VicRoads 2019-Road Design Note 0613 Guidelines For The Protection of Gantry and Cantilever Sign Supports-Done
VicRoads 2019-Road Design Note 0613 Guidelines For The Protection of Gantry and Cantilever Sign Supports-Done
VicRoads 2019-Road Design Note 0613 Guidelines For The Protection of Gantry and Cantilever Sign Supports-Done
4.1. Consequence of a collapse Where gantry supports are shown to collapse in a predictable,
uniform manner and a vehicle can be expected to avoid the
This additional risk considers the likelihood that a collapse will
hazard, the risk of third-party incident may be reduced.
occur, and the potential consequence to a third party in the
event of a collapse (e.g. a collapsed structure impacting a
4.2. Provision of a safe workplace
Gantry and Cantilever structures can be designed for easy
4.1.1. Likelihood of a collapse access and maintenance under live traffic. Where a gantry or
The likelihood of collapse is a function of ‘impact frequency’ cantilever structure is intended as a workplace for maintenance
and ‘structural capacity to resist an impact’. In other words, personnel, the following must apply:
the probability that an errant vehicle will impact the support with Section 28 of the Victorian OHS Act 2004, states that “a person
enough energy to cause a collapse. who designs a structure, who knows that the structure is to be
used as a workplace, must ensure that it is designed to be safe
Initially gantry and cantilever supports are not designed to and without risks to the health of persons using it as a workplace
withstand impacts from vehicles, the same way that supporting for a purpose for which it was designed.” 20
bridge piers are, and will collapse as a result of any impact. The designer of a workplace gantry should therefore consider
the need of a higher barrier containment level based on the
The likely frequency that an errant vehicle may impact the
frequency of maintenance, the routine tasks undertaken and
support will depend on traffic exposure (volume) and can be
the program to coordinate additional safety controls during
determined with quantitative analysis methods, such as those
work hours, such as a temporary speed reduction or adjacent
specified in AGRD Part 6, Section 4.5 and 4.6 (e.g. RASPv39).
lane closure during access.
Where a safety barrier is provided, the likelihood of impact and
collapse will be reduced to include only vehicles that penetrate 4.3. Disruption to the network
or vault the selected barrier. Higher barrier containment levels Gantry and Cantilever supports are typically located on high
will reduce the risk of penetration further, while specific barrier speed, high volume roads and are used to house vital network
types can be used to provide a more consistent mechanism of infrastructure. Designers should recognise that in the event of a
failure. See Section 6.4. collapse, there could be a direct and/or indirect effect on the
If gantry and cantilever supports can be designed to withstand network operation.
a vehicle impact (see Section 7.3), the likelihood of a collapse The primary network disruption factors that require
can be further calibrated to vehicles with an impact energy that consideration include:
exceeds capacity. Collision protection is often combined with
barrier protection to mitigate the risk further. • Number of trafficked lanes affected by a collapse;
Hazard risk assessment tools, such as the Roadside Safety • Potential to detour traffic;
Analysis Program (RSAPv39), can be used to assess the • Direct and in-direct network disruption;
likelihood of hazard penetration and collapse, however, these
• Removal and replacement disruption.
results rely on the quality of input data and should only be used
in conjunction with road design guidance, sound engineering Direct network disruption includes delays to occupants on the
judgment and informed decision making. affected road and connecting roads. Indirect network disruption
includes resultant congestion and increased safety risk from
The ‘likelihood of a collapse’ may differ between two supports
detoured traffic using smaller arterial and local roads.
of the same structure, depending on the location and ability to
withstand an impact. For example, a median overhead gantry
4.4. Asset value / repair cost
support will typically have twice the traffic exposure to a verge
The asset owner is required to consider the value of the asset
support, increasing the likelihood of collapse.
over its lifetime and potential repair costs in the event of an
4.1.2. Consequence to a third party impact.
To assess the additional risk to a third party, designers should Where an increased cost to protect the asset is offset by a
consider the probable outcome in the event of a collapse. lower lifecycle repair cost from vehicle impact damage, this
treatment should be considered.
The primary factors that require consideration include:
This is primarily a cost-based decision and applies only to the
• Number of trafficked lanes affected by a collapse;
protection of assets, not the vehicle occupant. As such, higher
• Probability that a vehicle is present during a collapse (e.g. protection is only required near to the support and a more
traffic volume); forgiving barrier system should be adopted on the approach to
• Speed, sight lines and stopping distance provided for support safe system principles.
approaching vehicles.
This cantilever
support has a low
probability of
collapse given the
elevated location
and 60km/h likely
impact speed. In this
case, there is a very
low chance for
collapse or fatal and
serious injuries.
Category 1: Minimum barrier criteria This cantilever support projects over a single on-ramp traffic lane.
Thriebeam is TL-4 and is unlikely to be penetrated. In the event of
Risk category 1 supports do not require consideration of a collapse, vehicles are unlikely to be impacted and the structure
additional risk in this RDN and should be treated as a hazard in would have minor disruption to the network until repaired.
accordance with AGRD Part 6 and VicRoads supplementary
guidance (e.g. safety barrier). Category 2: Minimum barrier criteria
NB: Safe system principles note that even hazards located Risk category 2 supports must be treated with a road safety
outside the clear zone can still cause injury when impacted and barrier rated Test Level 3 (TL-3) or higher and designed to
should be treated to reduce the likelihood and severity. 100km/h regardless of operating speed.
Road safety barriers must be designed in accordance with 5.4. Risk Category 4
AGRD Part 6 and Section 6 of this RDN. Where a concrete
The following are considered to be Risk Category 4: Minimum
barrier type is required, the barrier is to be designed in
accordance with VicRoads Standard Drawings and AS 5100.
• A gantry or cantilever support with a high risk of collapse.
5.3. Risk Category 3 This will typically include a combination of either minimum
The following is considered to be Risk Category 3: Minimum road geometry, high speed, high volume and increased
Scenario: CV%;
• A gantry or cantilever with access for maintenance workers
• A gantry or cantilever support that satisfies all the
under high speed live traffic;
• A gantry or cantilever that will have detrimental
o the support is located such that a desirable road
consequences to the road network in the event of a
geometry and barrier design (e.g. working width) is
collapse. e.g. spans an entire road carriageway.
o the percentage of vehicles greater than 8T (e.g. moving • A gantry or cantilever that houses valuable network assets
van) is less than 15% or CV < 21% (Appendix B); and warrants the use of a higher barrier containment level
and barrier confidence.
AND the road has an AADT of less than 20,000 at
100km/h and less than 30,000 at 80km/h (Appendix E). Risk category 4 supports recognise that one or more additional
risks may be detrimental to the safety of road users or the
o the structure does not provide access for maintenance operation of the road network in the event of an impact.
workers or risks are mitigated with additional control
measures (e.g. lane closure and/or speed reduction); These gantries will typically include working platforms & access
o the possible network disruption from a collapse is critical ladders, valuable infrastructure and/or have a high likelihood of
but manageable (e.g. it projects over a single direction collapse or consequence.
carriageway/ramp or contraflow is possible).
Category 4 Example Scenario
Risk Category 3 supports recognise a higher probability of
collapse than Category 2, but the probable frequency of an
impact is low and the asset value does not warrant a higher
barrier containment level. See the Category 3 Example
Scenario below.
Supports with greater additional risk, including when a working
platform or vital piece of infrastructure is attached, should be
considered for Category 4.
To assess the risk and conclude a barrier containment level, Performance, Deflection, Site Conditions, Compatibility, Cost
designers should understand the criteria to which road safety and Maintenance.
barriers are tested, and be able to compare a potential vehicle
In reality, the potential impact conditions and distribution of
impact with the crash tested capacity.
vehicle types on a section of road are broader than those used
For example, Test Level 4 (NCHRP350) barriers are tested to during crash testing. Designers must recognise the mode of
capacity with an 8,000kg truck impacting at 80km/h and 15 transport that can impact the barrier and select the
degrees. See Table 6.1. Impacts from heavier vehicles with a performance level required to meet objectives.
greater energy are more likely to breach the barrier.
For details on the performance of specific barrier types, refer
As a recommended guide, a higher containment barrier should supplementary guidance such as RDN 06-02, RDN 06-04,
be considered when more than 15% (85th percentile) of RDN 06-08 and Detail Sheets on the VicRoads website.
vehicles are heavier than capacity, e.g. where 15% of vehicles
are greater than 8,000kg, a TL-5 barrier should be considered. 6.4.2. Capacity for heavy vehicles
See methodology in Appendix B for guidance. To date, the capacity for a barrier to contain and redirect a
heavy vehicle has been largely based on impact conditions;
Supports classified as risk category 4 must be protected with a
e.g. whether the impact energy is less than the barrier capacity
CONCRETE safety barrier rated to a performance level
and the barrier engages with the vehicle.
determined via AS 5100.1 Appendix A.
In fact, exceeding the energy capacity of a barrier does not
While ‘Medium’ performance should be the minimum level
necessarily mean the barrier is totally compromised, but rather
required, the barrier performance level selection method in
it begins a failure process that depends on many variables
Appendix A of AS 5100.1 should be completed to determine if
including barrier type and method of failure (e.g. rollover,
a higher performance level (‘High’, ‘Special’) should be
structural failure or vaulting) -NCHRP 20139.
adopted. If an alternative methodology is proposed
(e.g. RASPv39), it must be agreed by the Superintendent and The choice of barrier type should consider the traffic distribution
Manager Safe System Engineering in writing. and if required, the ability to contain a heavy vehicle. Certain
barrier types may require greater deflection area, a vehicle roll
6.4. Choose the barrier type (B6) allowance (Section 6.6) or the addition of sway protection
This section does not apply to category 4 supports which must (Section 6.6.2).
be protected with a CONCRETE safety barrier.
Detailed guidance on the “capacity for heavy vehicles” is not
The type of barrier (flexible, semi-rigid or rigid) chosen for risk always readily available and engineering judgment is critical.
category 2 & 3 supports should be based on relevant guidance,
site constraints and product specific performance. 6.4.3. Barrier performance confidence
Where barrier protection is critical to mitigate the additional
Figure 6.2 shows an example of how the support offset can
risks of a support, the confidence in which a barrier is likely to
influence barrier type, based on TL-4 containment level, a
contain a vehicle should be considered.
straight alignment and 100km/h design speed.
Barrier types with a uniform dynamic deflection, additional
6.4.1. General capacity, or predictable failure mechanism can provide greater
As per AGRD Part 6, Section 6.2 and Section 6.3.14, the key confidence and mitigation of risk than barriers with multiple
parameters to consider when selecting a barrier type include; performance variables.
For example, concrete barriers are designed for limited and also withstand greater impacts without damage, thereby
sometimes zero deflection (excluding vehicle roll allowance) increasing the overall time that a barrier is effective.
when the impact energy is less than capacity. In the event of a
greater vehicle impact, concrete barriers have shown to absorb 6.4.5. Vulnerable road users
energy during failure or cause the vehicle to roll over the Where the gantry or cantilever support is located in a high-risk
barrier. This can provide a high level of protection confidence area for vulnerable road users, consideration must be given to
even for impacts with high angles or unconventional vehicle tested barrier types with protection for vulnerable road users.
For example, motorcyclists are more likely to lose control on
In comparison, semi-rigid and flexible systems rely more on the outside of tight curves and the barrier type in this location
barrier-vehicle engagement. While crash testing demonstrates should allow for motorcyclist protective treatments, such as the
a ‘worst practical case’, these barrier types possess a risk of use of continuous motorcyclist protection.
penetration from unconventional impact conditions (e.g.
If a barrier treatment cannot provide the minimum containment
increased deflection).
level and protection for high risk vulnerable road users, the
Gantry and cantilever signs that provide maintenance access support location should be reconsidered.
under live traffic should adopt a high level of performance
confidence, such as concrete barrier. 6.5. Determine dynamic deflection (B7)
Software such as RSAPv39 or computer simulation techniques The likelihood of replicating a tested dynamic deflection value
may be used to assess the risk of barrier penetration for on-site will rely on the potential weight, speed and angle of an
several impact scenarios including vehicle roll, structural fail or impacting vehicle.
vaulting. Risk Category 2, 3 and 4 barriers must be designed for a
100km/h deflection regardless of design speed.
6.4.4. Maintenance and Repair
Key maintenance factors for barrier selection include: Where the percentage of heavy vehicles is high, an additional
safety factor should be built into the design, such as a greater
• Routine and Periodic maintenance deflection area or vehicle roll allowance (Section 6.6).
• Collision repair (cost and frequency) Product specific dynamic deflection is documented in relevant
• Safety risk / exposure from a damaged barrier VicRoads Road Design Notes, Detail Sheets and Supplier
design manuals.
While these parameters are typically regarded as cost factors,
(e.g. repair cost and frequency) designers should consider the It is important for designers to note that although dynamic
potential safety consequence where these tasks are not deflection is a key consideration of safety barrier design, the
undertaken. barrier should achieve a positive life-cycle benefit/cost,
including safety, maintenance and other ongoing
For example, WRSB must be periodically maintained to meet
considerations. Decreasing deflection will increase the stiffness
consistent barrier performance compared to concrete barriers
and severity of the barrier for impacting vehicle occupants.
which require no routine maintenance. Concrete barriers can
6.6.1. General
Vehicle roll allowance provides additional clearance behind the
barrier for taller vehicles that may roll beyond the barrier during
redirection. This may include heavy vehicles with an impact
energy less than capacity.
4.6 m
The concept of vehicle roll is depicted with an indicative line of
roll experienced by an impacting vehicle. See Figure 6.3.
Bibliography Appendices
1. AASHTO, 2012, LFRD Bridge Design Specification; APPENDIX A: Summary of concrete barrier guidelines
2. AASHTO, 2011, Roadside design guide;
APPENDIX B: Containment of heavy vehicles
3. Austroads, 2010, Guide to Road Design;
4. Australian Standard, 2015, AS/NZS 3845.1: 2015: Road Safety
APPENDIX C: Worked Example – Risk Category 3
Barrier Systems; (seeking examples)
5. Australian Standard, 2017, AS 5100.1: 2017 Bridge Design, APPENDIX D: Worked Example – Risk Category 4
Part 1: General Principles; (seeking examples)
6. Australian Standard, 2017, AS 5100.2: 2017 Bridge Design,
Part 2: Design loads; APPENDIX E: Modified Road Safety Barrier Design Process
7. Australian Standard, 2017, AS 5100.6: 2017 Bridge Design, APPENDIX F: Risk profile comparison with AS5100.1:2017
Part 6: Steel and composite construction;
APPENDIX G: Risk Category – Summary Table
8. Jurewicz & Steinmetz, 2012, Crash performance of safety
barriers on high-speed roads;
21. VicRoads, 2018, Bridge Technical Note 014: Sign gantries and
lighting masts;
Appendix A – Summary of concrete As such this RDN should be used to supplement the AGRD
Part 6 and ensure designers consider the additional risk and
barrier guidelines severity of a gantry or cantilever support.
This appendix summarises current safety barrier requirements At the time of writing this RDN, AGRD Part 6 is being updated
and the design of rigid concrete barriers. Content in this to consider the principles of safe system to advise Road
Appendix is informative only. Authorities and designers on the preferred methodology to
protect hazards.
AS/NZS 3845: 2015 – Road safety barriers
AS/NZS 3845 sets out the requirements for both permanent VicRoads safety barrier requirements (2017)
and temporary road safety barrier systems, including testing In Victoria, crash testing criteria from AS/NZS 3845.1 has been
methods, the evaluation process, manufacturing, installation adopted as the minimum for all roadside safety barriers. Safety
and maintenance. barriers are subject to a matrix of impacts using a described
vehicle, speed and angle while meeting a set of criteria that is
In simplest terms, it informs road authorities on how safety
based on factors of structural adequacy, occupant risk and
barriers should be tested and evaluated for suitability.
vehicle trajectory.
It details the preferred crash testing required to establish a
Safety barrier products that have been evaluated and accepted
system’s suitability, the material specifications and the
by VicRoads are listed in Road Design Note 06-04 – Accepted
accompanying documentation. It is intended that Road
safety barrier products.
Authorities review the information in this Standard to meet a
duty of care for barrier systems on the network. Safety barriers should be designed in accordance with AGRD
Part 6 and VicRoads supplements to ensure the barrier will
For rigid barriers, where the installed configuration (e.g.
mitigate the risk. Where hazards have additional risk to 3rd
foundation) is different to a crash tested configuration, it must
parties, then guidance such as this RDN must be sought.
be of sufficient strength to assist the barrier to resist the lateral
loads and effective load height specified in AS 5100.2 for the Barriers products selected for site (e.g. Conc., GF, or WRSB),
dynamic forces applied by the design performance crash test must also be designed in accordance with product specific
with minimal if any resulting deflection or deformation. requirements to ensure the barrier performs as designed.
Hazards and barriers are assessed based on impact severity, Concrete barriers with steel rails must be designed in
while guidance on barrier products or minimum containment accordance with AS 5100.
level is left to the designer and guidance from Road Authorities.
Test Level 3
detailed traffic information is not always readily available and 800-1100 16 -
the CV% is often used to make decisions.
1101-1400 49 92 % - -
This appendix discusses containment of heavy vehicles and
1401-1700 82 -
provides designers with a general guide to protect heavy
vehicles based on CV%. 1700-2000 92 -
This guidance uses network wide assumptions and does not 2001-2300 98 -
preclude the importance or need to consider site specific
Test Level 4
2301-2600 99 -
context. Refer Assumptions, notes and other considerations.
2601-2900 >99 8% - 30 %
Heavy vehicle vs. commercial vehicle
4501-6000 - 6
‘Commercial vehicle’ is a term typically used within traffic
volumes and includes non-passenger vehicles from small 6000-8000 - 30
trucks (4.5T GVM) and towing (car + caravan) to large trucks.
8000-10000 - 38
This can differ to the term ‘Heavy vehicle’ which may refer to a
Test Level 5
10000-12000 - - 51 42 %
vehicle of greater mass than the capacity vehicle used during
barrier crash testing. Including: 12000-16500 - 72
• TL-6: 36,000kg Tanker Figure B.1: Registered vehicle weight distribution (2015)
weight / type.
The general weight distribution of registered vehicles at
September 2015 on the network can be seen in Figure B.1. 60%
The weight gap between 3000kg-4500kg is due to the record
change from Tare to GVM. 40%
Appendix C – Worked example:
• The percentage of vehicles larger than 2,000kg will exceed
15% when the percentage of CV exceeds 7.6%.
Risk Category 3
• The percentage of vehicles larger than 8,000kg will exceed We are seeking opportunities for a worked example. If you
15% when the percentage of CV exceeds 21%. have any comments or suggestions, please contact the author
noted on the last page for consideration in the next revision.
As such, a TL-4 and TL-5 safety barrier should be considered
when the CV% exceeds 7.6% and 21% respectively.
Figure F.1: Modified road safety barrier design process for the protection of gantry and cantilever sign supports (Part 1)
(Original Source: Source: AGRD Part 6, Figure 6.1)
Figure F.2: Modified road safety barrier design process for the protection of gantry and cantilever sign supports (Part 2)
(Original Source: Source: AGRD Part 6, Figure 6.1)
10 93 7
20 86 14
30 70 30
Figure F1: Comparison of vehicle mix in AS5100 (top) and RDN 06-13 (bottom)
1. ‘Commercial vehicle’ is a term typically used within traffic volumes and includes non-passenger vehicles from small trucks
(4.5T GVM) and towing (car + caravan) to large trucks.
2. Refer Appendix B for assumptions, notes & other considerations.
1. Risk Category 2 (TL-3) = Yellow. Risk Category 3 (TL-4) = Green. Risk Category 4 (AS5100) = Red
2. In accordance with AS5100.1:2004 Table 10.4; Low is similar to Rigid TL2, Regular is similar to Rigid TL-4 and Medium is
similar to Rigid TL-5.
2 The likelihood of collapse is considered “low”, e.g. the Road safety barrier rated to Test
operating speed is < 80km/h, or the support is sufficiently Level 3 (TL-3) or higher; and
set back from the traffic lane on a straight section of road
and away from diverge or merge points; and designed to 100km/h regardless of
operating speed.
AADT less than 60,000 at 100km/h
AADT less than 80,000 at 80km/h; and e.g. flexible guard fence
CV < 8% or 2T < 85 percentile); and
no access for maintenance workers during live traffic; and
network disruption from a collapse can be reasonably
managed. e.g. collapsed structure is unlikely to block all
3 The support is located such that a desirable road Road safety barrier rated to Test
geometry and barrier design (e.g. working width) is Level 4 (TL-4) or higher; and
achieved; and
designed to 100km/h regardless of
AADT less than 20,000 at 100km/h operating speed.
AADT less than 30,000 at 80km/h; and
e.g. Thriebeam guard fence
CV < 21% or 8T < 85th percentile); and
no access for maintenance workers or risks have been
mitigated with additional control measures (e.g. lane
closure and/or speed reduction); and
the possible network disruption from a collapse is
manageable (e.g. it projects over a single direction
carriageway or ramp).
4 A gantry or cantilever support with a high risk of collapse. Adopt AS 5100: Bridge design.
E.g. a combination of road geometry, high speed, high
volume and increased CV%; or CONCRETE road safety barrier,
containment level of ‘Medium’ or
A gantry or cantilever with access for maintenance higher as determined by a risk
workers under high speed live traffic; or assessment.
A gantry or cantilever that will have detrimental A risk assessment must evaluate all
consequences to the road network in the event of a additional risks of the structure and
collapse. e.g. spans an entire road carriageway; or conclude the containment level,
including the methodology detailed
A gantry or cantilever that houses valuable network assets in AS5100.1 Appendix B or an
and warrants the use of a higher barrier containment level approved alternative.
and barrier confidence.