Regulatory Bodies in USA, Europe, India, China and Australia
Regulatory Bodies in USA, Europe, India, China and Australia
Regulatory Bodies in USA, Europe, India, China and Australia
Chapter- 5
Regulatory Bodies in USA, Europe, India , China and Australia
Developing a new drug requires great amount of research work in chemistry, manufacturing, controls, preclinical
science and clinical trials. Drug reviewers in regulatory agencies around the world bear the responsibility of
evaluating whether the research data support the safety, effectiveness and quality control of a new drug product
to serve the public health. Every country has its own regulatory authority, which is responsible to enforce the
rules and regulations and issue the guidelines to regulate the marketing of the drugs. This article focuses on
history, regulatory policy and administration, and related issues with respect to different countries like U.S.A. ,
Europe ,China, Australia and India.
Currently different countries have to follow different regulatory requirements for approval of new drug. For
marketing authorization application (MAA) a single regulatory approach is applicable to various countries is
almost a difficult task. Therefore it is necessary to have knowledge about regulatory requirement for MAA of
each country. The new drug approval process consists of two stages (phases)- the first phase is for clinical trials
and second phase is for marketing authorization of drug. Firstly, nonclinical studies of drug are completed to
ensure safety and efficacy. The next step is the submission of application for conduction of clinical trials to
competent authority of respected country. In next step, clinical trials are carried out in four phases i.e. phase 1 –
phase 4 study. These studies are carried out for the assurance of safety, efficacy and for optimization of dose of
drug in human being. Then application for marketing of drug is carried out by competent authorities. The
competent authority review the application and approve the drug for marketing purpose, only if that drug found
to be safe and effective with desired effect as compare to adverse effect. The following table indicates about the
group of agencies working for drug approval procedure in their respected countries. 33
Chapter- 5 Regulatory Bodies in USA, Europe, India , China and Australia
U.S. Pharmacopoeia was established in 1820 and Congress passed the original Food and drugs act, and
signed by President Theodore Roosevelt. The Food and Drugs Act prohibits interstate Commerce in
misbranded and adulterated foods, drinks, and drugs. But in 1937, sulfanilamide tragedy occurred and
due to which Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic act was introduced and added new provisions including
compulsion of showing safety of drug before its marketing. In 1962, The Kefauver- Harris Amendment
Act was passed which require that manufacturers must prove that drug is safe and effective. Separate
centers within the FDA regulate drugs, biologics, devices, and food.
An investigational new drug application (IND) outlines what the sponsor of a new drug proposes for
human testing in clinical trials Phase 1 studies (typically involve 20-80 people) Phase 2 studies (typically
involve a few dozen to about 300 people) . Phase 3 studies (typically involve several hundred to about
3,000 people) . The pre-NDA period, just before a new drug application (NDA) is submitted, is a
common time for the FDA and drug sponsors to meet Submission of an NDA is the formal step the FDA
takes to consider a drug for marketing approval 8. After an NDA is received, the FDA has 60 days to
decide whether to file it so it can be reviewed 9. If the FDA files the NDA, an FDA review team is assigned
to evaluate the sponsor's research on the drug's safety and effectiveness. The FDA reviews information
that goes on a drug's professional labeling (information on how to use the drug) 11. The FDA inspects
the facilities where the drug will be manufactured as part of the approval process . FDA reviewers will
approve the application or find it either “approvable” or “not approvable”
Preclinical - Computer simulations, experimental animal studies, or in vitro studies are performed to
·identify a promising drug
·test for promising biologic effects
·test for adverse effects
A drug company may test many related compounds to identify 1 or 2 to take further in development.
The FDA is not involved in this aspect of drug development but will review the study results for any
compounds that are planned for clinical (human) testing.
Phase 1
Phase 1 studies are usually conducted in healthy volunteers. The emphasis in Phase 1 is on safety. The
goal is– to determine what the drug's most frequent side effects are often, to determine how the drug is
absorbed, distributed, and excreted. The number of subjects typically ranges from 20 to 80.
Phase 2
The emphasis in Phase 2 is on effectiveness. The goal of a Phase 2 study is to obtain preliminary data on
whether the drug works in people who have a specific disease or condition For controlled trials,
patients receiving the drug are compared with similar patients receiving a placebo or a different drug
Safety continues to be evaluated and short-term side effects are studied. Typically, the number of
subjects in Phase 2 studies ranges from a few dozen to about 300 after Phase 2. 34
Chapter- 5 Regulatory Bodies in USA, Europe, India , China and Australia
At the end of Phase 2, the FDA and sponsors negotiate about how the large-scale studies in Phase3
should be done . The FDA usually meets with a sponsor several times, including prior to Phase 3 studies,
and pre-NDA right before a new drug application is submitted.
Phase 3
Phase 3 studies begin if evidence of effectiveness is shown in Phase 2. Phase 3 studies are usually
placebocontrolled – gather more information about safety and effectiveness – may test different
dosages – may test the drug in different populations – usually include several hundred to about 3000
subjects – are often multi-center trials
Clinical trials
Clinical trials compare the new drug to a placebo or to an existing therapy The standard for
effectiveness may be statistical superiority to placebo or non-inferiority to an existing therapy Adverse
events are recorded, because trial populations are relatively small, only the most common adverse
events may be discovered – also, clinical trial populations are healthier than real-world populations-for
example, a trial of an anti-depressant may exclude subjects with substance use disorder.
Europe -
A sponsor has several options when seeking approval to market a new drug in Europe: a national
authorization procedure, a decentralized procedure, a mutual recognition procedure, or a centralized
procedure. Products that must use the centralized procedure include the following:
·All biologic agents or other products made using hightechnology procedures
·Products for HIV/AIDS, cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, auto-immune and other
immune dysfunctions and viral diseases
·Products for orphan conditions
Decentralized procedure
For products that fall outside the scope of the European Medicines Agency (EMA ) with regard to 35
Chapter- 5 Regulatory Bodies in USA, Europe, India , China and Australia
centralized procedures, a sponsor can submit under the decentralized procedure. Using this process, a
sponsor can apply for simultaneous authorization in more than one EU country for products that have
not yet been authorized in any EU country.
Mutual recognition procedure. With the mutual recognition procedure, a product is first authorized by
one country in the EU in accordance with the national procedures of that country. Later, further
marketing authorizations can be sought from other EU countries, who, rather than conducting their
own review, agree to recognize the decision of the first country.
Centralized procedure
European drug approvals are overseen by the European Medicines Agency. The EMA is a decentralized
body of the EU, with headquarters in London, England. It is responsible for the scientific evaluation of
applications for authorization to market medicinal products in Europe (via the centralized procedure).
Marketing applications for drugs for use in humans are evaluated by the Committee for Medicinal
Products for Human Use (CHMP).
Products that are eligible for review under the centralized procedure must meet the following criteria:
Biologic drugs developed by recombinant technology, controlled expression of genes coding for
biologically active proteins in prokaryotes and eukaryotes including transformed mammalian cells, and
hybridoma and monoclonal antibody methods
Medicinal products containing new active substances for the following indications: AIDS, cancer,
neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes, autoimmune diseases.
Pre-submission process
At least seven months prior to submitting a marketing authorization application (MAA), a sponsor must
notify the EMA of their intention to submit and the month of submission. This pre-submission involves
a variety of information including a document outlining the reasons the sponsor believes the
application should fall under the centralized procedure. The EMA will consider the presubmission and
notify the sponsor of its decision regarding acceptance of the MAA.
Selection of rapporteur/co-rapporteur –
The rapporteur is a country-specific regulatory authority within the EU. The rapporteur (reviewer) and
corapporteur (if needed) are identified from the CHMP members. The selection of the rapporteur is
based on objective criteria, to ensure objective scientific opinion and the best use of available expertise
at the EMA. The role of the rapporteur is to perform the scientific evaluation and prepare an
assessment report to the CHMP. If a corapporteur is involved, the co-rapporteur will prepare an
independent assessment report, or provide a critique of the rapporteur's report, at the discretion of
the CHMP. The process for assigning the rapporteur/co-rapporteur is usually initiated at the CHMP
meeting following the receipt of a letter of an intention to submit. The sponsor is notified of the
rapporteur/co-rapporteur once the EMA has deemed a submission admissible. 36
Chapter- 5 Regulatory Bodies in USA, Europe, India , China and Australia
Product naming
A sponsor's name for the drug product should be the same in all countries within the EU, except where
it violates trademark rules. The sponsor should submit the proposed name in advance (usually four to
six months, and not more than 12 months) of the marketing authorization application.
Economic reformation in China has being ongoing for almost three decades, creating opportunities for
rapid growth in many areas including pharmaceutical industry. Drug research and development in
China went through a revolutionary change during this period as indicated by the large number of
scientific institutes for drug research, the impressive depth of drug research in many therapeutic areas
and the rapidly increasing number of new drugs. A new era of drug research and development is on the
horizon with the introduction of new scientific breakthroughs, such as biomarkers and
pharmacogenomics. A unique drug evaluation system is needed in China not only to keep up with the
scientific development in drug research and development but also fit into the current overall economic
environment in China.
Standard Procedure –
Currently, there are five types of drug registration application in China: New drug application, generic
drug application, imported drug application, supplemental application and renewal application. For
the first three types of application, there are two major stages that are under regulation in China:
application to initiate clinical trials (including bioequivalent trials) and application to market or import a
drug. According to the Drug Administration Law, approval by SFDA is required before clinical trials can
be conducted in China or new drugs can be marketed in or imported into China. The detailed
application procedure and review process for these two stages are outlined in the 2007 version of Drug
Registration Regulations. For supplemental application, the review process will depend on the
magnitude of change in the product and the specific application documents. Clinical trials are required
if necessary. For renewal application, each approved drug should be re-evaluated after 5 years and the
renewal approval will depend on whether the post-marketing data suggest serious drug safety issues or
not during the last 5 years. Overall, the review processes for these applications in CDE are similar to
those implemented by US FDA .There are review teams that are made of reviewers with expertise in
different disciplines. The review team is responsible for evaluating whether the submitted data and
documents support the safety and efficacy of the new drug as indicated. During the review process,
reviewers may interact with external experts and the drug developers to reduce the uncertainty about
the drug's safety and effectiveness based on the submitted information. The final decision for approval
will be based on the risk/benefit balance for a specific indication after all the submitted information for
the new drug is integrated during the drug evaluation process. For new molecular entities that are
developed for serious or life-threatening diseases or diseases for which there is no available treatment,
there exists fast track evaluation to accelerate the evaluation process (Yin, 2006). But based on the
short history of twenty-five years (from 1984 to 2009) and the large number of applications the drug
evaluation system in China is different from any other countries'. It has its own characteristics with the
quality control of the review, open-minded review, promoting research within CDE and integrating the
post-marketing review. 37
Chapter- 5 Regulatory Bodies in USA, Europe, India , China and Australia
The Drug and Cosmetic Act 1940 and Rules 1945 were passed by the India's parliament to regulate the
import, manufacture, distribution and sale of drugs and cosmetics. The Central Drugs Standard Control
Organization (CDSCO), and the office of its leader, the Drugs Controller General (India) [DCGI] was
established General (India) [DCGI] was established. In 1988, the Indian government added Schedule Y
to the Drug and Cosmetics Rules 1945. Schedule Y provides the guidelines and requirements for clinical
trials, which was further revised in 2005 to bring it at par with internationally accepted procedure. The
changes includes, establishing definitions for Phase I–IV trials and clear responsibilities for
investigators and sponsors. The clinical trials were further divided into two categories in 2006. In one
category (category A) clinical trials can be conducted in other markets with competent and mature
regulatory systems whereas the remaining ones fall in to another category (category B) Other than A.
Clinical trials of category A (approved in the U.S., Britain, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Germany,
South Africa, Japan and European Union) are eligible for fast tracking in India, and are likely to be
approved within eight weeks. The clinical trials of category B are under more scrutiny, and approve
within 16 to 18 weeks. An application to conduct clinical trials in India should be submitted along with
the data of chemistry, manufacturing, control and animal studies to DCGI. The date regarding the trial
protocol, investigator's brochures, and informed consent documents should also be attached. A copy
of the application must be submitted to the ethical committee and the clinical trials are conducted only
after approval of DCGI and ethical committee. To determine the maximum tolerated dose in humans,
adverse reactions, etc. on healthy human volunteers, Phase I clinical trials are conducted. The
therapeutic uses and effective dose ranges are determined in Phase II trials in 10-12 patients at each
dose level. The confirmatory trials (Phase III) are conducted to generate data regarding the efficacy and
safety of the drug in ~ 100 patients (in 3-4 centres) to confirm efficacy and safety claims. Phase III trials
should be conducted on a minimum of 500 patients spread across 10-15 centres, If the new drug
substance is not marketed in any other country. The new drug registration (using form # 44 along with
full pre-clinical and clinical testing information) is applied after the completion of clinical trials. The
comprehensive information on the marketing status of the drug in other countries is also required
other than the information on safety and efficacy. The information regarding the prescription, samples
and testing protocols, product monograph, labels, and cartons must also be submitted. The application
can be reviewed in a range of about 12-18 months. Figure represents the new drug approval process of
India. After the NDA approval, when a company is allowed to distribute and market the product, it is
considered to be in Phase IV trials, in which new uses or new populations, long-term effects, etc. are
explored. 38
Chapter- 5 Regulatory Bodies in USA, Europe, India , China and Australia
Phase I Phase II Phase III FDA Phase IV
Years Post
by FDA
20- 80 100-300 1000-3000 File Review
Test and NDA
Healthy patient patient process /
Population animal at
volunteer volunteers volunteers Approval
studies FDA
Assess File
safety IND Determine
Purpose and at safety
biological FDA and dosage
activity 20
compounds 5 enter trials 1 approved
Rate evaluated
The Therapeutic Goods Administration is a Commonwealth Government agency that regulates medical
devices and drugs. Prescription medicines and over-the counter medicines which meet Australian
standards of quality, safety and efficacy are included on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods.
Medicines may be registered or listed. Registered products are thoroughly evaluated and are labelled
with an AUST R number. The TGA administers the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989, the objects of which
include 'a national system of controls relating to the quality, safety, efficacy and timely availability of
therapeutic goods that are used in Australia, whether produced in Australia or elsewhere, or exported
from Australia'. These activities are fully funded by fees charged for assessments, annual registrations
and inspections.
AUST R products
Medicines that are registered include:
·Almost all prescription medicines
·A number of products, such as vaccines, which although not classified in law as needing a prescription
detailed evaluation
·Almost all conventional over-the-counter medicines
A very small number of complementary medicines where the TGA has been satisfied that pecific
claims of efficacy in treatment or prevention of a disease are supported by adequate evidence.
Prescription medicines The Australian system for the pre-registration evaluation of new active
substances, as well as such things as new routes of administration and the extensions of approved uses
('indications') of already marketed products, has evolved since it was established in 1963. Most 39
Chapter- 5 Regulatory Bodies in USA, Europe, India , China and Australia
prescription medicines in use currently have been evaluated through this system. Nowadays an
application for registration of a new active substance must be supported by extensive information
about the synthesis of the substance, the method of manufacture of the dose forms, studies of its
pharmacology and toxicology in animals and clinical trials in humans demonstrating the efficacy and
safety of the product in its proposed use. In addition, certification that manufacture has complied with
Good Manufacturing Practice is obligatory. Registration in Australia does not expire. A product remains
registered unless there are grounds for cancellation or the sponsor ceases marketing. A small number
of active substances, such as aspirin, were supplied in Australia long before any evaluation process was
in place. Their registration is not reviewed unless a safety issue arises or a change in use is proposed.
Many of the prescription medicines used in Australia are versions of the innovator product, usually
produced by other manufacturers. These generic products are subject to the same regulation of
manufacture and quality standards. However, only evidence that the formulation is bioequivalent to
the innovator product is required, rather than a full demonstration of efficacy and safety.1
Bioequivalence studies usually involve a comparative study of the product in human volunteers, but
benchtop testing of dissolution may suffice for some products. Similar testing in human volunteers is
required to support the claims of modified-release formulations.
Over-the-counter medicines
Nowadays, almost all active substances in non-prescription medicines first enter the market as
ingredients of prescription medicines. To assess whether or not an active substance is suitable for use in
a non-prescription medicine usually requires the substance to have been used for at least two years as a
prescription medicine. Not all active substances make the transition from prescription to over the-
counter use. The volume of new information to support efficacy and safety is usually less, because the
registration of the over-the-counter product can draw on the accumulated experience as a prescription
product. New over-the-counter products are assessed by the TGA for quality, efficacy and safety. The
standards for such things as quality and circumstances of manufacture are essentially the same as
those of prescription medicines.
AUST L products
The group of medicines that are listed consists almost entirely of complementary medicines. These
include herbal medicines, most vitamin and mineral supplements, other nutritional supplements,
traditional medicines such as Ayurvedic medicines and traditional Chinese medicines, and
aromatherapy oils. This category of listed products came into effect in 1991 as a means of regulating
products that seemed by their nature to have a low risk of causing adverse effects. Similar
requirements for manufacture, including certification of Good Manufacturing Practice, apply as to
AUST R products, but they are not evaluated before inclusion in the ARTG. The principal mechanism for
ensuring that these products are safe is through the requirements of the Therapeutic Goods
Regulations 1990. AUST L medicines must:
·not contain substances that are prohibited imports, come from endangered species or be covered by
the national regulations which control access to many substances (Standard for the Uniform
Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons)
·Conform to lists of permitted ingredients (minerals, vitamins, declared listable substances).
·In some instances, there are additional requirements such as dose limits, specified label warnings and
limits on plant parts or methods of preparation. Certain herbs are not permitted.
·The initial approach to regulation of AUST L products did not require evidence to support
manufacturers' claims, provided the products were not for the treatment of serious illnesses. 40
Chapter- 5 Regulatory Bodies in USA, Europe, India , China and Australia
A concern that multiple and at times improbable claims were being made about products led to the
introduction in April 1999 of a requirement that sponsors of AUST L products must hold evidence to
substantiate their claims. This evidence may be called for and evaluated by the TGA, should a concern
or complaint arise at any time during the life of a product. If the evidence is inadequate, the TGA may
cancel the listing for the product. A random sample of approximately 20% of new listings is assessed in
detail for compliance with the listing requirements. In 2003 an expert committee recommended that
sponsors of AUST L medicines should submit summaries of the evidence they hold to support the
efficacy of their products, and that the TGA should randomly audit this information.3 Where there is
evidence to support the efficacy of an AUST L medicine in a serious illness, registration (AUST R status)
can be sought. Exemptions Medicines (except for gene therapy) that are dispensed or
extemporaneously compounded for a particular person are currently exempt from TGA regulation.
Some clinics and pharmacists are using this exemption as a means for supplying very large numbers of
patients with medicines made in those pharmacies. On occasions, claims about special characteristics
such as 'slow release product' are made. Such products are not assessed or regulated by the TGA.
Similar exemptions apply to medicines individually dispensed by traditional Chinese medicine and
homeopathic practitioners. Some other medicines are also exempt from the requirement for inclusion
in the ARTG. Perhaps the most important are homeopathic medicines. This exemption from TGA
regulation has seen the marketing of such purported homeopathic products as homeopathic
somatropin and homeopathic melatonin. Increased TGA regulation of homeopathic products has
therefore been recommended.3 This might be expected to focus on ensuring that such products are
formulated with regard to homeopathic principles and practices and are made in compliance with the
same manufacturing requirements as conventional medicines. 41