Experimental Investigation of Process Parameters During Graphitization of Catalytic Coke
Experimental Investigation of Process Parameters During Graphitization of Catalytic Coke
Experimental Investigation of Process Parameters During Graphitization of Catalytic Coke
Received: 3 June 2019 / Revised: 29 August 2019 / Accepted: 14 October 2019 / Published online: 11 November 2019
Ó The Author(s) 2019
Abstract The aim of this project is studying the effect of thermal operation parameters on the graphitization of self-
diffused ethane-based catalytic coke. The novelty of this study refers to self-diffused metals that had given unique
properties to the catalytic coke and had improved the graphitization degree at low temperatures. The main feature of this
research is presenting a remarkable energy saving approach that uses low-cost installations for production of graphitized
carbon. The experiments were performed in two steps including preparation of self-diffused ethane-based catalytic coke
and then low-temperature graphitization of coke samples below 1500 °C. Characteristic tests were performed by deter-
mination of electrical resistivity and XRD pattern of graphitized samples including graphitization degree, aromaticity, coke
rank, number of carbon rings, graphene thickness and length. The results revealed that the blanket atmosphere, final
temperature and exposure time had the greatest impact on the aforementioned criteria, while the role of thermal ramp and
sulfur content of catalytic coke was negligible. The electrical resistivity tests on the graphitized sample showed how the
electrical resistivity of graphitized samples is a function of graphitization degree.
612 K. Pourabdollah1 et al.
at elevated temperature, leading to the catalysis of the 2.1 Preparation of the catalytic coke
graphitization reaction.
Feng et al. (2003) investigated the crystallite structure of A cylindrical self-diffused catalytic coke was prepared
several coke samples during CO2 and air gasification. The inside a tubular reactor located in the hot section of gas-
thermal annealing of several coke samples were applied cracker furnace. The reactor was heated by a gas fuel
and followed by studying the evolution of carbon structure stream from bottom (1175 °C) to top (157 °C) sections of
in the coke matrix and the results revealed a linear corre- furnace. In order to improve the thermal stability of tubular
lation between the annealing temperature and the stack reactor, their optimum chemical composition was Fe, Ni,
height (L002) of carbon crystallite (Gupta et al. 2005). The Cr and Nb (37 : 35 : 25 : 3 wt%), respectively. At the
carbon structure in the coke matrix, which has a non-gra- initial stage of the cracking process, a sulfidation stage is
phitic and turbostratic scaffold, can capture inorganic performed in order to cover the inside surfaces of tubular
impurities such as metals. The dimensions of graphitic- reactor and decrease the adhesion tendency of the catalytic
crystallite in the coke matrix is characterized by the coke. Therefore, dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) was injected
interlayer spacing (c/2 = half the hexagonal lattice c-axis), into the stream of dilution steam for sulfidation at 1 h and
the thickness of hexagonal packing (Lc = crystallite 101 kPa. During the sulfidation, DMDS concentration in
dimension in the c-axis direction) (Feret 1998; Lu et al. dilution steam was set to be 100–1000 ppm. Just after
2001; Sonibare et al. 2010; Mollick et al. 2015), the spread sulfidation, the coils temperature was optimized to be
of carbon basal plane (La = crystallite dimension in the 825–836 °C and the steam flow was co-injected.
a-axis direction) (Sonibare et al. 2010; Mollick et al. 2015), Ethane feed along with dilution water steam and DMDS
aromaticity (Sonibare et al. 2010; Odeh 2015), coke rank was injected into the tubular reactor leading to gradual
(Yoshizawa et al. 2001; Sonibare et al. 2010), graphitation formation of catalytic coke layer on the inside surface of
degree (Mollick et al. 2015) and number of carbon rings the tubes. In the cracking temperature (800–820 °C), the
(Belenkov 2001) and grapheme layers (Mollick et al. transition metals are self-diffused into the produced coke.
2015), which are determined from X-ray diffraction (XRD) The behavior of catalytic coke shows that a filamentous
patterns. Not only the bond strengths are not fixed along the morphology and Fe, Ni and Cr from the metal matrix of the
crystallographic directions, but also a variety of voids, reactor walls diffuse into the filaments coke matrix (Rey-
defects and cross-links are present in the coke matrix. niers et al. 1994). For the consideration of energy saving,
Therefore, various reaction rates in the coke matrix show the cooling water was directed to a steam boiler as boiler
an anisotropic character and have a directional nature (Li feed water (BFW) for production of dilution steam. After
et al. 2014). increasing the coke thickness and reducing the interior
The first aim of this study is to produce a catalytic coke diameter of tubular reactor, the furnace was switched to the
from ethane feed at temperature 850 °C range along with decoking stage, at which the cylindrical catalytic coke was
the self-diffusion of some transition metals (Fe, Ni and Cr) separated from the tubular reactor by steam and air injec-
as catalyzers of the upcoming reaction. The second aim is tion at hot temperatures (810–850 °C). Figure 1 shows a
to optimize the low-temperature (850–1470 °C) catalytic schematic of ethane cracker furnaces, their flow diagrams
graphitization reaction based upon the aforementioned self- and the tubular reactor direction.
diffused catalyzers. The third aim is to characterize the
self-diffused catalytic graphitization of coke by XRD 2.2 Graphitization of the catalytic coke
algorithms. The micro-texture terminology and the classi-
fication of graphite samples vary in different countries; The cylindrical samples of catalytic coke were milled and
hence, a reference method was developed for characteri- sieved in the particle range of 0.1–1.0 mm. The calcination
zation of graphite scaffolds and measurement of their of coke breeze was performed in a reactor embedded in box
electrical resistance. furnace (REBF) under controlled atmosphere, temperature
and time. The calcination of catalytic coke breeze were
carried out in different conditions including N2, water
2 Experimental methods steam, air and CO2 atmospheres, the temperatures of
850 °C, 1050 °C, 1350 °C and 1470 °C, temperature
The experiments have been conducted in two sections ramps of 5, 10, 15 and 20 °C/min, the range of sulfur
including preparation of the catalytic coke from ethane content 0% – 1.0%, 1.0% – 2.0%, 2.0% – 3.0% and
feed in a gas cracker furnace and graphitization of the 3.0% – 4.0% wt. and the heating times of 1, 30, 60 and
catalytic coke in a calcination kiln. 120 min. The REBF was filled by ceramic balls (3 mm and
10 mm in diameter) as the supporting material and the
catalytic coke breeze was filled and packed as presented in
Experimental investigation of process parameters during graphitization of catalytic coke 613
Fig. 2. The controlled atmosphere was flowed and degree (g) and the number of carbon rings per lamella (N),
exhausted from the sides of REBF. The ceramic balls not respectively.
only improved the gas flow distribution but also prevented
the choking tendency of fine particles in the exhaust line. 2.3 Determination of electrical resistivity
The calcination was designed by Taguchi algorithm and
the above-mentioned parameters (five items), each of them The electrical resistivity was evaluated using a micro-
at four different levels, were optimized. Table 1 shows the ohmmeter and the four-point soil box adopted for this
examined parameters and the relevant levels. The application. The electrical current was applied between the
agglomeration runs were designed according to design of outer-pins while the voltage was monitored between the
experiments (DoE) methodology, based upon 6 terms of inner-pins. The electrical resistance was determined by the
aromaticity (f), coke rank (CR), La, Lc, graphitization appropriate values of electrical current and the voltage-
drop was measured between the inner-pins.
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of ethane cracker furnace for production of self-diffused catalytic coke
614 K. Pourabdollah1 et al.
Experimental investigation of process parameters during graphitization of catalytic coke 615
scattering angles (h, degree), respectively. The subscript interlayer spacing, in which n is a positive integer and k is
signs a and c are corresponded to (100) and (002) peaks, the wavelength of the incident wave (Cu, 1.54Å).
respectively. d002 in bragg’s equation (Eq. 5) exhibits the Therefore, all of 6 responses (R1 to R6) are controlled by
eight readouts obtained from the XRD patterns of
616 K. Pourabdollah1 et al.
Experimental investigation of process parameters during graphitization of catalytic coke 617
thermophysical properties of H2O and CO2 are responsible 1050 °C the broad signal was split into three segments
for distinct reactions of catalytic coke under gasification having signal centers at 23°2h, 26°2h and at 31°2h. The
process (Hwang et al. 2011; Zhu and Wachs 2015) as middle signal was sharp (FWHM = 3.43°) at 2h value
Eqs. 8–10 explain: closer to the anticipated 002 signal of graphite. Upon fur-
CO2 ðgÞ þ C ðsÞ ! 2COðgÞ ð8Þ ther increase in temperature to 1350 °C, this signal was
further narrowed (FWHM = 2.43°). Reduction of signal
H2 OðgÞ þ C ðsÞ ! COðgÞ þ H2 ðgÞ ð9Þ width was continued when the temperature was increased
H2 OðgÞ þ COðgÞ ! CO2 ðgÞ þ H2 ðgÞ ð10Þ to 1470 °C. The middle signal at 26°2h was further nar-
rowed (FWHM = 2.03°). Decreasing of signal width along
In air atmosphere, the burning process of catalytic coke with increasing the graphitization temperature reveals the
was carried out, activating rings opening of polycyclic increasing of sp2-bonded content in the coke matrices.
aromatics and losing the graphite planes at annealing When the metal-impregnated catalytic coke is heat-
conditions, while under nitrogen atmosphere none of the treated under nitrogen atmosphere, the metallic species are
gasification and burning reactions was carried out to reduced from the metal oxide to the elemental metal (e.g.
improve the graphitization process at the temperatures of Fe and Ni). At temperatures higher than 800 °C, the self-
interest. diffused metallic particle contained within the coke media
acted as catalyst for the conversion of amorphous-carbon to
3.2 Effect of graphitization temperature more ordered graphitic-carbon. The type of doped metal
has a great role in the graphitization of coke samples. In
While some carbon-substrates attain ordered orientation at this regard, Sevilla and Fuertes (Sevilla and Fuertes 2006)
temperatures below 2000 °C, the other carbonaceous studied the effect of three metals on the graphitization
materials do not exhibit such ordered scaffold even above degree and they proposed the following order:
3000 °C. Therefore, the graphitization reactions also Ni [ Mn [ Fe.
depend on the scaffold of the materials being graphitized
(Gupta et al. 2017). On the other hand, carbon graphiti- 3.3 Effect of temperature ramp and sulfur content
zation at relatively low temperatures (below 1500 °C) has
been assessed by low dosage injection of some transition The samples of petroleum coke were normally calcined up
metals (such as Fe, Ni and Mn) (Sevilla and Fuertes 2006; to 1400 °C and desulfurization was carried out to a sig-
Barbera et al. 2014) as the scope of the present study. nificant degree within this temperature range. However, the
The effect of graphitization temperature was assessed in desulfurization efficiency was not only dependent on the
the range of 850–1470 °C and the results showed that the applied temperature, but also was affected by other
graphitization was enhanced at high temperatures up to parameters including the heating ramp, residence time, gas
1470 °C, at which the structural modifications of poly- blanket atmosphere and the concentration of catalytic
cyclic scaffolds were occurred and more desulfidation was metals. Thermal desulfurization of catalytic coke was
performed. High temperature desulfurization is discussed conducted along with the graphitization reaction, simulta-
in the next section. Figure 6 shows the effect of maximum neously and it is divided into four phases as the following
temperature on the graphitization degree of catalytic coke, (Al-Haj-Ibrahim and Morsi 1992).
The coke samples were graphitized at 850 °C showing a (1) Initial phase of desulfurization (850 °C)
broad signal at 26°2h (002) along with a shoulder at 42°2h
(100). By increasing the temperature of graphitization to
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Experimental investigation of process parameters during graphitization of catalytic coke 619
Fig. 8 EDX-mapping of the deposited coke on the inner surfaces of tubular reactor
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