as mycobacteria, although Nocardia is also capable of inducing a criterion of 28 mm Hg or less in the arterial blood gas sample, and
granulomatous reaction in tissue. This gives rise to the possibility propose that the PaCO I level should be adjusted to altitude in order
of making an erroneous diagnosis of tuberculosis, above all in areas not to inadvertently include some non-SIRS patients.
such as Spain where this disease is relatively frequent.
Although ceftriaxone has been shown to be active in vitro,3 its jose J Elizalde, M.D., F.C.C.E, and
clinical efficacy has been demonstrated only in isolated cases." A JesUs Martinez, M.D.,
clear clinical and radiologic initial response was obtained in the Critical Cam Department,
present case, which was maintained over time. Other studies on American British Cowdray Hospital,
the clinical utility of ceftriaxone in cases of Nocardia infection National University of Mexico,
should be carried out. Mexico City, Mexico