ‘option Manometer *1yP-300 comes wih ether23,0r4eylnders, When inuitng, spel the numberof ners Colorimeter for Petroleum Products ACL-2 ACL2 aera deterines Sabo ASTI and other clos utng the Tits method prescbedin ASTI DES, whch gevertes equal et tests th the conertoral mana precionn ypkaly second Seno ‘ubectve arene needs tobe cae, pecr acd acheved ce TertMethods ——_ASTMDSOS,0156,01500 a. Tee “stimu ler cobrimeter POE sens an peer Samal Cells ‘cas cells or optional iow cls woren R520 . E Siee(WxDxH) —400x400%180mm Weight ig Power Consumption 130VA(max 9 Tanaka Scientific LimitedSTOLE 24s EDXRF Sulfur Analyzer 1X-630SA EDXRF Sulfur Analyzer RX-360SH — omy -~ a — NEW WDXRF Sulfur Analyzer FX-700 TANAKA «62050 determines total suturinpetleum product using enery-dspesve Xray Auorescence (EDXAE) method, which is a quick nonedestucve, ana economical method. n-605A does nat need helium gas and vacuum pum, only AC powers needed. The Ci corteton calraion curve hasbeen set at the acon operator doesnot need to makea cliration cue or every product ‘ype. Oncea sample set, the total uur determines automaticaly in 300:ec (yp. 8305A equipped nth a 12-postions carousel forhigneraroductie iy, and color ouch screen frintuitve operation ce Test Methods 150 8754, ASTM D4284-03, 15K 2541-4 ete Type postions ange 151mg /kg 100) 0 6c0 me Size(WxDxH) —$60%360:270mm Weight 2th PewerCensumtion 200A (mand RX-3605H isa single test version of Xray sulfur meter taking the same measuring principle as that of n-5305A. Compact housing with acatying handle and way ower source (100-240VAC or T2¥DC battery) allows such applications as spot-checking in the files The only consumable s smal piece of Cell sheet. ce Test Methods 150 8754, ASTM D4294-03, D-<284-05, ISK 254-4, ee Range’ 15 mg/kg (00) © 600 056 Siae(WxDxH) —— Weight 125kg PowerConsumption 100VA (max) FX-7OOMI2. determines total sulfur in ultra low sulfur (ULS) fuels using wavelength dispersive X-ay fluorescence (WDXRF) method, which is a quick ‘easy and economical technique. Taanks to its dedicated design for ULS, the ‘operation has been simplified to the extreme. With 8.4 inch Full-color touch panel, operation can be made easly and inultively, and robust interlock mecha- nism ensures safety against X~ay. ce Test methods 150 2088, ASTRA D2622-95, ISK 2581-7 Range: 15200} 0 990 mg/kg Siee(W:DxH) — Weignt sig PowerConsumption 300VA (max) P1004 requis Helam ga or purging 10POE Tanaka Scientific Limited PAL re ee ers aE TEL: +81-3-3620-1711 E-mail:
[email protected]
FAX: +81-3-3620-1713 URL :www.tanaka-sel.
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